UPCJ 76th Annual National Conference: Monday Night - Rev. Harold D. Crooks, Assist. National Supt.

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[Music] for is have done so much for me and i will bless [Music] [Applause] no one is like you and god [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will bless your name forever hallelujah let us worship our king it's been a long day some have gone to work some was here all day so let us glorify the lord give him praise and honor we deserve it we are so unworthy i am so unworthy so i just want to give you praise i want to thank you jesus for allowing me oh god to come into your presence i know i am undone but i thank you jesus thank you for this privilege thank you jesus we are so unworthy but i thank you for your grace and your mercy and your truth you are god and god alone jesus in her life make all the difference can we get that one please jesus in my life [Music] jesus in my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] is no need [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus in my life let's sing it as a prayer [Applause] jesus [Applause] when it seems oh [Applause] jesus makes a difference jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please the night sees [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord thank you for your blood thank you jesus for who you are thank you lord you have been so good you are our keeper you are our rock you are our hiding place you are a strong power lord we cannot do nothing without you dear jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord you are so good you are so good at this time we all are gonna pray we're gonna pray for this conference we're gonna pray for our community we're going to create for this community there's a lot of things going on in this community you might have heard some that live here you know many things are happening shooting we are shooting by south side almantown is in our war also so you might not live in the community but there are many things going on we're going to pray for this community we have been doing it but we need to do it more the high school year there are many children especially boys are not coming to school because they live in the community and if they come this way they themself is not in the war but if they have a brother or a father that is involved and they make their way to school they are going to get killed so we are asking you please pray for penthoub high school i don't know for judges but you still can pray because they hold them please we are going to all pray and all day have me here to pray but i'm gonna solicit all of you prayer let us all pray all right hallelujah hallelujah jesus you are holy you are our redeemer you are our strong power lord we know no other god but you you are our savior you are the king of kings and the lord of lord it is to you we give all glory and honor and praise o god lord we are not praying to a man made god we are praying to the god that said let there be light and there was light lord you called everything into existence lord but you took the time to make mankind you mold us and fashion us into your own image dear god and that's why we can look to you lord you net down and blow breath within our body dear jesus you know inside out what is in us lord you know our thoughts are far off we cannot do nothing that you don't know about lord and as we are praying dear lord for this community dear jesus you are the one that lend them bread this morning you know what they are up to you know what they are going to do this very minute dear lord and we are asking you king jesus to touch their mind and soul many of them are backsliders they used to come to this church they have been to this altar they have grown up now and their mothers are might be gone astray but they are still here we pray dear lord that your holy spirit will resurrect into their heart oh god and they can come back to know you lord you said you will marry back to the backsliders lord you said that in your words and we pray oh god when they come there jesus we will accept them just like you did you already said it in your word you will marry back to them so oh dear jesus we pray that you speak to their heart their mind and their soul dear jesus touch our boys oh dear jesus ask them oh god to seek your face and come to you oh to know is life eternal dear jesus you are king you are holy you are true you are righteous there is no god within you you walk in water you raise the dead you open blind eyes we recognize that you are holy oh dear jesus and you are awesome there's nothing that you cannot do king jesus we love you dear lord and we understand there jesus the times oh god our joy near your coming but oh god we pray dear lord that souls that are out there near jesus they will have a hunger for you you say those that hunger and thirst after righteousness they will be saved let the mother hunger oh god to serve you and understand that your lord lord we pray for this service also we pray for every individual that walks through these doors help us to lift up holy hands towards you worship you and not adore you it's all about you let self be slain dear jesus let self be slain let us worship you with all our heart and all our mind and all our soul oh god let the singers sing unto you let those that are going to preach the word preach your word not what they want to say but you what you want to say dear jesus let us usher to you dear lord you are holy and true and righteous almighty god you are so good to us dear lord we thank you jesus for keeping us throughout this day we thank you there are many that are taking their last breath now and we are here oh god let us lift it up here jesus with everything that is inside of us dear lord let us wrap our minds and our thoughts and our understanding oh god around you because you love us with an everlasting love you want to save us you want to keep us dear jesus help us let self be slain oh god many times we get caught up in things almighty god but oh god we thank you for you for your forgiveness forgive us dear jesus forgive us forgive us dear lord forgive us as we open our hearts and our mind and help us also to be forgiven have your own way dear jesus we give you all the honor and the praise we thank you king jesus for hearing because you're a god that hears you're a god that heals you're a god that is true we thank you lord in jesus holy name we pray amen thank you jesus can we leave our hands in the presence of the lord somebody come on let's worship the lord is worthy to be praised from the rising of the son to the going down of the same thereof the name of the lord is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his course with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endure it to all generation we come to worship the lord tonight hallelujah we have traveled from far and near and we are here in the house of the lord to give him glory to give him praise to give him honor hallelujah we have been praying we've been fasting all of last week hallelujah and we have come into this house with a spirit of expectancy to see what the lord is going to be doing in this conference oh hallelujah our six or some conference uh 76 countries rather anybody come with a spirit of expectancy lift your hands hallelujah hallelujah are you ready to worship the lord tonight hallelujah we're going to be having a good time in the lord tonight let me greet everyone in the precious name of jesus and welcome you to the first night of conference 2022 and this time we're going to invite the praise team from battle good to have them with us tonight uh we're going to invite them to come with 10 minutes of praise and worship in the house the stand lift your hands glorify the lord and worship with them as their minister god bless them jesus name [Music] hallelujah praise the lord jesus everybody are we here to worship the lord jesus come on just lift your hands because we serve a great god he's wonderful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah can you stand with us while we worship the lord jesus we serve an awesome god hallelujah in this place and he's awesome hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you jesus the song says jesus there is something about your name jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] afraid [Applause] [Music] oh the name which is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] the name of jesus upon the name hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] oh [Applause] but there is [Music] is come on somebody call that name jesus right where you are something happened when you call the name jesus it doesn't matter what your situation is we're here to push until something happened somebody call that name jesus [Music] [Music] i know there is peace within your presence i sweet jesus [Music] i just wanna speak the name of jesus addiction starts to [Music] break jesus [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] [Music] your name is [Applause] shine through the shine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus your name come on break every stronghold your name is is hey shout jesus from the mountain jesus in the streets jesus she says for my family i speak the holy name of jesus shout jesus everywhere you are jesus foreign [Music] jesus [Music] today [Music] she [Music] jesus let's down to the lord say shout shout to the lord [Music] foreign [Music] for foreign oh [Music] is [Music] uh hallelujah shout the name of jesus i need you to put a shout to his name if you need him just call it hallelujah [Music] jesus in the street the streets of kingston right now jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] in is [Music] is [Music] hey jesus [Music] somebody worship him worship him worship him is [Music] oh hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is is oh oh yes thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah praise the name of jesus prayer has always been one of the cornerstone of the apostolic church it was in prayer supplication and in one accord that about 120 believers gathered together in jerusalem to witness a sound from heaven that came forth as a rushing mighty wind it was there that about three thousand souls were gladly baptized in jesus name and received the baptism of the holy ghost it was through prayer and praise that the prison walls were shaken and the very foundation of the earth were disrupted it is through prayer that an holy