Upgrading BOMBS to RIDICULOUS Levels

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so this Little Gnome has a bit of a pest problem in his garden but he can take care of them the best way possible with explosives just got to wait for that to charge up and then when the ants walk over it they blow up and drop experience for us and we just got to make sure that the bombs actually charge before we drop them but that should be enough level up right there as as soon as we collect these and blow up the frogs that are right here because they're rolling in like a plague and they oh that was enough and we can increase our bomb power like a shorter detonation fuse so it's a little bit quicker that way and then we blow up even more frogs woo almost got touched by ants there stay away from me and we get more to level up very good so we can get a bigger radius I really should be dropping bombs all the time because they don't even hurt me if I stand in them so I should really take advantage of this and there's so many bodies flying around too when that happens it's kind of morbid but it works for me and we can have them send out a magic star sure that should help against this giant ant that's right here and sure enough it does a little bit of damage but it's not much but we'll just blow up the ant as best as we can and it drops a chest for us so we blow up the chest as well oh hey I unlocked a new gnome a gapon that's fun but the chest gives us a new bomb type like a land mine I like this we just set it down and once it charges we wait for something to walk over it and boom blows up even better and now our bombs can launch morning Stars cool so let's set this this down and then wait for a frog to hop on it yes and little Morty Stars launch out very cool there's also all of these giant mushrooms lying around that I should blow up because they have good things and I can blow that up myself ooh Quick Charge oh yes landmines all day that's working really good especially for whatever that demented Gumby was doing oh he's dead now I don't have to worry about you anymore and this should send out another magic star because more magic stars are always Pleasant espe with more things going through it looks like the bodies triggered the landmines too neat because the ants are just constantly pushing them oh dear that's pretty gruesome but it does good things for me so I don't care and that mushroom had a little bit of healing inside it nice now let's see what's up with this Fortress down here green mushroom that's some more healing we can wait on that and wait for the giant snail to walk on our landmines even though I don't really feel like getting rid of the landmines right now but there's a red mushroom down there that should be a free level up so I'm going to wait to get that until I level up from destroying everything the ants can't get through the Fortress which is good to see and then we'll see what this mushroom has right here more healing good I need that and then just a few more experience yes oh man a friendly fire I'm not sure I like that because the explosions affect me we'll just increase the radius and uh excuse me excuse me pardon me got to get through here to the red mushroom there we go there we go get through you get through all of you and we level up from that so it's about time we got some more damage for our explosions oh look at the size of that radius I love it and I should probably be detonating these things myself in case they decide not to but oh yes so many things are going down we're taking care of this entire horde Avance which is good because there's a giant snail that's there weighing over there actually the radius should be big enough if I plant right here okay it's hitting the ants but the snail should get closer then oh I broke down a wall okay just got to blow you up there excuse me use a body to push the ants out of the way and I just need to keep blowing up more things for more XP there's flies now I don't think those blow up from the landmines because they're flying so that's just more reason for me to set off the landmines myself that works ooh decrease the bomb charging time uh I need more damage because things are getting a little more hearty over here and we're dealing 10 damage on crits I love that and blow up the snail as well because it's giant snail and he's distracting it's like the million dollar snail that chases you for eternity but we got him and let's increase our critical chance so we can get even more damage do I really need a new bomb type I'm not sure I do but we'll see what this has ah just stay away from me you stupid flies okay here we go a wave bomb that's interesting knocks back only in One Direction that could be good but let's go with the normal bomb and we're increasing our bomb stats as well plus this can take care of the flying enemies because it goes off when it goes off here we go and we can get get more morning stars because that seems like a good idea so more things fly out and damage things and we blow up more mushrooms as well ooh a magnet storm nice more critical chance and there's so much xp lining around that's another level up right there and we'll decrease the detonation time even more oh man there's so much xp lying around and it looks like there should be another magnet thing over here as soon as we get past all of this nonsense blow more flies oh yes so much xp right there I should really sack up the XP before I collect that shroom it also looks like there's a lot of experience surrounding the shroom as well I like it and we are taking care of the snails pretty easily which I like we'll just collect this right now yes more critical chance and more bomb Force for knockback ooh two shrooms blown up right here that should be good news and now's a giant frog oh another magnetom already that was a bit of a waste just got to make sure I blow up things then do the frogs blow up in one go it looks like they do nice and we'll decrease the charging time because that's quicker now excellent it looks like whenever the bombs go off in large quantities of enemies that I lose frames that's amazing I just need to blow up this frog now hopefully it gets the land mine again just blow you up ooh that's a that's a quick charge yes Bombs all day and that's blowing up the Frog very nicely okay so we're not