Q & A: Fillers, Family and Flab | Dominique Sachse

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it's Q&A week you have questions I have answers boy do you have a lot of questions I'm gonna get right into it because I don't want this to be a two-hour video I don't think I have the voice for it but I'm thrilled with the array of questions the ones that I selected I was looking for repetition in the ask and so I think I hit on a bunch of things that you guys are wondering about and I'm going to start with the first question how do you maintain your weight and how do you manage your weight during vacations and special events okay as a woman going through menopause let me just say maintaining weight is a very loose in fluid term because that could mean within a range of 5 pounds on a good day if the wind is blowing from the south how do I maintain it I try to eat a plant-based diet for the most part with lean protein I try to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store lots of vegetables some fruit meat like I said staying away from the processed foods staying away from the whites the sugar the flour minimal dairy limiting alcohol things like that so usually how it works is a month before a vacation I'm in the zone right I'm doing everything that I need to do that I know is healthy for me I've up my exercise game and I could probably drop a few pounds you know maybe three to four before vacation but this is life's cruel and unusual joke because after one week on vacation all that weight is back and then some so I don't know why we women have to go through that but I think it is to test our strength and our wherewithal but that's how it works okay question number two is there any self-help or recommendations of books or a book that may have helped you along the way or changed your life if so would you kindly share yes there have been some books that were pivotal for me in my early life and in my recent life early on two books that I read that I really enjoyed that that got me thinking sort of on a bigger broader scale about philosophy psychology and things like that iein ran the fountain was a book that I read in my 20s that absolutely fascinated me another one is Nathaniel Branden the psychology of self-esteem you're gonna see a bit of a theme here as we go on in my 30s I got this book suzanne somers breakthrough and it was all about hormones bioidentical thyroid problem sleep basically a health and wellness book this was written during her journey with breast cancer and I really commend her on the enormous amount of research that she did on this book it was very eye-opening for me in many areas and then the other book that I loved so much was Joel Osteen's first book your best life now so there's a mix and these books actually tell a story of Who I am a mix of faith health wellness psychology philosophy these are the types of books that speak to me so when you ask about big books that were impactful those definitely are it next up what do you do for the under eye area injections serum makeup etc lots of under-eye questions wrinkle questions non wrinkle questions and things like that now I will tell you that I have had Botox under my eye area since my late 30s a dear friend of mine who you've seen on this channel dr. Fred Aguilar does my botox I started going when I was in my 30s because I had very pronounced 11s right here in my forehead to the point where I looked like I was stressed and frustrated all the time so that was my initial reason for going in for Botox at such an early age and then we started to move it a little bit up the forehead conservatively and around the eye conservatively it's very important to have movement and motion that frozen look I just it's just not for me so he told me recently he said the reason why you don't have a lot of lines around your eyes is because of the Botox that was started that early it was sort of a preemptive strike when you take that and combine it with the most recent skincare video that I showed you which combines the retin-a and the glycolic acid mixed in with a moisturizer the retin-a part I do carry up under the eye retin-a is known for fine lines and wrinkles those two things have been profoundly impactful in my under-eye area now I have done maybe twice now I have done filler under the eye in this area and I don't do it often because I find that if I can actually get a good night's sleep consistently I don't need filler but I've been through periods and pockets in my life where sleep has just been a precious commodity that apparently wasn't mine to have so I needed to do that to get rid of that sallow and sunken look under the eye and it did help a lot so there are a lot of options out there depending on what your need or desire might be and it's a personal journey and walk some women let those smile lines come through and see it as a reflection of their happy life and I think whatever you choose to do is great because like I said it's a personal journey and we're going to be talking about sleep a little bit later too the next question is you said you're growing your hair out what inspired your look I've enjoyed looking at all your different hair styles on Pinterest what inspires my look the same thing that inspires your looks sometimes you see something or somebody and you say I want that the same thing happens to me and I just love change as you know I'm a big chameleon lord knows you've seen probably about a hundred different hairstyles since