US Army Combat Veteran Tries Escape From Tarkov Food!

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hey guys it's paul combat veteran mma fighter youtuber today we are going to be doing something a little different you see i'm in a different setup and what we're taking a look at is the real real-life versions of escape from tarkov's food now as you guys know escape from tarkov is a first-person shooter survival game where managing your food and water intake over the course of a raid is pretty important and different food items give you different levels of hydration and energy and some of them will actually detract hydration and add energy it's pretty interesting so what we're going to be doing is trying out some of the different foods that tarkov has and we're going to compare the effects in game to their effects on me now before we get started please be sure to hit like on this video if you want more fun goofy escape from tarkov type content and be sure to subscribe to the channel to get more of my takes on video games movies films all of it also what's interesting if you two are like me right the reason i have a lot of these foods already is because i'm actually a pretty big outdoorsman and i love going out camping and i love military surplus stuff and so i use a lot of it when i go outdoors and you should check out my outdoor oriented channel military history gear review i'm going to put a link down below i'll have a playlist there that's just my reviews of the gear from escape from tarkov of which i've done quite a bit now okay so now that we've done that let's get started so first up is going to be one of the best food items in tarkov the mre lunchbox now in tarkov the mre lunch box takes up two of your inventory squares and when you eat it it keeps your hydration at normal right zero points to hydration but gives you 70 points of energy which is pretty tremendous okay in the real world the mre or meal ready to eat is the us army's standard field ration for when kitchens and cooking isn't available it usually weighs a little bit more than a pound comes in these gray green brown bags and is meant to be eaten straight out of the bag right the only thing you're required to have is some water now of course in tarkov water is its own item so i won't be eating any of the items that require water so we're gonna get again the authentic tarkov experience okay so in tarkov let's take a look at the animation for when you eat your mre lunchbox okay so kind of weird kind of opened from the top but you can see here it says peelable seal so we know right there tarkov didn't get the opening quite right will i be able to open this there we go opens right up and let's see what's inside again the animation kind of missed it it made it look like you just pulled out a cracker and ate it but in reality there's a ton of stuff here okay so this is the cheese and tortellini sauce and so just as an fyi again the army's mres actually have a variety of menu options that change i think every two years or so and this a few are always vegetarian um and cheese tortellini is one of them when i was on active duty quite a few years ago you would prefer the vegetarian options because none of the mre food is great but the vegetarian options would usually give you extra treats in exchange for the fact that you had to suffer through vegetarian food right so i'll as always if i get the spicy penne pasta man i knew that i was gonna have an okay day right cheese tortellini was actually considered one of the prestige items so obviously i'm getting the best possible mre lunchbox okay so it's got the entree which is the cheese tortellini itself we have the crackers okay this is fry the cracker that appears in the animation we have vanilla pudding dessert powder now a tragedy you can hear its powder so without water i actually probably won't be able to eat this you have a whole packet of all sorts of goodies that include instant coffee salt pepper hot sauce gum and a moist towelette okay well we're definitely going to be putting that gum to use oh chocolate peanut spread okay this is probably like chocolate peanut butter probably going on the cracker excited for that okay carbohydrate electrolyte beverage powder lemon lime again another powdered drink this this is just gatorade powder but because we're not doing this with water just like you would in tarkov it's gonna stay right there all right you have a beverage bag to mix and measure your beverages which we won't be using you have a flameless ration heater this is used to heat up your food and of course water goes in it's actually water activated and so none of that's gonna happen we have a sleeve here telling you the nutrition facts of cheese tortellini in tomato sauce right it's uh 260 calories okay oh and recovery trail mix okay so this is like 300 calories of it says pretzels um peanuts almonds cashews okay okay so probably pretzels peanuts on my cashews uh i feel like i'm hoping i'm hoping there's some some uh raisins or craisins or something in here but again 300 calories right there okay so right away we see that without adding some water in right a lot of these calories just stay stay uh uneaten now the mre is designed for one meal you're designed to eat three of them a day but each meal is 1200 calories but you got to remember that your caloric needs when you're a soldier training in the field are pretty high right if it's very cold or very hot your body's going to burn a lot of energy just sort of keeping your internal temperature regulated and it's going to burn even more calories if you're patrolling with body armor uh even if you've been up a long time uh you're working hard right you're gonna you know your the 3 600 calories a day is is not an unrealistic level for eight to 12 hours of high intense activity okay well let's try some crackers and chocolate mix chocolate peanut spread now it says very clearly i have to knead before opening i guess you could say i need to knead it i got jokes oh man i don't know why you guys watch this channel to be honest okay well i love chocolate peanut butter and this is 160 calories and my crackers are 170 all right so we're going to be 300 calories in right there and again like tarkov there's no plates just gonna have to eat eat it as i eat it okay all right these are uh dry saltine crackers um i don't even know if they're salted actually so mre crackers are a pretty big like staple