spirit takes light curses sicknesses and death are often reversed yes prayer subdues opposition and still many storms many of us can testify of our own experiences when our victory and deliverance came through prayer yes prayer worked prayer works and prayer will always work it is no coincidence that in recognition of the time in the 76 conference of the united pentecostal church of jamaica focuses on prayer using the acronym push pray until something happens so as we welcome you all to this 76 gathering of the upcg we encourage you to push pray for something supernatural to happen indeed it has already begun over 15 souls have already been baptized with the holy ghost and with fire there is a card that called for the harvesting of the lost souls for the kingdom a call for revival throughout our country so as we are gathered in person and on various platforms we entreat the lord to fill this tabernacle our tabernacle to fill our homes to fill this nation fill this world fill our lives we pray that just as he did he will be here to do it again for something must happen something will happen push pray until something happens push pray until something happens praise god this whole ship has been through battles before [Music] storms and tempests and rocks on the shore [Music] is in the sky so let the church be the church is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] representing region one consisting of kingston and saint andrew is bishop presbyter george king and the saints following his presbyter steve moncrief who represents region 2 which comprises of the parishes of saint catherine and clarendon leading the charge in the parishes of portland and saint thomas is presbyter norman mchugh region 3. following is pastor joseph lewis who represents region 4 which comprises of the parishes of saint and and saint mary president robert edwards lead the saints in the parishes of saint james and trelawny region five and region six covering the parishes of westmoreland and hanover this is led by presbyter da costa finally region seven covering the parishes of manchester and saint elizabeth is led by presbyter dale fisher i invite us all at this time to stand in our sanctuaries to stand in our homes and let us sing our national anthem a prayer for jamaica [Music] [Music] god [Music] evil powers [Music] [Applause] [Music] great defense [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] see is [Music] give us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Music] [Music] [Music] remain standing as we invite our national superintendent bishop ogath mccoy to come and officially declare open conference 2022 shall we praise the lord everyone shall we praise the lord one more time [Applause] pastors and ministers brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen on this the 28th day of the second month of the year 2022 [Music] at approximately 6 46 p.m it is my delight it is my honor to declare this our 76th annual national conference open to the glory of the lord jesus christ let us lift our hands as members of the united pentecostal church of jamaica and shout unto the lord with a voice of trial [Music] god bless you in jesus name come on continue to worship the lord come and live those hands and begin to magnify him hallelujah praise are you glad to be alive to see this our 76th annual conference come on lift up your voices and give god the glory we have been through a lot we have been to persecutions we have been to a child somebody said my soul look back and wonder how did i get over but we are here tonight to give god the glory hallelujah and coming to open the service tonight is our national mission omissions director none other than pastor mercer the word francis god bless her and she comes in jesus name and while she's coming somebody has lost their keys if you can identify the habit praise the lord right across jamaica and across the diaspora this is the first evening service of the 76th annual conference of the united pentecostal church of jamaica hallelujah and we are sending the light so we begin with the hymn number two nine send the lights [Music] [Music] that [Music] said from forevermore is foreign [Music] foreign forever hallelujah we are sending the lights hallelujah praise god and let us send the light individually and as a church let us send the gospel light praise god praise god could we bow our heads and close our eyes and reverence the lord jesus christ as i pray opening prayer lord jesus oh what a wonder you are you are brighter than the morning star you are fearer than the lily that grow by the way you are precious more precious than gold jesus we salute you we shout you your name from the mountains and in the streets oh god you are the one who says that i am he who liveth and was dead and i'm alive forevermore you are the one who said that before abraham was i am meaning you are the eternal god you are the one who said that i am alpha and the mega the beginning and the ending the almighty the one which is which was and is to come we salute you for you are great and greatly to be praised we recognize oh god our unworthiness in your presence right now but we appeal to your grace and we ask for your forgiveness and your cleansing oh god because our jesus if it weren't for your grace [Music] we wouldn't be able to stand to proclaim that lovely name that sweet and marvelous name that glorious name the name of jesus glory to the king jesus jesus lord jesus we thank you for this great privilege to for us to be here this evening oh god to worship you primarily oh god you have brought us here safely so many things could have happened to us but you caused them not to happen oh god and there are those who might be on their way right now we pray dear jesus that you will guide them safely here oh god we pray oh god for those who are here are not here but are sick oh god you're the one lord jesus who healed all diseases in a particular case in the word of god oh god oh god you can do all things there is absolutely nothing impossible with you oh one person says you are the imposterologist [Music] glory praise god praise god jesus oh god on his first day of our conference oh god we're believing you for a great time a mighty move of your spirit not only amongst us but all those lord jesus live stream on our facebook and youtube audience oh god we pray dear jesus the power of god will move from this place to wherever they are in their bedrooms wherever they are jesus let your convicting power oh god move upon them to the extent of god that they will surrender their lives to you this evening jesus we pray for all those who will minister directly oh god from this platform oh god breathe upon each and everyone we pray oh god for lord jesus those are jesus who are working the ict and the sounds oh god we pray that everything will work well so far we've been having the victory help us to continue to have the victory lord we pray for our musicians oh god we pray oh god for our praise steve o god we pray oh god for those who will read the scripture those who will testify oh god and particularly the one who will break the bread of life oh god use him are them in a mighty way of god this evening let your perfect will be done o god we pray oh god for a great harvest of souls we give your praise we give you honor we give you glory because lord all these belong unto you not unto another but unto you none other than our king the lord jesus christ and could we all say amen amen [Music] the lord everyone reading the first scripture taken from the book of luke luke chapter 18 reading from verse one through to eight and you can read as i read and he spoke a parable unto them to this end that men ought to pray always to pray and not to faint saying there was in a city a judge which feared not god neither regarded man and there was in a widow in that city and she came unto him saying avenge me of mine adversary and he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though i fear not god nor regard man yet because this widow trouble at me i will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me and the lord said hear what that unjust judge saith and shall not god avenge his own elect which cried day and night unto him though he bear along with them i tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth praise the lord praise the lord the second lesson is taken from first thessalonians 5 reading from verse 1 to verse 9. but of the times and the seasons brethren we have no need that i write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief ye are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken are drunken in the night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of salvation for god hath not appointed us unto wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ praise the lord jesus jesus jesus what a wonder you are jesus jesus jesus what a wonder you are jesus jesus jesus what a wonder you are oh jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus junior oh jesus what i wanted is what a wonder you jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] let's do it one more time jesus why oh jesus [Music] somebody oh jesus [Music] all over this auditorium lift those hands and lift those hands and magnify him come on open up your mouth and give god the glory give god the glory is he a wonderful tonight those are joining us in line wherever you are tonight let's lift our voices and give god the glory it's worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same thereof the name of the lord is worthy to be praised what a lovely name the name of jesus reaching higher fore than the brightest hallelujah it is sweeter than the songs they sing in heaven what a lovely name tonight what a lovely name thank you jesus god bless you may be seated in the house i want to take this opportunity to officially greet the national superintendent bishop ogur mccoy our assistant national superintendent in charge of regions reverend old francis assistant national superintendent in charge of departments reverend owed crooks and our national new elected national czech secretary uh reverend clebert russell all the pastors visited ministers in the auditorium online in jamaica on the desk but wherever you are to the saints of the most high god i greet you and welcome you in the mighty and exalted name of jesus we trust that you will just let go tonight and just let god in this the first night of a conference we're expecting a mighty move of god among us god bless