getting the landmine this time a Mist bomb has no knockback there is a chest way up there in that corner so I could probably go for that I'm curious of what this is I've never actually used it ooh ball magic so we set set this down right here and then oh it's a smoke screen interesting well it takes care of them spraying some pesticide on these things it's a flea bomb but it also doesn't knock the morning stars back at all that actually could be good news for me because that means they just surround me like a protective field cool there's also no enemies around me that's a little surprising where are they have I just taken care of them so well and then take care of some snails like we do excellent that wow that was really effective insects are not immune from war crimes not even grasshoppers this Mist bomb is a lot more effective than I thought it would be oh and there's a giant grasshopper there and mantises okay time to put down the smoke screen put it down a lot faster than this please those bugs are very quick but we got them okay decrease the detonation time even more and detonate the grasshopper like we do which is actually a good timing because I've had my fun with the SMI bomb but I want something more explosive come on just got to take care of the big guy take care of the big guy he's constantly hopping towards me big guy get rid of the big guy this is like Earth Defense Force just bomb him all day there okay I was worried the Miss bomb would open the chest but now we can get the the landmines again good very good back to the explosive power wow that was a fast charge that was very quick oh my goodness and blow up the Grasshoppers yes it's taking them out and one go I love it the map feels very empty there's usually a lot more bugs in this are they cut on the Fortress hold on where's the okay they it looks like they might have been but now they died I am not sure where all the bugs are there's usually way more than this or I'm just that good at clearing them out right now I'll take it I'll also take whatever this shroom has hopefully some healing oh it's a magnet shroom there's not a whole lot of magnetism happening oh but there's butterflies hold on more explosion really quick oh the butterflies do some healing well then I won't blow you up I will use you assuming that the rhino beetles don't charge me down first come on get the healing that didn't heal at all is it healing them oh it better not be healing them I don't like that noise well we could just you know defend ourselves very effectively with the landmines charging right underneath our feet that's taking care of the ox beetles excellent are they Ox beetles or rhino beetles I've been playing too much grounded but we are creating a whole lot of experience around us okay so yeah it looks like the butterflies heal the bugs I'm not a fan of this I should get my own healing right now now actually some regeneration and there was an upgrade that lets the bombs heal me I should get that as soon as I can excuse me bugs I need to get my way through you oh man that explosion power is so good here we go just set this down and then step on it this is like the one time you want to step on a land mine ooh more health regen or more damage I think more damage and then I should find a green mushroom as soon as possible that's a purple gem wow that's a lot of XP right there all right I'm feeling pretty good about things now hopefully this has some Hees no it's another magnet room that's fine by me ooh here we go explosions heal me now so I could just sit here all day and then just soak in the XP because we still have the magnet and we're gain some healing too this is working very well and those stars are tearing through the oxal I'm just going to be using both names for them right now it's whatever but we are constantly blowing them up which I love oh and the Grasshoppers are back well that's Pleasant and there are other things on the map that I haven't explored yet like whatever is hiding behind the health bar ooh we can decrease the detonation time even more it's already so fast how fast is it now oh that is like instant wow I'm really glad I don't have that friendly fire now I would not be able to get away from this that is really keeping me safe oh go away even if we get damage we can just heal back up we like right away that is amazing I should see what that thing up there is about and blow up things as I do and get more Health out of it there's so many grasshoppers now this is a new plague of Egypt okay it looks like is that a hedgehog you know maybe it's time I got some thick skin for reduced damage it is a hedgehog can I blow you up without releasing you from the wall it looks like you have good things oh hey blew him up and does he have good things I don't know there's a there's a tombstone here I blew up the tombstone does that mean good things for me or bad I don't know but the wall is keeping the Grasshoppers away so I'm liking it right now I would just really like a magnet shom right now the one time I actually need one but we are holding back the tide of grasshoppers okay more critical chance sure excuse exuse me getting through all of you blowing up this hey it was a magnetom yes we'll increase the speed that we have oh here we go more damage or decrease the bomb charging time that should be an instant charge now and we'll get some more healing from the explosions all right it's still not instant but it's quicker and what's with all these demented gum bees I have no idea but blow you up okay thank you does that upset them they don't really seem to care they don't do anything all right you guys are weird which just more reason to blow you up hey I got a gipi neat and now let's just place down landmines everywhere which I'm not too sure what that was a lot of explosions I love it oh we got snails again the snails are bigger this time but they're dying right away I love it and more morning Stars sure I guess that was my first time getting morning Stars I'm not sure oh no that was the second time there's more of them nice and these rhino beetles are really closing in now so let's just Park in our own explosions and send up the Stars to do things while explosions keep everybody away but we can actually carve our own path through it looks like and just set down so many landmines for a chain