Stop using ChatGPT in Research Blindly II Advantages and Disadvantages II ChatGPT II ChatBOT

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel my research support So friends in this video we'll be discussing about different advantages and disadvantages of charge GPT so this video is really very important to all of you so if you are using chargpt in research writing or if you are planning to use charge GPT in your research writing then yes you have to watch this video till end without skipping any of the part if you have generated the text by using charge GPT then we have discussed this in my previous videos that turnitin can easily catches the AI score but if you are paraphrasing somebody's work or if you are reframing your own work then we will see with proper examples whether tenetry is able to catch the a score or not now let us start with the advantages so the First Advantage is language resistance so for non-native English speakers charge GPT can improve language proficiency I mean if you have written your research document if you are selecting picking a specific paragraph if you are putting that paragraph in the prom box command box of this chart GPT and if you are putting a prompt as rewrite and that paragraph then chart GPT will rewrite complete paragraph so you can compare what you have written and what chart GPT has converted obviously if your English is not at that level then you will get effective writing you can compare both these paragraphs so in this way you will get an excellent words an excellent sentences okay but the most important thing is whether turn it in CI detection tool will cache that plagiarism means if you have reframed or if you have replaced your own writing your own work by using charge GPT then whether turnitin will catch the a score or not so let's see that with proper example here we will be discussing about two analysis so this first file is obviously self refreshed you can see this file so this is the text which is written by me and I have refreshed the same text by using chat GPT you can see here okay so I have just put a prompt rewrite and then my own written paragraph okay so this this is the file and the second file that we have is this file means I have just pick a paragraph from the published research article so this paragraph is as it is copied from the already published data so obviously this will show under plagiarism will be discussing this plagiarism and AI score reports and then this is the text which I have paraphrased by using this chart GPT now we will discuss in both cases if I am rewriting already already published data then whether it will show under AI score and plagiarism and if I am rewriting my own rephrasing my own text then whether it will be detecting under plagiarism and AI score okay so let's go to the turnitin interface ok so here I have already checked these two files so let us first see about this one which is showing you can see here it is showing 81 percent similarity so let me just open this file okay so as I said so this paragraph is copied from the already published data so obviously the whole paragraph is showing under the similarity and then see even though this published work is refreshed or Rewritten by using this chart GPT then also the plagiarism percentage is considerable okay so plasm percentage is not reduced so in this case if you are rewriting someone's work then definitely it will also show a plagiarism along with the AI score means this text you have to again reframe in your own words or by using maybe Q voter word to in paraphrase any of the paraphrasing tools so let us now discuss about this AI score you can see here a s core is 33 percent so we will discuss actually which text is highlighted under this AI detection score okay we can just scroll down so you can see here the text which is Rewritten by using this chart GPT it is showing under this AI score ok so this was the first example so if you are copying somebody's work then obviously it will be showing and if you have Rewritten that Tour by using charge GPT then it will be showing under this plagiarism as well as under as code so you need to rephrase it and now let us move towards the second example which is I have written my own paragraph and I have just refreshed by using this chart GPT to get an effective words or effective sentences so let's see in this case it is showing only one person's similarity so this is again a clear indication that even it won't be detected under similarity obviously as this is my own written word it is not this turnitin is not detecting it under similarity and for AI score as well you can see here see one person similarity is negligible so you can see here this is the AI score so AI score is again zero percent means even though the text which is Rewritten by using chart GPT but still it is showing zero percent AI score means in this way you can just use charge GPT there is nothing wrong into it means you will be only rephrasing your own return things so if you compare these two parameters that I found that these wordings are comparatively good so I can go ahead with these wordings now the next Advantage is idea generation or topic selection so if you have entered in your Masters or PhD or if you are a researcher and if you wanted to switch your research area so in that case to get rough idea about your new research area you can obviously take help of this chart GPT so you can ask chargpt about the research carried out in that particular area in last five years with limitations research gaps and with proper citations so you will get to know about this research articles as well so you can re-verify those research gaps by reading those quality literatures or research papers but this will drastically reduce the initial time period which is required for the literature review as you will be getting a rough idea about your research area so you can pick three four problem statements but again you have to verify those problem statements with the help of the literature or by reading a quality research papers so in this whole process what is the most important thing is putting the prompt in the command box means what you are asking to the charge GPT accordingly you will get the results poor prompt will always lead to the poor results so be specific what information that you are trying to get from the chat GPT so what prompt you should put so that you will get exactly that information that is the most important thing so the next Advantage is exploration of complex concept this is again very important so at the time of research writing we definitely come across many problems that we couldn't understand specific Concepts so we just search it on Google or we refer many links and then we try to understand what exactly that concept is but if you are putting that Concept in this chart GPT if you are asking chart GPT what exactly this concept is so in very simple manner the chart Deputy will tell you what exactly it is and it will clarify your doubts and then this will definitely speed up your research writing process so the next Advantage is efficient literature review so we charge GPT researchers can expedite their literature review process so you can ask charge GPT to provide summaries of different research article in specific areas which proper citations so you can re-verify those summaries with those particular by downloading those particular research papers but you can't use those summaries in your research articles as it is as it would be detected under AI score but you can rephrase those summaries in your own words and put proper citation of that research paper or just you can use the rephrasing