Cornerstone Laying - Faith Sanctuary UPCJ

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the community jesus that the people my god the past and the ministers and the deacons and the squire members and singers almighty god when they come inside this building they see it as yours god and come to worship and praise you as no other one can god almighty be the pillar stone of this foundation god almighty be the pillar stone of their heart touch them god as they move jesus in the community touch my god as i move my god in your kingdom and let your will be done jesus as you hold up our hands and say thank you god can you prepare this for us for this evening in your precious name amen bless the name of the lord jesus thank you sir we're going to have the scripture reading and this will be done by sister judith lincoln sammy wells taken from psalm 127 1 and 2 as well as verse 1 38. praise lord build a house they labor in vain that built it except the lord keep the city the watchman walked it but wicked but in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late to eat the bread of sorrows for so he giveth his beloved sleep lo children are and heritage of the lord the fruit of his womb is his reward his arrows are in the hand of the mighty man so our children of the youth happy is the man that has his favor full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate psalms 133 and can we praise the lord everybody amen bless the name of jesus amen i will praise thee with my whole heart behold the gods will i sing praise unto thee i will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name in the day i cried though answered me and strengthened me with strength in my soul all the kings of the earth shall praise thee o lord when they hear the words of thy mouth yea they shall sing the ways of the lord for great is the glory of the lord though the lord be high yet he has respect unto the lonely but the proud he knoweth a far off do i walk in the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me thou shall stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of my enemies and thy right hand shall save me the lord will perfect that which concerneth him thy mercy o lord endure it forever forsake not the words of thy own hands amen amen can we all say praise the lord jesus clap your hands for victory this afternoon clap your hands as we worship the lord giving him thanks for his goodness his greatness is faithfulness it's love can we praise the name of the lord jesus i want to use this opportunity to welcome everyone present here at faith sanctuary amen at this special event amen the cornerstone lane amen a good work has been started can we praise the name of the lord everybody it's like the lord saying to moses after taking the children of israel through the red sea that was a big event for them crossing the red sea and uh like we are here this afternoon this building started we were here for the uh groundbreaking amen and so it's like the the process moving from egypt's bondage to go to the promised land and israel had that great amen red sea to cross and so what we're looking at here it's like the sea has been crossed and edifice is in place can we praise the name of the lord jesus can we bless the lord everybody and so they are in the prom as it were amen going towards the promised land all is not yet completed but then they had jericho to conquer and israel reached the river jordan can we praise the name of the lord everybody and so before they cross jordan amen instructions were given for them to follow and so they follow the instructions as the priests place his foot on the water then they should follow but then in the midst of the water they were told to take out some stones can we praise to lord everybody because it's another milestone they are in fact they are they are celebrating can we bless the lord and so 12 stones were taken out representing the 12 tribe of israel and what god has done for them can we bless the name of the lord jesus and so it was set up as a memorial to remind israel of what god has done for them and this afternoon here we are it's like reaching across jordan a stone we are here to have this cornerstone lane it will be a it will be a monumental reminder to everyone who come and when they look at this building you will see some historical statement can we praise the name of the lord jesus and so let's put our hands together for amen this great achievement hallelujah we're so glad to have amen pastor york and his wife and the family and the church family and just about everyone who are present here this afternoon in this kind of a setting to celebrate this milestone may the lord bless you those of us who are visitors let's clap our hands for pastor york and those who are with him clap your hands amen those of us who are here let's clap our hands for him and the saints his wife and the saints for this achievement god is with them amen can we praise the name of the lord jesus we're so glad to have members of the national board with us this afternoon our national superintendent he'll be doing the honors of amen uh the cornerstone lane we have with him our national secretary treasurer reverend clebert russell praise the lord jesus we have members of the board we have a presbyter for this region pastor steve moncrief the lord blessed you sir amen region one presbyter we have uh elder george king we have our assistant superintendent in charge of departments uh reverend aral crooks may the lord bless you sir amen we have our sunday school our our women's fellowship director amen our women's fellowship director aim and national women's philip direct fellowship director uh minister roxanne york the lord bless you then standing beside him i don't know what about who said you should i'm standing beside her uh you shouldn't let anyone come between yourself and your spouse and so i don't know how old are you director well maybe [Music] he'll praise the name of the lord but between them between her and her husband uh reverend uh luke york was our national youth director our national son he's the youth director he was well slow down i was addressing the director can we praise the lord jesus everybody he was the one that was standing between the wife and the husband so i was about to address him so we're so glad to have you here minister jones the lord bless you bless you and then amen former son the school director you director uh pastor york the lord bless you amen and um we have our omissions director national omissions director pastor mercela ward francis and she is my better half can we praise the lord jesus we have members of the staff from the head office that are here we have amen lady uh column the lord bless you we have sister angela namar amen lamar god bless you uh we have sister heaven steward praise the name of the lord jesus amen jesus stewart the lord bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you and we have members of the church here and uh committed persons we are so grateful that you're here with us this afternoon and so i am so glad to have our national superintendent with us his son accompanied him to be here this afternoon and so i'm gonna ask matthew could you praise the lord sir the lord bless you son and so it is my delight to introduce our national superintendent at this time to come and he will be directing this aspect of the service after which we'll be going on the inside the lord bless you reverend oh god wentworth mccoy amen thank you very much reverend francis and shall we praise the lord jesus everyone god is good hallelujah last november not last year november but the last november that we were here it was raining cats and dogs but this november is in november to remember just lift your hands and just thank the lord for his abundance of mercy and grace lord we honor you we thank you for your goodness for your mercies and for your love and so it is my distinct honor to greet all the members of the national board of the united pentecostal church of jamaica in particular votes pastor for this assembly pastor luke york his wife and family although the pastors ministers the members of this assembly and all those from near and far those of you in we greet you in the precious name of our great god and our savior jesus christ brothers and sisters we have gathered here in the history of this church to lay the cornerstone in this new building we are given to the lord as a house of worship and equipper of people for the propagation of the gospel of jesus christ i now read the appropriate scriptures psalm 127 verse 1 except the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it except the lord keep the city the watchmen wake it but in vain first corinthians 3 verses 9 through 17. for we are laborers together with god he are god's husbandry he are god's building according to the grace of god which is given unto me as a wise master builder i have laid the foundation and another built it their own but let every man take heed how he built it there upon for other foundation can gnome and lay then that is laid which is jesus christ now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is if any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire know he not that he are the temple of god and that the spirit of god dwell it in you if any man defile the temple of god him shall god destroy for the temple of god is holy which temple er about the cornerstone a cornerstone is the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests scripture declares jesus as the chief cornerstone of our faith as the chief cornerstone jesus christ ensures the stability of the whole system of our salvation so not even the this pandemic can destabilize that isaiah 