Army Combat Veteran Reacts to Every single Warhammer 40k WH40k Faction Explained by Bricky PART 4

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber and we are back checking out the next installment of brickies every faction in 40k explained this is my third fourth fourth installment of this uh marathon video right and we are walking through every single faction in the imperium so it's a doozy but we've been having fun and we're gonna get right back into it but first if you two wonder what it would feel like to get stuck inside a big dreadnought for the rest of eternity hit that subscribe button and be sure to hit like on the video tell the youtube algorithm that i am making quality content and check out my instagram my second channel and of course my merch store right we are getting more merchant all the time right the artists are back with their design and it's worth checking out once we've done that let's get into it heights do you like gigantic walkers the size of homes or medium-sized buildings do you want to kill heretics but you want to kill like 40 of them per turn do you want a gigantic old school night noble house style of walkers with giant chainsaw arms then you've got imperial nights imperial knights it's not a whole lot to talk about them because they're just gigantic walkers but they have this old school like house feel to them like literally like there are houses each imperial night comes from a house and each of them act in their own special way these okay so let's talk about what he means by houses okay so in the early middle ages the really western europe right which had this incredible power gap after the fall of the western roman empire bear in mind the eastern roman empire continued on under justinian into what's now called the byzantine empire there was a huge gap in power and in stability and for a large portion of the middle ages for several reasons but one of the biggest being coastal raids by viking forces western europe needed to figure out a way to sort of modularly respond to these incursions the result of course was the system of feudalism feudalism is one in which a landed gentry landed upper class provides basically exchanges loyalty to a higher lord in exchange for a level of protection and exchange for resources right so you would have this hierarchy where a king sat on top who had the loyalty of you know i'm going to say like they're dukes who would have their own land holdings but loyal to the dukes were smaller nobility who would in turn control you know still smaller nobility finally you would have these land holding families that uh had a number of indentured serfs working the land and those individual families would provide uh knights armed forces to their higher vassals and of course this system allowed for a sort of modular and escalating response to these viking incursions where a small incursion could be met with the armed forces of a smaller uh noble house and larger incursions could summon the aid of higher and higher echelons of houses of course this system was not without considerable drawbacks one of the chief being that you would have conflicts among vassals ostensibly loyal to the same higher regent king or duke or whatever so you would have these conflicts between the two even though they were still ostensibly allied you also had problems with succession right because you would never want to divide your land holdings among say two sons you would need to keep them intact and of course you can only then pass them down to one sun of course this creates like another class of of sort of unlanded um noble right it's it's not a super it's a system that's sort of stable but not terribly so right and when we think of knights of course as the middle ages grew later and later the tactics of the time depended heavily on heavy cavalry these were mounted armored knights again think about meeting an incursion you had to be able to rapidly get to the battlefield and of course heavy nights were seen as the most effective battlefield tool right they were able to conduct these powerful cavalry charges break up formations of light infantry they were able to afford metal armor male armor and they were just exponentially more powerful than the light foot soldier of the early and mid middle ages of course this developed exactly in this almost the exact same system evolved in japan at around the same time and in both cases because knight hood or or serving as a heavy trooper a heavy soldier in the armed forces or or again in an army right your own army or the army of your your uh noble above you was seen as as being a sign of nobility itself it encompassed a huge code in japan it was bushido right in of course western europe it was nightly behavior and these sort of chivalry uh there we go chivalry was the term of the nightly code in western europe right so all that to say when we talk about houses of knights right that's sort of what this reflects and the houses um reflect sort of the lineage of sometimes dating back quite a long time of hereditary titles and service in the name again of your noble house and in this case it probably refers to the fact that ultimately these knights answer to the emperor um but i'm curious to know and maybe bricky will get into this if he doesn't let me know in the comments he glosses over a lot if like feudal knights these nights also get into conflict with each other with each other's planets and holdings and houses um if that's how this works or if it literally is just hereditary lines of people that get uh that inherit you know knight armor effectively okay having established what he means by houses and knights let's get back into it myth of walkers also destroy almost everything in their path killing full swaths of i love how he says it destroys