UPCJ 76th Annual National Conference: Wednesday Afternoon -Rev. O’Garth W. McKoy Superintendent

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father of mercy and grace we're gonna sing it together one more time holy spirit [Music] me [Music] of mercy and grace this place [Music] [Music] of mercy and grace [Music] [Music] mercy [Music] this place [Applause] i'm gonna invite everybody to stand everybody in the sanctuary as we stand and lift our hands unto the lord even right now as we welcome the holy ghost in our midst even now hallelujah lord we welcome you we welcome you holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah thou art welcomed in this place hallelujah bless your name holy ghost we give you all the glory we give you all the praise for thou art holy there is no god like you jesus hallelujah lord you are welcomed in this place lord you are welcome in this place lord you are welcome in this place [Applause] [Music] are welcome in this place lord you are welcome in is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in this place [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this place is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's lift our hands as we worship the lord jesus hallelujah is worthy to be praised there is none like him we welcome his presence with us he has been with us since we start today and he's with us even right now we worship you we worship you we worship you we exalt you jesus hallelujah we honor you and we thank you for what you have been doing in our midst we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor hallelujah hallelujah we thank you jesus we thank you jesus in such a time as this at a critical juncture in this world and at this time we give the lord thanks for his goodness to us in our 76th annual national conference we want to use this opportunity to welcome everyone present here in this auditorium those of you online across the diaspora you're here with us today and we're grateful to god for providing us the kind of leadership that he choose for us to have at this time and so we're so grateful to have our national superintendent god has chosen him and his lovely wife minister maxine mccoy god provide us with leadership that is very valuable at this time where his kingdom is concerned and so [Music] it is my delighted pleasure to invite our national superintendent bishop hogart wentworth mccoy the man for this time that god has chosen to share with us an address to this church the organization across this country seven regions he's going to come at this time sister mccoy could you escort your husband to come and talk with us today oh praise the name of the lord jesus she's such a beautiful lady i listened to her yesterday as she ensure that we amen have quality presentation and stability in our operation as we await the board to be seated she was making sure put your hands together for sister mccoy ladies and gentlemen our national superintendent and his lovely wife [Music] and we praise the lord everyone maybe you did that because i asked you to out of obedience but could we just lift our hands unto the king of kings and the lord of lords the conquering lion of the tribe of judah father we honor your presence we thank you for your blood if it had not been for the lord it was on our side oh we bless your name we adore you we adore you i give honor to the spirit of almighty god the head of my life and at this moment in time you may take your seats please thank you for standing hallelujah to the lamb of god oh let's lift your hands unto the lord one more time shall we [Music] great god of heaven oh this this probably heads with me just for a moment heavenly father we recognize our dependence on you and so at this moment in time lord your presence is already here but whatever will be said and done lord we do it as unto your glory and your honor in jesus precious name amen it is with a deep sense of humility purpose and honor that i stand this afternoon to greet all members of the national board of the united pentecostal church of jamaica we have both our assistant national superintendents and their spouses reverend howard hell francis i'll tell you what the l means before i close since he so liked to say what my w means all right and to referend aral crooks and his dear wife and to reverend clebert s russell and his dear wife all of the members of the national board of the united pentecostal church of jamaica to all our pastors and ministers and their spouses amen and of course we want to pause and make a very very special mention of all our pastors and ministers put your hands together for them everyone amen amen amen [Applause] to my dear wife and family and all the members of bethel tabernacle refuge tabernacle and bethel boscobel and to all members of the entire united pentecostal church family of jamaica a very very special welcome to you but guess what brethren all the new members who have been transferred to the united pentecostal church between last year february to this very moment and to all the new converts all those who have been converted within the united pentecostal church of jamaica between last year february to this second day of march 2022 i greet you in a very very special way amen put your hands together for them everyone you'd be very delighted to hear what i'm about to say for the first time maybe we convened our national holy ghost rally in a different way and the interest of time i will not give you the breakdown now maybe later but our record shows that as at this past sunday the 27th of february we have on record where across the seven regions 49 precious souls receive the baptism of the holy ghost and 21 precious souls from baptized for the first time in the name of the lord jesus christ glory [Applause] and five precious souls were restored and we are praying that they will stay because there's no other place in this whole wide world than in the presence of the lord what a wonderful god just lift your hands i think this thing needs a standing ovation to our god oh great is our god just lift the hands and thank him thank him glory be to the lamb of [Music] god the people is one [Music] the people is one glory and nothing will be restrained from us that we have imagined to do with the lord on our side god bless you you may be seated in jesus name mighty god all right guess what so 49 plus 6 gives you 55. there was one assembly first upc mandible that we didn't receive the report from and so we're just adding it right about now so we have 55 precious souls to receive the baptism of the holy ghost [Music] and 21 3 that's 24 precious souls who were baptized in the name of the lord jesus christ give our great god a round in applause right now in jesus precious name almighty god we pray and god delivers the lord bless you you may be seated i know time is going but good news good news good news mighty god to all bishops pastors ministers and their spouses who may be viewing or present physically whether from the apostolic organizations here or in the diaspora or otherwise and to those who are not yet a part of the apostolic family worldwide who knows by the time we're through we might baptize some trinitarian pastas or bishops i'm very very serious i'm not smiling i am dead serious because the lord god almighty is with us and he is doing a job that only he himself can do all right the purpose of the national superintendent's address and for a few years now it is my responsibility i'm not going to tell the figure because it might frighten you i don't want to do that but to god be all the glory all right we must decrease and he must increase the purpose of the national superintendence address each year serves to motivate inform encourage and challenge each member of the united pentecostal church of jamaica that when we leave this 76th annual national conference on thursday night of this week god's willing we are ready everybody's are ready we are ready so we would have been motivated informed encouraged and challenged to be ready to label and to work for the master amen so that is our aim and secondly to highlight goals which we envisioned for the year on the review that's last year those which were accomplished and those which were not accomplished for whatever reason or reasons once again i say the journey continues the journey of the united pentecostal church of jamaica continues we salute all the unsung heroes who have blazed the trail from seven to six years ago to allow for us to have and to be the beneficiaries of this organization today and we clap our hands some of them have gone home to be with the lord some are incapacitated and are not able to be with us physically or maybe virtually but we thank god for our heritage you see when you have a relay doesn't matter how fast you can run that doesn't matter how quick you are even the great usain bolt at his prime he by himself could not run a relay oh lord help me here oh lord so it is partnership and so i'm looking physical and seeing some persons and i will not get myself and shop by calling names but i just want to highlight that there are some ministers here some of them have known since i was a child and they have remained like some rock by the riverside steadfast sturdy and strong all the storms all the tempest that have come they have remained faithful under god and it inspires me to know that if they could allow the grace of god to allow them to be standing after all these years then there is hope for the united pentecostal church of jamaica during the past year nine of our precious ministers pass from this life we salute the spouses of these stalwarts and their families and we encourage each and every one to continue to give full support to these precious family members who are still grieving i will advise invite us to stand as soon as i'm through calling all these names because i believe it is so very important one day if life lasts my name is going to be called or too all right you don't like that one right well that's the way it goes oh my remember reverend ershan and this is just an insert reverend n.a urshan while i was about 14 or 15 he told the story i'm just going to insert it in quickly he told a story of this man who was taking his father to the old folks home in jamaica we don't call it with such a nice name we call it poor house but in the americas they call the old folks home and so he had his father on his shoulder but when he reached in close proximity to that destination he rested his father on a large boulder and his father began to cry he said his father daddy it is not easy for me to do this and you crying doesn't make it any easier and his father was would say in jamaica balling and so he said daddy just give me one good reason why after i try to encourage you that i just have to do what i have to do you're still crying his father sobered up somewhat and said son i remember as if it was yesterday 50 years ago when i was taking my father to the old folks home and i stopped at