Everyday Uses of Present Perfect - Basic English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today I'm going to talk about everyday uses of present perfect tense present perfect tense is a grammar point that many of you have asked questions about so today I'm going to share some patterns that you can use in your everyday life I'm going to talk about using questions with present perfect tense to make greetings I'm going to talk about how to use it for news and reports and I'm going to talk about just some general life experience questions and responses so as you join please send a message in the chat I see YouTube hello everybody on YouTube I see you first today Ashu and Silvio and Manoj and shewn and rahmat and nadine hello everybody great to see you and I see Facebook as well - I see Roenick and Chuck and Hasan and Buddha and hey Susan I am Adi dizzy hi everybody so please send a message and please like and share the video also so other people can find it I'm going to share the video now - if you missed it today's topic is everyday uses of present perfect tense a lot of you have asked questions about this so I'm excited to discuss it today if you have questions during today's lesson please send the messages in the chat I will try to check as much as possible but if you want more information about today's grammar point you can find it on the English class 101 youtube channel or of course from the lessons on the English class 101.com website so please check that out there are lots of resources for you okay I will share the video done and then I had one thing I wanted to mention to everybody - I actually I shared this last week I shared this photo last week if you have not seen this we have a weekly question and answer video session this is a picture from when we were making this last week but I've noticed a lot of people send in the chat maybe questions that are about a topic different from the lesson that I'm teaching live so for those kinds of questions if you want to send something directly and then we can like make a list of all your questions please this this series is called ask Alicia you can send your questions you can check the link in any ask Alicia video in the description of the video but please send your questions for that to English class 101.com / ask - Alicia so for all of like your little questions or things you've been wondering about definitely send those we're going to make some more of those actually I'll make some more next week so please check out that series for your small questions if there's something small you want to know oh ok so with that as I said today we're going to talk about present perfect tense let's begin hi everybody there are lots of people here now great great okay I'm gonna get started then so first I want to review the present perfect tense present perfect tense we're going to use present perfect tense and we're going to use present perfect with the progressive or the continuous form so to kind of give a visual to be able to see this grammar point we use this tense for actions that started in the past so there's something in the past a beginning point in the past this is a timeline here's now in this case watching this lesson or teaching this lesson if you mean the past and the future so for today's grammar point present perfect tense is used for actions that started in the past and they continue to the present or the effect of that action continues to the present so when we make sentences like I have studied English for three years or I have lived in this country for three years those are examples of present perfect tense today I'm going to talk about this with progressive tense a lot too so just a refresher what is present perfect tense it's for actions that started in the past and continued to the future for more information about this grammar point please check the English class 101 YouTube channel - ok so I want to first talk about how to use this grammar point in greetings so this is a really great thing to do for intermediate students if you want to go past like hello how are you these are some more natural greetings that you can use and they use the present perfect tense or the progressive tense as well so here first one how have you been so I've broken this down how have you been how have you been it's like how are you but how are you since the last time I saw you so imagine you're speaking to someone now you're saying hello to someone now back here you met them maybe and they have been doing other things but you haven't seen them in a long time how have you been means in this period when I didn't see you like what were you doing what was your status how have you been how have you been I'm going to cover pronunciation points today - so this how have you been we reduced this part right here so this how have becomes how of halluf and this why oh you sounds like yeah how have you been how have you been so this is a much more natural way to greet someone especially if you have not seen them for a long time how have you been so to answer this question a very simple answer is the most natural and also it's just easy to remember so how have you been good have you been busy how have you been a bit sick or a little sick so just use a one word just a simple adjective great fine good how about you so this is a good one to use to level up from how are you how have you been so please remember you can use this only with people you have met before so if this is a new person you can't use how have you been use this with friends family members and so on okay yeah someone has another example I've been good only yelled oh yeah only although in the YouTube chat says I've been good so using the present perfect tense in the response I have been good since the last time I saw you great um how have I been I've been great yeah how how is everybody else been yeah and that's another point I just used the expression how has everybody else been so if your subject in this case I'm using you how have you been if you want to talk about someone else like for example someone sick you can use that same pattern like but you need to change you to in this case he or she and you also need to conjugate your verb here to has how has he or she been so like a sick parent for example how has he been how has she been and so you'll hear the same reduction how has he been how has she been reduces to how has he been how has she been okay let's continue on to the next expression I want to talk about which is what have you been up to what have you been up to I practiced this one a lot in like a quick response session with my students one day and this was a really fun one what have you been up to we make this very short in everyday speech so you can see this part what have you been this is exactly the same as the first sentence or the first question I introduced but we have this up to this is like asking what have you been doing but up to this what have you been up to sounds very casual and very friendly so what have you been up to at native speed sounds like what have you been up to what have you been up to