reaction like that that is glorious o we can increase speed when holding a bomb too I like that just creating vend diagrams of explosions all day every day I love this and now we have a clear path to get all this XP beautiful let's reduce damage even more because I feel like it's going to ramp up here we are just shot of 15 minutes when the total time is 25 okay the snails and the rhino beetles seem very confused right now but there's giant XP points lying around oh yes reduce bomb charging time even more especially since there's giant rhino beetles now oh but they they go down instantly too this is ridiculous I love it but also why are they so fast oh hey another gnome a gabblin that seems interesting oh well we just keep going blow it up even more these fast beetles and just sitting here while they run in and die on their own what is that over there is that a big bug it might have been I don't know he's gone now oh hey a new bomb unlocked a balloon bomb oh dear I want I'm not going to get that in this chest am I uh get the bomb please okay a gravity bomb that does not seem good for me it draws things in instead of knocking them back the blast bomb is still good and we get more bomb stat increases so oh yes that's very good that is very good in indeed just constant explosions all day which means constant healing that is also charging extremely fast let me just carve my way to this mushroom here oh yes the magnetom that's what I need pick it up there we go all right bomb Force again and more morning Stars cuz sure really reducing the bug population here I love it and more speed when holding the bombs and just blowing things up right away our crits do 25 damage that is awesome I should start increasing the crit damage probably actually let's see what our our stats are hold on view stats our crit chance is 57% I like that also our charge time is still 7 seconds I need to work on that but once we get all this experience we should be able to hopefully get that upgrade and we don't so let's just get more speed because that means I can pick up all this experience sooner okay we got big ants now the bugs are just getting bigger but they're still blowing up the same oh that's detonation time still but hold on the detonation time was only like .3 seconds wasn't it so is this instant it is instant oh my goodness that is a zero detonation time these are impact bombs I love this even this massive swarm of ants can't keep up with me this is what power feels like but I could really use another Magnus room are there any mushrooms I haven't blown up yet just got to come up here I haven't been to this corner of the map really and I just wander into the mass of them and then blow up a bomb oh dear these poor ants wo that's a shiny mantis right there and he's dead and that poor Goblin right there is just getting blown to Smither and he has no reaction to it really but now it looks like the mantises man mantises man Mante Manti are the ones with the big XP oh Sledgehammer you know what sure let's just add to the craziness throw out sledgehammers all day and that's really throwing them out there you know what let's just get this chest and then hopefully get the land mine no but oh there's a balloon less damage but a lot of knockback that's interesting you know what that'll still keep me safe so woo well that's a fun sound excuse me coming through pardon me hey there's a mushroom and that was Health that was pointless but there's a gold mushroom up here oh here we go that is crazy amount of quick charging this this is getting kind of ridiculous I love it does anyone have ttis yet that knockback is so powerful look at that an is right here and then boom he's over there and dead and there's so much xp I need another magnet shroom and that Friendly Fire is absolutely not allowed anymore here we have a massive knockback anyway let's just get another increase to that the Mantis just disappears that is amazing oh the Flies are bigger now wellow good thing I have things to deal with you oh look at the massive swarm of flies there you are right for the explosions give me all the XP a XP is going beond the fence and I can't get over there but look at that massive fly what are you doing over here get blown up okay good I actually want to get rid of this balloon oh no way please tell me you can get that please give me the bomb please oh no I'm just blowing it away now I really need a magnet room somewhere oh that was a waste of an upgrade oh I think the Goblins ears are ringing from all the balloon Pops I don't blame them and the mantises the the normal mantises are back and they're a lot faster now interesting but they're also dropping bigger experience points so that's good news hey go away all of you I could just park here and then just build up the the orbiting balls that I have because that's another defensive Shield nice just go away let me level up there we go more damage or o bigger pickup radius actually I blew away that bomb so that doesn't help more damage I really need another magnet room but I think I have blown up most of the garden hey I survived for 20 minutes and that gives me the graveyard cool so now I'm just looking around for untouched parts of the garden that will have a mushroom on it like this and then blow things into the garden oh am I stuck I'm stuck stuck why is it why is it hello ah why am I I got I got stuck I couldn't figure out what was going on there the game bugged out oh that was annoying and now the mantises are just parading my body around the fence I had it so good and then the game just had to break for me to lose that well that was really good for what it was our bombs got pretty powerful so I hope you guys enjoy this video of gomber or I guess as gber number I don't know it's that so if you guys want to see more of this game then be sure to let me know thank you for watching and sub to intern and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle one Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful haral Peggy Sue Drupal along TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily Bites The Miner within deg Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 133,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: Ki0mI97ljd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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