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hello there my name is Richard mcmun from the interview training website passy interview.com and in this presentation I am going to teach you how to answer the 17 toughest interview questions now hiring managers right now are asking some really difficult interview questions that candidates are struggling to answer so if you have an interview coming up soon for any role or Company please make sure you stay tuned because I will help you to par your interview at the first attempt and to achieve that goal this is what I will cover in this training video number one so I will tell you what the 17 toughest interview questions are being asked right now in job interviews number two I will give you two really important tips for giving the perfect answer to each of those 17 difficult interview questions number three I am then going to give you a unique top scoring answer to each of those 17 interview questions to help you pass your interview at the first attempt and then finally number four I will tell you where you can instantly download these slides and my full set of 21 great answers to the toughest interview questions and just very quickly if you are new to my Channel please hit that subscribe button right now thousands of you are passing your interviews I can only help you if you are subscribed and please hit the like button please give the video a like right now because that tells me you find these tutorials useful and that motivates me to create more content for you thank you very much indeed so interview question number one of our 17 tough interview questions is what do you think makes a good coworker can you imagine going along to your interview you sit down and you are expecting the hiring manager to say to you please tell me about yourself but they start off the interview and they say what do you think makes a good coworker you can see why lots of people are struggling to answer these questions but let me help you answer them so first of all here are two important tips for answering this tough interview question what do you think makes a good coworker tip number one so this is a very difficult interview question to answer because if you can't explain what makes a good coworker the hiring manager will think you can't be one yourself and tip number two in your answer talk about a good coworker being Pleasant to be around positive someone who supports others Embraces change that's important and offers to train new team members when they join the company so here is my top scoring AR answer to help you pass your interview what do you think makes a good coworker several things make a good coworker good co-workers should be pleasant to work with good to be around and positive whenever they encounter difficult challenges good co-workers are supportive treat others with respect and offer to help with tasks if someone in the team is struggling they will also Embrace change with a positive mindset try out new initiatives and encourage others to do the same a good coworker will be open-minded listen to others ideas and respect people's views opinions and needs finally a good coworker will volunteer to assist in the training and development of new team members who join the company that is a top scoring answer that will impress any hiring manager now you can either pause the video if you want to and write down the questions and answers as we work through them together but if you want to wait I will soon tell you where you can download these exact slides plus my full set of 21 great answers to the toughest interview questions here is interview question number two how do you handle setbacks at work here's two tips tip number one so this is another question that keeps coming up during job interviews and it is assessing your positivity resilience and problem solving capabilities tip number two give a previous situation you have been in where you successfully overcame a challenging problem or setback make sure you are positive in your answer and demonstrate your ability to overcome setbacks quickly for the benefit of your team so here is another brilliant answer to help you beat the competition at your interview how do you handle setbacks at work here we go I handle setbacks with a positive attitude resilience and I focus on the end goal whenever I encounter a setback I assess my options quickly create a new plan and set to work setbacks are normal in the workplace but how you respond to them is important for example in a previous job we lost two team members due to sickness which had the potential to delay the project we were all working on instead of accepting a delayed deadline we created a new list of tasks left to complete delegated them to the remaining team members and outsourced any complex and Technical tasks to online contractors by being positive Forward Thinking and not dwelling on the setback we created a new action plan and went all out to get the project done that's a really good answer you can see how these responses are very positive and will impress the hiring manager at your job interview now don't go anywhere because I still have more questions to give you and Brilliant top scoring answers but when you're ready you can click that link in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website past my interview.com and you can download these slides plus my full set of 21 great answer anwers to the toughest interview questions here is question number three how would you calm down an angry customer or client tip number one now the majority of jobs require the ability to deal with customers service users or clients daily this tough interview question assesses your communication and conflict resolution skills tip number two in your answer say you would give the customer time to to speak use active listening skills and then create a solution to the problem that met their needs here is my brilliant tops scoring answer to help you pass your interview how would you calm down an angry customer or client here we go to calm down an angry customer or client I would give them time to speak listen to what they were saying use active listening skills and take notes if the company were at fault I would apologize at the first opportunity say that I would feel the same as them if it had happened to me and reassure them that I would take positive action to make things right I would create a solution to the issue inform the customer of the action I proposed and update them regularly with progress when helping an angry or frustrated customer or client it is important not to take anything they say personally but to focus focus on their needs do what you say you will do and create a positive solution this is a great answer another brilliant answer that shows you will be a high performing employee for their company here is tough into VI question number four what regrets do you have about your previous job wow this is a really difficult question to answer correctly but here's two