YouTubers Reacting To My Minecraft Videos

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today we're gonna be doing something that I feel has been a long time coming I think it's about time that we go through and watch the reactions of youtubers that have seen web-based transformations so if you didn't already know this was how I kind of got my big comeuppance on YouTube I've been doing it for years but last August I uploaded transforming peat wise minecraft base and as you can see it did really well in views now obviously around that time minecraft was getting popular again and a bunch of youtubers were playing it and so because they were playing Minecraft they also had their own survival worlds which I'm sure that you've seen them playing I thought I would go into Minecraft and recreate their minecraft bases and then transform them so not only did a lot of my videos start getting a lot of views but I was also lucky enough to have some of the youtubers that I'd transformed their base of react to my transformation which was insane so obviously I'm not going to go through and watch each of these transformations if you want to check them out for yourself and then you can do on the channel obviously right start with the big one Felix back pocket no matter how far you've come never forget your route I saw this someone someone didn't like fixing or improving so yeah it's only a small segment that Felix spends on it but either way it was just mind-boggling that he's seen it and I was also surprised to see it on hit anyway because I didn't even post it someone else must have found it through the video and posted it on here I remember when I uploaded this video I uploaded it and I think it got at well actually we can check so yeah here we go this is the graph of the video you can see here so within the first day I uploaded it I got 10,000 views by day two I had gone to four hundred and thirty thousand views which in itself was crazy I actually remember that same day so the first day ticked over got 10k and then when I hit the second day it wasn't even at that it was on like 200,000 views and at the time I was like damn that's good it's doing well I then slipped that night and then woke up and it had gotten 1.5 million and obviously from there you can see it just grew exponentially and it's insane like I remember at the time thinking about it and just those numbers tick up I never in a million years thought that would happen to me I've tried with YouTube for a long time years and years and I've never had a video spike up like that and you always think to yourself I've really want that's happened to me or life I keep trying it like it will happen and you just it just seems like almost seems almost like a myth until it actually does happen and it's it's crazy so yeah he only spends a little time on it but either way just his acknowledgment of seeing it is mind-boggling also I wanted to state the fact that was never I remember getting a lot of people saying that all you're just doing it to like show off basically or like Felix also said that that's not my intention for me it's just I enjoy doing it and I saw the opportunity and wanted to do it because I was watching his series at the time and so then once I recreated the base I was like well I might as well put my spin on it and see what I could do because obviously he's in survival and I'm not I'm doing creative so it's a completely different perspective like fixing or improving which is that bear but yeah it was never my intention to be fixing or improving anything at that it was just a fun concept so not my intention to belittle or anything like that you know I just did it because I thought it'd be fun so this was a bit more of a shock I remember at the time I had this video pop-up or I had it people in the comments of my video saying that Jack reacted to it so I went to his channel and check this out and I saw it and so obviously it's completely different in this one Felix used it in his thumbnail and mentions it briefly in the video Jack decisis spends an entire segment on it which is it blew my mind more than it already had been so transforming jacksepticeye's minecraft base no way there's the Bell holy crap I knew what I initially had planned for his castle however I wanted to make them more unique so now yeah when I was watching this at a time I remember being at hotdogs with my mates and I was just sat there in disbelief imitation shock honestly because he spends a lot of taste but he's been such a can't speak such a large segment it's not even like you spent a few minutes on it he's literally watching like that leads into the rear section of the castle it already looks so much better than by no my one's beautiful my ones creative much easier when you're in creative exactly that's the point is my take on is what I would do in my creative way yeah I know I know that that was the part that made me freak out the most because I had the time obviously I'd seen that he'd reacted to it but I'm also seeing my own video in the training tab which it's insane you can see it's number 31 and trending even he says it's insane Trixie blocks thank you very very much ingenuity to actually build stuff like that so thank you very very much for taking the time to do it he's just very very humble and very blessed and yeah I admit when I watched that at the time I was swen I didn't know what to think I was so so happy it was insane good times right moving on it's time for laser beam to check it out so again he spends a full segment of his video where he watches and