Marine Reacts to WH40K Alpha Legion (By Baldermort)

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marine reacts to the alpha legion by baltimore's guide to warhammer as always i'm going to be leaving a link to the original video channel down in the description below so go ahead and make sure they check them out so only thing i know about the alpha legion is that they were one of the traitor legions and they were um supposedly from what i've been hearing from people in the comments that they were actually considered the first legion and not the dark angels but besides that i don't really know too much more so let's go ahead and get to the extra video but before we do don't forget to like subscribe really does have made a lot hit that notification bell right there and you get notified every time i do upload sometimes i'll playing twice a day now i'm working on them whenever i can and releasing them at some point the next day that way at least that one video every day to enjoy at your leisure so without further ado let's go ahead and see what the alpha legion is all about my promotion they called it i left her the chance as an arbiter of a long and distinguished career i can tell you one thing it's not all it's cracked up to be i left at the chance for a change the thing with this job is that it so often involves wiping mutant off your boots i despise them the regular journeys into the underhive to cull them my old gaffer used to say the hive is like a house my lad and the underhive is the sewer if you don't flush it out regularly the feces start to run in the streets but i won't miss it i never took pleasure in the pyres we made of their burnt bodies the culls in my mind the most disgusting thing about mutants is their need to try to gain mercy by sounding like us i know it's all mimicry like an animal that seems to call your name in the dark only to pounce on you when you wander away from the campsite they insist on trying to sound like humans when they are screaming when they are wailing for pity and clemency but it's all an act and i won't miss it at all well what a fool they handed me a midden sandwich all right transferred to internal affairs for exemplary cells and conduct but it was a set up it reminds me of the joke you only hear in this department how do you kill 99 officials with one club and without breaking a sweat push 100 of them into a room hand them the single club and form them one of them is alpha legion and they cannot come out until they find out who it's not funny it was never funny it's a living hell when the first one turned up with that nasty little tattoo their three-headed snake or hydra whatever they call it it was just the beginning we find them everywhere now at the sights of explosions but the scene of executions they never run they just stand there with their hands on their heads in a glazed expression with just a hint of a crooked smirk on their faces like they know they are going to be tortured to death but i somehow won i hate it and i hate them but there is one thing i hate more than anything else it is filling in the damn charts there's a chart a sheet for bloody everything in this role okay uh i may have misinterpreted that one part where he said about the put like to see who is the alpha right and that they uh would have a hundred people i i think he said 100 people or 1999 or they would they wanted to know from this hundred people which one was the alpha right and that in order to do this i mean it sounded i it sounded like he was talking to uh someone else or it seemed like it was talking in the form of that's kind of maybe what the recruitment process looks like i could be completely wrong it's kind of hard to understand it from this one just because don't get me wrong i love his voice but sometimes it is a little difficult to understand but i still love the way he presents a lot of the information he is he he really puts a lot of hype between each um one and makes you have like every single video i've seen from him continuously makes me think like okay now this is my favorite one no now this is my favorite one type deal everything so i fill in yet another chart another form another waste of my time the last words chart why do we even bother none of them make any sense before they are executed a strange an arcane ritual is enacted the executioner will ask them if they have any last words gibberish is what then occurs never mind it sounds like that's kind of what they did with someone who was the enemy get them to kill each other and then execute the last one that's what it's starting to seem like so i just want to open a big tangent on that first little part and i was just completely wrong they say practically the same phrase each time there's only one difference it starts i am a fairies where that is and then they end with the hydra awakes but there is always a word just one that is snuggled between the two statements rubbish so it goes like this i am alfarious you the hydra awakes so i have to put all of these last words into the cogitator i should be out hunting them trying to predict their pattern but no i am doing this admin work i fit in entry after entry line after identical line one by one on this huge sheet it takes hours but then something happens i start to notice a pattern at last something to go on their achilles heel maybe when put in order of execution it makes no sense at all but when you rearrange into date of arrest it becomes clear i