US Army Combat Veteran Reacts to Every single Warhammer 40k WH40k Faction Explained by Bricky PART 1

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber and today we are checking out what the most requested video right and it is a doozy it is brickies every faction in warhammer 40k explained now this is huge and i to do it justice i'm gonna have to split it up into a couple of parts uh but no problem i'm gonna get through it i got all weekend to do nothing but make videos and watch my lore warhammer 40k so you guys are gonna next next week this week as you're watching this going to get to see my reaction to what sounds like one of the definitive warhammer 40k lore videos and at who almost 3 million views in a year yeah this is this is probably the definitive lore vid for a reason so i'm excited to check it out but first if you two know that if you were bored enough you might become a necron hit that subscribe button and of course be sure to like this video to tell youtube that i am making quality stuff and check out my instagram i make warhammer 40k memes postal war photos all kinds of fun stuff also check out my second channel military history gear review real world history military outdoors a fun combination and and i just started having a merch shop so i commissioned an artist and i just had my first design come in so check out the shirt i think it's pretty cool it's pretty fun and of course i'll model it for you when i finally get mine in but definitely you want to be an original i don't know how long i'm going to sell these designs for so get in while you can all right and having done all that let's get started to brickies every faction warhammer 40k explained part one of x doesn't necessarily serve beyond messiah but someone who can appreciate them you will not be getting my legs today as i will be replacing them with various things depending on which faction we are currently talking about to add a little bit more context and possible comedy to whatever the hell i am currently doing okay one of those is an anime faction um i'm hoping he tells me which one is the anime faction so i can avoid them so hello everybody my name is bricky and this is going to be a long video and a large project that has been going on for quite some time this is i need two hands for this this is every single warhammer 40k race in kind of a nutshell explained a little bit of explanation a little bit of lore a little bit of talking about the tabletop mostly lore what they're all about and also a little bit of background for those of you who just have no clue what warhammer 40 000 is now you see well thanks to you guys i at least know sort of what warhammer 40k is uh seriously thank you to the commenters um in all my videos that have done given me a lot of enlightenment and helped me understand what it is that i'm seeing hammer and warhammer 40 000 is a universe people hear plenty of but don't know a whole lot about they see oh there's these dudes in big power armor with chainsaw swords and they've got these big old green orcs and there's some bugs over there and everyone calls these guys weebs and then there's these spiky [ __ ] over here i don't get it i don't understand where do i start well this video is particularly for you or for those of you who have a hey i'm a heretic i mean just kidding haha no no heresy here at all a little bit of knowledge but you're kind of curious about each of the different races and factions in warhammer so overall the warhammer universe is vast when it comes to lore and background and each different faction is so different with the things that they believe in and some are human some are trans human like when they all have all these crazy ass electronics on them you've got aliens and you've got the chaos factions and there's so much to entail that i decide to embark on this project to tell you what each and every single one of them is about and what the warhammer universe is about as well to give at least a little bit of an intro to this extremely bloated but very very enjoyable world that i and many others partake in so i will be explaining every single faction in the warhammer 40k universe at least all the factions you can play as and some smaller factions here and there i will not be discussing absolutely everything in it because that is a little bit much and i'm not going to go too mega deep into the lore i'm going to give you a pretty solid overview of each of the different factions okay well i don't even know what an adeptus arbites is so no no great loss there and have you learned a little bit about them and we'll discuss a little bit of the tabletop as well in case you were curious about that but for this episode entirely we are discussing the imperium of man because that takes up a fat chunk of warhammer lore [Music] what is warhammer 40 000 well the 40 000 starts off is the year forty thousand the forty first millennium that's where it takes place is in the year forty thousand forty one thousand a d so wait does it take place in the in the year forty thousand you're already more knowledgeable let me read you a quote first of many quotes in this video it is the 41st millennium oh it takes place in the year 40 000. of course for more than a hundred years the emperor has sat immobile on the golden throne of earth he is the 100 centuries master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies he is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the dark age of technology he is the caring lord