reacts to it which is still insane as welcome back to Minecraft he's a cheeky time-lapse of me doing some really good building and as you can tell I'm a master architect I mean I'm incredible at designing minecraft bases obviously I couldn't do any of this are you triggered by the name of Trixie blocks transformed my minecraft base first he's say that with supercool shaders and made it look all pretty yeah Chad has transformed it to something else entirely he did a great job one of them still work got that work beautiful work mate build a zero out of ten you know go check out trixie box channel go see I didn't even use my build good day a lot of people did a lot of people did come over to the channel and they said thank you I got spammed with some comments yeah mad times so as you can see this is a little bit later on I obviously started with pews build and then I did Jack's one next and then went on to laser beams and I honestly just remember those first two months of getting like these crazy kinds of views and like this massive viewership suddenly coming in was I mean it was overwhelming to say the least but yeah it was it was like nothing I'd experienced before obviously so yeah think up plays be my guy and so finally we're on to Dan his bill was a little bit later on but I'm still surprised that he did manage to see at the time which was crazy his one actually probably took the longest to do out of all of this because at his point when I transformed his base he'd already done quite a lot in his series I think when I first transforms Felix's base he hadn't done a lot like you can see he's got Church of war sheep he's got meatball he's got the original IKEA Tower like this was way back in the day this was early August so realistically he wasn't that far through the game jack realistically wasn't very far through the game at all so had to kind of maximize what I had at that time Esmond was pretty far through it he wasn't really at the early stages he has panders like he's got pan farm going on and all that so I really had to maximize the potential and yes I guess you could say that could have waited until later on when they'd had a lot of this stuff done and then transformed it but if I did that then I would have been waiting until the end of the year because they were playing the game up until the end of the year and I'm sure that by that point someone else would have done it and honestly if I think back if I didn't upload that original transformation of Felix's base and then doing all these other ones of these other youtubers as well I wouldn't be where I am now so it's just it's crazy so finally a little bit later where near the end of October and Dan did his reaction to the base transformation I did for him see this took a little because he has so many higher house actually recreated is the wrong word they've completely rebuilt it the video right now that's before we start this the guy that made this video is called Trixie blocks it almost has a million views has a great amount of light and you guys have been suggesting to me like crazy YouTube has just been trying to force down my throat here we go let's watch that's another thing I think it was kind of insane so because a lot of these youtubers were uploading minecraft videos their videos were get him mass amounts of views and I was uploading my transformations of their bases and I think it was getting put in the suggestion section on the little recommended bar on the right for everyone apparently well even Dan himself said that he's getting forced in his recommended or on his home page like he's seeing everywhere so when you think about it it kind of makes sense because a lot of people that were watching those series a lot of you guys that were watching that series probably saw my videos off to the side and clicked on it from there my name is so weird even here I go seven or eight months ago to how I was sounds then full of dread as there was a lot of different builds to this minecraft base all being unique why thank you for the compliments appreciate it you know I meant by that like you had he had specific buildings / things sugar came around the house yeah it's the whole thing some people call me a madman I completely forgot and just realized as well it's the entire video he spends literally the entire video watching it it's like what that's mad I don't even know what to say like I'm still don't know what to say and it's been like nine ten months since this will happened either way I'm not gonna watch the entire effort alone to do that is Mads there's the original castle there's my farms he's even got the iron farm the cactus farm bamboo randomly sprouted about vending-machine horse stable my scholar lon let's go because cinematographer you by the way is cool like really cool the tied to the shaders as well this looks sick either in there I guess there's a reason it's because I did a lot of the effects so I studied that in in college in university a lot you guys might not even know that I guess that's where I picked up getting a good idea of of camera angles and yeah cinematography and stuff of that but thank you it kind of reminds me how much I've actually done in survival which is exactly cuz when I did it it reminds you how much you've actually done it's completely flat wasteland even that was really cool I'm like so the whole point of doing these transformations is to take what they built in survival and transform it in creative into something extreme something that you wouldn't usually built you're not gonna usually build a massive cactus