Unsettling Discoveries That Might Change History

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we like to think that history is a series of fixed events that have already occurred but sometimes we learn that what we thought was truth was really fiction have you been picturing historical events all wrong we'll discuss the historical implications of these unsettling discoveries to discover even more amazing videos be sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on your notifications for more from the richest hola did you hear about the latest addition to our family the richest espanol is the perfect place for all you native Spanish speakers out there don't speak Spanish no problem come on over this is the perfect place to practice amazing facts interesting people and funny pictures history of Homo sapiens you know by now that Christopher Columbus didn't really discover America but did you know that the first humans in America may not have been Homo sapiens at all we've always thought that humans first started making their way to the Americas around 15,000 years ago after the last ice age ended glaciers began to retreat and what is now the Bering Strait was once dry land this allowed our Homo Sapien ancestors to arrive in the Americas from Europe it makes sense and seemed to fit into the human history puzzle quite nicely so most of us accepted it as fact however a recent discovery by Thomas de Mer of the San Diego Natural History Museum is having us question this he and his team of archaeologists dated the Sarita Mastodon site found in California where humans once used stone tools to carve up a mastodon the date of this site was discovered to be 130,000 years ago which is a time in which homo sapiens were confined to africa these people feasting on Mastodon or not homo sapiens but rather they were Homo neanderthalensis more research is needed to look into this further but this could end up with both science and history books needing to be revised Viking settlement we don't mean to bash Columbus so much even though he kind of deserves it but we have further proof that he wasn't the first Explorer to reach North America many people have theorized that the seafaring Vikings might have made it here first archaeologists believed they found a Viking settlement on the southern tip of new if this can be confirmed it would mean that the Vikings arrived on the continent and were the first Europeans to not only set foot here but to settle previously researchers had found a site in northern Newfoundland that seemed to show evidence of Viking activity but it couldn't be confirmed if they were actually Vikings or if they had stopped for more than a brief visit so how do you find an actual Viking village head to space of course that's right this new site was found using satellite images the satellite scans picked up traces of iron work that was unique to the Norse people at that time they believe that there is evidence of an entire village but more research is needed shark kano you've heard of a sharknado but do you know about the recently discovered shark Kino okay it's not really called that but it should be a team of scientists set out to collect data from one of the most active submarine volcanoes on earth they were interested in gathering data about the area right before an eruption and measuring the ph carbon dioxide temperature fluctuations and acidity these are all pretty standard things to look for but what they found was totally unexpected sharks because of the hot acidic cloudy water scientists didn't expect to find anything living down there except for perhaps some bacteria just being close to the volcano was hazardous for scientists so the discovery that sharks are capable of living in such environments was pretty startling to say the least footage of the Sharks was put online and people were stunned even shark experts were bursting with excitement for what new information could be learned from this and they are planning to go back and tag the Sharks so we can learn more about them since we have no clues sharks could survive down there in the first place we are eager to find out what else we don't know about them three parent babies genic engineering isn't anything new but in recent years it has advanced in leaps and bounds when we talk about three parent babies we aren't talking about step parents or blended families here recently a baby was born using this controversial technique that uses the DNA of three people scientists developed this unsettling method so to prevent women with metabolic diseases from passing them on to their children instead the disease okand ria is replaced with mitochondria from a healthy donor who acts as the third parent confused basically mom a has the bad mitochondria so they take the nucleus from her egg and implants it into a healthy donor egg from mom P this adds the DNA from mom a while maintaining the healthy mitochondria from mom B the rest of the process involving fertilization and birth are standard this technology being successfully implemented is huge and could have far-reaching implications for the future of the human race mammoth island we tend to think of woolly mammoths as having passed away not long after the dinosaurs did but they were actually still alive and kicking around when the Great Pyramid of Giza was being built on a remote island off the coast of Siberia lived the last group of mammoths that went extinct a mere four thousand years ago which isn't a very long time in the grand scheme of things we had thought that all mammoths ceased to exist around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago but it turns out that was just the mainland mammoths continue to live on Wrangel Island on the Polar Sea and another island called st. Paul around 280 miles from Alaska there were more mammoths on st. Paul about 13,000 