ignore the prologue and epilogue entries of i am alpharius and the hydra awakes and a sentence begins to form from all of those random words i enter the last details then it becomes clear you are asleep but you must do as instructed destroy the arbitee's main center the hydra awakes all right so i've heard the opportu our batis uh word thrown around a lot in the comments um or like as far as checking out the video on it i still i still don't know what it is i mean obviously just because i'm going through space marine chapters first and also by the way i i mean as you can see with this video i'm going through um the uh traitor legions and it seems like he was talking in the form of the inquisition because of the symbol here i thought he was talking in the form of a dark um not dark angel um i thought he was talking in the form of a uh alpha legion person a pain appears behind my eyes for a second then clears as swiftly as it arrived i look at my reflection in the cogitator screen i know what i must do i press the delete button wiping the records permanently i stack also just realize that the person who's getting executed was an outfield alpha legionnaire at least i would assume so and i leave my office i locked the door i walk with a spring in my step down the many flights of stairs to the power station at the base of the building i walk inside and nod to the tech priest there before i pass his bemused gear and stare at the power core i draw my pistol quietly and then turn and execute the priest a single shot to the head i then walk to the controls i begin the process of overloading it i had no idea i was so gifted with this sort of thing i stand back and admire my handiworks as i hear the plant begin to shudder slowly rising to the moment it will explode and envelop this entire block in radioactive fire i walk to another panel and tap in my last words strange i'm related at their writing i feel such a sense of calm and achievement i send a single message to the spaceport officials i am a farias you the hydra awakes welcome gentle listener i'm voldemort and i wish to introduce you to the factions okay before he goes any further i just want to make sure in that opening sequence i know he likes to begin with the story i just want to make sure at least for my own knowing he's talking about the inquisition interrogating or i guess like um i mean yeah interrogating somebody from the alpha legion or just someone in general because then he said they said that they usually say at the end that they're alpha arias alpha artists which obviously alpha legion sounds really similar and then yeah so okay that's that's what i'm assuming that has happened and now he's gonna get into the actual lore of the actual alpha legion um okay correct me if i'm wrong though because otherwise that first part is gonna sound way off and just way out of context uh and it's gonna make me sound uh very dumb in a sense but let's keep going the forces of the weimar 40k universe today we will be attempting to understand possibly one of the most complicated and inscrutable factions in the entire grim darkness of the future for today we will attempt to wrestle with the very basics of the alpha legion i must state straight off the bat that this is possibly one of the most difficult subjects i have ever had to present and so i am insistent that this should be a brief introduction as these matters have been dealt with on the channel previously as i must be honest and state that my opinion perspective my approach to this faction have altered so many times that i'm unable to be certain of anything being correct all we can do is try to discern the very basics and then to move on to the many many nuances of this fraction so it seems like a lot of this is going to be based in theory then um man that's what it seems like he's saying another time hopefully by that time i will have a more solid and static position on them and that is the wonder of warhammer the juice that fills the glass the thing that keeps fans coming back time and time again its complexity its depth and i will apologize now for many a gentle listener may not like this unorthodox entry as it goes on as it will be so eclectic but just know that this is by design so let us move on to the basics and see where the trail takes us but just know that i honestly do not have an absolute view of where the destination actually is the alpha lesion a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma none can truly know their motivations none can guess their insidious motives but that is the key word here insidious insidious meaning proceeding in a gradual subtle way with very harmful effects they represent a darkness the few truly grasp even i am not sure i am capable of doing so with the details we have at hand gentle listener but there is one truth about them everything is a lie and everything is true for the greatest lies always have the kernel of truth at their center and when it comes to lying the alpha legion are second to none but let us start with what is actually known the primarks of the alpha legion those demigods who are forged by the emperor of mankind to lead his armies across the galaxy in the great crusade where all made designed birth for a reason each had their strength that none other possessed in many it was blatant and their primary attribute was not only their defining one but it was their entire goal the murder shoparandai the liaison detra their very purpose like a pantheon