UPCJ 75th National Conference: Day 3 - Ordination and Evangelistic Service

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you jesus let's all worship the lord blessed be your name jesus there's just not like you right to god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah let's just watch the lord some more hallelujah let's set up some praise unto his name hallelujah we welcome you god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh worship [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] worship his majesty [Music] honor and praise [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] christ [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus lift your hands across this building and of course the virtual platform and give god thanks [Music] this afternoon we celebrate at the jubilee 75th anniversary of the united pentecostal church of jamaica an ordination service for our beloved brother is darling wife and their two daughters [Music] we give god thanks as this is the credential given to the highest authority of the united pentecostal church of jamaica coming to us is reverend marvin mack williams who will be doing number 256 from the pentecostal hymnal when we all get to heaven [Music] hallelujah praise god praise the lord everybody okay you've heard it two five six from our pentecostal hymnal when we all get to heaven hallelujah sing the one just love jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] victories [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] is victories [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] we bless the lord coming to offer prayer is our former presbyter of region five pastor ambrose hind thank you lord bow your heads reverently as we approach the throne of grace for this wonderful location continue in that act of worship praise god let's lift our hands and worship the lord jesus christ praise god let's buy our heads together oh lord our lord excellent is your name in all the earth hallelujah who has set thy glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and sucklings as though ordained strength because of their enemies that almighty still the enemy and the adventure when i consider the heavens the work of their fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained what is man that the lord mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him this day we are assembled here to ordain your humble servants ordaining them not to be greater ministers but to do greater things in your kingdom keep them hopeful and hungry praise god humble in your presence and hungry for your words joshua 85 said give me this mountain at 885 jake joshua did exploit the requirements and expectations are extremely important in our service to god so today as we bless the service and as we bless the participants of this great hour we're asking that you'll continue to bless them and annoy them use them as oracles my god we know that we are in the end time and we need able persons to carry this gospel to a higher level bless us now as we say thanks in jesus precious name and everyone say in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah it's a dam on your cage and lift your hands and give almighty god thanks praise the lord [Music] the scripture reading comes to us from medical doctor pastor gerald smith of the faith family tabernacle and he will be reading to us from romans chapter 8 from verse 35 through to verse 39 let's give god thanks as he approaches to read the holy wreath [Music] bless the lord everybody praise the lord bless the lord jesus god is good praise god or reading as was noted before is taken from romans chapter 8 reading from verse 35 to verse 39. i will read who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us hallelujah for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord god bless you in jesus name thank you jesus thank the lord nothing stops the fulfillment of the lord's purpose nothing stops the fulfillment of the lord's purpose coming to us now is our national secretary treasurer pastor clebert russell to introduce this person for the ordination service praise e the lord pastor clebert russell thanks sister francis let's lift your hands and bless the great god of heaven hallelujah we exalt him king of what a great day in the life of the church hallelujah praise god praise god praise god we're in the end time great things are about to happen for the people of god praise god praise god praise god today let me ask all of you to sit accept those brethren the susan's family i like the rest of you to be seated praise god praise god praise god let me introduce to you edmund emmanuel souza is the one to receive all the nation i'm going to ask him to come forward so that the white audience be able to just look at his face and see him if you come and turn to that direction praise god and then his wife patricia come forward and the two daughters beth maria and tishua you come forward praise god this is the family of the susan the susans were married on the 21st of august 1999. and they are now labor in range ben grangespen united pentecostal church of jamaica and we already told you his wife is patricia they're married and parents have two beautiful daughters beth maria and teshua beautiful names minister souza passed the souza he received local license in february 28 2003 and he was granted general license november 15 2012. he's a graduate of the caribbean bible institute and he labored in the ministry labor in the field for 18 years he received pastoral appointment and installation in fact he was installed on april 19 2019. praise god you heard the name of the assembly grange penn united pentecostal church of jamaica and it's located in lilliput saint james so on that stretch of road there right on the main grange bend lilliput saint james he held a regional post he is the missions director for region five and you would know this he is a teacher an artist that's his profession but an apostolic today inspired to make a difference in this end time for the great god of heaven god bless you as i introduce to you the souza's family uh i think our bishop will be joining us if we could go right ahead and bring our superintendent bishop will be joining us if we could go right we have lost him him yes he's with us our national superintendent he will be performing the act of ordination praise god praise god we introduce you the national superintendent of united pentecostal church of jamaica my honor to introduce to you in fact to let you know this that he had been returned to office had been returned to office for another two years to guide this organization during this time so my delight to introduce our superintendent of bishop bishop ogarth mccoy praise god come right in bishop you can speak no superintendent praise the lord jesus everyone it is with esteemed honor that i rise of this occasion just before making this certificate of ordination to pastor susan let me insert this that as you're aware of my situation my wife and family i made mention earlier but this might be the best time to say it the only thing that should have stopped me from being present at this function is the circumstances uh after giving all the support to my wife over the last week and a half on my way into kingston i received the result of a test that i did on monday with respect to the kovid virus indicating that i was positive so i turned the vehicle around and headed back home and so it is with regret seemingly i'm one of the asymptomatic persons because i'm looking fine and feeling fine but i'd just like to make you aware of that and that's with an effort not to jeopardize anyone from the body all right so i know pastor susan and his family regret my absence but you would understand it's for the betterment of all persons pastor edmund emmanuel souza you are being afforded the certificate of ordination this afternoon and so i'll be reading certificate of ordination united pentecostal church of jamaica west indies this is to certify that edmundo emmanuel souza of 314 bamboo drive greenswood p.o st james having been called of the lord was duly ordained at the 75th annual national conference on the 17th day of february 2021 and as an ordained minister is authorized to perform all the functions of the christian ministry in accordance with jamaican laws and the constitution of the united pentecostal church of jamaica so long as his life and teaching is consistent with our bylaws and statement of doctrine and it is signed the 17th day of february 2021 and signed national superintendent and clebert russell signatures god bless you richly be thou faithful unto death i know your passion i know your family very well our prayers are with you welcome aboard and may the lord continue to use you for his glory god bless you richly in jesus name pastor cooks is representing you soup in handing out the certificate and the instrument praise god praise god praise god you may be seated bishop ogarth mccoy will now introduce the speaker for this moment bishop ogath mccoy will now introduce the speaker for the ordination service we are following our programs designed in our books god bless you as we await bishop ogath mccoy to introduce the speaker for this occasion pastor souza and family i'd also like to add that the tokens you just received are tokens of servant would or lord while he was here on earth demonstrated according to mark's gospel chapter 10 verses 35 to 45 in particular he demonstrated to the disciples the importance of being a servant first and so the basin and the towel are indicative of that which was portrayed by our lord jesus christ we encourage you and your family to be very mindful of this moment amen and for the rest of the time that you have on this sod you'll be reminiscent of this day and as you go for it from this conference or from this ordination service may the spirit of humility like never before so embrace you and anoint you that even as you continue to walk softly and as the lord use you for his glory you will remember that you're called to be a servant first god bless you again richly in jesus precious name so bishop will now introduce the speaker who will give the charge to pastor and family we are awaiting our national superintendent bishop ogath mccoy to do the introduction of the person who will give the charge we are following our programs as the agenda states all right it is my honor sorry about the delay brothers and sisters it is with deep honor and a sense of purpose that i will now introduce the one who has been chosen to give the charge to pastor souza and family reverend winston stewart the lord bless you sir thanks for this occasion god bless amen national superintendent bishop ogarth mccoy members of the national board ministers and members in attendance past and sister edmando souza and family i greet everyone in the name of the lord jesus christ if you can hear me wave your hand and say hallelujah can you hear everybody hallelujah god bless you he will soon be hearing us lift your hands and continue to worship it's a new normal we are in virtual space we are all over the world god is good austin sister my exhortation to you is contained in one word the word is continue it means to go on with or to persist in let me share with you two biblical passages number one take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt go save thyself and them that hear thee first timothy 4 16 number 2 then said jesus to those jews which believe on him if ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed john 8 31 as you know god has given to mankind a free will a free will means the ability to choose between alternatives you have the right to make right choices but you have the right to make wrong choices also yes you have the right to be right and you have the right to be wrong although you are free to make choices you are not free from the consequences of your choices some years ago you made the choice to follow jesus you repented of your sins you were baptized in the name of the lord jesus christ for the remission of sins and you receive the holy ghost with the initial side of speaking with other terms as the spirit gave utterance you made christ several years after your conversion you chose to enter the lord's sacred ministry and today you have received a certificate of ordination the highest credential given by the united pentecostal church of jamaica now more than ever before you need to continue in the doctrine yes you need to continue living in accordance with the word of god please remember this always your eternal security is not unconditional there is an if you continue in my word condition so please continue go on persist we live in a very dangerous world what is the greatest danger that we face some may ask is it a successful terrorist attack is it devastation caused by earthquakes hurricanes or tornadoes is it a personal attack by someone armed with a gun is it being infected by these diseases such as covid19 is it a financial downturn caused by economic catastrophe there is no doubt about it these dangers are real and they have far-reaching consequences however the christian faith provides for its practitioners an important sense of true perspective whenever we face these dangers take death for example what is death to someone who is anchored in jesus christ scripture shows that death is a transition from this life to being in the presence of the lord for to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord ii corinthians 5 and 8 consider to the contents of philippians 1 verse 21 for to me to live is christ and to die is gain what then is the greatest danger that we christians face i believe that the greatest danger we face is accepting a belief model that is not consistent with the teachings of jesus christ and which would hinder block and destroy our relationship with him nothing is more important to you than your relationship with