We Sneaked in to the UKs Area 51! TOP SECRET Corsham BUNKER!

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the Royal Naval stores Depot opened at coppenacre in 1942 at a cost of around 300 000 pounds initially towels underwater sonar equipment Underground [Music] these old quarries provided a safe and stable environment for electronic stores and in 1945 another Quarry was acquired and in 1955 another Quarry had been obtained at monks Park foreign 1966 there was a transfer of headquarters staff from London they were posted to caution by this time the organization was one of the largest government establishments in the country and it employed some 1700 people both above and below ground in 1991 the Secretary of State for defense announced a reduction in submarine fleets this would naturally reduce the need for supporting and supplying these vessels copenhaco was to close by March 1997. despite renewed efforts by many the royton was on the wall what do we recommend Steve Matt we've got an infrared camera I don't know if you can see it look on my camera it's listening to the high voltage cables I thought it's like an electric fence from you know what a big light is that an into a camera see that white roof yeah yeah it's an alarm you can see it straight ahead ready yeah or when we're getting see that there that's 100 foot drop that is Matt foreign foreign foreign the alarms go off you stay filming we go further in Don't Panic don't run so yeah guys let's have a look at Alarms yeah it's a very nice yeah foreign foreign foreign people your time lift your foot up lift your foot up that's it I've got my hand on then yep so there comes Steve here cheers mate look at that oh wow I should put the turbo mode on the thing is we could climbers listening don't go turn anything on in there do not do not do not do that cheers mine oh boy oh damn man we've got a climb down here I'll catchment I had to say it stay here right I don't see a thing so Matt just forgot his torch today oh yeah [Music] wow look at these wheels so hopefully those bikes work ah this is Extreme okay this guys foreign so that is where we're going okay how can those lights on down here man because foreign that is some scale no wow what a holy moly I don't care if they're getting on they've got a way to go yet wow look at this guys something I'm actually looking out for alarms okay that sounds promising well that's one isn't it I thought it was a similar setup to uh foreign up here all right let's just put the glass on all right this should be fun yeah no I don't think that's one oh that that's an alarm though isn't it Matt this one hasn't triggered you're right [Music] yeah there is enough unless it's a mirror but if it was it was triggered I think all the lights would come on don't you because it's an emergency system when we're triggered all the lights come on okay safely you know yeah just gonna avoid it anyway yeah so you must attribute it as well yeah I was doing it all Crystal Maze so yeah guys that is the alarm and as you'll see if Steve triggers it straight in front of your knee yeah it's just triggered what again and look yeah it's just been definitely totally triggered so just go through it yeah thank you they even know we're in Europe they just don't panic but it's only just gone off wow you're not gonna have enough time to respond are they just look at this look at this guys look wow so what is through there hopefully noises oh wow look at this the bunker oh wow yeah Jordan's Playground now [Music] so go easy access Steve I think he's gone under it then so Steve exploring within Matt's secret vault with us today yeah well for actually showing us this thanks Matt and obviously on the controls we've got B face computing that yeah so look at all this carved out While We're In Too Deep now Steve [Music] yeah [Music] well exactly unless they just work that thing where you stood on top of so all this space what's it being used for at the minute [Music] that's my look how far it goes guys toilet struck and Steve oh I must be a shaft or something [Music] all right it's an empty room [Music] so you did say Matt when if we set the alarms off the lights will go on yeah speak to people on the services so people have been here there's another one in that look but it's been oh yeah yeah locked I'll move that back there's a lot of power coming into this room controller my break guess what the air conditioning on the top oh wow I mean like if you got it and plugged it into the equipment our phones [Music] it's just got on the side eBay box eBay box so they're selling all the software it's that Mod 0 or mod 0. look if you come around it that's the eBay box supply drop one warning radiation risk category five sealed sources then there's any radiation left in there I don't know what you're adding it let's see if you lose your air oh gimbal's gone it just keeps going and going look what mag box room yeah yeah you're getting on for that yeah you'll feel the humidity though [Music] Source down there dead end but yeah I've also in these boxes look great all right um warning contains asbestos [Music] [Music] what's wrong with it Alco seals proteins suitable for hydrocarbon purifiers [Music] over there and this fire so let me do it fire retardancy or something probably to rewise would you open that Alex no no I wouldn't even risk that for a biscuit mate oh yeah that's a good point my yeah foreign [Music] it's literally everywhere Fourth Avenue oh yeah where did they go because the voice voices travel didn't they do you think you'd get lost in this Steve if we weren't with Matt there's uh yeah they have to see what Secrets lie within the junction boxes yeah yeah so let's follow it let's do a uh there's no time marks at leading although you can see something's coming everybody be quiet it's more constant in it then yeah oh ladies and gentlemen I am not [ __ ] filming now I don't I don't know what's going on with me tonight Matt's having a mirror no torch is it like stopping filming after so many minutes or 10 minutes just keep it on it it stops recording it's amazing so that's a little walkway either way what [Music] because it might lead you to some sort of like services [Applause] [Music] yeah well it's worth no we know I don't think anyone else has come down here or look down there that's all we've got down there worth a look though in it all right okay PSA oh they're in here what the hell I'm not kidding actually no is that