you tonight god bless you at this time it's my greatest privilege and to welcome our newly elected secretary treasurer as he will come to give greetings and announcement god bless him in jesus hallelujah can we lift our hands and magnify the great god of heaven hallelujah hallelujah we exalt you jesus we exalt your king of kings and lord of lords hallelujah praise god praise god you know when jesus christ went to the cross he went there representing all of us but you know something there was no standing ovation there at the cross but tonight as our spirit go right back there as what happened at calvary i'm going to invite everyone here who has faith we're going to stand up and express ourselves to the great god of heaven as we salute him as we magnify him and give him the glory that belongeth unto him oh how great is our god how excellent is our day with all the earth we will cry out and shout oh great one we magnify you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh come let us adore him let's not define the great god of heaven receive your glory receive your glory receive your glory for contacting shahadah receive your glory oh great god of heaven we back the fire we magnify your jesus receive your glory receive your glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god you may be seated praise god praise god and let me bring your greetings welcome here to our annual national conference 76 of the united pentecostal church of jamaica 76 years indeed no ordinary feet so many persons so many situations started out like us when we first started and they are not in existence anymore indeed a track record and so we start tonight with the assurance that jesus christ he promised that he will come again and we wait patiently upon him and oh we will continue as we wait upon him as we continue to look to him and anticipate waiting souls for his kingdom praise god praise god so we come with anticipation tonight that something good is about to happen praise god we exercise that faith knowing that all god is going to do something for us praise god praise god praise god so let me be off of all of us welcome our national superintendent and his wife reverend ogarth mccoy and minister maxine mccoy we want you to stand we want conference 76 to look at your greetings welcome welcome thanks and then we have our national superintendent and his wife responsible for for departments reverend harold crooks and his wife i'm sure his wife will be here praise god praise the name of the lord god bless you god bless you god bless you and then sharing that portfolio in the in terms of the assistant national superintendent responsible for presbyters the regions reverend howard francis and his beloved wife marcelo reverend marcel award francis i invite you to stand she is responsible for national home missions so both of them are on the national board thanks god bless you continue to minister for the lord god bless you then we want to bring to attention the other board members here of united pentecostal church of jamaica representing the national book i'm going to invite you to stand on your spouses we want to have a look at you all these poses and all the other representatives of the national board won't you stand are you not aware and disposes i'm sure i have my supposed to all right these are persons that represent the organization praise god praise the name of the lord maybe it's a good time to express that we have a bishop a new bishop and we want to welcome you here this evening in fact bishop robert stewart and his wife and granddaughter in prison is it am i correct congratulations sir congratulations and we will hear much more of you god bless you god bless you god bless you thanks for sharing conference with us this evening then i want to have a look at our all our our pastors and their spouses all our pastors in the house tonight and at the different at a different region we are seeing you know but we perceive that you're seeing those you should stand out there too pastors and spouses goodness i i was wondering if some not aware of the fact that their pastors welcome delight to have you god bless you how about all our ministers all our ministers and their spouses i think that designation would run very far into all of us god bless every one of you sharing this conference we believe that we're going to have great times as we worship the great god of heaven how about all of our saints all of our saints with your son or saints of united vegeta church of jamaica welcome welcome this is the first night of the conference we want to welcome you and i want to suggest let us have the freedom of worship as we give our best why don't it be recorded in heaven that at the first night of conference everyone gave 100 did worship my god what what what what that would have spoken off in heaven what do we stand and give that worship right now 100 percent hallelujah come on 100 worship oh god of heaven we magnify the great god of heaven hallelujah we adore your jesus we adore you we adore you we adore you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god praise god you may be seated then we want to welcome all our guests those who are various platforms listening on this this service what's happening here tonight we want to welcome you and trust that if you don't have the holy ghost some way somehow you'll be connected to what is happening here and have a dose of something that we cannot express myself you need to experience it for yourself praise god praise god praise god and let me share with you the activities that are lined up for tomorrow we begin at 7 30 a.m break fast then at 8 30 registration of licensed businesses and delegates who have not registered before that will take place and then at 9 30 we have devotion at the virus um various areas we are here at the main hub and the other satellites areas we will be having devotion at that time then at 10 years we have concurred session which inclusive of conference business session and then we have the day sessions by we have pentecostal tabernacle hub here we have stream riot zoom to the six regions so we'll have that taking place then understanding the time that at 10 a.m push pray until something happened on that first presentation will come stream via upcj youtube and facebook pages then at 11 30 we have understanding the time pray prepare persevere that's another presentation that will take place on the on those platforms so we have you to bear those in mind and participate have an experience that you can share what happened in this session then at 12 30 we have lunch then at 1 30 we resume concurrent session conference business session continue then we have presentation understanding the time pray plan and prioritize that's the presentation stream via the upc j youtube and facebook so you would take note at 4 00 pm we have dinner and then between the time six to nine we'll have evening service we're going to have a great time tomorrow if the lord retires and i'm sure we want to pray anticipate that god is going to move in only six regions right here at the home god bless you in jesus name and can we praise the lord again everybody come and shout our praise in the house hallelujah god is indeed good we have a last and found there's a phone that is last and we have it in a position if you can describe the phone and it's yours you can have it amen praise god at this time our national sunday school director is coming to lead us in 10 minutes of testimony service god bless you as you worship in jesus name praise the name of the lord jesus hallelujah can we stand on our feet and give the lord a praise hallelujah hallelujah truly he's worthy to be praised he has done so much for us where if we are glad and you know i thought about the theme understanding the times push and we have to understand the times we're living in and it brought me into the archives to pull out a really old chorus and we're going to sing it as unto the lord before we have a testimony i shall see him someday i shall see him someday i shall see [Music] i shall see i see [Music] i shall sleep someday one more time [Music] [Music] is is is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise god and sister paulette codner is coming to share her testimony i've heard her testify about this before but i wanted her to share it with a wider audience god bless you sister cardo praise the lord everybody see with me i'm just a nervous wreck hallelujah thank you jesus to you deserve the glory the honor and the praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you hallelujah [Applause] and then sister i call her auntie but minister senior tell her because i love her and i love the lord i'm going to do this about three wednesdays ago pass i was the moderator for our morning manner and our theme was about faith grow in faith and i tell you that morning the lord the holy spirit was so strong and lorna was the speaker and the lord used her in a mighty way and i tell you i was so overwhelmed that morning i tell you my faith was so up there so if i think i could sit through this thing move on it move hallelujah thank you jesus i left the morning after finish and i went to the bus stop and uh sometimes you don't get boss i think in time so i would run probably late but that morning i speak to the lord and i said jesus i normally say daddy say daddy send a vicar for me so i can get in there and something comfortable and by the time i finish saying the prayer that here town across the road and when i look it was a vehicle the front seat was empty they have the path they saw me in the middle so nobody couldn't sit in there to squeeze me i said thank you jesus i sat down and when i was going on the taxi i took out my tablet and i started doing my reading reading the bible i don't know where within that process the day before that was a tuesday i went to pick up some money for somebody it was a tidy sum of money so i put it in my handbag this was the handbag i was carrying so i use it so i have the money and i put it into a paperback so once the money's in the paperback once i opened my bag i would see that the paper bag is in my bag so coming along in the taxi after finish reading my bible i had my thing in my ears and this song was singing i love you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything and i'll tell you what you're singing that song in the taxi and giving places and the part that goes here i need you jesus can make it without you and i was singing that song and i