US Army Combat Veteran Reacts to Six Days In Fallujah Gameplay Reveal Trailer

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber today we are going to be checking out the gameplay reveal trailer for six days in fallujah now this is a pretty controversial first person shooter game uh that is based around the 2004 second battle of fallujah in the iraq war so before we get started of course be sure to hit like on that video and hit subscribe if you want more of my reactions to video games movies films trailers all sorts of stuff you name it right so once we've done that let's get started my name is jason kyle i was a sergeant with lima company 3rd battalion 1st marines on november 9 2004 i entered the city with 12 marines plus myself and by november 13th i was down to four marines and myself okay guys so for a little context here the second battle of fallujah was fought in late 2004 uh during the early parts of the iraq war so as you might recall or perhaps not right this is a younger audience the iraq war was originally to depose saddam hussein and his baathist government from iraq now the u.s military very successfully defeated the iraqi army overthrew saddam but the instability and the sectarian tensions that saddam had kind of kept the lid on in iraq began to erupt and in the case of al-anbar province right and what its city for and its you know principal city fallujah a lot of loyalists either to certain uh religious sects um specific preachers and of course folks like al qaeda in iraq all started to organize and by taking advantage of the instability and the government and the fact that there were a lot of young iraqi men iraqi soldiers who were suddenly unemployed a lot of weapons just floating around the country you saw these pretty effective insurgent groups spring up trying to vie for power against the iraqi government and fight against the american forces and generally tried to assert their influence again after decades and decades of repression by saddam hussein now the second battle of fallujah took place the first battle was of course in the initial invasion very early in the war when the city was initially secured the second battle was an effort by the u.s military to basically bait all the insurgents in anbar province into fallujah give them the decisive battle against the us military that the u.s forces believed the insurgents wanted and so they encouraged the civilians of fallujah to leave the country to leave the city uh dropping leaflets they cordoned the city off and of course the local iraqi government was effectively controlled by these insurgent groups right so the local police were really probably insurgents is the best way to think of this and that meant that within the city of fallujah the insurgent forces began to fortify the city they created these maze-like um traps and funnels meant to force soldiers to uh enter ambush zones and uh turned you know regular residential houses into veritable fortresses right so it was really meant to be a decisive showdown and the us military believed that this was going to be the final showdown with the insurgent forces right so of course they assembled a task force which was made up mostly of marines or right yeah about i want to say it was about 4 000 maybe three battalions four battalions of marines and two battalions of us army troops um from one seven cavalry and the second id as well as a whole host of supporting forces including um u.s navy seals uh you know tier probably different tiers of special operations forces um and of course air support artillery um mechanized forces just the whole host it was of the us military's order of battle okay so having gotten that context let's let's get back into uh sergeant uh kyle's story six days in fallujah recreate stories from the battle based on eyewitness accounts one squad has already walked down this alley so we're just like walking down pretty confidently and like these guys just open up there i got you ellie looks clear go right on it okay so yeah it is i'm interested the way you hear that the whole background is different members of your squad communicating just telling each other what they see right they might be talking to you the player but they may also be talking to their battle buddies right and it's uh even when there's nothing happening it's still pretty chaotic you've got to have this very good broad situational awareness now it is interesting is that you saw in the pictures that the soldiers uh had their m4s or i believe the marines still had m16s but they had these close combat optics on top those were um like they were effectively laser reticles that would display a little uh red dot um that'll make it easier to pick up targets especially in close combat now again in terms of their reactions again first-person shooters right there's you're always the first you know it's always you charging forward um normally if you saw an insurgent and he took pot shots at you and then peeled off down the road uh you wouldn't be going in by yourself you would have your whole team there they would be covering you um you definitely wouldn't push out into this alley um yeah yeah i mean again not a very tactical reaction but again you're talking about a first person shooter suppressing fire that was the go command one tap issues orders to your team based on what you're pointing at [Music] pin enemies in place with suppressive fire hey that's really realistic that's exactly what you do um you put down more volume of fire than the enemy can and it gets their heads down right and you sort of see it right with those enemies heads down the player was able to maneuver across the open uh space of that alley you know if we had reversed the rolls and he was suppressed he wouldn't be able to even poke his head out from under that car without uh being terrified that it was going to he was going to get shot right so that's the difference between when you have um suppression on the enemy versus when you're being suppressed are you flank [Music] okay so this is really interesting one the flanking maneuver is the classic in fact the army calls it uh uh battle drill i think one alpha or at least they did when i was in and that is when you have your primary element engage in suppressing the enemy and your