40k THE WAR FOR BADAB! Dreams of Freedom Crushed!

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greetings and salutations friends and welcome back to the war for badab and i know what you're all waiting for the arrival of your favorite space fishies and they will be popping by in this very video but before we get to the fun stuff we have some administrative work to oversee as we are now finished with the first out of the two war four badab books which means it's time to have a look at the situation at hand and the actions of certain key players as we are all fully aware of by now the once mighty tyrant of badarb has seen his empire shrink quite substantially first a third of his little empire was cut off from him with the fall of the sagan naval yards and the sorengrad fortress world isolating him from the mantis warriors in the endymion cluster then the minotaurs finally managed to pin down the lamenters and take them out of the ward as well slicing off another third of the tyrant's domain leaving lufthuron with nothing more than the badab system itself heavily fortified though it may be it is nevertheless a far cry from the vast and expansive territories he once held sway over but despite the clearly turning tide of the war everything wasn't rosy on the loyalist side either they were winning yes but the largest challenge of all the assault upon the badab system was still ahead of them and they were running out of space marines with which to take it furthermore the red scorpions chapter master vera ortiz had come into the war with the can't blanch authority to execute it in whatever way he saw fit but after the betrayal of grief and the death of their ortis and his replacement by cannab cullen the political power of the red scorpions had waned considerably a period of lacking progress in the war alongside an ever-strengthening position for his chief competition the leggett inquisitor john dice frane had seen several chapters sympathetic to the red scorpions be retired from the war and replaced with those more pliant towards the inquisition's own aims and ends the sons of medusa was already securely in the inquisition's pocket after having been given permission to loot the cignax system of its various technological treasures incidentally the minotaurs another inquisitorial alliance chapter had also had their salvage rights over the lamenters fleet and war gear ratified by the legit office as well you know huron could learn a lesson or two from this it pays to have friends in the inquisition and now with yet another mysterious chapter on the way to reinforce the loyalists karem cullen was swiftly becoming a figurehead in his own army the angstrom incident was a way to mark his position still but well that ended with frayne once more being called upon to placate the angry magos of angstrom but as frain's position improved his responsibilities also grew of the advancement of the war he had after all been sent here to determine the guilt and the association of the waters chapter with lufthuron's treachery and his clear and blatant violation of the treaties of the codex as parties having sent his own astral clause well and truly beyond the thousand battle brothers limit and now with the mantis warriors and lamenters are suitably restrained it was time for a little bit of investigation the green sons of the khan provided the greatest problem for the simple reason that they were still resisting they were not prisoners to be interrogated and tested at will nevertheless figuring he had nothing to lose afrain dispatched an inquisitorial envoy into the endymion cluster under a flag of de facto truce sending out an open broadcast on all systems as to their identity their authority and their intended purpose the mountains warriors however refused to take the envoys to their hidden base of operation because it's hidden and for some strange reason the mantis warriors didn't trust the inquisitorial envoys to keep that secret particularly well they did however present them with a small sampling of the mantis warriors gene seed to test for variables and mutations bearing in mind the mantis warriors had never actually seized their own regular tribute of affirmation gene seed to the mechanicus unlike the astral clause leggett did not expect to find anything overly worrying here nor did he additionally the mantis warriors had to behave with a relative chivalry even quite recently deciding to capture a crew of fire angels instead of leaving them to attend the mercies of the greenskins now granted the mantis warriors were the ones who had disabled the fire angels engines and left them stranded in the path of two or kill cruisers to begin with but a minor details and indeed the gmc'd came back as clean as can be expected the usual minute variables of gnc degradation and mutation which is near inescapable and astartes gene seed over time but nothing particularly alarming as for the lamenters well they were all kept aboard a prison hulk orbiting saigon so testing their gene seed was simplicity itself the lamenters jean seed stock had been captured along with their flank ship the matara lacriaram additionally a quick little jab into the neck region fresh samples could be collected from any lamenter currently a prisoner guest of the god emperor's most holy inquisition interpreting the results however turned out to be a wee bit more complicated for the simple fact that there were no results oh examples were taken absolutely and they were sent to analysis but nothing ever came back except a nicely written yet stern letter informing the imperial triumvirate with legacy inquisitor frain of course