reached downtown if you know i was coming from portmore where the taxi let you off at the taxi stand there i came out the taxi and i was singing that song with the thing in my ears and i was walking and i walked all the way up to where near the captain breaker there where you have tasty and reaching right about that vicinity this thing come to me by some banana that smiling voice and i stop and i say banana banana and then i say can't bother we go over that side um i got seen on summer camp and as i stand there to cross the road i work at the office here in the front office and is about to step off to go across the road the voice come again and say get the banana that small little voice so i stop right there and i start looking and when i look as he has stalled with a whole lot of banana but the ones that i'm seeing is like the imported banana and i don't eat those i love gross michelle banana so i just walked over there with my bag and i saw the lady and i said good morning how much is it for that banana herbaco's turn she asked me which one i said that one she come close and she said which one again i said that one she said four hundred dollars and i say to four hundred dollars to say so i see it on the cheaper one like 300 and she responded away lady mabana now for 4 600. i got to be and now started to walk off and the voice say get the banana and i turn back and i say to her give me the banana so i open my bag and when i look in my bag first thing said to me the bag is not in there and i said i started the bag was not in there so i started digging nothing is in my back today because when you open the bag you would see the my handbag you see the back and i stood right there and that lady think i was getting crazy and i start praying and i said father god you said in your word faith is the substance of things so far and today i am lifting my faith to you father god if the money dropped out in that taxi it will be there when i go back and if the taxi is not there it's supposed to be underground so i am going back around there and jesus you are gonna show yourself strong this morning you are gonna prove to me this morning that you said you are who you say you are because i'm believing in you and i started again i love you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything my faith goes to you this morning and i was going around that road and when i reached a corner of the victory and when i look the taxi wasn't there i said the money's on the ground then and i start going again and while i'm going when i reached here this was all the money was so i'm telling you when i reached here lifting my faith father god opened up the bag and the bag was opened up like that i went a wrench there the taxi was there filling up another taxi was there the man was standing in front of the taxi the bag was right here and the place was packed with people and when i looked and see the bag i go over and i said thank you jesus and i take up the bag of money and i put it in me and i said thank you jesus thank you jesus you prove yourself to me one more time thank you jesus thank you jesus and then watching me go in this woman is crazy thank you jesus thank you jesus because i tell you to tidy some of money and i would have to put it back father god said i am your deliverer i am your father i am your keeper i am your waymaker i am your deliverer i am hoping for you you put your faith in me and i will come true for you and i tell you when i reach back up to the lady i hold my back i take out my purse i say sell me the banana no i want you to take it off oh my god she did not understand oh i was smiling and she was looking at me and i said to her are you a christian you attend church she said to me yes and she tell me at church that it's an apostle and i say you have to show a little more of the fruit of the spirit you have to be a little more change you have to be a little more with love you know and i say that to her and then i say thank you for the banana have a beautiful day and i say thank you jesus thank you faith is the substance of things of god without faith it is impossible for us to please god god bless you he's a miracle working god he's a miracle working god he's a wonderful oh he's a wonderful is is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's a miracle he's a wonder he's a miracle working god somebody put your hands together for this great god but this great miracle worker hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen that's a real-time testimony thank you jesus god bless you you may be seated in the house praise god indeed we are indeed happy tonight to have with us as was announced earlier bishop robert struth and his wife and daughter visiting with us he was the israelite the newly installed bishop for the pgt family of churches and we are happy to have him worshiping with us tonight we're going to invite him to come and to greet our 7-6 conference in the name of the lord and i believe this is official first official greetings as a bishop outside of his organization god bless you sir come on let's give our god praise come on upcj let's give our god praise amen amen god is indeed a good god before i even begin the greetings i didn't know how sweet a bishop of sleep is i had my first bishop slept asleep last night and i couldn't wake up this morning i got up after 9. bishop didn't tell me about that part at all that enjoyed my first bishop of sleep last night god is a good god i feel so good tonight i am on familiar territory i'm in a place where i feel so welcome i want to take the opportunity first of all to greet reverend york luke york who is moderating tonight god bless you to your national superintendent bishop oh god mccoy my good friend who performed the ceremony yesterday and what a beautiful performance it was as he led us as he prayed and as he ministered the word of god upcj you have a man of god leading your body at this time and you ought to pray for him i don't see minister maxine but god oh there she is god bless you god bless you i'm so happy to greet the entire board of the upc j the pastor of this church reverend lang leroy lane god bless you god bless you and to i don't see her sister joan that's your sister drone right often times in the past they would mistake her for my wife sister stewart they were going to the same church at mape and they look alike says australia where do you stand please and sister john would you stand just look at them amen the lord bless you but i'm so glad to be here this is the first time i'm speaking outside of pgt since yesterday and i take it to be a great honor to be invited to give a greeting to your 76th anniversary and for me this is a seminal moment a moment in history that will remind me like nehemiah i'm doing a great work and i cannot calm down first chronicles 7 or 12 radha and verse 32 says of the sons of issachar who had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do their chiefs were 200 and all their brethren were at their command today we need some children of issachar to understand the times this is not a time for reformation this is a time for transformation a time for the renewing of the mind this is not a time for reformation theology this is a time for restoration theology to be preached from every hilltop and to every valley justice 25 125 says echoes some of the most wrenching words in the whole bible the last verse of judges 21 is a frightening verse in the bible and it says in those days there was no king in israel everyone did that which was right in his own eyes upcj after 76 years will you allow this to happen no you cannot and by god's grace and mercy i am in this fight with you and together we are going to win there is a pervasive subculture that seeks to dismantle every norm on social order there are those who subscribe to this culture and we call them cultural icons but those of us who seek the path of biblical holiness and believe in the distinction of the sexes we are labels as cultists but there's a war raging between the invisible and spiritual world and the visible and the physical world and god has chosen the church as that agency to lead in the spiritual fight we must impact the culture by engaging the culture with the best alternative available this life-changing gospel in this pentecostal apostolic message in the book acts of leadership book number one many of your pastors would be acquainted with that book on page 19 we read and i quote in finishing strong steve farrar quotes the research finding that only about one out of ten who start the christian ministry race will cross the finishing line consider that 10 out of 100 who started this race is going to finish pause dated ye did run well who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth this persuasion comment not of him that call at you a little level levnet the whole lump galatians 5 7-9 for what measures are we using to ensure that we will be one of the ten he encourage us to practice psalm 101 2-3 i will behave myself wisely in a perfect way oh when will thou come unto me i will walk within my house with a perfect heart i will say no wicked thing before mine eyes i hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me and in writing to timothy in first timothy 4 16 the new living translation says it this way keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you keeping the faith is a daily decision it requires discipline paul said to the church in corinthians in first corinthians 9 26 to 27 therefore i run thus not with uncertainty thus i fight not as one who beats the ear but i discipline my body and bring it unto subjection lest when i preach to others i myself should become disqualified upcj proverbs 23 23 says buy the truth and do not sell it buy the truth and do not sell it a third time buy the truth and do not sell it all wisdom and instruction and understanding hear what drew says in verse 3 beloved while i was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation i found it necessary to write to you exalting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints people of god i want to remain conservative enough to stay with the old truths and liberal enough to use new methods but someone has advised that we should never remove offense unless we check to see why it was there in the first place upcj ministers and leaders and saints you must be accountable to god you must be accountable to your wife you must be accountable to your husband you must be accountable to your family