28 16 and i quote therefore thus says the lord god behold i lay in zion a stone for a foundation a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation and so at this moment in time we are going to be bowing our heads and we're going to be praying before we lay this cornerstone let's bow our heads together righteous and eternal god we pause to tell you thanks for your abundance of grace mercy and love we thank you lord for your servants past and sister york their faithfulness their patience with the members of the board the leadership team and the entire members of faith sanctuary upc lord we thank you for this moment and as we prepare to lay this stone which represents you we're so grateful of the great assurance that amidst this global pandemic you are still large and you're still in charge and so father we pray your holy blessings on this cornerstone that in time to come those who probably were not privileged to be here this afternoon to evening we'll look on this stone and we'll remember this occasion this milestone when this stone which represents you the chief cornerstone will be laid mighty god we ask you to bless each and every one and bless lord jesus christ this specific aspect of our ceremony we honor you and we give you thanks in jesus precious name amen could we just lift our hands together as we just give thanks to almighty god hallelujah now it is very interesting to understand we lay this corner stone in this house of worship in the name of the lord jesus christ you'll be asking amen reverend luke york to come and we're going to be doing the preparation and of course we do this for the glory of god and the exalting of his name in all the earth amen praise the name of the lord now you will see it in just a moment but the inscription on the stone and i read laid to the glory of god on behalf of the united pentecostal church of jamaica and of course ugarth w mccoy national superintendent november 11 2021 the 11th of the 11th 2021. let's lift our hands and give god glory as this is father we honor you we bless your name we give you praise we give you glory [Music] thank you hallelujah we thank you jesus bless the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus turn in with thee let's worship thou change us not [Music] will be [Music] great is thy faithfulness greatest is i see all i have need divine [Music] lord [Music] the church is moving on from lowlands and let's worship to the mountaintop we rally we're gonna lift our banners high they're gonna raise them into the sky we're gonna sing and chat and praise the lord because the church is moving on the church is moving on the church is moving on from lowlands and valley from the mountaintop to rally we're gonna lift our banners high we're gonna wave them in the sky we're gonna sing and shout and praise the lord the church is moving on one more time the church is moving on the church is moving on we're gonna sing and shout and praise the lord because the church is blue one more time let's go oh the church is moving on well the church is moving on raise them in the sky we're gonna sing and shout and pray for the church is moving on hallelujah the church is moving [Music] ago the major water in the evening time they say [Applause] oh one day isaac sent his servant to stop respect [Applause] my master sent me here to tell you see this you will see rich and rare shall be light it shall be life in the [Music] it is the light today baptized in jesus name oh young and old repent of all your sins and the holy ghost will enter the even time has come the time has come it is a fact it is the fact that god and christ die one more time it shall be light in the heaven time the path to glory you will surely find go through the waterway it is the light today baptizing jesus name for young and old repent of all your sins and the holy ghost will enter in the evening time has come it is a fat bank but in christ i won so god's servant come to tell you of a bridegroom in the sky waiting for our holy people to be his bright suit by and by for he sends to us refreshing water in this golden latter day without his lovely pride be in that country over it shall be light it shall be light in the evening [Applause] you will surely find oh through the waterway it is the light today baptized in jesus name oh young and old repent of all your sins and the holy ghost will entering the clean time has come it is the fact that god and christ are just one more time everybody it shall be live in the evening time the path to glory you will surely find go through the waterway it is the light today baptize in jesus name oh young and old it is a fact that god and christ lift your hands and nightly for him hallelujah lord we worship you we bless your name we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your mercies we thank you for your grace hallelujah to the lamb of god may we all enter into our new relationship with this fine building we have been able to build for the lord's work with thanksgiving to god for the privilege he has given us as we await the official dedication after its completion god bless you everyone at this moment in time we're going to be changing our location to the inside of the century for the continuation of the service the ministers will go first followed by the invited guests and members join me in singing as we march in jesus name hallelujah glory glory lift the hands and magnify the lord i will enter in his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter in his course with praise i will say this is the day that the lord hath made i will rejoice for he had made me glad oh yes he hath made me glad he hath made me glad i will rejoice for he had made me glad he has made me glad [Music] with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter in his sport with praise i will say this is the day that the lord i will rejoice [Music] he has made me gladly with thanksgiving in my heart [Music] decline i will rejoice i will enter in his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter in his courts with praise i will say this is the day that the lord had made i will rejoice oh yes he has i will enter in his with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter in his scores with praise i will say this is the day that the lord has been i will rejoice glory as baby glad oh he has made me clown he has made me glad i will rejoice [Music] [Music] let's worship the lord let's worship him we bless his holy name clap your hands for jesus hallelujah let's clap our hands let's clap our hands we are in his house to praise his name we are in his house to give him thanks for this great achievement amen and so we want to lift him up we want to bless his name we want to exalt the name of jesus we are here to worship him amen clap your hands holy people let your voices ring i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord oh yes clap your hands let your voices ring i don't know what you came to do but i [Music] your voice is ringing i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise [Music] is oh yes i don't know what you came to do feel like praising praise again oh hope i feel like crazy praising him [Music] my you don't want to praise and don't hinder me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh we bless the name of jesus we praise the name of the lord amen and at this time we'll be having special greetings and our first greetings will be from a member of the national board reverend stephen krieff executive president of region one he will be followed by executive presbyter of uh sorry reverend montreal region two praise the name of the lord jesus and he will be followed by our executive presbyter for region 1. can we praise the lord everybody can we bless the name of the lord jesus can we bless the name of the lord jesus somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah clap your hands with jesus again oh praise the name of the lord elder king will be coming all right he's coming he's coming he's coming can we praise the lord everybody put your hands together has our region ii executive presbyter rival here that's the moncrieff let us praise the lord jesus everyone praise the lord our god let me greet this afternoon our national superintendent or us our assistant national superintendents our national secretary treasurer and all other members of the national board also let me greet pastor york and his wife sister york members of faith sanctuary board and saints of this assembly and all you brethren that are here today let me greet you all in the name of our lord jesus christ it is my pleasure to be here this afternoon to share in this service and to celebrate with the brethren here in faith sanctuary on your cornerstone lane you have come a far away you have labored much and this is a testament of your hard work in this community this that you have done is remarkable bearing in mind the time in which we are now living with all the obstacles but yet in troublesome times you have built and so i want to congratulate you on behalf of region 2 pastors and ministers want to celebrate with you and pledge to work with you amen as you move towards dedication of this beautiful sanctuary may the lord bless you and keep you strong keep your truth keep you active and keep your giving to the until the task is finished may god bless you in jesus name amen praise god amen the lord is good let's lift our hands and worship the lord together hallelujah [Music] praise the lord i want to say the church was born in trouble sometimes amen and the church of god always do well in trouble sometimes amen praise the lord special greetings tonight our national superintendent bishop oh god mccoy our assistant national