Updated Morning & Evening Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

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[Music] hi welcome to today's video it is an updated skincare video in fact a morning and nighttime routine funny how things happen so a couple of weeks ago not even maybe a week and a half I posted a picture on Instagram just relaxing in my backyard and before I knew it there were so many questions about skincare so I went back into my database of videos I realized it had been quite a while since I published a skincare video long overdue because things have changed substantially since the last video that I published as you know I'm 50 going to be 51 in June of 2018 and I will tell you this skincare needs change along the way and sometimes what used to work for us in the past no longer works we got to bring out the big guns and step things up a little bit so that's what I've had to do and I've had tremendous results I've been doing this particular routine for about a year year and a half now and I've seen some really really big changes let me walk you through what the steps are in fact let me go through the products first and give you a breakdown of what they are and how they work I think education goes a long way when it comes to making an informed decision so I want you to understand the reasoning behind my decision in choosing these particular products so the first thing that I am using and I'm going to start with what I do in the morning and that is a glycolic acid so this is and and these products these two products that I'm using are prescription only by a dermatologist but glycolic acid is a member of the alpha hydroxy acid family and when properly formulated and used it's gentle it's effective it comes from sugar cane which is why it's called a fruit acid and it reacts with the top layer of the skin breaking it down by dissolving sebum and other substances that bind together and it is very effective in treating fine lines acne blackheads dullness oiliness even uneven texture and happens is the dead skin cells are slough tauf and collagen production is increased and you get a smoother brighter younger looking appearance of the skin so this is something that I am combining with another product that I'm using and basically you need a delivery system because you can only use a small amount of the glycolic acid so what I do is combine it with this particular product called honey skin ultimate face and body cream now this product contains manuka honey and if it's the first time you're hearing of it manuka honey is produced in new zealand by bees that pollinate the manuka bush it's one of the most unique and beneficial forms of honey in the world there are a lot of uses that range from healing sore throats and digestive illnesses to curing staph infections in gingivitis as well as treating eczema and acne this particular one is a natural organic process contains vitamins trace minerals amino acids and it doesn't have any of the nasty stuff no cheap fillers waters mineral oil petroleum parabens fragrance no chemicals not tested on animals and it's not allergenic so I really really love this product as a delivery system like I said for the glycolic acid and then the other one that I'm using and this is my nighttime routine is the retin-a or Trenton Owen as its pronounced in the medical field and retin-a is another way to basically slough off skin cells it's a derivative of vitamin A which is why it's called retin-a it's used on the skin topically it treats mild to moderate acne on skin that's been damaged by excessive exposure to the Sun it inert Eights the skin it causes the cells to on the skin to grow and divide and then they die more rapidly and that increase increases the turnover of the cells so while this works on acne prone skin for that reason it also has the same effect on wrinkles areas of darkened skin hyperpigmentation I've talked about that rough patches anything that occurs basically when you have sun damaged skin and usually with sun-damaged skin you see improvements within the first three to four weeks of treatment brown spots start to fade after about six to eight weeks and then wrinkles you see a disappearance after about three months now this comes in a variety of strengths from 0.0 to 0.025 mine is 0.025 percent so this is on the lower end it can go all the way up to 0.1% and again I use this and I combined it with my manuka honey cream so let me walk you through the entire process of taking care of my skin when it comes to a face wash I'm very non-product loyal shall we say I mean right now I'm using Garnier skin active my seller foaming cleanser it's an all-in-one rinse gets rid of the makeup it cleans it refreshes I've bounced between this one and Neutrogena is foaming face wash so again I use over-the-counter drug store type products to wash my skin I look for ones that are dermatologically tested don't have fragrance and you know nastiness in there so a clean fresh palate is the way to start after that let's go into the morning routine so now I take about a pea-sized amount we'll call this a mushed pea of glycolic acid my particular glycolic acid is 20 percent that is the maximum strength you can start at 8% go to 10 up to 20 - maximum strength so a mushed pea-sized combined with about a finger full of the honey skin cream I blend all of this together this way I get an even application of the face cream and the glycolic acid why do I love this face cream so much you read all the things that it can help prevent redness eczema acne all of that so while these products like glycolic acid and retin-a can be irritants because it can make skin red and exfoliate I find this particular moisturizer to be very cooling calming it has the opposite effect of what these two particular creams have so for me it is the perfect blending cream love that it's natural Organic and the price points incredible I mean this this big bad boy at eight ounces is thirty four ninety nine okay how do you beat that we'll go over prices on the other two products as well at the end of the video okay so that is the morning routine you've noticed that I wiped away any residue from my eyebrows as you know