this very boulder and i rested him there and he cried and he cried and i told him i'm sorry dad but this is just the way it has to be when this man's father was still giving him this story who can tell me what he did he took about his father and took him back home not the old folk so the moral of the story it doesn't matter what seem inevitable we can break cycles we can break chains because we serve a god who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we're able to ask or to think right let me go on so here are the names of these soldiers and we stand for these names pastor ambrose bancroft hind who departed march 9 2021 past the leonard bird august 3 in the same year pastor errol heinz errol j heinz august 26 pastor dr zedekiah mitchell september 10 minister darrell williams february 22 minister calbert reynolds minister webster james minister earl boyd and minister curtis smallwood may we all stand together please so here we have four pastors and five ministers who last year at a conference time they were alive and there are two others who though in this calendar year pastor eustis clark and his dear sister minister elise dockery who both of whom passed justice here may we observe a moment of silence for these standards please begin now amen the lord bless you their souls rest in peace as we continue brethren our mission the mission statement of the united pentecostal church of jamaica is to go into all regions of jamaica converting souls and developing them into effective witnesses for the glory of the lord jesus christ our vision statement states a transformed people live in transformed lives i will attempt to highlight some of our achievements for the year 2021 one an update on the newly developed national ministerial training and development program you would have heard of this so i mentioned update we are grateful to the lord that we are now at the last level so this program is designed to train and develop persons who are involved in the work of god but whose circumstances makes it very challenging or difficult for them to embark on the cbi three-year course so this is not a substitute for cbi but it is an additive as a result of circumstances thus giving those who have the desire the passion and the burden to work for the lord in all aspects of our movement to be equipped trained and developed by this route of course we've made it mandatory for persons who desire to be credentialed that mean to receive a credential with or organization to attend our cbi facility or an established apostolic organizational structure which has similar components of this program now you might ask why would you like to know that you were in any of the hospitals on our island and a doctor medical doctor comes in let's say a surgeon and he's smiling to the good morning and he said well i actually love to do surgical operations but i didn't have the time to go to any of the universities i didn't get any training but just be of good cheer everything is going to be all right is there anyone who would lie still in that bed all right i rest my case all right secondly the ministerial credential thanks be to the great god of heaven six persons were credentialed for the first time last year namely and i was hoping this morning and in the future if god turrets will have the names and the photographs of these persons that you can see them but it just occurred to me this morning to do so so bear with us this time well next you might very well don't have all these restrictions anyway by the grace of god is there anyone to to agree with me in jesus name all right so we have brother michael brown local license region one brother herland graham general licensed region 1 sister yvonne ricketts general license region 1 sister shirlene enclay shireen uncle jones general license region 2 brother santino grant general license region 4 sister michelle murray general licensed region 6. so these are new ministers then in addition five ministers received upgrade from local to general license namely minister moira pedler region 1 minister oral senior who preached the first message last night region 2 minister beulah allen region 5 minister gerald stewart region 5 and minister grace mcfarlane brown region six and we give god thanks for all of these amen put the answer together for them everyone it means though we will have to work harder because if you note there are four of our pastors who pass last year and one this year so the more we try to install new pastas is the more vacancies are being created and so it seemed an uphill task in fact some of these pastors were supervising more than one were and so it really means that we have a work cut out for us but we have a solution by the help of the lord praise the name of the lord now toward the ending of the year a decision was made to put things in place to ensure that a website which regrettably was done for a while would be up running and maintained and thanks be to god we have accomplished that and we say to god be the glory [Applause] now we facilitated the launching of our revised five-year strategic plan and growth initiative and you'll hear more about that and after this session there'll be a session we're members of the national board that we will not be able to be physically present together but we would like to have an interactive moment with the pastors ministers and membership membership of the united pentecostal church of jamaica because we realize that a chain is as strong as its weakest link and we want to link together as members of the united pentecostal church and to go into areas that we have never ever dreamed possible one of the things i admire about the united pentecostal church of jamaica and when i travel on behalf of upcg and i hear persons boasting about upci and i'm very happy they humbly both if you can put those terms together of the benefits they have derived from upci and i can say without a doubt that all i am and ever will be under god has been facilitated through the united pentecostal church of jamaica so it doesn't matter what happened i have nowhere else to go when i'm no longer superintendent i'm gonna give my full hundred percent to this organization as i was doing before i even came on this national board because this organization because it is orchestrated by the lord it is bigger than any one of us and it should outlast us and if i can do anything to make it better i am going to try by god's grace not to do anything to make it worse because it comes first hallelujah to the lamb of god and so i would like to say it is very very important to know it amen that that five year thrust will be doing it together and when you go and you hear them speak i can speak on behalf of this organization just the same or my training at cbi and of course it was facilitated in such a way that if i should have gone to another seminary it would have been more costly did you know that all right i'm moving on now so we had a special passes forum on the second day of december after we had the soft launching of or revised five-year plan right and we are grateful to about 69 pastors or ministers in charge of assemblies who were on that zoom platform and even some of our pastors who didn't like this zoom platform they have been coming on board putting hands together for them everyone because guess what whether this is going to be the precursor for the mark of the beast or not it's neither here nor dear we're occupying until the trumpet soul in jesus hallelujah all right moving on a new initiative that is been embarked on let's face it the question is why aren't more of our younger generation especially our brothers gravitating toward ministry and i wish we can talk on this one whatever the reason or reasons were decided as members of the national board that we will find creative means to get more of our brothers on board because even notice most if not nearly all of us you're seeing some gray hair we don't we're not gonna wait until we are about to expire we don't want for there to be a gap in ministry we want this generation to know that you are the strength the vigor and yes you might have some problems but you are not problems hallelujah so i've often times say this from i was working the youth department young people have problems that young people are not problems and so there must be a partnership and tell elijah it's not over your ministry is not over until there's a succession that is put in place to save god the next generation i wish i had time to preach i feel like i'll preach under god almighty i said elijah it doesn't matter how frustrated you feel it doesn't matter how fatigued you are it doesn't matter how depressed you are or you want to hide under a fig tree or in a cave elijah if you're hearing me your ministry is not over there's something else in you there's a jail that you must anoint there is an elisha that you must find and throw your mantra around him because the work of the kingdom must go on lift their hands and magnify god i feel god i feel god i feel you i feel the preaching coming on but i'm not here to preach god almighty so our revised five-year strategic initiative and in just a while you're gonna be seeing something on the screen right let me go the members of the national board doing our annual planning retreat last year reviewed our five-year plan we realized that in as much as there were several setbacks as a result of this global pandemic and some of which were highlighted prior to so we'll go back there a modification was done and a soft launch done also during our last national ministerial meeting which was convened on thursday october 28th so we're going through the main points of because you see i remember when this original five-year plan was launched by then superintendent reverend w.s stewart at the national arena it was the year 2000 that's approximately 22 years ago i remember the 10 large objectives that were placed all around the arena you remember it so we're coming from there and because this five-year plan is not an individual's plan it's the united pentecostal church of jamaica plan every successive superintendent has a responsibility with the national board as long as that is in trail to build on it to build on it we don't intend to restart anything we are building on that which has been established by our forefathers we don't want to make any name for ourselves the only done that is here is jesus christ he is the author and the finisher of our faith oh jesus said so number one evangelism thrust increased soul winning initiatives across the island each member being involved in personal evangelism to win at least one soul annually i'm coming back to that i know somebody said well i've heard that already will he gonna hear it again until he comes to your eyes your ears every part of you because this is really what we're about this represents our purpose this is what we are about this is what help us to fulfill our mission that's the reason you're going to any establishment and you