at the head of said triumvirate that the lamenters were not in any way corrupted or compromised in that way [Music] but no further data is forthcoming and no matter how many times you ask or how many times you flash your inquisitorial seal that response remains the same this is well above your clearance son and believe you me it is quite rare for an imperial inquisitor to be told that he doesn't have the right security clearance but hey at least that means the lamenters are checked out of the case as well right the mantis warriors are as clean as they can be the lamenters are as well the astral claws are already condemned leaving only one secessionist chapter oh technically not even a secessionist chapter merely an allied chapter the executioners i'm sure frain would have expected this to be the toughest of all the nuts to crack considering the level of viciousness and brutality they had demonstrated in the war so far to the point that even the minotaurs were starting to get a little bit wary around them but no the inquisitorial envoys dispatched to their twin homeworld of stygia aqualon were welcomed executioners didn't try to resist didn't try to hide anything they offered the envoys every courtesy and allowed them full access to their gene seed vaults their records their personnel they even gave them a full list of the battle brothers that had departed alongside their chief executioner nothing was to be withheld because well they had been instructed by that very self-same chief executioner did not hide anything from the inquisition they were still loyal servants after all they were merely compelled to take part in the war due to bonds of ancient loyalty seemingly they were clear as well then one almost has to ask what the greater tragedy would be if it turned out the mantis warriors lamenters and executioners all were batshit crazy secessionist traitor heretics right alongside the astral claws then this would have been a clean war a just war against a truly perfidious and evil foe instead it appears that three out of the four chapters were actually loyalists that has simply been misled or compelled to take the side of the astral claws through bonds of kinship loyalty and duty when you then add on the male some squadrons which had shown no sign of mutation or cut up practices nor have the tyrant's legion mind you either well the inescapable conclusion becomes that for the last six years the imperium had pretty much just been killing itself a tragedy unfortunately quite common in the imperium of man though one particular incident bears closer examination if for no other reason than to further exemplify the human cost of this conflict not merely in the expenditure of lives or materiel but in morale in loyalty and faith in the imperial cause and the steps that must sometimes be taken to reinforce such loyalties and in a galaxy all too rife with [ __ ] up fates and short ends of the stick the tale of galen is hardly a uniquely heartbreaking one but in a battle with near nothing but losers um the poor unfortunate populous of galen is just about as damn near the bottom of the barrel as we've got they're perfectly exemplified by the fact that there used to be two inhabited planets in the galen system galen two and four with two having been by far the most prosperous and populous one it was a hard scrabble world downright toxic in fact requiring vast environmental domes to be constructed to allow people to even live on the planet but its considerable mineral wealth and easily exploitable riches still made it a relatively nice home for the population and an important strategic target for loyalists and secessionists alike who had traded the world from one hand to the other nearly half a dozen time until a final encounter between the fire hawks chapter hardly the most silken-handed of astartes formations at the best of times and a mixed secessionist strike force finally blew out the life-supporting domes rendering a barely inhabitable planet completely uninhabitable and for the poor sad sods unfortunate enough to not lose their lives in the catastrophic collapse of their life-supporting domes and even a harsher reality away to them as they were gathered and shipped to galen for a smaller poorer world that was hard pressed to support his own disheveled population never mind another few million refugees on unsurprisingly the local government was swiftly overwhelmed by the increased demand upon everything from food to clean water to shelter etc etc etc all the myriad things people need to not just stay safe but to just survive and then as a final little fly in the ointment an ordo hereticus investigatory team arrived on galen 4 to see if there were any wrong thinkers still around in the population to root out those who may have cooperated with the secessionist regime when they were still in control of the planet and the wider sector is a calming influence on the disgruntled hungry angry thirsty masses a witch hunt sometimes i think the inquisition does this [ __ ] on purpose the autohereticus detachment along with its leading inquisitor investigatory team and security guards were of course thoroughly loathed by the local populace in fact the only thing that could outweigh their shared dislike for them would be their fear for them hatred and fear potent combination but the ordo hereticus team were not complete amateurs to this either they knew that they would not be the most popular girls on the block and so instead prepared a stick with which to control the citizenry most of the people on gail and four lived in the so-called capital of the world i would like to add some hefty