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[Music] hi guys join us today with ryan we found this place um it's basically just got loads of cars and scrap and stuff like that but there is a big mansion just over there which we're gonna check out in a minute yes to show you guys joined today by eddie from pompeii check out his channel i'll leave the link in the description um we'll just come across this and look there's just the crane set in the middle of the woods old smith rodley how cool is that but yeah we just got um cars and stuff sort of dumped in the randomly in the woods it's an old truck there as well i think i want to sit in it ed i wonder if that slides open overgrown still got all the controls and seat in there besides that and steering wheel scrappy's dream in it you know huge winch for the tow truck guys so this guy a lot of cars um what's that homer yeah i can climb mate look at this the old fabric and stuff in here isn't it that key stick that let's have a look there's no markings on it there's the rachel there no wheels yeah this old ford all death bridge oh wow considering this is you know considering how open to the elements this is they're still in kind of good nick there's loads of sacks in there so this would have been used for delivery at some point here this old peugeot pickup on the floor so yeah we've got we've got outhouses over there sheds carriages we've got more cars over here a lovely little lawnmower let's go and uh let's go follow eddie see where eddie's going another peugeot van here look at this old one d-ridge this time it's a peugeot caterpillar the old whizzler filters in there [Music] spider's dream wow guys so this guy likes his peugeots 305 so the guy would have worked on the cars as well a little pit down there little tax disc on there still other radio yeah but someone has been in a obviously put a brick through the window as you can see so yeah he would have done his own work now big jack there still got the old radio look old amstrad cassette player old bottle of fairy liquid as well these fuses it's like a rotivator yeah look you've got a rotator here as well yeah it looks like mercedes front edge wow yeah look at this it's probably worth a bit well it would have been back in the day guys got all sorts in there still locked locked cabinets someone's priced this open see what's in auto paint international i've actually got loads of car parts in there upholstery up there yeah another peugeot pickup let's see what this car is it was covered up at one point let's see if another look hopefully there's no moist in this one you right there mate yeah so check out this old mercedes look that's a real smart one that's old still locked so yeah look there's the mercedes badge on the steering wheel so original what old oak paneling on the dashboard as well um 65 000 miles on the clock as well lovely old car so that's been sealed that's why the upholstery is still pretty good and good knit wow mate that is worth summing that yeah so that is an old k red so k would have been 70s would have been 70s i would have been seven so yeah eddie was from the 50s 60s would you reckon recommend oh yeah okay so that would have taken a fair load wouldn't it that's a huge big hit [Music] so yeah look i've got an old westwood ride on mower not bad nick at all i would sit down with the seats of it wet what's in there ed anything anything interesting engines and exhausts you good easy mate yes we just got car parts and stuff like that in there one man's junk is another man's treasure apparently so see anything you like let us know so there we go guys there's the mansion just ahead of ed this old harris brothers um truck over here yeah an old volvo that one this was a wheel look at that guys there's an even older van over here of course what was this guy keeping so i'm always interesting there's another car hidden away that's more rusted i'm not too sure what that one is it's an automatic though old automatic and in here cabinets maybe it was a removals guy as well we've got another old uh what's that coating what's that that's the engine oh yeah there's a really old ribbon look at the tree ground look for the engine yeah so that shows you how bloody old it was that was a sapling this tree when that engine block was put there wow look at this i mean that's like paper thin that is like paper thin so yeah if anyone knows what that is on the top of that crow lace points or something that is an old cute sea wretch sorry so yeah we've got another spit of signage up on this one um oh wow look at that telephone number so let's try and get a bit of shot of that oh good as well it is telephone 771-4 all right so i'm inside the back of that truck i'm just gonna have a little look see if there's anything off value worth looking at doesn't seem there is actually got an old stamp there with 1975 march 74 73 that's the stamps old headlamp sir it's an old uh [Music] yeah what do you reckon this will go nice in my place so yeah nothing of value in there do you want to just hold the there he goes excuse me what back through there jordan old so yeah um i'm guessing mid 90s that sort of thing this guy must have passed away because we've got some mid-90s cars still in there the newspaper yeah it's just a shame that he's had to leave all his stuff oh hey hi a really old trap to her as well lovely bit of rusty kit he's obviously getting ready to do some work on that got the old jack on it at the kojak seven and a half ton jack [Music] now what so he had his own fuel pumps yeah it would have been the fuel storage up there wow look at all this old kit wow yeah it's an old jcb there as well this guy had some serious kit oh yeah bristol i thought it said durex then it's derelicts it's a little outwell sir i wonder if it's worth it no i think you can get in this way yeah yeah there's old signage and stuff in there oh look at all this junk in here then look at all this old dashboards i feel a really old one here the old i'll show you that heater fog light pilot starter wiper and panel it's an old dashboard there ready all these old parts here just piled up old um tin or something an antique table oh yeah christ well spotted really smart i wonder how old that one is it's got the old coasters on the bottom casters whatever you call them that's well spotted mate i