Upgrading to the Fastest Police Car in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're driving a police car gives my sanity the death sentence it's GTA welcome to the police academy we're getting tased in the groin is a way of life within the halls of this venerated building you walk through a couple of doors grab your vest get your badge your gun and most importantly your police car also why is my police car filled with what is that is that like chocolate fudge or is this feal material I'm going to get tetanus when I when I drive this thing aren't I either t or hepatitis brutal oh God complete the police training course careful with the cones so the idea here is I have different challenges that I have to complete with my police car and every time I complete a challenge my police car gets a new upgrade obviously the first police car runs an 87 octane saus I'm ready give it to me do not cross I guess now I can cross so don't touch the cones they say I've got 90 seconds to do this course and what happens if I touch a cone does the car just blow up I kind of want to touch a cone just to find out okay the cones are getting really close to the walls here I'm just going to touch a cone just to know 47.8 mph okay can this car even get up to 47 mph well this uh oh God this Police Academy is uh fairly Progressive I see I love the concept where if you fail you don't get kicked out of the police academy you just die what happens see they expect Excellence because if you give them anything else you don't get to live so oh no oh does it count oh okay so does that count all right I'm going to die now but I learned something very interesting I can knock a cone out of position I just can't knock them over oh huh and if I jump out of the car it doesn't blow up so huh if I can bail out of the car I can stop it from exploding the only issue is I then there's no way I'm going to be able to complete this course because the seconds that it takes me bailing and then getting back into the car oh my God oh God how long is this course I love how you put this right above the freeway I wanted to mention something real quick totally normal day in GTA this is why it's so easy to become a police officer do you see what's H I'm not doing this I have nothing to do with what's going on here the game is murdering everyone around me okay I am not at fault for this okay we need to this is like this is like performing Sur surgery okay I'm kind of surprised I I'm starting to think that police officers in Los Santos are the most skilled people in the entire game God if you're able to do this course there we go in 90 seconds you deserve a metal god I could barely make that turn you exactly measured out the turn radius of this vehicle didn't you okay here we go all right this is good this is good we're doing good so far go straight now we have a couple of did I knock that over yep sure did uh there is a very high chance that I'm going to die now the sad part is is that I can't even cheat the oh you put slowdown sticks here too I'm standing inside of this burning car because I enjoy it I'm the best in the world h no hold on I might be able to get some time back I might be able to give some time back here we go here we go here we go yes yes yes no yeah no no oh godo I lived never mind the rug was pulled out from me at the last second I'm not going to lie this is a pretty ridiculous course you've made I'm starting to think that all the stuff on the police car isn't feces or I don't know like soft sered chocolate ice cream I think it's vomit it could also be the souls of the innocent this is it okay this is my best run so far far hold on I don't know if there's any way I can make it in 90 seconds but I haven't knocked a single cone over yet oh yeah okay so now what is this okay just going to how is this supposed to happen or what you just put slow down sticks the whole way to the end how do you make it oh the slow down sticks are gone I'm driving on Ice oh my God oh we are LA PD drifted over here I guess Los Santos PD drifting ah well that was the closest I've come yet so I learned something very important this section you're supposed to do this backwards that's how you shave that's how you shave off the extra couple of seconds I'm going to live I'm going to live it's fine it's fine it's fine we're good we're good we're good come on don't you do this to me Gabe no yes yeah we have a check no way I I can't believe you did this to me you VI God I can't I thought maybe I could jump through through it you violated me in the most ridiculous way just now it's fine we're never going to give up we're going to do it oh yeah oh oh oh no well I tried okay things are going pretty well so far if I can not hit the outside cone there we go Swip over to the inside you ready for this pull through turn off to the right fully around yeah now I have had a lot of trouble here but I found that if you kind of Coast through most of this you'll still have enough time to make it in the end oh my God the big benefit is going backwards here here we go backwards pull it haven't hit a single cone things are looking absolutely perfect we're going to keep going over to the left slide over to the right into the middle then we're going to do a full 180 that could have been a lot smoother but whatever it's still okay oh so apparently at some point I hit a cone come on 3 seconds 2 seconds oh sweet Jesus don't you do this okay 1 seconds 105 we got it we got it don't you take this from me yeah we have a checkpoint all right on to the next police car oh yeah I've upgraded from brutal to fod this says eliminate all criminals I love how it has nothing to do with arresting people also I've been given Rockets standard upgrade over here at the police department Edis nice so I assume you have to shoot the stuff in in front of you all right clear out the roadblocks that's hot and oh God I don't know if that hit or not uh it did not hit I don't know what happens if I do not murder everyone in front of me I'm kind of concerned what happens if I leave anyone surviving hold on a second I need to check something oh oh okay so the barriers are connected to the helicopter so you have to kill the helicopter in order to progress in the game ah yes a classic GTA Trope having to murder someone in order to continue to play so I see an arrow it is pointed down uh uh-oh what so I came back here wanting to check something there is a helicopter and it's pointed straight down at first I was like how on Earth can you hit it you have to sit down here and then use your Hydraulics and aim up God your Rockets trying to hit this thing on the bounce oh this this helicopter is very evasive I'll tell you it should be like shooting fish in a barrel there we go get the escaped prisoners all right like get them like put them in the vehicle or get them like murder them cuz I have a feeling it's going to be get them like murder them well note to self do not use rockets on a wall ride oh back to the beginning fortunately this Michael Bay stuff is honestly pretty easy like the jump oh God all right well I say it's pretty easy hey you you want to see your tax dollars at work all right let's try that with a little less failure I think I missed never mind I maybe I didn't miss oh no I totally missed fortunately even if you mess up they should they should have