quotation marks on that word as well since the capital the old city as it was called was essentially a vast manifactorium complex or more precisely what was left of one after it had been abandoned for just about a century or so this wasn't galen's first war you see nor is it likely to be its last but uh the previous one was particularly bad as it was the scene of a major chaos uprising the heretics were eventually defeated but the imperium reacts harshly to such things and galen iv which had been a flagging industrial world for quite some time now due to a lack of raw resources was killed via administrative means the usual shipments that would arrive and put the manufacturing complexes to work became fewer and fewer and fewer until eventually they simply just stopped coming all together and without the trade and income from these frequent shipments galen 4 was left to fend for itself and since the world had been exploited over the course of previous centuries there wasn't a whole lot left to rely on a vicious spiral of poverty nevertheless the local rulers had done wonders with what they had at their disposal and had managed to create a relatively stable if small society the influx of aforementioned millions of refugees however put an end to that tranquil state of affairs rather quickly and then the boot arrived as well in the form of the ordo hereticus they swiftly then occupied the old city's single remaining working water treatment plant ensuring that the populace's accessed clean drinking water was controlled solely by the inquisition and there you have the boot unfortunately inquisitor shard a woman of considerable experience with dealing with such situations had underestimated the resilience of her marks this time around the governance of gail and form had worked alongside the secessionists that's much is true just like they'd worked alongside the loyalists and the secessionists before that and the loyalists before that and the secessionists before that and so on and they had done so not through any real sense of deep rooted loyalty but out of plain and simple necessity surest and swiftest way to assure that the tyrant of the weak did not further ravage the poor planet of galen iv was just to do whatever they told you to do nothing more to it really but this line of reasoning was unlikely to be considered overly persuasive by inquisitor shard and so the ruling class found themselves in a little bit of a bind on the one hand the inquisition had control over the water treatment plant if they didn't have that they could turn off the tap at any moment and allow thousands to starve to death well thousands more that is the inquisition's intervention had already severely disrupted the over-strained logistical network of galen iv and thousands were already dropping dead in the streets with violent gangs turning upon one another to fight over what little food and water was readily available further if the government simply just sat on its hands sooner or later shawn would get around to the evidence against them even on a world like galen 4 there were plentiful ambitious individuals you might see this as an excellent opportunity to rise through the ranks by placing their superiors in a very small and exceedingly uncomfortable inquisitorial cell but whinging about reality is easy the question what could be done was a far more complicated one galen iv was a small and poor world it didn't have a pdf or a real standing army of any sort it's not like they could stand up to the imperium right um unless of course you don't have any other options this is always the problem with leaving people with no way out isn't it no matter how impossible the solution might seem if it's the only one and the inquisition hadn't brought all that many men either a single regiment of imperial guardsmen not a good one either an indentured regiment penal legion forced soldiery and a small detachment of inquisitorial stormtroopers now they were intimidating to be sure but there's only a handful or two of them and galen did have a police force one that had expanded quite rapidly alongside the influx of refugees to control the violence and the crime all right then aliyah hector est and for once galen 4 found itself on the side of fortune an uprising had been planned and kept successfully secret from the inquisitorial agents it was to start with a large-scale populist rebellion first and foremost in the various refugee camps this would draw the inquisition's attention away from any actions of the local government who would seem to be doing everything in their power to quell the unrest just as they had done on several previous occasions they would request aid from the indentured imperial guard regiment who had already been asked to do this multiple times now and they would in all due likelihood receive it after all it was inquisitor shards pretty little ass on the line as much as anyone else's if the refugee camps exploded into full-scale uncontrolled violence and of course to ensure that their reaction was sufficiently forceful as to deter any further uprising the city warders would be armed and mobilized on scale alongside with the armed members of the industrial guilds they loaded up in their trucks the handful of armoured vehicles they possessed and set out into the streets out from their city waters barracks and guildhouses and headed not towards the refugee camps all of them were heading straight for the water treatment facilities and it took quite some while before the inquisitorial personnel noticed what was happening and when it occurred they assumed they were heading there to protect them that something