I started this channel in 2014 I just what can I tell you I see something and I think yeah that's it that's what I want and I go and I do it I'm pretty fearless when it comes to hair lately I've been seeing a lot of bangs with Bob's and so that has inspired me and I'm working to let it grow my goal is to maybe get it here if I can make it we'll see usually something happens that prevents me from getting to my end destination but that's what I'm aiming for but I just I love the creativity of different hair styles and I and I'm grateful that I do change it up a lot because I think I've been able to show you different ways to style different lengths which has been very helpful in advantageous but advantageous on this channel but yeah I'm inspired by the same things you are just seeing a woman with a great cut and thinking okay I need that now or yesterday so there you go micro blading yay or nay yay micro blading the brows you've seen that on this channel what a wonderful thing it's been for me I can't say enough great stuff about micro bleeding and Connie Pearson who did these and when I don't wear makeup I actually have eyebrows I have a frame for these eyes so I've been a big fan and I've had lots of touch-ups probably about 3 maybe 4 along the way I do touch-up about every year now and just do a tiny bit of fill-in if it fades but that's about it when you're feeling uninspired what do you do to get motivated and back in the groove or does this ever happen to you sure it does I'm human there are some days I don't feel inspired to do much of anything and if I find that I allow that pattern to set in you get farther and farther away from the things that actually make you happy what makes you happy is effort effort toward anything effort toward work effort toward marriage family health wellness anything good in life takes effort and effort can be exhausting especially if you're having to put it in in so many different areas of your life so it's understandable why we need to kind of take a break kick back and not do anything but that shouldn't be a permanent state sometimes it's needed to reflect to reprioritize and to be just a little bit lazy to be a slug in your house and hang out in bed for a while there's nothing wrong with that but if it's starting to hamper and get in the way of moving you forward in life and being a better version of you a healthier version and more productive version then it's not doing you any good and there comes a point where you've got to push and get yourself out of that area out of that unmotivated zone and start doing the things that bring you back to happy or trying new things and it puts you in an uncomfortable place it puts you may be in a tired or a fatigued place but the things that eventually feel us give us energy and so what can seem as an overload of output in the beginning can actually turn into something that gives you energy that you need to sustain and thrive so always keep your mind focused on the prize focus on the endgame doing things that are healthy and good for you for your relationships your career your family your kids all of that effort is key nothing great happens in life without it my next question is heavy topic I know but if you have any experience with divorce I'm 38 with two beautiful children and starting over starting over overwhelmed and lost heavy I know yes divorce is heavy I've been through it and it feels like a punch to the gut to the point where you can't breathe almost you know some divorces are easier than others but it's still painful it's still a loss and then when there are children involved your heart breaks and bleeds for them and their transition so my only suggestion would be to prioritize your children and help them in this journey be open with them talk with them there are many many books for young children about divorce to help them understand the process to help them heal as well and to see things in a healthy way so I encourage you to look for those I encourage you to seek therapy if it's something that you need you know it's very important to talk to an outside objective ear and voice just to help guide us and to make us feel like we're heading in the right direction also just validate our feelings sometimes we just need to talk and get things off of our chests and that's important to have friends and family can always be objective so while we do rely on them during these times if you need a third party to just hear you and maybe offer some sound and sage wisdom I would encourage you to seek it and most importantly do not beat yourself up do not punish yourself things happen for a reason and you have to move forward you have to do it for yourself you have to do it for your children so take one day at a time one step at a time you will get through it you will find the other side and it is just a journey no one ever said life was going to be easy and a straight road we've got right turns and left turns and bends and and really what defines us is how we handle those difficult situations so I'm with you and I'm thinking about you and praying for you and and and I wish you well through this journey I know it's tough my next question is what was your upbringing like and do you think it played an essential role in who you are your drive your motivation and confidence to do what you do how did you learn to handle criticism and negative feedback or publicity these two actually go hand in hand I'm grateful for my upbringing you met my mother