Soul yeah it's like a crazy mineral Santa's Grotto it's like a mint okay mineral oh do you know what that could be leading directly to the other to the other mine to the coal mine can get into it that's the next mine along yeah that looks like an access way didn't it yeah it does yeah but watch how this big drop there [ __ ] it's only full of water so I don't have a look up there watering that's probably not worth it please do you want to do it I'll leave my bag here it might be easier yeah I could try yeah how would we tackle this oh my God look at the ceiling there's no V birthdays there's no there's no what could be a win a wind tunnel you know the event tonight well we'll about to find out it is a dead end it's literally a wall but yeah it is dead end still quite cool yeah no it's a dead end as in they've cut it out and that's it they've just cut this into a square no no brickwork at all just Solid Rock [Laughter] see what I have to put up with guys oh yeah I don't think many people are going to get permission to come downstairs and check for us guys [Music] like uh big you know like bathing areas and what they used to do is put um Torpedoes in the water and test them right yeah so there must have been a deep deep bath nice [Music] see ya see notice there's no graffiti down here until we pass stickers here Steve is nice and original for us yeah this is no it is actually yeah good to be like one of the first people exploration point in the uh clean stuff emergency escape room somewhere in here I'll show it to him again Some Noise again yeah the generator or something just original doorway for emergency by glass so this was highly secure at one point because that fencing goes right to the ceiling and it's completely blocked off and yet here we are this was probably quite secure at one point yeah I just wonder what was in there mate because you've got the tracks again on the floor coming straight in here I think because there's another fence there was probably something on this one yeah I mean the fact that there's no cameras in here either you'd have thought that would have been more closely monitored if there was stuff like that going on probably so secure oh what oh that's not a sensor is it I thought it looks quite new as well yeah [Music] loud it's gonna be just the I'm open so Steve yeah [Music] it's flashing already Matt no it's not that's the center yeah it went red when you two went past it Motion Center there look yeah it's just flashed hey yeah [Music] so it's not flashing now but it was when you walk past it definitely moving a solid and that's that fire possession right above your head now that one yeah there it goes again [Music] it's got him so I guess we're just there you go it's gone off again now why is this so security oh what's this it's the same everywhere Lee field crew the end begins so this was decommissioned starting in 2014. Copenhagen out mode copenher 2016 coffin [Music] yeah where is it well [Music] um right hey look at this hey [Music] my equipment for emergency you saw me as well key for torch boxes well um uh bollocks to it okay yeah I mean we're just here to look around document cause any trouble no a little Ebon Bell yeah so at the minute guys we've um we're just going to keep rolling the film we've definitely set the um census off so we'll probably expect some company at the top so yeah keep rolling and see what happens oh it's another one there look that's just good yep good it's full of him down here I didn't think there was any down here yeah [Music] okay you know where you are there's a double doors there and it goes through again and that's when we were walking up the other side so it's like the other major main room right don't go too far Max we'll get lost mate and that there is where we first came in were those black plastic sheets are and this is relatively new Breeze block oh yeah so what's in there I definitely heard something then I don't know I definitely had something then no it was like a like something grinding well they're just [ __ ] temporary ones didn't they here this way wouldn't it oh yeah now we walked past that way I think actually that's where we came in yeah I think they're quite 60s yeah oh there's Jordan again with this oh yeah so that's sensor there wow yeah hello my name is Dennis that is pretty cool actually [Music] yeah oh yeah cool sure so this would have been vehicular access leaking yeah we didn't do this but did we there's huge metal cages on this one yeah oh look that yeah all the electric pipes running in there and all right wow it's like a natural sort of filtration system lovely [Music] [Applause] it's hot in it I could uh deal with a dip right now well that's that's a weird room yeah but it's um I don't know just in the middle of the tunnel built again floor is very soft but it's a lot of original keys in there look what are these wait look we've got some safety lights oh yeah so see if it still works there's a couple more yeah I don't think they're working anymore [Music] I said Dad oh I don't know no and that's my light on it I was like oh it is working look fusa your business then [Music] see what they're doing Steve it's quite open now oh my God that's super very nice yeah the tops are these fixed I mean so rotted that's that noise Steve yeah it's all the storage for short oh that whole joint's coming off oh look at all that crap man there's um just to keep these lights on for nothing what's in this door in danger Awards substation yeah yeah I look crap in there guys interesting noisy noisy oh wow it's another little stair and doorway up there in the distance use ear protectors oh this is where the noise is coming from look at this foreign what the hell so Jordan shut them off I mean they're probably going for a reason yeah probably takes a while for him to kick in [Music] yeah yeah exactly oh my God these fans let's see how sorry remote control before working on this van the main isolator must be locked in position wow [Music] yeah these the fans have started back up I think those fans have started again yeah looks starting up again I think yeah oh yeah oh that's nice true but it's nice look at the size of this wow so he's going to be like a little workshop rooms up here serious leakage coming in from somewhere there fans back on yeah so this is back through to where the fans are yeah all on now yeah if you turn them off the line matter have we been in this bit yeah I've lost me bearings these are