tools like keyboard and WorkOne that I have discussed in my previous video to get any help regarding these subscriptions please refer to this video description and then you can use those summaries in your research writings with proper citations and it won't be detected under plagiarism or as core but please keep one point in mind that almost all the journals are asking about 75 to 80 percent original work means we can refer to other published sources obviously it is required for background study and validation but rest of the text 75 to 80 percent text that should be written by you only without citations and hence if you are thinking that you can write your whole research documents by using charge apt then you may be wrong now let's turn towards this advice advantages so the first disadvantage is bias or lack of verification so this charge JP has an access to the huge database so whenever we will ask something to the charge GPT so charge GPT will give us a summarized answer so in that case charge jpt will refer to this huge database different websites different research articles okay there are thousands plus websites where the data which is posted those data will be personalized anybody can post any data so in that case you will the charge Deputy will get that information will face that information as well and hence verification of data is required so charge GPT is not always accurate or reliable and if you have based your research in this kind of information then definitely you cannot perform quality research you cannot publish quality research articles in refreeze journals and hence be careful if you are at all using charge GPT then do not forget to verify each and everything with the quality research papers so the next disadvantage is limited contextual understanding so the understandings of the concept of this charge GPT is not that much strong for example so I have asked charge GPT to give a specific value generated by a specific material so the charge CPT has given the range of 100 to 200 which is given which is generated by this material but as I am Associated to that field I know the literature status so the maximum value reported by the researchers is only 100 but the charge if it is giving us 100 to 200 so this 200 is completely wrong so this is a one side that the charge GPT can give us false information and the second side that I feel the most important part of it which is critical thinking or critical understandings of research Concepts if you are reading some literature some research papers so you can just summarize those research papers in a specific tables good artworks schematics Etc so that cannot be done by using the chart GPT and whenever we think of writing research paper then research paper is completely based on the unknown facts the charge GPT is designed these algorithms are designed on the known facts so while carrying out any research you perform repeated experiments repeated surveys and based on that whatever data are known facts that you will get that basically you will present in the form of research papers so that information as a known for it is based on a known fact that information this chart GPT will never give so never ever think of writing your result papers by using charge GPT now let us take one example so that this point will be clarified okay here let me show you my own example so this is a research paper that I have recently published in an SCI Journal so you can see this see node as I have mentioned already mentioned that you can just refresh our GPT in order to write your review papers obviously there are some limitations in that also for example you can take this we can consider this schematic so in order to plot this schematic I have referred more than 50 to 60 research papers so based on that every research paper has mentioned a specific value this is actually a value of corrosion resistance but this is this value that I got to know from one research paper this value is reported by another researcher so similarly I have collected all these values I have just collected these values in the form of table and that I have converted that table in the form of this schematic so now if anybody which is working in the same area if those researchers are looking at this schematic then they will get an exact idea about which is an excellent material that has been given this highest corrosion rate and lowest corrosion rate I mean if you are putting this type of representations in front of the journal's editorial team then only they will think about publishing your review paper and the same thing you can apply to your research paper so critical understandings or critical explanation about the results what results you have got that is the most important thing in a research paper So that obviously you cannot use that chart GPT for that so any basically the review paper is completely based on the schematic so you can observe different schematic you can see this schematics okay so this 38 number of number of research articles mentions about a specific type of a coating material ok then this in order to draw this schematic also I have referred number of research papers and then also I got to know about these numbers and then I have plotted this bar charts so similarly table so charge GPT will never give you a kind of table that is again one of the comparative analysis that you can enroll in your review paper so this kind of schematics so even though the charge GPT can help in writing a review paper but obviously there are still many limitations so you can just make use of charge GPT as a helping tool so the next disadvantage is over Reliance and reduce creativity so excessive Reliance so this charge GPT can hinder researchers creativity and originality so this chart GPT and different AI tools themselves are designed by human mind so relying on any specific tool cannot make the research or it makes no sense so there is a probability there is a possibility that generation of unique ideas will be limited so read quality research papers perform experiments analyze data continue critical thinking and brainstorming and through this whole process UniQue Ideas will generate and the last disadvantage is ethical concern so whenever you will ask anything to charge GPT so you will get the information without any citation so it is impossible to just track from which source that text is generated and hence sometimes it may raise a concerns about intellectual property and plagiarism so I hope this information will help you and if you have any specific information about this chart GPT then you can share that information through comments so that this information can help to other community members and if you want me to prepare research videos on a specific topics please do not forget to put those topics in the comment box so thank you very much for watching this video so I'll see in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: My Research Support
Views: 18,173
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Keywords: research, research support, ChatGPT, ChatBOT, chat gpt, chatgpt 4, chatgpt login, chatgpt download, chatgpt website, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt kaise use kare, chatgpt in research, chatgpt kaise download kare, chatgpt explained, chatgpt tutorial, advantages of chatgpt, disadvantages of chatgpt, what is chatgpt, how to use chatgpt in research, how to write research paper using chatgpt, how to reduce plagiarism using chatgpt, how to reduce ai score of chatgpt, chatgpt plugin
Id: zeITeYq_5kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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