in the last video that I did the Mother's Day makeover and there was a lot of banter between the two of us and she talked a lot about raising me and the value of self esteem and I am so grateful that my parents placed such a high value and a high commodity on that because that is essentially the motor of the of the car it's the engine that drives it and so having a healthy self-esteem really allows you to handle a lot of things that come in your life later on so I was raised in a very free and open environment and when I say that I was not henpecked I wasn't criticized I wasn't told to do certain things I was allowed to set my course within certain parameters obviously it wasn't a free-for-all but I was allowed to be very creative I was allowed to be an outspoken voice in the family without being told you can't say that or there's no place for you here I was a very creative writer early on I would write a lot of poetry and stories and I would write you know writers are often most fueled when they're angry so my greatest works of art happened when I was really ticked off as a kid and I would write about my awful family and my horrible parents and the torturous things they were doing to me I mean you would have thought that I was just brought up in the most dysfunctional home ever but in fact it was my cathartic outlet to let go and my parents allowed that expression I would I would write my notes my letters and I'd hand it to him and storm off and you know I'm sure they chuckled behind the scenes and saved everyone but but that was important for me to develop my senses and my sense of value and you know my parents were very open I could discuss anything with them nothing was off-limits my my intellectual side was very stimulated we often talked at dinner about politics and philosophy you know it was a very great environment and all of my friends used to love to hang out at my house for that reason my mom was kind of the den mom I mean can you not see that right so this now parlays into the second part of that question handling criticism and negative feedback of course I chose a profession where I would be inundated with criticism and negative feedback it is just the nature of a woman on broadcast television it doesn't matter what you say or what you do people will come at you about your looks about your wardrobe about your makeup about your body about about everything in anything and everybody's a critic and everybody's a judge so my take on that is I just don't let other people's opinions affect how I see and view myself it doesn't change my self-worth my self value if anything I feel sorry for people who do that I personally could not imagine saying anything rude or negative to anybody I would feel awful in my own skin if I did that so I think about these people who so freely spit the vitriol and I think man you know they've got to feel pretty awful about themselves so my only encouragement here is you know for those people who do that to stop looking outward but start looking inward and deal with what it is that makes you do that and for the rest of us who are exposed to it it's got to be water off a duck's back it cannot permeate it cannot penetrate and it cannot affect who you are as a person and what you think about yourself so you you become a turtle with a very hard shell but if that's what you have to do then that's what you have to do okay if you need to wear a dress since literally no one wears pantyhose anymore how do you cover imperfections or marks on your legs yes you know pantyhose I guess went out in the seven in 80s and the bear leg is is it period although every once in a while I will see them a very sheer black pantyhose or maybe a little fishnet or something just to kind of mix it up but for the most part it's the sheer leg and because of that there are so many products out on the market to mimic pantyhose Sally Hansen has a great one it's a leg spray and you spray it on and you rub it and it gives you an all-over even color on your legs it mimics the look of pantyhose so you feel like you've got a little something on your leg self-tanners help with that but again there's a lot of leg makeup out there to take care of that the only thing the leg makeup won't do is compress and help with veins and make you lute lose ten pounds in you know one Tryon anyway if they could figure that one out that would be great my next question do you have a Holy Grail lipstick or lip gloss I have I always carry with me lipstick Queens nude metal and it's a very light light colored lipstick and fat well it's in my purse but it's it's a a nude with a little bit of a gold sparkle to it and I love it because I can wear it on top of any lipstick I can wear it by itself and it's just a great versatile pretty pretty color so that's probably my favorite as a standalone and even as a topper I do love hooter beauties trendsetter and bombshell worn together it's a lip stain so it's a matte type of a look it's nude and it's just the perfect nude for me and so no matter what I'm wearing if I put that on I always feel like you know I've got my game face on and I'm not worried about how does this lip color look and is it too strong too to whatever so anyway those are those are my favorites they're always in my makeup bag and I can just rely on them for anything what is your favorite time with family also since your schedule is a little different working at night how do you handle dinner schedule with your family my favorite time