We Found a HUGE Abandoned Mansion Left to Decay - With Everything Left Behind!

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[Music] welcome along to another video we're going to look at a huge mansion that's been left deserted for a few years now join today by Mr pomai your fault let's go and uh let's go find this Mansion mate it's a long way to run is it if we get caught I'm not running anywhere we're just walking taking a walk we yeah come and see the sites mate pretty sure it said public right away didn't it it did to the car up here geese nice you get just get here right Ed I when you start running then come give your R look give tricky yeah s that that St put there which way we go that way or that way um eenie meanie we've come to a fork in the road guys we live any house straight on now oh okay oh what is it CRS they cranes to not cranes as you pick up no obviously there's a rabbit there it's water [ __ ] down here black not on there yeah yeah switches so we we go we got the house down here guys there's FL be it yeah again guys right out in the countryside nothing for Miles huge bit of land is it you up for a game cheat don't want doat yep wow water feature there look at it all we go there barbecue and seating area over there look at it wow wow that true room it is it no I like that I get bit of the tree open up up have a big Fountain yeah look at the water features it's beautiful old building is it the size of that deer down there look not statue is it just m is it yeah it is course we are in and there's the dining table with some crunchy uput bits oh it's got that old smell H very very old look at the kitchen mate there electric doesn't look like it cuz there would have been look there's plenty of spotlights in there no no electrics why the torches on WOW cool is this how the other half live mate this is big look look big here this this is Ed in the kitchen looks like a hobbit compared to everything else been a little bar yeah look Gordon's gin yeah we got some monkey shoulder whiskey it's just want to look old though is it it's not clean it's not what Telly you SE the Telly got be done there spose oh man yeah should have done that on the way out but I think we do that on the way out he's got some really old bottles up it KN anywhere old Ceramics ARA it's the cleanest AR we've seen mate that is definitely a pizza I mean a waffle waffle maker look at that lovely that's quite a big one as well is it yeah Bor to shop so You' be doing your dishes here and you've got lovely view out onto that swimming pool patio area I like these windows they're kind of stained glass effect it's the key for the front door oh nice No don't touch it look at the look how old this door I love this love all this don't you yeah yeah it's a pencil thought a sticker Rock then you can feel the grease all the fingers are the grease fing well so this is the front entrance so you'd come in and you got your stairway up there that is really old look at the bow on that wall wow com in all lovely wood [Music] paneled not do extenders again are wow look at it wood panel room this is nice is it look beautiful we have had breaking some's broke in it's all been wired up what is that a coant i Reon what they had there is the O bucket yeah things look AOE oh there we go Pizza Roven Pizza Roven we got the lucky heso he was Italian we don't know we'll have to do some research on this guy you've got to be Qui wealthy to live here photographs here really oh yeah footb football photographs oh some really old photographs here look at that how old's that oh wow they W old yeah another one look the W was that first or second first that looks like to me yeah so this one this looks like a gangster of the um that's the original Oh put it on there that's the original don't look look at gangster run on gangster does if you know in the comments you recognize the face let's know in the comments look at that oh yeah why do they live there this is mad dark so look it's dark in here no electrics wa this is cooling I these are lovely really thin though isn't they original it's a s no oh go do that why not I love going do that oh yeah well I'm going to have a little butches but but is flooded don't push me head stinks a bit well we got wires electric wires going into that so I wouldn't that's deep is it really deep mate that's what they've gone look at it goes on and on it's a wine Celler mate oh it was a wine Celler God why we got the urge to push you wow you see the door look at the latches on the door chains someone was chained up down there mate this goes on remember the cabinets I said to you in shop cabinets we see one in that house look yeah you pull it you pull these and then look got the lock on it yeah and lock it what what' you lock your clothes your boots well no falling cabinet a it this is cic's falling cabinets so we're all their old shoes in there mate in football boots look they're old football boots mate look at them wow what's in there we got to find this gun cabinet well what's in that power in that's Polish I it's like power's