like this in survival like to this scale with all these different varying colors and materials let's get real it's not gonna happen oh do that it's cool because little extras he adds that's what I'm always missing from my bills there's little extra touches that just make it go from like okay to amazing he's picked up on on those tips yeah if you guys watching add those little extra things fence gates walls all of that trapdoors that's what helps in your adding detail to your builds what's the father base added cable into the he forgot that you could make a circle portal a completely forgot you could change the shape of it well thing really can't technically you can in survival but you can't in creative wait no you can in creative but your kind survival you can choose it and hide it so that it's a square and hidden in here but obviously I'm in creative so I made a circle and you can see I'm doing wandering trader still bothering him great truck this guy follows me everywhere and all of my builds literally anytime you want to do anything he's always pushing us at it now that is a fishing boat all of this by the way just to house the tiny little XP farm exactly that's what we go here for unnecessary extreme all of this so far is amazing and he hasn't even done my castle yet it's just mad but I like the fact that he's going through and watching this entire video makes it even more insane you better have kept my elevator buddy made it just saying yes I like that okay I might steal that idea the only thing is mass-producing glass that has a die on it is way harder see the fact that they not only just him but like ejected the same like they come up and say like I'm gonna steal that idea or I might use that that's it it's so crazy I understand that some of them are new to Minecraft not dan he's obviously done it loads but new to or wouldn't usually build like crazy huge projects like I do and the fact they openly address that they like the idea and all they're gonna use that one to incorporate that into their idea I know that Jack did the same that once he'd seen my video I remember watching later into his series and he took inspiration from the stuff that I'd done to his transformation and incorporated it into his base which is how cool is that cinematic of the world you added in a document in you just despite me it was it time perfectly honestly really like that I've never seen a witch thought that looks like that so even though my weight I was actually pretty happy how I do wish I'll go into the wards I still haven't done that job because it's so like kind of hack I don't usually do some less tax and there's the castle that is so good that that is awesome that is not what I was expecting I thought he would do just a castle but he's done the entire world I can't imagine how long that video would have taken to make so much yeah it's very surreal honestly those first few months from August September October were just crazy not only did I do that but I did a bunch of those stuff as well I did a subscriber base transformation I transform my first build seven years later which was really fun to do as well and from all of that that's where we're at now this is how far we've come and it's crazy and I can't thank you guys enough for sticking around and watching my stuff honestly from you seeing those videos in your recommended tab then coming to the channel and actually click and subscribe thank you hopefully I'll keep trying to pump out good content that you guys can enjoy and who knows I might have some stuff coming up pretty soon which might entice some of you so I think now wrap things up for today hope you guys enjoyed this little recap of what I've done through the past couple of months and also seeing my reaction to all of it because I kind of wanted to just share the experience because I know a lot of people don't get this kind of opportunity and I never thought that I would just the thought of having some of your favorite youtubers that you've seen throughout the years hosting content about stuff that you've done your content it's it's pretty surreal and I'm very blessed and thankful if you guys want to see more of this kind of stuff then let me know obviously down in the comments I do want to do a few more videos where I just kind of sit down and talk to you all we do similar stuff to this where we go back and look at stuff so let me know if you like this kind of format I thought I'd also mention again I've got this fan out competition going on on my discord so make sure you check that out it's got one week left from when I upload this video so weeks time it will be done so if you want to get involved then go to the discord and make some fan on don't worry I'm not forgotten about the underground world transformation I am doing that still it's coming it's in the works but for now I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next one
Channel: TrixyBlox
Views: 1,355,981
Rating: 4.9687462 out of 5
Keywords: TrixyBlox, Oscip, Minecraft, Build, Gameplay, Minecraft Transformations, These Youtubers Reacted To My Minecraft Videos, Reacting To Youtubers Reacting To My Transformations of Their Minecraft Worlds, Transforming Youtuber Minecraft Base, TrixyBlox Reacting To Youtubers, Transforming LazarBeams Minecraft World, Transforming Pewdiepies Minecraft World, Transforming Jacksepticeyes Minecraft World, Transforming DanTDMs Minecraft World, Reacting To Pewdiepie, Reacting To LazarBeam
Id: -2aQev8uVLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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