US Army Combat Veteran Reacts to SCP Overlord Part 1

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber and today we are checking out scp overlord this is a fan made uh like military thriller uh kind of with a paranormal bend to it um i'm sort of familiar with scp lore and the foundation but uh i'm really excited for this film it has like seven million views right it's been all over youtube it's been blowing up uh youtube's been suggesting it to me for a while so i'm excited to take a look um we're gonna be doing a part one and if you guys enjoy it let me know in the comments below and i will take a look at uh doing a part two three and four now before we get started like always please help me out hit the like button tell the youtube algorithm that i am making good stuff here and of course if you want to see more of my reviews of films movies documentaries uh video games yeah all other kinds of weird stuff man hit subscribe we'd be glad to have you you see this is a brand new channel that i'm doing here and uh oh i need all the support that i can get okay so now that we've done that let's get into it [Music] everything i'm about to tell you is classified under a level three security clearance and is on a need to know basis the man you're looking at is ethan pender a figure within a new age religious movement known as the new transcendentalists his farm statuses become a commune for the primary thought leaders with around nine total members this movement was suspected of organizing chemical attacks all across new england in the early 2010s additionally there have been many strange disappearances loosely associated with the movement all suspected nothing confirmed the past three months there have been a dozen missing persons across franklin berkshire and hampton with no clear offender but given that this was happening in the colts backyard he and his friends are suspects 12 hours ago the hampshire county sheriff's department received a call okay i gotta say it is sort of interesting uh that you know everyone in this is is so uh young and you know i know in scp lore the foundation is a very prestigious kind of multinational ngo that takes a look at securing containing and protecting earth from paranormal activities it's actually a little bit like the comic oh my gosh what was it there's a comic series about exactly this group of people right working to detect and contain uh the weird and paranormal activities from earth anyway if you put me put in the comments if you can remember what i'm talking about it was really good and it sort of ended abruptly um and was cancelled probably before it needed to be man it was excellent anyway uh it's sort of funny to see all these uh veteran operators looking like they're in their early 20s but again it's a fan film and certainly doing fan service to all these uh youtubers is uh is worth it worthwhile from the man they believed to be in danger the caller refused to directly specify the threat until he handed this picture to the authorities this sighting is presumed to be sarah morrison one of nine missing persons associated with the case our agent within the department informed us the moment this picture was secured and declared a state of emergency requiring immediate action any non-foundation personnel who came into contact or heard mention of this photo has since been detained and given amnestic treatment however the clock is still ticking the foundation has seen fit to sanction a raid on the pender commune your objective is to write you the commune and says for an anomalous activity and secure the property for a containment team any persons on site are to be detained or neutralized in accordance with the roe man okay i got to shout them out here uh detained in accordance with the roe that's so typical right you're going to have a set rule set rules of engagement and you're going to already be briefed up on them right they'll be a standard roe and yeah just again little detail gotten right also you can see this is probably one of the most more older experienced actors um and he's delivering his lines and just a little bit of a more authentic way again and maybe not maybe this is maybe he's their military advisor um and that's why he's uh delivering it so well the other thing is in the us military i've never heard them refer to recon as a recce i've only heard that in the uk but again this is not necessarily a us force right this is meant to be a multinational force under an ngo so they could have a totally different set of terminologies totally different set of radio codes everything no anomalous activity is found ulex fell on rtb epsilon 6 will be our primary entry and according team while our friends from new 7 will provide the outer coordinate short range artillery in our support including isr which comes will be bouncing off of them okay shout out again to them for having a really doctrinally sound plan you notice they had an inner cord on an outer cordon and a search element that's exactly what you should have in doctrine also having addressing isr fires coms that's classic military planning right it's all there in your operations order right so the fact that they are understanding that a complete plan is going to address your fires your coms your friendly elements your mission and your adjacent units mission and your higher units mission right in fact i think this even we could say covered the situation so this may be a very abbreviated cut down version of the real us military operations order so again pretty good attention to detail also fell our qrf alongside specialists oh they're letting them know who the qrf is yes of course you're gonna always have a qrf a standby reserve element to respond to a threat that you cannot handle or a need for more manpower something else that again every mission brief in afghanistan we always knew exactly who our qrf was who we were going to call to spin