off yeah so little utility room B Circ in you look at that that's the do the hairs on your nose yeah it seems like they they've done a rush you know bunk get out unfortunately I think they've died no I don't it's yeah it's old Decor mate still got everything in the cupboards very weird what's that give the toilet about a one really for you're not wrong I W give it a one drink look at the old toilet older toilet roll older got all eight it's got to be a three with the window I touching it h I'm not touching that what what is it it's poo Sherry pale Sherry yeah pale Cherry we got full bottles of bardi and boo what they call it pre-o all his money in it all his Boos pre-o all his boo in got some Jager M there oh look what it is that's you Ed what you is that Dingle no it's what's name from um green grass I don't know I don't know what green grass is is it on there what's that it's the the bottles TV program 2005 2005 oh bet that tastes nice have a s I might tell yeah we don't drink though do we we don't yeah I can't believe it it's just bottles everywhere oh look at that old um bottle of there yeah and oo that's that's full as well that little glass M that's nice is it he got the grapes in bunch of grapes look at him Butler what the butler saw look the butler's having a chw look get out get out run over your B yeah yeah get out far Place yeah what was through that door and oh was it I to shut that back up his little secret boo stash that's cool not dirty though is it no I think very few people have been in there look at this oh chist look at the rot on it that's woodworm it's just old woodworm you tell how old that that is thing see a lot of these fixtures and fittings will be replaced at some point we go on more again got the front room it's just living room wait to see this oh look at that chest piece look at that horn where on the burner look I thought she looking like something else Ed's got the horn wow where'd you even start with this actually say that I like that is a shame that's damage look at all the old paintting and all that on it yeah that's quite old shame that's rot so I wonder what these set is did you fancy a game M no no I win you mate yeah two moves that's fighting talk buddy two R not it's the wind is it coming down the uh burner but yeah look we got what's that deer it's been um bleached yeah ruined this looks like a separate house really I think this might have been a separate part yeah like two houses in one cuz this is like there's a front door another front door yeah yeah this is like a living room downstairs toilet oh look at that sink mate got a duck on this toilet seat yeah very small again we got to find a grand bathroom is we doubt it that's like a 4 out of 10 oh look at that cabinet mate boo dress so we got another side door to get out of but look when that was last year little cobwebs on there oh then so we go upstairs now don't we there so many stairways over there yeah did we do all way down know no I don't think we did you got that stairway underneath the stairway there's enough stairways there yeah that is odd now you mentioned it with a window on one of the separate house front room door I mean that's a separate bit could be could well be you got this it's a lot of wood oh wow oh yeah we've seen this yeah oh it's a very old smell in there it's a nice smell it's not horrible smell is there a cell Under the Stairs mate it's all got coats oh look at those coats mate that's a is that a gun or knife that's a look at the cartridg it's all shotgun cartridges yeah look at this look at the gun and bullets look see look look in there oh my go are they unused yeah for of cartridges I can't get [ __ ] out there go yeah look jeez but look he had a shotgun bullets two two twos what was that one we've done last time on our video we had the little shotgun cartridges yeah they did so it was clay pigeons yeah wow expect there to be a little Hoy hole don't you it's probably there he safe was here yeah looks like it with the gun stuff all this stuff with a hunting deer on it yeah you see the size of that deal you see must he missed that one did we miss it smells it is it did you look up look at this l oh wow look there all the wheat why would you keep wheat in your house don't know should that just attracts not a religious thing is it might be like a ward off evil spirits or something anyone knows could you let us know in the comments oh look what's that it looks like a bow does it I think it is yeah all bow up on the wall D there a of a lot D oh know I've seen these before yeah it's just decoration in it it's not a well would use it I don't think it's quite all eight oh master bedroom yeah we like the pictures don't we yeah see he's in the trucking looks like look at that case there's a lot of Indian stuff Indian like like try look Indian stuff look made of skin yeah knife it's like foreign stuff isn't it so you'd say that's hot it's made from H yeah like this this they're Turkish look yeah it's all Turkish stuff look at the plate there yeah see it so e Turkish I'll just zo the