you must be accountable to your church board you must be accountable to the saints you must be accountable to the community in which you reside and last of all but not least you must be accountable to the organization to which you belong and you must be accountable to yourself i say to us today you have a rich heritage stop looking outside a w thousand in his book the crucified life has a chapter he titled a discontent with the status quo in which they looked at the stained glass window of a church that was covered over with dust and he said here i quote the dust of the centuries gets on them and becomes a part of their beliefs and part of their practices so they are hardly able to tell which of god and which is simply the accumulation of tarnish from the centuries he went on to say that is exactly what we have done in our time do not imagine for a minute that we have been without our prophets and seers who have stood and warned us and tried to bring us back to god god still has those who are not content for superficial worship they are not all of one denomination but they are discontent with surface religion they long to recapture the true inwardness of the faith and they insist upon reality they do not want anything artificial they want to know that whatever they have is real they would rather it be small and real than to be large and unreal a living dog is better than a dead lion upcj it is better to have a simple religion that is real than to have a big ornate ceremony that is only hollow and empty i address you all tonight and i feel a burden because we are in the last days and many are taken unto themselves teachers with itching ears but you pcj you are apostolic in experience of oh you are pentecostal rather inexperienced and your apostolic induction do not let anyone rob you of this please understand the time and pray until something happens focus on jesus this world is not our home these are perilous times run the real race and end well understand the time and let us push push and press towards the mark that is set before us let us forget the things that are behind us let us stand up for righteousness let us stand up for godliness there are some who will be among us who will not speak the truth but we will buy the truth and sell it not we are baptized in jesus name we will continue to speak in tongues as the holy ghost came we are baptized we are the believers and nothing can change that focus on jesus god bless you in jesus name somebody ought to lift your hands right now come on all over this auditorium receive the word receive a word hallelujah thank you jesus what a word what a word what a word what a warning what admin admonition hallelujah so help us god so help us god come on so help us god go help us god we will buy the truth and we will not sell it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus at this time we'll be collecting an offering we invite pastor nema to come and he will be doing this for us god bless you thank you so much bishop god bless you praise the lord everyone praise the lord everyone amen i agree with our 76th annual national conference tonight in the name of jesus christ amen can you get your phones out praise god and you can log into your banking app praise the lord jesus amen i'm gonna give you some options amen if you are using amen praise god ncb oxford place branch the account number is two one two six nine nine four five four amen i mean that's a checking account or two one four zero nine zero seven six seven and that's a save enough savings account amen or you can use their credit card amen praise the lord jesus the machines are available praise the lord jesus now our sister just testified to buy the banana and i hear the voice i call it the money praise the lord jesus i have a money anointing on me since yesterday when i remember that after the collection of the offering we were supposed to give 30 000 towards the annual national conference when i checked we collected a little over half amen praise the lord jesus and so i asked again amen for another offering to be lifted and while i was right there somebody gave me the thirty thousand an envelope and the money continued to pour in so i decided i'm gonna check it when i check it we were at 78 000 and climbing so when i took my seat i said you know i'm believing god that we are going to get over a hundred thousand dollars today and before the service was over i had collected one hundred and two thousand dollars unchanged so tonight i'm here to collect the money amen god's money god's wonderful people you are all looking so lovely tonight the lord has been so good to us in spite of the pandemic we are still here tonight praise the lord jesus and i am believing god that we can collect a million dollars tonight and i say it without the shadow of a doubt amen collect a million dollars tonight you look at me like you're scared all right no need to be scared if a hundred person give ten thousand dollars we have a million dollars and we must can get that right across the seven regions right that's not hard that's simple simple mathematics and if two hundred persons give um five thousand dollars we have the million dollars a million dollars is not big money could we all stand praise the lord jesus i am here to collect the money you hear a voice buy the banana listen for the voice give the money give god money praise the lord i only need 990 000 tonight praise god we are already of the first ten thousand dollars up here so i'm believing the lord amen you are going to give the first hundred or more thousand dollars in here and by the time the news reached the other regions amen they are hearing me right now and i believe in god but by the time they get the voice i said give the money we will call it the next nine hundred and odd thousand amen amen you heard about faith i don't want any daughters in the house tonight he has been good to us has god been good to you i heard one person said that just to get the code with injection and some medication it cost him 46 thousand dollars praise god god has spared some of us some all of that so ten thousand dollars is chicken feed right now amen amen and the lady that gave me the thirty thousand is that elderly lady almost 80 years old and she had thirty thousand right there in the envelope praise jesus can we pray and believe in god for a million dollars towards a 76th annual national conference tonight and i'm believing before the night is over that this organization will receive that million dollars father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you have been so faithful to us you have been so good to us lord and lord jesus tonight we are just giving back a small percentage in money and lord jesus we ask you to touch our hearts touch our minds recondition the mind remove the stinginess remove the meanness remove the with holiness remove the closing of the ears and lord let the hearts be swift to give and slow to which hole that which you have given us and we tell you thanks lord in jesus name and do you believe that god is going to bless you tonight as you give leave your hands and receive that blessing in jesus name because it is more blessed to give than to receive so if you give ten thousand dollars you must receive more than that praise the lord the card machine is right there amen praise god the ushers will direct you as you come up those and this side there's a basket right over here there is one for the middle and one over there so we want to do this quickly less than five minutes amen we must can run over amen praise god a hundred thousand dollars hallelujah give and it will come back to you good measure press down shaken together and running over again and it will come back to you when you give you can write a check as well and we want two promissory notes [Music] let's just bring it to the lord [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together good measure press down shake it together [Music] victories [Music] is mine your financial victory victory today is [Music] is is oh yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is somebody had to lift your hands and claim it in the name of jesus hallelujah victory is mine victory is mine god bless you tonight god loves a cheerful giver and as you give to the lord you expect that he will give back to your press down shaken together and running over we're privileged and happy tonight to have for the first night of our conference this beautiful priest team out of bethel uterus and the musicians are here we thank you so much for making the journey over and at this time we're going to invite them to minister in jesus name praise god [Music] so so so [Music] when you're lonely and your heart is feeling despair [Music] he [Music] on the day [Music] [Music] remember god me [Music] is is he'll hear you every time [Music] is is jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus is [Music] do you know the name about my name right is there have been times when i felt so all alone i've been wondering wondering everything will be alright [Music] you'll be right there there have been times when i felt so all alone feeling like feeling like every one of my heart was caught me oh is she's nobody jesus in the name of jesus all received oh somebody [Music] foreign [Music] shall we stand together everyone [Music] we are so grateful but the god we serve is one who when we call him he hears and he answers ask elijah on that mountain when all the false prophets from early morning until about mid-afternoon but if you read the scripture if you read the scripture correctly just by calling on the god who answers by fire that the god who answers by fire be the god and so on this the first night of our 76th annual national conference of the united pentecostal church of jamaica and what a journey it has been 76 long years oh but god but god somewhere to say if it had not been for the lord that was on our side then so many things that have happened and so the person who the lord will use to open this conference of the world tonight is none other than one of our assistant national superintendents he has responsibility for departmental operations brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen as we lift our heads and worship the king of kings and the lord of lords with anticipation from for a rhema from the lord as we worship the lord let me welcome none other than reverend harold crooks with the word of the lord god bless him as we pray up in jesus precious name [Music] hallelujah having that being for god mercy it is possible that we could be a patient at the public hospital it is also possible that we could be a patient at the university hospital or we could be a patient at a bellevue hospital but because of the mercies of god we are standing tonight in the house of god to praise him and to worship him and i believe tonight that the devil is upset when a squire writes could we lift our hands over here and just worship him one more time how great is our god hallelujah he's ready for our praise from the rise of the sun to the going down lord bless you may be seated just a liquor i would like to extend greetings to our national superintendent and his wife bishop orgot mccoy my assistant superintendent bishop francis and his wife my secretary treasurer pastor calibrated russia and his wife members of the national born presbyters pastors saints to the conference in session to those who are watching from various platform i greet you all tonight in the wonderful name of jesus there's no name as sweet and as powerful and as wonderful as the sweet name of jesus also to my wife carol i'm blessed i have other half and i also have a better health unfortunately unfortunately i'm also a twin and my partners are female and i give girl thanks for her thank you god thanks to my wife and my family and the church family i'm gonna invite you to stand and if i read long i do not really have to preach long amen so i choose to read long so i'll be reading tonight from 2nd samuel chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 1 to the verse 13 and we read it alternately second samuel chapter 9 from verse 1 to verse 13. and we're reading alternately and david said is there yet any that is left of the house of saul that i may show him kindness for jonathan sick and the king said is still not yet any of the house of saul that i may show kindness of god unto him and zipper said unto the king jonathan has yet a son which is lame on his feet and king david sent and fletched him out of the house of makkah the son of amil from lulibar and david said unto him fear not for i will surely show the kindness for jonathan thy father's sake and restore thee all the land of saul thy father thou shall eat bread at my table continually then the king called jesus saul's servant and said unto him i have given unto thy master son all that pertaining to saul and to all his house then set zebra unto the king according to all that my lord the king have commanded his servants who shall thy servant do and as for me was it said the lord he shall eat at my table as one of the king's son can we praise the lord like to share tonight the topic united pentecostal church of jamaica what do we bring to the table of god we need to push a liquor harder let assemble the oxford superintendent to pray as we bow our heads together oh lord our lord our excellent is thy name in all the earth father as your servant stands before the sacred desk to bring to your people that which you have inspired and laid on his heart we pray lamb of god the self will be utterly slain let the anointing of god rest on him speak through him holy one as an open conduit mighty god of daniel we pray that every spirit that is not of thee will be bound and rendered powerless and ineffective lamb of god it is not my might no by power but it is by your spirit bless and use your serpent now to your glory in the name of jesus christ in jesus name in jesus name the lord bless you may be seated united pentecostal church of jamaica what do we bring to god's tv in the physical realm when we are invited for dinner and to appear to the table we ensure our hands are washed and coming to god's table we must also ensure that our hands and our heart is clean oh praise the name of the lord it is very important because if we eat with unclean hands we can contaminate the food and we can affect ourselves physically much more if we come to the table of god with hearts that is not right we can also affect our heart spiritually or praise the name of the lord and therefore we have come to a crisis in the history of our time that we are not careful we become comfortable in our own mind but i've learned that everyone that comes to god must come with something and i'm proposing to us tonight that we need to come to jesus with worship there is something about worship worship breaks the all right worship invite the presence of god worship move god i want us to understand tonight that we do not worship based on our feeling we worship because it is a requirement we worship because it's a condition we worship because of what god has done for us i have a responsibility to worship him and praise the name of the lord and sometimes we allow condition to prevent us from worship but let me share with you with a blind man by the name of blind bathimos who stopped by the wayside begging but when he heard that jesus was passing his way oh hallelujah he started to worship jesus thou said of david have mercy upon me and there were those who wanted to shut him down even sometimes brothers and sisters in our circle there are those among us who do not want to worship but they have a problem with your worship they have a problem with your dance they have a problem with your soul what is not about them is about what god has done for us oh hallelujah who praise the name of the lord and could you imagine a blind man reaching forth to god and we are able to see physically and we are also able to see spiritually but something is hampering our worship oh hallelujah blind by team us get the attention of jesus and i believe united pentecostal church of jamaica it is time for us to get god's attention i am tired of reading about miracles i praise the name of the lord i'm tired about reading about a move of god we need to see miracles we need to see the power of god manifest we need to see the revelation and demonstration of the holy ghost oh hallelujah a praise from the name of the lord there was a time in pentecost when sin woke up in zion zion trump there was some mammal who present the name of allah will be moved by the power of god we have become darwin we have become silent we are in the power of god we need a move of god somebody got to push the bible said that god jesus in the flesh called publis somebody said he called it thee and the bible said blind cast away his court there are some things that we have to cast away or press the name of the lord if we are going to come to the table of god there are some things we got to lay down we get caught sometimes into a world filling materialistic things and our focus is about building families building houses and this is a signal that god gave to israel when israel leaves egypt and they were going over into jericho god said about praying that when you go over to jericho and when you have obtained houses and when you obtain land you are going to forget the lord that god and easter as a nation forget their god what do you bring to the table we must bring worship it is so easy for us to worship god in the century but the worship i'm speaking about is when you are in your own corner or praise the name of the lord when you're on your own private space you're able to pull down a praise and worship just like one sister who have lost her money she did not care about those who are senior don't talk but in her mind she was desperate because she wanted to find back her money so she started to worship she wanted to have money so she called upon god god needs some radical pentecostal to worship him in this generation god needs those who stand up and demonstrate the power of god is it that we are ashamed of the gospel the gospel is brought in power and after 76 years there is no more fear we must demonstrate the power of god the prism name of the lord the next point i want to bring if we are going to come to the table of god we must have an action there must be an action plan bible said that there was a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years but she let's stay home with her sickness she heard about jesus and she put the action plan in place she came into the press i believe that she was not physically strong but in spite of her weaknesses she decided if i could only what touched him of his garment i shall be me at all it is present time it is pushing time we must put an action in place it's one thing to repeat the word push pray until something happened but our plan got to go in place we got to be able to rise up 2 a.m 3 a.m we got to change from the norm because this needs radical actions jesus needs individuals who have an action plan a praise in the name of the lord but i was known in the text that i've read that saul make a covenant agreement with jonathan and therefore david want to fulfill that covenant agreement we all have a covenant agreement with jesus and i want you to know we did not choose him but he have chosen us and he have obtained us for himself for his glory is not about us it's about god having compassion and mercy and select us in a crisis time and some of us he are so blessed because we have family members who are not saved why did god choose you from your siblings why did god call you out of your family because he loved you and he went into a covenant agreement and therefore you have a responsibility to worship him therefore david remember when mr boshi came in as much as he was in because the bible said the maid run with him and she felt and both of his legs became lame oh hallelujah but david said to mr oh i have went into a covenant agreement and from now on mr bushet you're going to sit at the king's table i want you to know that when the king's son sit at the table and when you looked and missy he looked just like the king's son our praise the name of the lord brothers and sisters we are blessed because the bible has known that this certain woman came to jesus having a daughter with the crisis but jesus said unto her it is not neat for me to tell the children great and to cast it to dogs but she said yellow the dog is under the table i want you to understand tonight that god has moved us from under the table to put us up to sit around the table things i usually do i do them no more place i usually go i go there no more and now i can declare beloved nor are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know we shall be liking haku what are you complaining about you're sitting now at the table of king jesus oh praise the name of the lord the bible have us to know that when god take