How to Bypass Originality AI new update, GPTzero, or any AI Detector - New Method (Uptodate)

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hi guys it's Matt from stealthwriter in this video I'm going to show you how you can bypass also with their new update which detects almost any AI generated content they also detect um paraphrased AI content they are claiming to to detect paraphrase AI content but in this video I'm going to show you a way which allows you to bypass or basically any AI detection method for this we're gonna go to chatibility and we are gonna ask it to write an essay about Mercedes for example let's wait for it to write a big chunk of text so that we make sure it's it's working and then we're gonna copy this and then we're gonna go test it here Let's scan it of course it's going to be AI also we're gonna test it on gbt 0 it's Ai and we're gonna test it on foreign okay so now we are gonna go to stealthwriter and this tool we write AI content and make it more human so that it bypasses any AI detection tool this tool is created by me and it's totally free so you can use it for free you can have unlimited words and unlimited rewrites and what you have to do is just paste your content here okay so this is the content from chat gbt and then you click rewrite the rewriting process takes around 10 to 20 seconds so just have to wait and after we get the result so here's the result let's copy it and go back to originality and paste it here let's try to scan again okay so as you can see 50 original 50 AI so we're gonna we're gonna rewrite it again just to make sure we get the version which is totally 100 undetectable but in the meantime let's try gbt 0. on gbt zero it says it's written entirely by human also the perplexity is very high let's try copy leaks it says human let's try zero gbt and it says it's human so let's try the new relating content again in copy leaks Let's scan it okay so now it says it's 95 percent original so as you can see still try to bypasses any AI any AI detector and um I want you also to see the quality of the content the quality of the text because when you when you want to rewrite the text and um like make it undetectable most of the other tools they just add some some random words some random synonyms to make it undetectable like quill board they paraphrase but the quality is the quality of the content is is really bad and it's unreadable and the clarity is low but with stealthwriter you get like really high quality content that you can use for your articles for SEO um like if you can read here the content sounds like really human it doesn't sound like um AI generated or it doesn't sound like it's it's using random words or something like this so um it's usable it's undetectable it's human um the tool works really really good and it's free and it bypasses any AI detector you just name it you just put the content rewrite it and then test any air detector I just want to say something about this tool originality I think it's unfair how they how they are detecting AI content uh because the the method they use it's it's very unreliable um and to be honest I tried to put in some articles from 2006 which are like 100 human written articles and the tool said like 100 AI they did they say like human content is is AI which is not true and um I also put some articles I wrote back in in 2017 like without any tools or AI tools I just throw them by hand and it also said like uh this this is created by AI which is nonsense and this is really unfair if if some let's say institutes or universities use this tool to detect um like content which are written by students for example and um I think there's a lot of false positive here uh it's very unreliable the the the detection method is is not accurate I can show you an example if we deleted some let's say we delete some of this content here okay let's delete let's keep only one paragraph scan okay it says original however let's delete this paragraph and keep only those two Let's scan them okay it says original again um let's try this okay so now it says it's it's 84 percent AI but if you put it with another paragraph it says like 100 original which doesn't make sense because this was I I just five seconds ago and now it's original so I think the method they use is like they they see the pattern between between the paragraphs so let's say you have a big article okay like this so they check the pattern here and compare and compare it to the to to the to the second paragraph and if they detect a like um how can I explain this um yeah basically they they don't detect each sentence alone like like gbt 0 does GPT zero like checks the perplexity of each sentence um here they they compare the patterns somehow so if you have only one paragraph there's there's a high chance it detects it as as um as uh AI but if you have many paragraphs they compare in the pattern and then they make like an overall decision um yeah I think it's it's it's a very bad very bad method for detection um this is my opinion so um of course I I respect the Creator uh for uh of originality AI he did a great job but I think it's it's unfair how how he's doing the detection now um yeah I think I think it was better before the way they they used to detect uh the content they use perplexity like GPT 0 but now they changed into this method and um I don't think many institutes and uh companies are gonna adopt this and use them in their systems because clearly it's it's not going to be reliable uh thank you guys for watching go check out the tool it's called stealthwriter just Google it and um it's gonna come up or just go to as I said the tool is free um there's some plans if you want to like do it on a big scale um we offer some plans um but if you like have a small article you want to rewrite it's it's totally free um yeah if you guys have any questions um if you visit our page here we have a Discord Channel you can ask anything over there I'm happy to help I'm also available here on the live chat and um I'll answer anytime I'm available um yeah thank you guys for watching and until next time bye bye
Channel: Maher Mansour
Views: 17,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 97WqdAWz3q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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