jesus christ to understand this is to appreciate paul's statement recorded in first corinthians 9 27 but i keep under my body and bring it on the subjection lest by any means when i have preached unto others i myself should be a cast away let me share with you six specifics covered by the word continue number one continue to love the lord supremely thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind 22 37 number 2 continue to love people as you love yourself thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself matthew 22 39 continue to walk justly and humbly he has showed thee o man what is good and what let the lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god micah 6 8. number 4 continue to be a servant leader jesus said and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant even as the son of man came not to be ministered onto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many matthew 20 27 28. me remind you of four relevant features the primary goal of servant leaders is to serve to serve to serve their paramount concerns are the lord and his church they have a strong desire for accountability the servant leadership provides safe guards against pride arrogance self-aggrandishment and insensitivity number five continue to preach the word and to practice what you preach preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine second timothy 4 2 and numbers continue to keep heaven in view words of jesus recorded in john 14 1-3 provide comforting hope for these dangerous or troublesome times let not your heart be troubled ye believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also in conclusion i want to share with you the story behind a song that i believe you know the song i have decided to follow jesus about 150 years ago there was a great revival in wales thereafter many missionaries went to north east india to spread the gospel some went to the region of assam where primitive and aggressive tribes live while they were not welcomed one missionary witnessed the conversion of a man his wife and two sons this man's faith proved contagious and many villagers began to accept christianity the village chief was angry and summoned all the villagers to meet together he then called the family who had first converted to renounce their faith in public or face execution instantly the father composed the song which became famous he sang i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back enraged at the refusal of the father the chief ordered his archers to arrow down his two sons as both boys lay twitching on the floor the chief asked will you deny your faith you've lost your two sons you will lose your wife also but the man sang these words in reply though no one joins me still i will follow no no turning back consumed with fury the chief ordered the man's wife to be arrowed down in a moment she joined her two sons in death the chief then said to the man i will give you one more opportunity to deny your faith and live in the face of death the man sang the final memorable lines the cross before me the world behind me no turning back no turning back he was shot dead like the rest of his family as it turned out the chief was moved by the faith of the man he wondered why should this man his wife and two children die for a man who lived in a faraway land on another continent some two thousand years ago there must be some remarkable power behind the family's faith and i too want to taste that faith in a spontaneous confession of faith he declared i too belong to jesus christ when the crowd heard this from the mouth of their chief the whole village accepted christ as their lord and savior continue in the doctrine brother and sister souza continue continue until the day of redemption which is near this is the best course for you you have nothing to lose you have all to gain so continue continue continue god bless you praise the lord very sound instructions from our former superintendent bishop s stewart at this time i'm asking reverend souza and his family to step forward middle the altar area as our national board ministers of the gospel surround them as we pray where he leads me i will follow where he leads me i will follow where he [Applause] [Music] very solid moment the moment of decision [Applause] can we do that again praise steve [Applause] [Music] virtual space please join us [Applause] [Music] where he leads me [Applause] we're talking about jesus deep now let's do that one more time [Music] can you feel the anointing i feel the commitments i feel the assurances [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] with jesus pastor ellen john pauline ellington should be praying but she asked me to do the task and i asked her what are some of the things you would have loved to pray and she told me one of the scripture comes to us from mark chapter 16 and verse 17 in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the seat and they shall recover heavenly father we come into thy divine presence now and we feel thy shaking glory your servant spoke and the topic continue as pastor souza and his family embark on this extraordinary mission with the credential of the ordination in their hand i pray god that you will surround him i pray god that you will empower him i pray god that he will develop a relationship i pray god that he will be so appreciative of your presence i pray god that purpose hallelujah will continue to be with him i pray in the name of jesus that as he preaches he will realize that he's impacting a country and the world i pray in the name of jesus that he'll get the new desire for his father's business i pray god he will build on your model i pray god that the spirit of multiplication will digest in his cranium hallelujah that he will be empowered hallelujah knowing what he puts in it's what he will get out i pray in the name of jesus that you will put him now in the position of driving driving this apostolic doctrine across greenspan driving this apostolic doctrine through a lilly porter the town of the city in which he operates lord is a miserable one he's a one that is packed with crime but i pray god that you will anoint him with the authority hallelujah i pray god that you'll give him the social skills i pray god that you'll give him the life skills i pray god that you'll give him the educational skills i pray god more than all that you will grant him the spiritual skills that he needs to maneuver in this time help him lord to understand that he will have choices to make that he will be faced with challenges hallelujah but that he will also know as a speaker charge him that he will have consequences and above all hallelujah he must be saved above all help him to save himself his family the churchy pastors and the community in which he impacts so we look to you right now lord that things will only improve we look to you lord as he impacts the destiny of so many people across the world that he will understand that you are the leader and he's the follower and as we are instructed through the presentation of the church that he will love you that he will love your people that he will walk just free and humbly before you that he will exercise servanthood that he lord will give you all the praise and the glory as he practices the heaven will beast gold so we put pastor and mons e souza into your hand with his family and we say lord go forth with god spend and respect in the name of jesus our lord and we lift our hands and we give god thanks for you have received power here hallelujah for the holy ghost is upon you and you will be witness in limitless in great span in the wider community in the city of montego bay across jamaica and across the world [Applause] in jesus name in jesus name on the sponge our hands and then jesus name of [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave me alone [Applause] [Music] i now turn to pastor howard francis [Music] thank you ministers i hope you heard the timely instructions that was given to us by the first speaker presbyter king from region one there's a goal [Music] there's a nugget that you have received and may the lord bless you as you have the audacity to strive for excellence as the lord continues to surround you impact you and give you his grace oh let's lift our hands one more time and give the lord thanks something is happening in this jubilee service hallelujah there's a great thing happening hallelujah and we can't come down hallelujah there's a great awakening hallelujah as we go forth with the spirit of evangelism into the world uh reverend souza was one of the regional coordinators of the missions department and so i know that his ministry will be impacted by what he has found out during the time when he served in the missions department we congratulate you sir and we feel good for the upward mobilization hallelujah praise the lord everyone hallelujah come on stand on your feet and give the lord a round of applause for god has been good to us hallelujah hallelujah come on go ahead and shout hallelujah in this place come and lift your voices and shout another hallelujah come on shout tonight hallelujah how i got home [Music] how i got over my soul looks back and wonder how i got over [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh me [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] me the first time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is my [Music] [Music] m my [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] where would we be today hallelujah hallelujah so we give him facts because he has been good [Music] he has been a friend to us like no one else hallelujah we honor the presence of the lord in this place right now come on tell me just go ahead and give it to god come on open up your mouth and go ahead and give it to god hallelujah in spite of proving 19 we are still standing and because we have the breath of life we continue to worship god so we say thanks thanks say i give you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh is [Applause] is my god [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] hey is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] you have torn the [Music] [Applause] no more outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is and your presence [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is prepare our hearts for service now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one more time in your presence in your pleasure [Music] come on somebody go ahead and just love god in this place hallelujah just to be like jesus hallelujah just to be in his presence hallelujah we're trying to wrap his arms around us [Music] for the many things that you have seen you could have lost your mind [Music] i have a hand but god kept you in your presence [Music] lord in your presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lord wash me over again take me to another level with you jesus in your presence [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the name of the lord jesus everybody let's continue to entertain the presence of the lord let's continue to worship him let's continue to reach out in his presence hallelujah we bless the name of jesus we praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless your holy name we thank you jesus thank you jesus we are about to commence our evening service this time minister lorna cena will be coming let's start our service in jesus name praise the name of the lord jesus praise the lord everybody hallelujah we're going to be singing from the pentecostal hymnal number 209 a well-known song a song that speaks to who we worship it's all in him the mighty god is jesus the prince of peace is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is is is [Music] [Applause] is is is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah the presence of the lord is in this house hallelujah i wish somebody would just magnify the name of jesus hallelujah praise god the fullness of the godhead it's all in him hallelujah praise god [Music] hallelujah the mighty god is jesus the prince of peace is he hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah we're talking about jesus we're talking about the king of kings and the lord of lords the conquering lioness of the tribe of judah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the one who told moses hallelujah when you go to speak to my people tell them that i am send thee i am that i am hallelujah the one who stole spoke in the new testament praise god that before abraham was hallelujah i wish somebody would just worship him in the house i wish somebody would just magnify the name of jesus hallelujah glory hallelujah praise god we serve a risen savior his name is jesus oh what a name what a name hallelujah demons tremble at that name hallelujah praise god hallelujah everything we do in words and in deeds we do all in the name of jesus but there is no other name given among men whereby we must be safe the name jesus means so much to all of us that are here this evening the name jesus hallelujah somebody leave those hands hallelujah and just magnify the name oh surely the presence of the lord is in this place the shaking of glory is in this place hallelujah the anointing of the holy ghost is in this place hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name we worship your god we bow down before you we give you thanks for your presence hallelujah you have never left us alone you're here hallelujah lord we pray for this evening's service we pray god that you'll continue to let your presence be among us lord help us to continue to feel your presence lord we place this service in your hand lord we pray that self be slain and that the spirit of god will take full control for it's not my might nor by power but by your spirit hallelujah have your own sweet way now lord have your own sweet way as we say thanks in jesus name praise god [Music] we behave