item and actually we'll try it a little later in the video we'll do army crackers uh russian army military crackers as well oh see i'm i'm trying to tear it and it says tear at corner right they have a designated tearing corner and i just you know following directions never really my thing right okay let's see let's see how chocolate peanut butter looks okay all right so there's a dollop of that here we'll we'll use one cracker to spread out the others this is this is that this is that big brain these are these big brain plays you learn when you've you've you've been deployed for a year you know okay let's see all right i love chocolate and peanut butter but this is a dry cracker already my mouth is dry already so right there i i'd at least say just eating this cracker i've lost a point of hydration for sure you can also just use your spoon just oh okay these crackers are also extremely brittle as we've just seen but man chocolate peanut butter is so good it's just so good man it's like i mean there's a reason right reese's reese's company has made you know billions of dollars by just doing one thing putting chocolate and peanut butter together so you know the army also knows this is this is something people love it's got some protein some fat carbohydrates right um i'll say this there's not really enough um chocolate peanut butter spread to cover this cracker and these crackers are really really dry so right there it's kind of an issue i'm going to try one bite of a cracker with no no peanut spread to smooth this out this tastes like literally nothing this was this was actually a pretty big letdown yeah this i mean truly if you want to know what an empty calorie is it's this it has almost no texture other than dryness it has no taste no salt it's just a cracker right but i'll say this eat this whole thing you're 300 calories in right and if you assume that the army's got it right and you need 3 600 calories to maintain your performance in combat operations then okay 300 calories you've gained about 10 points of energy but man yeah definitely the peanut butter has some salt in it that cracker is super dry i'm definitely down at least a point of hydration maybe two okay let's try this recovery trail mix right so this says that it has a lot of carbohydrates and 170 grams of sodium right so as you guys know when you're engaging in heavy exercise you need water and you need sodium right the sodium electrolytes are what are going to keep your body your body's processes able to function right your heart needs sodium to transmit the messages to pump your muscles need sodium to contract like you need sodium to sweat because your sweat requires that saltiness so this is pretty important to have energy-wise this is great this is another 300 calories right i'm gonna give myself another 10 points of energy and uh but again all this salt man i'm going to knock it down like three points of hydration okay of the items we can eat without water we're down to just the entree this is this is cold cheese tortellini in tomato sauce now you can see here it's got these little tabs i'll let you just pull it open all right not gonna get that and we'll open it up and take a look at that beauty right there that's that's all cheese tortellini okay so we're gonna i'm gonna scoop this out and how does it look it looks like canned tomato sauce and canned cheese tortellini let's see how it tastes that is really good actually so here's the redeeming part of this you can see there's moisture in the tomato sauce still right because it's sealed in this pouch and yeah the moisture is really almost rehydrating right that's how moist that tomato sauce is actually tangy right the tortellini really tastes like pasta it's it's actually really good this is really weird oh my god 850 milligrams of sodium so even though this tastes like it's hydrating me the amount of sodium tells me that it probably isn't so because of a tremendous amount of sodium i know that it's not hydrating me at all but it's not like dry like a cracker right so i'm gonna say it's still a net loss of hydration i'd say so i'm gonna say this is like two points of hydration so that puts us what four five nine points of hydration down we'll round it to ten right we'll say i've had three hundred three hundred so it's six this is another three so 900 calories right and so we'd say again 3 000 if you need about 3 000 calories to really hit it right but but i guess a raid's half a day long right usually about the time there's just like time dilation in tarkov um so okay we say 1500 then what's that put us at that actually is about 70 of our of the caloric needs for half a day of like pretty intensive operations right um so yeah okay okay tarkov all right the only thing i think they got wrong is that they assume this doesn't affect your hydration which is is not really the case right we we've seen that these are actually pretty thirst provoking let's take a look at the next item we are taking a look at army crackers these are an actual packet of crackers from a russian military ration that again i used in my previous channel and in tarkov they are going to be eaten well they're a quick one square item extremely lightweight they add 10 to energy at the cost of five hydration so let's see let's see i it'd be sort of hard to have a food product that is so dry that it would actually like dehydrate you almost as fast as it's giving you energy but let's see so here we go that is a really dry cracker but there is no salt on it it's completely unsalted um so what i got to say would i say i don't think it's hitting you five hydration points it doesn't have enough salt right salt is going like this won't give you any hydration that's for sure um but you know yeah i could see that i could see it giving you taking away five hydration um as far as calories go uh i don't know because i can't read russian i mean i would guess and say this is probably 150 maybe 250 calories so again 10 energy sounds about right okay so we are going to give army crackers a thumbs up i think tarkov got it just right okay the next item is a very sought after alliance chocolate bar and then the game right this chocolate bar is grants you uh 35 energy but at a cost of 15 hydration okay so i'm really curious to see an item that is three times as dehydrating as those extremely dry crackers right so this is a 100 gram bar and it's it says that there are two and a half