so when you respond to this question what have you been up to not much you can use the same response as what's up not much or you can say just work just study that kind of thing nothing much is a very natural response but notice this question here what what so this is a key difference from how have you been how have you been is like asking mmm were you good were you busy and so on not yet so what have you been up to is asking about your activities about your activities so study and so on okay I am getting a message from control just for a second here what why I don't understand okay so let's move on to the next point here you'll notice there's a Grammer difference in this case so what have you been doing what have you been doing the difference here is right here in this first one I used up to to end the sentence to end the question here I'm using the progressive form what have you been doing what have you been doing so natural responses to this will use this ing form I've been studying what have you been doing I've been studying I've been working been cleaning my house so you can use that ing form to answer this question okay finally I want to do one more and then we'll take a quick break so this one this question be careful when you use this question where have you been where have you been is used in many cases when you're upset with someone you're unhappy with someone you were looking for someone but you could not find them where have you been so to answer this you need to give a location the person is asking about your location here so where have you been in the house at the office so these very quick responses are very natural so try to use these when someone asks you one of these kind of greeting style questions okay good so that's a few examples of using the present perfect tense for greeting so if you have questions send them along but I'm going to take a quick break okay so if you have not seen it yet this year as always we have free stuff for you guys so this week I thought it would be really good to share a couple things that you can use with the present perfect tense so like for example are we going to use this camera oh but there's a couple of these are all free PDFs we have on our website but I thought a few of these would be really good for present perfect tense in your everyday life one of them business you'll see it in just a second I think maybe but for now this is the business English PDF so you can find all of these for free in the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook but actually and we'll zoom in in a minute I think on the back of this is a list of common job titles for example president or assistant manager general manager and so on so I was thinking and we'll see this later will be 8 Bob Wilson will show it here it's hard to see here but there's a list of job titles on this business English PDF and I thought this would be a nice match especially for a part 2 of today's lesson when you need to give information about who you've been talking to recently or who you've been meeting with recently so I know many of you are trying to study English for career opportunities so this might be a good one to get a few this might be a good PDF I mean to find a few natural ways to explain someone's job title and then there's also just some other good business English related phrases so there there are a lot more but I want to focus on some kind of everyday vocabulary words that you can use with this grammar point to so I'll share another one of these layers but if you want to get all of these like you can get all of these actually and more they are from the link below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook please check that out everything is in English class 101 dot-com okay so if you're just joining today's lesson is about everyday uses of present perfect tense present perfect tense so if you have not already please make sure to LIKE the video and share the video so that other learners can find today's lesson to refresh if you're just joining remember present perfect tense is used for actions that started in the past and continue to the present or the effects of that action continue to the present so with that I want to go to the second part of today's lesson this part is going to use this ing form the progressive with present perfect tense here so we use this when we really want to emphasize that an action started and is continuing when we want to show that something is continuing and that perhaps it's going to continue even after the conversation into the future we can use the progressive form so part two of today's lesson is sharing recent news so sharing recent news or this is also useful for talking about work like if you want to report on your recent activities at work so for example if you're at a meeting or if you're explaining your work to someone you can say I've been working on so preposition on is used here to introduce the topic so for example I've been working on this livestream or I've been working on a Scalia these sorts of things what is the topic what is the thing your project in other words if it's not a work-related situation you can talk about like a personal project so I've been working on my garden or I've been working on my website so a couple I hear many learners forget this sound either I've this I've is the contracted form of I have I've been working on something so please don't forget I've I've and then of course as I said the ing I've been working on something okay second another example I've been reading about I've been reading about if you read the news a lot or if you read a lot of books if you're researching something you can introduce the topic of your reading with this pattern I've been reading about US politics I've been reading about my favorite research topic I've been reading about how to improve my website so introduce the topic in this sentence same thing here don't forget your eyes you can use I have I have been reading about I have been working on but it sounds really stiff and kind of unnatural so I recommend I've been nice there's some good example sentences on the youtube and facebook chat for YouTube some examples on house on el angel says I've been working on my new car great or I've been working up Felipe I've been working on on my next project so I've been working on something preposition is on I've been working on my research since last year nice um what else us a lot the from Thailand I I've been reading about the universe good on Facebook says I've been working on my resume nice very nice nnedi says I've been listening I've been listening ok I've been listening maybe to podcasts about meditation or I've been listening to like meditation CDs I'm not exactly sure great okay nice examples everybody okay let's move on to another one this is one I've seen many questions about I have some work we're keeping this I've been pattern but here I'm using the verb wanting I've been wanting to so a lot of students a lot of learners ask like why is wanting used here like wanting is like a state right I want to do something actually