of gods the primarks would display their powers for all to see and their illusions the astartes space marines the made up deletions were all taken from their template for example lehman russ is quite easily comparable with the god thor a bluff braggart but an honorable soul and warrior without peer who always would stand against tyranny and evil where it threatened the halls of his people such are his legion the space wolves i just realized why they say or they said uh downline about the hydra because that's their symbol loud and aggressive feral and fierce but they are also unflinching in their loyalty to the emperor and his imperium if the primarks are indeed a pantheon then the alpha legion were led by loki the norse trickster god always plotting planning always active some say that loki was an evil satan type figure but in my humble opinion he was not he was a cautionary tale the similarities are endless in many retellings of the fables of the gods the azir loki was a young god and hot to impress and to insist he was also active and always for the enemies of the gods with his most pronounced attributes his mind is cunning he would out think not out fight his opponents and save the real maternal on many an occasion but he was not the brute strength of thor nor the noble endurance of boulder nor the indefatigable force of justice or tear hence no matter the result of his activity he was always sneered at and derided by the more brutish guards as they always concentrated on citing his methods never seeing their results it's really seeming like these guys are the more tacticians and think about it it's either always brains or bronze but sometimes you know you get that one person that is both brains and bronze but now imagine if you had an entire legion like that it could be very deadly the time sadoki was ever given his due and so it is with the primax of the alpha legion yes you heard me right primarks plural for of all of the sons of the emperor only the alpha legion had twins at their helm it was said that they were the one soul in two bodies they were called alfarius and omegon they were one where alfarius was the name most new as this was the persona that had been designed or designated as the public face of the legion it could never be discerned if one spoke to alfurious or to omorgon never the myths about alfarious omegon are so many that it is impossible for me at this point to actually be clear some say he was captured by the slaughter abused broken and then found by the emperor who then retried to put him back together some say he was found at the head of an interstellar empire that was a thorn in the side of the war master horus lupocal himself and that one of them boarded his vessel as an assassin to decapitate him and end the crusade's onward rush into the empire that alvarius and omagan believed was their own some say that he was always on earth and that the emperor for his own reasons kept these sons hidden and trained them personally for many years even before the discovery of forest lupica officially i mean what if a lot of these myths and the reasons they don't know a whole lot about them or like the fact that there's so many things that apparently get told but like a lot of it doesn't seem like it's confirmed what if they were just spread by them like by the brother power marks which by the way i never even really thought of if some of them could have been twins but in any case i'm assuming that it was done to some goal or some aspect that they're actually trying to achieve and then that's why this happened as far as the myths go and like they're not really having like concrete i guess evidence if you want to call it that the first primark to be reunited with the emperor and his crusade some say that he is actually the unseen hand of the emperor and plays a game on his behalf that none of his siblings would or could perform or allow but this is all propaganda possibly with a gem of truth hidden in each of the lies but they are if taken as a totality lies dissembling propagated and spread by the lords of confusion the primarchs of the alpha legion for to know the genesis of a thing often means understanding it something that they never wanted any to be able to do understand them for the alpha legion are the experts in espionage that put even the raven guard to shame where other legions would display their prowess on the battlefield the alpha legion fought entirely differently no slouches on the battlefield either but it was not their polio here in the pantheon of the gods were the primarchs it was alfiers's tactics and his methods that were also derided and slurred no matter the results as with my analogy his clashes with many notables are well documented i can still not make a clear picture of it i know that many come to this site for a slightly off-the-wall perspective that may deviate from the standard relaying by more competent and experienced law peddlers but in this regard i must admit they have me foxed but the tale of loki i find appropriate at the time of the writing of this tract at least as it was the constant derision of his methods never giving him his due that led to loki taking the path of evil and antagonism to his fellow gods basically if you are lied about endlessly you start to wear the mantle provided you thus does it also appear to be with alfarius and omargon let us be direct even conrad curse the primark of the knife lords the purveyors of terror themselves