up to help us out of a jam and often we were the qrf right we were sitting on standby on the base gear in the trucks ready to roll out and support someone else who got themselves in a jam from zeta 9 u13 beta 7 and lambda 5. as always gamma 5 will be running interference to make sure this all stays under the radar any mission code ideas go on the whiteboard in the back any questions okay so you see that man again getting the details right that's the isr they're watching so it's isr or um intelligence surveillance reconnaissance is the term for what's usually it's it's a it's refer it's drones um it's overhead drones providing that total view of the battlefield and sort of being um your overwatch for your overwatch right so they're seeing everything they're so high above that they can see everything that you can't see enemy forces maneuvering on you uh obstacles up ahead uh anything right and they'll uh be at an elevation that even is well above um uh rotary wing aircraft like you're seeing here so again very cool getting the details right also how'd they get this shot this is a fan film and they have maybe they used b-roll of these helicopters infilling oh did you see the little um uh like sparkling effects on the people that is their ir glint tape bouncing off of um probably ir illume from the or or it could be that or it could be on the back of their helmets they may have beacons that are flashing um just again to help identify friend from foe because someone's going to be sitting watching the camera feed from your drone usually at your headquarters element and will relay intelligence to the team lead on the ground so you want to make sure you've got again i think it is their ir beacons um you want to make sure that you can know if you say okay friendlies are here here and here and enemy are here here and here especially as you can see in thermals it's really hard to distinguish uh you know uniform characteristics [Music] okay pretty cool shot there um i know usually they say don't silhouette yourself against a hill because it can be really easy to see a person the outline of a person on a ridgeline like that but that's a pretty minor detail and frankly that's a pretty cool shot probably worth sacrificing the uh the tactical realism for some cinematography all right let's be a geared oh a little bit uh so what's interesting is that one he and uh i assume the rest of the team have on gas masks right and if you were of course dealing with paranormal activity you really would want to just treat every environment like it may be hazardous or have hazardous breathable gases right and that would be a common sense mitigation also right you can see he's running he's wearing flannel and jeans which i i i know i've heard of that right i've seen it a lot of like uh us special agents will run like flannel and jeans type setups prior to their raids or operations i don't know if a dedicated tactical team would necessarily want that genes are not optimal for tactical environments like this especially where presumably they're infilling and then if walking a good distance you know five six seven miles to the target right because you don't want your target to see helicopters landing 500 meters away um and if you've got to traverse through some woods jeans are like a pretty terrible option the fabric is not rip stop so a little tear will keep tearing because they're cotton they absorb water and mud and never really dry out they're not anything repellent uh and again jeans are cut a little differently especially jeans nowadays they're like fashion items they don't necessarily give you like the full mobility that you might get from uh say the very baggy cut of uniform pants or even tactical uh the tactical khakis that you get from like 511 and stuff and of course jeans are flammable right cotton so if you were to encounter um you know some sort of flammable explosive device there's a chance that that could catch on fire whereas again most modern uniforms are somewhat flame retardant dropping the chem light yep that's exactly a real thing you would always carry chem lights can't say i've ever used them to gauge a distance down a hole but as a cheap easy form of illumination or signaling that's the other thing that chem lights are great for is helping signal again when i was deployed it was before the days of the ir beacon on the back of the helmet and so we would actually carry ir chem lights usually in our vehicles so that in an emergency if we had to tag ourselves as friendly we would stick those ir chem lights on ourselves stick them in the helmet band stick them on the vehicle wherever you had to and you know they wouldn't give away your position but to a pilot overhead looking through thermals they would see a big bright ir chem light burning um marking your position kalinski anything scepter one monte helios we passed down bruce no sign of the civilian just a hole here now uh no way to determine the depth over roger that one one proceed to the next objective okay one went out they're using proper radio protocols right they don't say uh you know well they're not there's no roger wilco right roger or wilco they sort of mean the same thing well roger is saying like i hear you wilco is like will comply like i have received your order and will follow it um so roger would be things like receiving information someone would tell you hey isr shows uh three dismounts 100 meters north of your location that's not an order you would just go roger whereas if they said hey proceed to intercept these dismounts 100 meters north of your location and get an identification of who they are you would go wilco get getting it right i'm all right should have a good time with that ugv should have picked this [ __ ] up way before we got here command's got some [ __ ] nerve asking us to stick your nose in there it comes with the territory that's what we're here to do we're gonna