US Marine reacts to the Canadian Infantry

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their role is to close with and destroy the enemy working on the front lines they form the backbone of the army all right y'all welcome back to combat arms channel okay so today we're doing a reaction to the canadian armed forces now before we get into that of course you guys can already tell i'm in my new youtube studio or office it's the room i do youtube stuff in so you can see i have a new set up and yeah i think it looks pretty solid i got the whole green white and black color scheme going on we have the patches over here in the background so if you guys want to send me some patches i can throw them up over here we have the play button we have some military stuff and some other little knickknacks here so let me know what you guys think of like the whole camera angle and the whole setup right now again i will do like a whole office tour a little bit later on i'm still waiting on some stuff to come out of storage so i can put it back on these cabinets and also put some more stuff on the on the walls but yeah this is what we have right now i just wanted to get these videos going just so i can get back in the flow of doing youtube stuff again i did come back from korea recently so i'm getting used to just being around toddlers and and whatnot again so i'm trying to balance out the schedule and work that out so yeah i'm excited to do this little reaction video today but we're doing a reaction to the canadian infantry now tomorrow is canada's flag day i believe so i will try and look up international holidays so i can do reaction videos for that country around the holiday so i will try and keep that up if i do miss a big holiday from your country then i apologize sometimes the scheduling doesn't work out so well but yeah it works out pretty well now so that flag day is tomorrow now it is also valentine's day so hopefully you guys can get lucky grab a date and go do something cool if you have a girlfriend or husband or wife or whatever definitely go out there and do something romantic it's nice being back with my family because i can really celebrate the holidays and they just feel a little bit better as opposed to trying to to celebrate them over in korea you know by myself and whatnot but yeah it's valentine's day go do something cool but today we're checking out the canadian infantry so if you don't have a date then hopefully you can at least enjoy this video and it'll make your day a little bit better and again let me know what you guys think about this setup i have my mic right here so the audio should be pretty decent and then the whole angle i think looks pretty good you can see a lot of the room and whatnot so let me know any comments about the lighting or the camera setup or audio feel free to throw that down in the comments section because i'm still trying to work out the kinks of this little youtube studio so this video is about four and a half minutes long and it was uploaded by aquafina bottle of all people so that's pretty interesting but okay let's check out this video about the canadian infantry infants here i'm sergeant jason gerard from milwaukee quebec okay so real quick infantry is not a word we use in the u.s military i've not heard that i've heard it from other militaries but we don't really use that term in the u.s we generally just say infantry men so maybe infantier is the nice gender neutral version of that but i'm not really sure if that's the intended purpose i'm not sure if infinity if interior could potentially be an older phrase and infantryman if you guys know the history of that word definitely throw it down in the comments section now we can already see he has a lot of facial hair we can't do that in the us mainly because you know they say if you go into a contaminated environment you won't be able to get a seal with your gas mask which i guess is generally true but yeah it does look pretty intimidating to have a beard so infantryman with beards definitely looks a little bit better i'm an infanteer posted at the canadian armed forces infantry school in gagetown hell yeah infantiers are the primary combat fighters in the canadian army their role is okay again i will not try and pause it so much i just want to check out the gear real quick so we can see i think that's the the cad pat the canadian pattern in there um some pretty standard helmets and night vision mounts we see he has a saw with an elk in this dude has a older carl gustav i'm not sure what he's trying to do right here he's about to i guess he's holding security with the carl gustav but okay pretty cool great combat fighters in the canadian army their role is to close with and destroy the enemy working on the front lines they form the backbone of the army you have to be in great physical shape mentally i'd say you have to be mentally tough general leaders even more so honestly either natural or you build on them quick decision making skills and uh initiative those are probably the the general backbone of what you need to be a good general infantry soldier yeah so that's definitely true now leadership is a good thing to have uh you know some people say like he's a born leader i don't really agree with that i think generally how you're raised is how you're going to be as a leader and if you're going to be effective as a leader because it definitely took me a while to learn leadership and some people just you know they learn leadership in different ways and it it it takes you being able to adapt to the people underneath you to be an effective leader now he was also saying using the initiative that is very very important for an infantryman because you need to be able to assess the battlefield and be able to make those quick decisions you know you can make a decision that's not necessarily going to be the best one but if you're making no decision then that's really bad especially for you know the the infantry job in general this exciting job includes mounted operations working out of a lav 6 light armored vehicle airborne operations like parachuting operating high-tech equipment or firing a multitude of powerful weapons systems as well as that's a bread and butter right there both soft-skinned and armored vehicles i've gone through a lot of cool stuff in my career and then i've done a lot of challenges that have brought me to a higher level of physical and mental preparation the infantry is the tip of this i can appreciate that they conduct raids and ambushes in a combat mission or conduct patrols and convoy escorts as part of security and stability missions this is a hands-on job infanteers are trained to fight in cities deserts jungles the arctic or any other environment they are called upon to operate in oh that's a sick shot right there yeah infantryman people say infantrymen are like the jack of all trades just because yeah you need to be good at infantry but you also need to be proficient with you know communications and radio equipment cbr and stuff i mean sometimes even admin stuff because a lot of times they'll drop the