israel out of egypt oh and they were in the wilderness god prevented before them god sent down a special break from heaven known as manna with israelites they were just complaining about this breed oh when god or when god set his table oh don't complain about the food that god said or praise the name of the lord can i preach to somebody you see when god set his table you got to have a spiritual appetite to eat what is set there oh lord it is not men who set the table but david said don't prepare us a paper before me in the presence of my enemies the anointings my head will not it is god who set the table that those who come into sanctuary and you want to select what fit you but when god set the table you better eat oh marco shantoma you better have the right struck to eat and to digest did you know sometimes that those who come into the center but because because they eat up too much of the junk food oh lord they do not have the appetite for the real food [Applause] the doctors advise us that fast food is something that will kill you it is something that will slow you down or praise the name of the lord but when you order the real food the batteries are different god sometimes has some real food on the table and therefore paul and right into the corinthians then paul would say you cannot eat at the table of the lord and eat at the table of the devil and demon at the same time you got to know which table you are eating wrong and the problem we have sometimes when we come into the presence of the lord we mix up or eating so the preacher preached the holy ghost is moving but you is not moving because something has filled you up you know in a pattern in the days when my parents they were living in west poland and we normally go down once per year especially christmas time was my mom's anniversary and we usually say to the rest of siblings some you carry chicken you carry pork you carry vegetables and whatever they carry or praise the name of the lord we all put it together on the table but the journey towards mulan is a long one so i have to ensure that on my journey to westmoreland i do not stop and have some junk food that when i get to the real table i lose my appetite oh lord it is your responsibility child of god to protect your spiritual appetite because if you don't have an appetite to eat at the table of god you are going to live the same way you can it is rapture time and therefore i got to fix my appetite i need some prayer i need some fasting that i can get my appetite right that i have a desire for the word of god something's about to shake can you feel the atmosphere the war in ukraine is not just something just happening oh lord god is anyone was saying oh god is about to change the status of this world the next event and god's calendar is the rapture of the church oh lord i want to invite you brothers and sisters to eat up everything you can eat from the table of god the pharisees and the lawyers invite jesus to a table and while jesus sits at the table there came a man and he have a spirit of jokesiness and the pharisees and the lawyers watch to see what jesus will do did you know sometimes in church there are those who come to watch you know sometime in church we are spectators some cannot allow themselves to get sweaty so i can't clap too long because if i clap too long you see i have this stress of this suit i want to be another day so you minimize the worship i want some radical worshiper oh lord who will worship god who will forget about your garment and that you will give god your glory and his praise because he's good and that was one of the reason why the disciples could not understand mary magdalene who purchased alabaster box for 300 pence and take her here to dry the feet of jesus because she was possessed with seven demons how many demons some of us have when we came to the house of god and god washes us and god cleanse us and refuse to worship and refuse to praise him god needs some worshipers we must eat from the table the appetite must be right if your appetite is not right you are going to sit at the table and watch others eating sometime in the case of family dinner there are those who do not have the appetite to eat so they raise a subject matter of destruction emotion tamar i've come to understand that church is a place that can distract you if you're not focused her motion told him keep your eyes on jesus it's not about your friend is it about the next person beside you it's about you and your relationship with god what do you bring united pentecostal church of jamaica to the table something is about to break the rapture is about to take place this may humble believe that god is not coming back for a week church he's coming back for a church that is blazing with fire so we better get it right and start to eat the right food hold on it is said most of our elders today who lives to 90s and 100 is just because of the type of food that they ate while they were growing up the younger generation lived on junk food don't have time to cook or if they do cook and go into the fridge and then a microwave and i go to another drama of event not fresh food but when god gave moses the tabernacle in the wilderness and the tabor of schuberth god said to the priests that fresh bread must be on the table i want somebody to know that every time that you're coming to the house of god there is fresh word there's a fresh word but i must be able to eat of the world that i can grow in the power of god i must bring an appetite to the table welcome when i bring an appetite to the table i must have a focus as to what i want the table spread but remember you have to feed yourself at the table when i notice it is only babies that are being supported and fed by someone else but as long as you're a grown adult you got to feed yourself when god gave you the holy ghost and you baptized in jesus name you now have the responsibility to feed yourself under the garden and the leadership of the pastor but it's your responsibility to feed yourself therefore coming to one simple question we must not be only hearers of the world but we must be doers of the world the church has been filled with many actors today we dressed up to me look nice and we look good but outside of church service we are a different human being we got to change the way we live we got to change the way we talk because i gotta bring something new to the table that i can get the attention of jesus in closing this table that is spread it caused god his life god laid down his life for you and for me at this table and all god is saying i now present my table before you eat serve me and live even the prison system there are those who decide that they want to go on hunger strike and even church there are those who decide pastor you can't tell me anything i will choose what i want to eat and what i do not want to eat so the church has become a common ground of individual with a spirit of dictatorship want to dictate to the one who made them but i said god help me to be humble lord anything you say lord i just want to follow your voice god needs some followers we have too many leaders in the system how could shuttle what we need is followers that god can mold us and make us in the vessel that he wants us to be so missy bushette sit at the table his legs under the table was affected god is not looking at your defect god is not looking under the table at your past god is looking oh lord in the upright of you as you sit at the table and you embarrass into the food that god has prepared for you because he said you are going to eat on my table continually in closing i hope tonight we walked away with a new perspective in our mind that is my responsibility and it is your responsibility to eat whatever god place on his favor hallelujah can we lift our hands let us worship him hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus tabor is set for a change in the atmosphere you know one of the nervous feeling i always have is after the rupture the many pentecostals will be still here and you have to give an answer how is it that the church is gone and you are still here because you did not eat at the table i'll come on street there is no different hell can stop you from eating god's savior in spite of weaknesses we can shake up those weaknesses and still eat at god's savior and as much as miserable was lame in his leg it did not stop him from eating at the king's table i don't know what the enemy has done to lame you one way or the other or to lay me one way or the other but that does not stop me not stop you from eating at the king's table you got to push push a little bit harder push belong in your feeling push beyond circumstances oh push that effort prayer take habits because to be honest with you sometime you pray and it is if your prayer just hit the roof and it's coming back at you but pray until you break you commotion tolerable pray even when you don't feel like praying pray even when you don't feel god but because i have a responsibility to pray i'm gonna pray in the heart push until you get a breach in closing in final for most of us when we retire from the holy ghost we should we push we cry hallelujah require jesus oh we put some effort to it why we relax after we have been filled with the holy ghost because we did not understand the principle that when it comes to the kingdom of god the kingdom of god we got to take it back for us so it's a constant pushing or praise the name of the lord the enemy the enemy is trying to slow you down but i've said old set in a long time ago you can't catch me again because this god loved me so much he loved you so much he wrapped his arms around you god wants you to be saved in jesus name and there's no devil that can take you out of the hand of god god bless you in jesus name let's stand together everyone please i'm gonna ask the praise seem to prepare to do this old song modern times have brought us many comfort but before they start we're just going to ask our neighbor just excuse me for a moment i have an appointment with praise just ask your neighbor excuse me for a moment there's an assignment i must meet tonight right across the seven regions right now encourage every brother every sister whatever your designation every person on the in the diaspora oh lamb of god oh lamb of god we worship you united pentecostal church of jamaica it cannot be business as usual so much is at stake hallelujah to the lamb of god lift your hands unto him o great god of heaven [Music] [Music] asks