US Army Combat Veteran Reacts to Astartes Parts 1 and 2

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber today we are going to be checking out a hugely fan requested video of uh astartes uh this is a fan film from the warhammer 40k universe and it is by all accounts awesome but before we get started of course if you too dream of being a space marine but knowing your heart you would more likely just be a guardsman hit subscribe this is a new channel and i need all the subscribers i can get and of course hit like on the video so that i know that the youtube algorithm knows that i am making quality content all right now that we've done that let's check out astartes part one [Music] all right so it looks like they are getting ready for a planetary drop now i'm not super tied into warhammer 40k's tactics but there's a fun fact one of the first uh instances in sci-fi of the idea of orbital drop shock troops and actually one of the first instances of the armor power armored space marine concept was in robert heinlein's book starship troopers right of course starship troopers and in starship troopers of course follows the career of a young enlisted soldier who later becomes an officer as he enters what in um starship troopers universe it's called the mobile infantry but in practical terms the mobile infantry look a lot more like maybe starcraft's terran space marines where they are regular human beings but extensively trained and equipped with powerful power armor and of course they that they drop into onto contested planets from orbit right the classic like orbit orbital drop being just like a traumatic frightening experience as you fall through the atmosphere right so that's sort of the uh historiography if you will of the orbital drop space marine as a concept okay dropping through an asteroid field seems sort of insane um as i've learned warhammer 40k just because something is needlessly and insanely risky doesn't mean it won't happen here in this universe but again for every asteroid you can see i would assume that there's a lot of very small particles that you can't that are just like little bullets flying around with no air resistance oh there we go okay we're getting our answer a little bit those um those uh little escort vehicles escort drones are seem to be blasting down potentially dangerous rocks [Music] uh okay i was totally wrong totally had that mischaracterized it was not an orbital drop it was uh boarding right and boarding is a tactical procedure that dates basically as far back as there's been naval warfare um where you send your troops and your sailors to board the enemy ships uh actually in ancient greece one of the first places that we know of boarding uh uh boarding naval boarding tactics happened the ships would literally have these sailors rowing them they would row up to each other and they would hook onto one another with a plank and you would hook on to the enemy ship and then your troops would cross uh onto their ship via the plank and you would have effectively naval warfare was back then was just ground warfare on ships um and it sort of seems like again i'm sure in this in the warhammer 40k universe there's also naval battles but in this instance we seem to be looking at a classic shipboarding process [Music] okay so again the firefight inside a ship one you've breached the hole but of course if you're an astartes it looks like they have uh power armor which i'm almost certain is also a pressurized environment suit so no worries that their boarding craft has just penetrated tore a huge hole in their target vessel um you know again tactically i wonder if they're going for a specific object or trying to capture a specific person because again you only want to do these boarding procedures right they must want to either seize the ship or seize something on the ship without destroying it otherwise of course they would just bomb the ship into oblivion so i'm curious to see how that plays out all right i i don't even know who that dude is if if you guys can enlighten me over who this person is and what this faction is i imagine they're humans usually astarte astartes and space marines will only fight uh humans aligned with chaos but yeah if you can help me out who this dude is i'm pretty clueless [Music] yeah it's always pretty funny to see the astartes just not caring at all their idea of room clearing seems to be just entering killing everything in the room and moving on not wanting to uh slowly or deliberately um to do anything uh this is so what you see sometimes right and i suspect that might be what we're watching here is what's tactically called a raid so an attack is usually when you advance into an objective sees the objective and holds it right in contrast a raid is entering an objective achieving some set goal whether it's killing a person more likely like destroying a valuable let's say a weapons depot and then withdrawing quickly but usually it's done by a force that is somewhat smaller that can't hold the objective against enemy reinforcements but relies on speed and violence of action to enter achieve their objective and withdrawal and so i s perhaps this is what the space marines are doing in because they seem to be moving very like violently through their objective and they are not doing the usual move of taking your time very deliberately clearing through every part of the ship right they're pushing really hard for their towards some sort of objective some sort of goal all right you can see that the gunner there definitely used classic ambush tactics right found a area where they would have a great broadside view of the astartes they knew that they were going to pass through that what's called the kill zone and in good ambush procedures they waited until the main force had entered the kill zone right there where it looks like the most of the column of the space marines were in that kill zone when he opened fire and this is a pretty classic uh timing for an ambush and you notice he started with the forward most marine and worked his way back through the line that of course in you know in in when you have these uh constrained environments when you're in a narrow