5 Mythical Creatures That Could Actually Exist

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a mythical creature is a made-up creation that usually has supernatural powers and is far superior than any other animal the talk of them has been around for thousands of years appearing in stone paintings right up to current TV programs now although by definition a mythical creature is nothing more than folklore with no proof of its existence what if there was some truth behind a few of these legends what if there could be some evidence to prove that they are not so mythical after all but real-life creatures that may have or still roam the planet here are five mythical creatures where that could well be the case as far back as the 12th century stories of the legendary Kraken the giant squid like sea creature that terrorizes passing ships has been passed around by communities and sailors the legend is thought to have originated in and around the oceans in Norway Iceland and even as far as Greenland and tells the tale of a huge beast that would hunt whales and attack paths and vessels with his massive arms or circle especially large ships until there was enough Maelstrom to drag it down into the ocean taking everyone on board with it like all legends Kraken has been exaggerated over the years and it's thought the first tale of a sighting dates back to the Year 1180 at that time the giant squid like many sea creatures would not been recognized by sailors leading them to tell stories about a man-eating beast lurking in the depths of the sea but in reality the Kraken if the old tales are true would almost certainly have been some kind of possibly now extinct or undiscovered giant squid and in 1853 something was found that would fit Krakens description a giant cephalopod washed up on a Danish beach the first time such a beasts had been seen and studied up close and it was a close match to the Kraken tales that had been told for hundreds of years before after heavy research there is still much debate about how many species of giant squid they are and exactly how large they can grow but can they grow to the size of the legendary Kraken as reported by so many sailors when you think a sea creature like Megalodon or the North asaurus have existed and the facts the largest squid that we have yet to discover was almost 43 feet or 13 meters in length then many believe a man-eating squid the size of kraken is entirely plausible but there is more to back this up in 2011 the fossilized bones of marine were found they had been arranged in such a way that researchers claimed that only a giant crackin style octopus or squid could be responsible professor mark McManaman an American paleontologist and professor of geology who has been trying to prove the existence of the Kraken sized squids is convinced the strange arrangement of this shonisaurus vertebrae a sea reptile that lives 200 million years ago was not a natural occurrence and after examining the remains he believes a much larger animal attacked it he discovered sucker marks on the bones and a snaps neck and the collection of several bones in one place is consistent with the way a modern octopus would attract his prey to a lair before killing and eating it the only difference is that this octopus of squid would have had to have been up to 30 meters long to have been able to kill and eat the giant marine lizard pretty interesting stuff one like I said the largest squid we have ever found was 13 meters in length Kraken represents the legendary squid that the sailors would tell tails off but it seems that the legend could certainly have some truth behind it and the ocean could well have been or still is home to the giant kraken squid mermaids the mermaid or Merman is a mythical creature that eyes half person and half fish and although the thought of a human-like creature with a fishtail swimming around the ocean sounds very unlikely the myth has been going on for literally thousands of years it originated in around a thousand BC with the tail of a Syrian goddess she was supposedly turned into a mermaid after being thrown into a lake and since then mermaids have become increasingly popular being used in movies cartoons the Starbucks logo and even being worshipped by some religions with this there is no surprise that there have been hundreds of sightings over the years and although many can be put down to drunken sailors who see human size ocean creatures like manatees from a distance and think they are mermaids there have been a few interesting sightings Christopher Columbus the Italian explorer claimed to have seen mermaids near Haiti in 1493 remarking that in the face they looked like men another Explorer Captain John Smith of Pocahontas his fame is also said to have encountered a mermaid in 1614 while sailing off the coast at Newfoundland he described the creature as having green hair with big eyes who he found oddly attractive that was until he apparently realized she was a fish from the waist down in 1943 during World War two several mermaids were apparently spotted by Japanese soldiers on the shores of the key islands in Indonesia the story tells of a Japanese sergeant who went to investigate a dead mermaid and confirmed that it was real he tried getting scientists to go and study it but since they did not believe him nothing more became of it and no mermaid bodies were ever recovered there is also a story from 1830 that claims a young boy in Scotland spotted a child with a Salmons tail he was so frightened by it they threw rocks at the creature and killed it is said that villagers buried the creature in a coffin in the local church art but stories like this lose credibility when over the years many hoaxes and showman have profited from the mermaid legend asking people to pay to view a real-life mermaid that in reality is just a show woman dressed up with a fake tail even PT Barnum the famous showman tried cashing in on the public's fascination with mermaids he displayed what he called Fiji mermaid and charged people 50 cents to view it it turned out to be a fake body with the torso head and limbs of a dead monkey and the bottom half of a fish in 2012 a TV special called mermaids the body found presented a fictional documentary style account of how scientists had found proof of mermaids existence the program convinced many viewers of the footage and research they showed was real and a statement had to be issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration denying the existence of mermaids but just how likely are they to be real with some of the creatures that exist in the ocean is a human looking creature with a fishtail really that far-fetched what do you think it seems more people believe in mermaids now than ever before so do you think they had just made up or do you think there could be some truth behind them the Loch Ness monster Loch Ness is a vast Lake in the scottish highlands so vast in facts that holds more water than all the lakes and rivers in England and Wales combined it's also a hundred feet deep in some places and has poor underwater visibility due to high levels of peat in the water