see their mission statement and their vision statement a few years ago we ensure that in all the upc assemblies as you walk in them you should see the mission statement and the vision as well and i hope they are still there and they are not there just for monuments they are there to challenge us that each and walk into any upc assembly whether it be small or large because small is relative and large is relative but we must grow we must grow there's a growth principle in psalm one verse three it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water hallelujah bring it forth is fruit in his season so small is not a problem but we must grow once we have life the lord expects us to grow number two church growth physical and virtual presence increased access to the gospel message as per acts 2 38. number three a holy ghost driven up cj you know what i'm happy about with this noble movement any member of the united pentecostal church of jamaica as long as we strive to behave ourselves and live right in a process of time anybody can become the national omissions director anybody can become the national superintendent or any other office it's not selected for a selected few that tells me that we have a healthy organism oh lord jesus i feel like preaching again i said we have unhealthy organism and so anyone can matriculate to any position as long as we walk to please the lord and its purpose is being done in our lives so when we work together we work together as a team there's some entities that is governed otherwise and i'll just leave it at that all right number four preservation of the apostolic identity develop a body of believers knowledgeable in the apostolic doctrine committed to holy living number five a strong united upcj strengthening unity in the body jesus equipping members to become spiritually emotionally and otherwise sound having ministers and members effectively trained and assigned to specific new and existing works so we need to challenge some established assemblies about starting new works we have a mother-daughter church policy that is at our disposal and it's not wise especially in this time just to say and if there's one good thing about corvid it has opened all mines of things outside of the box while souls are crying and men are dying pastor reid the lord has a load this coveted phenomena to open our eyes to see the harvest feel in a way we have never seen it before and we have the wherewithal and the lord is on our side so it's time to go mighty god number six economic viability of the upcg developer financial performance monitoring and evaluation structure to enhance same and number seven which has added just over a year ago a parallel online portal that means we even in the midst of lockdown the church of the living god is unstoppable somebody didn't hear me i said even in the midst of the the most restricted lockdown the apostolic church the united pentecostal church of jamaica is not stopped unstoppable but let me warn our virgin we don't intend for you to continue to want to be on zoom when the lord is open in revelation the lord said when he shuts no man open and when he opens no man's shot some of the lord opens the door for us to move back into face to face i'm begging us i assure thee by the living that we don't stick to zoom and want to stay in our room but we go there because souls are dying and men are crying [Applause] oh lord jesus help me help me help me hallelujah if we if we continue to do the same thing the same way inevitably we will continue to get the same result the national board took the decision to re-engage our fellowship by using a different approach because all our assemblies within all our seven regions would be so engaged at their levels so all along before successive leadership structure we allowed for a national goal that was decided on by the board with good intention we sub the violence in the districts then we sub the valley in the regions now and then we give the assemblies goal and say all right you go and work with this and it does flop that's the most appropriate adjective so we decided isn't it better because the assemblies are in different geographical locations so the logistics are different so instead of using up top and working on goals for the local assemblies we decide to change the methodology we said all right pastors get with your board get with your department and leaders get to the membership at the different levels and you look at all the structure you pray about this you fast about this and you decide now how many persons you think that god can help you to win if god targets five years from now i want to ask the i.t process to put that presentation on the screen as soon as possible please all right and so once the assemblage notice said that the pastor or the minister in charge with the boards of the past is not doing it by himself and so they get with the departmental leaders and other workers in the assembly and then all the members because all the members must be involved so bill we the wall and the wall was joined to the after of because the people at a mine to work one shall chase a thousand two shall put ten thousand to flight three shall put a hundred thousand and four shall put a million all right there it is all right so guess what so we distributed this at the soft launch and we said to all the paris and ministers this is the approach we discussed it and we discussed it also at the pastors forum online and we had a very very good and interactive session and it's something we really need to do if it's even two or three times out of the year right with the passes only just rapping seeing what the challenges are and all we can help each other because iron sharpness iron lord help me and so guess what we got this done and it doesn't matter the size of the assembly once you put the figure in so goals for membership baptize and fill right so what you see happening now you have a five-year membership goal you have the current average membership so the current average membership let's say 78 and the assembly as i just described you're going to decide now is not the national board not the superintendent you are going to decide under god how many persons you want to target and you are going to get all the members and the workers involved in achieving this and so once you put the figure in it automatically calculates itself so if you ever say it's a long time you left school i don't remember how much this worked out if you notice any figure you put in it breaks it down on an annual basis and tells you how many should be almost should be the target each year and there's another one that was the first one done there's another one that breaks it down back to quarterly goals as well you hear that brethren so once you put the figure in it works it out and you know oh much should be your goal on an annual basis so let me just use this one quickly so the five-year membership goal is 200 while the current membership of the assembly is 78. so automatically it is going to require one 122 persons within a five-year period to achieve the goal of reaching 200 within a five-year span and the other one factors in a retention factor so might migrate some might pass from this life some might backslide so we need to have a retention component we need to reach out in addition to this thrust we need to reach out to all the persons who see mainly our vaccine from the assemblies we don't give up on them but can i say that one more time for free we are not giving upon them oh lord oh lord i was going to use the terminology i'm not sure used to that one so let me hold it back but i'm saying come hell or high water we are going back for them that's not the one i use a different one i'm saying we want to get our membership to realize that when you see the backsliders it doesn't matter all they look what color they have whether they paint the feast the painting here will depend any part they are still seen as our souls and nothing is wrong with saying praise the lord jesus i feel a preaching because the bible says let everything that i've read praise the lord shall say praise the lord to their mother give them a pretty smile and tell them that you love them and get them to come and pray them pray them too because sometimes it's the devil who has got them and get them boned up and we need people don't care how much we know until they know how much we care jesus said me i'm running i'm running so all pastors and ministers in charge of assembling with me to the local board of the assemblies then the leadership and then the members and based on the logistics of each location the assembly should be at liberty to establish their five-year goal with flexibility based on their location the goal would have three components one representing the membership those baptism film and you just saw that secondly the average sunday school everybody's in sunday school and sunday school is not just for children i know some process called christian education evil overseas but what they call a christian educational summer school is the same tool so sunday school is the right tool hallelujah and if you don't no longer go to day school you can be a part of sunday school am i speaking here oh lord and guess what we're encouraging the assemblies to move back into face to face under school if the government can move back into face to face on the school and their sundays their day school only lasts until the grave our sunday school will equip people for beyond the grave almighty god i'm running and number three or c weekly bible study attendance and when we are doing this in the matriculation we we doesn't it doesn't matter how many persons in a diaspora we welcome them or who are not say we welcome them but we must find a way to ascertain the number of members of the assemblies who are logged on to bible studies one of the reason why the enemies use enforced doctrine to really create avoc in some assemblies is because we have not been as consistent with our bible study and so we have plans to even help pastors and ministers with with different tools to help you to teach bible study yes you'll pray it's not already done thing but some tools to assist you in getting the job done amen this five-year goal would be broken down into hearing goals then quarterly goals for each assembly but guess what up now the the goals and the assemblies will be submitted to represent the regional goals so this is all the regional goal is going to be devised right so all the 10 assemblies in one region when you add these goals that will constitute the goal of the region and so the presbyter would now have another component within the structure we discussed that already so on the regional leadership level there is someone there a new person and their responsibility will be to help to monitor the assemblies because people don't do what you expect they do what you inspect say we don't put an inspection or monitoring mechanism people just start and then they stop