everything in her path and plays video of a knight being chopped into squads in a couple shots stepping on legions of troops like these things do not mess around and they look so cool imperial nights and chaos nights actually for that matter don't have a whole lot to discuss they're just super big heavy walkers and they look different depending on your house or chaos god you currently believe in and overall these things are just really cool if you want to murder everything in your path with a big scary big unit of warhammer and if you want to collect them go to town they make for a great painting project too gamer back down to earth let's talk something about a little bit a little bit different a little more gold okay one other comment about walkers right why are things bipedal right and and why am i always so perplexed about bipedal walkers to be clear as a guy who grew up playing mech warrior and still plays frankly the game is still excellent uh i i love giant bipedal walkers but they're sort of an issue right human beings we are most mammals right the vast majority of mammals don't operate on two legs there's tiny exceptions and those are things that some move like a kangaroo right they hop along some things are like an uh a bird right where they don't operate normally on the terrestrial ground right and they just sort of use their two-legged motion as like a secondary means of of conveyance um you know and then you have of course hominids right you have um things like bonobos and great apes that are bipedal but again like birds they operate in this third dimension right they they operate often in jungles with trees they are in the trees frequently so again for them being bipedal is like a secondary means of conveyance but human beings are weird we have these two hands right but we don't really have the strength to power ratio of like a bonobo right so we don't swing through trees instead our legs are tall and skinny and scrawny and they're actually pretty sensitive right it's a small injury to your leg will put you on crutches for months and months and months right but what these skinny legs can do is they enable us to run and move really efficiently over long distances like that is almost certainly evolutionarily what legs what our tall skinny legs grant us right to give you a little bit of a scale uh if you're a horse or if you have a horse and you want to have that horse just do one mo one day of the most amount of travel they can do you can squeeze probably sustainably like 20 miles out of a horse right you can push it one day really hard and get further as you can with a human but we're going to say about 20-ish 25 miles to get that 25 miles you should expect your horse to drink around 15 gallons of water to get a human being to travel those same 25 miles you could do it in about a gallon and a half maybe even less right so just the efficiency of the movement is pretty unbelievable when you have these two legs but it comes at a lot of compromise right we have to use our arms to maintain our balance as we move right we have these inner ear mechanisms that help us stay stable as terrain changes as we run or walk it's a really complex way of moving and for most animals in the animal kingdom it's not efficient four legs are way more effective um you know you think again the fastest land animal the cheetah four legs right uh even pack animals like goats llamas or horses for legs so the idea that human beings will evolve these the idea that human beings will choose to build these walkers you know it makes sense right in a future with tons of technology you could build a two-legged walker but you are if you're not using them for high efficient travel over incredible distances right which frankly the wheel kind of gives you right the wheel is is a even better mechanical advantage you just can't biologically have a wheel because of attrition right there's too much grinding and friction that has to happen um you know a biological wheel probably probably wouldn't make a ton of sense but if you were to build something like that you would want it to cover tons and tons of distances really quickly right other than that mechanically for purposes of stability four legs makes more sense especially if you're building a war machine where not only again do you expect it like this to have to fight right because here's the other thing look when nature has animals that engage in person-to-person combat striking colliding combat like again you see in these nights with their big chain swords um nature gives them four legs think about a ram right which has two gigantic weapons on its forehead you know these are ramming slicing stabbing weapons it gives them four legs to generate power and stability so again the design of knights uh i love walkers but i still think that from an engineering and a tactical perspective it doesn't make a ton of sense for what they're used for anyway that's just sort of my thoughts on knights let's move on to the adeptus custodies if guardsmen are regular soldiers space marines are super soldiers grey knights are super super soldiers the adeptus custodies are super soldiers cubed the device custodies are the third major army i own i know three armies i know i i got carried away okay but that's all i only have three okay they are our final brand of space marines but these ones are super special okay if a guardsman is six foot a space marine is seven feet a custodian is eight feet these are the giant defenders of holy terror which is also earth earth is terra earth terra themselves these are the people that literally guard the emperor's throne room hence custodies these boys protect the emperor's throne room at all times and are literally like handcrafted people they're not humans brought up by a gene seriously and these