hallway right if yet first space marine went down he may actually block the hallway and keep his buddies from being able to get out of the kill zone so again a tactically a good plan but again he appears to be on his own and it's pretty hard to achieve any good effects from an ambush when you're just a one or two person team against say a squad or a numerically superior force i just want to point out their lighting effects in the hallways whoever animated this is really good uh those lighting effects are really cool yeah there's a super cool lighting effects again they they they really are i mean i can see why uh this animator got picked up by games workshops proper he's really doing uh some of the effects on just like another level even here look you can see how the screen is glowing green and reflecting off the face of the [Music] operator all right uh so i'm all right i'm gonna weigh in i understand that in the warhammer 40k universe life has no meaningful value but i'm just going to say that if you are retreating down a hallway right you want to make sure that you do a bounding retreat so that there's always an element who can return fire on an enemy otherwise exactly what happened will happen which is the enemy comes upon you they see a c of your backs and you're a soft target for them to hit whenever they want normally you will bound someone will be covering as the other person moves back right or some group it'll be like a group a in group b and the group that's in place will be putting down covering fire even if they don't kill the enemy they will force the enemy to stop take cover or at least stop and shoot back giving their buddies a chance to bound backwards once their buddies have bound backwards they will set they will take over the duties of shooting and their friends will bound all the way back of course if you have no value and are willing to buzz saw your own troops as we saw here um you know you can do that like leading your forces into an ambush but honestly even if your goal was not to kill your troops the danger of these kind of like hit the enemy lure them into an ambush and then hit them is just so dangerous right because as you can see that artillery piece was ready to fire and just your timing is off or you just don't care or you're so hyped up you shoot the first thing you see but usually the first thing you see is your friends [Music] again pretty cool effect the way the round sort of parted the smoke um just again an animator that really loves getting the effects right okay i really want to know who these guys are not any faction that i'm super familiar with though again i imagine probably some chaos aligned force ah did you see that the space marines no fire and maneuver one of their buddies was firing the other one moved set and his buddy got to maneuver while he took over firing duties again really curious you see the size of these bolter rounds um they're they're they're big they look like you know like easter eggs almost but the bolters themselves are small and their magazines are small so not sure how what sort of magic magic is at work here that you can keep you know 30 easter egg size rounds and a pistol that's only yay big [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i was about to ask where his friends were uh i'm having my question answered here because it seems like based on sort of their strategy where they're putting rounds on to the target it seems like they it requires the enemy's concentration to maintain that energy shield um allowing another astartes to attempt to attack in melee which of course as you all know is actually a sort of warhammer a warhammerized version of the real military tactic of a flanking maneuver right where you establish a base of fire that draws your enemy's attention gets your enemies head down and meanwhile your other element flanks around to the side and then engages the enemy from an unexpected direction where their cover is poor and they aren't able to protect themselves right so again a real version of this usually though luckily your enemies don't have psychic shielding [Music] hey gal comes down to just breaking concentration i guess um but like we discussed a flanking maneuver works works on everybody even psychic augmented humans or whatever these are please please do tell me what what i'm looking at here what these guys are where where all right guys that is just about halfway let's pause it there and we'll pick this up in the next episode okay what are my thoughts on astartes uh that was pretty cool uh this animator is definitely on another level um really curious to find out what the what the space marines are going for here in this ship clearly they are targeting something that they want to again as we discussed in a raid enter acquire or achieve an objective and extract but we saw some real military tactics at work we saw the flanking maneuver uh we saw fire and maneuver of course by the space marines and we saw some pretty uh ineffective fire and maneuver by the uh enemy force who also sort of curious again i assume chaos chaos imperial guardsmen maybe i i really i really don't know um but do do let me know in the comments what i'm looking at but again thank you for watching if you enjoyed this content hit the like button and of course subscribe to the channel to see me do the other episode or the other half of astartes and until next time i will see you guys later
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 102,820
Rating: 4.8655744 out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40000, games workshop, guardsmen, dkok, seige, seige of vraks, astartes, primachs, sci fi, fantasy, sigmar, bolter, react, imperial guard, warhammer reaction, darktide, vermintide, original human, veteran, wh40k lore, horus heresy explained, military, reacts, reaction, army, sodaz, 40k animation, breakdown, chapter master, space marines, video games, space marine, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, astartes reaction, death korps of krieg, astartes 1-5, astartes 1-5 reaction, chaos
Id: -vEMvc_7G2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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