doing it and if you don't know at the end of conference they say well let's stop off at mont two or three we don't want that brethren because we're talking about souls we're not in the carpet industry we're not in the cattle industry we're not in the you know but we are in people industry we are dealing with souls and this is the only asset in the world that will last for eternity so we're going to put all our shoulders to the wheel and we move into it and i realize my time is it's on almost upwards four minutes let me see if we can use this and wrap it so the retention mechanism and so these reasonable goals will submit now into a national goal so when you see the national goal and someone will be you know from an administrative position from a national perspective now to able to monitor on a national basis so let's say at the end of doing all of this and all these goals coming from each assembly across our region let's say it shows using wrong figures that we have ten thousand i'm just using this as wrong things right let's see it shows that we have ten thousand members within our fellowship but let's say it also show that if god tarries in five years we are going to have say 30 000. and this is not fictitious [Applause] we did say with god all things are possible but when we have tangible goals and we have monitoring mechanisms to help to make it our god it's more eager to make this happen have you ever considered the percentage of our population that are not apostolics can you imagine and we won't have time to go into all that but just make you you're aware oh lord this i'm gonna stop here no oh lord this is the first serialized timer not on me but i'm going to just say one last bit skipping over something it's so important the church grow so we go back to all these and there are some things so we try to bring some of them that are important but church growth physical and virtual presence and this is just achievements you know we installed four passes during the year 2021 amidst and each year in the midst of the pandemic even when there were only 15 persons or 10 persons we decided we're going to install because we need pasta we need boots on the ground we need leaders underground to lead god's people even in the darkness of night and so through god we're able to achieve that there before we're five last year there were four i'm running through quickly so minister garfield and sister um p malcolm were installed at calvary pentecostal tabernacle golden grove center and region 4 on august 26 to god be the glory minister o'neil and if we have time with i like this person i really want to do it minister o'neill and shireen nehmar at the branch of upcsm no name the lord's harvest tabernacle of upper temple all saints and region one on september 16 minister isaiah doubler wilson and his wife claudia right they were installed at ginger hall um saint thomas region 3 on october 21 and minister clinton and his wife sister patrice smith were installed at faith table like stewart field saint thomas region 3 again on november 25 2021. so i'm saying president we have achieved somewhat but we are not satisfied we need more everybody some more because the devil is is killing so many persons you heard the statistics of the crime and violence we want by the grace of god to do that let's stand together oh my goodness oh my goodness as i close united pentecostal church of jamaica with the lord on our side can we do this can we do this the hour is dark understandably times we must push asks esther and i close at this esther was live in a time of crisis she was strategically placed in the kingdom at this time and she didn't have a clue because most times he wanted god to tell us before all the different information that we desire but we don't have that prerogative we must follow unto noah and so all of a sudden the letter was signed and the truth even the lineage for the messiah would have been cut off by the adversary but guess what the lord allowed esther to be in the kingdom at that time her cousin sent a message to her and said hey esther this is what you need to do but she was reluctant at first he sent another message i said i said don't think that because you are the queen you are going to escape this one for if you all together hold your peace at this time then shall their enlargement and deliverance appear to the jews they must be the truth the jews cannot cut off the jews cannot messiah must come and so get what esther you have been strategically possessed been positioned here for a purpose for a reason at this time but if you ever pray the fool if you ever hold your peace at this time enlargement must come from somewhere else oh lamb of god but you and your father's house are going to be destroyed and esther miss queen who know it whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this all the purification all the preparation all of the things that have come to you is for this cause it's for this end and when essa got that message something hit her in her spirit and she decided it's time to push and start to say all right go get all the folks in tucson and i want you to fast for me night and day for three days and i also have not been calling to go into the king for a while but i reached a stage now i realize it's time to push because it seems the dark clouds are settling on the jews and i am as you it's time to push so i'm gonna pass and pray i reached a stage right now where i am desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures and after we prayed for three days and three nights i'm gonna go in before the king and if i perish i perish even kill me kill me but i'm pushing united pentecostal church of jamaica it's time to push we are in a crisis and many souls are at stake some are related to you by blood but i'm saying whether or not we are come to the kingdom for such a time as this my eyes are closed i'm not gonna see you but if you're committed to the cause of jesus christ as we close this session i wanted to lift the hands not to me but unto the lord jesus christ he's the one who is going to say on that day well done no good and faithful servant you don't need a credential to push you don't need an office to push you don't need a title to push lamb of god you don't need but the energy of god to push and when you have the anointing and you pray and you first and you seek the lord we're gonna push out the darkness we're going to push brought the darkness because of the times god bless the united pentecostal church of jamaica jamaica needs us now like never before may there be a catalyst oh that will ignite love of god our spirit to when we go back into our regions all occasions go to your past i said pastor i got a burden at conference online or face to face and i'm tired of sitting down and warming bench i am living the life jesus wants me to what can you help me to do their prayers that events in them cards we can make a difference god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you in jesus name [Music] so [Music] hallelujah after listening to our strategic objective for this organization the world at large 2020 there was what is called a millennium development goal it's 22 years ago 22 years ago we had the launch of the goals of the united pentecostal church as you heard our superintendent shared with us as well now the world leaders as it relates to building on the millennial development goal that was started in 2000 in 2015 to build on this millennial development goal 193 nations of the world met paris september 2015 and they put in place what we call the 2030 agenda for people planet and prosperity 17 goals with 169 targets where these 17 goals are concerned the final goal number 17 speaks to partnership and every leader of each country is expected to ensure their mantra is that no one should be left behind so to ensure that these goals are accomplished by 2030 and different ones in the leadership of the world at their world economic forum they seek to have the brightest minds to come together to ensure that these goals for the world is accomplished the world is going to shift the resetting and so every leader every government their mantra is that no one should be left behind these goals must be realized and it's for 2030 that's their agenda and they are pushing it they are pushing it and they do have an assessment as it relates to where these goals have reached now 22 years ago there was the goal for the united pentecostal church as we were told earlier on and we can recall visiting the national arena and seeing them posted right around the arena [Music] the strategic objectives is building on the twin uh that agenda that goal that was put in place 22 years ago and so you have listened to the seven objectives of this agenda our goal that was shared by our national superintendent it is said a chain is as strong as the weakest link that's what our superintendent said and all of us as pastors and ministers we want to ensure that the membership grows we want to ensure that our sunday school grow we want to ensure that our bible studies grow and so partnership as we were told by our superintendent is very important in every pastor unlike the world they're pushing their agenda we need to push the agenda of the church god strategically places us at this time the world is pushing their agenda we as pastors as members everyone should endeavor to partner we're hacked to partner in this and so unity is strength and as we go back into our regions ensure that we support this agenda the launch as you heard it was done thanksgiving service night where these agendas are concerned and so i beg of us today as we wait for the 2026 agenda that will be the vision that will be shared with us coming up now i ask of us tomorrow heads quickly pastors and ministers power your heads across the regions think of it we are pushing our five year objectives and so we need to pray that god will give us the kind of a strength to ensure that those whatever state they are in as you listen to the description that our superintendent speaks to backsliders sinners however they look we want to bring them back into the fold no one should be left unreached let's borrow heads of the actual order give us the kind of strength and the energy to accomplish this task together let's not be that weak link but help us to be that strong link in the chain in brief let us pray father help me help us to be that strong link to allow your agenda to be realized in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name this whole ship has been through battles before [Music] storms and tempests with rocks on the shore [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] the questions [Music] songs [Music] is rejoice [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah can we lift our hands and glorify him [Music] but church [Music] triumphant is alive and well kovid are no kovid wars are no wars violence or no violence storm or no storm snow or no snow it doesn't matter as long as the