had changed the outburst of violence had changed direction like a wildfire and begun to flow in their direction the stormtroopers were put on high guard of course but when the columns of city warders arrived they opened the doors because they were the reinforcements right i mean it's not quite up to the snuff of the horus heresy i agree but nevertheless nice move and from there we all know more or less how this particular song and dance tends to work out don't we the inquisitorial stormtroopers on guard on the outer perimeter were murdered instantly as the city warders turned their projectile weapons upon them by the time the betrayal was even known to the rest of the command staff inside at the water treatment plant the city waters were already past the checkpoints heading deeper inside of the complex the guards outside were either dead or pinned down by superior enemy numbers with the advantage of surprise the indentured imperial guard regiment was halfway to the refugee camps and by the time they received word of the coup at the water treatment plant i once again stressed the nature of this imperial guard regiment these people were being forced to fight what do you think their reaction was when the word came down grapevine that their superior officers had either been captured killed or were missing and they were now in a supposedly hostile city surrounded by quote unquote their enemies well i imagine a considerable quantity of these indentured guardsmen swiftly found themselves a lot of brand new friends who they could vociferously inform that yeah now they they never really liked the uh inquisition to begin with and hey you might even be speaking the truth kind of difficult to uh really blame the indentured slave soldiers for their lack of loyalty to be entirely honest with you and within hours the coup was done and in all reasonable metrics it had been a resounding success frankly the imperial garrison along with the stormtroopers had either been overwhelmed or scattered across the old city or simply been recruited by the rebels they had even succeeded in killing inquisitor shard early on in the uprising a close quarters bomb blast had left her ruptured shredded corpse nearly unrecognizable but the seal of office and her regalia spoke as to her identity the rebels simply just left the corpse where it fell no need to further desecrate the dead these were merely rebels after all not chaos heretical scum all they wanted was for gale and iv to be just please left alone the war had done enough damage as it was and whilst the sacrifice of these loyal imperial citizens was unfortunate the planet has simply just had enough and wanted to go at it alone and hoped and prayed that the wider war would keep the loyalists too busy to return to finish the job and with the secessionists contained within their final system they were unlikely to come knocking anytime soon either it was a foolish hope honestly and basically an impossible one leggett inquisitor john dice frane of course had a reputation to maintain and you don't just go around killing inquisitorial personnel without retribution significant retribution as well and so he immediately declared upon hearing the news that the galen system had gone rogue worse it had become an apostate system it had been liberated by the loyal forces of the god emperor's most holy inquisition and his servants in the imperial guard and the adapters astartes and despite this the ungrateful populars had risen in a most repugnant and heretical revolt against their rightful masters you may remember we spoke about the occasional world that was made an example out of previously well this is one of those examples as the leggett inquisitor bent carab column's ear requesting an immediate and swift response to this most heinous of crimes and specifically he requested the dispatch of the sons of medusa as the legit inquisitor was entirely confident that this chapter in particular would approach this problem with a necessary degree of severity to ensure that nobody else would get the silly notion of assassinating an inquisitor carob colon however coming famously from a very uncooperative chapter had not yet grown quite so fond of the inquisition's way of making their examples and so added in a little bit of a caveat he would authorize the deployment of the sons of medusa usually far more than any small rebellious system would warrant but he requested a couple caveats the planet was to remain habitable no exterminators nonsense missed an inquisitor no it should trigger fingers for the sons of medusa either no testing out some of that unknown tech you undoubtedly found on cygnax furthermore the planet's infrastructure and logistical systems would also to remain intact including the water treatment plant and other food producing necessities and a significant portion of the planet's population was also to be allowed to live frayna was not overly happy about the fact that his commander was bucking him once more but these were conditions that he could live with provided that an ordo hereticus detachment under another inquisitor kramner this time would accompany the sons of medusa and would also have can't blanch authority to prosecute the ringleaders of the rebellion and presumably also define what a ringleader is and so long as this ringlead definition did not grow so wide as to incompose the majority of the population this was something that carob cullen could live with and as for the sons of medusa well second christmas granted galen 4 had not been a fully operational manufacturing world for a very long time yet nevertheless it once had been a major