superintendent pastor owed francis pastor alvara crooks our national secretary treasurer pastor clebert russell all the members of the national board those who are here and those are on maybe on a platform all pastors and ministers all members of the fellowship friends and family members of the community amen praise the lord greetings in the wonderful and saving name of our lord jesus christ amen i'd like to pay a special tribute tonight such a part of this greeting to someone who is not with us anymore amen bishop e n green oh praise the lord amen the first pastor of this assembly amen praise the lord amen amen bishop green was a soul winner a church planter and a true evangelist amen praise the lord on various occasions when i would sit with him as he gave an account of his stewardship of the district youth funds in a bishop greenwood called us as district leaders at the time into his office and he didn't have any computer and a tablet but would take out his exercise book amen immediately took out his exercise book containing the accounting records and he would walk us through line by line accounting for every cent that he spent across the district and after he was finished he would talk about the district evangelism and church planting and maybe more than one occasion you'd have said to me brother king we need a man for port more amen praise the lord pastor luke york and minister roxanne york answer the call to portmore amen the lord is good and he always as a man and a woman and a family to carry on his work amen i knew sister york from her district work or work in the dedicated work at the district office amen at north kingston amen and work with brother york in our national camps and campground development and at one point we were work very close we had three camps you couldn't tell who was district youth president national youth president who was national sunday school director because we own all three camps we attended all three camps and we work all three camps amen praise the lord there was no distinction i want to say i believe this couple was made for ministry amen they are like a and a gloves amen praise the lord and the lord blessed them with able support in their son i want to also pay tribute to the former members of the north kingston sanctuary and those who were born in the field amen for the labor of love that they have given amen to pastor york and minister york and their families working together as a team to bring us to this milestone amen as the lord helped us hallelujah let's say that together in atoll as the lord helped us one more time in the tour as the lord helped us god bless you richly in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] can we bless the lord again everybody amen giving the lord thanks for amen just like oh moses was going off the scene and joshua was there to take up the job can we bless the lord jesus moses took them across the red sea joshua carried them across jordan praise god at this time we'll be having passed off saint jones he'll be speaking on behalf of the upc j ministers uh pastor leroy ling is not here so he will be doing that uh presentation at this time followed following after him we'll be having ministers of faith sanctuary upc minister minister edwards and carmen morris ministers edward uncommon mars 1 2. praise not everyone let's not leave their hands and worship the lord god is the need a good god god is a good god praise the name of the lord praise god amen i'm reading an expression as was mentioned by pastor howard francis sent in by pastor leroy ling former president of region 2 and is unable to make it some reading on his behalf to the national superintendent of the united pentecostal church of jamaica the national board members host pastor pastor luke york and minister roxanne york other pastors ministers i'm indeed honored to be a part of this historical occasion to witness the cornerstone lane of the host of the lord faith sanctuary united pentecostal church of jamaica we give the lord thanks for the vision that he had given the pastor pastor york and now the realization of this vision heartiest congratulations as the lord jesus continue to strengthen you and provide the necessary resources to complete this project you are doing a great work for the lord jesus i was happy to be a part of the groundbreaking ceremony now it is with thanksgiving we celebrate the erection of the sanctuary may the lord richly bless you all in jesus name praise god [Applause] hello bless the name of jesus everybody praise god i take time out tonight to greet our national superintendent our assistant national superintendents our secretary treasurer praise god all the members of the board bless the name of jesus my pastor and his wife bless god all the saints of god ministers and everyone in jesus name praise god it is with pleasure that i stand here tonight praise god to see a vigil come through bless the name of jesus i reminisce a little when we started in port more praise god hallelujah we had to be fighting with the appallings bless the name of jesus when the breeze would tear them up as we tie them praise god we will go to sunday school and praise god half of the time would be spent erecting the tent for sunday school because the breeze was tearing it and pulling it and shoving it bless the name of jesus but because we know we serve a god who is able we pursued bless the name of jesus hallelujah and it is a pleasure tonight it is an indeed a pleasure tonight to stand here and to say that god has been good to us praise god i remember when we started in poor more praise god and we didn't know that this would have been the end or this would have been a milestone that we would have celebrated like that's the name of jesus and you know i laugh when i reminisce and remember at one time sister green said to us you know what you guys better come back to church come back to grand spain that's the name of jesus and i felt it i really felt it and i was so sad and i said i'm not going back to grandstream god never fails praise god and i remember when pastor york was sent over bless the name of jesus and he came over and he said brother maurice you have to help me put more teach me put more as i don't know portmore and i said my brother i'm behind you 150 bless the name of jesus and we work and i remember at one time he said to me you have to help with the ministry and to be honest with you i was a grandparent for many years but i never thought of ministry i love music i love systems and i was that was where my joy and my pleasure was but when he said that to me since oh god i i started thinking and i don't know about you ministers but i started practicing in my bathroom started preaching messages to the water and to the walls in the bathroom bless the name of jesus and there is somebody here i want to pick up tonight maybe this is not a part of the program but i remember after ministering for a while sister nadia came to me and she said brother maurice you need to go to bible school i said okay in good time and i lingered and i lingered and i lingered and i remember one day she brought the paper and she put it in my hand and she said sign it and give me and i signed a paper and i gave it to sister nadia i passed your counter sign or signed it as a pastor and i went to bible school but i'm saying all of this to say that i don't know if i'm joshua i don't know if i'm elijah i don't know who i am in despair but one thing i know i am on the battlefield for jesus and i will work and do my best praise god brother jones spoke on behalf of pastor lynn and i remember the time when he looked at me and he says i want you to come to my church and preach and i my breath beat a little fast my heart race and as i preach at the precipitation church press god and you know i went and i preached and i'm sometimes timid about some things and when i was through preaching and i looked up pastor face i was wondering if i did something wrong or i said something wrong but when he got up here he says brother morris i preached that exact message one month i ago that exact message one month ago he says god is talking to somebody that's the name of jesus and i am willing to go where the lord leads me i am available to do the work of the lord and i just want to say pastor york i'm behind you i'm with you sir praise god and we will work together until the lord comes god bless you [Applause] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful time and i'm very very proud and very honored this evening you know i just want to greet our national superintendent assistant superintendent the national secretary and my pastor and his wife and all the other ministers and pastors and visitors and everyone in the precious name of jesus christ our soon coming king hallelujah you know we're not finished yet it is still work in progress but we have come thus far by faith leaning on the lord and i know he has never left us he will never leave us he promised never to leave us nor forsake us he's with us 100 percent hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus you know um i remember somebody said once when you when you give somebody somebody asks you for your coat and you give them your cloak you have not done anything extra when you give them your coat you have not done anything when you're giving a cloak you have done something extra when they ask you to go a mile and you go two miles you have done something extra when you go one mile you have not done anything extra hallelujah and today tonight i i'm i'm just happy i'm having all the emotions you can think of excitement you know and all that and i'm happy to see all these uh people are who have been helping us all the saints who have been