a question [Music] from the top one more time modern times [Music] luxury people living in wealth [Music] the questions [Music] the best know me more than me is my child [Music] is [Music] precious lord i love you more foreign [Music] as i deny [Music] thee [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah [Music] one more time my [Applause] precious [Music] foreign [Music] yes foreign [Music] right across the seven regions and even in the virtual space we're gonna be making an altar called for all backsliders for all those who want to walk with the lord that is whatever took place and caused you to have put down the cross the second altar appeal will be to all those who have heard the call of god to salvation over and over and over again but somehow you somehow just never see the seriousness of it and if you're here and you're never baptized in the name of the lord jesus christ you've never received the baptism of the holy ghost through the initial evidence or speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives utterance and we're opening this altar to you and we'll open the altars right across all 14 parishes and even the virtual space to you but there's a third one i like to call to all the ministers and to all the pastors who probably you feel glory lamb of god jesus you've done so much you've given so much but it seems you've now experienced the law of diminishing return and you're wondering why why should i continue to give elijah found himself there and he decided out of frustration and depression he wished himself dead but his purpose was not yet finished hila masha is there someone who feel like shown in the towel glory i'm opening this altar to you you're doing well but all you are seeing is agitation and negativism you go into the motion but the zeal and the zest is not there anymore let's have an encounter with worship what are we bringing to the table holy one of israel that's one last time pristine but in a very low almost a whisper tone you can make your answer anywhere in this building and all the buildings love is though me more than these glory we're gonna be entering into a seasonal prayer before we close lamb of god jesus [Music] my chances [Music] precious [Music] [Music] two more times [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Applause] [Music] precious [Applause] [Music] [Music] more the last time now worship as they say [Music] [Music] you're cold [Music] please [Music] [Applause] if you would like to kneel or stand or lie face ward doesn't really matter something has been ignited this first night and it requires an appropriate response the song depicts a time in the apostle peter's life he had gotten discouraged gotten despondent he made a mistake he failed the lord he said to the others i go fishing he said if you go fishing we are going to they toiled all night and caught nothing we're gonna pray just two quick points while they were there all night caught nothing in the early morning along came the master walking on the shores children have you any meat no cast your net on the right side of the ship you know the rest of the story history has it that the same apostle peter got in a basket have you ever felt like you're a basket case he got in a basket it was led over a wall and he was escaping while he was escaping for his life he fell asleep somewhere according to the historical record and he had a vision that he saw the lord and when he passed him he said simon i'm going to calvary again whenever he was called simon he knew the lord was sending a message to him so this time he got up and he went back into the city they arrested him and they were about to crucify him but he begged with mercy please do not crucify me the way you crucified my master i am not worthy and so they turned him upside down and they crucified him we're gonna pray right now we're gonna repent before the lord as the largest apostolic oneness apostolic organization in this island we make no boast about that we have had a fair share of ups and downs and ins and outs but the lord has favored the united pentecostal church of jamaica and that's the single most reason why we're still in existence let's pray right now each and every one let's use this time wisely righteous and eternal god thou art worthy o lord to receive glory and honor and praise not unto us unto us but unto your great name lord we give glory and honor and majesty we thank you for this first night lord jesus christ and we thank you for the word that you gave to your servant but lord as we are here in your presence and right across the seven regions mighty god where do we go from here father we ask you right now to search us to wash us to cleanse us to sanctify us lord oh saul of tarsus when he had the first encounter with you on the road to damascus he responded to that appeal by asking what will thou have me to do father we understand that it's never about us and lord your divine favor is all that we have to reminisce on the lord we ask you all our ministers all of members firstly all our ministers all our pastors and all the different rank and file of leadership at the end of it all all we desire to be his servants oh but when we have done all that we should do we should say we are unprofitable servants we've only done that which was our duty to do father in the name of jesus as we cried to you we present all those who have left the fold whether they are apostates or backsliders or just got discouraged and decided to cool out mighty god you've sent a word to each and every person oh love of god but the word came to jacob but light it upon israel and so lord we ask you this night in the name of jesus where do we go from here what faith is joining here oh touch our hearts and guide your lips and purr through the grace of god the lord will cast aside these fears we've known and lift ourselves from the depth of deep despair lead us through the darkness and through each gloomy day take our hands precious lord and help us along the way mighty card we present lord from the newest convert to the oldest saint before you oh we remember that we are just a part of this large apostolic family in jamaica and so we don't take any acclaim to ourselves oh but we ask mighty god because of the times we avail ourselves oh great god of heaven in the name of jesus we realize lord oh mighty god but you require more we pray for the manifestation of the nine gifts of the spirit we pray for the fightful ministry we pray for the nine o service gifts to be demonstrated among us o lamb of god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hear us master of the universe help us to never be the same again help us to never again be the same help us not just to be stirred but to be changed let there be a change oh lamb of god we ask you oh there is a jamaica oh that is dying lord do i see a world that's dying wounded by the master of the seat grouping in the darkness haunted by the ears of past defeat the lord we see you standing near us oh smiling with compassion in your eyes lord we ask you as we obey ourselves could it be that this could be the day that starts eternity i wonder mighty god we come before you tonight and as we prepare to close our service oh even here lord we ask you right now oh great god of heaven the disciples in the first century church that said but we will give ourselves the prayer and the ministry of the world father we come before you oh nothing in our hands we bring simply to the cross weekly o lord o lord o lord um thank you jesus hallelujah please forgive me let's do the song before we close in prayer hallelujah to the lamb of god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i know just to pray like we've never prayed before anoint us lord to be please forgive me i need your grace to make it true is [Music] let's all stand together [Music] is um is to make it true oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is is please forgive me just three [Music] please times me [Music] what better way to close this first night of our conference than to recommit ourselves to the lord in every little thing i do i wanna do my best for you could you do that just two times then we do our benediction [Music] i'm committed am even though i know my work just one more time is [Music] could we just lift our hands unto the lord individually and conglomerate and just make a commitment to him jesus [Music] jesus jesus then let's lift our hands one last time before we do our benediction tonight you gave me my hands to reach out to men [Music] to show them your love and your perfect plans you gave me my ears i can hear your hooks so clear but i can hear the cry of sinners but can i wipe away their tears you gave me my voice to speak your word of course in my heart i feel a need for more availability [Music] i see hearts that have been broken [Music] so many people [Music] [Applause] lord i'm available [Music] [Music] new oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh in the ministry this is for you away jesus just the chorus one more time one last time let's [Music] all about go jesus [Music] is [Music] let's lift the right hands for benediction [Music] we're gonna be doing john 3 16 17 and 18. [Music] but just worship him one more time before we do a benediction thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] with our right hands lifted for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but either believe it not on it is condemned already because he hath not believed the name of the only begotten son of god the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face the shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace may we never forget the commitment we made to the lord tonight is shalom be with you it shall be with you god bless you board members let's work with 10 30 the link will be sent god bless you in jesus name [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] everything thank you very much for being a part of this first night of our 76th annual national conference what a word received from the lord we are eagerly anticipating what tomorrow night will be get some other persons involved call your friends share the information that they can be
Channel: United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 10,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xJws5cvif8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 55sec (12775 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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