camera got a little stamp on there ewc some sort of Arabic writing maybe yeah is Arabic cuz it's got the port CR off it yeah Port got got cool triangle design in that yeah well it's the cresant moon and it moon and star you think a dog's been trying to get in it's the ghost mate what's this is weird is it so be here we got a passage up here with lights it's just a tiny little spot and we got plug sockets and dimmers there that's weird it's old is it yeah outside's not as old as what it is inside I don't know looking at the Slate on the roof SL the roof on the Slate yeah but this building itself definitely in the guns oh yeah the hunting gear but it's probably been added to the exterior over time mate he's gun man he's a gun man you come man look that's for your liting for doing the pl for shooting can't believe all this stuff still here we got more camo get and we got obligatory Christmas decorations can you see me who you can't see me you can't see me in I'm in oh yeah we got Teddy is it is it harro oh he's had his nose ripped off for the years for the years no it's usually a pin in on the P yeah what's he old though that is old his foot in it I'm put him here on the bed have a look on his foot see what his foot says say bear no nothing on his foot nothing on his foot old one oh what's in there then know a t yeah you're right it's like bivy this is not of look hunting gear is it yeah too keen on that you where don't know where the G is he's not here that's for sure is this on suet bathroom was that like a Walkin wardrobe that's what I thought you to be oh there is it's just open the wall up look at this there's all stuff in there we got to open it we got to see what is that art piece it's what said it's more like they from Ab broad do you know what I mean yeah almost looks like it's eating its tail oh wow it's a decorative no it's a knife bloody a w look at that what's the uh is that there's loads of stuff in there but it's all covered up I a going to keep do watch it it's cool in here mate L little this is all why a they taking this stff look at that oh wow that's beautiful that's really nice is that like mahogany or something I don't know it's like black they call it Blackwood and it it's really heav stuff you can't use it no you're not allow to use it that plate is qu through that I see a few bits that's wasted yeah that's what annoys me cuz the stuff this a lot of it will get skipped when it yeah this would be just left and get wasted oh you see there had these guns in there probably under you got to have a little hidey hole a you is that old Cricket gear in there yeah that's old Slazenger as well look everything even the cricket bat on the side right just come out the walking wallr bed we got to go up again mate so there's more stairs going up which looks cool we go down and we've got oh this is old mate look how fraed the carpet is like you say the dog's been chewing there as well dog put the dog in there no that is serious wood worm mate and this Esther misses she's haunted oh don't say that this is bold mate look at that even this feels a bit wony head look at this this door how old that is the size of the lock my fing the size of that lock wow love the doors I do like the doors totally different than this but this is like Oney does it feel yeah going downhill another bedroom o purple and green and yeah yeah that's a very odd color Choice proper stone is it that's been put in do you not think that's original I don't know no it could be the W Jack be new for there flers everywhere Mo been Jump Man do you know what they say about flies dead dead bodies are they look all the Flies there's no of them oh dear blue bottles as well yeah so long as they're not all slies but what's on the floor over there long they're what all slies what's all that is that fungus or something no but look at the top there remote control car oh wow bit damp much watch it look at that car there even M that's old school is it there's the cabin it goes bloody flies wow yeah I don't quite know what this is on the floor it's like fungus or something this is weird is it it's very if we had the black light yeah it's come out there no D coming out there look dripping off yeah this this end like look at the ceiling it's pretty rotten body armor stuff put it on I'll give you a kick it's for horses give you a back Chelsea boots Chelsea boots riding gear that's for horses oh put it on Ed I'd love to see you in that go on no what one well just that you want that one I going to take me out it's been on the bed don't you know what I haven't seen bathroom no there's not we've seen a couple of little crappy bathrooms and that's that this is a big place was it nice little picture of horse W in there ah found it the toilet just a toilet or bathroom bathroom and toilet and shower and sinks I'm going to give this oh lovely give this seven nice it's getting on for an eight it's getting on for an eight mate you ready yeah I look at that double sink mate for you and your misses look at the fox Fox on the toilet so we got Fox on this one should