this next week's lesson is going to be about this topic but I've been wanting to for example I've been wanting to see that movie like let's say I've been wanting to see the new spider-man I have not seen the new spider-man you think here it's good anyway I've been wanting to see the new spider-man for example so why do we use wanting here like why not use I want to see the new spider-man we use the progressive form here to show oh we're zoomed in right now oh we can see it cool that's fine so to show like maybe thank you when we first learned the first time we learned about the movie in this case the new spider-man movie we thought oh I want to see that movie but like I haven't seen it yet I still haven't seen the movie so from that point when I learned about the movie and I thought I want to see it I continuously wanted to see it so I expressed that with I've been wanting to see the new spider-man movie this is the reason we use the wonked are wanting in the progressive form I've been wanting to someone says is it important to use the comma perhaps on the IV yes and this is not a comma this is an apostrophe the spelling is this apostrophe AP OST your fee yes you must use an apostrophe here punctuation is very important punctuation is your friend so yes you must use that there but to kind of summarize this is the reason we use wanting I'm the progressive form here good so some of you are sending other examples great I've been wanting to do my homework really very nice okay I've been wanting to improve my English very nice I've been wanting to travel to Hawaii great I've been wanting to see Cole to pursuit what's that I don't know that is that a TV show it's a movie I don't know okay great example sentences I've been wanting to propose to her like to your girlfriend Wow okay I've been what I've been wanting to speak with Alicia woohoo cool thanks for joining live great nice examples let's go on to the last pair I want to change the subject here like literally change the subject from I've to he or she is also okay the reason I want to do this even though in many cases you're talking about your life your work the things you have been doing if you want to talk about someone else again so a great example like we talked about before is like a sick person in your life or something like that anyway my point is when your subject is like he or she you're talking about another person or maybe it as well remember this part right here conjugates so we've been using I have been I've been I've been when your subject is he or she this apostrophe s refers to has he has been she has been so please don't forget that in everyday speech we say he's been talking to me she's been talking to me so this is something you could use to describe like a an ongoing which means a recent a continuing conversation at work or in your personal life like he's been talking to me about a new project or she's been talking to me about a promotion so you can use thing like this with the verb talking in this case to explain a recent conversation you have had like what I want to say like a conversation about the same topic that you've had a few times with someone this is a natural way to express that she's been talking to me about he's been talking to me about it isn't necessarily gossip no so if you're talking about a work project and you have regular meetings about this topic for example you could use this so sometimes yes it is for gossip like oh she's been talking to me about her new boyfriend that kind of thing sure true but it's also used in non gossip related situations let's see Israel on Facebook says what about the preposition about before inactivity can I use an activity erver yes you can your example I've been reading about swimming yes that is correct that is correct that's fine so before an activity is great activity or another topic like a topic of discussion great other examples she's been talking to him about work great nice all right I'll finish off with this another one a different subject we again when you use we as the subject we'll go back to this book we've been we've been if you are for example in a relationship or you're married or you're living with someone and you make decisions together with that person you can use this like we've been thinking about buying a house we've been thinking about building a pool we've been thinking about getting a dog so these are this is a great pattern to use for decisions you make with other people we've been thinking about something okay so this is for recent news for given reports and in this part yes I focused a lot on using the program SIV form here this sounds very natural okay great we'll take one more break and then we'll finish with the last part some question and response practice so the first break I showed you this business English PDF I thought the job titles would be good to practice for those of you who are studying for career reasons but for other reasons actually this is funny somebody in the chat mentioned gossip if you're interested in gossip and like romantic gossip there is a romance and love related PDF but this one this one actually has lots of like phrases you use for dates so that could be good for Valentine's Day that's coming if you want to pick up a few phrases for that this one does exist there is a romance one um that's good but there's one more that I wanted to mention which was the school your school related vocabulary so this is the back it says back to school yes but on the back there's a list of like common classes so if you want to describe your studies like I know many people are students many of you are students if you want to talk about your studies and you're looking for like a quick reference for the titles of your classes this has there's eight on the back here that you can take a look at and of course there are some other classroom related things here too so this I thought would be good for students perhaps and then of course if you want to talk about your family members there is a family PDF too with here a family tree and key words for each family member so you can take a look at these so I thought these would be nice for today but as I said there are a lot there I don't even know how many like somewhere around there I don't know there are a lot of these so if you are interested these are free you can download these from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook please check the link in the description not in the chatbox so I think chat desk is sending a few things in the chat so please take a look at that I hope it's useful for you alright we are going to finish now with the last topic for today's lesson if you're just joining today's lesson is about everyday uses of present perfect tense which we use to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present so if you have not already please do like and share the video so other people can find it that would be great ok let's go on to the last point for today I want to talk finally about questions and responses for life experience and I want to talk about natural ways to like kind of fit