wouldn't have even looked up but yes you see a tin or something here i'd like you old do you recognise that i can't put it anywhere folks am i old because i think i look younger and i alex a tough paper round eddie yeah that's an old depiction of like cats and yeah yeah that's why he keeps his nails i reckon what we're going to call him fuel pump mate this really ain't big enough for both of us just looking close to you yeah getting cozier time to do anything well this is what he obviously piled up on him didn't it in the end um old bits of scrap and car parts we've got the tech torch yeah and you've got the extension lead cut thing to extend it out oh yeah yeah that is a that is a little table there is you've got you can see the middle bit the middle post and extend and you'll extend it with a like a a key wire open sold toolbox you want some stuff here yeah it's obviously got too much for a minute which is usually what happens with hoarders and they just can't control it moto quick multi-grade oil comma quality products in there this is an old stable door in it oh yeah yeah treasure trove in here for all you car enthusiasts the old door there but yeah unfortunately i can't get in that one because uh the door's blocked so yeah onwards and upwards guys oh look at that oh that's a bedford van oh wow yeah that's all i mean look at that it's quite misshapen in it like oh still oh as sticky as everything yeah oh squeeze yes the inside of it guys hold steering wheel yeah old classic that can your wind up still work like winding mechanisms going on there shut the door oh jesus it's just an old vox all that yeah yeah i heard something how many old classic cars you got here british cars and all oh well so guys this is the house and we still haven't seen the scrap should we do the house now dead yeah just let me know there's no windows so we're not breaking in no it's literally i mean people have vandalized it already so this school to me looks like it's been completely gutted but the rest of the house in there seems to be in good nick so yeah we'll check it out guys oh wow look at this oh wow there's the old back door we've got the old block paving to it oh mate that fridge is on you you see that red led that fridge is on in there is that's a bit just kept in it yeah so as you can see this floor has been completely guided so this is a weird self i don't even see that but the top of the the front porch obviously they've built this extension over the original house very weird see here we've got old radiators and more car parts this would have been a really nice property at one point judging by the size of the neighbours houses so here we go at the front guys lovely almost else so i suppose we'll see if there's any way into the house a minute front door i mean there's plenty of windows smashed and stuff like that but it's open mate look at this guys yeah look at this guys but the guy's old it's like a museum mate he's got his own old overalls here and watch the floor in there ready as well right i'm going to go in so this would have been his front room more overalls on the wall yes he must have been quite old when he passed sadly mobility scooter yeah look at the junk oh mate there's like shells full of crockery we've got ornaments on the old fireplace so he was he was a hoarder [Music] i have to try and climb over all they said at this guys oh that old style um naval clock there yes we got an old sharp vhs um i think it's got a remote control to this one somewhere there's a wire coming from it but so i don't know what i'm treading my way here at the minute guys this is a bit a bit risky but yeah so there's old glasses and jugs and bits like that look at the ornaments on here got an old set of maracas so yeah i've got some old decorative pieces on the mantelpiece so that's still plugged in guys that old cable plugged in around well i was going to say that was still ticking then but it's not gonna put that back i'm hearing noises from upstairs i'm just hoping that it's not gonna fall through the roof so yeah it's the old glasses and stuff so we've got teachers whiskey oh jug gravy boat maybe fatigue teachers whiskey gravy i got an old calard and houses cream toffee there oh wow so what's this luxor oil veil mate made in england bone china and he likes his top that's made in england as well that is for the commemorat oh to commemorate the silver do believe queen elizabeth 52-77 there's her madge we've got these older teachers so put your glass of whiskey on so from different clan clockhorn scottish attractions maybe because we've got clan chris hong burklas castle roster house dundrave castle so all the different clans of scotland opposition clan gordon yeah lux oregon luxor and then the uh obligatory 10 reef bottle opener we've got more teachers stuff so the guy really likes his uh really liked whiskey also got an old george the sixth and queen elizabeth may 1937. some proper antiques in there london county council made in england wow guys this is um really interesting and this odd shaped glass jog uh creme de month look at that 53 proof producer france that's an old bottle isn't it wow boys twin bottle after each segment was different in in each compartment wow guys well that's all i can say we don't take anything we don't we just leave at all it's a shame some of these are proper antiques but this is why we don't give out the locations it's all right you know there are the majority of urbex is a trustworthy but there's the odd few like we've experienced places we've been to that have sadly been burnt down so it was unfortunate guys so that was just the first room done your car there ready coming up i'm coming up wow i don't even know where to begin guys this is just that's the bathroom really that's ready for everything yeah in the front room i was just going oh reminds me of so what is it i would say like breitling or something like that that's raf they used to make watches for the aria the table was beautiful all the inlay on that table was unbelievable oh guys look at this loads of silverware there yeah yes we've got really obviously as well guys look at the uh engravings on this like a fruit bowl type thing that's a really old that's got to be bureau yeah look at all the inlays on that that's beautiful some really nice stuff in it i'll be really careful where i'm