we test the toilet let's test the toilet oh look G to ground that's a huge show wow and a bath it's nice to be fair that's really nice can you hear something it's your mom again that's that's plastic is it is it plastic plastic one they de they they're not cheap yeah we got still look it's still FL all why would you leave this though out why would you leave all your your electrical stuff yeah nice there's another bit where's all these bedrooms coming from another bedroom oh wow look at that through there stairway this is ridiculous man this is huge is it this is ridiculous oh this has got an on S oh he's got all the way that door so we've got so this is just a room in it own Standalone room proper farmer it adds its own like on Suite proper F of his waste Co sink oh that's cool yeah that's nice nice Tweed waste coat look at all this on the floor all these albums are at the back oh gun magazines what you it like oh motor boats oh maybe he's got a boat in the grounds and that's all his books in there horse whisper above his bed he what he's up to above his bed what's that what would he be up to above his bed weird pictures of Cal's faces J this was the kids bedroom oh it could be a kids's bedroom yeah don't know slightly random oh you know what he's only got one of these coats these Co cheap what ones are those no do proper you do I can't get my my feet yeah the swim pool there that deer no that's the lake mate this the front I mean there that deer still there he's not is he he's gone he's done a runner thinks we're going to shoot him green grass it's green grass again oh we got a cigar in there have we it's empty look at the gunon braces oh braces yeah with a gun on it see pheasants and guns and rabbits mate as soon as we turned up to this place did you notice all the wildlife there's tons of it it's like they're saying now we're glad he's dead we can all come back come back yeah I see I can see that you can see that it says that don't it yeah we can just do what we want now green grass he's had that sign as well he must be really he must have R trivia penro that's signed by her trishia penro anyone looks like cursed and dced all right what's up I got a noise what noise just tap oh [ __ ] right why was always me I just did it on the way around the corner I hit it on the same one did you have that on fil yeah okay why is it always me God don't know that felt like it's cut me head let's have a look oh I don't know it's a little bit did look at the size of this bedroom mate this is huge oh look at the black molded where oh oh God yeah that's the worst that other bedro was worse look we got the pants now got the pants down there look oh TW how big are those pants he was a big old GE one hold them up like this is like a diet loss thing this was it trailes before and this is now no they wouldn't 36 the size of the Wardrobe mate with a tweed jacket this is huge this walking wardrobe system is here so one they use this the main room this is I think this is the main room look at the size of Ed there compared to the ceiling and that we got quite High ceilings for a place like this money you can cast feels like it all the money they old coins all forign money lovely and old CL I don't think it's old but it's just a sort of decorative piece you're don't meant to it just going from the other side mate it's all one one unit is it yeah oh they must have had guns in here guns was in here I did think that why the gun strap there that's where you put put the safe you put that food at the back there's a hole on the safe and you lock that through or you put that through your guns you know what I mean yeah put a lock on it it's one of them one them a lock put through the gun top have we this is why it's all L up or loot system it's a loot system in it oh fire alarms work yeah fire alarms ding yeah why is that blocked off just put it in there that' be a nice bed for you Ed get little princess bed you your little princess yeah little princess they got a piercing body bed this is a woman's bedroom one a shotgun deadly deadly is it so these old matches Blue Dog matches more old money look at this m give this a nine lovely Corner paath mate yeah no I'd say an eight as well get one that B that Bath's a 9 out of 10 mate just on it own laugh is it yeah have look sitting no why you always want me to get in the B I've got the camera mate if see way around I'd sit in it happily but there you go we got three EDS where's the three Ed that's cool it's a cool shot it yeah well that how many bedrooms was that I lost count mate sorry are we going to count the we going to go up yet yeah we got to go up again oh that's ridiculous we got go through there yeah you didn't show that no got go through this way stair no oh that's down so that's the other stairway oh look at this head wow wow I thought that pleas yeah I did it's wind wind it look at this though this is the office yeah this is this little study look you going up then Ed you can I stop you well means I got clone like that thing this is cool is it this is the office wow look at