are all handcrafted super soldiers i think from a tube these of men are like eight feet eight and a half feet tall and functionally immortal they stand still spear in hand for hundreds of years without the need to sleep and barely even the need to eat watching over the throne room and every other area of holy terror for their entire purpose in life and oh my lord are they terrifying these custodians put okay yeah i mean i love the look of gold so it sounds like what this is inspired by is the praetorian guard in rome this was the guard who famously uh would safeguard the well-being of uh caesar um thus caesar and you know so what's interesting about the praetorian guard is that early on they were the elite of rome's legions and they functioned a lot like it sounds like the emperor's custodies right highly trained very experienced taller than average uh legionnaires but as time went on the praetorian guard became sort of i'm not going to use the word corrupted but they became a political actor in a way that it sounds like the custodies just aren't and by that i mean the praetorian guard would you know kill the old emperor if they deemed him underperforming or non-performing they would often install one of their own as emperor uh they would of course operate behind the scenes using the threat of usurping to coerce or cajole the emperor to take certain actions or i'm sorry the caesar to take certain actions the praetorian guard became a literally a king maker in late roman imperial politics so and this is sort of the liability of any elite guard right and you know the the other example that comes to mind is the republican guard in uh saddam's iraq you know you had the republican guard and then you had like an elite unit within the republican guard they might have been called the like elite republican guard um but ultimately they too were not staffed with elite soldiers they were staffed with the soldiers most loyal to saddam which of course is not a recipe for again an elite praetorian guard it's just a recipe for mediocre entitled you know kind of the man-baby of soldiers um again the emperor seems to have attempted to solve this problem by creating a genetically perfect soldier who is both perfectly loyal and perfectly uh you know incorruptible and perfectly true to the cause but you can't engineer that sort of thing right if there's one thing we know it's that across the world across the thousands of empires that have existed in human history um elite military forces that guard the seats of power almost always are unable over time to resist the temptation of influencing those seats of power and maybe the custodies do too again let me know does the lore have the custodies doing this sort of thing uh you know com going against the high lords installing high lords that are favorable um you know in influencing imperium-wide decisions in ways that they deem appropriate let me know put space marines to shame if you liked your super soldiers it's your super mega soldiers one of these men can take on probably three space marines and most likely win there are many different groups of custodians as well like the solar watch or there's also my personal favorite the equivalent shield the equivalent shield go out to seemingly unimportant individuals and protect them because they believe that they are going to be doing something very important in their lives for instance let's say a regular guardsman gets the protection of this giant eight and a half foot tall golden god because that guardsman will end up becoming a general one day or something of that nature the custodians work in mysterious ways and are almost always wait another important question so they're psychic because why else would they randomly identify a a rando stranger to protect if they aren't able to see the future or is it like are they like the gray knights where they're all psychers and they can like smell out other psyches and they want to like protect other powerful psychers again more experts in the comments i helped me help me lore experts he's outnumbered but never outmatched these people are pretty horrifying both on the tabletop as well as in the lore there are very few of them however and there's actually extremely small amount of them but that's kind of the point there's only so many of these people that can have war gear this strong weapons this powerful and training this good and the custodians have all three of it for 100 years i stood my watch amidst the somber shadows of the sanctum imperialis i was still as a statue but always ready always attuned to dangers unseen days months years passed by in a frenzied blur beyond those walls yet within little moved and nothing changed for 100 years i did not but wait yet had any threat appeared i would have struck it down in a heartbeat for 100 years i stood my watch and as it ends i can tell you this patience is a weapon the custodians are the top dogs okay so that's interesting so that sounds a little bit like it's inspired by again a a much uh i'm going to say a warhammer 40k ified uh version of the um us army's honor guard uh so in washington dc in arlington cemetery and uh in other critical sites in dc but but really the tomb of the unknown soldiers is the classic example the us army staffs the guards the tomb of the unknown soldier and this is a 24 7 unceasing ceremonial patrol in which a soldier walks up and down a set path in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier who is a symbol of you know so the tomb of the unknown soldier is the remains of i want to say a soldier from the first world war whose remains were never identified and but they were confirmed to be a u.s soldier those remains were brought back to the united states and interred in this tomb of the unknown soldier as a resting