Underwater House Minecraft Builds | BASIC vs INTERMEDIATE vs EXPERT

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it looks like we're back again for another basic intermediate and expert tier build so last week we did this mountain house starter base which seems to be a bit of a trending topic going around at the moment I guess the two most noble people that had done it were mumbo and Gris and they were the ones that I'd seen anyway and got inspiration to do my own interpretation of it from but I also know that other people have done it as well anywho that was kind of focused around a specific trending topic whereas today we're gonna do something a little bit more creative we're gonna do my own take on things and we're gonna do underwater bases considering we all seem to be in some sort of quarantine with what's going on in the world at the moment I thought it was the perfect time to try and come up with something unique and creative ideas so that's what we're gonna do with this one today so we've got this beautiful large ocean to work with it's just in between the conduit design and the original starter house actually and I thought this was probably the best place to do this because I didn't want it to get cluttered by all the coral reefs that we've got around I just needed a blank space of ocean that I could dig down and tear them a little bit and then do some stuff with first things first we're gonna start with the basic underwater base so let's get into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty simple design going on but if you haven't already guessed it this is I guess Sandy's house from Sponge Bob of course he doesn't love spongebob so I thought what a perfect build to do this for so here he comes the entrance beautiful little air lot going on lovely and would you look at this shaders really do help a lot right anyway so what do we have going on here so obviously if you ever see spongebob actually Ballmer saying everyone has seen spongebob but this is it for the basic tear so basically basic get it we've got crazy godrays going on right now oh my god there we go we can actually see something oh my god right so yeah this is the base so over here we got Sandy's picnic table I just put it together for aesthetic purposes just to kind of make the whole theme go along we've got a little exercise wheel here again I don't think actually works but aesthetic purposes love a little farm going on good little pond at the back here with some fish just to brighten things up a little bit cuz why not and then we've got the actual base inside in the treehouse here of course Sandy's house is in the tree as well so I thought I'd follow along with that Jesus Christ why is the speed up so high then leaves her freaking out in the background what was that about right anyway yeah so in the show sandy lives in a tree she's a squirrel so I thought I did the same thing for this there's not a lot going on it's very basic but it's got the essentials you got crafting table furnaces storage beds I've got bunk beds because if you want about my with someone you can D just make sure that you cool it up always cool the top box aside from that that's the base really there's not a lot going on it's the basic tier but we've got the essentials of what you would need to survive and as for the actual tree itself this is just a large oak tree it's not any custom tree it's a large oak tree I just added a few logs down the bottom here to fill out the trunk and make it look a little bit nicer so now that we've done that we are going to take this probably just delete it and we're gonna turn it into the intermediate two and we're going to follow along a similar sort of route as to what we've done for this one so mmm see if you can take any guesses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so if yes somehow haven't guessed it which is impossible I kept along the same theme of Spongebob and we've just done all of their houses and we've done a king jellyfish in the back as well and all of this together is the base honestly when I first got this idea I was just going to make the king jellyfish as the base but I thought I would also add in their houses to kind of spice things up a little bit make it a bit more interesting and I didn't want to do just these houses as their base because I know that people have done that as well so really it's the conglomerate of all of them together that makes the base if you want to access certain parts of the base you have to go to certain buildings so I didn't go too crazy into detail with the interior these bases but I wanted to give a concept of how you might be able to do it you can I link them all together and I'll show you how I've done that so SpongeBob's house is primarily storage and crafting as well we've got storage here and we've also got storage at the very top and then obviously if you go down it's a bomb we've got the underground connection passageway but you haven't noticed I'm not talking very well because I had sleep I think my brain is melting down we're underneath Patrick's rock right now and this is the bedroom we've got a little bit more storage here as well just to fill out the space but we've got this massive grand bed here Squidward's place which is the furnace area we've also got a little bit more chests here just because why not and then obviously if we come down here as well right at the very end we can jump the ladder swim up and we're inside the jellyfish and of course you don't have to come from underneath either you can come from the top if you wanted to this just comes out the top the crown so really this is the main entrance into the base if you wanted to get there but that's pretty much it for the intermediate level I just wanted to try out a different design of basically linking several houses and giving each house a purpose and also build more