Marine reacts to the Philippine Scout Rangers

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all right y'all welcome back to common arms channel now today's video we're checking out the philippine scout rangers now i've been getting this recommendation a bunch mainly after my video about the philippine special forces so i'm very interested to check this out because you guys seem pretty passionate about this specific unit now there's a bunch of videos out there but i found a documentary that i figured we could check out and it seems like it it shows a pretty good pipeline of of their training and everything so definitely willing to check this out i know a lot of y'all definitely want me to check it out so i don't really know anything about the scout rangers i've i've heard about them a little bit and i think i might have seen some videos about them previously but i didn't really know it was just scout rangers now they have a pretty badass name so i'm hoping they live up to that that name and that reputation that you guys seem to be telling me about but yeah i don't know a whole lot about it so i'm pretty much going into this documentary blind so i mean i guess that's the best way to do it because we're gonna get some uh some raw reactions out of this i guess but yeah it's a pretty good video so far it seems like it's uh it's showcasing their training pretty well so we'll just get into it because this documentary is pretty long so uh this is probably gonna be a long video and that's totally fine with me because uh these guys seem badass and you guys definitely want me to check it out so without further ado let's get into it the philippine scout rangers are a cut above the rest a light quick reaction force trained to strike hard and fast deep behind enemy lines but to join this elite crew soldiers must first endure six months of hell six months to earn the coveted it's a brutal selection course most will fail to graduate they must face a test of life a live combat mission against insurgents where some will pay the ultimate sacrifice what that's crazy dude that's badass i'm hyped now [Music] okay the philippine scout rangers are fearsome anti-gorilla fighters we evaluate our targets we analyze we discuss who among them needs elimination they are trained to operate in dense jungle terrain found across the philippines archipelago the scout rangers go behind deep enemy lines with just small teams as little as 7 man traveling light and hitting hard so i didn't know that any other military used the the steyr aug so it's cool to see that they're actually using the steyer again i i thought only australia utilized the the aug so it's cool to see what they're using their camouflage looks interesting too it's sort of like the digital pattern but it's a lot darker than i would expect for this environment but i mean i guess i haven't really seen so much of the philippines so i guess we might see a little bit more of uh if it's like relatable to their actual environments but these guys seem pretty badass i like how they're rocking the berets and everything and dude so far it seems like their their training pipeline is brutal which again when you're when you're called the scout rangers you can imagine you're probably going to be pretty badass because i imagine it's a little bit of a mixture of like the army rangers and just like general reconnaissance and just like long-range reconnaissance because uh yeah they're going to be operating in the jungle you need to have a lot of solid people to be operating in an environment that unforgiving and to be able to strike fast they use helicopters to hit the battle zone specializing in raids ambushes and sabotage oh here we go the philippines has long been plagued by domestic conflicts one of which gave birth to this elite unit the first scout ranger regiment was formed in 1950 because the government is looking for a solution to counter the guerrilla tactics of our then communist armed groups they're called the hooks skilled in unconventional jungle warfare the unit was modeled after two legendary fighting groups the intelligence-gathering american alamo scouts and the combat-ready u.s army rangers 112 students okay i gotta say i've never heard of the the alamo scouts is that what they were saying i've never actually heard of them but you know everyone knows who the army rangers are so they don't really need any uh explanation so i might have to check out those uh the other scout unit after this because yeah i have no idea i've never even heard of them before so i wonder i wonder if they get like training from the army rangers um or if they get training from any other us military units in general okay if you guys couldn't tell it's it's raining outside again again it is monsoon season here so it's been raining pretty much non-stop so you might be hearing that in the background so i apologize but we'll continue on with the video us army rangers 112 students joined the first scout ranger class only 72 graduated but to become a member of this elite group soldiers must first pass six months of advanced training and it all starts here at camp texon san miguel bulacan in the northern philippines i don't know anything about the philippines honestly these 206 volunteers are already trained soldiers from other army regiments good morning fine to become part of an even more elite military