even he called out the tactics of the alpha legion even the night hunter stated that there was something twisted about this legion and his two young primarks i'm not even broke now the reaction he gained from rogel or from the boot who practically paid for his blood at many a point in the great crusade but ever did the odin of the pantheon the emperor ignore and suppress their contentions affairs omegon and their legion were left to their own devices more and more as time went by and perhaps this is why they chopped the path that they did that they were found last that they were literally decades behind their siblings in time to accrue glory and accomplishments may have been a huge impact police said that they initially went out of their way to try to move faster and more effectively than any other lesion in an attempt to make up for the lost time but it was not to be their efforts no matter the results were always derided at this point it would be utterly logical for any person especially a sibling deemed to be the junior to simply up sticks and refused to play by the rules that were so heavily stacked against them so i know i don't remember this is the legion that people have been telling me that it wasn't them who necessarily betrayed the emperor and everybody but that they were actually the ones which were like they were just completely looked down upon at every turn just because they didn't act in the same manner as far as like tactic-wise for example i don't know if it was them or i may have been the thousand sons or second sons i think it's called a thousand cents uh the one with the a bunch of uh people with the psycho abilities um i i don't remember if it was them or the alpha legion that people had been telling me that they were the ones who were actually betrayed and that that was kind of why the whole uh traitor aspect ended up happening because if you're consistently doing a bunch of great things i guess um for the empire and the or the imperium and you just kind of get [ __ ] on which is kind of seeming what it seems like right now you know you start um exuding a little bit of resentment and then obviously that keeps building i hope i said that would right uh yeah or like you just start getting pissed off right like all your work is going unnoticed and just unappreciated if i'm correct in many are accounting the twins spent blessed little time with the emperor their father perhaps he had seen them as the completion of his armies and took them for granted perhaps he was simply bored of the lines and training he would have to give any primark when he had done so 19 times before as he said in some tales that he formed a better bond with his oldest sibling the first found horus lupocal the warmaster it is seen that this lack of time with the emperor why they were viewed as so easily turned to the side of horus when he fell to darkness and then rebelled and set in motion the conflagration of the horus heresy but he did not really spend that much time with horus either so there are holes in this argument also there are details that are known only to them on a solitary world in their path one of the twins it is said to be alfarious was secretly met by a representative of a group of zenos aliens calling themselves the cabal in this meeting a perpetual called john grammaticus acted on the on the behalf of the cabal as mediator and attempted conversion of the primark grammatica stated the cabal were ancient and powerful and had been working against chaos for millennia of course on the understanding gentle listener that at the point of the meeting there was no general knowledge of the forces of chaos or their dark gods not even the primarks knew about them the emperor kept this from them all for reasons we may never know dramatic the reasons at least what i think and from what i uh have heard was that that was due so that if nobody knew about the chaos gods they were supposed to in a way um detract some of their power but and then obviously they ended up failing either way because still ended up having a p p people turn traitor but that's from what i remember atticus went on to tell arfarius that the capal has scried only two possible outcomes to the mighty events that were about to unfold he was informed that horus would fall to chaos and then he would openly rebel against his father the emperor the two possible future pathways are these one if the emperor was victorious then it would break the back of the imperium and everything it presently professed to represent the forces of chaos would grow over time and eventually consume the galaxy humanity would be its food for all eternity and all would be brought down with them and then two if the emperor were defeated then horus would rule the galaxy but his regret his conscience would slowly resurface and that he would end in despising himself and the lords of chaos he would then engage in wars that would end in wiping out humanity but that would result in the chaos gods being defeated and the galaxy would then go into a golden age and return to what it was always supposed to have been before it was twisted our fear has overgone were there so if horus ended up okay i don't know if horace knew about this or that this would happen or that this would even happen um if things went the way they say it was gonna happen but if horus knew this so then it seems like he was doing this under the pretense that he was doing good he was doing something good or he was