of the imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die to be a man in such times is to be amongst untold billions it is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable these are the tales of those times forget the power of technology and science for so much has been forgotten never to be relearned forget the promise of progress and understanding for in the grim dark future there is only war there is no peace amongst the stars only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods everything oh okay well this seems pleasant just want to point out okay i have a pet theory that i've shared with my wife that the rising popularity of warhammer 40k though it's definitely been trending upward for years as far as i can tell i feel like as the world has has in the past year has maybe felt a little grim dark uh i think that the warhammer 40k's sort of gamification of extreme grim darkness makes people uh i don't make them feel a little better makes it feel like if you can have fun playing warhammer 40k despite its intrinsic darkness then perhaps there's there's it leaves you feeling like there's some level of control over the seemingly out of control uh grimness of our present um plus it's not it could always be worse there's no tyranids as far as i can tell um but yeah i don't know let me know in the comments what you guys think about my my pet theory if if your experience kind of jives with that blows and it blows [ __ ] hard warhammer is probably the most dark and depressing universes ever in fiction or at least like like top three everything is so absurdly horrible destructive or overpowered that it all kind of ends up canceling itself out it's like dota war rages across the galaxy interstellar travel is only possible due to sacrificing a thousand souls a day to a rotting carcass of a man who you believe to be your god demonic gods and just demons tear open the fabric of reality on a whim other zenos or even other humans end up killing each other in untold billions across the galaxy is this is crazy i mean just the scale of dead people and things um i i sort of see how you could think that you you could kill enough people then in theory you could like conjure their the physical manifestations of death and disease and illness and evil um how you could like just slaughter them into existence um i i sort of see how you think that may be possible and it's also sort of strange that you know there was a time i mean not not too long ago man world war one and two i mean the scale of the dead there i think world war ii was ah no was like between 20 and 50 million i think all told who died as a result either of direct conflict or of war um of starvation and disease and displacement and secondary effects um and yeah it's it's sort of terrifying to think about like the scale of life lost in some of these conflicts and the ability not only that but the ability of the world right at the post-world war ii world to just chew through of 50 million lives like it was nothing and just keep on rolling through it um it's it's sort of incredible to see that that's even possible it's a time of unending war slaughter and a bloodbath amongst everybody planets are deemed unrecoverable and are completely destroyed on a whim everything sucks but that's like the charm of it see everything in warhammer is evil but being evil is kind of fun like humanity in its own right is a xenophobic prejudice and religious zealot group that kill each other just as much as they kill all of their enemies but and they're like mid mid to high tier evil on the e okay all right uh my roles okay okay evil got it the dice are always loaded against you tau players period more evil okay wow so the necrons don't even show up tyranids are oh his roles are good that guy i don't know who that is okay maybe i've got this in the wrong order oh no guy who brings food is the best so maybe tyranids are not evil maybe they're just not evil because they don't have like a consciousness like a bear isn't evil even if it eats a person it just eats a person probably because that person had it coming so i could kind of see that evil scale of warhammer nobody is good no matter who you are everyone is at some flavor some color of evil whoever you pick you are going to be the bad guy but that's the fun of it because being the bad guy is badass villains are cool they look cool they got cool outfits they got cool weapons they got cool armies villains are cool man and when everyone is a villain everyone is pretty cool that's what makes this so charming is that everyone can be the bad guy so let's start off talking about the main bad guy quote unquote the imperium of man the imperium of man is the main empire of the human race all of humanity is under this one flag called the imperium about 10 000 years ago there was a man he was the emperor the emperor of mankind a 10 foot tall psychic demi god who led humanity across the stars to colonize tons and tons okay if a 10 foot tall dude lived forever and then was like hey god god isn't real i can see where the confusion comes in like how did a how did a 10 foot tall man who doesn't die and has psychic power how does how does that exist without god's god or a god or or something something on this power scale of a god like that's almost the most incredible belief he asks us to adopt like you almost have to have blind faith to be like yeah yeah there's no god this 10 foot tall man who doesn't die and can see the psychic powers also right if