rapture has not yet taken place the church triumphant is alive and well praise god the lord bless you you may be seated praise the name of the lord praise god i want to recognize the presence of two of our presbyters who have joined us this afternoon presbyter moncrieff from region 2 the lord bless you sir and your family good to have you with us presbyter robert edwards from region 5 and sister edwards the lord bless you good to have you with us praise god we heard about the involvement of the regions and sometimes we tend to disqualify ourselves some regions but we're so organized that regardless of where you put yourself in terms of where you're qualified to sit and support you cannot miss the opportunity to work and therefore the united pentecostal church of jamaica not only does it has seven regions but there are a number of divisions departments in which people can find work to do bless the name of the lord and so it is brethren over the next 20 25 minutes we're going to be looking at the plans of the departments for 2022 our missions department is led by pastor francis praise the name of the lord or men's fellowship by pastor lyndon johnson a woman's fellowship by minister roxanne york her sunday school division by minister lorna senior or youth department by minister hussein jones the bpta is led by minister peddler and of course there is cbi caribbean bible institute led by minister norman mchugh all these department have something for us to do there is a work brethren we have been called into the kingdom for such a time as this and in our 76 year of existence we present to you at this time the plans by the department of the united pentecostal church of jamaica for the year 2022 find a place to work in jesus name they they just indicate that the promotions will be shown here and it will also be on youtube it will be placed on our website so you can go back and look at them and see what the divisions are doing in the year 2022 the departments of the united pentecostal church of jamaica in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men and be strong the vision of the men's department is to organize and implement strategies for the growth and development of men and by extension or boys in the areas of leadership ministry integrity fellowship family life and having an all-round spirit of excellence the department focuses on the following activities men mentorship program national men's month in april celebrating our fathers on father's day building our men through annual men's conferences and retreats developing a care support group and conducting regional training exercises we want our men to find valuing uplifting others to work hard to build their families to keep their minds and actions pure to find their identity in god knowing that your strength comes from him and ultimately submitting to the work of god as we build the kingdom together for further information on the ministry and how you can participate speak with your local assembly men's fellowship president brothers let's mobilize ourselves in our regions and local assemblies to become service oriented people leading in the kingdom let's build relationships and help each other all on board let's go 2022. first timothy 4 12 let no man despise the youth but be an example of the believers in word in conversation in charity in faith and in purity [Music] the national youth department is on a mission to reach evangelize and develop youth in all regions to be effective witnesses for the glory of god or lord and savior jesus christ [Applause] so get ready as this year through our shifts of christ initiative we hope to raise funds to help even more churches get the tools they need to move the gospel our youth evangelism outreach ministry will be on the move in the highways and the byways preaching the word of god in and out of season join our youth chorus as they go out in our communities bringing healing deliverance and breakthrough join us for youth rallies and youth as we band together to uplift our youths and prepare them for the challenges ahead yes understanding the times we will push pray pursue persevere until something happens join the youth department in action at a united pentecostal church assembly near you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it the vision of the national sunday school department is to save our children as well as our adults to this end our tagline for 2022 is grow through sunday school let's grow g go r reach o r w world through sunday school we believe that if in each united pentecostal assembly the people of god both children and adults make a determined effort to grow go reach our world through sunday school there will be a great revival and harvest of souls all over jamaica our vision is to see men women boys and girls who attend our sunday school saved and making a great contribution to the kingdom of god throughout the course of the year we plan to have ore children's crusade junior bible quiz double attendance drive and seven super sundays junior camp national teacher certification national sunday school examination national sunday school training seminar national sunday school teacher recognition week among other activities through either virtual or face-to-face interactions let's all get involved in our sunday schools great sunday schools build great churches get ready on your mark let's grow imagine an integrated network for apostles businesses professionals and trade persons all working together to ensure the growth and development of all while sharing the gospel that is the vision of the united pentecostal church of jamaica business professional and traits persons association bpta the united pentecostal church of jamaica has a wealth of skilled personnel such as teachers lawyers doctors engineers contractors masons plumbers welders craft makers upholsters i.t professionals farmers landscapers motivational speakers writers designers dressmakers painters and so much more all of these are services we utilize at one point in time the bpta aims to provide an easier way for apostolics to support each other in business while providing direct support to business owners and professionals who choose to be a part members of the association benefit from events such as seminars lunch ons and motivational sessions as well as financial and management advisory services and markets research the association also hosts trade shows and expos displaying member products and services and has started a digital directory for member services we pray every state who has a professional skill trade or business will sign up to be a part of the bpta and that every saint in need of a business service or product will contact the bpta to support these apostolic businesses to be a part of the bpta call the upc j headquarters at 876 960-2318 that is 876-960-2318 [Music] it is time we as apostolic entrepreneurs rise up and grow together in unity let's do it together with the bpta [Music] [Music] study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 2nd timothy 2 15. one of the greatest tools in the hand of the church to evangelize the world today is bible schools bible school most definitely has become a tool in the hand of the church to enlarge the vision of its membership as to the harvest and their responsibility as a repo the caribbean bible institute emerged out of the identified need for trained workers to meet the demands of the harvest field in 1947 by reverend ralph v reynolds over the years cbi has undergone changes and development in governance curriculum faculty and student enrollment as it continued in its mandate to equip students to maximize their god-given call of service in the overall work of the church and other fields of work in the words of the current president reverend norman mchugh spirit makes men and the primary focus of the institute is growing the spirit of the student to do what they have been called to do rev james poitras director of global association of theological studies upci puts it this way students don't arrive in our bible school classrooms as spiritual giants they come with willing hearts and pass through a spiritual formation and maturation process effective bible school programs enable students to reach their maximum potential we are equipping others for works of service in god's kingdom ephesians 4 12 and an apostolic ministry and growing believers towards leadership this is the sole purpose behind the caribbean bible institute the cbi has one main campus which is located in kingston and two support sites one central and one in the west the institute offers a three-year diploma in theology and a one-year certificate in counseling along with other christian related courses conducted in modules the resilience of this noble institution is testimony to the faithfulness of god to enroll in the caribbean bible institute please contact the administrative office at the main campus 45 eastwood park road at 876 906 5467 or by email cbi east evening yahoo.com applications where the next semester opens in summer 2022 get enrolled [Music] who shall find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies the vision of the national women's fellowship department is to create a holistic environment in which ladies realize their god-given potential in the development of their mind body and soul come be a part of the sisterhood as we band together this year to achieve our mission of reaching every woman and girl in the united pentecostal church of jamaica and beyond join us every first monday of the month for original sons and daughters of zion poor and fasting as we go before the throne of grace and push pray until something happens don't miss our women in ministry conference where we equip and empower women of effective ministry in the kingdom join our national men's and women's conference regional one day ladies convention training programs upliftment seminars and outreach ministries as we unite to develop our ladies while glorifying our lord and savior jesus christ give generously to our pastor's care network where we provide financial assistance to the families of our pastors and ministers in need there is also our pastors and ministers kids conference geared towards reaching the children of our pastors and ministers giving them the extra guidance they need to support their families in service and let's not forget arjuna ladies arm for young women ages 13 to 30 as we follow the titles to command of our older women teaching the young and engaging them to achieve high standards of personal and professional development while sustaining their apostolic identity through programs such as our annual esther establish her conference yes sisters wives mothers daughters of zion there is something for each of you through our national women's fellowship so get involved today in your local assemblies women's department or ladies will be there to welcome you into the sisterhood and help guide you on your journey to becoming a biblical woman of honor a