doing what was necessary and they said that his conscious or his like regret would start coming back eventually again going against the chaos gods and then eventually killing them and then i'm assuming that's why when they saw this the alpha legion are the two twins that that's why they ended up turning traitor because they probably saw this also as probably the only chance that humanity had and it's just one of those where it was like they had to be the villain i mean obviously this is just a lot of speculation on my end but it seemed like it would make sense to me at least then asked to make a choice to assist the emperor and end the universe in chaos or to join horus with the goal of sacrificing the human race to defeat the chaos gods for all time not much of a choice one might think it is this event that has been used to attempt to define the alpha lesion also real quick even if they destroyed the chaos gods would they or new gods be able to come up because i mean there's always going to be a chance of war there's going to be people uh as far as the emotion aspect um a lot of things that are happening like even change and all that like i mean either the chaos guys being reborn or just other gods are going to start appearing you know for they did go over to horus and during the battle of istavan 5 they turned the colour of their cloth and assisted in the store trouble full three lesions of loyalists almost to a man almost surely this points them taking the path provided by the cabal but is it so because for this reason alpharius drew rogul dawn into a confrontation that ended in his own death rogel slew him or did he was that actually alfarious or omegon or simply an incredibly well-trained and performing legionary who were they groomed to be the sacrifice that all believed impossible to tell nefarious and omigon are said in some tales to be the smallest the primarks are actually able to move amongst their men with total anonymity other reports state that they were towering warriors of golden skin and unsurpassed martial ability which are right everything is true and everything is a lie for there are so many details about them and yet so few they claim to serve chaos and divide it do not show signs of mutation of the blessings from the dark gods they did not retreat into the eye of terror as their brothers did when horus lost at the battle of terror and the traitor lesions were then chased to the eye by the remaining loyalist lesions and their primarks the alpha legion simply disappeared and they have been in hiding ever since hiding amongst the normal citizenry of the imperium even among the forces of the space marines they are considered to be everywhere and nowhere all at the same time yet they still seem to strike for the forces of chaos yet they have been recorded to have performed atrocities that would make a world eater or a nightlord bulk but in the rare times they reveal themselves for open combat they have been heard to scream old war christ like for the emperor is this sarcasm or is it truth are they following chaos or tricking them to are they the deepest cover operatives that ever existed in the history of the galaxy i was thinking that too um being like essentially double agent right or the fact that these are the perfect example of people who like to work behind the scenes they're very secretive very like you never know what they're gonna do you don't know what they're up to and it's just continually keeping everybody guessing it's because if you don't know anything about them how could you fight them if everything is supposed to be true and false how could you even know how to fight them again um but the fact that they were still be on the chaos side of things but the fact that there's they'll still say things like for the emperor is this them just spreading this information just to create some kind of math confusion maybe they're just going after something themselves specifically maybe they're playing the villain role so that for the greater good for some reason or another and i don't know this is just so many things that could be going on and no idea if anybody could ever be true because i feel like that's just the way the written and just the way baltimore has been saying it as well everything true everything false we don't know at least i don't know a mask of obedience to the chaos guards for over ten thousand years whilst always remaining loyal in their hearts the sabotage and deep cover operatives are one of the greatest states to the imperium i know also real quick since they did say that they're really uh they're like they're shorter of the primarks and that they can actually um walk around their guys and not and be kind of indistinguishable is it possible that maybe they took and this is my own little theory that they took um they took out some of the maybe say current space chapter marines like for example let's say an imperial fist right or black templar cell matters whoever right uh and they took their armor and the fact that they can blend in at least height ways take the armor and then walk amongst other chapters currently and that they do that in multiple different chapters so that way they can gain more information because that seems to be their real mo here just getting information i don't know i don't know man i just kind of thought of that right now too so i feel like that's very possible just a theory though i don't have any proof at all oh i say that a lot but each