Subscriber Got SCAMMED $250 So I Transformed His Minecraft World!

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Wow you're so fast

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Thechlebek 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude I saw this video a long time ago and I was so surprised at the effort he put into it....I subscribed to him for this reason too

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nmlssbro_73 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you guys what is that many mr. Croft and I have an exciting video for you guys today and a very interesting story to tell I actually got an email from a fellow subscriber one of you guys and I was just so angry and frustrated to find out that this subscriber which we're going to call mr. t basically got scammed a whopping 250 dollars after he commissioned a team of builders on Fiverr to build him a Minecraft world now the thing is his request was relatively simple all he wanted was an island with a volcano together with a village and most importantly a mighty fortress long story short this is what he got in return now I don't know about you guys but I would definitely not want to have to pay 250 dollars for a boat shaped like a cardboard box normally I would never criticize or judge someone else's minecraft build so harshly but let's not forget that this island would technically cost you 250 dollars which is just a crazy amount of money for such a simple project but guys it does get worse even the best part of this build being the fortress which I actually thought was pretty good was clearly and I mean entirely copied and pasted into this world I mean they didn't even bother to fix the obvious giveaway which is just outrageous it's like buying a brand-new Lamborghini and finding out that the engine is made out of raw potatoes I mean seriously guys we don't even know if this castle was actually stolen from someone else's minecraft builds but either way I've decided to do the right thing and transform this build for absolutely free to hopefully serve some justice and at least mr. t doesn't have to feel too bad about spending those two hundred and fifty dollars so guys without further ado let's begin today's adventure [Music] [Applause] now guys I'm not gonna get into too much more detail when it comes to this build as we already know it has a ton of issues and I've only just noticed that this island is actually floating yes you can see right through the landscape if I do remove the water which is crazy enough not to mention if I were to click on one of these blocks the entire island starts to collapse which is just an absolute nightmare deathtrap for anyone running a low-end PC so I've decided that this map doesn't really deserve a transformation instead I'm going to recreate my own version of this project just on a much larger more epic scale starting off with a brand new world's painter map of course after many many hours of hard work I progressively went from just a simple grass block island to eventually adding stone rows and other materials followed by some trees but most importantly some epic looking rock formations honestly this just blew my mind I mean world painter is just such a good program and with all the practice I've had this has turned out to be one of the better landscapes we've built I instantly contacted mr. t just to them know how things were going and he was just a static which really motivated me to build him something extra special now guys there is just one last thing we have to do before we get to building and that is the painstaking process of having to fly around the entire island collecting maps because we definitely need some sort of plan of action this island is just ginormous featuring a massive volcano rocky landscapes and somehow still has plenty of empty space to build on so this cave entrance is going to act as our main planning room because at this point having a gigantic map of your minecraft project is just a must-have besides it's a great way of keeping track of all the progress we've made now guys I really want to try my best to fulfill everything mr. t wanted in his minecraft builds and even try and take things a step further my plan for now is to build him a shipyard right at the entrance of the valley then we're going to divide a path into two separate roads one leading down to the main village and the other leading up the mountain passed a massive bridge and eventually leading to the castle entrance hopefully we might even be able to add some lava flowing down into the valley floor [Music] and so we finally begin this epic journey with the creation of a mighty entrance into the valley featuring some massive double toes and setting up the border for the outer city docks so if you're wondering why I have not posted a video in over a month this project is precisely why I decided to take this build to extreme levels just because I had this idea where I constantly thought to myself what if someone was paying me 250 dollars for this Minecraft world what would I build for that kind of money but it turns out that I was never happy with anything I built because I felt like 250 dollars was just way too much money for any minecraft build [Music] but either way we are off to a good start setting up a small but fancy looking fishing village what we're going to do now is branch outwards towards the ocean so that we can start setting up all the different docking areas while of course building and decorating the shipyard we also have just a bit of space on this platform which I thought would be a good place to build ourselves a lighthouse of course the only thing that's missing are the actual ships but you guys know I hate building boats and I just don't feel like I'm any good at building them but then again it can't be worse than this so anyway after several different attempts I must admit I eventually managed to find a shape that worked and decorated