How to Prove You Have Ties to Your Home Country During Your U.S. Visa Interview.

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the u.s regulation requires the consular officer who considers your visa application to assume that you want to immigrate to or remain permanent in the united states so to qualify for an f1 or j1 visa you must prove that your visit to the us will be temporary in nature and that you will return to your country after completion of your studies consular offices call this non-immigrant intent but how do you prove you have ties to your home country and that you will return back after your studies don't go anywhere stay right here we are going to discuss that right now welcome my name is alfred appiah i am a graduate student at the columbia theological seminary in atlanta in the united states today i decided to do this video outside because it is a little bit hot inside and also i wanted to enjoy the fresh air and the natural environment as well let me know what you think about the setting if it is helpful for the video now after passing through the us visa interview process twice and through my interactions with people and friends i have helped in their visa interview processes i have come to realize that proving your ties to hope is not what we popularly knew most people say that you must prove you have a land a car a building a wife children family and all that even though these statements are true and those who have these assets who are married have children and all that are at a very big advantage i also believe that it is not the case in most cases because if it were myself and many other people i have coached through their visa processes wouldn't have gotten their visa approved because none of us had any of these things that i have mentioned at the time we went for the visa interview we were not married we had no children we had no land cards but we had our visas people who got their visas denied confessed that they carried all the documents to their properties and even marriage certificate to the visa interview but the consulars did not even look at them or ask them any questions about them i always tell people they don't look at the document because the purpose of the interview is not to assess your document your aura responses and conduct during the interview room is enough for them to make a decision the console may only require a certain document just for clarification the purpose of the interview is not for you to prove the document you have no if it were so they would have called you to send all those documents to them for them to vote it the purpose of the interview is to assess you as a person through your ura speech and your conduct and through that they are able to assess who you are your intentions and your plans after school and to determine whether they should give you their visa i have been receiving a lot of messages from people who always lament that they went for the interview and they will not ask anything that has to do with their ties back to their country or approve of it but again i tell them that they do ask just that you didn't pay attention to when the consular asks you what are your plans after school who is sponsoring you and why the person is sponsoring you he is assessing your ties to your home country first he wants to know if you have a well-defined plan in place after school it is out of your plans after school and the answers you give that will help you to deduce your intent after your graduation second the consular want to know why someone is spending so much in sponsoring you and the benefit the person has for sponsoring you so this is what you say my father is sponsoring me because he wants me to come back home to manage his business after studies or my husband is the one sponsoring me because he has no knowledge in accounting and he wants me to take over the management of the family business when i graduate when you say this you have proved your intent to return notes the purpose is proof of intent so it basically means you are making the consular believe you return to your home country and it is easy for the consular to do that through the answers you give so i tell people when you go for the interview be prepared and let your answers be straightforward don't let it be as if you have to think about a question before you respond let the consular know that you know what you are about you know your plan as soon as he asks you you give it to him that's that and that's as simple as that now let's discuss the three ways you can improve your ties to your home country please make sure you stick to the end because it will help you to get a broader view for you to know the options you have available these three tips are important but i'm going to show you or discuss at the end the most important tip that people need to know when it comes to proving your ties to your home country so stick along this is where the consular expects you to prove that you have a land a property asset or something that will tie you back to your country so i tell people it is not just about proving that you have it but it is about showing what you do with what you have and why that will bring you back to your country so for example i had a friend who had a piece of land in a car when he went for interview he told the consuela that he planned to return back to ghana to set up a business on that piece of land because that land is located at a prime area in accra that will help him generate more income so you see how this friend is able to make good use of the asset he has it's not just about telling the consumer that you have a land no what is the benefit will it bring i have a land and the purpose of my studies is to come back and develop the land another way to prove your ties to your home country is through the family ties this is where you prove that you are married you have a husband who is not going to go with you you have a wife who is not going to go with you and you have children or if you are not married you have your parents or you are the first born or something in your family and so you have family responsibility that will make it impossible for you to stay in the united states but to come back one lady had her vessel just three days ago but before she went for interview i asked him who is sponsoring you she said her father and that her father is a doctor who has her own clinic then i said yes this is a good plan a good way to prove your ties back home she asked me how and i said you are going to study management she said yes and i said yes that is the perfect way to explain to the consular that you are going to study management to come back to manage your father's clinic because all that your father has is the medical knowledge he doesn't have anything about management so it makes sense that your father is sponsoring you to go in steady management in order to come back to support your father's clinic you see how we have been able to make use of her family ties one her father is the one sponsoring her what benefit is the father going to get her father is a doctor her father has her own clinic it is a perfect way to say my father is sponsoring me in order to return and mandate his clinic so that he will pay attention to the medical needs of his clients and she was happy glory be to god she went and she heard the visa because they asked why is your father sponsoring you and that was the perfect time for her to kill the consuela with the points and no questions the consular is convinced it makes sense she had herself proving family ties it's not just about saying you have a husband you have children you are the first one or whatsoever it is about convincing the consular that through your family you are required to come back to do this and that which will benefit your family so it is important don't just say you are married you have children and so what the consular knows that when you get your visa later you can come for your children can come for your wife so what is the point not just about you having a family but explaining how your studies connect with your family back home and why that will bring you back home i am in discussion with one lady in nigeria who is here to go for her interview and for her her husband is sponsoring her and i told her that it is a perfect time to explain to the consular that your husband is sponsoring you so that you come back to support the business your husband is doing always make sure that you make good use of what you have and how that will bring you back to your country don't just say that you have it without showing that connection it is very very important employment ties this is the most important thing i always tell people most of us who go for the interview are young we don't have assets we don't have land or any financial ties even our ties with regards to our family it's weak we don't have children we don't have husbands we don't have wives they are not married so in that case you build your point on employment ties this is where you explain to the consular that you are going to study this and that and after there is an organization that is interested in your studies it may be that the field you are going is unique and we don't have a lot of people in your country who are into that field so in that case if able to prove to the consular that there's an organization you have always dreamt of working with and you believe that when you get this qualification through your studies it will help you to work in your dream job in your country if you are working already it is important you build your argument on employment try to convince your employer to give you a letter that shows that after your studies you have a job after your studies you still have a vacancy or you are going to study in order to come back to do to do this or to do that so you prove to the consular that you will be employed full time upon your return with this organization this indicates a strong employment ties to your country when i went for my interview at that time i was not married i had no children no asset nothing but i used employment ties i proved to the consular that i'm going to study theology in order to come back to work in this organization as this person so he asked do you have any letter i gave him the letter he read and it confirmed that yes so this is where proven document comes in the consular now i want to clear that out that what i'm saying is true if there's an organization so he want to see the letter so when you prove that you have an employment or a job waiting for you it does not only prove your status is relevant it shows you have plans to retain proving your tasks is not just listing the asset or family members you have it is also not about showing a document to support sim it is about telling the consular how this asset and your family will be relevant to your studies and compel you to come back that is the most important thing that is all they are looking for don't forget that you go for the interview with so many people so you must stand out in order to get your vessel and one of the best way to do it is to prove that you have clear intention of returning back to your country let me know what you think if you have any questions any consent please leave them in the comment section also subscribe to this channel for more videos as always theology is fine trust me
Channel: Baet Lamad Edu. πŸ“šπŸŽ“
Views: 198,813
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Keywords: Proving ties to home, How to prove your ties to home, U.S visa interview, F1 Visa interview, How to get your visa approved, J1 visa interview, B1/B2 visa interview, American Lottery, Students Visa, Ties to Home, Financial ties, Family Ties, Employment Ties, Visa appointment, American Visa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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