time it's true that's why it's called the grim dark the hider the many headed beast the tick in the ear the whisper in the back of the mind is their greatest weapon distrust for most believe that the imperium damn also real quick that part about the hydra having many heads right many different chapters right many different um opportunities for them to blend in right and only them maybe even their own guys that still follow them have them blend in with their chapters kind of report back what's going on all this espionage and like this half of [ __ ] it's tripping me out man why rife with distrust and paranoia but this is clearly not the case no matter what people may feel the reality is that the navy is expected to carry the forces of the imperium to his destinations and protect from our raiders and pirates all worlds are expected to pay their tithes all chapters of astartes are expected to respond to the clacks and calls for assistance the ministerium are expected to exalt the emperor and its people are expected to toil for their imperium for his survival but when these expectations are not met anarchy occurs an anarchy that is always abused and used by the alpha legion to then perform whatever tasks secure whatever objectives or resources they require to further their insidious machinations and as per the joke we heard earlier they are now at a stage that their name alone the one planted operative designed to be found can then tear apart these conventions of cooperation as entire swathes of the imperial bureaucracy and military then attempt to find these snakes in the grass by purging purging what may not even be there but purging nonetheless they were ever a strange and undeniably powerful legion their cohesion and organization loyalty and unquestioning ability to work together to a single goal on the battlefield was unmatched even the grand organizer and his ultramarines were not the equal in their ability to organize a strike of a million elements their discipline is also a thing to be marveled at truly marveled why any other astartes will give their life for their lords without a second thought but will they give up themselves doubtable but what do i mean the alpha legion are so disciplined so cunning so dauntless in their devotion to their cause that they regularly and frequently have their minds their very personalities and everything that makes a person who they are wiped this allows them to be true deep cover operatives as there is simply not the information in their minds and souls to be divulged but imagine the commitment to cause to willingly have this performed to effectively be ended again and again and again and know that no matter how successful or how impressive your deeds you will not remember a single one of them at the end of the course of your life now that is a level of conviction that should make others quake when one of them is captured and states very simply i am a farias it may not actually be a ruse to them they may that connects the beginning part now when the in the beginning when he said that i am malfuris that's what typically what they say it's because the dude's mind is early white and i'm getting a little giddy now uh so okay that makes it perfect then because if they do get captured they don't mean they can be interrogated all they want but they can't really see anything because they don't even know dude the amount of insanity you know let's just keep going i actually believe that the perfect traitor is the one who does not know they are treasure in their heart as is oft said it is these sleepy units that can be everywhere or nowhere but it also means something else something strange it means that there is actually no certainty at all the legionaries of the alpha are actually working for the same goal that they started with all of those years ago how would it be possible for them to even tell any marine any official any officer any man woman or child that is encountered in the grim darkness of the future could be a sleeper unit of the alpha legion and never even know it until they are activated and even then they may not know it themselves despite carrying out the nefarious actions of these busy busy bees so that is one thing above all that must be acknowledged by all fans of this glorious setting the alpha legion are the hardest workers in the entirety of the human race for they are never at rest never still always plotting and scheming towards an ends even they may not not fully know themselves but always always busy little bees so even if they don't know a lot of stuff and that they're just mine wiping them again and again and again i would assume that someone has to know what the end goal is and i want to assume it's going to be the two prime marks and uh [ __ ] um i feel as far as like theory-wise again that they're not even working for chaos and they might be working for the emperor possibly but not directly for the emperor if that makes sense so they're trying to help the imperium of mad but they're doing it in their own way whatever way that is i have no idea and that's just a guess though very probably a loose theory but just something i just thought of the world eaters may exemplify worshipers of the blood god corn the emperor's children may do so for the prince of pleasure slanash the death guards are ardent in their love of the grandfather nurgle and the thousand sons show unflinching devotion to the lord of change zinch the iron warriors may hate chaos