New Year, New Body!

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everybody welcome back hope you had a fabulous New Year's Eve all glammed up and now here we are day one of 2015 and I have to tell you I love New Year's Day of any year because I'm one of those people who loves change and self-improvement and this day symbolizes that for all of us this is an opportunity for us to be better to do things better and to tackle things that we want to improve about ourselves obviously the biggest new year's resolution happens to be health weight loss and looking and feeling your best so that's what we're going to tackle in today's video I've had so many requests from you guys about eating healthy and exercise and what do you do so I wanted to share my tips and tricks with you guys if losing weight and eating healthy happens to be your new year's resolution for 2015 so the first thing that I want to talk about today is cardio exercise because before we see any results and see any lean muscle mass coming through we've got to burn that layer of fat that we put on through the holidays my personal favorite when it comes to fat burning happens to be interval training interval training is when you take your heart weight rate way up high and then you bring it down low and you do that for about 20 to 30 minutes it's the ultimate fat burner but let me preface this by saying please make sure that your knees and your joints are good and healthy to be able to tackle this as well as your heart because it does push the body to the limits so for instance the exercises that I'm going to show you today are things that I do literally outside my front door you don't have to join an expensive gym to get healthy and to do the things that you need to do to see the results that you want so if you walk out your front door and sometimes you know we go for a run and we'll run at a very low pace and we'll run like this for 30 to 45 minutes and that's good and fine but what I want to do is show you something that's going to challenge you and challenge your heart shorten the time that you have to do it and maximize the results so when I leave my front door I'll go for a walk and I'll walk at a brisk pace for about five minutes once I reach that five-minute mark that's I really kick it in high gear now I can't fully demonstrate because I'm attached to this camera by a wire but I hit my five minutes and at that point I'm going to sprint as fast as I can for 30 seconds and if you need a watch to do that or a stopwatch go for it but you're going to run as fast as you can for 30 seconds and really get your heart rate soaring once you hit that 30-second mark you're going to stop you're going to bring it down for another fast walk again for a minute and a half so it's really important that you're timing yourself bring your heart rate down walk it out a minute and a half then after that moment you're sprinting again and you're going fast for thirty seconds as fast as you can go you're going to do that for a series of seven to eight sessions and then once you complete that you're going to walk it out and wind it down with another five to ten minute walk so you're basically going to do this interval training for a good twenty to thirty minutes it will it's the ultimate fat burner and what I love about this is you can apply this principle to any cardio exercise that you do if you're on a stair machine it's the same principle do it slowly and then kick it up put it up to level eight nine ten go as fast as you can for thirty seconds and then bring it back down but the key is heart rate is going up and down and up and down so once we've mastered that cardio we're really tackling fat burning then we can do some things to work on lean muscle mass so I know I've got a lot of ladies watching so there are areas that we like to target it's usually from the waist down so there are things that you can do along a sidewalk to be able to get these areas and they're very very simple obviously lunges are a biggie so you can lunge your walkway and you can do a straight lunge this way and you're hitting your gluteus maximus as well as the quad and now to mix it up a little bit do it from the side so now you're doing a side lunge this way and then a side lunge this way so now we're engaging our inner thigh as well as our booties and I do these for as long as I can I try to go to failure to the point where I feel like I just can't take another step and that lets me know I've done enough now you can also incorporate some ballet moves too you can walk and just do kicks walk and kick walk and kick like that another good quad hip flexor walk and kick walk and kick and then when you do your lunges as well you can also incorporate a kick so you can do your lunge and then kick up in the back that really engages your hamstring so lunge kick up lunge kick up you can also do pleeeease so spread your legs point your toes out and do pleeeease again until you reach failure and I'm really trying to target the areas that women complain about the most inner thigh outer thigh butts are sagging so we want to bring everything up and we want to firm it all so after you do that let's come back over to the bench and now we can do some upper body exercises as well and all you need is a bench to be able to do that so for instance I'll come back here and now I'll do some tricep dips so we're targeting the back of the area the back of the arm which when we wave we want the hand waving and not the arm so we'll come here and again dip down and do as many of these as you can possibly do until you feel you can't do them any more okay and then to reverse you want to do some push-ups to get the chest area it's the same thing here like that great chest and shoulder exercise now we can incorporate ab work put your hands here give yourself some balance now kick in your knees great lower ab exercise okay you can also do abs standing by the way so I don't pull off my microphone you can do like this put your hands behind your head and now bring your knee to your arm need to your arm great ab workout but now you're working your obliques fancy name for getting those side cuts in your abs okay so keep going and twisting now the ultimate exercise and I actually saw a diagram of this it's called why we plank and it was one of those medical diagrams that showed a human body in the plank position and when you are in this position every single muscle group in your body is firing meaning you have engaged every muscle just by getting in this position and by holding it and so hold it for as long as you can this is an incredible core workout your abs your back arms everything is engaged as you can see I'm catching my breath so it's obviously effective okay so after you do your exercises you've done your cardio you've done your strengthening don't forget to stretch again use your bench you've got so many great opportunities here kick your leg up stretch your hamstrings hold on to the bench can stretch your quads but you want to make sure that you take care of your body and treat it with respect because there's nothing worse than starting an exercise program and getting so into it and then suddenly you're sidelined by an injury so make sure that you're taking care of yourself that way the next thing that I want to talk about now that we've tackled exercise is what kind of foods we really need to stay away from during this start of the new year I find that if you want to get maximum results when it comes to looking good quickly there are certain foods that need to be cut immediately and I call them the whites we're talking about flour rice sugar dairy all of those things that are basically simple carbohydrates that convert to sugar very quickly in the body so if you can stick to things like lean protein vegetables fruit at a minimum and specifically in the morning your berries your raspberries your blueberries your blackberries the ones with the highest antioxidants stay away from all of the the candy like fruit apples bananas and things like that drink a lot of water and limit alcohol as best as you can those are the things that will be highly effective in you seeing the kind of change that you want to see in your body quickly and then as time goes by and you reach those goals in those results you can slowly incorporate some things for instance I try to eliminate dairy but I will allow myself to percent milk in my coffee that's just something that I feel that I have to have so that's my dairy allowance every once in a while if you go to a sushi restaurant you'll be able to have some rice in your sushi but again we're looking for optimum results at the start of the year so cut those things from your diet drink a lot of water get a lot of sleep and exercise as much as you can do these interval trainings and the strength training and I promise you you will see the results that you're looking for and you will have an incredible start to 2015 where everybody's like girl what are you doing you look good so anyway I thank you for being with me I thank my stepdaughter Bella for being my camera operator today good job Bella she also told me about an app called the seven-minute workout which is a great thing to have you can do it at home and incorporates things like jumping jacks and running with your knees in place so if you can't quite make it out download the seven-minute app there are tons of workout apps and if you don't know where to go ask your kids because they know all that stuff so anyway go out there be bold be blessed this 2015 and I will see you in a week
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 184,626
Rating: 4.921865 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, new year, new you, fitness, health, diet tips, weight loss, interval training, exercise, fat burning, how to burn fat, work out at home, weight loss diet, what foods to avoid, how to get healthy, fitness secrets, how to lose weight, lean muscle, easy exercise, how to get fit, self improvement, stretching
Id: FeXfO1sW15M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 01 2015
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