you go through the warp demons live there like you literally can visit hell and you still are like nah not real of worlds create superhuman soldiers and really bring humanity into a new age this man the emperor of mankind was a psycher and a psycher is like a magician of sorts in the world of 40k there is the warp the immaterium kind of like hell but sort of like a purgatory dimension of hell and a psycher is someone who can take that power and manifest it through their mind to use it to do stuff like witchcraft stuff magician stuff spells and lots of other things but we don't get too into that the emperor big boy psycher top tier a plus maybe even s now the emperor created a bunch uh is s is that is that like a like a uk grading system in america we could only get eight pluses s's stands for sucks a bunch of sons yes created a bunch of sons known as the primarks he created 20 18 18 primarks to have them lead all of the different legions of humanity to the different stars and plans to help colonize and bring it out these prime okay if you've ever trained at an mma or jiu jitsu gym you will know that the makeup of that gym at least in the united states looks more or less like the primarks like one in three people all bald dudes with beards and i say that as a bald dude with beard with a beard right that's how you know you found your people and obviously uh a large portion of jiu jitsu gyms then ascended to become primarks and i assume space marines hi marx but that's probably just me being extremely biased does laura specify any of this like where he where the emperor found his like regular space marine or where he found his primark like gene seed other than himself obviously are basically like little versions of the emperor not all of them are cyclists but a lot of them are very very powerful and they lead his special space marine legions then this big cluster [ __ ] happened called the horus heresy where the emperor's favorite son the primark horus ended up joining chaos and leading nine other well i guess eight nine of the 18 half half of his primarks directly to earth to fight down the emperor himself now yes so many bald dudes when you join chaos do you become bald is that how it works like is it like like long flowing locks is good and bald is bad because you know as a bald dude that's a little offensive if you all know what chaos is remember what i mentioned earlier the warp that immaterium the hellish place in there relies the four chaos gods imagine like satan and three other satans the warp being kind of i played diablo yeah there's that one satan there's three and they kind of got their own theme it's like hawaiian satan and uh ice satan uh poison satan yeah i got what you talk about also i'm gonna apologize now for the fact that i don't really have any like tactical commentary because none of this i mean none of this has any bearing on anything ever did in the military luckily we never had to go through the warper you know genetically engineer our soldiers though there are some rumors that china is experimenting with genetically enhanced soldiers um but mostly if we had that well i don't know actually throughout history it's it's almost never been tried there's one instance in like the 1600s where a kind of crazy king um tried to breed like really tall soldiers but he never actually used them for fighting he just kind of liked tall dudes it's pretty weird i'll i'll i'll try to stick it in the comments what exactly i'm talking about um maybe i'll link to like the wikipedia page but it's really bizarre but it's the only time armies have tried to do any kind of like gene selection or gene editing or even just like that like prescribed evolution for their soldiers mostly because it would be really expensive right it's it's you got to think like to build an army even in the 1700s you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people or tens of thousands at least and you'd have to individually screen and select tens of thousands of people it would be just really hard to do you know the closest you could do and then of course you'd have to like not just you'd have to do you know ten thousand men but then you'd also have to have ten thousand women or if you wanted to really go unethical 10 000 artificial womb vats which you'd have to invent yeah it would be really complicated to do of evil those chaos gods that's the reason and so those chaos gods manipulated horus and then horus helped manipulate all eight other primarks to lead this giant coup directly on the emperor on earth and they [ __ ] up so interesting that [ __ ] happens all the time in fact that's how military coups often occur is instead of primarks you have politically connected generals and what you do is you have to get a critical mass of usually the armed forces in a country or the security forces right so the army navy air force uh and also usually the internal security forces right you have to get some sort of combination together and form a little anti-government coalition and you sort of bring them all into the fold and you agree on what your general objectives are and sometimes it's actually like in the case of turkey it's the restoration of democracy the generals say hey we think this rule has gotten too autocratic we're going to step in we're going to do something but the hardest part is the coalition building and it usually starts with one person right but it the person who emerges as the the leader of the movement often isn't the original