Major fail in a multi-million dollar house

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[Music] we got ourselves a fun job today uh really nice area and what in hills i think it is take a minute on some troops to get here but this is the only entrance the entrance is blocked by a bunch of stuff let's see what's behind this roll-off bin nothing but standby time i think weight on this is uh 36 thousand about to confirm but that's what was hold to me yesterday nice j lg lift took a dump then the ground gave out um oh yeah that axle's destroyed tire completely came off let's get on the other side so it looks like they have a land oh here that's to transport the actual genie lift once i get it out uh if the company can't find anyone for the roll off soon i mean i'm just on standby time i'll just use hulk to drag it out again back up here now if you guys can see this is pretty steep right here starting from there it goes downhill so it's impossible to put hulk right here very unsafe very bad i'll spin the turret and hit this tree there's just not enough room with my outriggers and stuff to land it so my best bet is to take the spot of this roll-off bin hug this right here back up and i'm going to put one of my winch lines up at the top for support i'm gonna put maybe a chain around the rear axle and bring it out over this way as my lift so as i lift that one it's gonna want to come over and i'm gonna part my deck winch up top uh something i've been wanting to do for a very long time and probably put it to the front axles with one like two straps running together for my catch bring it over really nice and smooth then when i do that uh this tire completely came off that's gonna stay there once i'm done i'm gonna have to probably pick up the rear and drag it out all the way to the street to where they can access it with the landau and pick it up and set it on there so it's going to be a fun job i mean i seen the pictures yesterday i didn't know this space was this bad i thought it was going to be an easy an easy thing but that's my fault for assuming might take a looks like a few hour job now just let me show you what i'm the area i'm working in absolutely gorgeous house i think they said this is gonna be like a 26 million dollar house i can buy like 50 hulks with that price and then the property line goes way beyond this i think about bentleys and stuff and all these driveways must be nice i started after i grabbed this chain well it looks like i am going to have to move the roll off then that company won't be here for like a few hours so not waiting that long i'm going to pull it all the way forward allow me room to back up and get to the genie so let me get this one on my foundry hooks and that should be okay i got the chain attached to the front of the roll-off bin with the foundry hook can i just put my outriggers down really quick should be good all right take off the preschool let me make sure the snatch blocks straighten out okay twist it back this way one more twist right there now tighten up good i checked inside of the roll-up and it's like a third of the way full with miscellaneous trash doesn't look like any concrete or anything heavy so i'm using a half inch chain with the half inch boundary hook should be cake work for hulk now i'm going to just pull it forward out straight out right and then uh my goal is as it gets closer i can lift and swing it more this way i want it to be like uh without hitting that tree kind of where i'm standing here that gives me room to put uh the boom away and outriggers and back up you know what hold on these guys do me a quick favor just until it's right here just in case anything snaps or whatever it might go flying this way if i could just have it here you got it brother oh you'll be lady as you say yeah wouldn't want that chain flying at you you know all right good i love an audience but i gotta do it safe coming over pretty easy slowly but surely high speed idle is off now as i winch in and i just make sure there's nothing blocking the tires yeah it looks good really good this one's coming [Music] all right that's as close as i want to get it hold on hulk you're too strong gotta do it easy okay all right let's check it i put hulk away absolutely can get through this and i just cleared the tree too good work okay now you guys can start to see the uphill right here both sides are flat and then it starts to go up and look at the space under the outrigger starts to really pile up so this is as far back as i can go under lift and outrigger are going to hit this so this is it this is my working space put my outriggers on them enough to crib all this um yeah what a stupid spot i'm going to be working off my back pocket not ideal but again you got to do what you got to do well my cribbing my outriggers are not ideal at all it's soft but i have to make do with what i got so truck is planted as best as i can now comes the rigging oh my god the sun is really coming down on me man i made it on the roof now because this million-dollar mansion they don't want no more damage i'm gonna do a control safety on the on the boom but i don't got a 60 foot boom so i got to make do and i'm going to use my strap and see how uh how i can hug this [Music] this is nerve-wracking okay i could go on this side perfect so i'll show you guys what i got as an idea yeah baby this will work it has to work i'm out of options oh i should have brought my reach stick modern problems require modern solutions nothing sharp and jagged here right and i was gonna face this way because i'm trying to visualize it upright already i throw my shackle up on here nice 17 ton and then i swing the boom to me not bad right this stuff feels so fragile underneath me it's probably expensive too all right let's get that boom to me oh and if you guys can see i put my deck winch through a snatch block up top pretty cool so now i gotta do the suicide way of walking over there and walking down with my cable just grabbing it and if i fall i fall oh shoot very careful josh all right now we can swing back the other way for a little bit extra room okay let's see what it does yes come on come on sucker i like it actually you know what now that i'm here i might as well pull out the white cable whoa one more pull and i can reach it from the floor booyah all right josh get out of here no let me climb this ladder back down and i'll get back to everyone all right guys moment of truth it's game time first steps first deciding up on the boom lift put some tension on that one now let's go up on the main lift now let's go on the boom again now both at the same time there we go there we go okay now we go up on the boom one get it off that roof now let's loosen up on the catch just a little bit now let's signing up on the couch i don't want to slam too much on the boom now we go up on the main lift loosen up on the catch it's a lot more difficult than it looks like it's mine now wow strap up there and the fire was protected there to protect the paint now i'm gonna ever so slightly rotate good now let's go in with the catch a little bit more rotation the more i get to the back of my boom the better and stronger i am right there now i'm going to get to a point where i keep my catch really tight there we go it's almost all catch now let's try going in with just the white a very delicate operation all right i'm confident now let me do a quick that's not gonna slip up top this is so beautiful my favorite word huh all right pick up on the white drop the green pick up on the boom too much luck on the bomb left the hard part a little bit more rotation right there i'm getting stronger as i rotate every