in the scripture reading and this will be done by minister roxan york instead of slated person minister maxine mccoy can we praise the lord everybody can you lift your hands and praise the lord hallelujah we serve a great big wonderful god amen as we turn to the book of acts chapter 2 reading from verse 1 to 6 and from verse 37 40 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them clothed in tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with another tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and they were dwelling at jerusalem jews devote men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and bridging what shall we do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remissions of sins and he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and unto your children and unto all them that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall call and with many other words did they testify and exhort saying save yourself from this untoward generation then there were then they that gladly receive this word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer this is the word of god indeed the word of almighty god hallelujah let us clap our hands recognizing the solid word of our god hallelujah there's no question about his word we salute him king of kings and lord of lords god bless you you may be seated praise god praise god and we want to take the time out to welcome you especially to this third evening of our service our 75th conference of the united pentecostal church of jamaica and indeed we are having a good time praise god i have seen feet lifting up lifting up like there is an anticipation of the rapture hallelujah blessed be thy name god of heaven we are having a time praise god i praise god one of these days our change is going to take place this mortal is going to put on a body of immortality we are going to lift out of this earth hallelujah and you know i don't know if you know the gleaner company is next door to us i don't know what the headline is going to be on that day but the people are gone the people next door to us are gone mighty god will lift out of this world praise god praise god we are to stand and magnify this great god of heaven this is lord hear it god no dairy work to be performed by this great god of heaven hallelujah we exalt you jesus suffered in might in majesty in power no one like him we exalt him king of kings the lord of lords praise god praise god praise god you may be seated let me recognize some persons tonight as we bring greetings to everyone worshiping with us in the seven regions and whatever platform others are worshiping the lord with us we bring special greetings to you and we want you to just have a time in your life with us as we give praise as we give glory as we give honor to the king of kings praise god praise god praise god and our national superintendent we want to welcome him i perceive he's listening on the service he's there and you know without me giving any details some of us already understood why he is not here with us amen but i want you to know that this has not surprised our god knew from the foundation that this week's event would be like this so we're not worried we're confident that that which he has started that which he has started he is going to bring it to fruition praise god praise god so we greet our national superintendent and his wife is in hospital bed we greet them in that beautiful name of the lord jesus christ and his two assistants superintendents are here with us with their spouse and i'm going to ask them to stand reverend harold crooks and his wife let you see them we haven't seen sister crooks since conferences that's reverend crooks why maybe you should remove that thing that is blocking your face praise god that's reverend crooks wife praise that welcome to both of you and then we have reverend harold francis and his wife marcella francis we take off the ward tonight we don't want that war today praise god praise god we we we're going to put aside war tonight pastor right embrace francis praise god praise god praise praise god praise the name of the lord and we we our wonderful well we have a few of our presbyters here tonight that we we can't see a number of them who are out there mourning some of the regions where we have currently with us well let's take a former prospector and his wife reverend hind bishop heynd heinz and his wife praise god praise god praise god praise god and his he was he was the former presbyter for region five and here is the current press winter for region five pastor robert edwards is your wife here we want sister just come across sister robert are you go across all right all right praise god praise god praise god oh my we should ask him to take that thing off his face [Music] praise god praise god these are necessary lubricants in operation so don't think we praise god and i think and i think i saw pastor joseph lewis and his wife i saw an impressive region four region for presbyter along with this yes you know forces of darkness want to be seen you know praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god is there any more of our presbyters here all right did i see the wife of reverend oh reverend king where is reverend king all right where is this a king working all right that's region one executive presbyter george king let's clap our hands recognizing him praise god praise god praise god and then in fact i should tell you this we had a a former well let me experience is is this a mud creep here i think i saw her earlier she's going to represent pastor mon creef she she and she and passerman represent the executive role of region 2. i want to take off your facebook all right right there represent the presbyter praise god praise god and let me bring special greetings to the former executive press but for region two he's right here and today is the host pastor for this assembly pentecostal tabernacle 66-72 wildman street and sister lynn i call uh bishop tres lenin is she here where is the bishop wife is she let's come in sizzling we we're playing homage in a way praise god praise god praise god beautiful that's that's the former presbyter of region two now take responsibility for this assembly of the lord based on what i'm hearing the lord is blessing this world the lord is blessing his word hallelujah i heard when you want to see when you want to see guests turn up for a church check a church like this god is doing that work here praise god thanks so much thanks so much and i will just highlight all the other board members all the board members i'm going to invite all the board members and their spouses to stand at this time all those represent the national board and the new board alex i'll ask them to stand yes well well well board members and your spouses that's all right let's stand please all the board members and their spouses we all we're gonna assist the russell to stand beside her husband as well that's okay where she is right there we're standing together you only not you don't see me there praise god preschool praise god thanks wife you know all right thanks spouses and board members god bless every one of you god bless every one of you how about our pastors and their spouses holy pastors we can't see those out in the other region though so we're just focusing on those who are here with us all the pastors in the house your spouses too holy pastors with their spouses stand in the house here all pastors praise god let's clap our hands with our pastors and their spouses praise god god bless every one of you we appreciate all of you that all our ministers and their spouses ministers and their supposes beautiful sight beautiful sight beautiful sight are you afraid to stand yes yes all right in fact if you're a pastor you're a minister did you know that praise god god bless every one of you appreciate it and how could we not ask the members to stand only members the members and their spouses if you're supposed to have not yet been saved all members and their spouses we do the same thing you know remember all right let me not say members all these saints all the saints in the whole stuff [Music] hallelujah god bless you god bless you thanks for sharing in this 75th service with us praise god praise god praise god we're going to try and get out of here as fast as possible don't don't worry brethren our god is on the throne there's no threat to his people praise god praise god let me let you know tomorrow if the lord retires we'll be here eight o'clock will be break fast then at 9 30 we have devotion and at 10 or 10 o'clock we begin our youth day youth day youth day youth day new day youth day youth the pentecostal congress department will take full responsibility for aspect of our days and let me tell you we started we start off at the due date session and this is going to be streamlined stream via youtube and zoom to the regions we have documentary echos of the past pentecost from jerusalem to jamaica that is at 10 40. and that brother ron ramsey from grace chapel upc will be responsible for that session at 11 40 we have pentecost in this new era and its practical application so we have lineup then we have lunch we have praise and worship then a drama production and you entitle youth connection later on a praise pray and then we're going to have a charge from our youth president that's at 2 30. so we have a lineup of activities and we're going to have a great time tomorrow as we close off the last day of the feast praise god we're going to have a great time tomorrow so don't stay home praise god we we going to take a day off tomorrow again so don't work tomorrow we're going to be right here giving worship to our god praise god no work tomorrow you send the bill to me if you employ i say praise praise praise god i'm i'm going to invite pastor crooks to represent us as we going to do an expression for persons who have served in the past in certain portfolios and he's going to represent us could we give him a microphone please or he has one all right can you praise the lord like to invite pastor heinz to come lord bless you sir on behalf of the united pentecostal church of jamaica presenting to reverend ambrose vancouver of hein for distinguished and exemplary service labour of love and commitment in the organization for 30 years western district secretary two years western district president eight years western district superintendent four years executive presbyter for region five 16 years leaders are first servant and your exemplary leadership sir i want to give you this plot on behalf of the organization and we love you and we appreciate your labor of love gonna put your hands together [Applause] i'd like to invite reverend pastor leeroy samuel lane to come behalf of the united pentecostal church of jamaica like to present to reverend leroy samuel lang for dedicated and committed service to the organization for 13 years executive presbyter for region 2 from 2006 to 2019. lord bless you sir we love you and we appreciate you [Music] so we praise the lord god is good i'd like to invite reverend errol joseph hines he's a representative here his brother will take it [Music] his brother is here sir on behalf of the united pentecostal church of jamaica we want to present to reverend earl joseph heinz for the dedicated and exemplary service leaver of love and commitment to the organization for 14 years western district presbyter six years executive prospector for region six from six to eight years and we are grateful for the service and the contribution that he had made to the kingdom of god and there first i would like you to give this to your brother on our behalf god bless you in jesus name praise god praise the name of the lord god is good let me advise you that in our business meetings during monday tuesday we had election of offices and we want to bring them before you know i'm not sure if if we can see our national superintendent he has in return as the superintendent and national superintendent united pentecostal church of jamaica reverend ogath mccoy praise god those who are in the house know those who out in in your region we were still going to ask you to stand and although we're not seeing you we want you to stand wherever you are even if you're in your house okay assistant superintendent howard francis yes and the other assistant superintendent harold crooks these veterans will be serving with the the national superintendent and they will be assigned whether in region or as department supervisor superintendent based on the constitution will make the decision on such then we we have the national missions home director home missions director reverend marcella juan francis we we gave back her now her award yeah yes i didn't actually just sit right when i want you to always be up here where's pastor cruz i want you to stay up here please me [Music] then for sunday school sunday school director we have a new sunday school director minister lorna senior we invite her so sister lorna is now a member of the board barcelona right the women's fellowship president minister roxanne new york [Applause] the men's fellowship president minister dr lyndon johnson is out in region seven he's standing now i presume and then we have the bpta president minister karen mcghard is he here i know he has a son with him you come [Music] praise god these virgins are going to be in that portfolio responsibility oh i'm sorry i left out an important position why did i do that the youth president your president is here he wouldn't reverend hussein jones [Music] right sorry sir i apologize you're a humble man praise god praise god all right these brethren have responsibility for the next two years unless the rapture brethren amen i'm going to ask a board member reverend joseph lewis he came all the way so we want him to pray that god will especially anoint these brethren for these two years that their leadership would