The High-Heeled Lumberjack Challenge

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You're about to watch two men do physical challenges while wearing high heels. Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning. - Studies show that mean find women who are wearing high heels more attractive. The result of this, I guess, is that women wear high heels to do a number of things. There are a lot of women who wear high heels just all about their everyday lives, going about everyday activities. Meanwhile, us menfolk, sittin' over here wearing flat shoes... - (unison) Got it easy. - Doesn't seem fair. So today, for all you ladies out there, or anyone who wears high heels... - Yeah. - …eh. We are going to turn the tables. And we have… I was gonna say we conducted, but we haven't done it yet. - We have… engineered a series - We're about to conduct it. of physical challenges, where we are going to wear the highest of high heels and do the manliest of challenges. And what's more manly of a challenge than, uh... - ...emulating a lumberjack? - It's time for... - (Rhett) …the High-Heeled Lumberjack Challenge. - ♪ (easygoing music) ♪ (Link) Nothin' to see here. Just two lumberjacks in high heels. Okay, here's how the High-Heeled Lumberjack Challenge works. We got three rounds. The winner at the end of three rounds get lumberjack accolades, and the loser has to wear high heels the rest of his day. And we're gonna post all our stuff on Instagram, so that you are I can be ridiculed publicly on the Internet. The first round and first challenge is called "Chop 'Til You Drop." That's where we run from our chopping block, grab a log, run back -- I don't know how running's gonna go... Well, I will be walking gingerly. You get one point for every log that is - successfully split in the time limit. - Let's do it. (heel clicks) - (Rhett in a southern accent) Round One: Chop 'Til You Drop. - (Stevie offscreen) Go in three, two, one, go! (whistle blows) - (heels clicking on the pavement) - (Rhett) Oh, g--! (heavy breathing) - (Link) Oh, yeah! Oh, goodness. - (Rhett) Ai-yai-yai! - (Link) Can't even get… - (wood thump) - (both axes thump) - (correct ding) (Rhett) I got a little… ungh! (Link) Oh, gosh! I can't get my… my axe outta the... - (wood clamors to the ground) - (Link) What in the world?! (Rhett breathing heavily) - (wood thump) - (Link) Ah! - (Stevie offscreen) 30 seconds! - (thump) What?! (correct ding) - (thump) (Rhett) Oh! - (heel clicking and grunting) (grunting) - (Link) Hooooooaaaa! - (correct ding) - (shuffling) - (wood splitting sounds) (grunting) - (Stevie offscreen) 10, 9, 8... - (Link) I can do this. - (Link grunts) - (Stevie) 7, 6,... - (wood splitting) - (Stevie) 5, 4... - (grunting) - (Stevie) 3, 2, 1! - (incorrect buzzer) (Link) Yeah! - (Rhett) Wooo! - I'm a high-heeled lumberjack! - I got three, but I think I chopped - every piece twice. - Well, it doesn't count. On to the next round! (Rhett) Round two: Burly Ballad. All right, here we go with round two. We are calling this "Burly Ballad," because our understanding is that lumberjacks sing in order to pass - the time while doing their manly jobs. - Whoa, hold me up! - That's right, Link, they sing. - Do I get a point for that? No, you don't. But here's how you do get points in this round. We're gonna get a prompt from our panel of judges, and then we have two minus to prepare our song. We gotta use the wood from round one, and since I won round one, I'll go first in - round two. Judges, what is my prompt? - Your prompt is - "failed relationships and loneliness." - Okay, and what is my prompt? - "Getting up early and working hard." - Of course. Okay, you go first. Okay, give… I need some time to gather myself. - ♪ (harp glissando) ♪ - Okay. I think I got it. - Whenever you're ready. - (heels clicking) (a cappella) I once had a woman, but she didn't like my beard. (rhythmic heel and wood clicking) She said it looked like a monkey, and it smelled a little weird. (same clicking) So she left me for a baby-faced maaaaaan! (same clicking) Now I'm alone in the woods, and I sleep in a van. (heels clicking) I'm alone, I'm alone. (rhythmic clicking) I'm alone in the woods, and I sleep in a van. (clicking) - (laughing) - Wow... I think I almost broke a heel. Pretty sure that left one was... - It's on its last leg. - So you used... - ...used the whole baby-faced thing, huh? - Yeah. - Was that a jab at me? - A little bit of a jab. - Okay. - Little bit of a jab. - Are you ready for your score? - Yes. - (Rhett) Hm. - (Link) 7, 7, 6. - Really, huh, Alex, huh, really? - (laughing) - (Rhett) You're fired! - Is that out of 7, or... - It's outta 10. - Okay, good. - Okay, mm… - Okay, Link. It's your turn. - All right. - Good luck, 'jack. Woo! - (Rhett) Mm! Oh! - (laughing) Okay, I love you, judges. You guys are amazing. (exhales) (a cappella) You've… got… to… Get outta bed. Slap on some heels. And slap life in the face with an axeeee! I got a work ethic that's beyond ethical. Slappin' up trees from heights so mythical. There ain't enough hours in the day, face the faaaaaacts! You're got to get outta bed. Slip on some heels. And slap life in the face with an aaaaaaaxe! - (exhales) Yeah! - (wood clamors to the ground) - (heavy breathing) - (judges