club first they will be stripped of all their ranks here every man is equal all aiming for one thing the coveted tobacco of the scout ranger training school yeah so it's pretty much the same in us army ranger school where you take off your rank and everything so they try and get everyone equal basically your experience prior does not mean anything because they're trying to assess you as an individual and how you can work with the people around you the red border signifies the blood sweat and tears shed by every ranger during his course the sword symbolizes our special unit capability and the words we strike symbolizes uh our capability to go anywhere any place and anytime today is known as reception day and recruits are in for a grueling welcome the next five hours these instructors will try and break as many as possible through continuous physical exercises yep sounds like ranger school [Applause] it's not just the instructors who will be brutal every day 32 degrees celsius okay i have no idea what that is in fahrenheit because i'm very american and we don't use celsius okay so that's 90 degrees fahrenheit which is it's not too bad but when there's a lot of humidity it gets to be really rough especially when you have all the camouflage on and you're carrying a bunch of equipment and you're doing stuff constantly your body doesn't really get a chance to cool down too much just 10 minutes in and the course has already claimed its first victim to the heat [Music] the next challenge sees them hitting the ground the unfit or unwilling have no place in the scout rangers at age 32 recruit one is one of the oldest in the course this is my ambition it is very difficult and it's very hard to be trained as a ranger that's why i don't know what training i will to to survive this yeah dude 32 years old i mean i went i went to ranger school when i was like what 25 or 24 and it's it's very hard whenever you've been in the military and you have like pre-existing like just injuries from throughout your service it's pretty hard but especially when you're in the military and you're like 32 years old it just takes a while for your body to recover and just things will kick your ass a little bit more than you know some of the younger folks so you can imagine he's struggling a lot and of course that looks like fun just imagine the bugs making him a sugar cookie two hours to go for those still in the game the pain is nearly over reception has nearly ended but this last tradition is a hard-winded stomach chilies i like spicy stuff [Music] right now it's this is the final phase of our reception rights we're trying to let them eat the chili pepper that'd make you so much hotter though the juice of it so after this you're looking at the back side or insignia i always wonder how these traditions sort of start but i mean i don't know if there's like a like if it's well documented or anything but you always wonder especially when you're going through certain things and there's just like a weird tradition that sticks out i always wonder like the origins of it and normally they would explain it but i'm not sure if they actually explained it to these recruits philippine scout ranger recruits are seven weeks into their brutal training regime 53 have already dropped out those who fail to graduate has one thing in common they easily give up the battle has been won yet they already doubt themselves once you doubt yourself the affinity will not finish the course but exit static line awesome the recruits will test their heads for heights today they're going to learn to repel on this 45-foot tower that's not bad unless you hate heights scout rangers pride themselves in lightning infiltration and extraction often from helicopters into dense jungles rangers especially in jungle warfare there are bell-down mountains gross rivers using expedite methods or anything that's available within them in the jungle they need to feel comfortable hanging it 100 feet in the air well under fire in a battle zone quick execution of these skills could mean the difference between life and death recruits will have to complete four crucial forms of repelling the seed hip repel the lizard repel the run down repel and the heli repel okay so i've done three of those but yeah that lizard repel looks kind of that lizard repel looks really cool uh the helo repel that last one is definitely the easiest because it's just you're not touching the wall for some reason whenever i'm going down the wall when i'm repelling i'm using my feet like it just it never goes smoothly no matter how many times i've done it it's just like when you first get into your l-shape and then you get your first drop down you basically just have to keep kicking off the wall because for me if i try and walk down the wall it never ends up well and then i'll walk some break it apart okay recruits 1 and 155 are up first with the seat hip repel used for mountain evacuations recruit 155 is one of the youngest in the course ready there you go for recruit 197 the lizard repel used for clearing rooms with hostages is proving a challenge this fully loaded m16 a1 rifle weighs over three kilograms seems like he did pretty well i'm not sure what he was saying [Music] next they must conquer the slide for life a 200-meter flying fox [Music] yeah they have this exact same thing at us army ranger school so i'm seeing a lot of