the boat as best as I could [Music] now there's also this really dense forest on the right side of the village and I just love how you lose sight of everything as soon as you walk in so I won't be getting rid of the entire forest but I thought it would be a really cool idea if we built a river flowing down from the mountain and with a small bridge cutting across we can make it seem like some of the villages are cutting down trees to provide wood for the city adding tree stumps and dirt blocks on the ground just makes this seem a lot more realistic and of course you can always still wander into the forest if you do feel like exploring now at this stage the outer city is complete and I think it's about time we take a little sneak peek at the actual map so this is how we started off the project and this is all the progress we've made so it's looking pretty good all we have to do now is continue up the valley I just need to make sure not to make this city feel too repetitive so besides adding the usual buildings we're also going to build a small Church just to change things up a bit and half way up the mountain there's also a good spot to build the entrance into the mines to really make this build feel like a functional city in fact when I first created this world I made sure to add in all the different kinds of resources so mr. t if you ever feel like going mining this is a good place to start now guys I'm going to be a hundred percent honest with you I don't know what I was thinking when I thought about transforming this entire valley into a city I've already spent three weeks building so I need to make my life easier before I burn myself out so I thought the best option was to transform this entire landscape into massive fields of wheat potatoes carrots and even some small vineyards in other words a lot of farmland of course this won't be complete without a couple of windmills but I've never done anything like this before and it kind of reminds me of Pandaria in World of Warcraft all were missing is a bunch of pandas but I definitely love all these spiraling paths cutting through the fields and it just feels like a nice peaceful place to explore [Music] so with that done we can definitely go back to building the mountain path now this road will eventually lead to the castle so I thought it would make sense to build one final Scout tower just to watch over the road now the only problem is this road leads to absolutely nowhere or at least the gap between the mountain and the volcano is just a lot bigger than I thought so in order to build this bridge we're going to need one extra pillar right down the center of the valley I think this makes a lot more sense and the view from the top of this bridge is just absolutely insane so I'm quite happy with this final result but guys the main point is that we have almost completely covered all the empty spaces apart from this one last plot of land so being as crazy as I am I decided to still go ahead with building the final city I first surrounded the platform with one last line of defense just a simple wall and a couple of towers to at least separate the farmland from the main city I then quickly jumped onto a super flat world just so that I could design some new houses for the main city the only difference is these buildings are slightly bigger and I just generally put in much more effort into these designs just by giving them a couple of extra features as well as some interesting shapes but honestly guys at this point I was just eager to get into building this mighty fortress it's actually been years since I built one so I was just determined to make this the biggest castle I've ever built because I feel like that's what mr. t deserves so after finally decorating and even expanding on the entire main city I started designing just a few basic shapes that we were going to use to get this castle going [Music] but the castle itself took me over 40 hours to build and decorate I cannot even imagine having to build this in survival mode to put things into perspective this castle contains almost 400,000 blocks but a single Minecraft chunk only contains an average of around 17,000 solid blocks which means if you want to build this castle in survival mode you would have to mine an equivalent of 24 full Minecraft chunks which is just crazy now I have not played survival in a while but I'm pretty sure that would be a monumental task but either way guys after finally finishing those last details and building some extra flags we were off to mr. T's last and final request a volcanic eruption can you imagine after all this hard work somehow someway my entire build manages to catch fire that would be a very painful thing to watch but I did keep things under control and built this really cool burnt up Valley with streams of lava flowing past this massive bridge honestly there's not much more left to say this has been one insanely long journey but I hope that mr. t as well as you guys enjoy this brand-new epic Minecraft world [Music] no guys please please don't go spending $1,000 on Fiverr because for all you know you might just get yourself a beautiful to house thank you guys for watching please consider subscribing and I will catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Jeracraft
Views: 12,674,190
Rating: 4.9501591 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Jeracraft, Epic Build, Castle, Transformation, Subscriber Scammed, Build Tips, Build Tricks, New Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16, Update, Download, Fiver Builds, Scam, Epic Transformation, Minecraft House, Minecraft Builds, Top Builds, yt:quality=high, Minecraft Ideas, pocket Edition, Kingdom, Mega Project, Fantasy, Xbox, Most Ambitions Minecraft, Top Creations, PC, Medieval, Mind Blowing Builds, Biggest Castle, City, Village, Lava, Volcano, Island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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