Afghanistan Combat Veteran Reacts to Escape from Tarkov Raid Episode 1 (pt2)

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all right guys it is paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber let's check out the second half part two of escape from tarkov raid episode one but before we get started please be sure hit the like button please comment down below if you like this sort of content it tells the youtube algorithm that i am making quality stuff all right let's get to it okay so they're sort of being a little dramatic here but they're in they're illustrating an actual principle of combat which is which is superiority of fire right do you see how those two guys one has an ak and one look like he is running a bolt-action sniper rifle but the enemy have so many more weapons and are firing with such a great volume that they are unable to even put poke their head out to return fire and that's the principle of gaining fire superiority over an opponent yes covering and movement i mean this is pretty classic but absolutely uh usually it's sometimes called fire and maneuver uh but yeah using fire to cover a friendly's motion they uh will sometimes call it bounding when you have one element uh engage the enemy with fire as the other one bounds back and then when the other one bounds back they set and engage the enemy with fire while the previously covering element bounds back again bounding uh bounding movement or fire and maneuver and it can also happen without a firefight you could have an element establish overwatch as the friendly element moves past and then it sets and it when it's set and providing overwatch then the other element bounds as well it doesn't have to be in a firefight oh there's the second half of the bound okay so he dropped his gun okay that i'm actually gonna say probably not totally realistic because most guns have slings and before you take off bounding you're probably gonna sling your gun but not not always not always again in the heat of a firefight easy thing to forget but i know a lot of especially these folks here modern experienced folks they're going to always have their guns slung and they're going to have it so that you can raise the gun to a firing position but if you drop it it just dangles on the sling as you've seen in other episodes they do a great job not every part of the car is cover only the engine block is really known as being a very effective cover against most small arms uh also really common to not know where you got hit it's actually even common in the heat of the battle when your adrenaline's pumping you can get hit and not even notice it right away even even a very serious injury your adrenaline just blocks out your brain's ability to feel that pain and it's not until that your your anxiety stress and adrenaline level kind of edges off that you start to feel the pain of wherever you've been hit this is actually true in fighting as well um it's pretty classic for fighters to not feel the punches that they get hit with in the actual octagon when the pressure is on take my present i'm sorry that's just pretty funny yeah that's actually again it's a small r a small unit tactics version of what's called passage through lines or passage through friendly lines and it's really hard uh it's it's a really complex uh maneuver of coordination when especially you're coming from the same direction as a hostile force but you're a friendly force and it's really important to identify yourself as such now obviously in this situation right that team the sniper team has been in continuous communication with the main body and so the main body is expecting two of their their friendlies their sniper team to run right through the entrance there and so they're ready for it but again especially if it's in a situation where you aren't ready for it where you're not sure and all of a sudden there's a friendly they have to identify themselves before you decide they're hostile and that's why they did it by yelling uh friendly friendly friendly the other one seemed to have yelled maybe his call sign 2626 or 2929 okay so as far as how the rpg behaved there um tough to say i've heard a lot of stories about rpgs doing weird things um you know there's sort of an apocryphal story in the army about someone catching an rpg in their armor and having it deflect off um you know i i've heard of i mean i've heard every stupid story rpgs passing through one window and the other in a humvee uh because the windows were down i right i've heard it all um so but the truth is my experience my personal experience with rpgs is extremely limited and i can't really say if it's realistic for it to like well if it doesn't contact you right it's not going to detonate it has to hit the tip the those rockets detonate because the tip contacts a hard enough surface to trigger a an explosive charge within the rpg to set off the larger charge right so it's not like a like a torpedo where if it gets close to metal the magnetic charge will set it off um so in that sense i guess it is realistic that it wouldn't explode until it hits a wall okay what is sort of interesting is one about half of those guys had silencers and the other half appeared to not um but that they've been in a really intensive firefight and not only a firefight but a firefight inside a building so imagine a dozen ak-47s going off right i saw well i guess a fair amount of those guys have ear protection so they may be okay um but if you didn't that would already have you struggling to hear uh anything that's happening around you right because those sounds are just echoing inside that well echo chamber [Music] yep the disorientation also common uh common concussion symptom [Music] also because you've got the the your balance is regulated by your inner ear it's really common to when you have a traumatic uh injury of some sort to have your balance go um that's actually one it's one of the things that you can see happens to fighters pretty frequently they talk about their legs getting wobbly when they get hit in the head um and that may be inner ear damage or it may be a part of the brain that handles balance um but you you probably would see something very similar changes in gait um in soldiers with uh traumatic brain injuries [Music] okay all right guys that is it for escape from talk off raid episode one part two is in the bag i hope you guys enjoyed this this is a really technical really they took the time to get a lot of things right about military units and their maneuvering and how they operate i really appreciate that it is on another certainly on another level relative to a lot of like action movies that you see nowadays uh if you enjoyed this content and you want to see me check out the other episodes of escape from tarkov raid be sure to comment down below of course if i got anything wrong misunderstood something missed a cultural reference be sure to let me know and of course i will see you guys later
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 4,043
Rating: 4.9593906 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov raid reaction, escape from tarkov raid episode 5 reaction, tarkov reaction, escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov reaction, raid episode 5 reaction, tarkov raid reaction, escape from tarkov raid react, react escape from tarkov raid, tarkov raid 5 reaction, escape from tarkov raid 5 reaction, etf, tarkov, video game, reaction, veteran, video games, reacts
Id: n-sJ8oK-Ss4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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