tips tip number one now most people will simply respond to this tough question by saying they don't have any regrets but that is not the best way to answer the question tip number to use your answer as an opportunity to demonstrate you are someone who cares about your employer's success here's the exact answer I would give that will impress any hiring manager what regrets do you have about your previous job here we go I don't have many regrets because I worked hard was part of a solid team and they were a great company to work for however if I did have to choose something it would be that I had several great ideas that I felt could help the company improve but I was too shy to speak out there was a clear opportunity to create products and services our customers kept asking for I am more confident now and if I had my time again I would have pushed for oz to develop those ideas that's a really good good answer to that difficult interview question what regrets do you have about your previous job tough interview question number five how do you prioritize tasks while Under Pressure this is a difficult question tip number one now as you can see this is another very difficult interview question that catches most people out make sure you prepare an answer that demonstrates your calmness while working under pressure tip number two so in your response talk about prioritizing tasks by color based on urgency what do I mean by that well here is my top scoring example answer how do you prioritize tasks while Under Pressure here we go when Under Pressure I prioritize tasks by writing down my team's or employers objectives and then create a list of jobs I must complete to achieve them I will always color code each job in order of priority red tasks require my immediate attention Amber tasks come second and green tasks can be left for when I have more time available whenever Under Pressure I remain calm and focused block out all distractions and focus intensely on my work you can see how all of these answers are going to help you pass your interview at the first attempt here is tough interview question number six tell me about a time when a cooworker was failing to do their work properly what did you say or do tip number one so this is what is called a behavioral interview question where you must give a previous situation where you challenge the coworker calmly and professionally tip number two now the question is assessing your teamworking capabilities if this is your first ever job tell the interviewer what you would do in this type of situation here is my top scoring example answer to help you tell me about a time when a co-worker was failing to do their work properly what did you say or do here we go in my last job a co-worker was constantly late producing sorry producing his work his lateness had the potential to impact the team's ability to complete projects on time so I decided to speak to him I approached him tactfully said I was concerned about his performance and asked whether he was experiencing any issues he told me he had split from his partner and was finding things difficult I empathized with his situation and suggested he worked alongside me while he was going through this difficult period he agreed this was a good idea and as soon as he began working alongside me his motivation for work improved and he never missed to deadline again so that shows you to be a supportive coworker who is not afraid to challenge people calmly if they are failing to do their work properly here's tough interview question number seven tell me the last occasion you asked for direct feedback from your manager and why tip number one now feedback is the Breakfast of Champions and it will definitely Empower you to continually grow and improve as a person person tip number two in your answer give a situation where you asked for feedback and the result meant the company progressed here is my topsc scoring example answer tell me the last occasion you asked for direct feedback from your manager and why here we go in my last job I was responsible for dealing with customers although I felt confident in my work and had high customer approval ratings I could have been better at upselling the various products and services we had available this was a missed opportunity to help the business grow so I asked my manager for advice on selling more effectively he suggested I enroll in an online sales techniques training course through the website udemy.com after completing several courses my sales conversions increased significantly empowering me to add more revenue for the the company that's a great example answer that shows you are proactive and you are taking action to improve by asking your manager for feedback it's a really good answer tough interview question number eight sorry number eight how would you communicate with your manager tip number one so this tough interview question only requires a short answer but make sure you mention you would be professional in your communication with your manager tip number two I also recommend you mention you would keep your manager updated on your work progress and that you would tell them if you had any ideas or suggestions as to how the company could improve or grow so here is another brilliant answer to help you pass your interview how would you communicate with your manager I would communicate with my manager both by email and in person in a respectful professional and productive manner I would keep my manager updated on my progress periodically inform them of any training needs I had potential problems I could see and opportunities I felt we could capitalize on in the business that's a really good answer to that tough interview question tough interview question number nine is tell me about a time when you had to deliver bad news to someone what did you consider and how did you deliver the message tip number one so this is another tough behavioral interview question that requires you to give an example of a previous situation you have been in it is assessing your communication skills and confidence tip number two in your answer say you would consider what you wanted to say before delivering your message in a style suitable to the audience here is my top scoring answer tell me about a time when you had to deliver bad news to someone what did you consider and how did you deliver the message here we go I conducted a review of our company suppliers and found one that was not providing value for money after presenting my findings to my manager and giving her a list of coste effective alternative suppliers she tasked me with informing the current supplier we no longer needed their services now before speaking to them I wrote down what I wanted to say and considered how I would say it I also preempted some of the questions they might ask when I spoke to them I was calm confident and direct and gave a simple reason for the company deciding not to work with them anymore they thanked me for my honesty and we moved on to