wrong oh military look at that hey yeah oh yeah Jesus that is uh a few little relics left here and there look at that up there information oh where are we going now this is G13 . something you're not going to touch Jordan oh [ __ ] yeah yeah look at that so some of this is just rotten this look that that used to be some sort of office area but it's just been completely gutted out so all wooden frames some sort of special room look secure doors yeah look at that that's that might just be a maintenance or a area behind this so we're rotting through now then yeah screw antennas in that's an aerial patch bait 24 channels so this had some serious kick going on here there's a lot of equipment beyond all of these walls oh so the ceiling's got asbestos as well it's those boards as well oh yeah so for forklifts coming around of course you could see around the corner exactly [Music] yeah and then they were waiting for us foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that building where we first came in with the traveler that goes down at one point that would have been well secure proper secure my sister fair game now I think is it really yeah so you'd be a white then Steve another secure unit [Music] not enough really oh yeah Breeze brought up at the top you are entering a working Quarry area proceed with Extreme Caution until you reach the surface that would have been cool though we could have had a bunker slash Quarry Explorer overwhelming yeah [Music] that's it huh [Music] so we're in h now this is H6 on that thing we've just come from G actually no that's no that's yeah that's far sword hose has been removed though something flashing down there I think so it's a red flash down there oh yeah that's constant that's not triggered by us I think this is the far end of the far end of it now yeah yeah see what should we do if it's like straight down straight ahead really oh God she smelled my face so what do you recognize you're enjoying this absolutely crazy Matt you actually just making sure that Matt are you actually filming thanks for reminding me my business just gone on my watch I'm gonna start filming here now so Matt what what when are we going to find the Men in Black in the Roswell aliens foreign [Music] I say look at that little ring that's well lit that's quite cool look at this all right that's where the secrets are down there [Music] it is [ __ ] boiling mate and look because of the uh asbestos I've got my face mask on got my hood up got about three layers on because it was a little bit chilly outside and I can regretting it now our people I reckon if they're driving down here you drift you drift around that wouldn't you look at that it's just perfect I think the um yeah oh that'd be cool so I'll turn the lights off guys racer type so I could probably see the car saying yeah look at that so we have got working lights down here which is pretty handy because my torch is super hot at a minute uh foreign I don't remember those double doors at the top uh I've got to follow you yesterday the problem is the sound travels so weirdly around these plates [Music] especially in Italian yeah I can imagine that was that wrong did you hear that I had a bumble above yeah fireworks here I wonder if that's locked up yep it's open no it's not a spoil it's not a door I'm just checking for sensors for this uh to turn the torch off flickery light let's do this we can just that's a weird little ring that's the fireworks in here yeah is that blocked off at the top it might be a way to get out you can try it guys like if we go this way yeah then it's probably out and we we're gone like you know because we're done now again yeah well we've done as much as I think we can do yeah yeah the thing is it's a different way yeah you can yeah it's been always some film on that oh my God it's very wet up here and look at this we've literally just got rock carved out staircase card right into the lock oh we better hope there's an exit up here because uh goes up a long way I don't know if you can see that on the camera but Jordan's halfway up already you up for this Matt yeah would you want a piggyback is it oh yeah got a light on up there oh it's the Rocks get a bit I love how that looks really wet when you touch it it's just bun and dry Jesus these little ball holes the thing is because these stairs look like they've got all the salt and stuff on we don't know how corroded they are yeah you can probably made up this material that isn't affected by the well that's outside yeah please say we don't have to go back down again [Music] we need it at the top guys two more flights Jordan out there might as well it's open oh thank God yeah it's seen better days a bit caught with me oh that's nice oh there's more oh no [Music] yeah good lift high levels foreign [Music] [Music] it does this was like donkeys years ago it didn't even know well I came down here you didn't even have the internet but it was 20 odd years ago yeah it's a postcard fries and it's a bit busy a lot going on I like how busy it is I don't like it being look at how simple [Music] all right who's the guy who we've got Jordan's massive sticker Steve mine the secret vault awesome there it is the wall of fame is that it then I think so that looks like a big oil foreign thank you this is why you need dual ladders folks oh you've got that one still here cheers mate foreign foreign [Applause] Jordan for 120 year old bastard good man oh thanks for coming guys over 20 forever I'm really glad you got to see that because it said the word military yeah so we're the first then that was awesome mate we have seen it here so yeah guys that has been an awesome bunker I really hope you enjoyed that one props to match for showing us this place uh thanks for Jordan thanks to Steve exploring with him if you enjoyed that one please leave a like leave us a comment in the comment section I'll get back to you and if you're new here please consider subscribing and hitting that notification Bell it just means you get our next video so yeah we'll catch you in the next one guys foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 121,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corsham bunker, burlington bunker, secret bunker, Royal navy, mod bases, abandoned uk, derelict places, ww2 history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 37sec (3997 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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