similarities as far as stuff you would see but again these guys are in a much different environment it's not fort bending georgia these guys are in the philippines so the weather is going to be not totally different but definitely different enough for you to notice it especially if you're not used to the actual weather but yeah this is this is a big one especially if you're good with the heights with the repelling you should be good with this but even still a lot of people just aren't comfortable with it but it seems like fun i never actually did this specifically this specific one that they're doing right now but it's a lot of fun especially when you're like up high and you're doing these cool obstacles and everything it's a lot of fun seven second expressway to safety or injury it's scary at first so you're gonna have like that death grip not getting it right here won't kill them [Music] i had a soldier whose last name was kurino he actually got run over by the uh by the national guard by a humvee so i think i probably did a video about that by the time this goes out but yeah long story but in the jungle one mistake could mean death [Music] an insect could mean death in the jungle next up is amphibious training some recruits are weak swimmers this phase will aim to weed out those that can't make the grade recruits will be thrown into this 12 foot deep river blind folded and in full combat gear weighing 30 kilograms the aim is to first disorient them then see if they can calmly recover and reach the surface are they dropping their stuff recruits terrified of water this is their worst nightmare recruit 181 will confront one of his lifelong fears [Music] i'll say 12 feet doesn't sound too deep until you have a bunch of stuff on you and you start sinking further and further and you're not hitting the bottom but it looks like they're doing the similar thing that we would do in ranger school and everything which is basically just taking off your gear like just being calm enough to take your gear off and then get back to the surface so let's see if that's actually what's happening here okay yeah recruit 181 survives this first challenge this uniform but up next is an even tougher one in small groups recruits must tread water for 30 minutes in this 5 by five meter square freshwater has a density lower than salt water making floating much more difficult yeah i'm not buoyant at all i'm like i'm very much the opposite of boing i sink like a rock so treading water is a huge struggle for me i can't float on my back or anything and i can't do like the normal treading techniques so my treading water is basically just me just swimming around in small circles and i don't know i've never done it for more than like 10 minutes but 30 minutes is definitely much longer than anything you'd see with like normal like us army and even the marine corps just traditional basic swim calls it's a lot longer for those waiting the cold and cramping is causing problems they don't need oh man i didn't i didn't know it was cold that sucks [Music] i wonder how cold it actually gets in the philippines because i never even consider that it actually gets cold there i guess it's just ignorant of me because again i don't know too much about the philippines but recruits have more to worry about than staying afloat there an alligator or something at the end of the 30 minutes the instructors will jump in and attack the week five can you fight back if recruits don't have the energy or aggression to fight back okay they could find themselves in deep trouble start punching people [Music] they are forced to redo this until the course director is satisfied for the poor swimmers dude i've never seen anything like that but that is so badass again it's really instilling my confidence but geez if you're if you're a weak swimmer then you just be terrified waiting for that 30 minutes to end and all of a sudden you have these instructors jumping on top of you this is how we have this uh drowning part for training for our recruits for them to get prepared when they engage their enemies in the water and someone is drowning them they don't get panicked and they they know what to do five because it's like one two three four five times recruit 199 is in trouble my dude is trying to get away [Music] the recruits survive amphibious but what lies ahead will test their nerves and risk their lives to become a scout ranger the scout rangers are an elite looks like fun on constant standby to deploy against insurgent groups across the philippines archipelago june 7 2001 muslim insurgents the abu sayyaf hold three civilian hostages deep in the jungle after kidnapping them from the dos palmas resort in palawan a year before after stalking them for days scout rangers track the gorilla's footprints through the night by the next day the rangers creep within 30 meters of their targets for the next two hours they engage in intense firefight against 30 rebels two hours and thick terrain four enemies are left dead and one hostage rescued oh man that sucks they couldn't get the rest of the hostages dude two-hour fire fight that's crazy i mean again you can do all the planning and everything that that you are trying to do to be successful but at the end of the day things are going to go in different directions and you're just trying to react at that point but two hours definitely a long