the new supplier so that's a great answer that shows you are not afraid to deliver bad news and also you consider what you are going to say and the questions they might ask you it's a great response tough interview question number 10 is describe a situation when you persuaded someone to see your point of view this is a difficult one you can see how these questions catch people out at their job interviews tip number one so this next of our 17 tough interview questions is assessing your communication and influencing skills tip number two give a situation where you influenced someone to do the right thing now an example might be where a coworker was underperforming or where a team you were a part of were seeking to do something that was unethical here is a brilliant topsc scoring answer describe a situation when you persuaded someone to see your point of view here we go I was part of a team discussing the action plan for a client project we would all be working on the client had paid a significant amount of money for the project and it had a strict deadline during team discussions several colleagues suggested we could save money by cutting corners on the project specification they argued the client would never find out about the specification change and we would make the project more profitable I immediately disagreed and explained that this was not only morally wrong but that we had a duty to deliver the Project based exactly on the client's requirements if we broke that trust and someone eventually found out the damage to the company's reputation would be irreparable after I explained my point of view everyone agreed it was not a good idea so that shows you have confidence and you are not afraid to persuade people to see your point of view it's a great answer tough interview question number 11 talk about a situation when you had to work with a difficult coworker how did you handle the interaction between you here's two tips tip number one so this is another tough behavioral interview question that is assessing your collaboration and determination skills do not say you would inform your manager about the difficult coworker instead show how you worked hard to build a good working relationship with your coworker for the teams benefit here is a brilliant answer talk about a situation when you had to work with a difficult coworker how did you handled the interaction between you here we go when I first started work in my last job a senior member of the team was dismissing my ideas and suggestions during team meetings whenever I asked him for help or advice he said he was too busy I was determined to build good relationships with him so I spoke to some of my colleagues to learn more about his background and what he enjoyed doing outside of work I established we supported the same sports team and during a work break I talked to him about our common interest his interest instantly peaked and we discussed the team and how it was performing for several minutes then when I next asked him for help or advice he cooperated I am good at building relationships with everyone and will do my utmost to fit into my team for the company's benefit that is a really good answer that shows you are a smart coworker who will do all you can to build good relationships with your co-workers tough interview question number 12 is tell me about a time when your manager was not around and a challenging problem developed how did you handle the situation and what was the outcome this is a difficult one tip number one so this tough interview question is assessing your confidence and decision making skills do not say you would never make a decision without your manager being there because in this type of situation you have to make a decision tip number two I recommend giving a situation where you weighed up your options before making a decision you felt was in the company's best interests here is my topsc scoring example answer to help you tell me about a time when your manager was not around and a challenging problem developed how did you handle the situation and what was the what was the outcome here we go it was late on a Friday afternoon and my manager had gone home for the weekend we received a call from a customer saying that our website was not working and they wanted to place an order I took down the customers number and said I would call them back now because my manager was away I had to decide what to do with no company it department and my manager unavailable I had to make a decision I decided to commission an online it contractor to investigate the issue as it was important to get the website back up and running again before the weekend which was our busiest time of the week after going on upwork.com I found a highly rated it expert who investigated and resolved the problem within an hour I then called the customer back so they could place their order on Monday morning I informed my manager of my actions and she praised my decision making skills that's a really good answer again you can see how all of these responses will help you be the standout candidate at your interview don't forget if you want to download these slides plus my full set of 21 great answers to the toughest interview questions click that link in the top right hand corner of the video at any time tough interview question number 13 is tell me about a time when you had to embrace a new process system or technology tip number one so your ability to embrace change positively will definitely determine your success as an employee hiring managers and employers want to take on people who are positive about change and who will Embrace new technology tip number two make sure you give an answer that demonstrates your understanding of how important change is to the success of your employer here is my tops scoring example answer to help you tell me about a time when you had to embrace a new process system or technology here we go a new team leader took over the running of our office the te team was performing really well and we had just achieved the best performance for a department in the company however the new team leader wanted to try new ways of working and introduce new technology to monitor our performance now some team members objected but I encourage them to embrace the changes and support the new team leader because we needed to stay ahead of the competition if we stood still we could fall behind several months after the new working practices and Technology were implemented the team performed even better and everyone agreed the change was positive that's a great answer that shows you understand the importance of change and you encourage other people to embrace it too tough interview question 14 describe a situation when you failed to achieve your desired result despite doing everything you could this is a really difficult one tip number one so this next tough interview question is assessing your levels of determination and how you respond to failure tip number two give a situation