coup member sometimes it's actually more likely to be the least the last person to join because they're usually obviously the final linchpin right you get this once you get the last person and you decide okay we don't need to anymore because we've gotten the army for example the army's so big that it gives us our decisive amount of manpower but to get the general on board we had to agree that they would become the president or whatever so yeah sort of an interesting parallel um if if the chaos gods are involved in coups around the world they are subtle about it usually it just seems like regular good old human nature programmed in greed power and sometimes patriotism [ __ ] after this huge civil war horus died but not before brutally wounding the emperor and right at the end of his life they put the emperor on this large golden throne on earth in which he is now alive just barely but slowly rotting away powering something called the astronomicon so long as he stays alive and is fed a thousand people a day the astronomicon is like the north star if you want to do interstellar travel in 40k you need to pass through that demonic warp i mentioned earlier but how do you know where you're going well the emperor is there putting a nice little navigator right there he helps navigate you to know where you're going if you want to go from earth to some crazy solar system across the way you need to go through that warp and then you need to know where you're going go through there and pop your way out it's like uh doing nether travel in in minecraft so you can short that doesn't help me at all i've never played minecraft but again you guys in the comments you guys spun me up i get it it's sort of like combination of a gps and like a lighthouse or polaris north star that helps orient you while you're navigating through you know uh hell world turn the distance between going to areas so long as the emperor is alive and being fed a thousand people a day to stay alive you can do that the moment he dies interstellar travel's gone for all of humanity you're so boned now since the horus heresy ten thousand years ago the imperium has fallen from grace substantially all technology has started to dwindle and die there is now giant fundamental religious extremists that now believe the emperor of mankind was a deity a true living god which is probably the last thing the emperor would have wanted to be remembered for so now you have this thing called despite again living forever being 10 feet tall and having magic psychic powers to a regular person it might as well be godhood i just i just gotta point that out the ecclesiarchy which is this giant church entirely devoted to spreading the good word of the emperor he is now the holy emperor god the god emperor of mankind and all of the imperium has taken up worshiping him to the fullest extent and killing anything that is in humanity in his name the imperium has this futuristic okay wait so this is an important question and maybe he'll answer this um was the emperor xenophobic like would the emperor have been like kill every xeno would the emperor have been like only kill the bad ones like just kill the orcs and the tyranids but we can work with the eldar and the tao like what was the emperor or was the emperor like i'm the emperor of man and killing xenos protecting mankind from all threats and they're a threat just by existing again commenters please help me out a gothic tone to it and a hefty religious zealotry to them if you think anything against the emperor that's heresy and you deserve to die that is called being a heretic heretics die in 40k there is no such thing as freedom of religion there is no such thing as freedom of speech so long as you are against the emperor there is no such thing as any kind of tolerance everyone you can say anything you want as long as it's praising the emperor is a religious zealot some more than others but no matter what you're preaching that good word so right now everyone in humanity is trying to expand their empire across the stars if you are a heretic someone who doesn't believe in the emperor you are deserving of death if you believe in the chaos gods you are also a heretic and you deserve death if you are an alien race of any kind you are a filthy xenos and you deserve death as well so long as the murder continues and humanity expands the imperium of man is very very happy however the largest fighting force of and we've talked about this before but i'm going to say it again you know there's a lot of regular human history in which governments especially totalitarian governments need war to continue and they need it first off to obviously we all know unify the population against something right we also need it to explain a foreign enemy to explain the suffering of the people right because if again imagine north korea if it wasn't for the imperialist americans who were always trying to crush their country venezuela does the same thing they actually officially blame their uh deflated or inflating currency on economic terrorism by the united states ignoring the fact that the u.s doesn't print bolivars you need that external example because it offers an alternative explanation of why life is so terrible for the residents of that country right just like if there was no enemy then you would have to answer the fact hey why is why are we so poor why is there no food why is there no freedom why can't i say these things right you need an external enemy who is responsible for