time but dang that's pretty badass for them to be getting within 30 meters though so yeah it sucks for the the hostages especially when they're at a resort but i mean at least we had people who were able to respond to it eventually ship is a key skill for a ranger today these recruits need to prove they have it way more fun than drowning fundamental understanding of positioning aiming breathing and correct trigger pressing will be put to the test in five separate skills zeroing one inch below the line endurance firing record firing and the sneaker course but it is the final exam that is the most nerve-wracking of all a confidence test that can kill recruits are required to shoot two bags full of colored water at a distance of 25 meters using this m16 a1 rifle with a 5.56 caliber round so we've seen some crazy stuff with like russians doing all these drills like shooting past each other but this is pretty reasonable it is 25 meters again you are going to be pretty nervous especially if you see your buddy downrange but i mean it's definitely doable and it's not anything that's too crazy so i mean it's a pretty cool drill i'm a ranger and a sniper too okay i like it first they practice [Music] then their teammates hold the bags [Music] at this range a 5.56 round could kill hitting the thigh could rupture the femoral artery one of the body's most important blood vessels rapid blood loss leading to death can occur in just five minutes this is more than just marksmanship it's a test of trust it's judgment time one target down well if he actually shoots him in the leg lucky for his friend recruit 22 passed and they both move one step closer to being a ranger nice oh snap next the recruits begin the helleborn training phase the fun stuff scout rangers can deploy quickly into conflict areas by air landing into hostile territory a helicopter is a big target these men need to get out as quickly and safely as possible to avoid the helicopter getting hit and then secure your landing zone first recruits gear up for the quick deployment method if the terrain is clear the helicopter can fly fast and low while the troops disperse that looks like so much fun of course when you when you start getting further and further into the training it's not going to be so much about smoking you because they're trying to actually teach you and instill stuff in you but man i would be psyched for this this looks this looks like a lot of fun it's a risky 10-foot jump and one mistake could result in broken bones that's cool oh that looks like it hurt next they have an even tougher challenge heli repelling [Music] i gotta say repelling from helicopter is not that hard it's actually a lot of fun the the thing you need to get over with is walking backwards on the helicopter and you know backing out of the helicopter that's the biggest thing that's psyched me out originally but it's a lot of fun during infiltration recruits practiced this skill at the tower earlier in training but now they take it to new heights they need to complete nerve-wracking drops from 50 70 and finally 80 feet above the ground with nothing to stop them but their hands recruits first tackle the 50-foot drop so 50 feet not too bad 70 also not too bad but when you start getting to 80 then you you're like geez this is this is actually going to take a while to repel down but setting up like being the being the one who actually learned to set up the helicopter uh repelling rigs especially for the huey itself it's very easy to set up the repel system for the huey so these guys should be pretty confident just because there's not a whole lot that can go wrong with repelling as long as you're not you know slipping your your break handouts then you should be fine just the thing that you need to get over with is not gripping too much with your with your guide hand because if you grip with this hand while you're actually going down you're going to start burning your hand a lot especially when you get to 80 feet when you get to like 40 feet this hand is going to be smoking if you're really gripping hard if you're really nervous so we might see that people might start burning in their hands [Music] one step further at 70 feet the winds become harder to battle located near the mountainous area so tendencies for the wind to blow from all directions making it harder for the pilots to control the aircraft that's fun next it's time for the big one one mistake during this 80-foot drop could prove fatal yeah recruit 20 experiences trouble he's unable to control his descent quickly an instructor hits the break [Music] foreign i did a very similar thing when i was repelling you just sometimes you just go down a lot quicker than you expect and your break isn't as effective and yes it's kind of scary because you think you're just going to shatter your knees but you do have people like with the training aspect you have people on the bottom to belay so if someone is like falling or going too fast you can like sort of like make the the rope like sort of wrap it around you almost and it sort of breaks them so yeah i guess that's what happened with the instructor and the student tomorrow the recruits will face their toughest challenge yet [Music] 153 recruits remain in the fight to become an elite scout ranger okay today is the beginning of hell week a culmination of everything they've learned put to the