Royal Marine Reacts To 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Mess With The USA!

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what's up everybody and today we are reacting to five reasons you shouldn't mess with the usa this is by destiny i'll leave a link down below to the og video make sure you go over there like subscribe and all that good stuff for those of you don't know yes i am a former royal marines commando from england however i do now have my us citizenship i got it back in october so i am not only a proud british this is a british citizen but i am now a proud u.s citizen as well so with that being said i want to know more about the us military because they're the ones that are protecting me and my family right now being here in the us so for now we're going to shut up we're going to react to five reasons you shouldn't mess with the usa actually before we start speaking to the usa me and my wife are converting a school bus and traveling the whole of the us we're traveling the whole of the u.s in a converted school bus and if you want to check that out go over to original adventures link down below to the youtube and instagram uh we're starting to convert the boss now it's a vlog style so you'll get to start seeing me and my family in more of a casual video than your usual video so go and check that out link down below but for now let's shut up and let's react to this because i'm at ham hyped i want to see why we shouldn't mess with the collapse of the soviet union in the early 90s left the united states as the sole superpower in the world and it's never looked back in all aspects of the world the united states is indeed a superpower especially when it comes to its military might which is unsurpassable in its strength technological superiority operational capabilities and power projection across the globe it's true like the amount of money the us puts into the military is crazy i've seen it firsthand it is crazy in this video we'll take a look at the five top reasons why you wouldn't want to go against the us military tell me why united states air force is the strongest in the world not only in the number of operational aircraft but also in technological superiority the country currently operates a total of over 15 000 military aircraft combining all the branches of the military service including the us navy u.s army coast guard and the us marines that's a lot that's a lot of planes in the sky holy cow i didn't know they had that many as of 2017 the u.s air force alone has a fleet of over 5 300 aircraft 406 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 170 military satellites greater than that's what we know off sorry it's a positive but that's what we know of there's most likely more stuff that we don't know about the other country in the world the usa has the largest number of stealth aircraft designed to be silent killers and untrackable by the radar defense systems of most countries in the world yeah some of these stealth aircraft include air superiority fighters such as the f-22 raptor and the f-35 joint strike heavy bombers such as the b2 spirit in fact the united states pioneered this technology in the 1980s with the introduction of the f-117 nighthawk stealth attack aircraft it's going to be one of the most unique designs of any plane ever right like when you know when you see that you know exactly what it is it's probably the most unique plane it's also super badass in it stealth aircraft are designed to avoid detection using a variety of technologies that reduce radar reflection from ground sea or air based radar antennas thereby reducing its radar cross-section or rcs this revolutionary technology allows a fifth-generation aircraft such as the f-22 raptor with a max takeoff weight of 83 500 pounds to have a radar cross-section of just 0.00 meters squared about the size of a bumblebee holy cow these things like the amount of technology in these aircraft are just astronomical out there oh my god this is so cool i want to know more about the us military what's more insane is that the massive b2 bomber also has the same radar cross section as the f-22 raptor thus it becomes extremely difficult to track stealth aircraft yup even if the enemy spots them on their radar scopes it's a whole other story to successfully track them and register a missile kill that guy's wearing a green beret a royal marines green beret you noticed what the hell the whole idea behind this technology is to break the chain in which a conventional surface-to-air missile defense system works it's the same reason countries like china and russia are also hard at developing their own stealth fighter the chengdu j-20 and the sukhoi su-57 respectively these aircraft will allow the u.s air force to assert its air superiority over any battlefield of the future and we all know that control of these skies is the biggest decider in any war it's true the next reason why any country going to war with the us military should think twice is because of the strength of the us navy and its dominance over the world's ocean especially the navy's super carriers the us navy currently operates 11 nuclear-powered nimitz-class supercarriers which is the largest aircraft carrier fleet in the world i have heard i don't know this is true but i heard off a ladder was in the u.s navy when i was on ship the some of these aircraft carriers are so big you could be on them for months and not meet everyone like think about that for a second not meet everyone not even see someone the whole time it's that big i've heard that there's even like like this there was like something it said something to do with it was like gangs on it or something i don't know i might be talking crap but i've heard that the population on these aircraft carriers are crazy because they're massive and they've got to have that many people to run the thing the only navy that can come close in terms of technological advancement is probably the royal navy of the united kingdom but they only have two operational carriers class of carriers has a displacement of over 100 000 tonnes and can carry a complement of up to 70 aircraft wow literally a floating small town in the ocean with its own airport they literally are a floating town that's literally what they are the nimitz-class carriers in themselves are extremely potent offensive weapons but the way they operate in what is called the carrier strike groups makes these ships even more deadly a carrier seldom deploys alone there are always a fleet of surface and underwater assets surrounding them and forming a strike group these include guided missile cruisers a destroyer squadron attack submarines and other support vessels wow they project the power of the carrier and at the center of the group towards the enemy while the carrier is carrying out its offensive role with the use of its