helping us all the workers around the community and everywhere and we have been working together sidiously and we have come this far by faith leaning on the lord god bless you praise the lord jesus everybody let us stand her feet and worship the lord jesus christ giving him thanks for his goodness ain't god good forgiving us so many blessings on deserving that's what we are we ought to thank him love and praise him a little more today and a whole lot more tomorrow love and praise let's do one more time a little boy today hallelujah [Music] praise the name of jesus you may sit as we listen to a brief history of faith signed to a reupc this will be done by minister carmen morris and the sister kimara maurice dawkins after which we'll be having a visiting minister giving greetings followed by a special offering and medley and this will be done by minister of saint jones god bless you in jesus name praise the lord again everybody praise the lord once again i agreed a national superintendent or assistant superintendent all the ministers pastors and all your wonderful people in jesus name hitler too this is a history of faith sanctuary united pentecostal church here too how the lord helped us first psalm 7 verse 12 amen it was in the year 2003 that some of the saints who were living in portmore asked permission of pastor green to start a bus ministry adults and children would be gathered from different communities and a boss was hired to take saved and unsafe to and from church on sundays sister flemings would carry the most visitors from her area after a time the bus was so packed that the saints would stand and give the visitors their seats they would be clapping and singing and testimonies and sometimes preaching done on the bus soon some financial difficulties arose and so we requested to have the sunday school at the at a park in three north this was started under a metal framework loaned to us sorry this was started at that tree north it was started with a tapallin praise god and a metal framework loaned to us by sister right at the parliament was stretched to cover the top and there was one incident when the wind blew hard and one of the cross beams fell but was caught by brother harold davis just before it hit one of the children hallelujah god was with us devil tried but he didn't win another problem arose in that we were unable to reach grand spain after sunday school so we would have sunday school and then we'd try to go to grand spain but it it posed a problem so at the suggestion of some of the saints a house-to-house prayer meeting was started the first one was held at by the peter king's house we engaged in breaking of bread and fellowshipping after each meeting thus a great bond of unity was created among the brethren we took care of the needs of everyone i remember in particular when minister morris was abroad and there was scarcely any food in the house there was a knock at the door and brother myers came in with a box of groceries with everything that i needed the prior meetings grew rapidly so much so that we had to have them outside the houses mrs sudan was filled so then i'm sorry was filled with the holy ghost at one of our meetings and her husband was miraculously healed of a terminal illness and was immediately reclaimed he served faithfully until god called him home many years later persons began asking for the prayer group to come to their homes even as far as the hills have sent angel and we never hesitated an anniversary dinner was planned and passed the green and some of the saints from north kingston were invited pastor green was so impressed that he decided that we should start looking for land to build a sanctuary so the search began but without success it was then that bishop ian green pastor of pentecostal sanctuary formerly not kingston saw it fit under god to send minister luke york and sister roxanne york to portmore to work in the vineyard to reach lost and dying souls pentecostal sanctuary formerly not kingston sanctuary tremendously impacted and influenced the ministry of faith sanctuary's pastor reverend luke york it was under the then leadership of bishop ian greene that his ministry actually started after brother york completed studies at the caribbean bible institute western campus he migrated to kingston and took up membership at north kingston sanctuary where he was involved in several areas of ministry sunday school youth music and missions department and also frequently given the opportunity to minister the world after a few years worshipping at north kingston and being involved in ministry pastor york was granted a local license credential followed subsequently by the general license he was subsequently granted certificate of ordination praise the lord ordination in 2008 and later installed as pastor of faith sanctuary united pentecostal church on thursday may 30 2013 it was in march 22 2004 that pastor green announced during a service that brother and sister york would be going to portmore to establish a work along with the saints who are living there during the month of april 2004 sunday school was officially started and a successful tent crusade was planned involving the bridging from north kingston with approximately 30 brethren regular services began hosted under a tent erected on a piece of land that was leased from the port more municipal council services were held on sundays tuesdays thursdays and fridays with the support of preachers and teachers from the north kingston assembly after spending 18 months on the property of the municipal council they inform us that they would not renew the lease because the property was designated for community development and no one church could occupy it for any long period during this time we were given a more sturdy metal frame structure which we did not enclose because we did not want to give the impression of it being a permanent building consequently we face many challenges such as dogs occupying the area and causing free infestation the effects of hurricane sunday cold nights dust rain and mosquitoes among other things it would be common for minister edward morris or a lone keyboard player at the time to be fighting with fleas and doing worship service for the virgin to be decorated with dust and leaves blowing from outside however the presence of the lord was rich and powerful in our midst as souls who have been filled with the holy ghost oh what a time we had god bless you i know i don't know what to came we were then given permission by the daytona citizens association to use their park after release from the municipal council which had expired during that period of time ten persons were baptized in the name of jesus and filled with the holy ghost this arrangement was short term hence we had no choice but to find somewhere more suitable and permanent for worship we were given three options find a plaza space to rent find a school room to host the services or go back to north kingston sanctuary none of these options were feasible as the schools had no errors available the plazas were too expensive and going back to grand span would defeat the purpose of coming to portmore in the first place the church had just started growing and the enemy would laugh at us for having turned our backs on those who came to know the lord the search for land then began and seemed like an impossible task with the few properties that were identified either not being available for sale or too expensive pastor greene along with the mission's director minister hevron meinert at the time decided to have a meeting in portmore with the leadership to decide what to be done with the church in portmore a few hours before the meeting with pastor greene the lord spoke to minister york to go to port more to speak to the justice of the peace in the britain area to whom he had gone before in coin of land and was told none was available the lord would have it that he would have been home at the time and was willing to entertain minister york who explained the situation and inquired of him if there was any available land for sale he paused for a moment after which he took minister york to speak with a gentleman in the area it was the lord who was on the job because the gentleman to whom the justice of the peace took minister york lived out of town and would normally be there not be there sorry at that time but god would allow it that he would be there minister york then inquired from him if he had or knew of any land for sale and he replied in the affirmative that he had two lots for sale one was residential and the other was commercial when they arrived to view the commercial property there was an old for sale sign on the gate covered with shrubs and bushes as if the lord was reserving it for faith sanctuary minister york then called bishop green who by this time was entering portmore for the meeting and informed him giving him directions to the property that he had phoned upon his arrival he fell in love with the property began negotiations right away and within five minutes an agreement was reached subsequently the property was purchased and by april 2006 we had completed the cleaning up of the newly acquired property at 37 gerbira avenue with the first service being held there on good friday under a temporary structure with 45 brethren and their children within months of purchasing the property we learned of an adjacent property for sale until god be the glory the mother church north kingston sanctuary was able to also purchase the additional property with now hosts the assembly and additional structures we were well received by the members of the community many of which accepted the gospel and have continued to give support to the church we