place symbolically for all soldiers who died unknown unidentified in the service of their country and it's a larger symbol as a sort of like it's like a collective grave right for all the soldiers who have died in their country service and you know in addition to the soldiers individual graves and so they have an honor guard that operates 24 7 with beautifully polished perfect uniforms everything they do is a ceremony um from the changing of the guard to the laying of ceremonial wreaths to the patrolling to inspecting the individual soldiers before they go on patrol or before they begin their patrol right they are ceremonially inspected by their uh commanding non their non-commissioned officer in charge and it's fascinating if you've never seen it it's worth watching the videos it's worth a visiting if you can um but what's also interesting is like the adeptus custodies these soldiers are picked they actually apply to become a member of first the honor guard generally right who does all ceremonies within the dc area and they are they apply from the regular army they have to be endorsed by their commander and in almost every case they in every case nowadays most well there was a time when almost every single one was a combat veteran every single one it comes from a excellent unit right and again these guys are selected they apply for and are then selected to become uh you know honor guard members then they are trained in all the official ceremonial drill and ceremony right so extra ceremonial training of course this is after their standard combat training for again many it's after a combat deployment you know i had um i'm gonna say three maybe of my soldiers uh apply for service in the honor guard after our deployment i think i had one selected um but a huge honor especially um you know but again i think the fact that they had done this 12-month tour in afghanistan had seen combat right to come back and then they said hey and had obviously stellar performances you know that's why the honor guard selected them but even if it had selected them they could still they still had to complete the extremely rigorous training in uh ceremonial uh well all the ceremonies right because they also do funerals in dc they do presidential escorts they do everything so again a fascinating real world parallel and if you see these soldiers again you can see in their uniforms you can see in their dress that this is not their first rodeo they are not exclusively drill and ceremony soldiers they are often combat veterans often uh with stellar service records if you look it up you can see a number with purple hearts a number with bronze stars and other valor devices they they really are the cream of the crop of the imperium and they hurt just that same way though i do want to discuss a little bit about the sisters of silence before we get out of here because the sisters of silence i also have a few of and they're really fun but they don't get enough attention these kind of bald plume ladies are a whole group of pariahs or also known as blanks we'll be referring to them as blanks from now on so as every mind is somewhat connected to the warp these blanks are a genetic mutation that has has it suppressed heavily because of that mind suppression normal people feel this weird like uncomfortable nature when around them when a sister of silence walks past them you feel ill you feel just uncomfortable and strained so most of them don't actually live past childhood because once they are birthed they're well you know killed or something at a very young age because they just omit a horrifying aura these ladies however are guardians of the throne as well for more psychic threats see none of the custodians are psychers so they have a difficult time dealing with major demons and other kinds of psychic phenomena these sisters are extremely specialized in it all of them taking a vow of silence as they don't speak hence the term such as the silence but they communicate through hand gestures and things of that nature but if there's a demon issue if there's any kind of warp-based problem the sisters are extremely adept at dealing with them thanks to their blank gene they normally work a lot of time with the custodians because they have to deal with both kinds of threats but they're not represented that way on the tabletop in fact they only have like one real model for them which is very unfortunate i hope they'll get something new soon because i think they should really be working together as it is that way in the lore but hopefully we'll get there soon but if we're talking about blanks let's talk assassins precious it's been a long video we're about to round it out we got this and one more human thing and then we're done the assassins though yeah okay yeah again i am sort of fascinated like in lore is is the psychic blank gene just like recessive and requires two x chromosomes to activate that's why it's just women is it like is it just only women with this trait are selected for the sisters of silence for some other reason um i'm just sort of curious in lore why there is this strong sex divide in uh things like the custodies and the sisters of silence and the adepta sororitas um you know is is there supposedly like a difference in the way the psychic uh psychic powers and connection to the warp and the immateria manifests in like different genes different genetics and that's why you have to like have these different specialized units um yeah i don't know look again let me know lore experts in the comments i'm still sort of wrapping my head around uh the lore and the immaterium bisho assassinorum oh boy these people are deadly they're called assassins they should be but oh man these people will mess you up so these are from the officio assassinorum a very special