airwing the other ships are responsible to protect its flanks against any enemy attack this combination of offensive and defensive strategy makes the us carry a strike group almost impenetrable united states navy maintains nine such carrier strike groups eight of which are based in the united states and one that's forward deployed to japan for over 50 years this has been the principal element of u.s power protection and the nimitz class of super carriers are at the center of it all despite raising the us is currently in the process of developing a new class of carriers called the gerald r4 class intended to replace the nimitz-class ships this new supercarrier will be even more technologically advanced and is expected to continue us dominance of the oceans well into the late 21st century damn the third reason why you shouldn't fight the us military is their massive stockpile of nuclear and conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles yeah icbms yup the icbm plays the role of the land leg in the u.s nuclear triad along with the trident submarine-launched ballistic missile slpm and nuclear warheads carried on long-range strategic bombers icbms are launched from ground-based missile silos achieving high sub-orbital space flight approximately 1 000 miles above the surface of the earth holy cow i tell you what it makes you feel safe knowing how big of the military is in the u.s excessively big some some may even say that they get funded too much which i don't know i don't know how i don't know enough to get into that um but my days it makes you feel safe from other countries like in the uk i i felt safe we've got nuclear power over there you know our military is some of we might not have the biggest in the uk but they're probably some of if not the best trained military in the world however the us have not only incredibly well trained soldiers which believe me i've seen it firsthand they're incredibly well trained but they also have an ungodly amount of military personnel ships aircrafts weapons missiles this is just this is just proving exactly what i already know that the us is badass the body of the missile then separates from the warhead which re-enters the atmosphere and freefalls to the assigned target at hypersonic speeds the u.s military currently operates 400 icbms from its base in wyoming montana and north dakota the lgm 30g minuteman 3 is the only type of icbm that is currently operational in the us the minuteman 3 family of icbms were first developed in the 1960s as a response to the soviet nuclear threat throughout the cold war and beyond these missiles have undergone constant modernization in the last decade alone the us military has undertaken seven billion dollars worth of upgrades the rocket propulsion engines the propellants used the guidance system and even like guys it's got the royal marine rocket propulsion engines the propellants used the guide this dude he's got a royal marine around with the globe and laurel system and even the flight control surfaces have all been refurbished the upgraded missiles are completely different from its 1960s counterparts except for the shell these state-of-the-art improvements and modernization programs have kept the minuteman 3 system operational for over 50 years with improved reliability that supports the missile's remarkable 99 alert rate amazing the latest versions of the missiles have a range of over 8 000 miles which is greater than the diameter of the earth at 7 7917.5 miles so you can go anywhere they can carry multiple 330 kiloton nuclear warheads which is 20 times greater than the bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki wow not only that each of these warheads can be assigned to different targets independently the technology is called multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle or mirv and was first developed for the minuteman iii family of missiles you know it's nice that we have these but on the same like on the same side like i hope we never use them because the destruction and the lives that they will take will have never been seen before like i i hope i hope we never have to use any of these i hope no i hope no country uses any nuclear weapons again ever so any country messing with the united states will have to deal with this awesome arsenal of firepower which can be launched at a moment's notice if it weren't the icbms or the stealth fighters raining fire down on you it would be precision guided munitions or better known as smart bombs or pgms instead this is another big reason why not messing with the us military is a good idea all branches of the us military use smart bombs in some forms of the other these weapon systems are designed to be precise and hit a specific target with maximum efficiency these bombs are so effective that during the first gulf war pgns comprised only nine percent of weapons fired but accounted for 75 of all successful hits yeah some of i've i've heard of the x like how good these are at target and they can they are like pinpoint targeting which is terrifying it's absolutely terrifying they want to hit you one of these they will hit you with it since then for the us military at least the days of normal artillery shells and unguided bombs are long gone yep nowadays the military uses pgms from air ground and sea precision guided munitions come in various forms and use different kinds of technologies to achieve precise hits a large majority of pgms use the global positioning system or gps of satellites to guide their trajectory to target however sometimes this becomes a problem as gps coverage is not always reliably available everywhere across the globe or bad weather conditions can hinder operations thus the office of naval research the naval surface warfare centre and the army research laboratory have all coordinated to develop the first ever artillery-fired smart munition that will not use gps guidance the project is known as moving target artillery round or mtar for short the mtar shelter can be guided onto stationary as well as moving targets in both land and sea using a combination of guidance technology and the best part is that these shells can be fired from the existing m triple 7 a 2 155 millimeter wow and the m109a7 paladin integrated management self-propelled 155 millimeter artillery systems all used by the us military the shells will also feature an extended range of 40 to 60 miles using rocket boosters to propel them once finished it will afford the us military another potent weapon system that outclasses others around the world is drones we're all familiar with what an unmanned aerial vehicle or drone is and what it's supposed to do but in recent years the usability of uavs are steadily increasing to encompass all spheres of military operations and the us military is the pioneering spirit behind it they always say though that if there