be exemplary they will be humble people representing the kingdom at this time and the great light of jehovah will shine through them and they will be that example to the brethren can we actually just stand please this is an important occasion all right hallelujah hallelujah father in the name of jesus christ we thank you for this great privilege to serve in your kingdom lord we thank you for choosing your servants we ask oh god that you will lead them that you'll guide them oh lord grant every one of them a fresh anointing to continue o lord the work of a servant hallelujah bless them bless their families o lord let your perfect will be done as we ask these mercies in the name of jesus christ of nazareth amen praise god praise god let's lift our hands and thank the lord for what he is going to do through these brethren god bless every one of you thank you let me go back to your seat pastor for instance we tv we're going to be favored with the greetings from reverend reynolds all the way from british columbia we sorry british yeah british columbia that's in canada let's have him know burden he's there reverend reynolds is with us bishop mccoy and pastor leroy lang and the ministering brethren of the united pentecostal church of jamaica it is now on 43 years since myself along with sister reynolds and our children stephen and melody left your shores let me assure you that in those 40-some years the island the sun has never left us you are indelibly in our hearts these are very difficult times and we are facing and we all know that the indicate the coming of our precious lord jesus christ he is at hand i'm always reminded of howard the sister blyer from the tabernacle there her testimony for it was it seldom changed she would rise to her feet and in her white dress and hat and declare these are not times to be getting ready these are times to be ready there will always be haters there will always be doubters there will always be non-believers and then there'll always be saints of god and ministers of god like you proven them all wrong i have great confidence in you brethren who will lead the jamaican church to victory and never remove the ancient landmarks that our fathers have said i will not be there in person but be assured i am there with you all the way may god richly bless each of you on this your 75th annual conference and may the anointing of god be upon each one of the ministers as they minister god bless you my brethren can we praise the lord again everybody let's give the lord a hand hallelujah we're grateful to the lord for her brothers and sisters abroad who share with us can we bless the name of the lord jesus at this time we'll be having a collection of offering it's giving time giving time giving time oh praise the name of the lord jesus and former district superintendent western handled the coming former presbyter reverend hambro bancroft kind oh yes let's raise the name of the lord jesus amen praise the lord everybody i didn't hear that i didn't tell you to whisper let's shout praise the lord let's shout another hallelujah praise god the 75th annual conference i wish i could ask everybody to give a minimum of seven thousand five hundred dollars amen then we would be on our way praise god hallelujah praise god i'm gonna ask us to stand we're going to bless the offering i have approximately 10 minutes to do this so those of us who love when we pray that we get our answers quickly we are looking for you to answer the call quickly to give to the cause praise god our new son the school director will you ask god's blessing on the offering for us today hallelujah father we thank you for the opportunity to give the opportunity to be in your house and the blessings that you have loaded us with day by day lord jesus yes that you will help us to give lord jesus out of the abundance of our hearts and our resources my god and we ask that you multiply these resources and whoever they are entrusted to lord jesus give them wisdom in how to use it so that your kingdom is builded that's your way we pray thank you jesus you may be seated for a little while the ushers are going to give you directives give is found in the bible 888 times so it must be important to give i believe that this is one venue that the devil has used to try to fight the church anywhere you go you'll hear people say you shouldn't give the church any money amen but we are commanded in saint luke chapter 6 verse 38 give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for the same measure that he meet with all it shall be measured to you again we should give to him that ask we should also give to needy saints and revelation chapter 14 verse 7 colossians 3 17 said we should give to god and whatsoever you do in word or indeed do all in the name of the lord jesus christ giving thanks to god and the father by him the fact that our focus is on god and his work let's practice luke 6 38 how to give freely everybody shout freely show good measure shout as god has prospered you say willingly and cheerfully praise god the offering the collecting in the sanctuary will be as the ushers will direct you but we want to not let let you know that you have some online methods that you can use locally you can use online banking to transfer to the upc jncb account account number one three four 2 8 4 6 4 1 that's 1 3 4 2 8 4 six four one the branch is the boulevard branch the type savings account internationally all our friends here and abroad some people lives in jamaica live in jamaica and still think they are in foreign lands amen if you hear them talk i think that just come off the air aircraft internationally you can visit our conference website website sorry at www www.upcjconference.com and click the donate button praise god we are giving for the furtherance of the gospel praise god somebody worship the lord with us musician charm us with some heavy duty music while we give praise god [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] together [Music] give it up give it up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] together [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] hallelujah praise god i hope that you gave from your heart and not just from your pocketbooks praise god i wonder if there's somebody who in this audience tonight or this afternoon who you feel that you should have given a little more to the cause if that's your case will you walk out here and just give something more praise god god has a very special blessing in store for you hallelujah give it in love storing above [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah grab your hands for jesus everybody clap your hands for jesus are you excited about this oneness apostolic one god apostolic tongue talking holy roller hallelujah are you excited about this ministry are you excited about the name of jesus hallelujah somebody showed jesus hallelujah the scripture tells us the apostles they were arrested because they preached in the name of jesus the crippled man was healed in the name of jesus they were threatened not to preach nor teach in the name of jesus they were questioned by what name or by what authority that this man made whole you preach and they said listen people you need to understand and you need to know that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth come on somebody this man is made whole and neither is there salvation in any other but there is none other name under heaven even among men whereby we must be saved they were willing to suffer for the name of jesus hallelujah somebody saw jesus [Music] [Music] jesus give me jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] christ [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is is [Music] she [Music] we worship him we worship we worship him [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] hallelujah slow down a little bit hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus somebody said i feel like fire shot up in the balls hold on hold on hold on oh bless the name of jesus [Music] oh god [Music] jason thompson from glory tabernacle or praise the name of the lord jesus he will be our first speaker it's it's a kind of a new normal we have a young man so the bible tells us the young men preach can we praise the name of the lord jesus he's gonna break the bread because we're keeping this apostolic doctrine alive brother jason promises in jesus name come on lift those hands and worship the lord jesus we serve a great big wonderful god [Music] the power of the holy ghost is in this house [Applause] god is a good god wow wow 75 and kicking we worship you jesus we were running light into the word this evening or this afternoon i'd like to turn your attention to the book of acts the ninth chapter reading from verse one to verse six where you'll find it you can say praise the lord you can follow on the screen amen the bible says and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughters against the disciples of the lord went out went on to the high priest and desired of him letters to damascus to the synagogues that if he found any of this way whether there were men or women he might bring them down on to jerusalem as he journeyed he came near to damascus and suddenly there shun round about him a light from heaven and he fell unto the earth and he heard a voice saying soul soul why persecutest thou me and he trembling and astonish said lord what will thou have need to do i think i miss out something say who art thou lord and the lord said i am jesus um thou persecutors and he trembling amen astonished said lord what will thou have me to do and he says go into the city and shall be told thee what thou would have need to do can you praise the lord jesus amen let's ask bishop francis us to pray amen god's blessing father we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your vessel you've chosen for this hour even now we pray as you stand before your people to share your words make him your voice put your words in him and speak to our hearts in jesus name and bless your people amen praise the lord before you be seated just shout in the atmosphere it's time to go deeper in the know [Applause] one last time it's time to go deeper into the know god bless you may be seated clap your hands to jesus we serve a great big wonderful god amen is always victorious and always watching over us let me hasten to greet the spiritual lord is in this house in a magnificent way amen i can feel the divine charge as i step through those doors this afternoon amen i want to also greet amen bishop amen bishop oh god mccoy and first lady mccoy and their family amen we greet them this afternoon amen i want to greet also uh assistant national superintendents amen bishop francis and bishop crooks i also want to greet amen pastor host pastor lang and lady lang we go way back i agree to you amen i also want to greet my pastor amen reverend dale rankin and also um my former pastor pastor wendell rankin and elder rankin i want to greet my wife and the members of church tabernacle and glory tabernacle and all the members ministers amen that are here a big god bless you all protocols observe forgive me but we have a short time to get the job done so i give all protocols observation this afternoon and i greet you well in the name of lord jesus praise the lord jesus now after listening to last night's message ladies and gentlemen i am pleased to inform you that i went to my bed a sad man of course we don't need an explanation as to the reason for my great sadness yesterday evening but in but of course but just in case you might have missed the live stream of last night's service or perhaps you might have gotten you've not gotten a chance to watch the recorded service on youtube then i must hasten to let you know that last night service was a blast oh can you praise the lord jesus i don't know what happened but amen we were held at the mercy of the two-headed sword amen the fir it all began with a man elder or minister russell she came out wheeling that sword and bringing us to the edge a cutting edge by letting us know that we need to be steadfast in the apostolic doctrine or can somebody praise the lord jesus and as if that was not enough then came amen pastor norman mchugh he was let loose on the congregation as he charged us or can somebody praise the lord jesus that we ought to be faithful oh can you praise the lord jesus come on lift those hands this evening amen and so amen they spoke to our hearts with such profoundity in such depth of conviction i couldn't help myself but to have gone to my bed amen amen a sad man but the good thing about that old experience was that i went to bed praying and i woke up praying oh can you say praise the lord jesus amen and so i was troubled in my spirit woke up early and began to seek the face of the lord as to what he wants us to to speak to this afternoon and as i woke up the arresting with god my bible was flung open to daniel amen sorry oh zio and the 11th chapter oh can somebody praise the lord jesus it is here in oziah the bible lets us know in verse 1 that when israel was a child then i love him and call my call my son out of egypt the bible says as they were called so they went from them in other words when a prophet scold israel to god as soon as they were drawn to god they were also drawn away from god can somebody praise the lord jesus therefore the bible said they sacrificed unto thelium and burn incense and the graven images the bible said in verse 3 i taught israel also to go taken them by their arms but they knew not that i healed them oh lord jesus i drew them with cords of man and bands of love and i brought them amen and taped all the yoke from off your jaws and i laid meat upon them oh lord help us jesus is there a worshipper in the house this evening the bible lets us know then in verse 5 that he shall not return onto the land of egypt but assyria shall be your king because you refuse