standing at uh so we've got old family photographs it's always sad seeing this sort of thing because you know it was someone's house and you know they spent all their years in there and maybe this was the guy's mom and dad maybe that's really sad we've got all family photos now yeah yeah that must have been his dad and we've got more so i've got an old dresser over there guys look look at that old wardrobe standard chartered bank sports day us for their bank sports day as a prize they got a charles and diana commemorative cut yeah i'm just intrigued to see what's in these drawers mate yeah there is mate bless his pocket here oh pocket barometer oh that's interesting [Laughter] got his old clothes there guys as well an old sewing kit here mate sewing machine look at that guys down there you just about see that i mean there's just so much stuff here it's just i could spend all day there looking at this sort of stuff fascinates me i used to do house clearances and stuff and just like the amount people would leave behind us yeah there's sad in a way but it's life i suppose isn't it see what you found dirty dens coat did you say you just think there might be something so valuable just underneath here oh jesus i'm blind all right that's my boosters oh that's a bloody guy lying in there well there's so many boxes i'm going up here he goes alex torch though i've got my talk as well there goes alex i've learned from steve you see oh all that dust you can see with dust there goes alex there's not a great deal up here but it's always worth checking the loft space because you never know what you find just going to be extras careful ah it's all the old old style yeah so we've got crockery we've got yeah old vinyls up here ed johnny stanley these are original original vinyl so we've got old picture frames and the lights in there loves having a little rummage that's a cool little shoehorn maybe so these are like little people's little sentimental things you know obviously kept them for a reason old ship brass ship more photos of the family candlesticks oh that's not somebody's ashes i really hope that's not somebody's ashes oh that's a thermos bottle jesus norwich connecticut usa this is another original thermos and you got old plates and that down there i think once more roof space what what was in there yeah i think that's it guys for for the loft interesting world coming up now time to get down before i fall through the roof who dares wins just put your foot straight down no chance [Music] excuse the language but so much to check in there oh look proper organized man at some point because he had shirts underwear socks collars pajamas even the anger chiefs oh there's this old suit jacket look and thai respect to your man old suitcase as well on top of the wardrobe king edward foxy old cigars oh it's even got cigars in there look so the guy likes a whiskey and a cigar fair play fair play is that an old hoover it's horse riding gear as well it's a saddle with straps and buckles so yeah i could spend hours in here but you get the general gist here oh there's a pentagram made out of barbed wire auschwitz schindler's ark okay so there's some old really old monopoly board going down there yeah check this out guys oh wow still the old style money the old cards but look what you used to have for hotels and houses old wooden wooden bits i wonder what pieces works maybe used to get top hat and all that i suppose you just get these counters i think that'll do for that ring fairly interesting oh there's an old club it's an old porsche one or something it's just um let us know in the comment section oh portable telly huh sanyo as well oh i mean being back there this whole boston have to blow that one out might just nothing too offensive on there don't imagine what she's doing in the picture behind really that's bitten blurred well look at this old sheepskin coat this was john watson's house wow look at that all his old toys as well another one another boycott's jacket maybe oh bomber's jacket as well so you can see if anyone comes in or not you're getting someone's living here still that's a nice rotary you know oh dancing that way oh you actually know i can nearly forgot about that there you go that for an effect that's good actually that's crazy amount of stuff in there guys so really careful of the floor now oh wow guys look look at all the keys this guy had now do you reckon they're the keys to all the cars i suppose they are awesome so yeah it's the kitchen area that's back to the outside oh so much junk it's unreal oh christ so yeah this is the back way out eddie said something to see if anyone's been in the house and what i noticed was that this fridge was on oh you made me jump in it i'm just going to look in the fridge so it's on so there must be power yeah look it's a load of frozen food and stuff i hope that's not body parts it's a double chest freezer so there is power still left on in here guys which is uh unusual there's a wire in there got bird feed plenty of that so yeah let's uh let's get outside guys he's unbelievable taking some chance we're on a madness [Music] yeah i don't think i can make it to the top but hang on just show you the view from where i am there's eddie down there just uh [Music] chilling relaxing up a crane so yeah guys there you go that was the scrap mansion um i could have spent hours inside looking through all that stuff and documenting it all but yeah i literally would have been here all day so yeah i really enjoyed that explore i hope you guys did too and it's been good to see all the classic cars and stuff like that in the yard hope you enjoyed that as much as i did exploring it guys remember to leave us a like leave us a comment in the comment section and consider subscribing uh so you don't miss the latest video um yeah thanks for watching guys we'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 80,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic cars, classic trucks, abandoned cars, abandoned uk, urbex uk, urbex cars, vintage cars, derelict places, time capsule, car graveyard, antiques, vacanthaven urbex, vintage trucks, abandoned mansion, abandoned places uk, abandoned near me, bedford truck, classic mercedez
Id: qpgyWKhq0Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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