woman of value an apostolic woman of virtue [Music] john maxwell posits the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra the national missions department sees extra in excellence as a process knowing that success is a journey not the destination we implore everyone to see missions as men in sin sinking in or nation swiftly we therefore appeal to every member of the team to hear the concepts we share as great ministry teams should solve problems together the national admissions department crave your support in the following activities or national day of fasting national prayer conference departmental workshop and training seminars pentecost sunday new convert care program missions faith promise offering home bible study program coin a day drive regional crusades national school of missions national growth seminar missions convention radio evangelism visitor follow-up program pioneering program and the restart of the national prayer life our mission statement is to strengthen our base for worldwide evangelism by opening and establishing new works in under evangelized areas of jamaica as well as determining and promoting specific missions our vision statement is to see transformed people living transformed lives let us face the facts the holy spirit throughout all assemblies as we impact our world let's seek for 2022 to understand the times let us push pray until something happens push to please god push to worship push to win souls push for doctrinal purity push for care for the family push for health concerns push to make it to heaven pause puss push [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great is our god how great is his name he's the greatest one forever he rolls back the water off the mighty red sea he said i need you won't you trust how great is his name forever [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is from [Music] hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord how great is our god how great is his name you may be seated at this time praise the name of the lord the good book tells us that where there is no vision the people perish so as we celebrate this our 76th year of existence as the united pentecostal church of jamaica it is with a sense of joy and humility that i use this opportunity to launch vision 26 to the glory of god as the church we have grown from strength to strength winning spiritually or spiritual as well as physical battles and have led fast and held fast to the apostolic doctrine of truth while still actively carrying out the great commission so today brothers and sisters near and far those in-house those online we launched our vision 2026 of our assembly forward still is jehovah's will let us all start this journey of vision 2026 together because united with the help of god nothing nothing shall be impossible i invite us now to turn our attention to the screen as we start this journey of vision 2026 god bless you together we can and together we will push let me introduce you to our campsite project to start off our vision let us turn our attention to our screen under the leadership of reverent pv reynolds in 1975 the united pentecostal church of jamaica acquired five acres of agricultural land in the lush and cool small town of monique st dan the land was purchased to create a space for the organization's activities the first set of plans were made in 1985 which proposed for the construction of a chapel conference center and a few dormitories it was presented to the national board but due to high overall costs the plans were put on hold at the turn of the millennium another serious attempt was made by the then superintendent reverend w stewart a prospective preliminary drawing was done by pastor esmon creeve unfortunately it did not come to pass however in 2007 under the leadership of reverend j smith a committee was tasked in preparing the land to host our camp events which was usually outsourced that committee included reverend h francis reverend g king reverend crooks reverend l york reverend esmond creef and reverend c reynolds it took 21 days to develop the sighting time for its first event the first youth camp held on or grounds the following year we hosted our first national conference on the campsite growns though the conference no had a home there was still work to be done does anyone remember the challenges faced in 2009 aka year of the mud by 2010 an additional eight acres of residential land was acquired to facilitate more developments there has been remarkable milestones including the expansion of the auditorium as faulting of the driveway construction of retaining walls and a sanitary convenience as it is the campsite has been used to host national and regional activities wedding receptions and various events for other church bodies think about it god has truly brought us from a mighty long way currently we're making strides in the legal process to repurpose the land for commercial and institutional use as this will allow us to build a multi-faceted conference center facility the upcj national board has governed a team of persons to execute this plan and make it a reality the team will be led by executive project sponsor reverend ogarte mccoy project sponsor reverend clee bert russell project manager and the cheer person sister tanisha bryce rainford [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can hear [Music] moving i can feel you moving right now [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] how can you contribute one through your prayerful support of the campsite development committee two participate in our upcoming fundraising activities when announced three invest in this vision either individually or as a group by making donations to our campsite bank of nova scotia account or on the www.upcjconference.com look out for further details on our upcj facebook page or at www.upcjconference.com [Music] [Music] praise the lord everyone are you ready for vision 2026 the church is moving on forward still is jehovah's will and all you have been displayed we carried you through a virtual tour today and we know with the help of god all of you sitting right here will soon be seated in that auditorium as you watched as we went through praise god so today as we open the platform for vision 2026 i ask of you to partner with us partner with the team partner with the organization partner with the bishop on the national board as we made this a reality and you heard how you can partner but i can go further to say you can mark your name on two blocks praise god you can put it on a bag of cement praise the name of jesus hallelujah you can have your name written carved in that conference center let's do it together let's come together because we can let's push praise the name of jesus as i invite our superintendent to open the platform for vision 2026 god bless you [Applause] are you excited about what we are embarking on i wanted to stand together and shout a praise unto god [Applause] where there is no vision the people perish you may be seated for a moment i am very very very excited since 1975 to date but guess what we're not going to be late 1975 to date but we're not going to be late and so it is important just before we share some other things if you have any pertinent question because we have shared how you are able to participate and members of the committee are here and of course a cheer person so we'll be happy to respond to any critical question that you have so let's give a few minutes is there anything that you have any question you have any comment you want to make quickly we're going to use our time wisely that means you're ready you're right oh i passed the neighborhood all right uh let me see if we can get another mic because this you're gonna need one to respond to him in matters that you're better able to than i am right so pastor nemward was about to ask what i believe is a very pertinent question with respect to costing let's hear it from him yes sir thank you i was asking if the projected estimate is ready and if it is broken down into how we could contribute perhaps as assemblies are so on all right i love that question anybody else who love that question i love that question praise the lord and i'm going to ask my team just to join me so we can answer the questions together pastor moncrief minister rainford praise god if you could just join me brother winter praise the lord jesus and in regards to the question from pastor nehmar in regards to the costing we have just started that we have met with tanquel and we're in the process of meeting with other contractors to see how best we can as a team that cost we have a figure in mind at this time plenary costing which will will run through the board but we have not finalized that because we have other vendors that we're trying to approach to get us a more accurate figure yes um the the project we're looking at it it consists of the auditorium and two um two additional structures which are um we call dormitories which there are six rooms like hotel arrangement and with those two buildings along with the auditorium there is a a rough projected figure based upon what we have received from um one of the major contractors it will run us about a billion dollars uh per 1.2 billion overall for the auditorium plus the two dormitory um structure and that will also covers um you know pavement because we have to have parking facilities and things like those so that's a raw figure nothing in detail but roughly you can look at that 1.2 billion roughly can we do it can we do it [Applause] any other question praise the lord everyone i just want to ask a question before i ask a question i want to make a comment um one billion is one million million so one million million that's not one billion so that's a lot of money don't it all right let me ask a question and maybe the soup will answer this question what is our perspective as it relates to a telethon teletron yes what's it what's what's upc perspective on it we've never discussed it as a board so to be difficult to give a board's perspective you know but at the same time in light of other spheres before let me say it's something we will discuss first let me better say that right sister senior and then well our assistant already will be next all right um i'd like to know if it's going to be done in phases and what would be the first phase okay so the campsite development is a phased project and what we just showed you on the screen in regards to the conference facility it is phase one the other phases will include the dormitories that are going to be retrofitted it will also include where we're looking at um lodgings other lodgings maybe villas maybe to go into some timeshare we are also looking at a area a recreational area that will be retrofitted to play different activities on right so it is a phased project but the first phase is to ensure that we change the use of land that no exists on the property and to build the conference center that we can now start using