manufacturing complex and who knew what man of lovely treasures might be lying around in the dirt protected only by a handful of ratty-ass civilians who for some reason or another had decided to pick up guns the suns were a little bit you know fuzzy on that particular portion but they had absolutely gotten the message that they were allowed to shoot them so long as they kept the shooting to a relative minimum any hills and so their iron thane veil and cal organized three full companies to retake the planet [Music] three full goddamn companies to assault a world that didn't even have a pdf in fact the closest they had was a police force like shooting a nat with an elephant gun and speaking of overkill oh when the sons of medusa arrived in orbit above galen iv they immediately demonstrated that they had a very creative interpretation of their orders to keep as much of the planets intact as possible by initiating a large-scale orbital bombardment all around the old city when the three companies of samsung do so then landed straight into the craters that they had so recently blasted into the planet they swept aside any resistance the word is pointless in this context it's a bunch of shell-shocked civilians some of which may have been armed being engaged by space marines after a planetary bombardment and then they started doing what their kind do best building rather than launching an immediate lightning strike into the depths of the city the sons of medusa elected instead to surround the old city with fortifications with automated gun turrets with artillery pits batteries sam sites and everything else you would expect if they've been encircling vraks itself and i suspect this was more so to stave off boredom than anything else upon arriving in system it would have been immediately clear to the ships in orbit that galen 4 was not in any state to offer organized resistance once the rebellion itself had been a remarkable success the various parties that had launched it the city warders the industrial guilds the various leaders of governments refugees etc etc swiftly fell out with one another when it came time to begin dividing the spoils the leaders in the refugee camps were not happy with their water rations and so complained violently the city warders were not happy since they had been doing most of the fighting why were they not seeing the returns and so they started slicing out their own little territorial pieces the industrial guilds hoping to return to a period of former glory were equally unsatisfied and set up their own little fiefdom and outside of their predetermined territories the old city was in a state of near complete lawlessness with roaming gangs of bandits wandering the streets killing murdering and stealing anything and everything they so fancied a direct landing straight into the heart of the old city would probably have ended all real resistance within a couple of hours but the sons of medusa had other objectives as well as their defenses grew for a day then another and for a third day the city began to quiet down the usual violence died out the constant bickering and infighting also began to cease as a rumors spread of the state of the city they had all seen and heard the bombardment and rumors of green armored giants stalking the outskirts spread like pestilence through the streets and then there were the massive pre-fabricated permacrete constructs that were rising all around it watchtowers with large powerful searchlights which would illuminate the city at night and the constant telltale signs of continued construction this was probably the sons of medusa's plan to inspire uncertainty and terror in the civilian populace and also to ensure that if any of the organized factions that remain decided to try some sort of break out action that he would be stopped dead very swiftly and would if anything merely add to the tension and fear in the rest of the city after having allowed the populists to stew in their own terror for a sufficient period of time on the fourth day the sons of medusa made their move the full force of the three companies would advance in a mass-armored spearhead rhinos razorbacks and land raiders barreling out of the pre-dawn dust and fog slamming into the outskirts of the old city flattening hovels and all the manufacturing frameworks alike beneath their iron treads and after three weeks of wandering and worrying questioning many of the factions within the old city took up their weapons and counter-attacked the sons of medusa reasoning that if the city fell they could expect no mercy for their part in the rebellion and after three days of horror and terror it was better and quicker to simply get it over with to throw themselves onto the sun's guns and be obliterated in hail of baltifire and vindicator shells those who decided to prolong their sufferings by trying to hide to go to ground in the ruined manufacturing complexes were wrinkled out one group at a time by the astartes and their superior war gear following in behind the sons of medusa's cutting edge was the inquisition's own troops mounted in chimeras and apcs equipped with loud hailers they were constantly broadcasting the message that all civilians should remain within the city's borders should stay where they were and surrender themselves when called upon to do so by imperial personnel those who still had their wits about them would obey these instructions as the city was squeezed in the power armored gauntlet of the sons of medusa it ruptured and spilled its juices everywhere vast columns of civilians some in vehicles some on foot began streaming out of the city away from the