an interesting side note is that at the bottom of the Loch there are two radioactive layers of sediment one of these caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster anyway as you will know the Loch Ness is most famous for the monster that is thought to live there and alongside Bigfoot I would say the Loch Ness monster is one of the most famous unconsumed creatures out there the earliest association with the monster in the Loch appeared in a manuscript written in the 7th century by Adam Nam in which he tells of a man who was swimming in the lake and was attacked by water beasts over the years there have been several other reports of something living in the darkest depths of the water but it was in 1933 that the monster really caught the imagination of the public it was when this photograph was taken by Hugh gray then in 1934 London physician Robert Wilson captured the most famous Nessie picture of all time despite this photograph being debunked some years later the fascination of the Loch Ness monster hasn't stopped and around a million people visit the lake each year in search of it generating an estimated 25 million pound for the local economy so is there a monster lurking in the Loch or is there another explanation for some other sightings could they be other sea creatures that are being mistaken for Nessie a lake sturgeon does match reports of the Loch Ness monster and some say a giant eel could also be responsible and despite these usually favoring saltwater to 7 foot yields were found washed up on Loch Ness Beach another theory is that driftwood bobbing to the surface or illusions caused by the seismic activity underneath the Loch Ness that releases gas bubbles causing a reaction on the water surface could be mistaken for the monster but who knows there is no doubting an animal of Nessie's characteristics could exist take the now extinct please you're sore for instance so even if the Loch Ness monster doesn't currently exist history has shown that it's entirely possible Dragons they're commonplace all over the world on flags signposts pubs and are displayed in many different cultures in Europe the dragon appears as a fierce looking creature often with wings and legs or as the East Asian countries see the dragon more as a snake-like creature colorful and majestic with a strong association to their emperor the Chinese dragon is in fact the highest ranking animal in the Chinese hierarchy and is the only mythical creature to feature in the Chinese calendar then there are tales of brave knights battling with ferocious dragons and even a day called st. George's Day celebrated throughout the world named after Saint George a Christian martyr who bravely slayed the dragon so where did all of this originate from dead dragons once exist and how can so many from cultures have myths at the same looking creature even the Bible has a reference to a dragon comparing the devil to one so if not from a religious standpoint how can you explain the writer of the Bible's mention of the dragon in a book written thousands of years ago creation scientists belief is that humans would have lived amongst dragons and our contact with them before their extinction has been passed down over the years another theory is that dinosaurs are responsible perhaps ancient civilizations stumbled across fossils and bones with a few long extinct dinosaurs and pieced them together creating a dragon it's plausible especially when you find out that there are two thousand-year-old references to dragon bones in situation ax maybe people created the image of a dragon that way and it's stuck another theory is that dragons were an early relative to current animals like the dragon snake or flying dragon but went extinct at the time of the dinosaurs but there's very little information to back this up so you may never know if dragons did once exist but there's no denying they will continue to capture the public's imagination via children's films programs like Game of Thrones or video games and I for one would be lying if I didn't want there to be an undiscovered island populated by them unlike many mythical creatures this next one is a fairly modern one it started in 1995 in Puerto Rico when eight perfectly healthy sheep were found dead at a farm in the months that followed nearly a thousand mysterious animal deaths have been reported in the area of kin Ivana's they all reported the dead animals had puncture wounds and all the blood had been drained from their bodies they had no idea what animal was responsible but since it seemed to favor killing goats they called it chupacabra Spanish for goat sucker before long the chupacabra was apparently being spotted and was described as a thick-set creature with long claws around the size of a small bear with some saying he had a row of spines from its neck to the end of its tail for five years there were regular reports of the same unusual attack on animals but now it was not just in Puerto Rico but also in Mexico Chile Nicaragua Argentina and Florida many interesting pictures and video started to surface but one of the most compelling pieces was by mrs. Canyon who lived on a ranch in Texas that she said was being targeted by the chupacabra as many of her chickens were being killed and drained entirely of blood it was in 2007 when she found an unknown creature on the side of the road not far from her ranch she froze its head for research purposes and I was thought to have been the first real proof of a chupacabra tests were done and although they were not 100% on what exactly it was the tests showed that it was likely a coyote and Mexican wolf mix but Canyon is confident it's a chupacabra and that is responsible for killing her chickens it clear that something has been killing animals and seemingly draining their blood so what could it be some say it was a top-secret US government genetics test gone wrong producing this out-of-control mutant breed for scientists studied many dead animal carcasses and were convinced they had been attacked by dogs coyotes or raccoons that I've been infected with a disease such as mangie that caused hair loss and an unusual appearance what do you think is the chupacabra an undiscovered blood sucking animal or is there another explanation for the sightings and attacks SOLAS five mythical creatures that may have once or still currently exist out of the five what do you think is the most likely to be real if none of them then what mythical creature do you wish was real thanks for watching have an awesome day or night and I'll see you next week for a super interesting video you
Channel: Top5s
Views: 7,996,346
Rating: 4.8556428 out of 5
Keywords: Mythical creature spotted, Real mythical creature, Mermaid Documentary, Mermaid found, Mermaid spotted, Mermaid caught on camera, Loch Ness Monster Documentary, Loch Ness monster caught on camera, Dragons, Real dragon, Kraken, Giant squid, huge squid caught, chupacabra, chupacabra caught on video, Top 5 mythical creature, Real mythical creature spotted, Big foot, Urban legends, Real Chupacabra
Id: kr0lqEKMo4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
Reddit Comments