with family actually I love having the kids alone in my car I find that alone time in the car is the most precious and priceless time because as you know if you have junior high age teenage kids I mean it is all about the friends and going out and doing stuff and having any one-on-one time is really tricky and sometimes you know the dinnertime conversations can be a little bit chaotic and a little here and a little there but that one-on-one time with the children in the car they are my captive audience and I get to ask questions and engage and and get a little bit deeper in their lives and I love that time I love it I love it I love it so I you know dropping off my son and picking him up from school to me is the absolute best we talked about the craziest things he asks me questions he knows that he can go there with me just like my mom granted that freedom with me I want him to feel open and to ask me questions about anything and I won't you know shut it down and say well that's inappropriate you know we'll discuss everything and we'll discuss it in an appropriate way for his age level but that time with family to me is the absolute best and then how do I handle the dinner schedule with the family yes I get home from work at about 7 o'clock and I've got to leave around 8:30 so dinnertime is very very quick I don't have time to cook if I come home at 7 by the time I cook dinners at 8:00 and it's it's a mad scramble so often times we'll order in or get some help in that area but yes dinner for me is about an hour and a half in between the newscast at night and I try to pack in as much time with the kiddos as I can help with homework and you know meet meet the need during that crazy hour-and-a-half question everything you would say or recommend to your twenty-something self that's a great question and that would be Dominique be patient things have to happen at the right time you know when you're young you're impatient you want everything to happen like now and there is a pace and a process and all of it serves a purpose and you don't realize that until you're away from it until you're once removed you get to look back as they say hindsight is 20/20 and you understand why things had to happen the way they did and why there was that process and why things were so uncomfortable so if I were looking back at my 20 year old self I'd say be patient and realize that it's someone else's timing and not yours next question who is your favorite artist writer and musician and when do you plan to retire from your job and what are you gonna do great questions so we have some artwork in our house from a gentleman out of San Antonio his name is Franco Mundy's Franco Juan Dini Ruiz great artist unusual stuff we just we love his work and he comes to Houston all the time and every time we always seem to gobble up a few pieces music-wise I'm all over the map I love jazz I love bossa nova I love flamenco guitar so I can't really say I have a favorite artist per se I have a lot of genres that I like of course the 80s music always speaks to me because that was my high school time and you know I know every song and every lyric that was from that era so I love that kind of music when do I plan on retiring from my job I still have a few more years in me but there is an end game and what I plan on doing is traveling a lot with my husband you know we both work really really hard and there's a lot that we want to see out there and of course there's YouTube and that will continue on as well best haircuts for fine thinning hair so here's the thing layers will take away thickness and and heaviness and blunt cuts will make hair look thicker so if you're dealing with thinner hair I will encourage you to go a little bit more blunt a blunt bob is good anything shoulder length and above will add some thickness as well bangs also help you know I have people always say your hair is so thick and it's it's not I have fine hair but a lot of it and certain haircuts will really help accentuate that but Bob's tend to help and bangs tend to help so you know maybe something like this just saying how to give teenagers limits when it comes to going out with whom and so on today's teens find it normal to drink too much and change crushes at every party how do you guys limit yours you know we can't control what happens outside the house we can only hope that we have instilled values and I think this is where self-esteem comes into play that word that seems to be a thread through a lot of these subjects if if children have self is Demon's self-worth they are not going to want to self-destruct they will have a sense of value and in a sense of self-preservation so having children feel healthy and good about themselves and realizing that they are a valuable vessel that their their body is their mind is and that is something to be protected and preserved will hopefully lead to good judgment out of the house it with changing crushes every day kids these days it's just so different I mean I when I grew up I had a steady boyfriend we dated for a year and a half he'd come to the house we go out to eat we go to restaurants to movies or whatever kids just don't seem to do that anymore they run in packs the girls go in a pack the boys go in a pack they all kind of meet up and hook up and I feel a little sad for them because there's a lack of intimacy there's a lack of one-on-one communication that's taking place and you know maybe it happens later for them in college I think it