this old case mate look at this where he is careful very old electronics so that's an old recorder old Panasonic one SLR filters it's all camera gear and AED old stuff yeah really old I mean have you seen the case it's old old old school we got Harvey's best bet very strange oh look got dinky toy down there you play guitar look guitar straps is it yeah it is yeah well you said there was um I see some music but yeah look at this old his old case just falling falling the bits now but yeah there's a lot of addresses on here so I'm going to be careful what I show good is it big is it it's really cool mate am I going to go up then get it goes up oh yeah of course it does definitely Co was around yeah what's the jacket on the back back of the door the door handle so this is a woman so you were right it's women's scarf and coat here they have choic of bcts but look at all the studs in this door Ed oh that was nice it's like an old castle door I love that door love it all like the doors are lovely look at this door oh so this is up again is it yeah after you mate we're going have to count your bedrooms yeah all these stairs feel we really what's this here I don't know is it locked B bo b still there don't don't show the copper P this is a Hobbit's house yeah SI of this yeah look at the door don't eat your Ed again look at that look the wow into a nice on sweet bathroom yeah look at the bow on that Co don't look good does it no i' be scared that would cave in on me yeah go back through to the hobbit's bedroom from The Hobbit's bath be your back in but yeah this does look really old with all the woodwor doesn't it love the cor of it to where it turns the wood turns that's nice that's cool and it has really well done lot moist cuz there lot of moist poops all over the bed yeah oh bloody H wow a little B look little touches this is all little touches looking like the nails how old are those Nails I know I know it's nothing now but they're old should they well you can tell they're old cuz they' be hammered not they're handmade yeah look at I love all this just love all the woodwork oh good look at that bending there there like bits added on to so you got the really seriously old but you can see it but you've got new stuff riveted into it that go oh look at this jewelry box oh what you got there it's ran it's Egyptian I mean nice cross this looks like a kitty BR got Kitty toys everywhere fits r s c we got an old cross Libra got another rsch but yeah this is a little jewelry box that's cool so this goes through maybe to a look at that old um what do they call it treuchet is it put the thing in there a woman and uh why all the logs though huh why all the logs definitely woman live there yeah they definitely kids as well there a lot of kids uh Toys up yeah see what she got it's got bit got to wear in ready designer gogg oh yeah a bit small for you I reckon love that coat another one of that little coat wow look at that little window up there and all ain't been touched in years up here mate should we open it have a look out oh I can't believe you touch that mate look at the view another Pond there's a pond there and a swim go this what we still got to look for cool more TW do it I got to do it sorry Fred Fred your tea ready Fred loses one every one of these Fred so where that go to this one what oh yeah let's go through the hobbits door SE that's Hollow is it yeah that's weird the so it's not quite olive green but we're getting there 6 out of 10 bathroom there's more bedrooms yeah this is ridiculous it look at the height of this love that love it it's very nor American that no a b no South American sorry there we go this has been braced this one I doubt that's going to do a lot but look at the black mold we've got in here in the corner I wouldn't fancy stepping in that corner that's we went yeah be careful there more bedro this is UN wow oh look at this little room yeah I'm I'm watching it CU fles everywhere it smells damp in it caret body in it it's hum yeah but look we got two mattresses in there I just wonder the arrangement some of these places had cuz this isn't very Posh in this room is it no and this is right at the top glass window itd it yeah sneaky all the Flies on here look flies everywhere not Sak we it it's cool mate I like it um which way we going to go I think down this is into the bedroom again is it where yeah so you got to go to the bedroom to get into a bedroom a strange layout got a little features oh yeah didn't know look the fictions fictions to do that they hold it in yeah well that is old at the draft draft going out there that's it's not proof is no no lovely place I love those old beams yeah game B so we had he had a whole box of shotguns 12 gauge this oh Ed we got the tennis balls mate we just ain't got the tennis rackets for the love this old um hallway any he's put that that's to get the dogy he must just the dog out here the time yeah thing must be freezing look at those um flag stone underneath you I know they this is really smart mate is in there wow back of the kit I open it then ready