test for the next six days there will be no rest for them we push the students to the edge testing their stamina confidence psychological toughness as a day goes by the test will get tougher if they fail one part the recruits will be recycled to the next class or returned to their mother unit first up is land navigation land navigation is very important as a scout ranger scout changers should never get lost in the jungle very sure you get lost you won't be able to accomplish your mission you will jeopardize your team the stakes yeah again land navigation is one of those things that no one really pays too much attention about when they're talking about all the high-speed people but if you're like a recon element or especially like a ranger where you're pretty much in the desert or the the jungle doing your thing on your own then yeah you're gonna need to be pretty proficient at land navigation because if you get lost you're sort of uh sol x will be high in three months time when these recruits face real enemies they must prove they can lead the way each recruit is given a unique navigation route comprising of any five of these 24 targets the chart contains a set of colors with different corresponding letters they have to find their way point to point but no one route is the same for any of these 153 recruits they have four hours to complete the test and the course could see them covering over 12 kilometers if a recruit returns late or does not complete his answer sheet correctly he will fail eight has reached three of his five targets in under two hours it's 170 degrees and the distance is 1200 meters from here it's my fourth target now on to his last destination but the directions to this one aren't as straightforward yeah without terrain it can be pretty hard to find your points sometimes now normally when you're doing land navigation what you can do is go to something near your point whether it be like a big hill or the bend in a road you can just like use that run over there super quick and then shoot a direction like 100 meters away as opposed to being like a thousand meters away and just trying to go in a straight line the entire time but with this sort of terrain it probably makes it a lot harder he's lost and he's not the only one time is ticking down if they don't get back in the next hour they will fail and they're a long way from home recruits are battling to become elite philippine scout rangers it's hell week and they're in the middle of their navigation exam time is running out for recruit 8 while some have already made it to the finish line but the mistakes are numerous [Music] references one has run into bad luck recruit 205 claims he has been the victim of theft a cow has eaten his test paper [Music] i bet that's a first for the instructors [Music] the instructors don't believe him it's a nervous wait as they check out his story [Music] they can't verify his story but they will give him the benefit of the doubt recruit 205 is given another chance at the test but fail this time and he will be out of the course [Music] okay back in the field recruit 8 gets some help with just 50 minutes to go his fifth and final station is done recruit 8 heads back to the training school to meet his comrades sometimes the points will have like the actual degree on the on the point itself so if you go to the wrong point you can at least find out where you are on the map so i don't know if this course had that but when the points do have that is it is very helpful because you can just readjust and shoot a new azimuth or go to a new direction recruit 205 returns from his second consecutive test just in the nick of time it's the moment of truth but it's not good news he's failed as a recycled recruit it is certain that his journey to be a scout ranger is over at the end of the navigation day 20 recruits 35 it's a cruel end of the road [Music] foreign but the night is not over for those who remain the recruits are not allowed to rest they're kept up all night practicing martial arts there's worse things to be doing i guess this is not designed to make them experts at fist fighting but to wear them down yeah 7am another grueling day of testing begins it's the water confidence exam recruits will complete the aptly named slide for life but first they need to successfully swim across this lake in uniform and combat boots weighing down the body the crew 181 struggled with the earlier swimming tests but this one is harder the weaker swimmers panic foreign yeah so especially when you have the uniform and the boots dude that makes a huge difference if you're a weak swimmer and you've never like swam with the uniform and boots then you're gonna have a very bad time like with me when i went to marine corps boot camp i wasn't a huge swimmer i was like i was a very bad swimmer actually because i just never did it but when i had when i had my uniform on and i had the boots i was struggling i didn't get recycled or anything i didn't fail but you have to use certain techniques to help you out if you're a weak swimmer like for me i did the backstroke sometimes you can do the side stroke and that's a little bit better for the uniform if you don't have the endurance to do like freestyle and everything but yeah you you definitely have to tailor your swim technique differently whenever you have all that stuff on if you're a weak swimmer it's