time my strongest point is obviously off the back the second strongest would be out the 90 degrees off the side i'm off the back pocket so if i can get it closer to my back then that's great for me is this thing like a neutral they're locked good i thought so i think they're pneumatic now what i can do is start going down while keeping the boom all of them tight so three cables at once perfect now i tuck in a bit while also keeping the main tight good now we rotate some more and that's my boom telling me now so i got you where i want you now this is so fun in case anyone's wondering yes this is awesome ever so slowly no brute force here now if i keep there we go it's gonna swing into my pendulum i got plenty of room for it to swing back so let out on the boom one let out on the catch i think i'm done oh that outrigger can we get the once i stabilize it or are we going to be able to get that up [Music] you want me to hold it here while you do that it's up it's not going to touch evenly because of the outrigger out stuck into the dirt pretty good so you want me to just get rid of all the tension completely in case it wants to move or is it not safe to turn on is what you're saying i'll hold it here i won't move anything how about as we we tuck in with the boom you have a wrap on on the boom section if i let me see if i let go of it completely what it does let me put a whole bunch of wood and have the outrigger supported a little bit all right wow i got it so the front tires are touching now if he can bring that boom down i can get use the ladder to get the strap off okay a 5 8 chain works so great right there yeah but without crushing the tree as far as you can and i'll use a ladder to take my strap off yeah annoying this house that's probably like a hundred thousand dollar tree man oh i know when you operate the axle oscillation it'll probably level out huh so expensive this whole area they have to move that tree they don't want the branches damaged do you need me up here let me take the rig off not negative i'm gonna just jump up here through the wheel and take off my strap there got it now in hindsight that probably would have been better what i'm almost done i don't eat the green one anymore at all just the white one [Music] so do i start the process of dragging it out now yeah okay let me put my more yeah let me get my green line completely out of the way re-rig that blue one over here and we'll get it done yeah yeah i've been a horrible video person right now it is so hot i had to take multiple breaks um and to get it around this curve this is what i'm doing a recovery tone and i'm keeping one line on the axle that's off as a safety there's not tension on it like slightly so i'm gonna put up my outriggers and see what it does and uh hope for the best all right josh let's put everything away and then i'll get back when i start driving okay uh this is very nerve-wracking and dangerous high liability so i got my setcom wireless headsets set them up in two seconds i'm gonna give one to the the lift operator instead of you know honk stop when you hear my train horn it's safer you turn them on throw this on like this they go like this okay you hear me put the mic a little bit closer to your mouth yeah i hear you perfect i'd rather this than honking and all that you know so it's live transmission you don't got to do anything i'm going to just start going forward i'll tell you when i'm going to start going that way you start reversing if you have to break for any reason let me know and we'll break because i don't want any sudden shifts it is lifted i'm not going to pick it up completely off the ground i need it to help you steer that should be pretty much it so let's hope for the best do you know how it's called sideways right now you know how it's called sideways right now he could bring the outriggers down support himself and just level out the chassis if you need it to be more even so that axle over there is super super twisted obviously and you can control it with another lever is it because of the ground no it's because this this cylinder is holding it and he can control it from there okay level it out for me oh please i got the underlift in the air let's drop it okay are you level are you level we're ready again yes to the street right what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put my outriggers out too just in case and i have to uh pick it up and throw it on our deal so wherever you feel most comfortable all right ready all right that was risky these headsets worked awesome i got them out into the street i had my outriggers out ever so slightly on the off chance something happens i don't want to tip my truck over that's just enough to catch me what a crazy tow so he's going to drop the land on i'm going to just ramp it up okay do a quick check everything looks good except for the missing tire and i still got this as a safety which worked out amazing i'm pretty good at this whew that's tilt up watch out you want it more far forward all right it's done clear hold on okay can you hear me what i can do is from the rest i can push it out with my under lip the rest of the way so so try to turn it i guess this way to straighten out the rear well he wants some let's try it let me push it out as far forward as i can first because he wants it a little bit more forward how much more forward i'll do that with my remote i'm gonna start pushing you out okay neutral it and then as i push forward just try to get that out three two very lightly okay three two one whoops control is off all right three two one is that good all right we're good man put this wheel in that way yeah you can go ahead and stay in there for now in the meantime tie down the front axle okay so it doesn't swing out once you do that i'll let go of the back and i'll swing it over for you a few a few inches we could turn off the headsets now let me borrow these guys this forklift i'm gonna go get the tire the board under there use it as a chalk so we don't have to drop that whole thing where then we're gonna have to use it you got it worked great that was almost perfect man yeah they're cool huh all right let me walk all the way back over there and grab all my missing equipment just a little bit more you got it all right you're good there all right to push that tire man we can try get your pants out of the way yeah you can just pull them to the side please this one i can take care of you just huh my thing's going to want to push it straight i have a chain here uh around johnny yeah i guess we're gonna have to just uh set it on the do you have extra wood wow miracles happen my fridge is empty because of that monster i did a private property impound yesterday i haven't had a chance to refill it in the triple digits i'm dying and this food truck just shows up at the end out of nowhere oh that's not a sign i don't know what is why is he going away from me i told him i want a water and a gatorade ah wait till he comes back oh man i survived everything's secure we got the bad tire underneath to hold it i'm i'm so exhausted i can't even talk i'm out of here guys hope you enjoyed [Music] you
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 208,591
Rating: 4.877346 out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's, Pepe's Tow, Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, rotators, big flipper, hulk, heavy wrecker, accident, recovery, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, gopro max, adobe, premiere pro, truck crash, big rig crash, winching, car crash, GoPro, mansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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