Basic Military Qualification Course

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it's a 14 week journey to a new career and a new way of life three plus demanding months of military education and physical challenges new skills new friends and proud traditions summed up in just three letters bmq whether you choose to serve in the Army Navy or Air Force every man and woman who joins the Canadian Forces will go through basic military qualification or bmq at the leadership and recruit school in historic saint-jean Quebec whether you're joining is an infantry soldier or a musician an avionics technician or a cook it all starts here this is where you'll develop and demonstrate the vigor strength and stamina you'll need to be an effective member of your team it is very hard yes you do things that you never thought possible in the world that you would be able to do but you do it and you get through the day and that's it bmq isn't easy but your instructors will inspire you and provide mentorship and coaching to help you achieve each milestone and break through limits you never thought you'd reach you'll learn to overcome your weaknesses and build on your strengths like that I had no idea what I was getting into pretty challenging in the beginning but they wants to get going and going gets the whole body going it's awesome every step of the way you'll be following generations of Canadians who have accepted the challenge and served with pride in one of the world's elite military forces in Sanja you'll join other recruits in the megaplex a self-contained dormitory gym cafeteria and school complex you'll be outfitted with your basic military kit uniforms boots helmet rucksack bedding and pretty much everything else you'll need here including your personal firearms early in your training you will have to meet the forces minimum standard for push-ups sit-ups hand grip strength and aerobic fitness so it's a great idea to start watching your weight quitting smoking and ramping up your workouts now before you head to bmq every kilometer and kilogram you rock up today will make vmq just that much easier during bmq you'll be taught the core values of the Canadian Forces courage integrity loyalty and Duty as well as the basics of military life standards of dress discipline and conduct and the ethical codes of a modern military in a multicultural country that respects diversity and human rights you'll wear your uniform at all times and visitors will only be allowed on weekends and holidays after the first five weeks you'll be assigned to a platoon a group of 60 recruits will be your teammates throughout your basic training experience in fact teamwork may be the most important lesson you'll take away from Sasha you have to work together because if you are just caring about yourself you're not going anywhere teamwork is a huge thing and my platoon have it it's working you'll do everything together from eating your meals together at the cafeteria to sharing responsibility for your common living quarters we probably spend at least a few hours a day just cleaning our own cubicles or rifles or boots everything else your daily routine consists of early mornings starting with a 5:00 a.m. wake-up call long active days and late nights maintaining your personal equipment and living quarters and getting ready for the next day's challenge inspection so we have to lay out our rifle all our gear boots pack vests this gets inspected pretty much everything else is zero zero one one zero ready for your inspection master corporal staying right there even day it's even boots who's 18 Forces Chief Warrant Officer let's go give you a push-up it's goods getting better thank you at the core of your vmq experience is physical conditioning physical training at the mq takes many different forms each one designed for the real-world demands you'll meet during your career you'll meet the basic military swim standard and you'll learn to conquer the obstacle course one the hardest part would be that six-foot jump over the wall there quickly tough they take me about 10 maybe 11 tries but I still didn't me I'm I work hard I would be awesome you'll do a lot of running starting with a three kilometer run and gradually increasing the distance until you build up your endurance it was really fast paced so quicker than I thought so is a hurt the legs there's also a lot of marching as the week's progress you'll take Park and longer and longer marches that will range up to 13 kilometers with a full rucksack and combat gear what are you doing you feel like you want to give up today I didn't give up I took longer longer than everybody else so I still did it it takes a lot more than muscles to make a successful soldier sailor or Air Force member you'll be trained in the safe handling and proper use of military weapons the basics of cross-country navigation patrolling and reconnaissance basic first-aid offensive and defensive operations and how to survive in the field even under extreme conditions the hardest thing I've done is just like all the physical training staying away doing duties we have like section attacks that lower your weapon it's very physically and mentally drained sir you need to leave it out now that's over enjoy I feel great food shower and bed that's it those only things of things all right now basic military qualification is a 14 week life-changing experience that will transform you from civilian to soldier it's mentally hard physically hard but once you get through it it feels great it's great accomplishment they've become a lot more self-reliant more responsible and grownup a lot I have changed drastically I have a lot more confidence myself I know that if I put my mind to something I could achieve it physically and emotionally it may be the toughest thing you've ever done in your life but one thing is certain it will make you physically stronger mentally sharper and more confident than you've ever been before pump for a great career in the Canadian Forces fit strong and ready to serve you you
Channel: Canadian Armed Forces
Views: 892,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canadian Forces, Canadian Force, Canadian Armed Forces, Army, Canadian Army, Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Job, Jobs, Career, Careers, Military, National Defence, Training, Basic Military Qualification
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 13 2014
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