oh yeah we got you now aren't we no we've opened that one it was that one you didn't film inside didn't film it no you just shut it straight up smell God look at the black stuff oh plenty of sausage got it now you got to get that one as well just a little bit looking in this one got to Smells a bit vinegary don't it no there nothing in that one nothing though filthy in it why would you leave all food in in the fridge something happened quick didn't it they've gone in a rush yeah they've either died you know suddenly or eviction you never an idea that old rock is this a pool house or is it a separate house do we think oh that's separate that's a house should have a look around so this is the back that's old that's the old yeah look how B that roof is the chimneys mate I didn't even notice the chimney yeah hot tub hot tub so how many lengths are you going to do the day I summer G I think summer I'd have been tempted it's not long it's not long been empted mus here is it oh yeah we got I see a trumpet in there oh look at that statue that's just been toppled over by fandal the other ones been toppled as well I've got another house on the estate as well this is huge wow look at this L mold rotten is it look at all this you know what this is don't you this is a snooker table oh yeah yeah look at you got the um scoreboard behind you and the cues and the lights the looks behind you look there's the shades oh wow cool yeah they would have been lovely up there would they wow but look wind I sound like someone knocking the door then this is the snooker room snooker slm Music Room have you seen this old Fender amp that is really retro mate is that old old cuz you're into your music yeah custa sonic Junior what oh can you play the accordion Ed you got to have it go that is a noisy instrument it's wet through US absolutely wet still [Music] works move your fingers as well that's wet through I can't touch it fair play though you got tune out absolutely look at the old horse just oh wow look at the action on that love that it's a shame it's got no strings this is all look behind you though yeah look look at the old vegetable oil Yeahs these dinner ples they're not small are they no not at all what make are they in do we know rwood no not woodwood no name you say dishwasher proof made it onong I can't believe that there yeah I can't believe those there's the name of it that's offender Junior acoua acoua Sonic made in the US yeah and when was it tested I a got a date on that tested yeah I just can't believe we got the accordion and all that s that's the first time you've seen accordion yeah it's first time I've heard one played live to be fair this we got old crystal in here being smashed [Music] keeps on doing this but we haven't had one yet have we for the charmes no it's there though it's all there look oh there you go we had it sounds Ed it it's yeah I don't like ity oh wow that's weird that's weird there all the plates for that that's set even there those of antiques here still it's beautiful antiques full of it look at that old cabinet can't show that t-shirt what is it that's a really old cabinet mate D even doing it it's phant outside of geese again but why would they makeing noise don't know mate KN in here yeah yeah it's very windy day today watch this oh beautiful gramophone where's the key to wind up you wind it up and put that on don't you put that over on that to change the refs that thing yeah and you pick the arm up nice look at those scale electrics mate oh yeah it's done lock as well some of it's still like proper like brand new in the packaging that lap counter that's quite cool is it his got no cars in there though I don't think electronic door didn't see that oh yeah look look at the rails I know oh Ed there's an attic is that for the um remote control yeah but there look open Automatic opening yeah there too much to see in it yeah it's just literally a porch porch with all these tools and boxes have a nest oh yeah what n this is mad what's this oh football cards so old churchman's cigarette cards it little be out the back and auction stuff oh yeah oh let's have a look at that is that all cards yeah look Bill back let's have a look at them oh horses but it's all the pie we go so Association footballers a McNab West Brom Alum m k for Manchester United McDonald centry City see you later I'm not into football as you know football's not my thing oh well no you're more sort of croquet and Lacrosse women's volleyball what's the BAC joking oh it's part of the trumpet we got to put that back together surely oh yeah I haven't seen this but it's the out to the pool is it oh yeah dog kennel's in there we got do we have a bathroom in there got all little bits there is no bathroom in there is it the toilet in there the little bits I didn't even see the toilet yeah door frogs oh how generic generic three out of 10 come on now put it back you found it I just didn't want to put it on the floor cuz it was work I'd rather keep it up off the floor yeah I see what saying with the dampness yeah cool that's a bit