Upgrading to a GODLY EXPLODING SWORD in Knightmare Tower

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it's time to climb once again but this time with feelings feeling that i need to kick that stupid boss's teeth in so i have to be able to reach up do that though i'm probably gonna need just a couple more upgrades than i already have and the money is exactly what i needed right there wow i'm really hoping that i'm gonna be able to stack a ton of cash to actually also increase my sword too the faster i can kill things the faster i can get more speed to fly up to go faster to get to the boss it's a vicious cycle based on me murdering random creatures that did nothing wrong to me and i love it i really start to hit the wall whenever i get to these like larger two levels these enemies just take longer to kill and then usually end up having some mechanism that hurts me if i even touch them like this guy jeez ooh money ooh it's lucky ooh money all right that's it i'm just doing this until i kill everything or i'll die to the laser beam note to self we can't just sit in that thing let's buy these boots that end up making me move faster also they just go better with my outfit hey wait i'm three quest away from getting this random key will that hold i think i actually need to kill both these guys for a quest yes and i got one okay give me the last one die you stupid overgrown dog yes oh man now i just need to keep climbing up to the top and missing enemies is not really helping my case there we go i also gotta remember getting these potions is just a free reign to just mass spam attacks i can't fall down whenever i have it and i can fall down whenever i don't have it though did i oh i got the other quest too i wait i forgot did i need three or two more i've already forgotten i've been swept up in my bloodlust well i'm going 250 miles an hour upwards but yet the lava is still there oh god oh the potion really does help die die die if something after my screen just take it off stay away stay away i've seen the lava appear and disappear about five times now oh golden horn oh no oh i slammed down one too many times and ruined my fun chance but i'm one quest away i could save up to buy a better sword however getting more extraction power right now just means i go faster overall so this way i get to the top faster i earn money faster everything happens faster and i oh i got a potion yes okay i need to cut 56-ish more monsters in half looks like i'm gonna need to get about five more potions before i'm able to complete this quest and i think i pick up usually like two per run which should be perfect timing for what i have in mind oh wait boss horn yes these guys get out of my way from your brother no wait hit him yes okay i at least got one i wish i could get that golden horn again that i missed out on that would be nice i didn't even realize i hit lava i might as well upgrade my rocket considering i miss about half the times i go down to attack something it's arguably for the best like that oh my gosh anyone want to drop me a potion so i can get on with this quest what if i need the key to open up the boss door and i just don't have it by the time i reach there ooh potion spawning more monsters faster please 24 23 22 21 20. oh my gosh this is a ton of monsters yes game thank you i'm going at a speed of 400 miles per hour and i somehow just saw the lava it does not make sense how's it even keeping up with me i'm literally breaking the sound barrier right now oh i have one life oh i have two lives thank you yes a potion oh my gosh wait could this be it i need eight more send them in i can't kill these guys as fast please quickly quickly quickly yes i did it i got the quest which means i should have unlocked the key if i can just magically get to the boss in this one i'll take it but there's a ton of new enemies that take more hits to kill and i'm afraid ooh lucky beast there's so many fireballs quit summoning these guys on random opposite directions oh the bosshorn yes this is good because i think it counts these things as kills yes it does which means i just get a ton of speed off it oh i'm barely managing no oh i almost made it but that's okay i got the key oh it actually was to unlock the boss room huh in that case now it's just about getting a ton of money i think i want to upgrade my sword so i can kill stuff faster and then getting oil so i just stopped losing speed would definitely help a ton i'll make it work either way if the game would like to be kind and just give me nothing but lucky beast and boss horns i'd really appreciate it well there's a lucky beast wow thanks i didn't expect that plea to actually work but i guess someone is listening oh wait i got the golden horn when i have a potion oh my gosh this worked so well that was so much money and look at all these little guys who have appeared can i just keep doing this okay hello wow i'm going 700 miles an hour that's just insane actually can i get the golden boss horn more often or just like nine boss horns in a row either one i'll take there's three skeleton wizards almost oh a potion yeah there's no skeleton wizards on my screen i have one life and this lucky beast is in such an awkward spot bomb yes there's another life right there i see it no everything blocked me from getting it wait what what did i i'm in the boss room why does he look like that that's so weird why do i have to have one life whenever i'm here too it's just bad planning on my part okay that's fine i have over a hundred thousand gold and you'd think i'd upgrade my sword however i can max out my luck which should just mean that i'm getting all of the best and rare drops that i possibly can like this bomb and this thousand dollar gold bags got to the boss on nothing but sheer luck last time however i will eventually get my way there with brute force and a trail of dead corpses behind me or well below me oh i hit the no i hit a boss horn and then immediately fell and died wait up don't fall off and die oh wait can i actually manage to what this is the first time i've beat that horn boss in my entire run things are not looking good for me this run there's lava there's a bunch of wizards ooh a bomb actually that just helped a ton and then i got combo boosted huh and then i got a potion quick kill everything while i can kill everything while i can it's the lava no that's okay we'll just buy this extra life as long as i don't make any stupid mistakes like i just did never mind that was like an inch away from the boss room extra life oh i hit a golden horn and didn't even realize it wait i can't mean to hit these weird bosses because of all these purple guys there we go wait a second i just pulled a very late game potion and i'm halfway to the boss room don't give me hope game don't give me the hope that i wanted to see it i think i just got two potions in one wait here it is yes i get another shot at this boss fight you weird grumpy looking man oh don't hit that don't hit the spike ball i gotcha okay i just need to assume hit his face as often as i can and not those laser beams die die die what is that what is that what is that no how do i