recruit 181's turn fail this and he will be off the course i wonder how far it is [Music] despite teammates and instructors support recruit 181 will be recycled with 16 others who have failed to swim but his fellow failed comrades don't take the news so well [Music] yeah that would be rough day four of hell week 116 recruits remain in the philippines scout ranger training course okay over 40 of the class have dropped out or failed in the last two months and with two more days of hell week followed by a real operation against real insurgents the road ahead is long dude that's so that still blows my mind that they're actually gonna do like actual operations that's like super badass to me but yeah it looks like they're going through like these obstacle courses which well you know they can be a whole lot of fun if you're you know you're not tired and you haven't been doing stuff for like 72 hours but yeah once you're doing a bunch of other stuff and then you do an obstacle course like every little obstacle even every little part of the obstacle is just gonna feel super miserable foreign 4am recruits have to complete a 24 kilometer rucksack march they haven't slept in over 100 hours even worse they will have to carry 35 kilograms of gear on their so 35 kilos with you know 25 24 kilometer doesn't seem too bad but again you have to think with the weather you know possibly the environment their boots might get wet their socks might get wet once your socks are wet then your feet are going to get torn up and of course they're going to be super like destroyed at this point they're like probably walking zombies because they're too tired and they probably can't pay too much attention to what's going on they march as a team but it's an individual assessment for recruit eight it's as much a mental battle as physical paint i feel better having like a reporter there and a camera there's less than two hours left but the strain of 35 kilograms is showing oh man four kilometers the march comes to a halt but these exhausted recruits don't know what's coming next [Applause] it has all been a ruse [Applause] for the most feared test yet escape innovation is about to start innovation is an exercise wherein students get a chance to feel what it's like being caught with the enemy recruits will be held captive and treated as prisoners of war that's a reality that could happen in just three months when they go into real battle so the marine corps they'd play like small mental games with hiking you know you would go maybe 20 kilometers but when you hit 20 kilometers when you get to that that finishing point you start going a little bit further and just that small thing starts messing with people but this is a completely different level and again you can imagine they're super tired at this point they're super disoriented and all of a sudden they're going to be like a prisoner so man it's crazy how they're they do like different levels you know you have like no sleep you know you're hungry you're tired and not also in your prisoner robbed of their vision their binds are positioned to maximize pain yeah it looks like it began we don't do this to traumatize our recruits we do this to uh remind them never get caught by the enemy because the enemy will uh show no mercy on them and eventually they'll be healed scout ranger recruits have endured nine weeks of physical hell but nothing could have prepared them for this escape and evasion for the next 17 hours recruits will be subjected to various forms of torture the aim is to make them fear capture experience a [Music] foreign is is for recruit 2 it's a brutal lesson in survival i think your loyalty to your country is really being tested you will realize you will give information to the enemy once you experience pain it's been 12 hours since the recruits were captured what happens during this time is top secret not fun i can just imagine that it was really one of the worst experience if not the worst experience of my life [Music] recruits have been through four months of punishing training but it's not over yet recruits two and three are long time friends they've had the rare experience of going through all their military training together the pressure here is very it's very heavy we come from different units so from the start we found it very hard to adjust your patience is being tested until you explode you know you until you cannot carry yourself anymore as classmates we really do our best in order to help each other to maintain our strength and to graduate event police and someday yeah it's always awesome to have a buddy to go through all this crap with you but the the crappy thing is if like the buddy drops or gets injured or whatever it is then that would be like a huge that would that would destroy you mentally so you need to have some sort of separation but again it is like a huge pick-me-up when you have someone who's going through all this with you for the months to come i i think that uh my dependency on him will will continue i rely on him very much and if if ever he will uh not be around it would really affect me personally tonight these two will lead the final platoon run a test of teamwork and stamina next time they carry these 18 kilogram packs it will be for their final test mission a real battle but some have additional burdens like this mg60 machine gun they have just two and