to return and if that was not intense enough when you get to chapter four and verse six the bible says my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge you see if i look at these these two texts especially from the same writer i realized a recurring decimal keep appearing to us that recurring decimal ladies and gentlemen is that the lack of knowledge he said i took them by the arms and yet they had not known that i have healed them i wouldn't i was wondering now what could have happened to these people of god they have a long history a colorful history of the power of god moving lightly among them and and for some strange reason god took a survey of them he recognized they still did not know him i really wonder what really was the problem and so i run to ezekiel the 36th chapter the bible says hallelujah therefore say unto the house of israel dust the lord thy god i do not this for your sake o house of israel but for my holy name's sake which ye i profane among the eden with the event and i will sanctify my great name which was profound among the eden which you profane in the midst of them and the heathen shall know that i am the lord said the god which of sanctify thee before their eyes for i will take from you i will take you from among the eden gather you out of the countries amen whether i have caused you to have gone and the bible says then will he sprinkle clean water upon you when he shall be clean from all your filterness and from all your idols will i cleanse you a new heart also will i give unto you and a new spirit will i put within you and take away your stony heart out of your flesh and i will put you i'll give you a heart of flesh and i'll put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statues and he shall keep my judgment and do them i keep i kept on following that's college read and run over to jeremiah the 31st chapter and the 31st verse the bible said behold the days come said the lord i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant i made with your fathers in the day i took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of egypt which by covenant they break although i was and husband unto them but this shall be the covenant that i'll make with them the house of israel after those days said god i will put my laws in their inward parts and write in your hearts and i will be their god and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more any man is neighbor or every man is brother saying no the lord for they shall all know me amen from the least of them even to greatness for i will forgive their iniquities or can you praise the lord jesus with those hands right now and worship the lord jesus now when i analyze and summarize the old testament covenant i realized that there were some inefficiencies and so and some shortcomings and and there was some displeasure on the path of god because god was displeased because inasmuch as he has been so close on to his people and in as much as he has shown himself mightily among them they simply did not know him they know much about him but they rarely did not know him i wouldn't either the worshiper helping here this afternoon therefore in my injury maya the ninth chapter he says just said the lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his night let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glory yet glory in this that he understand it and not know it me i am the lord which calls it with exercise and loving kindness and judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things do i delight is there somebody here to worship the lord and i just want to know him about i know about you this evening i just want to know him oh can you praise the lord jesus but one more thing that i've found out is that the old testament covenant had its own weaknesses because the bible says it could make nothing perfect therefore the bible says the the law was just a school master to bring us to christ therefore a shift was needed say a shift was needed and so god now implemented a shift and so the bible says the fullness of time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law a day may that he may redeem them that were under the law that he might that they might receive the adoption of sons and because their son the bible says god has sent forth the spirit of his son in the heart crying our father is the only recipient of the spirit this loud this afternoon lift those hands and call him our father this morning this evening have a father we worship you we glorify you jesus we adore your mighty come on lift those hands i know we have a few minutes look come on just lift those hands and worship father we work we worship you you are our father it's the term abba amen is a is a greek term for the daddy kind of father even if god is not just one who contribute to our existence and leave us in fact he said i'll never leave you nor forsake you and so you won't only call him father but you're gonna call him a daddy kind of father because your piggy has been there for you to the good times and in the bad times he has been there in the ups and in the town the bible says he is a friend that's taken closer than a brother he is our jehovah jireh jehovah nessie amen jehovah raha and our jehovah's shalom oh can you praise the lord jesus he is my daddy-o oh can you praise him come on lift those hands and worship him right now hallelujah to god nevertheless we realize that although the lord chose twelve disciples and he would have poured himself into them over three and a half years the bible lets us know at the just about the close of his ministry amen he took a sampling of them and recognized that there was still amen out of the know is there somebody here to worship amen even amen before i even get there the bible tells us of a faithful time when they were on the coast of caesarea philippi and the bible says that jesus amen sample his disciples he said who do men say i the son of man am and some said thou art elias and some say thou art isaias or john the baptist or one of the prophets i mean he was talking to his disciples and they were confused as to who he really was but he put the spotlight on them and said who do you say i the son of man am and the fat bishop that he owned and only peter stood up is really concerning to me nevertheless there is one in the body of christ who has to know who jesus is or can you praise the lord jesus and i heard really i heard peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god he said that's it that's it that's it that's it he said blessed are those simon barshona for flesh and blood are not revealedness unto you but my father which is in heaven i say unto you that the word peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of heaven shall not prevail against it may i stop for a while to let you know there is a bonus blessing when you get into the no because peter was highlighted and he was anointed the lord said peter i'm gonna bless you because you're top into revelatory knowledge because you've identified who i am i'm going to bless you beyond measure if you're somebody this evening was hungry to go into revelatory knowledge and say oh show me something i've never seen before i need to see your jesus high and lifted up if there's somebody here receiving one say show me your glory can you praise the lord jesus and the bible says upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it what is he building his church on the church bishop was built on revelatory knowledge the knowledge of who jesus is because the old testament really was struggling with knowing god they knew about god but they really didn't know god so god said i'm gonna shift something i'm gonna move from the outside and get on the inside [Applause] i want to know i want to know i want my people to know me in an intimate way the new testament is predicated upon intimate knowledge of god open relational knowledge of god open experiential knowledge of god not just academic language because that is gonna be obligatory you need a relationship a relational relation and relational knowledge of who god is understand who he is is what god is searching for oh can you praise the lord jesus hallelujah and so as he come to luke 24 the bible says he was walking with a man of emmanuel's road and while they were there ethan himself and began to listen to your conversation you see when you're away from church sometimes you don't talk like a church you don't talk churchy so the best time to know who you are is to get you to see one away and hear your private conversation about who god is and so jesus sneak up on them and they're gonna listen as to who they say he was and they said we were we were hoping that he was the one who would have delivered us he said o is law of heart oh could not you have known this it is written in the not in the psalm in the in the book of the law in the prophets and the psalm concerning who i am when he came into the room the disciples too was still struggling on his identity but the bible says then open e your understanding i won't leave you in darkness i'm gonna open the understanding i'm gonna show you who i am because for this ministry to go forward is now go forward not on academic knowledge not on hallelujah theoretical knowledge but unexperiential knowledge when you know that you know that you know you will go without your murmur and his footsteps for still you are god almighty you take it through the water you take it to the fire and they hold away my savior lead me one of mine to act beside can i doubt is tender mercies who true life has been my guide for i know what before when it get gritty and he spoke a parable and said no man if you don't eat my flesh and drink of my blood you can't be my disciple the bible says a myriad of them stop followed him we turned to his disciples and said will you not go they said lord to who shall we go it is somebody this afternoon who is wrapped up tied up tangled up in jesus who can say i'm in love with jesus and he's in love with me i'm not going nowhere i wish i could have an attitude in the congregation this evening i said i'm gonna stay right under the blood with the devil can't do me no harm rocker villages clear for me let the wind blow let the storm rage let the earth shake under my feet i am decided to follow jesus i won't turn back come on in those hands and worship him and so the bible says when a day of pentecost was fully come amen the bible said they're all in one place and in one accord and they were praying because they got a word from the lord is there somebody who is in this place this morning in this afternoon who has a word from the lord you don't see what you want yet but hold on to the word of god because the word of god is god himself he is not a man that he should lie neither is he does not matter he should repent or can you praise the lord jesus and so they prayed one day nothing happened today nothing happened three days nothing happened four day nothing happened five days nothing happened six days nothing happened seven days and you know seven is god's perfect number you know what grabbed my attention pastor ling was the bible says in first corinthians chapter chapter 12 that uh 15 that he was seen of about 500 remember he was seen of 500. yet bishop when i got to when i got to the prayer room on the day of pentecost i only found 120. it means that 380 380. it is too rough i've been praying and nothing happening so i'm going to leave but suddenly somebody is about to receive the divine suddenly as i wrapped up this evening i'm here to let you know prepare for suddenly when you suddenly come you'll change your you'll change your weakness in your strength when you suddenly come into your shyness into into boldness when your weakness come you'll walk with confidence knowing who you are and whose you are they stood up and spoke so much so three days later they took note of them they had been with jesus and enclosed in the bible said paul reading out threatening he took amen authorities to go to amend damascus to take care of the saints to read to destroy the church dear but the bible said hallelujah about midday the earth shine light from heaven may i inform your church we have opt-up help don't think you're in this alone the lord of hosts is with us the god of geocopies our refuge i will lift up my eyes and to the heels i feel like cutting well i feel like preaching let me stop to tell you that paul he had a knowledge but not an intimate relationship he had a an acknowledge of jehovah but at a relationship with god so he was he was shocked out of his wits when he said who are the lord and the lord said i am jesus whom thou persecuted he got a revelation you got a revelation and so paul decided i'm gonna go on a mission to get the church into the new he says since the day i've heard of your faith in the lord jesus christ amen and your love towards the saints i cease not to pray for you the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom revelation in the knowledge of him in jesus name bless the name of the lord jesus everybody can we praise the lord jesus give god thanks for the revelation that you have received my people are destroyed because of a lack of a knowledge or praise the name of the lord jesus amen at the first pentecost 50 days after israel get out of egypt god came down at mount sinai gave them the ten commandment it was a red letter day they should continue to celebrate that day while moses descended the mountain according to exodus 32 28 because of what they did at that first pentecost moses said those on the lord's side pull your sword and come over here and when they went he said every man go hold against your brother and your neighbor at that first pentecost verse 28 of exodus 32 about 3 000 men died hello but as the preacher said according to jeremiah 31 31 behold the days come said the lord i am gonna make a new covenant with the house of israel