do it part of the job i can see it you know you're getting snatched up like out of a [ __ ] movie yeah i mean come on it's never like that hold out your hand telling you cicero another day of the office about what okay also a nice touch that they uh took the time to get right even though it's daylight because they don't know how long this raid could last they're carrying their nods and of course the best place to carry the nods isn't the designed to not carry right over your head also makes sense because you never really know and if you think you're going to have to infiltrate a building or a tunnel right having the ability to uh drop your night vision on is gonna be pretty essential so again something that a real um tactical folks would make sure they bring we would always have again we had to clip in clip out nods so we would just keep them in our bags you know we had a standard like 24 hour loadout and it would be like your nods your spare batteries two bottles of water your weapons maybe your weapons cleaning kit or like a kit to like un fix your weapon um and like you know some food some snacks um just enough to like survive if your mission was you know missions that were supposed to be like eight hours we'd plan for 24. right if we were planning on a 24-hour mission we would bring stuff to sustain ourselves for 72 and if we were planning a 72-hour mission we would things would get a little weirder we'd have like a dedicated resupply plan um we'd work with the company headquarters to be to actually like pre-position like resupply stuff um you know sometimes if we were going really remote we'd actually pre-plan what they call speed balls which are uh basically pallets of supplies like everything you would need to fight so ammo a little bit of food fuel for your vehicles spare batteries for your coms right all packed up palletized so that a helicopter can just snatch it up and drop it off right for you and get out um and an easy way to resupply if you're somewhere way way way remote and sort of stuck out there longer than you thought any ideas on this [ __ ] maybe we're being invaded audrey's learned to dig to america kolinsky what's the scoop can man get back to you about it what the hole nothing yet you're smart right what's your take on me i don't have one we don't know enough any conclusion i would jump to would just be conjecture yeah i kind of figured if there's an answer it's in that commune we'll figure it out always do you know he's helping what about you reyes what do you think i think you talk too much come on sending some more outside to have a look at it come on let's get back in formation watch your step boys yeah a little interested about the the the like tactical chill conversation um you know they're obviously at the whole they obviously think that there's some evidence of hostile activity and they're just kind of chilling at it uh what was realistic was that when they had the one person searching the hole and his battle buddies were around him providing security i assumed some were providing outward security and some were covering him to make sure nothing snuck up on him as he investigated that that hole uh but maybe their outer cordon is already placed and that's why they're a little chill here um that would be my guess that's why i would be like chilling in this like chill like low low low tactical low threat sort of posture [Music] us [Music] okay interesting again it's hard to really assess the tactics because i don't have a great sense of the lay of the land um if they are like on this guy's farm commune compound then like yes walking in line abreast pushing across would be logical right because they're looking for let's say a body or a person or or evidence of paranormal activity so you'd want to be online pushing across this area right so that it's easy to like search for things in contrast normally when you move through terrain you are going to be more in a wedge formation which can narrow to a file if the terrain is really tight um so i don't know if that's so if i was crossing through like a low river one i wouldn't cross through a low river if i could avoid it uh because why get your feet soaked right and and risk getting you know uh trench foot or whatever gnarly stuff happening to your feet um but i would probably if i was in this terrain i'd have my guys go to a ranger file um just so we could traverse the river easily because you don't know what's below the surface right um even something stupid like a like an extra deep hole could twist an ankle then you're stuck sitting there waiting you got to kazvac your buddy it's a silly reason to have your mission go go off time so yeah i would just be like ranger file everybody walks the river the same way oh yeah that flat open area yeah definitely would go to a wedge formation [Music] oh which they have actually look see they're at an angle they've transitioned to a wedge dude this they've got some tactical advisor who is all over it okay that was probably a security halt right maybe checking their location calling it in then getting back on [Music] uh yeah there's the ranger file now yeah yeah they're getting it man they get it they get it [Music] i think chambers and meadville i don't think they may be towns but if they may also be phase lines so phase lines are a term for helping to coordinate your operation so when you pass so i'd say hey we've just passed phase line meadville and that might tell your outer court on that it's time for them to start moving to get into position or maybe hey meet you know hey just past phase line chambers maybe that's queuing up your isr to get on station um you know it could be it could be anything but usually you use phase lines instead of hard times to help pace an operation and make sure everyone is moving in synchronization the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] it would sing where expected [Music] oh