all of your ills directly or indirectly and of course in every good strongman totalitarian system you need to keep your army as far away as possible right the closer it is to your capital city to your home to your bureaucracy to your heart of government the more rapidly they can threaten you if they uh get that critical mass necessary for a coup in contrast if you have a forward deployed military it's much harder for them to you have much more notice as they consolidate right you'll notice your troops coming off the front line you'll notice them gathering you'll notice them moving to your city you know and when it comes to uh crushing a coup a week's time or two weeks of notice is decisive right it's absolutely decisive so again three reasons why regular governments love uh often strong men or totalitarian governments love having and depend on continuous warfare of this imperium is my personal favorite faction and the first faction we will discuss the astra militarum or also known as the imperial guard pretty [ __ ] now man you finished it man game the imperial guard is the main fighting force of the imperium and in a world of horrifying creatures galactic monstrosities the literal demons themselves breaking through the fabric of time to kill you the imperial guard are untold billions of regular men and women wearing modern day like flack armor with a laser rifle this is the humble laz gun the main weapon of the imperial guard it fires superheated plasma lasers at an extremely fast fire rate is reliable never jams it can blow off limbs giant holes and concrete it is overall an extremely devastating weapon in modern day it is one of the weakest in the 40k universe yeah a laser right yeah yeah that makes sense i mean imagine having a musket imagine having like a like a a yeah a repeating uh like a henry repeating rifle in the revolutionary war right you'd be incredibly potent because you could shoot so much faster but what are you going to do against a modern soldier nothing rifle that never jams it could blow off but i will say this i will say this the comparison is i mean obviously you're talking about thousands of years of technological innovation or lack thereof but in the u.s invasion of afghanistan and in iraq you saw a lot of world war ii era weapons and even sometimes before then being used the classic being the mosin nagan right the soviet mosin nagant was designed in 1891 and it's was just so mass-produced it was the standard infantry rifle of the soviet union in world war ii it was just super reliable it used a very old style of cartridge called a rimmed cartridge but it was also the cartridge that fed the soviet pkm machine gun soviet and chinese and north vietnamese pkm machine gun and the dragon of sniper rifle and so it meant that ammo is almost always plentiful it's always reliable and when you affix a scope and take your time to get proficient with it you can actually reach out and touch someone up to 600 meters with the mosin nagan so despite it being a 100 plus year old rifle it you can still see it in action um i've seen it in photos of the ukraine in in sorry in ukraine um against the separatist i've seen it um photos of it being used by kurdish forces um against isis in uh syria and around 2014 so again it's proof that despite being a very aging weapon it can still be effective but it needs to have the tactics behind it right if you fight with a world war ii rifle using world war two tactics you will get crushed and probably based on what he's saying it sounds like that's what the imperial guard does they take an out-of-date rifle and instead of modifying their tactics to make the out-of-date rifle remain sort of effective they just stick to classic old school tactics limbs one of the weakest weapons that's the world we're in right now but who cares because the imperial guard has in each battle 500 000 of these men and women 30 000 large armored tanks 10 000 artillery batteries the imperial guard wins through okay so guys we're at about 30 minutes uh the imperial guard obviously i'm gonna have a lot to weigh in on because they're the most modern faction um but i'm trying to keep these to 30 minutes and and man they're not making it easy because we're at 30 minutes right now and only 12 minutes through uh every single warhammer 40k faction explained part one of my part one just the same guys obviously let me know if there's other details in the comments that are other details that he hasn't covered or that he's kind of glossed over that are important for me to understand um of course tune in for the next episode and be sure again to hit me up on instagram my second channel and check out my merch store i'm designing and adding new stuff all the time i've got some fun ideas okay having done all that thank you guys for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 22,242
Rating: 4.9054918 out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer all faction, warhammer all factions explained, warhammer explained, warhammer lore explained, warhammer horus heresy explained, warhammer 40k explained, wh40k explain, wh40k lore, warhammer bricky, warhammer 40k custodes, warhammer 40k space marines, reaction, react, savage acutal, original human, gameology, bricky, bricky warhammer, bricky warhammer 40k reaction, every warhammer 40k faction bricky reaction, warhammer 40k lore bricky reaction
Id: x1wPeSRI4hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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