were able to re-erect the metal tent that was carried over from daytona and then enclosed it and began to have a regular morning and night services on sundays prior meetings on tuesdays bible studies on thursdays and youth services on fridays the assembly has also been involved in evangelism outreach which involves youth core activities and bible school outreach acts 2 verse 47 states and the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved the church was named by bishop ian greene at a christmas dinner held by the assembly we then desired to have a more permanent structure thus with the giving of the brethren and or from raising efforts we were able to purchase the roof of the current structure in 2015. ground was broken with an official groundbreaking ceremony held on thursday november 9 2017 by the national board of the united pentecostal church of jamaica to mark the start of our building project in 2018 after receiving an estimate of 25 million dollars to build this sanctuary we started by faith with less than one million dollars in their cult and one mason but as the scripture declares the people had a mind to build even with the setback of kovid 19 the lord has brought us thus far and has blessed us tremendously along the journey we had a few disappointments and setbacks seven brethren have gone home to be with the lord some have migrated and others have moved on our court membership is now over 120 members we say special thanks to all our saints and other brethren relatives members of the community and friends of faith sanctuary who have contributed to the building thus far to god be the glory great things he has done [Applause] and shall we praise the lord everybody the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step that step was initiated and today the process is still going on and for sure the means to the end that this journey was started will will surely be accomplished can we praise the lord everybody minister willis is not here so we are now preparing to receive an offering the work is yet to be completed and so we're going to ask pastor hussain jones to come and he will be leading this part and so let's prepare to do her best amen god bless you in jesus name praise god praise god everyone praise god everyone god is only that good god amen hallelujah praise god by the ushers to come we're gonna pray praise the lord jesus amen as was read just now we saw where groundbreaking took place approximately four years ago two days over four years amen and now we are here for the cornerstone laying and we saw whether where they the the the the budget you got the estimate was 25 million small amount hello somebody praise the lord jesus that's a small amount amen and we have spent about half of that already right so on about half more it's about 12.5 more right praise the lord jesus amen and so we're going to pray and um i know we are persons joining us online we want to encourage you i was thinking we need to get some pledges praise the lord we're going to take some pledges tonight if we don't have it make a promise praise the lord and the lord say make a vote to the lord am i in the right church am i in the right church praise the lord jesus amen [Music] praise god so we're going to make a pledge of the lord tonight so we're going to we're going to if there's somebody online type into the chat where are you on zoom you're on youtube praise the lord type in child make a promise unto the lord god i read something today it says a giver never begs a giver never begs so i'm not begin i'm encouraging because i'm a giver and any giver in the house let's understand we are going to pray in the name of the lord jesus and we are going to receive an offering i'm going to praise god let us just empty a pocketbook tonight just make got a big promise tonight amen praise the lord let us pray lord jesus we thank you for your goodness your grace and your mercies we thank you for provision lord you have given this vision and we know you have made the provision you have brought us thus far and you're not going to leave us so we know god the resources are there so we ask of you god to touch somebody's heart today touch somebody's mind that they will give and bless whatever we receive multiply it stretch it lord to do a greater to do a great work greater than what it is able to do for your kingdom in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord praise god amen all right so we're going to sing some song and praise the lord and all right so i hear that we're going to march so we're all going to march i'm going to be an example i have to be an example right so i'm going to go first and put mine in first praise the lord are we going to worship lord amen when israel out of bondage [Music] is [Music] is is yes we will is and oh [Music] somebody said forward foreign we will oh no matter what they're going through glory hallelujah praise the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus i know when we get to heaven there won't be any restrictions can we praise the lord jesus bless his holy name truly the lord has brought us from a mighty long way and special of this church faith sanctuary your faith is going to allow you to reach your goal can we bless his name at this time we'll be having an expression from our host pastor reverend luke york after which we'll be having the faith sanctuary praise team they'll be coming to minister in song and i'll be asking our national secular treasurer to introduce our speaker so i won't be coming back until [Music] later on can we praise the lord jesus everybody can we bless the name of the lord jesus those of you who are on uh social media zoom platform youtube we're glad you're with us tonight and i'm sure there are those of you who make your pledge to enhance the growth and success of this work and the church here the lord bless you immensely for doing so god bless you in jesus name [Music] look where you brought me from my look where you brought me from mighty somebody have a praise in the house for him tonight somebody have a praise in the house tonight hallelujah cry out and shout the inhabitants of zion for great is the holy one of israel in the midst of thee it's indeed a privilege and an honor tonight to be in the house of the lord i take this opportunity you know as i sat there it just occurred to me that this is our very first night service in this auditorium what a god oh my god amen praise god i take this wonderful opportunity to greet the bishop oh god mccoy our national superintendent our assistant national superintendent in charge of regions uh bishop howard francis assistant superintendent in charge of departments bishop aaron crooks our national secretary treasurer uh almost a bishop uh clebert russell even priest god all the other members of the national board of regent one presbyter region two presbyter youth president national omissions director national women's fellowship director president and all the pastors ministers saints of the most high god to all of visiting friends those who are viewing us alive amen on youtube or facebook whatever media platform you're watching us and i greet you this afternoon or this evening in the wonderful and exalted name of jesus isn't god good he has given us so many blessings undeserving that's what we are the right to declare i just want to thank him love and praise him for today and a whole lot more tomorrow amen indeed either to the lord help us i just want to make an expression i i know i'm going to get in trouble tonight because if i should start calling all the names which i'll attempt to do at some point i know i'm going to get in trouble with the others but my appreciation is to every single person was contributed to the effort at faith sanctuary may the great god of heaven bless you we appreciate you so much you're giving and may god continue to bless but i want to start where brother king starts i want to express thanks to north king former not kinston now pentecostal sanctuary and bishop green in amen particular amen the bible said without a vision the people perish amen and born out of his vision is this assembly amen praise god he the first payment on this property came directly from his personal account and he told me that amen and i know that for sure because at the day when we were at the time when we made that deal for this property and were signing a sale agreement somebody came to the vendor with much more cash not just promise but with cash than we had offered to pay for the land and the person was willing to pay cash and the vendor said to us look i can't sell you this property anymore somebody came a matter of fact the following night that we had made the arrangement agreement only that we hadn't signed a document yet with cash to purchase this property and you know i said to him but we partially entered into an agreement you can't sell it and he said well the person is giving more than you guys are given so i said what if we can match it i don't i don't have any money i don't see any money but by faith i said to him what if we can match that amount and he said well if you can match the amount in that we you were the first persons who came then um you know we will give you the first preference i immediately called bishop and i said bishop we are about to lose the property we need to pay some money now the bishop said boy the church doesn't have any money now i don't know what we can do but i think i have a little account there i'm gonna see what is in there tomorrow and we're gonna draw some money and make a payment praise god and so he did and made the first down payment from his personal account and i'm just sorry tonight that he's not here physically to see what happens