was ever another big war it would mostly be drones and bombs more than anything and it makes sense like yes we have these giant ships full of people we do have these aircrafts for the most part that do need to be manned but there are so many drones now that are so easily flown without having to lose any lives and bombs that are targeted without really any like human influence it's scary that if there was another war it would just be people pointing things at each other from thousands of miles away that's think about that for a second it'd be completely different to any war that's ever been done before i don't know whether that scares me or makes me happy that no one or less people will die or maybe more people will die because these bombs are even bigger i don't know but it's weird to think about in it at first used only for surveillance missions drones were quickly weaponized after the 911 attacks and have been extensively used by the us military in the war against terror as an offensive weapon platform it's forecasted that over the next decades the us is in line to purchase over 1 000 common drums of various classifications and think about it most of them drones are people just sat thousands like hundreds at least hundreds of miles away just sat looking at a screen oh yep that's the target click boom that's it they don't even have to be in the same vicinity in the same area of they don't have to be in any vulnerable place at all crazy the technology that the military have now crazy some of them like the lockheed martin rq170 sentinel and the boeing mq-25 stingray are already in the final stages of development and once finished will provide the us military with state-of-the-art platforms capable of multi-role operations ranging from attack missions to aerial refueling drone technology has reached such heights today that a single uav can lighter miles above the surface of the earth for hours waiting for the target to show its head and sticking with impunity yep this capability will allow all the services under the us military to reduce its dependency on manned platforms thereby reducing the risks during future combat operation spitfire is that spitfire i think it isn't it fine with that look at the difference in technology guys i don't know if it is i'm pretty sure it's a spitfire but if it's not it doesn't matter look at the difference in technology there and it's only gonna get more advanced which is scary these five weapon systems make the us military extremely dangerous for any adversary looking to get into a conflict with them yeah in a conventional warfare setting it's almost impossible to beat the u.s military machine that's why modern enemies of the united states are employing more and more asymmetric warfare strategies against the mighty u.s military despite that the us military juggernaut is hands down the most powerful military complex in the world today yeah probably will be for decades to come it's true that's all we have for you today folks thanks for sticking around till the end if you like the video and want to stay up to date on cool military stuff like this then click the subscribe button definitely go over there i'll leave a link down below go and subscribe and like the video and all that lot it's scary in it it's scary of what the technology has come to now compared to what it used to be and i think it just goes to show that the us is even though people say you know the us isn't necessarily the best country in the world anymore which i don't really have an opinion on i'm really enjoying being here to be honest with you um the military power is still huge i mean you've got what you've got and i'm talking single countries not stuff like you and nato and stuff like you've got china whose technology is advancing way quicker than we want it to and we've got russia they're the two other big players in this and there's a few there's other there's other handfuls you know like obviously britain is still a powerhouse with the nuclear weapons they have and there's a few other countries but the big big countries are the us china and russia and at the moment the us is still ahead but china is catching up so quickly and that's scary but watching stuff like this makes me believe that you know we're in a good place and i feel like you know we're protected and that's why i'm happy to raise my kids in that's why i'm happy to stay here with my wife and not move to england because i feel happy content that we're protected by the amazing military personnel that are in the us because the u.s military shout out to you guys for being incredible people because you truly i've seen you firsthand working and you are exceptional you are um makes me proud to be an american guys since october i am now a u.s citizen usa usa usa anyways members you're amazing i love you i couldn't do this without you i honestly couldn't make videos every single day if it wasn't for these members right here so thank you for supporting the channel as much as you do i truly truly appreciate it don't forget i am going to be traveling the us with my family in a converted school bus we're very excited we're vlogging the whole thing on both youtube and instagram there's links down below it's called original adventures we're currently renovating the school bus we're hoping by the end of the year we are out traveling the country vlogging the whole thing seeing some incredible sights i really want to go to area 51 it's like the thing i'm excited for um but we're gonna be seeing some national parks and some incredible stuff so go and check out original adventures um links down below to all my socials including the two links to discover the military link for all things military joining the military getting fit for the military join that discard second links for all things geek scp dnd halo metro star wars warhammer all that stuff johnny geek discard also link down below to my podcast and my twitch stream where i stream every tuesday and thursday and also a link to my second channel original human geek where we do stuff like d d and other fun stuff until next time guys i love you all have a wonderful day bye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 1,592,793
Rating: 4.9092293 out of 5
Keywords: Royal Marine, Royal Marine Reacts, Royal Marine Reacts to 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Mess With the USA, US Military, Us Military, us military power, us military size reaction, Royal Marine Reacts to US Military, Royal Marine Reacts to US Military Size, Royal Marine Reacts to US Military Power, Royal Marine reacts to american military, Royal Marine Reacts to Americas Military, dont mess with the us military, dont mess with the usa, Reactions, reacts, Marine, Military, Military Reacts
Id: ptQNxpe_2Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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