my eyebrows are tattooed while these exfoliate and get skin cells to lift and come off I don't want that to happen to my brows meaning these products can fade my eyebrows so I'm very careful about the application I go around the brow if I feel I have any residual product on the brow I just take a wet towel and wipe it away the glycolic acid and the honey cream will stay I'll go to about here I don't want it to go up because it is an acid it can burn the eye area so I keep that lower just below the eye area and this Honey skin cream you can use up in the eye area so if I feel I need extra moisture up there I just take a little bit and Pat it on the eye area this is my morning routine I then follow it up with a sunscreen again I am NOT product loyal I do prefer natural sunscreens definitely SPF 20 to 30 in that range because using glycolic acid in retin-a make you very very sun sensitive and so I'm trying to reverse the damage that the Sun caused and I don't want to create more damage so sunscreen is a key especially if the makeup doesn't contain any of that okay so let's now transition to the nighttime routine again it's the very same thing I'm washing with my face product to get rid of my makeup dirt and all of that once my skin is completely clean I am using a pea-sized amount of the retin-a again combining that with a finger amount of the cream enough to again blend it all over the entire face to get enough surface area covered and as you can tell I'm going to go down on my neck and to the upper chest area so this I can now take into just under the eye area the retin-a is a non irritant and like I said it's great for those fine lines and wrinkles so I tap that right underneath my eye as I'm spreading the product and cover my face get the neck and bring the residual product down this is what I do before I go to bed at night again I'm wiping any away that gets on my eyebrows because I don't want my brows to fade that may not be an issue for you and then I am going to follow everything up with a product that I mentioned on one of my first videos at least the first year of my beauty all-star products and that is the lansinoh lanolin cream this is for crack nipples for breastfeeding mothers but again I have found nothing better for crack dry lips at night so I follow it up with this on my lips but this is my new and improved morning and nighttime skin routine I had to go to a dermatologist to get both of these products they are not over-the-counter and like I said sometimes you feel like you've got to make that transition into something a little bit more potent to help you get the results that you want I love the fact that my honey skin cream this huge thing is only $34.99 I love that I love the fact that it works so well with these two products so to give you a ballpark this one I got from my dermatologist I can see it's got the label on it says $74 this retin-a is something that you have to get through prescription it's not in covered by insurance unless the treatment is for acne I have found that in some cases for acne treatment insurance will cover the retin-a if it is just for vanity if sorry it's not covered the price on this will range from pharmacy it I've seen it anywhere from 80 up to 120 dollars so because you're using such a small amount of these - I will say on average both of these products lasts about 3 months so let's just round it up let's say this is a hundred this is 74 so it's 174 I'm not even a factor in the cost of that face cream because that big bad boy will last six months so if I've got 170 4/3 months it's about $60 a month to do this new and improved skin care routine and to me that is not all that expensive when you think about the amount of money that you can spend on high-end face creams night creams things that promise to get rid of lines and wrinkles but and in some may to a certain degree but you do have to go to a dermatologist and a doctor to get a prescription for these because the percentages are higher and if you feel that you're ready to take that step I will tell you that that step has been a real good one for me I definitely notice the difference I noticed in how my skin looks in how it feels and I'm a real happy camper so I am very happy to bring this video to you if you are at that stage where you need something new go talk to your doctor see what's best for you what formulation is best for your skin type what percentage again that is a conversation that needs to happen between you and your doctor based on your skin's needs and what your goals are but this has been this has been great and I actually found this manuka honey product on Amazon and I learned about manuka honey from following dr. Mercola online he presents a natural approach to health and wellness and does reviews of all different types of things that are available out there so that research was very beneficial for me in learning about this but I'm curious to hear what what you've discovered along the way you are a very smart audience and you do a lot of research and invest time in your wellness well-being in beauty and what I love about this community is that you're so willing to share and put it out there and you not only help me but you help your fellow woman around the world wherever she may be so I'm gonna thank you in advance for doing that I'm gonna ask for any comments and suggestions that you might have for future videos give me a fun thumbs up if you felt this was informative and helpful in your quest for looking for a skincare routine and yeah I think that pretty much sums it up so with your with new ideas in making your skin youthful and fresh and taking care of business go out there be bold and be blessed and I'll see you next Thursday at 1 o'clock it's appointment television
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 720,504
Rating: 4.9013634 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, Dominique sachse 2018, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, anti aging skincare routine, skincare, antiaging, morning skincare routine, evening skincare routine, retin-a, glycolic acid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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