laughing) Hoo! Yeah. That's pretty good. There was a lot of movement. - Oh, goodness. I lost something here. - Really took those heels to a new level. Okay. (Link) 8, 9, 8. I win this round! And what's my cumulative score? - (offscreen) 28 to 25. - (correct ding) I take the lead by three! (deep voice) Yeah! Manly lumberjack! (high singing) Yeaaah! (Rhett) Round three: Flapjack Attack. All right, welcome to round three: "Flapjack Attack." All right, in this, we're gonna be tossed some flapjacks, and if you catch it in your mouth, you get (high voice) three points! - Three. And if you... - Yeah. (unison) Catch it in your pan, you get two points. But then you have to have to eat it, and then chug a cup of syrup. - Pure maple syrup. - And then, uh… - Well, we'll see how full we are. - And, Link, since you're in the lead, - you get to go first. - (high voice) Okay. - (whoosh) - Okay. Chase is gonna throw me the mini-cakes, in three, two, one! - (whistle blows) - Oh yeah! - ♪ (fiddle music) ♪ - You gotta fully get it down and then take a swig. Oh, how's that maple syrup? Li'l thick? - Ooh. Okay. - (correct ding) Oh yeah! (Link) Mm! Mm. Adding a little time here. - (correct ding) - (heels shuffling) Okay, I'm not eating it off the ground. Oh, that's low, Chase! Come on! Oh yeah! Pretty good, huh? You're got a big mouth. (correct ding) Okay. - (Link laughing) - Oh, nice. Nice. [inaudible through full mouth] - What's our time? - (correct ding) Oh yeah! (Stevie offscreen) 9, 8, 7... …6, 5, 4, 3... - …2, 1! - Ugh! - (correct ding) (incorrect buzzer) - That don't count! (crew offscreen simulating incorrect buzzer) Ehhh! Whoa! Lots of points! What did I get? Uh, you got four in the mouth, one in the pan. - All right. - My turn! - (whoosh) - Okay, Link, uh... I gotta say that was impressive. My mouth is really small, so I'm going all pan. And at two points apiece, that means that I have to get nine in order to win. Any less than nine in a minute, and I lose. Eight doesn't tie. Eight you lose. nine you win. All right. The advantage to using the pan, though. is I can be goin' pannin' for the next one - while I'm gettin' rid of the first one. - All right. Let's see what you can do. - (Rhett) Okay. There, two, one, go! - (whistle blows) - ♪ (same music) ♪ - (correct ding) - (Link) Okay. Oh. - What? Okay, so you've got two down. - (correct ding) - (Link) You got… - (correct ding) (Rhett grunts) Oh! Nope, can't use that. Toss 'em further out. - What's that, three down? - (correct ding) - (pancake splats) - (Rhett grunts) (Link in a sing-song voice) You're not drinkin' all your syruuuuup! - (frantic chewing) - (correct ding) (through a full mouth) I'm a lumberjack! - (frantic chewing) - (Link laughing) Ha ha! - (correct ding) - (frantic chewing) How many has he got? - Is that eight? Seven. - (correct ding) (grunting) This is eight. All right, so, oh! Oh! - (Stevie offscreen) 10, 9, 8, 7... - (grunting and heels clicking) - …6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - (pan clatters) No, no, no! - NO! (incorrect buzzer) - Ahhh! (correct ding) - He didn't get it! He didn't get it! - I did it! I did it! - Flash finish! - I did it! Did you see that?! - I got rid of that little pancake! - Nooo! I'm a lumberjack with high heels! - (whooshing) - ♪ (brass fanfare) ♪ - ♪ (celebratory horns) ♪ - Oh, gosh. I don't care that it came down to the finish, and that I was sure I was gonna win, and that you ended up winning. All that I care about is taking these off. No no no. You gotta put those back on and wear 'em all day. - Oh, crap. I forgot about that. - That's like the only... the only rule to the high-heeled lumberjack game. - You can't forget that, Link. - But I'm takin' off the rest of this - outfit. - At least should leave the beard on, too. All right, uh… We'll post some photos on Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for liking and commenting on this video. You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Kylie. - And I'm Victoria. - And we're Texas All-State Choir members. - Here at the TMEA convention - in San Antonio. - and it's time to spin (unison) The Wheel of Mythicality! Make sure you like us on the Facebook, that's We're gonna be posting pictures of Link in high heels on there, as well as - on our Instagram page. - Exclusive videos on our Facebook page. Lots of fun. Clock through to Myti-good More, uh… Good Mythical More... - Whatever you call it. Who cares? - …where we share what we really think - about women in heels. - (Rhett) "Naw… naw-jiss…" - How do you- I can never say that word. - "Nauseous... - Nauseous! - …sur-gee-uns." - Sur-gee-uns. - Sur-gee-ahns. - (inhales) - Uh, scalpel. - (cutting noise with mouth) - Eugh! - (retching) - Ooh... - Hey, we're gonna need a sponge! - And, suture that right up! Uh, yeah. Don't tell anybody. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,964,506
Rating: 4.9529004 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Lumberjack (Profession), high heels, heels, shoes, women's shoes, axe, ballad, High-heeled Footwear (Product Category), Fashion (Industry), flannel, competition, challenge, flapjack, syrup, lumberjack
Id: BatcTkZ0Gus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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