meat was it yeah cuz that's got mold all over it already that one but look at all the black mold up there mate oh yeah yeah got to be careful in there I the rocks I like rocks yeah I think how wet all that is what is in there mate you just never know do you no this little pool house you have come straight out here run run through the doors jump straight into the pool that's going to be electronic to open yeah it is to open the pool up and open the what's there yeah wow we still got all that over there we've got a house down there this is massive mate yes we still got this to check out we got a big barn behind it and we got this pool house to the left of Ed this would have been some property mate wouldn't it it no so much too much in it really this is like a little granny anx is it I wouldn't mind this house just on its own mate that's it yeah the big house too too much to look after but this this I wouldn't mind well I'll say that if we can get in a shovel yeah knock knock can we come in you come in please so that wind it's warm in it pick up it's going to be hot 22 reckon very so that sounds stormy to me we could have a storm coming in whoa it smells don't it see the shotguns yeah g could be standing there though how your r g yeah straight through it straight through the chest that's what it smells mate look at that that's nice look at the ones we've seen to them the sweeties I bet you w eat one of them what five quit for a sh colored bom bom slow gin that's what it was originally no it smells like death in it red it smells very very it's not mold that's mold so we got an old buo here look at that that's nice that's really smart this room that's pretty there oh cool yeah I like the chunky leg on there yeah that's really nice mate that is looks like a need work box but it's not oh W this is big this is a nice this is a nice place that's what I saw I'd have this one but yeah we got um like a huge ballor Arena wow painting it I think there's two the same I don't know they're just yeah in motion whether they painted it themselves we don't know no that's not Pi you B that stuff M wow look at that look at the engraving on that yeah it's model at 60s still like it though oh jackets it's got a mirror on the inside Army oh must [Music] boots what's name boots you got your wax jackets look heavy duty boots heavy duty wax jackets his wax jacket you can't go mad what wrong mad wrong with those Mes in Essentials yeah just paint stuff mainly where was he G oh this little blue kitchen mate come down if you're going to move house you're not going to take I suppose you're going to have take all the stuff we you're going to have to have a a big place for that snooker table yeah oh yeah so probably not Grand got rid of the farm and just bought a big house not not a bad little show bathroom this is lo is it yeah all the co stuff I this co co yeah Co oh yeah loads of testing kits yeah yeah maybe it was maybe it was Co times nice little kitchen though s perfect got flat hat well we've got an upstairs mate yeah the guns in there yeah cuz look see the N bolt there look at the N bolt there the box was there gum case was in there I bet could be could be bit of a shell o some pants that is cool that that room FL yeah floor yeah right try to put old stuff in oh wow it's old mate look at this someone socks on the floor there all that wow this was a bar I just put it in yeah it could have been but Jesus Christ freaking out thought someone's there I be FR me own not that what the hell is through there this is a room what look it's just been piled high with old furniture head that's that table look look at it there's that table what was in the snooker room what extends yeah yeah yeah can you get in no I mean got to get in we'll have a look at the other bit first what's this thing this going to be the toilet oh no water tank there the water tank right there look yeah ni that's right not bad though is it no I would to say it was horrible there's no mod cons though is there no it's not like but if you worked on the farm this is ideal it yeah I wouldn't say no again M yeah I've just hit my head it's quite quite a point to that room roof there I'll just hit my head on the side eat my bloody head not bad like these not bad at all what they again you just [ __ ] Ed you need that jockey's helmet mate what the fing hell more than ever that's twice in two seconds I'll have to find out how old these places are this is not a bad little place is it I'd love it got nice Garden got a pond there I love that old chair even though some dude's had his chest blown out it's a really nice rocking that's what it looks like do it so I shot him go right through a bit weird is it is it yeah oh sh yeah it's s probably been shot at is it it looks like gone get [ __ ] there I D to think mate but yeah so we still got this Barn to do another place over there SP out is just a barn just a barn that was huge mate I'd have me classic cars in here mate there is a garage over there well it's a huge place we'll have a look yeah yeah this is huge mate table smash those