small shop stuff because it looks pretty cool honestly if you're trying to build a base underwater what more you're gonna do first thing your mind goes to is sponge well anyway this is the intermediates here so obviously we've got to scrap this and we've got to make it into the expert tier so strap in because things are about to change [Music] you [Music] [Music] what on earth have I made so it's a little bit different from the last tier not quite as family-friendly but it looks pretty epic so this isn't from spawn job no I actually took inspiration from this one from parts of the Caribbean so I pretty much came up with a concept to this by remembering back through the movies and at one point I remember there was a whirlpool where the ocean was kind of going in on itself and then obviously the Kraken as well that was a huge part for the films so I basically thought I would just mash them together because why not so that's why we've got massive squid e monster here anyway this is a pretty epic build so obviously we've got the water getting sucked in from the ocean and we've got the Texans coming out of the ocean with a mouth down below and you might be wondering where the bases well actually no you're not wondering because you watched the time-lapse and you saw that it's inside the mouth so shut up Oscar anyway I actually really like doing this build it was very unique very organic I'm not usually doing this kind of stuff so it was a good challenge I also was really happy with coming up with the idea to use these player heads as the suction cups for the tentacles I just got player heads of the same block material so white terracotta and then just placed it all over and it works really well as a suction cup unfortunately in the view distance if you pull back too far they actually cut out so your van GC yeah they disappear which is annoying but it's no biggie to be honest because when you're far away you're not gonna be seen from that crazy detail anywho I thought that was just a little something extra it's really pulled this build together to make these look more like tentacles than just spirals coming out of the ocean right anyway let's go into the actual base itself so we're gonna jump in through the mouth and down into the base so we got these massive teeth around the rink here which is very nice obviously wanting to make it look like it was the actual inside of the beast as well so we've got red concrete and red near the brick and kind of mixing it together just to look like the inside and then towards the bottom for the actual base obviously I realized I couldn't do that for the entire thing so instead I wanted to kind of incorporate the inside of the monster so that it looked almost like a ship or shipwreck that's why we've kind of got different parts of a ship going on literally what I was talking about the actual bed frame here we've got the front of a ship and then it's a few other features as well basically just a lot of trapdoors we've got a bail hang in we've got banners hanging up as if it was the sails and obviously then I had to make it practical as well we got some storage here also looks like barrels of rum for wine or something along those lines that you might have on like a pirate ship or yeah you know alcohol we've got the whole kitchen smelting area of course we need to add that into it to make it a base I also decided to add in this little nether pool here as well also using a lot of wood again around it to give off the shipwrecked vibe and then lastly we've got some trapdoors down here as well this is a staircase that just leads all the way down to the bottom of the monster which is the means of getting in and out of the base if you needed to and also go mining or whatever is you want to do you basically just walk down this staircase all the way down to the bottom and boats always seem to have this kind of great thing going on on the deck of the ship it's usually where I think they put the fish all on a pirate ship they might have that there I don't know why actually why do they have that there I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments but I'm no boat expert that's for sure anyway boats always have them and I thought it was a nice little addition so let me know would you like to live in an underwater base like this technically this is underwater that will count it if you would like a base like this that also includes all these other bills that I've done for this series then I'll put this map up for download on my patreon for free if again we can hit 15,000 likes so of course I will abide by that and I will hold that promise if you can get this video up to 15,000 likes I will release this for free on my patreon for you to download and play it as you want you could use this base as your own which I mean really gonna pass up on that this this really could be your base aside from that I've got an Instagram open so I'm gonna be posting pictures of this and future builds and previous builds on it as well as little updates now and then so make sure you go for that I'll leave the link to it down in the description now I've been blabbing on for way too long hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TrixyBlox
Views: 1,124,632
Rating: 4.9606233 out of 5
Keywords: TrixyBlox, Oscip, Minecraft, Build, Timelapse, BSL Shaders, How To Build, Minecraft Building Tips & Tricks, Beginner Minecraft Build, Minecraft BASIC vs Intermediate vs Expert Build, Minecraft Underwater House, Minecraft Underwater House Ideas, Minecraft Underwater Base Builds, Spongebob House Minecraft, Minecraft Giant Jellyfish, Minecraft Kraken, Minecraft Giant Octopus Monster, Underwater House Minecraft Builds | BASIC vs INTERMEDIATE vs EXPERT, Easy Minecraft Underwater House Ideas
Id: Dy0eP-5AZOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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