the the facility so that's phase one and the costing the projected casting that pastor moncrief spoke about consists only of phase one okay first if i may add um so um we we have the phases in which we are you know we're planning out to get everything done um however i believe her question was more targeted towards construction and yes it has to be right of course we have this grandiose plan right but everything takes steps and so everybody's help is necessary so that we can go forward and achieve these smaller phases so that in the end we can have what we see on the screen right so yes there's a there's a follow-up question afterwards or assistant rather than pastor francis thank you for that information just wanted to know though the the the um construction of the auditorium is the first phase but currently well not since kovit but i mean eventually we will go back to hosting camps and conferences where we need um dormitory facilities um how will we treat with that during the building of the the auditorium amen so basically we have dormitories already which are temporary dormitories it's not a plan of the project itself so what we envision is that we're going to be moving to the construction of the auditorium as the first phase and then roll out the permanent structures which would include the dormitories and other amenities so the first phase is to have that hose that will never have a mod lake again amen we'll have a constructed um building that we can comfortably sit and have our sessions amen so all right so if you know the land um we're going to be constructing this auditorium it is a pretty sloped bit of plan which may have about uh from the low point on to the highest level of the area on which we are going to be constructing might be about 14 about 12 to 14 feet in terms of elevation so we have to create flat space so the first thing we'll have to do is is to do some earth movement flat the area construct retaining walls and ensure that we have proper drainage in place so that will have to be the very first phase of the development we looked at a very um we looked at a at a minimum cost to really do that aspect of it and we we looked at about 18 million dollars to really do the earth movement um compacting you know um earth and build routine in walls in preparation for the auditorium and what about it too is that the objective of the committee is to is to build the area in which we'll be able to meet the meeting area which would have a seating capacity of about 6 000 persons the objective is to build that aspect first which is steel frame and then would build a round up with other um amenities um as we go on amen it's important to note as well that the intended site is a site that is verging land so it's not as if when we start that process is going to interrupt what we now have as our convenience which is beautiful so as we build we look towards its completion and still operate as we were before and then we move into that construction hallelujah do you see that vision where we go into that conference center at the united pentecostal church of jamaica that first phase shall ignite a fire that completes the entire [Applause] praise the lord um in your cost um my sister she had said that there is an estimated cost that has been put to the to the board um in your cost is it that you would have used a company to do the project or if so um would you consider skilled i know we've lost some skill workers over the years but would you consider using skill workers within the organization to leave some of those classes all right so praise the lord again so so far what we have done is to have a site visit with tankwear limited and that was an important um start for us because we got projections as to what it would likely cost now everyone knows and we were advised by tanquel as well that there are some creative ways that we can use now to get this construction done which we are exploring amen amen so what we're wanting to do now through the support of the board is to put some options on the table as to how we can finance it just as how a lot of the construction that are taking place now are financed creatively amen so we want to look at some of those options and then chart a way forward praise the lord everyone i'm so excited you know i like to talk about money in my field i talk about money and i believe we can do it under god we can't do it we went to the camp we went to the site we did a physical visit and we got apples we got we got water coconut i mean oranges it's fruitful it's like when you know joshua transpired the land that's how i feel about this and i want to impart this excitement to you gracie we can do it under god we can do it under god in the name of jesus you know i had um we have pastor kenroy we are working as a team customer cloud and when we looked at that project can you imagine if 500 persons over 52 weeks that is that 20 6 000 per person that's a total of a hundred thousand 130 right there right there just one nickel 500 i mean it's not the cost of a phone card i mean we know if we talk so much from the phone no so so we can let's do it together maybe we don't even have to go to any big funding the people had a mind they had a mind and they brought their surprise and they had to tell them to hold on hold on we don't need it anymore i believe from this august body today that we can do it in jesus name god bless you just a minute as well so to the question about the participation of trade persons and professionals yes so when we discuss the matter of financing with the project certainly what we are going to have a discussion with them as well through the board is what aspects of the project will be contracting to them and what will allow our members to do amen amen and you know we have our bbta president on board sister peddler so she will definitely be ensuring that our trades persons and skills persons they are incorporating and as you can see do you feel the fire of the project team praise god right um the next question is from pastor francis then there's one on the screen all right thank you before the question i would love to say commendation to the team that is now working i think we should give them a rose in hand thank you well i wanted to ask about the financing but i already hear how financing will be done i would also ask that this lovely presentation be put into parts and be sent to the organization so that persons will in their own space get to look at it get as excited as i am about it and be willing to give so i don't know if we could look at the number of persons we have in the organization and attempt to average an amount that each person should give although other funds will come in other ways thank you sister francis and we have our conference website and our bishop spoke about our organizational website right now if you go to www.upcjconference.com there is a page called project campsite on project campsite page the video that we just you just watched this is on that page and the nice little donate button is right there praise god so all you have to do is just click the button let's just click it man make it speak to you just click it now when you click the button you just take out the card and you just say let me put in a little money here and you can't do it monthly no monthly commit yourself like a standing order this is not a part of my bills i am going to pay x amount towards this project and you see when you click that little button there's another little thing on the bottom that says add a note listen to the note that you're going to add you're going to add the notes a 4 cam side project that's when our secret secretary treasurer treasurer pastor russell pulls down his report he can call and said sister rainford i see that we have x amounts here strictly for campsites and i'm putting it over there praise the name of jesus so that's how you can individually be a part of this churches pastors we're encouraging you as a group to ignite the fire within your assemblies to build the kingdom of god through this project we want to hear about bethel praise god contributing x amount so they are going to build the windows of the conference center praise god who wants to hear about pentecostal tabernacle they'll be doing the multimedia platform because of their contribution that they give towards the project i want to look over the entire phase one of this project we can just call this church name that church name this church name that church name is unity spread all across this particular project we have a platform united pentecostal church of jamaica to come together in a way praise god to usher down the presence of god in this particular project and i look forward for us coming together to make this a reality the people had a mind to work praise god and when the people have a mind to work great things can be accomplished god bless you hallelujah and the question on the screen as we're coming down is the multimedia aspect included in the drafting of this building considering the vast growth of a media team within our churches will that custom be included in the overall casting and brother winter will answer that question for us praise god where's the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord with regards to this question i would have to say multimedia upcg members you don't need to worry i'm on this team right i have a big passion for the multimedia side of things that's what i do at my church and so you don't have to worry right i will ensure that it is done even if it is not in the plans amen amen but uh sister rainford had noted that we will be having our multimedia platform as well all right and during these times we can see something that has changed right it is not the message that has changed it's the way that the message is to be sent so don't be afraid this is a necessary part of our growth in jesus name amen amen and as we wrap up this segment our hand over or there's another question will there be any assistance or partnership with the upci is that a possible thought and our bishop will take that question god bless you god bless you church all right now as it pertains to that question on the screen i believe we can say by faith yes and i tell you why several years ago when we were embarking on the church in falmouth mentioned was made through upci that they were offering 5 000 us dollars to a project that any of this from an international standpoint we have seven global regions of which whenever you say or rd and we say is a regional director for cac mexico and mexico so that is the region that we falls in from a global perspective and so of all the many countries and islands within a cac we were privileged to have gotten that 5000 us and all of that went to the they were all establishing assisted with the establishment of that work in falmouth and so that is an indication to say we believe by faith once we communicate this that we will get um assistance right and literally so much when god isn't