Infantry Soldier - Canadian Armed Forces

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I'm Sergeant Jason Gerardo middle walky Quebec I'm an entry tier posted at the Canadian Armed Forces Infantry School in k-town infant ears are the primary combat fighters in the Canadian Army their role is to close with and destroy the enemy working on the front lines they form the backbone of the army you have to be in great physical shape mentally I'd say you have to be mentally tough general leadership skills either natural or you build on them quick decision-making skills and initiative those are probably the the general backbone of what you need to be a good general infantry soldier this exciting job includes mounted operations working out of a lav six light armored vehicle airborne operations like parachuting operating high-tech equipment or firing a multitude of powerful weapon systems as well as driving and maintaining both soft-skinned and armored vehicles I've gone through a lot of cool stuff in my career and then I've done a lot of challenges that have brought me to a higher level of physical or mental preparation the infantry is the tip of the spear on the battlefield they conduct rays and ambushes in a combat mission or conduct patrols and convoy escorts as part of security and stability missions this is a hands-on job infant ears are trained to fight in cities deserts jungles the Arctic or any other environment they're called upon to operate in and infant ears are trained to do more than just fight they deploy across the country to help Canadians combat forest fires floods and other natural disasters standing proud for Canada as an infant ear comes with a rich history of battle honors embodied in every Canadian regiment they have a strong tradition of overcoming obstacles and some of the greatest challenges on the battlefield physical fitness and mental resiliency are two critical traits for infant ears who may work in harsh conditions that demand precise action whatever you're gonna do go do it and do it hard anything you try never give up and push even harder than you think you would or could because that's going to bring you the greater victories and greater skills my coolest experience was in recon platoon you're kind of trying to determine the most likely course of action of an enemy so that we can paint a very clear picture for the infantry when they come in and they do an attack so they don't have any surprises and we're just trying to guarantee their success [Music] one straight qualified infant ears are posted to an infantry battalion at bases across Canada reservists in this role will return to their home units where they continue their training on a part-time basis soldiers are assigned to one of three rifle sections in a platoon where they continue to build their skills through in garrison training and field exercises and by completing additional courses working to make their unit the best it can be well I have the opportunity as soon as I finished up all my training to get deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 I was there for almost a ten month deployment generally I had a pretty good attitude about it even with a whole evolving situation and kind of walking the unknown the whole time it was just a great experience all together battalions that are not deploying overseas participate in field training and exercises to ensure they stay mission ready keeping their warfighting skills at a high level [Music] there is no life like in the Army it's its own little world I mean we have our own dynamics and our own way of doing things and just our own kind of team spirit esprit de car it's just different from anything else you're ever going to live anywhere else you
Channel: Aquafina Waterbottle
Views: 104,752
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: ppEpraEPcpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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