advance of the sons of medusa imagining that there was some sort of safety if only they could get out of the city but of course it was surrounded by gun pits by automated emplacements who were also in turn constantly circled by land speeders and ravens who would pick up on even the smallest group of civilians trying to make it through the vehicles were burnt out scattered and shattered wrecks within minutes the fleeing huddled the masters were blasted apart in the open by auto cannons and heavy baltic fire with those few who made it out of the engagement envelopes of the automated batteries being picked off by land speeders as they tried to flee for the imagined safety of the salt flats beyond the only thing slowing down the sons of medusa's advance at this point was the sheer size of the old city it was a vast ancient complex and they were advancing slowly and carefully ensuring that each and every zone was secure before moving on to the next one they were not in a hurry and besides there were still quite a few interesting items to be catalogued and perhaps carried away for later studies it was only much later on when they approached the heart of the old city that they encountered any form of real organized resistance the city waters had held up within the fortified barracks houses of their old precepts these were designed to withstand large-scale riots and were often complete with permacrete bunkers and automated gun turrets of their own along with embattlements and fortified towers these could be a minor problem and so the sons of medusa simply just ignored them choosing instead to go around and secure the other areas instead the industrial guild's own houses were also vast and contained within them significant portions of rebels these would be taken care of first they did have some weaponry but nothing that could really threaten a true son of the god emperor and so they waded in with fists chainsaws and power weapons by a large slinging their bolters so as to conserve ammunition for the fortified barracks houses which were taken care of last ringed by land raiders rhinos razorbacks vindicators and strafed by thunder hawks land speeders and ravens the fortifications were reduced a bunker by a bunker tower by tower and barracks by barracks not giving the city warders any chance to resist effectively the entire operation took just about 56 hours and it only took that long because the suns were being careful really taking their time reducing each and every tiny little area of resistance one by one with overwhelming firepower no sense in wasting good space marines on such a piddly compliance after all the heavy-handed measures taken by the sons of medusa also succeeded in a secondary objective taking the fight completely out of any remaining rebel elements when called upon to do so hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of people simply walked out of the old city hundreds if not thousands guarded by single inquisitorial stormtroopers as mile long lines snaked back to the landing zones prepared by the sons of medusa where the inquisition had set up temporary interrogation centers where each and every single civilian was going to have his personal involvement in the uprising evaluated and judged by inquisitorial acolytes and yes interrogating and judging millions of people is going to take years if not indeed decades but the inquisition is a remarkably petulant petty and stubborn organization particularly these matters and they had discovered an unexpected boon even the most dedicated inquisitor an acolyte would probably get a little bit tired after the hundred thousandth or so interrogation but there was one individual who was very unlikely to tire of handing out justice in this matter during the retaking of the water treatment facility you see they had come across a secret room hidden away and not shown on any blueprints within which they found a handful of acolytes still tending to the mere fatally wounded body of inquisitor shard and oh boy you bet she held the grudge for this every last man a woman and child on the planet would be paraded before the lacerated form of inquisitor shard to receive their due process i imagine her judgment will be swift uncompromising a hint merciless but uh fair of course because the inquisition has defined itself as always being fair and just in fact they go so far as to say that they quite unequivocally have a monopoly on justice an enviable position no doubt as for the sons of medusa they would hang around for a little while longer overseeing the initial stages of the interrogation operations and to ensure that the various small scattered habitats across the planet would also follow the old city's example very few of them actually required any form of threatening or cajoling as the word of the fate of the old city spread quickly even over a planet as isolated as galen fall there was to be no more resistance from anyone in these parts soon various imperial guard regiments second and third line formations not really fit for combat detail would be re-routed to the world to establish a proper imperial garrison and you bet your happy little ass they weren't going to settle for a single indentured regiment this time around oh no the judgment process was going to go on for a while and it was going to require considerable security protocols [Music] left huron couldn't get enough manpower to safeguard the autonomous zone from the predations of pirates but i guarantee you this galen iv is not going to have a problem with racists anytime soon it is after all quite rare for anyone to try and break their way in to a prison complex which