and the house of judah not according to my covenant which i made with their fathers when i pulled them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they break are you with me somebody so when the day of pentecost was fully come the anniversary of the giving of the law about 3 000 souls were baptized with the holy ghost there was a shift god has done something new god make a new covenant let us stand everybody in worship the lord with this kind of divine revelation 3 000 died at the first pentecost but 3 000 received the baptism of the holy ghost the church started we're gonna have the praise team ministering and then we'll be having the introduction of our keynote speaker the praise team will minister now before our keynote speaker our superintendent will be coming on to introducing him i'm going to ask you too thank you jesus you're more than enough mighty god hallelujah we exalt your precious name mighty god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you word you jesus your word your word your word is jesus you're worthy to be praised hallelujah blessed your name lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus christ i'll trade my worries for worship [Music] i'll trade my problems [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is so the victory [Music] it all works out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll trade my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] today [Applause] [Applause] my oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] all of my desires [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sacrifices [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] me [Music] situation [Music] foolish [Music] sacrifices [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] my [Music] yes [Applause] fall down [Music] oh yes [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so lord jesus everyone let's lift our hands unto the lord and worship him mighty god we thank you we thank you for your goodness your mercies and your love you are god alone from before time began hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brothers and sisters on this the third night of this the 75th annual national conference of the united pentecostal church of jamaica it gives me great privilege and honor to introduce the one who has been chosen to bring the word of god to us tonight brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen i speak of none other than the general superintendent of the united pentecostal church international reverend dr david k bernard such a wonderful privilege to have you sir god bless you a wonderful privilege to have history god bless you in jesus precious name greetings in the name of the lord jesus christ to the united pentecostal church of jamaica your 75th national conference what a momentous occasion this is five years ago i was able to preach right there in monique uh for the 70th general conference i'm sorry that i'm not able to come in person this time because of the coronavirus but praise the lord we're here anyway we're moving forward and we're looking to the coming of the lord i want to greet you the united pentecostal church of jamaica you are a vital part of the global council of the united pentecostal church international you're a strong church a revival church a church strong in apostolic identity strong in jesus name strong in the holy ghost strong in holiness we commend you we congratulate you and all across the world the eyes of jamaica or the eyes of the church is upon the united pentecostal church of jamaica of course we have many ministers and saints from jamaica who are in the united states in canada in the united kingdom and various other parts of the world so you are influential not only in your home island but all across the world and so your reputation your character is known and appreciated by all so it's a privilege for me as the general superintendent of the united pentecostal church international and the chair of the global council to have this opportunity to greet you and to preach and i have a word from the lord for you that i pray you apply it as it fits let me say from the outset we're rejoicing in the goodness of god yes 2020 was an unusual year and 2021 is still perpetuating that unique nature with a global pandemic with all of the economic chaos and the political turmoil and the health crisis the restriction on our ability to gather to have meetings as we would like and we're looking forward to this coming to a close but nevertheless the church continues to move forward our yes our plans have been drastically changed but god is always in control this took us by surprise but it certainly didn't take god by surprise god always has a plan and god always has a purpose and even though we haven't been able to have as many large gatherings as we like and as we need to have yet uh we've been reminded of the importance of prayer of personal devotion of families worshiping god in their home of small groups of bible studies home friendship groups and fellowship groups of the importance of one-on-one ministry reaching out to the newcomers the visitors the the new converts the the elderly those who are shut in uh those who are who are struggling in their faith and in fact to each member in the early church the book of acts they worship publicly in great crowds in the temple for example but acts 2 also says they went from house to house and so it's important for us to understand the total picture of god's plan for the church and of course with modern technology we're able to reach out online as never before and that's given us new opportunities our general conference in the u.s last fall was completely online but we estimate that we had over 100 000 people participate which is more than for any other conference we're getting reports of people who've fallen away from the church over the years being restored coming to an online service and that encouraging them to renew their consecration and get back in church so with every challenge there's also opportunity and with every change of plans i don't think that we should look at that as a disappointment or discouragement or defeat because god always if one door shuts god always opens another door and i feel that uh this gives us an opportunity you know there there are different seasons in the life of a church and different seasons in god's work in our midst and second chronicles 30 talks about the remnant of the nation of judah that would come back from captivity and their roots would go deep and their branches would go up so even though we have not been able to stretch out in the normal way as much as we would have liked this past year i believe that through prayer and personal connections and home ministry and outreach to new people we've been able to dig deeper in our roots to grow deeper which in turn enables our branches to go upward and outward to go over the walls as was spoken of about joseph in genesis that our branches could go over the walls over human barriers that our fruit could extend to many souls and so i'm believing that in 2021 we're not merely going to recover but we're going to advance and just as joel prophesied whatever the pests have destroyed whatever the locusts and the cankerworm might have eaten god will restore to us and do a quick work and we're not only get back to where we were or back to where we planned to be well but we will advance in god's plan even further than we've ever been before so i'm not talking about maintenance mode i'm talking about growth mode i'm not merely talking about defending and retaining i'm talking about advancing in the kingdom of god i'm preaching that it's time to move forward in the will of god i'm thankful to give you a great report that even with all the difficulties that we've experienced around the world still the work of god is growing the ministry of the united pentecostal church international is still extending we've grown by every measure in constituents churches ministers finances even greater than ever before there are 210 nations of the world as identified by the population reference bureau i'm happy to tell you that we are now in 198 of those 210 of the remaining 12 we have plans for each one but most of them are small nations of a hundred thousand or so sometimes island nations of even less than that or 99 muslim nations where it's illegal to try to proclaim the gospel openly i hasten to add that in most muslim countries we do have strong works some of them have to work undercover or secretly some can work among guest workers or foreigners some the primary means is through the internet with services in the language of that country but i'm telling you that even in those countries most of them we now have believers baptized in jesus name filled with the holy ghost worldwide over 5 million constituents in over 42 000 churches including our daughter works and preaching points over 41 000 credentialed ministers so god is blessing the church is moving forward the church is growing the kingdom of god is advancing oh praise the lord and so i know in jamaica you face challenges as well just like every nation of the world you face some of the challenges of coronavirus and that has brought challenges uh in economics and as every country we face trials various circumstances some people falling away some drifting in their doctrine some going a different direction in their lifestyle but at the same time god is bringing many new people into the church this is no time to compromise this is time to affirm our apostolic identity it seems that sin is being glorified more and more throughout the world we find that through the media through the government through the entertainment industry more and more what is so called an alternative lifestyles are being promoted and glorified yes we've always had sin but never before has its sin been given such a prominent role but we should not be discouraged in this time because the darker the night the brighter the light where sin does abound the grace of god does much more abound as our nation and our culture goes away from biblical principles that's sad for us to see yet it's an opportunity for apostolics other denominations are declining because they depend on the culture supporting them and society supporting them they depend on people already believing the bible but we as apostolic pentecostals have the word and the spirit if people will listen to the word the word will convict them of sin and lead them to truth if people will believe in the bible we can show them in scripture that baptism in jesus name the baptism of the holy ghost and the life of holiness the life of worshiping god in spirit and in truth is biblical is apostolic but even if people don't accept the bible are not sure about it we can still invite them to a bible study or to a service where they can feel the presence of the lord we can pray for them to be healed they can see miracle signs and wonders and that will lead them back to the truth of god's word if we had just the word only then we wouldn't be able to meet the challenges of this secular age but because we have both word and spirit then we have what it takes to win people and establish the gospel of jesus christ throughout our nation and so times like these as the world gets more secular and more pagan it simply forces us to be more apostolic we are well able to meet the challenge it's time for us to move forward in the will of god the first century church started in within judaism a bible believing culture but when it expanded into paganism uh into the gentile world it found a culture that did not believe in the bible a culture in which idolatry was common all forms of sexual immorality were accepted not only abortion but infanticide and other forms of violence were common and yet the church grew and thrived in that hostile culture because they had the word and the spirit and so we today in the 21st century we have what it takes this hour forces us to be truly apostolic to rely not on our might not on our power but by the o rely on the spirit of god not on our wisdom and not on our education but to rely on the power of the word of god praise god it reminds me of joshua chapter 1 and that's where i would like to turn for my text in joshua chapter 1 and verse 6 we find the word of the lord to the new leader joshua who was leading the people of israel into the promised land joshua chapter 1 and verse 6 says be strong and of a good courage for unto this people shalt doubt divide for an inheritance the land which i swear unto their fathers to give them i want to preach to you right now moving forward in the will of god moving forward in the will of god the challenge is for us to keep moving forward we're in a new year we're facing new challenges but we're also facing new opportunities it's time for us to move forward in faith and possess the land it's time for us to move forward in faith and see the greatest revival that the world has ever seen and i believe god wants to do that right here in jamaica with the united pentecostal church of jamaica amen now let's look at the context here if you go back to joshua chapter 1 and verse 1 you will see this statement joshua 1 1 now after the death of moses the servant of the lord it came to pass that the lord spake unto joshua the son of none moses minister saying moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this jordan thou and all this people unto the land which i do give to them even to the children of israel so now god issues a challenge but in the course of issuing this challenge first of all he reminds joshua moses my servant is dead well actually joshua's well aware of that fact he had been with moses right up until the time that he died and moses had commissioned him to take over joshua had preached the funeral so to speak and so of all people joshua was well aware so why did god have to start his message by