put an invisible wall here because what you can do is get out of the car just shoot the tail off of the helicopter so you what the what just happened what just happened just now my cop car coughed out another sadder cop car what are you anyway we'll pretend that didn't just happen whoa uh yeah I'm just going to leave that there hold on I'm see I'm seeing if I could yep I wasn't sure if I could cheat it underneath the ramp you totally can well I say cheat it but maybe part of being a police officer is using inity all right oh big jump oh yeah oh I'm going to die oh sticks The Landing I'm not going to lie uh this car isn't looking that good considering ing what's it's gone through so far 911 the emergency response that you probably don't want all right here we go so do not use the Rockets which means I'm going to have to get the oh no oh God this thing is terrible at wall riding I love that it sheds its skin like a snake from the top rope I think I got it oh I did H before I go onto the wall ride hold on listen I know there was a guy over there I thought I would just take care of them right away cuz when their bodies hit my police car it slows me down a lot all right I need to be able to keep all of my forward momentum there we go okay so the first prisoner should already be down and out indeed he is oh God okay so now there's another prisoner oh all right so you don't have a choice I have to murder the prisoners otherwise the barriers won't go away hey hey here we go I'm sorry man it's for the progression of the of the wall ride all right you understand right how come my light bar is so calcified managed to get rid of this guy too with a rocket I'm not going to lie staying on this thing oh yeah oh there's another one up top are you kidding me staying on this wall ride while trying to clean out ah all of the uh the prisoners is is tough what is that was that a prisoner that guy looked like he was just wearing like a beanie cap and a jacket I'm getting pretty good at learning how to wall ride this thing though oh boy yeah there he is again looks like a civilian maybe you're not supposed to murder him wouldn't that be amazing a GTA board where you're not supposed to kill someone all right so drop down get rid of that guy I'm assuming the next one's going to be a what just happened that was like a random car up there there is some Jank going on in the world of the Los Santos Police Department all right first area all good prisoners are gone I should have went to the top all right low low low squeeze down allow that guy to survive up yes down okay no joke pulling that final kind of like upward bank is tough future gray here I learned something terrifying that civilian was always meant to die how can you possibly get through that top barrier I wondered you don't have to if you kill the civilian it unlocks the bottom barrier there's one last barrier and there's one last human being that's alive I think I know what to do I love that this challenge wasn't even about saving the civilian it was about realizing that They too had to die in order so that you could progress so that means that we get another checkpoint and we're going to get a brand new police car upgrade what I have no idea what this is why you just gave me all of the stacks didn't you oh God ruin this is the ugliest oh we're starting okay get the criminal this is the ugliest and simultaneously the most amazing oh my God the most amazing police car I've ever seen all right so you're getting rocket shot at you that was a random Michael B explosion do I have Rockets oh I have boosts like I legitimately have a boost okay so I guess the power up is my boost ability it I can't use it forever it looks like it's on some kind of timer or something or it has to regenerate I'm not really sure okay so now we have uh family oh Diesel's over there spinning out now there's a tree in the way so we've got to go across the bridge over here Meanwhile we're still being shot at there's our boost so oh I get like a double tap boost so I guess maybe I can use it twice in a short amount a certain amount of really ow I had no idea that getting the criminal would involve me having to engage with someone shooting at me with Rockets So jump over over here man that's like the worst thumbnail ramp you could ever have to try and get over all right so after you dodge the Rockets onto here do the jump use the Boost here we go okay yes looking good now I have to make sure not to get famed over here I just got famed jump onto the boat thumbnail the ramp land it beautiful around the car use your Boost don't forget to use the Boost which I do forget quite a bit don't get family tree falls go on to the other side of the bridge Dodge all the Rockets oh my God don't get Spike stripped random goldplated vehicle no there's the spike strip jump over the bridge was there a boat there I think there's a sailboat that kind of like goes through the bridge you end up hitting it sail I always forget after I've used the Boost that it may be time for me to use the boost again so we've got all the way to the end there we go and what happens do I get him oh oh his vehicle turns undynamic so I have to beat him to the end this is sick because that means that somehow I need to do this board even more perfect you know my car would probably be a lot faster if it you didn't have like three tons of after bir burners on it from an F15 a god what I wouldn't have given for some armor okay this is a good run this is a good run so far again there's Rockets flying everywhere there's probably like a million innocent people oh my God I have no idea how that missed there's probably like oh it is okay so the sailboat does time it is timed to try and murder you when you go through it ow I'm ready to roll I'm ready to get the criminal let's do this epic Dodge I'm going to use all my boosts in fact I I think I'm just going to tap on the button this way the Boost get use the second it's off cool down I'm not going to lie you're get the criminal board is no joke I kind of just want the criminal to go I'll let him win Crime Pays do you know how many police cars I've gone through trying to catch this guy um hold on I want to check something we're going to we're going to try and do this we're going to try and do this you ready oh yes I beat the tree I kind of wonder if you could just beat the tree that's going to save so much time hold on we might actually beat the car we might actually beat the criminal this time all right go around the r I'm going to give you a ticket for just stopping on this bridge I hate you so much oh we are easily before the criminal and that means come on does he shoot does he shoot forward or just backward what God's name just happened there oh my God woo oh boy that is the longest death scene in cinema history but that means since the criminal is I guess dead I don't know what to call it that we have a wi well I became a police officer and I don't know what happened anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay Fox St much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 363,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, upgrading police cars, upgrading police cars gta 5, police cars gta 5, police cars
Id: H7nut-Xf8rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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