was exactly what galen iv had been transformed into as the populists received their just punishment those who had taken an active part in the rebellion were all burned alive but the majority of the population received a very lenient punishment of merely being indentured into penal legions or placed in life-long labor calls where they would spend the rest of their natural life mining what mineral wealth remained out of galen for leaving their planet even poorer than before and this is why we don't piss off the inquisition kids because the lenient punishment is from a certain point of view harsher than the death penalty galen 4 a bit of a side story in the larger conflict to be certain but you know me i'm hardly want to pass up an opportunity to demonstrate the just and correct course of the god emperor's most holy inquisition and speaking of inquisitorial machinations another event occurred shortly thereafter a single space marine strike cruiser appeared near the edges of the golgotha wastes and began sending out contact signals to nearby imperial navy patrols who at first thought this was an incursion by the secessionists or possibly the arrival of another astati's chapter of unknown allegiance to further complicate matters as well the ciphers attached to the messages were so incredibly outdated that at first they were expected to be forgeries but after word was sent to vengeance station and inquisitorial personnel were able to scour the ancient archives they were indeed found and ratified they were old enough to not even be in the memory banks of many dreadnoughts serving in the campaign but they were real and to further make the matter a little bit more pressing the strike cruiser further communicated to the initial imperial contacts that oh no no it wasn't here by itself in fact an entire chapter-sized fleet was coming in hot on its heels a matter it neglected to mention until pressed on that particular point so a thousand adapters astartes of unknown origin were arriving in the golgothan wastes without having been announced and when they were asked as to why they were coming they simply answered that they had been ordered to come by the god emperor on holy terror right well i mean that's not an impossible reasoning it's uh just a little bit along the lines of having a man knock on your door and when you ask him why the hell he's there he says jesus sent me could be true but it certainly does look a little bit suspicious doesn't it however legged inquisitor john dice frain personally took it upon himself to board a vessel and travel to meet this unknown chapter an act of considerable bravery especially considering the betrayal that has seen varant ortiz of the red scorpions murdered or at least so frane was eager to have it perceived when he arrived he was met by a full chapter-strength fleet of the carcaradons all space sharks in common although to be honest space sharks there is just too much darn b movie in that name so cat cat a dance it is this only went some way however to quiet the suspicion of the other loyalists carob cullen in particular was very inquisitive as to how the inquisitor had managed to draw a chapter that seemingly no one had heard of and which had virtually no records logged about it from the outer depths of the void i'm sure cullen was also worried about the apparent savagery of yet further reinforcement the inquisition's chapters had proven to be not to the red scorpion's liking or standards and considering the fire angels who had accompanied the leggett inquisitor to the meetings with the carcardons had described them as aberrant barbarians that trend hardly seemed to be turning anytime soon there was also a question about where their loyalties might lie and if they would be simply another chapter like the minotaurs who would seemingly only receive instructions from one particular diminutive source with a capital i around his neck and of course the individual in question saw no particular problems with these new allies in fact after a standoff with the carcaradon's flagship the nikkor legit inquisitor frane warmly accepted them into the war and promised them that much good blood would absolutely be spilled in the name of the god emperor in the execution of the remainder of this conflict and the carcardons would absolutely be granted a leading role in fact he had marching orders for them immediately to head towards the endymion cluster and the final destruction of the mantis warriors chapter something the leggett inquisitor pointed out none too subtly whilst being escorted by them nonetheless that the fire angels had themselves failed to prosecute the mantis warriors oh there is blood in the void my friends and so in the next episode we're finally going to be seeing the caracara dance astra in full action till then i've been arch thank you all very much for watching and i hope to see you all again soon have a good day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Arch
Views: 51,798
Rating: 4.9671574 out of 5
Keywords: arch, 40k, badab, space marines, history, gaming, future, lore, 40k lore, adeptus astartes, warhammer 40k, imperium, humanity, mankind, doom, chaos, warp, maelstrom, warp storm, the imperium of man, the emperor, lamenters, astral claws, mantis warriors, the war for badab, badab war, imperium of mankind, warhammer 40000, the emperor of man, warhammer 40k lore, immaterium, inquisition, lore video, gods, 40k audio, huron, fall, war, army, astartes, horror, space, story, nightmare, warhammer, myth, wargaming
Id: zON8rmHXsWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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