ball you need to be generally proficient have a good understanding of logistics so you need to be you need to be good at certain things like the fundamentals of being an f treatment but you also need a good understanding of a lot of other stuff or else you know things are just going to fall through and it's going to get kind of rough for you guys so it'll definitely help your unit out if you have a good understanding of that small stuff and infanteers are trained to do more than just fight they deploy across the country to help canadians combat forest fires floods and other natural disasters standing proud for canada as an infantier comes with a rich history of battle honors embodied in every canadian regiment they have a strong tradition of overcoming obstacles and some of the greatest challenges on the battlefield physical yeah if you guys haven't seen the my reaction to the one canadian to the word war video that's a really solid one because it gives a good understanding of their military background and at the same time it also gives a good understanding of the the mindset that they actually had because they're pretty pretty ferocious and pretty effective you guys also told me a lot that canada has never lost a war now i'm not sure i haven't actually fact-checked that but you guys are pretty accurate and you get some pretty good information so i'll go ahead and believe it you guys seem pretty effective with what you do with warfighting and whatnot fitness and mental resiliency are two critical traits for infanteers who may work in harsh conditions that demand precisely let's go whatever you're going to do jungle training right now anything you try never give up and push even harder than you think you would or could because that's going to bring you to greater victories and greater skills yeah that's good advice for the military in general okay my coolest experience was in recon platoon hell yeah there we go determine the most likely course of action of an enemy so that we can paint a very clear picture for the infantry when they come in and they do attack so they don't have any surprises and we're just trying to guarantee their success okay so i'm seeing he also has a finger tattoo so get on you guys for allowing that now i definitely agree with what he's saying so being in reconnaissance you basically have to be a really solid infantryman because you need a good understanding of infantry and the battlefield to be able to go into reconnaissance because you need to be able to sort of predict what the enemy is going to do and and why they're doing it and you also need to be able to identify vehicles identify formations and sort of predict that so you need a good understanding of the infantry before you start going into something like reconnaissance here we go straight qualified infanters are posted to an infantry battalion at bases across canada okay reservists in this role will return to their home units where they continue their training on a part-time basis fun soldiers are assigned to one of three rifles oh yeah the m203 i love that thing to build their skills through in-garrison training and field exercises and by completing additional courses working to make their unit the best it can be okay so that sounds very similar to what we do in the us you go through your basic training and then you start moving on to the advanced training and also when you get to your unit you do more nuanced training just depending on what mission your unit actually has and yeah you just get to do specialized stuff as well like cqb stuff and and whatnot so this is pretty cool we can see again he's training with the m203 awesome weapon system and then they're also doing cqb with like this computer system which looks pretty fancy and they also have pistols so generally in the infantry in the u.s infantry you only have a pistol if you're like a machine gunner or if you're you know like an officer or something so someone where you wouldn't really need a normal rifle set up because you're not on the front lines as much as other people well i had the opportunity as soon as i finished up all my training to get deployed to afghanistan in 2010 i was there okay almost a 10-month deployment uh generally uh i had a pretty good attitude about it even with a whole evolving situation and kind of walking the unknown the whole time yeah it was just a great experience all together afghanistan was pretty rough in 2010 deploying overseas participate in field training and exercises to ensure they stay mission ready keeping their war fighting skills at a high level oh yeah you got to keep the training going constantly the nice b-roll shots it's its own little world i mean we have our own dynamics and our own way of doing things and uh just our own kind of team spirit that's free the car it's just different from anything else you're ever going to live anywhere else yeah so what he was saying about the esprit de corps is very true so being in the military you sort of have like these shared passions and experiences so you can bond like that but infantry it's a lot closer just because you know you are relying on each other just to to get out of a potentially bad situation so you do have a certain level of trust and you get like a certain brotherhood that you can't get anywhere else so i definitely understand what he's saying with that so yeah very cool video again it's always cool checking out other infantry units just to see how they're doing everything and it seems very very similar to the us infantry and how they do everything and even how the layout is now i'm not sure how big the canadian armed forces actually is or their infantry as far as how many personnel or how many units they actually have but they're saying that there's battalions all over canada so yeah i mean very cool to check out again hopefully you guys can appreciate me doing this on the uh or near the the canadian flag day i'll try and continue doing that where i do reaction videos around fiat holidays and whatnot but yeah hopefully you guys can appreciate that let me know again how you like to set up how you like the angle and and the audio and whatnot so if there's anything i can fix i will try and you know get those kinks out and of course i will start filling up the background with more stuff as it comes in so let me know what you guys think about the video and the setup this is awesome to check out so thank you aquafina water bottle for uploading this video but again i hope you guys enjoyed it if you're new again definitely consider subscribing i appreciate it thank you guys for watching that is it for this video so i will see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Combat Arms Channel
Views: 293,716
Rating: 4.8212333 out of 5
Keywords: marine, reacts, usmc, army, soldier, military, marines, united, states, america, american, foreign, international, react, reaction, militaries, royal, british, finland, sweden, canada, canadian, infantry, infanteer
Id: HqHVqmv-bug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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