a half hours to complete a 17 kilometer circuit in the dark so angry soon [Music] military kailangan vehicles time split into four platoons yeah it's just staggering it's not fun we have to do that one after another as a team assessment they must leave no one behind if they do every member of the platoon might fail the course [Music] they draw grass to see which platoon will go first they're off 60 minutes into the run so far so good 60 minutes the first platoon arrives at the turning point but some begin to slow down i'm sure at this point their their legs feel like sandbags like they're basically just barely picking their legs up but yeah that's a pretty decent distance especially with all that weight and whatnot and when you're being timed and and sort of like a competition sort of thing you're going to have a lot of people pushing each other so it's nice to have that motivation between each other but it's still going to be miserable it's doing pretty good the platoons only have 30 minutes left to hit the finish line team spirit is vital in completing the run and recruit 3 has taken on additional weight foreign the motivation [Music] the team make it in time we feel happy because we did it properly and we the other time we passed it's a defining moment for recruit three for me as the platoon leader of second platoon i think it's the very most one of the most fulfilling fulfilling event in my entire training this is also a test for our platoon mates for the integrity of our platoon and as you can see some of us were shouting because this is the last night that we will be carrying those heavy loads it's a moment to celebrate but not for long they need to prove they have the combat skills to match soon the recruits will face the ultimate challenge a real test mission real enemies real conflict one they might not return from test mission is a must for the members in order for them to graduate that differentiates the ranger training from all other military training they could face the abu sayyaf the moro islamic liberation front and the new people's army battle hardened insurgents but recruit three is not daunted every mission given to us we will accomplish them with a great achievement and here in scotland training school they're not just training soldiers to become rangers but rangers to become heroes as recruit 3 in his class head into real battle to gain membership into this elite the club ahead has just returned from their test mission i have the honor to present to you two army officers 85 army enlisted personnel [Applause] and two police non-commissioned officers who have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of scout trader course these 89 recruits have endured one of the longest test missions in training history we spent two months the eastern mindanao command five personnel army personnel have abducted and we are tasked to rescue them but one recruit didn't make it back accept also the soul of the class member who offer the ultimate sacrifice for [Music] peace one man died trying to earn this badge but for those in this class that survived by virtue of the authority visited me as the commander of first cup ranger regiment these eight months of hardship have earned them the tobacc tab i hereby declare the students of scotland course graduates effective today congratulations after being tested they now have the right to call themselves scout rangers you know that's a good feeling greetings and i tweet a song wow that is a that's badass i mean it sucks that the one recruit actually died when they were going through it but you can imagine whenever you get through that training man you're going to be the the tightest knit group out there but yeah this was a very awesome recommendation again it was a long documentary but we were able to see everything step by step and it's just incredible to actually you know know that there's a unit out there that does all this and they actually have to see combats before they graduate and that's that's incredible like they're saying it's unlike a lot of other militaries you'd actually see out there so awesome recommendation the philippine scout rangers wow i didn't know anything about them and now i think i know a decent amount so i mean i have a whole new respect for the uh the philippine armed forces but yeah i do appreciate this recommendation guys i know a lot of you guys were recommending it and i was seeing it all over the place and i'm glad i was actually able to follow up with it so i do appreciate this awesome recommendation if you guys like the video hit the thumbs up but comment let me know what you think especially if you're not from the philippines if you didn't know anything about the scout rangers comment and let me know what you think because these guys are seriously badass and i'm glad i was able to check them out but yeah let me know what you guys think regardless i do hope you enjoyed the video it was very awesome to check out but that is it for this one i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Combat Arms Channel
Views: 1,289,404
Rating: 4.9193053 out of 5
Keywords: marine, us, american, reacts, reaction, scout, rangers, philippines, philippine, filipino, army, military, react, soldier, documentary, training
Id: QeKYdEWg51k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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