amen amen to god be the glory great things he has done you see when there is potential and growth the enemy always fight as in the history declare that there was a sign on the gate of this property when we came here we could already see the sign bush cover this entire place we could only see over here because the sign the gentleman told me the sign was there for years and nobody come to us but the day i came five persons following me after with cash for this property that's not the plan of the adversary but do god be the glory great things he has done god has preserved it for us amen and even in the process of purchasing the property there were still people saying if the church don't take it enough the cash is still ready and they were just pressing the vendor but the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violence take it by force but jesus christ declared upon this rock will i build my church and the greats of hell shall not prevail so we thank pentecostal sanctuary want to thank the national board for his contribution all the um apart from uh cash contribution all the tax exempt that we have received in purchasing material has saved us a great deal and we say to the national thank you so much it may not be the literal cash that we see in our hands but it's a save in our pocket to buy a few more bags of cement and we really thank you for the national um national organization for their contribution we want to thank the pastor pastor jose jones and pentecostal and faith pentecostal for his contribution their contribution christ tabernacle my former church also spring they had contributed to us greatly we thank you god bless you boston upc my brother-in-law and sister god bless you pentecostal tabernacle elsa pastor russell and the saints we thank you for your contribution amen praise god uh christ chapel in in um marine base mr ellison we thank you god bless you and we want to say to all the other churches that have contributed that we may not have mentioned your name may the good god of heaven bless you we thank you for your contribution there are some folks that we want to you know faith sanctuary is a very given church now god bless put your hands together for the members of faith's answer we may not our our church may not be situated or our assembly may not be situated in the tourist capital or tourist country like altares and other places where the dollars flow but um you know we give god thanks for the giving folks here at this century out of the little that they have they continue to give and we certainly appreciate your effort amen but there are some folks who go a little extra there are some folks who go above and beyond i just want to mention a few and um and and i said every single cent counts whether you give a dollar or a hundred thousand we certainly appreciate it amen so we want to thank the nelson's family we want to thank the maurices family i remember one of the first loan that was taken out for this church to help with the purchasing of the roof came through the mice family amen through sister kimara god bless you uh sister marion gordon sister lorna amen green amen praise god god bless you it's the angela all those who are purchased meal by our fundraising whether it be cake whether it be um for dinner whatever the effort was we certainly appreciate you thank you amen brother everton jones he came here and he gave his labor amen praise god day after day fighting with us to put this roof up amen praise god i tell you something virgin uh not meant to be long but i just want to make paz here to say we purchased this roof as a building but because of the climate in portmore we desired that it would be too low too hot so we have to elevate it and so when we were ready to put this roof on we started to get some estimate to get it on and they begin to quote us some millions and i i i i tell you what i made mention of a gen commander a little later in in this who said to me minister we can put the roof on ourselves and i just want to say to the national board because i know we are still building churches if you need a contractor we are able to do it this rules were put on by us i led this the charge in putting it on amen praise god we didn't get a contractor but we saved ourselves millions of dollars in putting it on it was a self-don roof amen praise god and so we give god thanks amen we want to thank and brother jones was a part of that effort as well we want to thank the region to men and bpta who gave their our labor in assisting us amen and labor here amen praise god we want to thank we want to specially thank these persons that i'm going to call now anthony raymond he was our sold mason started from foundation amen uh sean enriquez and last but by no means least derek reed put your hands together i want this gentleman to stand [Applause] stand up derek you see this gentleman he's my contractor my right hand my security is everything and none of you would believe that he is um visually impaired yes he's blind as you see him but if you see 70 of the concrete that is mixed in this assembly was mixed by him a blind man he tell us that he walked by faith and not by sight and if you see him work you would never believe it that he's blind may god bless him help us to pray that god will get him into the center put your hands together for him into the kingdom of god amen amen derek we want to say we certainly appreciate your effort derek sometimes work without money he's more faithful and i say this clearer than some of her bridging derek is here every single day sometimes just me and derrick alone working amen praise god and he is when i said derrick i don't have any money to pay you know derek said don't worry yourself minister because one knows that material is here and it will just work even though i don't know when i'll be able to finish paying derrick but you know i'm happy that the national board is here tonight you know there are so many people sitting up here praise god amen amen to god be the glory great things he has done we want to say thanks to sister shauna shauna raffanthan also for her contribution amen praise god and to all persons who support our bbq as i said earlier or a cake sale or a combo sale all the fundraising effort that we have at faith sanctuary a very special appreciation to you all and the saints of faith sanctuary my dear family here god bless you god bless you continue to give look what the lord has done the greater work in store they are more further to go and um we have the uh did i mention brother and sister column this is their second church or their pastor isn't here i can't say that he has contributed amen praise god but i guess he's watching online but i will i will talk with him later praise god we certainly bless you god bless you we have not yet finished we have the floors we have the upper balcony that which you are looking at is a temporary closure to the balcony the balcony is behind that we have started not yet complete so we still need more funds and we are still expecting you know the blessings of the lord in your giving god bless you as you continue to support this work in jesus name [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] shall we praise the lord everybody shall we praise the lord everybody hallelujah thank you jesus worship with us as we make as we minister in jesus name [Music] if it wasn't for the lord where where would i be my life was nothing until it set me free he's made in my life no more compromising the walls for the right where would i be my life was nothing until he set me free no more compromising the wrong for the right difference [Applause] from the first moment to telling me i'm not alone is is is me what a change my feet yes i want to change by the blood of jesus he died on calvary and he set me for real on that day my sins were what a change thank you he gives me peace i'm so glad hmm [Music] i'm glad about it i know i jesus me what a chance oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let's lift the hands and express our thanks a delight to the presence of our god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god if you were looking at your program you will see that dream we have been a little of our time but i know our superintendent even one minute to eight it's not a problem you know and he's in his car and ready to drive that's all right with him praise god praise god my delight to greet you all here this evening in that beautiful and wonderful name of the lord jesus christ i want to express my thanks for what has been accomplished here in this assembly special act of these brethren and i am sure our god has demonstrated his divine act here his power its miraculous have come true on the spot of ground already praise god praise god where trials there were difficulties face here but our god has come true at a time like these we want to express our delight that there is a place of worship here and it's going to stand good for the future something will happen right here and in fact because this work has started and developing there will be people that will be lifted out of this place to a lad that our god have gone to prepare for his children a place that you've got to prepare for his children so because of the efforts of the youngs and those members here we want to express things that are delight that persons have been saved and will be saved as you continue to labor for the lord's kingdom god bless you thank you for the contribution thank you let us stand tonight i delight also to greet again before i call our national superintendent our two assistant national superintendent or executive presbyters other board members saints friends especially i would welcome my wife who i look