My Evening Skin Care Routine

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[Music] hello to you and welcome to part 2 of my skincare routine last week it was the morning routine tonight it's p.m. in fact it is 11:15 at night just got home about 15 minutes ago about ready to wind down get ready for bed and it's time to get all this goop off my face and trust me there are layers going on here so I'm gonna get out of the silk blouse because this would get pretty messy if I try to get my makeup off in this get into something a little bit more appropriate as I wind down and show you my nighttime ritual you ready okay back with you now ready to remove the makeup let me just state that this is television makeup that I have on right now as you know from my previous video I use Gentry Kellis product line and I'm still going to use some of her products as well she has a cleanser and makeup remover called undress and I use this more on the weekends when I'm not wearing such heavy makeup but interestingly I find that with all the layers going on here and believe me there are plenty my tried and true to get all of this off in one go around is my Neutrogena fresh foaming cleanser so I also like to be able to share products with you that you can get at your local drugstore as well as some high ends and I've always been able to mix the two for really really good results so the first thing I'm going to do is remove the makeup with good old fashioned Neutrogena soap and water I need my handy hair band said that I don't get it all over my hair and I forgot to take my earrings off yeah that's that special hair band and cubic zirconia haha why not the first thing that I have to address is I have falsies on and I've had numerous emails from you guys and messages about how to remove falsies the first thing you can do is just give a little tug just see how tightly they're on this one not so much it just came look at that it just lifted right off I didn't have to go the other route the other route would be if you find that your false eyelashes are sticking a little bit too much to your lash line you can do a couple of things you can take a q-tip with a makeup removing oil you just dip it in and you loosely rub that q-tip right along the glue line of the falsey and that will help to remove some of that adhesive loosen it up and pull it out so you don't take a few of your own lashes with you the other thing I will show you in just a moment let me see how this one's doing this this one is a little bit more sticky so what I'm going to do is my other suggestion for you and that is the Neutrogena makeup removing wipes which I will use in just a moment but you can take your first wipe and if need be just run it right along your lash line and how quickly and easily your little lash will pop right off and there it is okay so you've got a couple of options there I'm going to hold onto this because I'm going to need this in just a moment to follow up time to get the makeup off nikitina here we go [Music] and I use the better pump that all you need little goes a long way with this and I do everything eyes and will take my fingers and just really rub on my latches I can feel some of the adhesive coming off from the eyelash glue and then just rinse okay I have a really good amount of makeup that came off I just see a little bit of residual eyeliner and just a tiny bit of mascara so we will address that with the Neutrogena wipes and they remove everything so I will use that to clean up any areas where makeup didn't come off as well as my neck area so I take my wife that I use to remove my one eyelash and I now use that to take care of and just very very lightly you don't need to push hard it comes off very easily see and I love doing these videos to be able to show you a bare face because you also can see the eyebrow tattoo and how well the brows are holding up with the micro bleeding couldn't be happier okay so now I'm taking my life and just going along the hairline and areas where there might be just a little bit of excess foundation that maybe didn't come off and now concentrating on my neck I always pull Foundation and bronzer down my neck to make sure that my face matches my chest color so there's makeup here and it needs to come off see look at that that was just on the neck good load all right makeup is off and now moving on to actual product first thing that I'm going to do is my eye cream and I'm using a product by Vichy lift active it's a retinol eye cream and I found this at my local drugstore they've been carrying Vichy products and I've mentioned and have used them before on this channel so this should not come as a surprise although this is a relatively new eye cream that I've been using a great applicator it has this pump and it's going to come out on this backside and you don't have to use your fingers you can just do a little pump and there it comes and then you take this part the flat part and just kind of press it in your eye area and I'm really liking this product and of course retinol-based products are very good for fine lines and wrinkles so this is a good one to sleep in and as you know from my other video I'm using the glycolic acid in the morning which is a great exfoliating product and then the retinol also helps like I said with the areas around the eyes especially where we get this little there's a lab lines ah smile lines whatever laugh lines smile I am just I'm just here I'm just gonna put them everywhere okay silly mates okay my secret weapon at night is yep more retinol in this case it's retin-a this is a prescription by my dermatologist point zero to five percent of Retton a little dab'll do you all you have to do is take a small amount kind of pea-sized and now I take my Gentry Kelly hydrate moisturiser and I do one pump at that just like I do in the morning with the hydrate and the glycolic acid I'm now doing hydrate and retin-a at night and I blend the two together and I put a nice thin layer all over and it spreads very well but between these two and using Gentry's products I'm really really liking her products and like I mentioned they are plant-based cucumber and aloe so it can be soothing for skin that tends to get irritated and red and that also can happen when you use a retinol product as well as glycolic acid it can be you know trying to look youthful can be irritating so anyway you've got to find ways to calm things down so if that's been working and that I take and I pull down on to my neck area because you know you don't want to have a youthful face and not a youthful neck so we have to think about we have to think about the trunk that holds up the leaves so now that's on and I've got everything covered on my faces moisturize eye cream I cannot forget and I mentioned this in one of my first videos my beauty all-star products two years back I think this that I discovered when I was a breastfeeding mother 11 years ago it's lansinoh HP a lanolin cream it's actually for cracked nipples for breastfeeding mothers but if it works on the nips it works on the lips let me tell you it is the best overnight lip cream very thick and emollient a little goes a long way but my lips get very dry and cracked so I put a nice thin layer of this on my lips and the amazing thing is when I wake up in the morning I still have a nice thin layer right there it didn't move I may have tossed and turned all night but not this stuff I love this and especially since we're heading into the winter months this is a biggie to keep your lips moist as the temperatures change and things get a little bit drier outside okay so the next thing that I want to mention quickly before night-night time is we do all of these things to moisturize our skin and keep it young let's not forget about our hair and I like to put in night a little bit of a hydrating cream sometimes a leave-in conditioner type I use this cream a lot Frederic Fekkai it's a glossing cream tiny tiny bit works really well but it helps to smooth and sleek hair it gives kind of an anti frizz help to it but also for really dry damaged ends this can help to mend them and make them look much healthier so what I will do at night is take just a small amount and I will find areas of my hair especially the highlighted areas get really dry that's where you see the most breakage and so I'll just kind of go through and just piece just take a tiny little bit run my fingers through it and just run it through the ends and it serves as a great overnight moisturizer and I wake up in the morning and my hair feels really soft and smooth and I see a lot less damage and I think that's really important as we've put our hair through so much twisting and turning and bending and heaped and aggravation and stress we really stress out our hair we need to give it as much nourishment and TLC as we possibly can so like I say we're so good with our faces let's not forget to take care of our hair all right so there you have it my night time routine very similar to the am with the retin-a added and a few other little extras and goodies kind of threw you for a loop did my comments and suggestions of what you want to see next and I am going to bed because it is now I think 11:35 and my son has cross-country practice at 7:10 in the morning which means we're hitting the road at 6:45 ah although I will still look for ways to be bold to be blessed and to be a blessing maybe if someone's in a rush in traffic I'll let them cut in front of me because maybe they need that spot more than I do I'm going to think about those things tomorrow with coffee in hand follow me on social media and I look forward to seeing you again next week a night
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 494,664
Rating: 4.9024067 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, evening skin care, skin care routine, night skin care
Id: uHIPDtrM-sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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