it so i'm saying that by faith amen amen amen and impact in regards to the question on the screen will the facility be so lord solar powered what we ask of all our members and this is a part of partnership we'll be doing a google form and the google form will be to get your feedback your suggestion your ideas tell us how you can help apart from financial contribution if you own a solar company and can get solar discounted cost or whatever you can bring to the table so we launch that google form on the website feel free to drop in your suggestion that is a consideration among other things that we have on the table but if you have any ideas feel free to troubleshoot it to the team we are open for discussions we welcome your ideas and suggestions and we welcome your hands to work and labor at this time praise god and as i close off and hand over to our bishop at this moment we have passed phase one of the change of use of the land praise god we went to court parish coast signed off nepa signed off there was no objection to change to commercial and institutional use we are now at the process where we have sent out notification to the surrounding neighbors praise god and from update last week from our lawyer praise god all things are going in the right direction and she should be to court for the final submission in the early part of march and we know that all will be well so god is opening the way this will be a reality in the name of jesus christ we are going to push as a team and we're going to push as an organization because we know that god is with us god bless you all amen put your hands together one more time for the team in jesus name all right so we are going to continue not now right ensuring that in fact there will be something established that any questions you have it will be facilitated because we want to move with this as quickly as possible and so build with a wall because the people had a mind to work and brethren this is not just talk you know can i say that one more time uh can we get some some serious persons who are committed to this cause just standing as a signal that we are serious like what i'm seeing let's lift your hands unto the lord father we honor you we bless your name we give you praise we give you glory we give your honor in jesus name my dear wife is requesting permission to say something kindly be seated and let's hear what she will say can we praise the lord everybody can we praise the lord everybody you pcj can we praise the lord i i was sitting there and i was getting very uncomfortable because this is a great vision for the united pentecostal church of jamaica and i have to give my point upon it since i remember i don't remember sister francis remember there was one year that we went to conference at upci and they needed to send some missionaries back on the field and they asked for an offering and brethren i believe and brother moses just said it the money that we need to build this great ef daily visa is among us it's in us in our pockets in our bank accounts i believe that and i remember that year sister francis when they asked and they put the missionaries on the platform there and they said brethren i don't remember if it's 10 or 15 i don't remember the number of missionaries that needed to go back into the field which they had to sustain them for the year and persons came forward and they gave willingly to this cause i remember this particular brother said he felt led in his spirit to give his car and he brought the key to his motor vehicle and he said here it is and you know what i'm the brother didn't even talk to his wife but he felt impressed in his spirit to give his motor vehicle he didn't always going to return home i didn't know what the lord did the same brother who bought the car from him gave the king back to him and said go home and he gave the money to the organization to send his missionaries say let us come together and give to this great cause for the united pentecostal church and with the permission of our unite our superintendent i'm gonna ask the ushers to come with some baskets making some big ones too and i'm gonna ask every single member represented here this evening to come forward with an offering towards this venture because we must do it under god and i don't want a little offering either i don't wanna lick offering pasta man creep i want us to dig deep in our pockets and walk up willingly and give to the kingdom of god if you give to god god will give it back to you press down shake it together and run it over god bless you [Applause] i'm sorry um pastor is asking for a sheet the basket's too small if somebody can get a sheet or a tablecloth we're thinking bigger it's a great vision and all of us have got to give and we need the card machine also please come on brethren god together thank you jesus come on lift your hands it's a way of worship saints giving to the lord when israel out of bondage came i see before them reigns the lord reached out his mighty hand he rose [Music] [Applause] we were is [Music] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] and and away is [Music] oh [Music] her [Music] [Music] the sea away [Music] from fire in my knees [Music] fire [Music] one minute one minute impressing us thank you so much now if you notice you put the information on the screen for those who desire to deposit by that means and we're also appealing to all the areas whether you're home in your homes or in any assembly right now across the seven regions we are encouraging you to let this this wave continue to flow all right let it flow let it flow let it flow in fact we've aborted the other aspect that we wanted to do until force i'm gonna let you off earlier because it's starting at five amen are we gonna stay alive through the power of the blood of jesus christ over to you singer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Applause] fire fire [Music] fire is of the oh from the ends of the earth [Music] [Music] so [Music] the uh from the end of the earth [Music] [Music] enemies [Applause] [Music] fire me [Applause] [Music] praise the name of the lord amen i was saying it would be a good thing to finish with the old timer [Music] now now we did ask that across the regions you participate even simultaneously as we are doing it and i hope and trust that that is we just have to know to go with the flow brother and this is so so serious amen uh there are many many times therefore plans and so on and i remember distinctly that year not remembering it was 2010 or 2011 but i remember went to conference and we planned on uh relaunching the pib partners and building initiative right and we had communicated it to the ministers that that's what we're going to do but when we reach we got word that the property the eight acre property was available you know and we decided we met as a board and we just took a radical decision because we don't know who would have bought it and what they would have used it to do and how it would have affected us and then we know that as the organization is growing we are going to need more land so we say well sometimes you don't even get time to pray about things sometimes you just step here step in and be blessed remember that time that song it's my time for god's favor but just before we do it let me say this part now we have a precious couple it seems like a long long time but the way has been opened like all the lord opened the red sea and one day next week i won't tell you too much of their business sit for a few seconds please one day next week they'll be traveling overseas and i know i'm online but guess what the part and parcel of that process is that the dream of them going to tanzania is right around the corner so whether they're going as tourists who are not going as tourists who they're going to tanzania you didn't hear me i'm going to ask ministers james richards and his precious wife evangelist richard just to come and stand right out here and there's gonna be another move of god because tonight all those who would like to bless them and and if you in fact just because of what happened a while ago while i give you until tonight so go and get the funds together i'm gonna come back here tonight we're gonna bless them i said there is a flow and we're going with the floor don't you know hallelujah let's stand together so we're gonna be blessing them they'll be heading out far far far you know next week right so they'll be going there for approximately a month and then they'll be back and then the real thing will start by the help of the lord so this is a sightseeing venture this is a a pre-run for the real run oh lamb of god lift your hands and give god praise and so we're going to be facilitating it in such a way that once that program starts all assemblies within our fellowship will be able to on a mission sunday right because that's how it used to happen bygone so we're gonna be having a partners in missions initiative right we i don't want to give it to take too much time to explain it all in terms of this structure but each mission sunday you are going to be able to give a portion of your faith promise towards our missionaries i'm speaking it by faith because i see it already i mean it has been a long while coming but we thank god for his goodness and his mercies all right so remember carry some extra latener because you're gonna i don't know if you gave it all a while ago so i'm just giving you to go back to the well hallelujah to the love of god amen everyone all right so i'm gonna bless the offering that was just collected towards that project just lift the right answers with us acts blessings righteous and eternal god you are just an amazing god your ways are past finding out and we thank you oh for the united pentecostal church of jamaica we thank you for all those who are present both physically and virtually and lord we present the offering lord jesus that has been collected to kick-start this project you could say and we pray that you'll bless all the hands that stretch forth in a very significant way and for your bless this offering towards this project lord and that you'll multiply it exceedingly all to the praise and the glory of the lord jesus christ dismiss us now with your choices blessings and we'll be back if you tarry in just over an hour's time to worship and to magnify you once again we give you praise the lord bless you real good god bless you and keep you in jesus precious i'm just so excited i'm just so excited i'm just so excited i'm excited i'm excited hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the lord is with us the god of jacob is our refuge keep on keeping on god bless you remember to be back by five amen god bless you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 6,189
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Id: mED5NdiK2v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 16sec (9076 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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