where you tried everything you could to achieve the best outcome and stayed positive throughout so here is my tops scoring example answer question number 14 describe a situation when you failed to achieve your desired result result despite doing everything you could in my last role a new team member joined the company they were new to the workplace and I had been tasked with training them to use the company computer and software packages I started by assessing their current level of knowledge and Technical expertise once I understood their competence level I put together an action plan to teach them everything they needed to know and a time scale before sharing ing it with them now they found understanding how our systems operated difficult so I went back to basics I took my time allowed them to ask lots of questions and ensured they practiced each learning section before moving on to the next one now unfortunately after four weeks of teaching them they had made little progress due to their lack of technical ability after discussions with my manager the new team member decided to leave the company now although this was very disappointing and unfortunate I had tried my best to train them and had stayed positive throughout that's another really good answer you can see how all of these responses will help you pass your interview tough interview question number 15 tell me about a time when a coworker was doing something wrong what did you do this is a difficult one tip number one so this next of our 17 toughest interview questions is a assessing your ability to challenge co-workers who are acting against company policy tip number two do not say you would leave this type of situation for your manager to deal with instead demonstrate good values and ethics in your answer here is my tops scoring response tell me about a time when a coworker was doing something wrong what did you do here we go I overheard a coworker making inappropriate and derogatory comments to a new team member during a work break this was disappointing because not only did their actions go against company policy but it was also no way to treat someone on our team I immediately spoke out and said their comments were unacceptable and that they should apologize they told me to mind my business and that all new team members were treated this way I remained calm and said that we all had a duty to set a good example to others and comments of that nature were unwelcome I also said they should consider their comments impact on the other person and reflect on their words eventually they conceded they were wrong apologized and said they would never use that language again so that's a really good example answer that shows you are not afraid to challenge people calmly and professionally when they do something that is wrong it shows you to be a valuable and good employee who will give the employer a positive return on their investment when they hire you tough interview question 16 tell me about a time when you made a mistake tip number one now we all make mistakes from time to time but it is how we respond to those mistakes that is most important in your answer show you are the type of person who takes full responsibility for their mistakes before putting things right do do not say I've never made a mistake because if you do you will probably fail your interview here is my tops scoring example answer to tough interview question number 16 tell me about a time when you made a mistake when I started work in my previous job a customer asked for details of products we had for sale that suited their requirements it was my task to send them a comprehensive list of products that I thought would meet their needs now unfortunately because I did not check our stock availability I sent them an email that contained some products that were out of stock as soon as I realized my mistake I called the customer on the phone apologized for my mistake and resent a new email with only products that were ready for immediate dispatch now although I was disappointed that I had made the mistake I learned from the situation and developed a checklist to ensure the same situation never happened again that is a great answer because it shows you take responsibility for your mistakes you apologize you put things right and you are apologizing to the customer it's a really good example answer tough interview question 17 how would you describe something complex to someone who didn't understand this is a really difficult one tip number one so this next tough interview question is assessing your ability to communicate effectively tip number two in your answer say you would assess the other person's level of knowledge before describing things in a way that would enable the person to easily retain that information here is my top scoring example answer how would you describe something complex to someone who didn't understand here we go first I would assess their knowledge by asking questions to gauge where they were at from a technical perspective for example if I I were giving a technical presentation I would need to make sure I tailored that presentation to the person with the least knowledge in the group I would ensure I did not use technical jargon when describing things to them I would use visual diagrams and drawings and explain technical subjects using familiar objects situations and terminology I would take my time describing everything to them more than once and ask quiz-based questions to ensure they fully understood my explanation finally I would leave ample time for them to ask any questions and make them feel comfortable asking them so that's a really good answer and it shows that you understand how to deliver complex presentations and describe things to people who did not understand it shows that you have really strong communication skills now the next thing to do is click that link in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website pmy interview.com and you can instantly download these slides plus my full set of 21 great answers to the toughest interview questions ever asked it's a fantastic resource and it's going to put you ahead of the competition at your interview make sure you check out that link also don't forget to hit that subscribe button you can see how thousands of you are passing your interviews at the first attempt I can only help you if you are subscribed please give the video a like give it a thumbs up because that really does motivate me to create more content for you and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn I have put my LinkedIn Link in the description below the video it's always a pleasure to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you for watching and for supporting my channel I wish you all the best for passing your job interview have a wonderful day
Channel: CareerVidz
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Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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