saying moses my servant is dead i think that was god's way of saying you have to close the chapter on the past it's time to move forward it's time to act the past is behind us we cannot do anything about the past so all of us have a past for some of us there are failures in the past but if you've experienced failure in your past or even in 2020 if you weren't able to achieve everything that you wanted personally or your church was not able to achieve everything it wanted or there was crisis or disaster nevertheless we cannot dwell in the past it's time to close that chapter of the book it's time to close that door don't dwell on the negativity or don't dwell on the battles or even the defeats of the past but it's time to move forward in the will of god moses my servant is dead so if you've experienced lost if you experience defeat if you've experienced sadness if you experience a leader that you trusted who's gone a different direction or a church that you had confidence in that's gone a different direction so be it our trust is not in people our trust is in god we stand firm on the word of god moses is dead the past is dead that means there's a fresh opportunity we need a fresh vision it's time to act it's time to move forward it's time to possess the land praise god and if the past was good and it has been good we've seen many victories in the past the united pentecostal church of jamaica has a wonderful heritage you have many hero heroes of many years this is your 75th convention you've got 75 years of progress of victories of wonderful men and women of god who've gone before us but i still say the same thing we can't live in the past we can't dwell in the past we can't take our satisfaction and past victories again while we respect the past we appreciate our heritage and those who have gone before us and it's proper to honor the heritage of 75 years and even more of the work of god in jamaica yet we cannot be satisfied with the past we cannot live in the past but once again we must move forward in the will of god we have fresh opportunities we need fresh vision fresh anointing fresh strength and so god reminded joshua you have a great past you have a great leader but the leader is gone now you must step up and you must move forward now actually when god told joshua in the text that i read in verse six uh the the message that god gave to joshua to be strong and of good courage or to be courageous that actually was not the first time that joshua had heard that message because if you go back to deuteronomy 31 moses had already given that same message to joshua i think it's interesting and significant that when god speaks to us usually he will speak in several different different ways and he will confirm his word and he will use our leaders of the past to give us direction and vision and so this message to joshua was not completely new it had already been given to him by his former leader the leader who had chosen him yet joshua needed his own experience with god he needed to hear from god for himself and i preached to our current leaders and i preach to our younger ministers and saints thank god for your heritage thank god for the leaders of the past who've spoken to you thank god for the senior leaders of today who are speaking to you at the same time i will also say you've got to hear from god for yourself you must have your own consecration you must go to god in prayer and hear him speak but when he does speak it will not be in contradiction to what he's already spoken but it will be a continuation and advance god will confirm his word so joshua had to have a fresh experience if you'll continue in joshua chapter 1 verse 3 notice what god said verse 3 through verse 5 every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that i have given unto you as i said unto moses and then he identified in verse 4 verse 4 from the wilderness in lebanon to the great river the river euphrates and so on and then verse 5 there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life as i was with moses so i will be with thee i will not fail thee nor forsake thee i want you to notice these amazing promises in verses through three through five god gave joshua three promises the first promise was possession you will possess the lamb i think we can take those principles and apply it to our lives today because god is a god of character and a god or principle the way he worked with his people in ancient times he will still work with his people today whereas joshua and the people of israel had a physical possession we today have a spiritual possession but don't doubt it god wants for you to possess jamaica god wants you to possess the land he wants you to possess your neighborhood your town your city god wants the gospel to go forward and the holy ghost to fall god wants us to possess our land and then notice god said i'll give you the power to do it nobody can stand against you so god has given us the great commission to evangelize the world to evangelize our world to evangelize the lost and along with that promise of possession along with that great commission he's given us the power to do what he calls us to do god's commands become god's enablings whatever god tells you to do he'll give you the power to get it done and so along with possession god gave the promise of power and then notice the third promise god says i'll be with you just as i was with moses in the past so i will be with you and in the work that goes forward we have the presence of god sometimes it may seem that god doesn't hear our prayer sometimes we may not feel the immediate presence of god but do not doubt god has said i will not leave you i will not forsake you as he told joshua just as i was with moses so i will be with you he tells us today just as i was with the apostles so i will be with you hebrews 13 god is promised i will never leave you nor forsake you as i was with the pioneers of jamaica so i will be with you in the 21st century god's given us these three great promises possession power and presence and then after the promise these three promises god gives the command be strong and be courageous god's promises always comes first come first god's grace always comes first god's blessings always come first but before he asks us to do the work he already gives us the grace notice in verse 6 which we've read as our text be strong and of good courage then verse 7 notice only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest now i want you to notice for six be strong and of good courage verse 7 only be thou strong and very courageous notice this is the third time joshua hears the same word the first time in deuteronomy 31 from the mouth of moses the second time here in verse six from god himself and then god repeats himself in verse seven why would god have to repeat himself perhaps you've had that experience of you go to church sunday morning hear a message you come back sunday night it seems like the same message or you go one week and then you go the next week or maybe to one location and then another location but it seems like it's still much the same message god sometimes uses repetition for emphasis to get our attention god wanted to emphasize to joshua how important this message was so he said be strong now what does that mean that means you're going to face significant obstacles if you weren't going to have any obstacles if you weren't going to have any problems you wouldn't need to be strong would you and then god said be courageous that indicates that we are going to face some significant opposition if there was no battle we wouldn't have to be courageous if there was no enemy we wouldn't have to be courageous so in a very nice and kind way god is saying you will face obstacles you will face significant opposition do not be shocked that you would have something like coronavirus do not be shocked that someone would try to attack the faith do not be shocked if someone would rise up against you in your local assembly or even in the nation of jamaica do not be surprised when there are fiery trials don't you remember when i told you to be strong and courageous that's an indication that you're gonna have some battles to fight but i promise you i will give you the victory praise the lord so in time of struggle in time of trial remember god already knew this that's why he told us to be strong that's why he told us to be courageous and notice sometimes we have to be very courageous did you notice the difference in verse seven sometimes we have to be very courageous sometimes we under we don't understand why the test we don't understand why the trial we don't understand why the hardship or the suffering sometimes there are adverse circumstances it might cause us to question god's will and it's true when things come against you when there's a wall in front of you or a shut door it's all right to ask god for confirmation it's all right to say lord did i miss your will was i supposed to go another direction have i caused some of these problems myself am i the source of obstacles because of my bad choices or not hearing from you if there are times we should reevaluate our lives but after careful evaluation prayer study and fasting god confirms that we are indeed going the right direction then sometimes the answer is you just gotta be strong you just gotta be courageous the door is shut that doesn't mean to give up jesus said knock and it shall be open if the door was already open you wouldn't have to knock when jesus says not that indicates sometimes there are doors that are shut in front of us and yet as though it is still the will of god to go through that door so we gotta knock on the door and god will open the door that is shut hallelujah sometimes we have to be strong sometimes we have to be courageous sometimes we have to be very courageous let me tell you the story of my parents my parents were the pioneer missionaries of the united pentecostal church to the country of korea i went there when i was a boy eight years old and i grew up there until age 17. i'm 64 years old now but when i grew up in korea's a very poor country and there were many hardships that everyone faced and my parents made some significant sacrifices and god raised up a great church in korea that's there today but i want to tell you what happened in 1963 shortly after my parents had received their calling and their appointment and we were beginning to travel across the u.s and canada to raise funds so that we could go to korea and at that time there was we're not sure exactly the circumstances but as we were driving down the road in our brand new car having just obtained our passports suddenly another car veered into our lane and there was a head-on collision a terrible wreck it delayed us in going to korea for one year my father had his nose broken both of his arms were broken the nerve in his right arm was severed so that he could not use his hand at all and according to medical science it would be impossible for him to ever use his hand again i will tell you this that we prayed for him numerous times but six months later god instantly healed him his doctorate told him he would never be able to use his hand again but this time when he went back to the doctor he shook the doctor's hand and gave him quite a surprise because god had miraculously healed him but that was in the future at the time of the wreck as i said my father's nose or broken was broken both arms were broken the nerve in his right arm was severed and so as he lay there in the hospital he could not use either hand he could not feed himself he could not shave himself or dress he was totally dependent upon other people to help him my mother had a brain concussion her neck was broken she almost died and for six weeks she was in and out of consciousness she never remembered that part of her life so she was in another room of the hospital so imagine my father lying there a preacher of the gospel called to go to korea he's totally incapacitated in the next room his wife is there unconscious in and out of consciousness having no knowledge or recollection and he wasn't sure whether she was going to live or die in that environment his sister came to visit them and she when she took a look at them she was so shocked and overwhelmed she fainted right there on the spot and then a neighboring pastor came and talked to my dad and this is what he said he said brother bernard god is trying to tell you that you missed his will he allowed this wreck to come because it's not his will for you to go to korea he's trying to tell you to stop now imagine how you would feel you're lying there flat on your back you cannot you're helpless you you can't do anything your wife is either you don't know what's going to happen permanent injuries maybe she's going to die and now your friend says you just missed the will of god sometimes you have to be courageous sometimes you have to be very courageous at that time and my father is told he told me this story many times since but he looked at his friend and said god only has to tell me one time what to do he's called me to go to korea and i will go to korea sometimes you have to be very courageous at that moment of course he had no way of knowing the future i will tell you that a nurse began talking to my father he began witnessing to her she repented right there in the hospital room he instructed her to go to a local united pentecostal church where she was baptized in the name of jesus christ she received the gift of the holy ghost her entire family came into the church a few years ago my a a man contacted me by email he said you don't know me but he said i'm a preacher i'm the son of this nurse and he identified the situation he said i want you to know my mother has passed away but our in but she lived for god in the church the rest of her life our entire family came to the church he says and now i'm a preacher and we just want to