dodge this like this oh my gosh wait i'm kind of a genius come on bring me something dangerous wait i hit a spike no die die die i wonder does he have a second phase because if not that was really easy okay he definitely has a second face what am i oh oh this is the second phase huh it's just a bullet hell stop shooting the purple things dang it however i just got a ton of money and i'm pretty confident i can kick his teeth in but i really want to know what this question mark unknown effect is and i still have 100 000 gold before i could even get there this means i need to do a few runs a few moments later well a couple runs later and i'm able to buy the ghost effect for the potion but then this next one costs 300 000 i might buy a few upgrades before i get to that one and i want to get back to the boss room because i was able to beat his first phase and i'm going to assume there's three so i'd like to at least attempt to get past the second one and honestly if i can just keep this speed rate up i should be able to get there although here i am falling and not keeping the speed right up oh that combo is going to be able to do it for me and this potion hello let me collect all the money before you put me in the boss room thank you all right bring him on can i keep this infinite potion ability no okay first phase easy enough just gotta break the cannons and then hover second phase also a little easy just gotta make sure i tap his head when i see it die die die enough with these stupid laser balls you jerk oh yes bring me your face die one more cycle and i think i can actually take him out of the first phase wait come on yes there it is ton of money thank you okay and now to dodge all of these or at least two of them what's going on i've been floating here for a long time and i think oh here we go i was worried he just didn't want to fight anymore how many weapons are you allowed to have you jerk i only have one sword why do you get 90 guns that's fine though i will be able to kill you one of these days oh no i'm not going to be able to get to him because of this stupid laser dang it i need to break these things they're severely impeding my progress break his weapons then break his face it's the golden rule i'm assuming he doesn't have any more lasers so i should just be able to wail on him nice i think that was good damage oh a potion uh well that was a big mistake yep thank you all right no go ahead keep throwing weapons i don't care i'm immortal i'm immune i'm fast everything works out put your face down here already no it's being blocked by a gun dang it yes there we go okay i got a second phase done what's the third face gonna look like okay hello again you've gotta quit with all these purple lasers and these lasers look scary oh my gosh they're like the upgraded forms and now the cannons can aim at me i don't want cannons to shoot me well i can break it i can break it i didn't break it i did not break it i took damage actually oh and then i hit one of the spike balls no this is fine i will kill him here or i will die trying i mean i understand that that's pretty much how the concept of boss battles work but still which one has his face dang it none the side that i'm just not near oh yes i was able to break one of the cannons and actually hit him a couple times he only ever has two lasers but if you leave his cannons alone they'll just stay through any of the phases so i don't want to do that in case one of the purple phases appear where he shoots a bunch of just laser beams at me because that would make it very difficult oh my gosh there's so many thank you wait can i break it no oh i took damage again dang it i only have two hearts okay i was able to break his laser that time oh i got my life back die die die he keeps putting his head down here he's so close yes oh i beat him the vanquisher of evil has been vanquished by me oh my gosh that was just way too much focus i had to use right there what happens now am i just am i busting out of here i have a harem going wait a second the king's a duck i rescued the wrong princesses is that what it's saying why is my life like this whoa now i'm i've been okay it looks like i can play a new endless mode with a bunch of very mean looking enemies oh my gosh what did i do to deserve this this feels less like a reward and more like a punishment although it does look like i'm able to get to the top because on the side there it shows that there's a progress bar for me i'm so curious on what wait's up here i'm so close survey says oh it's just another tower all together it looks like hang on does that mean there's gonna be another boss at the top i've grown fond of beating stuff to death so i don't really mind especially whenever i get these potions hey wait i haven't even learned what the mystery potion effect is i need 300 grand well i oh broke through two of the ceilings i'm hoping since this is endless mode i've actually uh gone five times higher than the other tower so i will get five times the amount of money that i usually do although that might be getting a little too hopeful well i died and i only have a hundred grand looks like it's time to just keep launching till i make another 200 000 we might be here for a while well i made it back to the boss fight again because i realized i don't even have to play survival mode i can just keep doing this normal mode that i was doing originally and there goes the first phase thank you the second phase was a bit trickier but still dead i'd have got three hearts left and he has one life left which one wins i wonder since i'm on one life i have a decent idea about who's gonna win ooh another heart i might have just changed the tide and i died okay but i think i got enough to be able to are you kidding me i'm 2900 short fine i'll perfect launch grab one money bag and then one potion and bomb should be all i need now i have over 300 000 which means i can buy this mystery potion effect deliver explosive blows and what what does that look like that okay nothing's changing wait a second i have to have the potion duh i'm stupid all right one of you guys dropped me a potion so i can look at this i just spent four hours of my life getting 300 grand you guys do not understand the assignment right now wait here it is yes explosive blows oh my god it just like one shots everything and stuff explodes oh my gosh am i the bison if there's one thing i love in my video games it's easter eggs and if there's another thing i love in my video games it's being able to quit them when i'm done
Channel: ImCade
Views: 272,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, knightmare tower, Upgrading this KNIGHT to DANGEROUS levels, knightmare, knight mare tower, flash games, upgrade games, nightmare tower, imcade knightmare, knightmare tower all upgrades, knightmare tower 2, knightmare tower game, knightmare tower boss, pc games, Upgrading to a GODLY EXPLODING SWORD, knightmare tower final boss, how to beat knightmare tower, knightmare tower survival mode, knightmare tower flash
Id: NXu_Ids3YIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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