does but their high school experience is so different from my high school experience and I don't necessarily know if it's a good thing how do you keep the romance in your marriage good question very important by the way you know when you and your husband first met you were a couple and so there was a lot of focus on the couple and what happens is as we stay together and we become parents and we're in our careers we tend to become more of a unit that is managing things and it tends to become more of like a business and you don't want your marriage to be a business because then you lose sight of what it was that brought you together in the first place and while it's important to run a household to run the family to have a vision and a plan and a protocol at the same time you're still a man and a woman and there are those needs that have to be met so keeping the romance in the marriage is so important and there are it's all about intimacy in the communication of intimacy so what my husband and I will do is we will send each other sweet text messages loving text messages we'll set up a date night with each other something to look forward to we will prioritize the physical intimacy making love I mean you know when you are that connected to your spouse it's amazing how that level of intimacy and that level of touch brings you back to where it all began and it's so important to prioritize it and if you have to schedule it then you schedule it but you make it happen because we are humans and humans are meant to love we are meant to be affectionate we are meant to connect so let's not lose sight of how important that is and that's what makes a healthy marriage and a healthy marriage is a model for our children so that they can look up to it and try to emulate it in their lines sunscreen and how and when to use with makeup and without feeling greasy hold on let me grab a product that I want to show you okay I love this it's by color science Sun forgettable brush on sunscreen but it's a brush and you dip it like this and the powder comes out and you can sunscreen your face and your chest and you don't get greasy and you can use this as a base underneath makeup all of that I'm with you I cannot stand greasy gooey sunscreen and then trying to put on makeup and everything smears and smudges so this powder and it even comes in skin color so this has been really really great for that this is a good question you've been at KPRC your entire career what has kept you there for so long if other offers and opportunities have come along how did you decide to stay there how do you keep growing and improving in your profession when you seem to be at the top of your game interesting question and there are quite a few reasons as to why I chose to stay yes initially I had big goals and big dreams you know New York LA national news Today Show type format but here's what happens in my line of work you are signed two contracts and contracts can last one year two years four years five years and on and you when you are operating under that contract you cannot look for work outside until your toward the end of that contract and it really depends on what else is out there during that time there are these windows where you're available and maybe your dream job isn't available during your window and you've got to figure out then what is the best thing to do at that time now what I have found and this is true in local news the more time you spend in a local market the more equity you have in that market the audience has a relationship with you and a connection with you you've built up a level of professionalism and trust with your bosses and so your value is higher and therefore you're rewarded for that so I found as I stayed in my hometown my contracts kept getting better salaries got better perks got better and it just and then also you know we're not just careers but we also want to have marriages families children and priorities change you want to live in a place where you can raise a family where you feel that's best and I've I grew up in Houston I love Houston it's been a wonderful place to raise our family all of these things factor into your decision making so for a variety of reasons staying here turned out to be the best decision for me both professionally and personally so I'm very very happy that I did and then how to stay kind of in the game because I've been at this now since 1994 so 24 years I I don't believe in complacency I believe there are areas where we can always work and improve and I'm always looking for that so if you seek excellence there's no such thing as perfection but if you seek excellence in your level of work there's always something to do in your work so I just encourage you to always keep climbing that ladder and reaching for that next step I admire your work and use so much thank you how do you maintain your feminine energy femininity when you are a force to be reckoned with well I believe in being professional but at the same time I am still a woman and I will not negate who I am and at the same time when I am at work I have a line I do not bring personal problems to work I do not talk about any of that with colleagues or co-workers because I believe in being professional and being taken seriously there's a time and place for everything there's a time and place to talk about menopause and hormone and kid problems and and whatever but work isn't the place I want to be respected I want to be professional so I know I