and it's believed that they suffered from a lack of freshwater mammoths like elephants need a lot of fresh water and the dry periods on st. Paul were likely too much for them on Wrangel Island the population was smaller about 300 Mehmet's and they suffered from a lack of genetic diversity stuck on a tiny island these creatures suffered a genomic meltdown because of inbreeding until they could no longer exist dinosaur disappearance now that we know that mammoths stuck around longer than we first thought it might be less surprising that the dinosaurs did as well most of us believe that about 66 million years ago there was some type of cataclysmic event that meant the end for dinosaurs however we recently learned that this time period was more complicated than we thought and it might not have taken something as major as an asteroid to do it instead it might have been a series of more common incidents such as volcanoes and dust clouds researchers now believe that drops of sulfuric acid formed in the upper atmosphere causing a long-term cooling effect that was even more devastating than a singular disaster earth for over three decades the asteroid hypothesis was widely accepted but it turns out there may be a lot more to the story than we once thought although it might not seem relevant to our lives today it shows that we are still vulnerable to mass extinction and highlights how important the climate is to life on Earth this makes our struggle with global warming even more frightening cold spot if you just felt a chill we don't blame you because talking about multiverses can be pretty spooky just a couple years ago in 2015 scientists discovered a cold spot in space that might not sound exciting immediately but keep in mind how freezing cold space is this cold spot is one point eight billion light-years across and is the largest known structure ever discovered however it has about 20% less matter than it should if you're baffled by this don't worry scientists were too however scientists have recently come up with a theory that could explain the strange discovery it involves a parallel universe colliding with our own and creating an enormous amount of force this pushed energy out of an enormous area of space resulting in a cold spot and if our universe ended up experiencing the Big Bang then other universes could have formed the same way creating a multiverse of other universes the cold spot could simply be the first evidence we've ever seen of one stones fear you've probably heard us talk about the strange and mysterious stone spheres of Costa Rica before but we found an even older and stranger stone sphere in Bosnia this sphere was found near the town of zavidovici and has a radius of four to five feet it's comprised mostly of iron in some archeologists believe that it proves the existence of a lost civilization rumors told by some of the local people claimed that there were once many more stone spheres but they were destroyed in the 1970s because people thought there might be gold inside of them archaeologist semir osmanagich the sphere proves the existence of an advanced civilization that lived in the area about 1500 years ago however other scientists have doubts and this fear has caused a lot of dispute some people even claim that the sphere as a result of natural processes currently only about half of the stone ball has been uncovered and there is clearly a that we don't know about it cosmic flash will have you look to the sky once more where scientists recently made a startling discovery while using x-ray imaging astronomers spotted mysterious cosmic flashes occurring in outer space they lasted only a few moments but in that brief period of time they shone brighter than all the other stars in the galaxy and produced even more energy this took place in an area of space called Chandra Deep Field south which is located about ten point eight billion light-years from Earth scientists believe this cosmic flash is remarkable and this is the first time anything like it has been observed it could very well be a completely new type of cataclysmic event right now we are assuming that is some type of destructive event such as the last moments of a star man's best friend we have long thought that human beings began turning dogs into our best friends around 11,000 to 16,000 years ago during that time we've taught our canine companions to tell if we are happy or angry how to sit and how to be our faithful followers through all sorts of fun adventures but new evidence suggests that dogs have been around a lot longer than we thought scientists found a bone of what they believe to be an ancient wolf on the tamir Peninsula in Siberia genetic testing showed that the animal it belonged to live about 35,000 years ago and had similar DNA to wolves and modern dogs we had thought that we had domesticated dogs around the time we started farming in order to help us out but this evidence shows that our relationship predates that instead it's possible that wolves followed humans around and essentially domesticated themselves which one of these discoveries do you believe will have the most far-reaching implications will any of them be keeping you up at night be sure to tell us in the comment section below and subscribe to the richest for more awesome videos thank you so much for watching and hey we'll see you next time don't forget to check out all of the new and exciting content over at the richest espanol adios
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 1,073,882
Rating: 4.6607618 out of 5
Keywords: three parent baby, sharcano, Vikings, discovery, history, change, unsettling, science, dogs, mammoths, cold spot, dinosaurs, 10, 15, lists, therichest, scientist couldn't explain
Id: GqgA4YtqDOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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