across and have seen sister york has invited her so she has come sister york praise god praise god praise god i don't have a listing i was at a place quite recently and they were reading off a number of things concerning the speaker and i thought about it that my superintendent i don't have a list of all the things about him but i presume if i was to list all the things we probably would have to use that as this as the contents of his presentation so maybe our next time i put something together so you can hear it praise god praise god but it's my delight to invite our national superintendent and the holy ghost i know he has a word to share with us my delight to welcome him to the podium and i pray the divine touch of god as he brings a word to his people god bless you sir [Applause] could we just lift our hands and worship him one more time truly our god is worthy from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same it is my delight to give honor to the spirit of almighty god this evening the head of my life i'd like to greet all the members of the national board of the united pentecostal church of jamaica both those physically present and those virtually present would like to greet past and sister york and their family all the members of the church board here all the other pastors ministers both of the united pentecostal church of jamaica and other other ministers and pastors of like precious faith that agreed all the members of this assembly and every other person present in the wonderful name of our great god and our savior jesus christ i feel very inspired of the lord just to acknowledge the memory of the visionary bishop e n greene who being a visionary in responding to the voice of the lord his contribution to the kingdom is so profound so i'd like to for us to observe a moment of silence at this moment in time praise the name of the lord just lift your hands and just thank the lord for men and women who hazarded their lives selflessly that we can have a better united pentecostal church today and so my gratitude to this nobly united pentecostal church of jamaica is something i'll continue to imbue to express because under god all that i am and ever will be it's all because of the training and everything i receive rather than the united pentecostal church of jamaica i was brought into this noble organization at the age of six and i want to thank the lord for allowing different persons within my life to really play such a vital role and i give god all the praise and the glory praise the name of the lord i know you will like to sit and i'd like for you to sit as well but after you're seated i'll be standing so help me with this song before the scripture i didn't plan to to sing it but i just believe it might take less time we're pilgrims on the journey of the narrow road and those who've gone before us lined the way sharing on the faithful encouraging the weary their lives are staring testament to god sustaining grace oh may all who come behind us find us faithful may the fire of our devotion light their way [Laughter] may the footprints that we live lead them to believe and the lies we live inspire them to obey oh may all who come behind us find us faithful [Music] surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us run the race not only for the price but as those who've gone before us let us leave to those behind us the heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly life oh may all who come behind us find us faithful after all our hopes and dreams have come and gone and our children sit through all we've left behind may the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover become the light that leads them to the road we each must find may all who come behind us find us pitfall oh may all who come behind us [Music] behind us [Music] could we lift our hands unto the lord as we worship thank you jesus breathe on your word breathe on this lump of clay right now lord as we look to you in jesus name just before you take your seat nehemiah chapter 4 verses 6 through 15 and chapter 6 verse 15 so built we the wall and all the wall was joined together onto the half thereof for the people had a mind to work but it came to pass when somebody and tobiah and the arabians and the ammonites and the astradites heard that the walls of jerusalem were made up and that the breaches began to be stopped then they were very wrought and conspired all of them together to come and to fight against jerusalem and to hinder it nevertheless we made our prayer unto our god and set a watch against them day and night because of them and judah said the strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed and there is much rubbish so that we are not able to build the wall and our adversary said they shall not know neither see till we come in the midst among them and slay them and cause the work to cease and it came to pass that when the jews which dwelt by them came they said unto us ten times from all places when he shall return unto us they will be upon you therefore set i in the lower places behind the wall and on the higher places i even set the people after their families with their swords their spears and their bows and i looked and rose up and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people be not he afraid of them remember the lord which is great and terrible and fight for your brethren your sons and your daughters your wives and your houses and it came to pass when all enemies heard that it was known unto us and god had brought their counsel to naught that we returned all of us to the wall everyone onto his work nehemiah 6 15 so the wall was finished in the 20th and fifth day of the month elul in 52 days the lord bless you you may be seated i'd like to use a thought for the next couple of minutes i'm watching my time so build we the world turn to your neighbor and say neighbor so built we the world ah now i want you to understand that this was a prophetic statement because after nehemiah 4 6 says so built with the wall and all the wall was joined together onto the half thereof for the people had a mind to work but afterwards there was trouble after a spoken word there will always be tests the test serves as an acid test to ascertain if we believe the word which was spoken god almighty i want us to understand that our god is a practical god and i want to say to pastor and sister york the board members and all the members of faith sanctuary that the united pentecostal church of jamaica of which you are a vital part we are behind you 100 we are behind you financially and physically and spiritually and every alley call vida no coffee i want you to understand that we are laborers together with god as i chose through this area i could sense in the spirit realm that there are many souls crying out ah cosmo there are many souls that i died without jesus christ and the lord has placed faith sanctuary in this area of portmore as a beacon as a lighthouse and there are many souls that are going to be rescued god almighty there are many souls that are going to be salvaged from the shipwreck of sin mighty god of daniel an in-depth study of the books ezra and nehemiah reveals the history of the jews particularly the last period of the exile in babylon 70 years they spent there and they returned to jerusalem their home as their focus mainly on the rebuilding of the temple which speaks to worship while nehemiah focus mainly on the rebuilding of the wall of jerusalem the wall speaks of security and privacy almighty god let us understand the conditions which existed prior to the exile we know the story nehemiah was in babylon he was not at home in jerusalem but when he saw her and i came and he asked the right question if you don't want the right answer don't ask the right question and when he asks the right question and he got the right answer it broke him up he becomes so desperate he became a part of the army of the dissatisfied because he realized that the work of god must go on it doesn't matter who falls it doesn't matter who continues the lord must have a remnant god almighty you are going to blaze the trailer there's no more bishop e and green but thank god that his spirit still lives on in the lives of those he mentored [Applause] the process of rebuilding both the temple and the wall began in 5 16 bc and we need to understand the lessons that we can learn from these books the spirit of apathy should never be entertained can i say that one more time i said the spirit of apathy should never be entertained or entertained or embraced united pentecostal church or jamaica we should know by now that this pandemic cannot stop the church of the living god because jesus said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it the report brought to nehemiah's attention the gates were burned the wall was destroyed god's purpose plus plan will come to pass whether or not we play our part can i say that one more time god's purpose and his plan hallelujah must come to pass whether we play our part or not i'll hear nick marty i say to his cousin esther oh hey esther don't think because you are the queen you are in the king's house don't believe you're going to escape because if the all together whole is thy peace at this time then shall their enlargement and deliverance appears to the jews from another source but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed but then he asks a question that resounds through the decades the centuries the eons he said and who know it whether do i come to the kingdom for such a time as this pastor luke york i know you as a friend i know you as a brother but i say to you i challenge you tonight i charge you who knows whether do i come to the kingdom for