know the line that shouldn't be crossed but at the same time I am a woman I like dresses and I like to have doors open for me and I will not stop my husband from doing so the next one what is the one thing that your husband does that drives you crazy and not in a good way okay my husband is the king of pocket-dialing I don't know how he does it but he does it often into everybody and so sometimes I'll get a three-minute voicemail from my husband of him just driving in the car or of him having a conversation with somebody else and I will listen in because sometimes it can be very funny and he doesn't realize it but yes I do I he's the king of pocket-dialing and and that's what he does it drives me crazy and you know what if that's it how lucky am I next up love my cosmetic processes and reasonable procedures but I often wrestle with telling my granddaughter's they are beautiful just like they are while I am slathering myself in lotions and potions and makeup and these suggestions on how to handle this issue and what do you tell the young women you influence daily you know what your granddaughters are beautiful just as they are everybody is beautiful just as they are whatever that are is now I have always felt that we all walk our own personal walks and journeys and this goes back to again this kind of hyper critical hyper judgemental society that we now live in where everybody feels that they have a voice in your walk in your journey my feeling is is that you don't owe anybody an explanation or an apology or a justification for why you do what you do or don't do what you do I mean for instance you know some women will let their hit and gray hair come in and some women will choose to color their hair do we judge the woman who colors because she chooses to do so we have to have a level of respect for what it is that a person wants to do I have always said that all of this stuff whether it is hair color makeup injections cosmetic surgery you know any of it none of it changes how we see and feel about ourselves so for me the real work that takes place is the work within to create a healthy functional self to create a self that is aware a self that is fulfilled a self that is healthy and well and whatever choice is made beyond that is a personal choice all of these things won't fix a broken self so if that's the reason for all of it then there's inward-looking and work to be done but it is a personal journey and so you tell your grandchildren that they are beautiful just as they are and you my dear friend are beautiful just as you are how do you deal with change loss and grief all of those things are inevitable in life and so your word was already in their deal we must deal and we all have different ways of doing that my way of doing that is really pressing into my faith praying about it trusting God in that walk in that journey allowing myself to feel allowing myself to grieve knowing I'm going to have good days and bad days but these things must happen and we cannot let them set us back in our journey stall us or prevent us from moving forward because I truly believe that that's not God's plan what to do with a woman's neck you know once upon a time it was either anti-wrinkle cream or facelift and there was nothing in between these days there are about a hundred different steps in between so as I mentioned it's a personal journey if your neck is bugging you I'm sure you can find something to help with the situation but yeah that's the number one complaint from women is the neck it can be so frustrating so you know I don't know what's to say like ice there are a million different procedures to help tighten and stimulate collagen and do all of that so if it's really really bugging you go explore and see what's out there for you my next one what are your thoughts on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy I do use it and I have been for quite some time hormone replacement though is like playing whack-a-mole because sometimes you're spot on and then sometimes you feel as if everything has bottomed down which is how hormones work they change they fluctuate and your needs change and fluctuate all the time so it is a it's a managed journey one between you and your healthcare provider there needs to be open honest discussion about your needs and desires not just short-term but also long-term because the goal of HRT is to prevent illness also down the road and not just manage hot flashes and night sweats a dear friend of mine is on YouTube Barbie Taylor her YouTube channel is menopause Taylor she's a doctor from Houston she's one of my nearest and dearest if you have any questions about menopause I encourage you to go to her channel because that's all she does and she breaks it down in such a way that's informative and helpful so I can't encourage that enough what's your favorite drink food and dessert my favorite drink is coffee my favorite food is seafood and I love crawfish and crabs and my favorite dessert is wedding cake not necessarily in that order did you make straight A's at school all the time is there anything you felt was your worst subject I was not a straight-a student I was a straight B student I was average except for my television classes and communications those were A's because that's where my passion was my worst I'm actually this is so funny I have a recurring nightmare that I find out that I actually have not graduated from the University of Houston I still have three hours left and it's in