servings per container and one serving is 220 calories right so here's here's our chocolate bar right there we go just it looks actually just like the game right the little squares of chocolate looks like a hershey's bar let's see that is great that is actually excellent chocolate i'd say it's definitely creamier and smoother and overall better than a hershey's chocolate bar for sure for sure this is a good high-end milk chocolate and it's not that dry and so i really don't know how they think it's three times as dehydrating as the driest crackers ever made right so right there i gotta say if you want anything that's gonna give you i mean 35 energy right so if this whole thing is is 220 yeah that's about right i i'd say it's about you know i'd say it what it should be is more like 25 energy zero hit dehydration or like a two or three point hit to hydration because there is technically some caffeine and caffeine may dehydrate you a little bit um but it's nothing like the crackers if the crackers are a five this is gonna be like a like a two and a half okay the last item is actually going to be the iskra lunchbox in my previous channel i've had a russian military ration lunchbox on two occasions these things are giant they are 24-hour rations right they have three entrees multiple snacks uh teas sugars so i don't have the complete lunchbox again if you want to see the complete lunchbox i actually have a video where myself and one of my buddies who speaks russian and lived in russia for a while try every component um it's really cool i'll put the link uh you know in a card up here um but you know we're going to sample it a little bit right because the iskra is supposed to give you 80 energy okay so here's the components i have left over from the last time i have an entree i have a snack which is usually like a pate of some kind and i have an entire bag of uh sugar actually nutella right and the army crackers also come in this kit a lot of army crackers in fact but it also has as you can see here like a like a tea or like a jelly or jam we have tea we have gigantic packets of sugar um you know we've got oh yeah more sugar um we actually have salt and pepper uh uh a tea bag a moist towelette i mean there's there's everything in here there's even water purification tablets so these ischa lunch boxes are meant to be like the complete picture so in the game of course they look like this and they give you 80 energy at no cost to hydration so right right off the bat i'm going to say they included uh water purification tabs which says to me that this is probably correct now i need a spoon to eat this the ration itself comes with a spoon i just broke them all again i i'm gonna put like a million links in the playlist to the other channel but it really is cool i really do a lot of fun stuff and you guys should really check it out okay so let's see so what's interesting about the iskra lunch boxes is that there's the russian military and then the russian internal security services which is sort of like the russian national guard oh wow this is it still smells good but look at that that is unappealing okay let's see how it tastes oh it's like hard you gotta like dig into it okay okay this is like tasha this is a russian national dish really that is like a barley or buckwheat grains um and like a sausage meat like a processed sausage um there's some onion in there there's some obviously salt and pepper so it's pretty salty but it's pretty good and like the mre meal it's pretty moist right it's not super dry okay so i could definitely see this giving you maybe a little bit of a hit to hydration but let's take a look at this pate just gonna try the pate itself okay this tastes like a really light marinara sauce it's like it's like a carrot and tomato mostly tomato puree yeah it's a little salty not super appealing not can't say i'm in love with this okay so now let's try i don't know what this is i don't have a clue but i'm willing to try it okay oh yeah this is a jam or a jelly and again normally i'm eating this on a spoon i would eat this with all these army crackers oh man yeah that is a really sweet apple jam like a really sweet apple jelly okay okay definitely absolutely 100 would agree with the iscra lunch box gives you 80. honestly the iskra lunchbox should give you a hundred percent right because it's 24 hours worth of food and we've sampled only a subset of it and it's excellent right it's all solid it's all solid it's not am i am i gonna like am i gonna tell my wife that we're not cooking anymore we're just gonna order russian rashes no but it's it's good and it's calorie dense right the russians understand that when it's cold when you're getting rained on and you're sitting in you know when you're sitting in customs in some sniper hidey hole waiting for somebody to come by and you're getting rained on you need calories and this lunch box definitely provides it i guess as a goof we'll try this nutella right because who doesn't love nutella if i can open it there we go oh yeah oh yeah it's like a dark chocolate nutella okay oh but it's it's crystallized no no it's almost entirely crystallized wow um let down dude this would be the real this this this would be the real end of your rig right here we took a look at some tarkov items i had fun i feel like we've really connected with uh tarkov in real life certainly glad i'm not trying to survive in a real raid situation i'm sure frankly any of this food would be great if i was uh stuck in a gunfight in the middle of you know customs or shoreline so i'll take what i can get and i think you guys should too but again thank you for watching if you like this kind of video i know it's a little bit of a different vibe be sure to hit the like button comment below if you have other tarkov foods you want me to try because i'm down for whatever and of course i will see you guys next time
Channel: Combat Veteran Reacts
Views: 989
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov food, experts react, etf, video games, tarkov, tarkov food in real life, react, reaction, reacts, veteran, military, army, fps, insurgency sandstorm, gameology, savage actual, savage actual tarkov, escape from tarkov, spec ops, us army, tarkov food animations, tarkov food delivery, ration, rations, mre, russian ration review, original human
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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