uh second element usually like your second squad or your second half of your platoon will maneuver around in a flanking motion and attack the enemy from a separate angle right and because the enemy is suppressed they're stuck in that position they're not going to maneuver on you and you can see that's what's being done here right pretty classic uh standard military tactics yeah you would never just waltz out slowly into uh into an open uh open field like that you would definitely be behind that that that obvious and clear cover and that's the thing even when you're doing these flanking maneuvers you always move through a covered and concealed position right you stay low you use your individual movement techniques and you keep that fire on the enemy hold your fire order your team to stack on a door reach it open the door the go command makes it as easy to direct your team as it is to fire your weapon go go go oh man a two-person stack that's a that's terrifying um one of the things that was also interesting though again if i was down to just like a three-person fire team normally you have your breaching elements stand on the opposite side of the door and they will clear it but then get out of the way because often they need to put down a shotgun put down a a battering ram and take up their weapons so they will be the last person in the stack and um while this wasn't tactically over the top to have you notice the player was sort of covering that window that's actually not doctrinally unsound again to have this overwatch while your breaching element works three people's a little light the person who goes in first is never wrong they have the most to fear and as soon as i walk in i see a machine gun right in front of my face maybe 10 feet 15 feet from me every time we would go into one of those buildings you never know what to expect you don't know the layout of the house until you get in there and then you still don't know it until you go all the way through it room clearing house clearing it's different every single time marines and soldiers never knew what was waiting for them behind the next door man they said it better than i could that this is what you get when you have uh the real veterans making it living it right you notice he said the lead person's never wrong right he open that he kicks in that door or he doesn't kick it but the door opens and he's going to enter that room and he is going to in that split second do what he thinks is going to be the best way to clear that room right and again the way i was trained is first person greatest area get take the the largest area usually it's sometimes i've heard it called the far wall right but you want to get the most portion of that room clear and then your battle buddies enter clear ref clear right right and then you sweep down the room but that's one technique right and that's specific to you know one unit in one year uh different units different styles different ways of doing it um and you know i'm sure it was extra challenging in fallujah when you had these sort of high casualty rates where you may actually get placed with a unit that you're not familiar with their particular call them ttps tactics techniques and procedures and so you've got to figure out how to quickly integrate yourself with them again that's why it's important to have a standardized across the military across the marine corps across the army way of doing things that you can all default back to and if you want a realistic experience [Music] neither can you ah you see that tap of the hand that's not reassuring your buddy that's telling him hey man you're focused on this door because someone could come out of that door at you right he's focused on the door but he needs to know when his buddies are in place behind him and they're ready to enter the room and he does that by just giving him a squeeze right somewhere you know he's going to feel it so not on like a backpack not on like the body armor right but somewhere they can feel it and let them know hey everyone's ready go in when you're reach the door you know when you're ready to go for it and the other thing is of course by using just uh the feel tactile communication uh it maintains noise and light discipline right you're not giving away your position um because imagine how much more tense an enemy would be if they heard talking right outside their door six days in fallujah reshapes the battlefield every time you play each room each building even the entire neighborhood is generated procedurally every map is a new map so just like actual combat you'll never know what to expect that is really cool uh there is the one one of the biggest differences between real combat and uh first person shooters or even tactical shooter video games is that as you memorize the map you learn to exploit it just perfectly right you know exactly you see an enemy in one place and you know hey they've got to follow this route and before you know it they'll be in the train station or whatever um real combat being gaining any tiny advantage of by knowing the terrain is so important right i mean for every hour that i was on patrol i probably spent at least 30 minutes in preparation just looking at imagery looking at routes looking at the condition of the routes trying to get a sense of the battle space that i would be fighting in right even if it wasn't necessarily where i was sure i would be going i needed to know the surrounding area because things always change right so you have to invest a lot of time in what's called uh intelligence preparation of the battlefield and that's um or just your own uh planning process right at the small unit level it's um they're called um troop leading procedures tlps and that's a big part of that is your planning uh phase where you understand and learn about the terrain and that you'll be working in you hear that [Music] also important always be thinking about your security right as you're maneuvering through an area you've got to make sure that nobody's coming up behind you that nobody's going to enter that house or your space while you're going right just because you're on offense doesn't mean you don't have i also have to be cognizant of your defense [Music] oh yeah that's that's that's the kind of frantic yelling