some history and government class and I have to take it in order to graduate and I wake up in a cold sweat just dying why do I still have that dream okay sir mom live close to you will she ever live with you aging parent concerns are a huge issue for us baby boomers it's true my mother is all of three four miles away my mother-in-law is two miles away we have them close to us for that reason what the needs and care issues will be down the road we don't know they're both independent women and we're grateful for that but we are prepared for when that may not be the case and that's why we keep them close because we are ultimately their caretakers and we want that journey to be comfortable for everybody what is the one piece of advice you would give somebody that one piece I guess would be to trust your inner voice that sixth sense or as some would say God speaking to you from within anytime I've made a mistake in my life is when I have gone against that inner voice that harps and pecks like a nagging life and it's telling me don't do this or do this I you feel it you feel this overwhelming sense trust is trust that voice when I do I'm going in the right direction and when I don't I'm not so listen deep do you take supplements on a daily basis and if so which ones that is a whole video in and of itself yes I am a firm believer in taking supplements I take a variety I can't even get into all the supplements that I take but I will say this I truly believe that out of all of them vitamin D is probably the most important we are practically everybody is deficient in vitamin D and we also don't spend as much time in the Sun and we're in sunscreen so we're even limiting our vitamin D absorption and we need it for so many reasons health reasons disease prevention all of that I take about five to 10,000 IU's of vitamin D every day along with k2 one of my best resources for vitamins is dr. Mercola dr. Mercola Mercola calm i've mentioned his site on this channel before I find him very very helpful when it comes to all things health and wellness have you ever had to deal with sleep issues I'm almost 59 and lack of sleep has been a problem for years yes yes yes hormones hormones it's that's my my number one thing is the sleep disruption and I do a combination of melatonin and 5-htp and tryptophan and I you know have a supplement that has all of that together and that helps me it definitely takes the edge off but I find that minimizing sugar minimizing alcohol and minimizing stress has a huge impact on my sleep quality how to feel comfortable we're almost at the end by the way how to feel comfortable in your own skin and accept your ever-changing 50-something year-old body and face when you feel your appearance is all you have left also how to convince yourself you are more than your appearance you are more than your appearance look no matter how hard we stay on our diet how much we exercising the inevitable is skin is gonna sag it's gonna move things are gonna happen that we just can't control and so there has to be a level of acceptance for that or else what's the alternative live the second 50 years of your life and misery not an option and so everything the focus cannot just be on the shell there is so much more that makes us who we are cultivate passions cultivate creativity cultivate other things that let you celebrate your character and your abilities which are far more important than the external and also I think if your viewpoint is I'm gonna eat right and exercise because I know it's good for me it's gonna provide longevity it's gonna provide disease prevention then your shift has also gone to a better place as well and it's not just about preserving something that you cannot maintain but it goes into maintaining something that you can preserve I'd like to know if you've ever considered doing a how-to book on style and makeup and have you ever thought of creating your own cosmetic line yes and yes I have thought about all these things I just need the time to investigate so who knows what's coming down the pike later on but yes these these are things that I definitely think about last question how do you keep your butt from sliding into the back of your thighs squats lunges squats squats more squats and cardio the end thank you so much for all of your questions wow did we cover a why variety of subjects here hope you got some of the answers that you were looking for but most importantly let me thank you for taking the time to reach out to me and share what it is that you wanted to know I apologize there were so many questions that I didn't get to and things that I'd love to answer so I'm hoping in future videos we'll be able to tackle those but in the meantime I appreciate you I appreciate the things that you're wanting to know I can tell that you're thinking deep and you've got some big things on your mind and it's important that we talk about those things and share them together so please as always be bold be blessed in your walk in this life and I will see you next week at one o'clock on Thursday
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 273,733
Rating: 4.8913822 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, Dominique sachse 2018, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, Q & A, Get to know, your questions, career, self-esteem, family, marriage, fillers, favorites, flab
Id: yFIZDkLkzuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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