old feeding troughs yeah well look like a big old working farm at one point so maybe it wasn't a celebrity that lived there it was just a you know Farmers estate belt driven oh yeah look oh it's a cat it's a black cat as well why is there cat here miles away from anywhere we are miles from anywhere we are there's no houses around quite quite a distance to be fair I've just seen if you're naughty if you're naughty you get in there wonder what you did storing there does looks like a priest box yeah it does yeah confessional confessions go on then get in there and uh get there do your confession Zed confess your sins mate you know someone a PIR of Fortune for this to have it as a to have it as a stable you know that yeah yeah it wouldn't take long I mean the roof's in good T you know considering some of the barns we go in full of holes in the roof but this is um yeah tin not asbestos wow look at that over there there's garages over there lock up garages let's go to the pool house let's check that huge I can't get over this with the money no a lot to maintain in it Garden wise this door yeah oh it would have been a lovely old Fountain still can o let's get in there look the old Ving machine that is what's this this is the boiler this is for the heat the water tanks no this be all the pool stuff would it the chemicals to keep that so they all water yeah it's all off though yeah you got like all the filters down there pumps your punch bag a SAA SAA Bush only a SAA only a SAA you get in yeah let's get in sa that's a nice one shut the door there's [Music] a nice two you have that seat there always do that in my face sorry buddy no you ain't sorry you do it there two benches one on the bottom one at top yeah yeah yeah why they taking it down there just put it back up you want to put it back up you I will give you hand but I got a torch in one hand and the camera in the other so that goes nice go bring that forward y there he is and when you get that you got to pick them up for the floor me dirty good yeah old man that's cool though it's cool some luxury in it to go from outside swimming pool into your s wow this is the changing room for and a shower for the for the swiming this is better than on the Stars we see house we been in you could rent this out couldn't you little holiday holiday home on on top of the house just a toilet FL toilet fles oh look at this cra crab effect yeah wow nice little corner unit tiny little room but I'd give it a I'd give that a three out of 10 yeah nice look at that bush have a dip dip your toes it's a big one is it that's all that heating systems for it might not be for the PO step back yeah I can't get over that little bit flooded is it oh yes this was like a maybe a koi cart Pond oh that's slippery is it I window boarded up did you yeah I did at the top yeah oh wow oh well oh well see draw the draw the water up that still work comes up through there was it and oh yeah it's not attached yeah of course still running though it's really old that's the thing to stop it over flowing yeah wow nice though is it h really nice I wouldn't say no empty for a while but outside we I'm saying it's probably covid like you say been a while it yeah the old um little PL there yeah oh yeah got the tennis court there cour over there game set and match yeah it isn't it so it's the front of the house really nice is it that looks new though does it this CH yeah this whole front edge looks new it's not this front bit here was added to looks like it does it yeah that's original that's original and that end bit's new go over there garages let's have a look take a walk over there there go let's do it we not going to bother with a tennis courts are we no we know what a tennis court looks FL some lines so we got this one and obviously that Barn's empty so but you never know mate if you can't get in you just climb up over the wall oh yeah skylights yeah it's probably just oh was open creaky door like this yeah it's an old Workshop is it work what well we have got labels drills and bits got Rags got special seg segment for Rags nothing oh electric on in here on tools yeah oh yeah it's all electronic like film stuff it spotlights yeah so there's light in here no I thought it was going to work is is power yeah look so what have we got power in here but not in the house look at that just watch yourself of electric said it's not worth it mate not worth it well let's get out of here then I think but yeah if you enjoyed the video guys don't forget to leave us a like and leave us a comment in the comment section we'll always try and reply to you and you really enjoyed the video consider subscribing to the channel it all helps and it notifies you when our next video is out so what have they got to do it subscribe subscribe [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 124,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tHHW8CZr06s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 27sec (3867 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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