present perfect tense together with simple past tense so these are some common questions about life experience so you'll notice here these are not using the progressive tense I focused on progressive ing farm here I'm not going to focus on it here these are four things that you want to ask about like just general experience for example have you ever heard of have you ever heard of ever is an emphasis word have you ever heard of have you ever read have you ever heard of is more natural than do you know so like I hear some people saying like do you know sushi like right do you know sushi or like do you know you know this pop star do you know that a more natural way and this is the way native speakers ask the question is have you ever heard of have you ever heard of sushi have you ever heard of this star have you ever heard of English class 101 check it out have you ever heard okay so use this instead of do you know that's like a levelled up version of do you know similarly have you ever read this I included this specifically as a pronunciation reminder the spelling is ar e ad but the pronunciation is red have you ever read so spelling no change but the pronunciation does change this is the past participle form of the verb read have you ever read that book have you ever read my blog have you ever read that story so this is for written information this is a question for information we get with our ears or just kind of more general information we learn about for written information use have you ever read have you ever read someone write have you ever heard of India yes of course great okay I don't see other examples nice okay another one very similar to have you ever heard of is this one have you heard about okay what's the difference here have you ever heard of and have you heard about this one I've labeled one and two to hear is about a recent news topic like have you heard about the president's latest speech or have you heard about tourism in the country recently have you heard about this new policy we use this question for a recent thing have you heard about topic so this word our sorry this pattern have you ever heard of this ever as I said is an emphasis word so ever sounds more like in your whole life in your like all of your life's experience have you ever heard of this thing this one no ever have you heard about so this is another good pattern for gossip like have you heard about her new boyfriend or have you heard about his new girlfriend or have you heard about what happened last week so this is a very popular expression to begin a gossip related conversation good okay um finally these two these two patterns and then I'll talk about simple past of it I gotta finish up first have you ever been to this is great for travel great for travel have you ever been to India have you ever been to Thailand have you ever been to Japan have you ever been to what is a China I forgot whether it's in Japan and China thinking ahead all right never been to China great so this is a fantastic question you can use to talk about your travel experiences finally a statement I've never something that before I've never something that before I included this here past participle verb as a reminder but I really want to share one specific pattern here I've never heard that before or I've never seen that before so this is for something you have no life experience hearing listening to or seeing watching I've never seen that before so when you see something new or you hear something totally new in your life experience or you could use the verb eaten even I've never eaten that before like you find a new food use the present perfect tense to describe that naturally and fluently I've never eaten that before and same thing here I've I okay so to finish I want to make a small point about using this with simple past tense so these all use this have you ever pattern and so when you so these have you ever typed questions or have you heard about if your answer is yes like for example and have you heard about the new spider-man movie if your answer is yes you can say yes I have or just yes and then give a simple past tense response yes I saw it on TV yesterday or I saw news about it yesterday have you ever heard of sushi for example yes I ate it when I was in the u.s. so use a simple past tense response you do not need to use a present perfect like statements to give details give your details in simple past tense because you're talking about an experience that is finished we use simple past tense for finished things if however your answer is no so have you heard about the new spider-man movie no I haven't done that's it no I haven't or just no or have you ever heard of sushi no I haven't so keep the simple present present perfect tense there so yes give your details in simple past tense no give a simple answer in present perfect tense ok good so we'll finish there for today that was a lot great so I hope that this was helpful for you again if you have questions about this grammar please take a look at our website English class 101.com or take a look at our YouTube channel there is a video about present perfect tense I made a while back so please check that out and don't forget to download your free stuff from the link below the video on youtube and above video on Facebook there's a lot I didn't talk about the mall today but if you missed today's lesson don't worry it has been recorded and we will be back next week next week will be what's the date I can't see January 23rd January 23rd January 23rd on Wednesday akule and the topic will be stative verbs in the continuous what what what is happening stative verbs is what I have planned so native birds in the continuous form so a good example here is this verb wanting wanting this is in the continuous form stative verbs in the continuous form so like this is verbs like like and have do and be that we usually use in present tense but I'm gonna talk about those in the continuous form how to use them and why so please join us again next week January 23rd that's Wednesday at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is New York City time and if you don't know your time please google it oh well be here if you're not sure as well please just set a notification and you can get an alert when we begin the live stream so we'll be back next week please in the meantime check out the free stuff for download and enjoy your studies as always I hope your New Year's resolutions are going well alright I'll finish there so thank you everybody for joining us this week thank you for liking and sharing the video and for sending your example sentences and questions I hope that you enjoy the rest of your week enjoy your weekend and we'll see you again next time you
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 180,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, present perfect, basic english grammar, everyday uses of present perfect, present perfect in english, english tense, english verbs
Id: g5LV9rqZNvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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