that you'll really have if you if someone opens up fire on you out of nowhere did you notice how even in the first person um view the per the the person returning fire clearly was compromising accuracy by trying to stay a little bit behind cover and just sort of poke the weapon out and kind of look down the sights but not precisely and again that's the idea that not that they're going to hit the enemy per se but just enough to get their heads down to let them know hey you don't have fire superiority we're not suppressed and you can't just sit there and pick your shots with us we will we are shooting back [Music] yeah this is all um this is this all seems very very realistic um very true of life uh again you take fire you may not be sure where you it's not necessary to uh kill the enemy per se right you saw in that instance he just needed to put rounds down range so that his buddies could get through the door and they could all get behind cover because once they were all through the door then all three or four of the marines could start putting fire down onto the enemy and hopefully achieve suppression my son he had his first birthday while we were in fallujah i want to take a picture so i wrote happy birthday jj on a piece of cardboard and i held it up that was the most difficult day i had there it dawned on me it's like i can't die on my kid's birthday that's all i thought about all day long was dying on my kid's birthday [Music] oh did you see that little touch did you notice how even though it's a first person shooter when he got immediately behind his other marines that weapon went down automatically and that's what a really a properly trained soldier or marine is going to do that weapon they're never going to flag their buddy right when they stack the weapon goes down and when they're pointing ins at something that isn't one of their friendlies that weapon will come back up that's a really cool detail they've added to this game you clear on me let's do this [Music] yeah you see that weapon went down just for a sec just so he didn't flag his buddy and a first person shooter that's an ah i'm so impressed again though i shouldn't i shouldn't be shocked because look at all the folks that they have contributing to making this thing true to life right they they put the work in [Music] what's that okay so one thing that again they can't simulate really uh because it's a npc's and a player is that normally if you were seeing stuff like this you would be calling it out so you would let your buddies know hey we've got a basement we've got an open door down to the basement right you would enter that room and like i would have called out something like long room or or even just you know depending on your ttps you'd say uh you know big room or hey it's a main room um yeah you want to let you got to communicate with your teammates to let them know what you're looking at because it's going to help them know uh how to react and how to respond so just think you know you have this marine you're amped up you know you've got all this adrenaline going through and you kick that door down and it's like family of four and i'm talking to the dad i'm like dude like why are you still here [Music] see this is a great illustration of sort of the cultural gaps that plagued really the iraq war the afghanistan war and how very hard it is right because to the u.s military they said hey if we tell you you're about to your your city is going to get turned into a war zone right then you see even many iraqis still viewed it as this is my home this is my land this is where my family is this is where my grandfather was was born and died and buried right so the idea of fleeing before um uh anyone is seen as like personally offensive like a sign of weakness right whereas in the us we understand that you know it's like a trope we're like oh your life isn't worth your house your life isn't worth a car um and so yeah those are sort of cultural disconnects right because the u.s believed they could use all their artillery and and drop j dams and all this because the civilians would all have left when in fact some estimates are that as much as 30 percent of fallusions may have stuck [Music] wow wow that that was that was awesome that was awesome uh man whoever this company is i should shout them out they they took the time to get it right and you can see you could see a bunch of fallujah vets right weighing in making it as as as true as you can get again the only thing i would i would maybe knock them for is is is baby not getting the optics right um of the weapon but other than that man yeah yeah they've really captured some of the ambiance right and you notice a lot of that wasn't about a thrilling fight you noticed there were rarely enemies that were like 10 feet away um you didn't even see a lot of of of of kills right in the way that like a a call of duty right you'll know when you've decisively when you've killed someone most of the time it's just shooting at people until they stop shooting and maybe they fled maybe you wounded them maybe they were killed it's not clear and it's not clear in real combat either okay wow so if you guys enjoyed that video please hit like let me know in the comments below if there's other games that are like this or if there's other content from six days in fallujah you want me to take a look at i'm obviously all about it um and of course be sure to subscribe to the channel for more content like this you see i'm a young channel and so every subscriber makes a huge difference and until next time i will see you guys later
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 4,147
Rating: 4.9815669 out of 5
Keywords: react, react video, spec ops, special operations, gamology, savage army, playstation, xboxx, xboxone, ps4, ps5, pubg, fortnite, stream, twitch, modern warfare, cod, call of duty, razrcon, reaction, marines react, insurgency, insurgency sandstorm, blizcon, sandstorm, among us, arma, experts react, spec ops react, milsim, youtuber, youtube, first-person shooter, fps games, original human, savage actual, six days in fallujah reaction, six days in fallujah gameplay, veteran reacts
Id: VuXYt_xp1s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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