while still serving it the black legion may profess independence while fighting for it the night lords may sow misery in its name and the word bearers believe they are its greatest servants but it is the alpha legion who are chaos if actions speak louder than words then they are merely allowed a form of communication but who are the alpha legion talking to because in my mind as things stand right now the three-headed snake the hydra may well represent the truth of the matter some have said that this represents that there were actually triplets not twins but i do not see this they are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end with the lion l johnson was a template the start of the journey arthuris and omegon are its conclusion its end does the three-headed hierarchy symbol reveal something nobody even wishes to consider the existence of a third path which the alpha legion tread alone one path is loyalty to the throne and the emperor of mankind one path is the way of chaos and serving the dark gods perhaps just perhaps they serve neither i mean the way i said it just a little a few seconds ago was kind of somewhat similar but i mean one end i did um put it as that they were still trying to help the imperial man but just in their own way not really following the rules of either or um so maybe they're not helping the imperium event but they just want to do things their own way for whatever reason that may be it really gives a three-headed hydra uh more symbolic meaning and as far as them being lee the chaos that's kind of what it is because i chaos you don't know what the hell is going on everything is chaotic right now as far as uh when they said beforehand that the other uh uh primaries chapters and all that that they didn't feel right about these guys specifically i wonder if the ones that turned traitor or carthage by cows do they still feel the same way about them has has their opinion or kind of views on them changed or is it still the same but what does this mean what do they want godhood for themselves the destruction of the universe or maybe something else only time will tell but when they do achieve their goals with alphareus or omegon or both or neither at the wheel would anyone even know all right let's go ahead and talk about that for a minute not too long really glad that i got a lot of it out during the video because there was a lot of twists and turns with this one i mean this is one of those where you're just not gonna i mean i thought the legion of the damned was confusing now these guys the whole everything's true everything's false about them you're never going to really know unless they want you to know and the whole thing that there's no really way to find them unless they want you to find them and the fact that they were twins really threw me off just because i didn't even know that that was kind of an option or possible but the fact that every other uh chapter was weary of them or like oh i actually i don't remember if you said everything out of the chapter but i said it some of them at least we're very worried about them aren't everybody had to go take care of something real quick uh but yeah just a lot of mysterious [ __ ] going on here with this uh uh alpha legion here and i don't know if we would ever really know unless it comes out later on with more lore uh if anyone does kind of have a theory as to what their end goal is because i mean the way is really being described and the way he put it with the three hybrid heads i mean which path are you taking and or are they even taking a path you know it's kind of these things that just makes the fact of warhammer just insanely well as just story now i'm really hoping personally it keeps going on for quite some time i mean well before i'm gone and all that but man this is one of those where i'm i'm just really curious to see kind of where this goes on and i do know this is from over a year ago and i'm pretty sure he's got some more videos on them and i'm pretty sure other channels also have more videos so this is definitely one of those i'm going to be coming back to as well and also i just real quick channel wide i'm pretty sure i mentioned this at some point during the video but just in case i'll say here as well that i'm moving more into the uh traitor uh space marine chapters uh before moving on to the imperial guard which my first one on that one is gonna be the uh the krieg i'm pretty sure you all know why but that's something go ahead and do it for this video don't forget to like subscribe really does help me a lot hit this up button if you didn't like it it helps me for the channel if you could see what's coming up next check the description down below you can see the list of about five videos top to bottom is gonna be how i view them but until then i'll see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Peachbutt23
Views: 2,727
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, alpha legion lore, warhammer 40k alpha legion lore, alpha legion, space marine, space marine lore, marine reacts to space marine, space marines, warhammer reaction, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k chaos space marines, warhammer 40k for beginners alpha legion, military reacts, wh40k lore, Marine Reacts to WH40K Alpha Legion (By Baldermort), peachbutt23, baldermort, alpha legion reaction, alpha legion reactions, alpharius, weird space marines
Id: NOm8h7fZz8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.