tell your father thank you it's because of his witness that we're all in the church today and so because my father was courageous that family was saved but yet there's more 50 years later i would become the general superintendent of the united pentecostal church international my entire life has been influenced by the decision my father made because i grew up in korea and i saw the miracles and of course as i've already said my dad persevered in that calling and so the united pentecostal church of korea was established and a number of military works were established and there are many ministers not only in korea but in the united states of america black and white who were from the military who got saved or got their call to preach and their senior ministers throughout the world and both korea and america today of all races all from that decision my father made but that decision influenced my life and influenced my being the general superintendent but not only that several years ago when my both my parents have passed away but when my father died at that time our general secretary working with me at headquarters was brother jerry jones and he told this testimony he wrote this letter for my father's funeral and he said he had felt the call of god as a young man he was in college and he didn't really feel that he was qualified he couldn't really believe that it would be for him and so he didn't pursue what he felt was the call of god but one night he was in a missionary service and my father was speaking and my father gave the testimony that i just gave you my father said god only has to tell me one time what to do and brother jones said that night god spoke to him and said how many times do i need to tell you what to do and that night brother jones accepted his call to preach the gospel and so when that moment on he pursued ministry and the course of time he became the general secretary of the united pentecostal church international so now from the vantage point of some 50 plus years later at that time of my father's funeral both the general superintendent and the general secretary of the upci were there and it had inactive in ministry in large part because of that decision my father made over 50 years ago there's no way he could have known the impact of that decision whether on the nurse and her family whether on the nation of korea on all the military personnel who would be saved and called in the ministry and brought back to the us or upon the future general superintendent and general secretary of the upci there was no way he could know the ramifications of that decision all he knew he was in a time of trial and he needed to obey the will of god my point is this sometimes we have to be strong sometimes we have to be courageous and sometimes we have to be very courageous is god speaking to someone today to some pastor to some faithful saint that maybe your husband or wife or children are not serving the lord and you're facing opposition to some leader that you're having to deal with difficult situations maybe even involving ministry or churches but you've just got to stand for the will of god be kind be loving but at the end of the day you've got to stand for truth at the end of the day you've got to do the will of god you must resist evil you must be strong and courageous and sometimes you must be very courageous oh let's praise the lord right now let me hasten on i read part of verse 7 as you continue the discussion of being courageous it says don't turn to the left don't turn to the right and then you will prosper verse 8 the book of the law shall not depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night and do everything that's written for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous then thou shalt have good success there are many people that talk about being prosperous and successful i do believe god wants to bless us but the blessings are not always financial there are some churches that have become mega churches by talking about success and prosperity that's easy to say when you live in a prosperous country with a good economy but god has not promised to make our life easy necessarily or to solve all of our problems are to eliminate all trials yes we do trust in god's blessings and provision but these churches that attract the multitudes by just a simple message of success many times they don't want to preach about repentance or sacrifice or commitment or holiness but a true church is not only going to preach the blessings of god and have faith for those blessings but they're also going to preach the importance of commitment and most of all importance of obedience to the word of god now over the years i've noticed this as a leader some people will say oh you're too strict your doctrines are too strict too narrow the way of holiness is too hard and they will go off on the left and then other people will say oh you're compromising because you're changing your methods and maybe the way you do church and some of the customs and some of the methods are changing and we don't like that we want tradition if it's bible we need to stick with it but if it's true if it's human traditions and methods we must have flexibility to follow god's will and meet the challenges of our day but some people won't accept that and they will veer off to the right but i think god is saying go don't go off to the left and don't go off to the right don't be distracted by controversies and doctrines and traditions and personalities but just stick with the word of god stick with the way of holiness just go straight down the road and don't get sidetracked whether it's to the right or to the left keep your eyes on the destination keep your eyes on the will of god keep your eyes on the pursuit of holiness keep your eyes on your heavenly home and then in god's terms you will be prosperous and in god's term you'll be successful don't measure yourself by churches that have gone off in doctrine or that don't have the fullness of truth don't measure yourself by business success but measure yourself by your faithfulness to the will of god and faithfulness to the word of god we must remain apostolic we must remain jesus name we must remain holy ghost filled we must preach the new birth we must remain holiness people of god holiness on the inside with our attitude and spirit standing for uh all banner of righteousness standing against hatred and bitterness and jealousy and pride and racism and any other sin of the spirit standing for outward holiness of morality of life and modesty of dress following god's word no matter what the culture says stand on the word of god keep the word of god and go straight do not compromise do not fall by the wayside then in god's terms you will be successful and then notice after all of those instructions here we have verse 9 god says have not i commanded thee be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee wither so ever thou goest and here the third time in this chapter the fourth time counting what moses said the same command be strong and be courageous what an emphasis what a message i'm preaching to the united pentecostal church of jamaica let's move forward in the will of god and then i want to show you one more thing at the end of the chapter as joshua related god's will to some of the people notice in chapter 1 verse 16 they responded everything you command us we will do wherever you send us we will go as we listen to moses we're going to listen to you and here's what they said in verse 17 only the lord thy god be with thee as he was with moses and then they said in verse 18 if anybody reveal rebels against you he'll be put to death but then they concluded in verse 18 only be strong and of good courage and now the fourth time in the chapter of the fifth time in the story the same message first from moses the man of god three times directly from god and now the last time from the people of god the people will confirm in the end because they will follow the godly leader some won't some will compromise some will go by the wayside but by and large the people of god want to hear the truth and they want to follow the truth but they need a strong leader some leaders are weak and they want to preach to whatever they think the people hear but let me tell you this you're going to get what you preach if you preach the new birth people will be born again if you preach holiness people will make the consecration if you preach tithes and offerings people will give it if you preach gifts of the spirit miracle signs and wonders you'll see it the life of your congregation if you preach worship you'll have a worshiping church don't listen to the world don't listen to what you think people might want but you preach the word of god and the godly people people of faith will follow and so what the people are telling joshua we're going to follow you just as we did with moses only be strong and courageous in other words the people are saying if you'll be strong we'll be strong if you'll be courageous we'll be courageous i'm challenging our national leaders i'm challenging every pastor i'm challenging every minister i'm challenging every lay leader of the local church be strong and courageous do the will of god be a worshiper be a preacher and teacher of truth and godly people will follow you you will have a strong church people are looking for strong godly leadership they're saying if you'll preach the word we'll obey the word if you'll stand for truth we'll stand with you i'm challenging every leader today be strong and courageous do the will of god and we will have a strong church i come to a close there's so much more i could say but i want to make a practical application and i want you to carefully consider four questions and then i want us to pray i'm preaching moving forward in the will of god god wants us to inherit the land god wants us to grow god wants to give us a revival but we've got to be strong and courageous we've got to act in faith so let me ask you these four questions and please apply it in your own way to your own life in prayer right now and in the days to come the first question is what should you put behind you moses my servant is dead whether for good or ill the past is done we can't hold on to the past if it's glorious things we can't live in that and neglect the present if it's tragic things we can't dwell on that and let it hold us back so i'm asking you what do you need to put behind you what is god speaking to you you've got to let go you've got to close the door number two what decision should you make god is saying it's time to move forward what do you need to do in your personal life or in your church in your ministry to move forward into the will of god number three what are you facing let's be real and realistic what are our obstacles what are our challenges what are the threats what are the trials what are the enemies the adversaries they're not human they're spiritual so let's be honest what are we facing because we can overcome them if we know what they are and we plead the blood of jesus and call on the name of jesus and then finally what does god want you to possess in your personal life in your ministry in your church in the nation of jamaica with the upc of jamaica what does god want us to possess what does god want us to accomplish what is the vision that god is giving us individually and collectively then once we answer those questions i challenge you today move forward with strength and courage let's do the will of god and let's possess the land let's call upon the name of the lord together let's ask god to anoint his word right now let's ask god to speak to us clearly and personally individually and collectively let's move forward with strength and courage and let's accomplish the will of god in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we lift your hands let us worship him want to give god thanks for his words this time we invite you all to stand is there one would like us to pray for you before you go amen we are conscious of the time thank you jesus i invite you to bow your heads almighty god we give you a thanks tonight for your words surely god your words have embedded into our hearts and into your spirit their spirit has been transformed to make that change deep within us my regard as we leave this platform i pray god that the chains will not only be now but for the rest of our lives that transformation will take place somehow god we feel in our spirit something's about to change the king is coming therefore we pray tonight god that you'll help us all to be ready for your coming and for us god to be indeed true witnesses across this country and across this world there's so many who have not yet surrendered their lives to you and we pray god that you'll use us as a vessel as we impact the lives of many around us our families were friends holy god we continue to put jamaica before you lord the level of crime that we have seen the violence that we've seen there got to be a move of god there got to be individuals who will be willing to go to change the heart of man and the heart of a man holy god bless us we pray and this misses now with your rich blessing as we go across this region and across the country and across this world those who have listened from various platform we pray father to continue to minister to all of us and we say thanks to you in jesus name can we just lift our hands and just worship him father we worship you and we are to you to you be glory honor dominion and power we thank you for today we thank you for tonight we thank you for your words in jesus name
Channel: United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 14,950
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Id: 0LqzecC0XM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 48sec (14388 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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