such a time as this the spirits of san bala and tobiah and the astronauts and the ammonites and the arabians are going to appear from time to time but you must be relentless you must be focused you must be so determined that by the grace of god we are going to make it to the end we are well able now the spirit of apple they speak to a state of lacking enthusiasm lacking energy a lack of interest almighty god or the absence of any wish to do anything it speaks to emotional emptiness the inability to be passionate oh this church was born in fire and i tell you we are going up in fire i wanted to understand that this church was not built by labor it wasn't built by socialists it was built on the blood of jesus christ and as i'm about to close i want to understand my charge to pastor and sister york the church board and the church family of faith sanctuary upc number one the need is great there are many souls whose eternal destiny rest upon this lighthouse can i say this one more time lamb of god i said hallelujah there are many souls not just in this area but even in the virtual space whose eternal destiny rest on this assembly abuse rest on this lighthouse glow repeat to god and so you cannot back down you cannot cut it you cannot trim it forward still ah lamb of god number two i know you have overcome many challenges but there are more to come oh lord jesus these spirits are relentless they will give you a break even concerning jesus the bible said they've left him for a season that means he was going to come back but i wanted to understand that as long as you put your trust in the true and living god the same one was brought we have come thus far by faith leaning on his everlasting arms trusting in his holy word number three as the lord instructed joshua be strong and of a good courage [Music] oh holy ghost holy ghost lamb of god lamb of god be strong hallelujah honor for good courage even when there's no one come to give you an encouraging word remember this be strong [Music] and of a good courage the lord said to joshua they shall not any man be able to stand before thee that word in the hebrew original context means against thee all the days of thy life as i was with moses so i'm gonna be with thee the lord is saying as i was at bishop e and green i'm gonna be with thee i will need a fail being all forsake thee only be the strong and very courageous number four and i'm running yes there are giants in the land but the lord is with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee so when you come to a red sea and you see the red sea before you and the mountains on either side and disappointments and opposition behind you just stand still and see the salvation of the lord how do you stand still when you are running oh god almighty you're running in a direction and the enemies are behind you how could god actually israelites stand still that is the most seemingly ridiculous request you're being chased by the enemies you're in a being backed up in a corner and you are your adrenaline is running wild but yet the master says stand still mighty god hey something and then what you will never see the glory of god while you're moving because our god is a moving god and for you to o lamb have you been in a vehicle and you're passing another vehicle and it seems like your vehicle is not moving but the other vehicle is moving i won't go into physics tonight but i'm saying to you that when you stand still you're gonna see the salvation of the lord god almighty keep on keeping on keep on keeping on yes there are giants in the land but the lord has granted you favor you don't have the money but you have favor god almighty you know what favor is i'm closing let's stand together i'm gonna hand this mic over but favor means you are in a queue and i gave you number 52 and you are tired and weary and you're wondering when this cue is going to be over when am i going to reach up to the cashier but all of a sudden someone who you don't see sees you and just asks someone you see that person in that blue shirt just go down to him and just stop him on the shoulder oh forget his social listen just signal to him and say come with me hallelujah and so he comes to you and signals are you looking around you are you yes you in the blue shirt but i don't know you sir it doesn't matter come with me and he takes you from number 52. and gave your cheer and say what documents do you have disappear with the documents and brought it just brought it back to you and say the ceo says you can go i don't understand you don't need to understand sir that is called favor lift your hands unto the lord pastor york my prayer for you is that god's divine favor be upon you for all the rest of your life as you walk god almighty the lord said to joshua anywhere you step that is going to be a territory so walk and walk and walk and walk and everywhere you step [Music] god bless you god bless you god bless you let's lift our hands and give god [Applause] [Music] you are favored hallelujah you are favored and like the people then building the walls and the adversary was among them the instructions was be not afraid of them remember the lord which is great and terrible he's with you be not afraid of him hallelujah remember the lord which is great and terrible and he said whom do men say that i am some folks don't know who he is but when the declaration was made he said upon this rock i built my church and the gates of hell you are favored remember the lord we're gonna go to the m that is slated 199 that's a closing hymn if you have not yet been baptized in jesus name in our midst on the social platform virtual platform you need to repent of your sins be baptized in jesus name and if you're thinking about it get in touch with a united pentecostal church pastor one that is close by you or if there isn't any an apostolic churches nearby that preach repentance baptism in jesus name holy living then you join yourself an axe for baptism in jesus name can we praise the lord everybody can we praise the lord everybody and so we praise the lord for today and for his greatness his goodness among us and with us let's not forget him he is great and terrible he will bring the enemy's council to naught and shed light so you'll have the victory the hymn 199 praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemer single earth is wonderful love proclaim hail him hail him highest archangels in glory strength and honor give to his holy name praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemer sing old earth his wonderful love proclaim aliem haleem hey [Music] highest archangel in glory give to his holy name like a shepherd like a ship jesus will guide his children hide his children in his arms he'll carry them all day long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him every joyfuls praise him praise him jesus praising jesus our blessed redeemed for our sins he suffered that blood and died [Music] is praise him [Music] praise and praise jesus rising over the world victorious foreign joyful song [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and worship him let's give him thanks thank him for being with us tonight thanking him for his presence with us may his blessings continue to be with you as you continue to remember him he's great and terrible saints remain faithful don't give up stay with the lord continue to work with your pastor and his wife and family do your part well praise the name of the lord jesus the work is not yet accomplished but it will as you continue to work because you have a mind to work may the lord bless you as you work selflessly and give your all in jesus name at this time our assistant superintendent reverend harold crooks will be coming to do the closing prayer in jesus name can we lift our hands let us worship the great god of the universe for all the accomplishments all his blessings hallelujah god indeed has been good to us put your heads great god of the universe kings of kings and lord of lords the conquering lion of the tribe of judea we give you thanks for all of your blessings towards us we thank you god for our pastor and his minister york and the saints of finn's son jury we thank you god for the community we thank you for the workers we thank you for the saints oh greet the lord we thank you god almighty that we're able to come tonight and to have the cornerstone lean we thank you for your presence and remits we thank you for the ministry of the words we thank you lord god almighty for the singing and the praise and worship and the same god we are about to depart to our various homes we are praying god for traveling mercy be in charge we pray those who travel all god almighty across different parishes we pray god almighty for a safe passage holy god we pray god that the hand of the lord will continue to be upon this assembler that the blessings of the lord will continue to minister to your people and we say thanks to you in the name of the lord jesus christ as all said in jesus name god bless you tonight in the loving name of jesus christ [Music] let's lift our hands as we worship lord in closing as we pronounce the benediction now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and two presents us for less before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory majesty dominion and power this night and forevermore amen god bless you remember to keep your social distance but greet somebody before you go in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 1,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: in5vLp05wnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 35sec (8375 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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