check that out one that's exactly how isr works right you've got somebody at command they are looking at the objective making sure that nobody is coming out of that house but look at the formation that's really pretty good um you know they've got the triangle in the center i would normally do it as two teams um i would have a primary wedge and then a secondary wedge like following behind maybe at an angle um but the fact that they know that they're in the formation they're in an open area and they're spaced out appropriately for that formation for that area that terrain says that their tactics are on point [Music] and there's the ir beacons [Music] and it even is you are being fooled every day so here's what's interesting that's actually a a totally real thing we used to take pictures of everything because the analyst back at headquarters right or back at our battalion would uh really be able to derive a lot of good intel from even just routine pictures right because they want you know again someone might do analysis of that symbol or the materials it's made out of or anything right and the problem you know one ten years ago we didn't have phones uh we didn't have the the iphone was not all pervasive but two a digital camera it doesn't have bluetooth it doesn't have wi-fi it doesn't have gps right it's a totally self-contained apparatus and that is actually a tactical advantage if you believe that the enemy could um detect your cameras um again bluetooth wi-fi electronics gps so a simple you know 10 year old connects to nothing just battery powered uh camera actually is a tactical asset lightness [Music] also got to say i think i believe that was maybe a uh shout out to i want to say christopher nolan or dennis villavenue the the dark darkened environment uh main character in the foreground and in the background uh an effigy burns i wanna say can somebody let me know in the comments there's definitely an iconic movie that that is referencing an iconic scene and if you can help me remember it it would be awesome thank you okay again this is really dense i understand for cinematography reasons seeing the team emerge and the tactical move is correct where you would go as the terrain opens up your formation opens up with it so again i won't fault them because i can tell the director really wanted to shoot this pretty cool shot of the team emerging from the uh smoke and from the jungle or the forest excuse me also a lot of guys wearing jeans [Music] jesus helios this is scepter one one we've passed po we've got eyes on multiple humanoid anomalies floating above the trees at the north side of the property please advise over roger 1-1 maintain your course the anomalies will be dealt with by qrs or the containment team after you've investigated the property understood one more now we good to go affirmative get your men in position [ __ ] you step two we're go ahead for inner court and weapons debris hey that's exactly how that sort of conversation would go right he vaz is the team lead right he gets the order they are set um i would not call weapons free maybe maybe that's their way of saying that like hey we are in on the objective um there's no civilians around but you wouldn't call weapons free because your friendlies are gonna go searching in that house so your weapons aren't free you absolutely have to really carefully uh uh just identify or distinguish friend from foe when that search team enters uh definitely wouldn't want my inner coordinator to go weapons free but you know they're freer than they were i guess [Music] okay i will say all right let's let them get positioned okay i do sort of wonder because like there's a glass pane on that door so anybody that's looking through the door is gonna see them coming up so i wonder if stacking on the left side of the door like that is is the best call like i and again you would have to be a really well-trained team to know like okay if the doorway is transparent we have a different protocol um but you know it's still maybe it's not but still they've gotten the basic tactics right which is coming up the stairs stack on the door ready to go you see the man on the right is gonna be there breach they're breaching preacher um and he's going to you know maybe just open the door maybe kick the door open maybe shotgun the hinges but somehow get the door ready to be opened he'll kick it open his team will come in from the left enter and clear the building and the trail man will come in uh after having probably like he had to open it with a shotgun or a crowbar he'll shoulder the crowbar shotgun get up his primary weapon and join the stack right but we are at 9 52 right we're about a quarter of the way through so far i'm so impressed they definitely uh you know i hope their kickstarter paid their military advisor quite a bit they certainly listened to them um and again for non-actors this is pretty incredible um alright guys if you enjoyed this of course be sure to hit the like button and let me know in the comments below if you want me to check out the next episode and of course hit subscribe for more of my takes on video games films movies documentaries you name it and until next time i will see you guys later
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 9,141
Rating: 4.9669423 out of 5
Keywords: marine, reaction, horror, scary, series, scp, secure contain protect, military reacts, scp 682, scp 096, scp 999, vets react, veterans react, scp foundation, scp overlord, original human, savage acutal, jameson travels, scp overlord reaction, scp site 22, reacts, army, tactics, cqb, spec ops react, etf, warhammer, video games, gameology, 40k, veterans, combat veteran, games workshop, SCP explained, operator drewski, scp illustrated, scp explained, the foundation, detective void scp
Id: -GPbS7-otoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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