organization and they are hand-picked by the grand master of the official assessed norm from the [ __ ] what was it called scola progenium it's basically an orphan school your parents got murdered by demons or something you get it's batman factory got it into this and you get trained to be whatever uh tempest is drop troop an inquisitor maybe even uh maybe you get a blank gene and you get thrown into the sisters silence or sometimes you just disappear when you are taken however you go to one of four temples because the assassinator works in the temple style of things each these temples are the vindicare caluxis caledus and eversour temples let's start with the vindicare i'm far away i've been sitting here for three weeks the vindicator temple is the main sniper based temple gigantic sniper rifles for all these assassins their whole point is to be able to be in a spot and sit there i in scope for weeks waiting for their perfect target taking people out from literal miles away after extremely long time periods the vindicator that's funny that's sort of an exaggeration of uh kind of the iconic uh sniper of the vietnam war um the famous one being of course carlos hathcock who could famously get tasked in uh you know kind of by the cia to go on these super top secret assassination missions uh behind enemy lines of like north korean generals and he would infiltrate and set up in his sniper position by carefully and slowly creeping through the jungle to set up to his vantage point and then he would sit there and he would observe them and he would wait for his shot right because he wanted to be in place before any of the routine sweeps any of like the um spun up you know any of the security procedures were put in place um it just ain't no he's got his book he's kind of a legend you know every other sniper kind of you know pays pays homage to the the god of the sniper carlos hathcock um and he famously had some instances where like the north vietnamese were patrolling looking for a sniper in the area and they were within like 10 feet of him and he had to be like silent and camouflaged um you know and yeah there's a lot of techniques that you can use to remain undetected remain still in a position for a long period of time um you know you got to think about all the sort of ways that that can go haywire um for example human beings have all their biological functions um and you know so yeah like you you would have to like defecate in a bag but remember human being your nose human being's nose can smell smell poop a long ways away so like you've got to keep that smell concealed somehow and again if you're there for three days you you got to figure out how to do it right and you have to do it undetected um like these are these are sort of the the things you have to deal with how do you eat but not have your food the smell of food right especially if it's like you know not native to the area thinking like uh like a the smell of i don't know pasta in the desert right like like something that's going to stand out those sort of olfactory tells are actually can be really compromising anyway there's a whole art to sitting it still for a long long period of time here temple is about precise perfect aim there have been reports of vindicaires being able to single out particular body parts from over two three miles away temples in the head the jugular for instance and been sitting there after weeks and when they're ready take that shot time is done pack some up the caldus temple however is a lot more about shape shifting and deviant art it's mostly a female based one or at least it seems to be and this allows a lot of body augmentation for certain individuals to be able to kind of transmorph themselves and infiltrate areas that are problems these i don't see how that's like uh how that's like a women-only thing like disguises or is this source supposed to be like a um what they call them like a honeypot like like female spies using their sexuality to to gain intelligence right there's a lot of stories actually in coming of uh chinese spies using attractive female spies to basically sleep with connected uh politicians or leaders in in secure industries and that sort of thing in order to gain intelligence so it definitely has a long history but again if you're fighting zenos that isn't really the case right like a towel aren't gonna aren't gonna be seduced by another species female right you know the orcs don't the orcs aren't gonna care they're not gonna find it attractive anyway that's neither here nor there okay guys i think this has to be a logical stopping point we are over uh 30 minutes and again i try to keep these videos sort of reasonable for you um thank you so much for watching to the end thanks so much for watching to the end uh if you liked this video man hit that like button comment down below on stuff that i missed uh either in my history or in uh the lore i know bricky kind of smooths over some things to make it clear but again i'm trying to drink from the fire hose and learn as much as possible as fast as possible on warhammer other than that that is all i had uh and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 13,110
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer all faction, warhammer all factions explained, warhammer explained, warhammer lore explained, warhammer horus heresy explained, warhammer 40k explained, wh40k explain, wh40k lore, warhammer bricky, warhammer 40k custodes, warhammer 40k space marines, reaction, react, savage acutal, original human, gameology, bricky, bricky warhammer, bricky warhammer 40k reaction, every warhammer 40k faction bricky reaction, warhammer 40k lore bricky reaction
Id: ymQEj0rNJp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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