So since there was a post with a top 5 mythical creatures that could actually exist, I decided to post this video as well. I'll edit in my opinion on the top 5 once I'm done watching the video.

EDIT: oh boy here we go. This video contains a lot more explanation than the other one, so some of the 'creatures' are basically identified in the video.

  • 5: The case of the great white being 'eaten'. So this story might be known to some of you. It's the story of the tagged great white that got 'eaten'. Scientists assumed this since the measured temperature suddenly increased rapidly. Also, the tag plunged into the depths within a short amount of time. Like the video states, there's two options in this case: 1: The shark, measuring about 3 meters, got eaten by an enormous sea creature. 2: The tag fell off and got eaten by a fish that dove back to the depths after it. The temperature increased from 46 Fahrenheit (7,7 degrees Celsius) to 78 Fahrenheit (25,5 degrees Celsius) within seconds. Now let's take a look at the average body temperature of great whites. As you can see, great whites have a stomach temperature of 13-25 degrees Fahrenheit (7-14 degrees Celsius). This doesn't match the temperature increase measured by the tag. let's look at the next contender, an orca. orcas have a body temperature of about 36.4 to 38 degrees Celsius (97,5-100,4 F). Their stomach temperature could be a bit lower, as explained here. The most reasonable explanation here is that the shark got killed by an orca, which then dove to the depths.

  • 4: 'The furry dolphin'. Mangled and rotten carcasses wash up on shore all the time, so it isn't that unusual to see anything like this. However, I have no clue at all what type of creature this might have been. If I had to pick a few candidates, I'd say some sort of dolphin, whale or eel. The most reasonable explanation is that it's a mangled, rotten, perhaps even eaten carcass of some known creature.

  • 3: 'The toothed carcass'. The witnesses stated that the creature had a back fin, but that isn't shown at all. Here's a link with pictures. If you look at the pictures, it looks a little weird at first. But the tooth and (presumed) backfin fit perfectly with it being an Orca. Also, the pectoral fins seem to be in almost the exact same location as those belonging to an orca. This leads me to believe it's most likely a decomposing Orca carcass, so nothing special here.

  • 2: 'The 52-Hertz whale'. This story's actually kinda sad. Like the video states there seems to be something in the ocean that's creating noises completely different from all the other known whales. The sound has only been heard in one place in the world (the Pacific ocean), which led scientists to believe that it's coming from one whale, who is incredibly alone. My knowledge about whales isn't that big, so my best bet would be that it's some kind of malformed/mutated whale of a known species who isn't (wasn't?) capable of producing the same noise as its brethren.

  • 1: Mysterious shark in the mariana trench. Aw yiss, my cup of tea. So scientists were using bait to record known and unknown species of sharks, with the hopes of finding something extraordinary. They found a massive shark, which is believed to be between 30 to 50 feet (9 to 15 meters) in length. The creature certainly looks enormous. It's rather slow in its movement, which leads me to believe it's a shark that's specifically equipped to survive in the deeper parts of the ocean. It's skin has all kinds of scars on it and I think this might be the most important shot of the video. The area around its gills seems to be a bit wrinkly, maybe even a bit scarred. If you look at this picture, which contains a number of sharks, it certainly looks like the creature on tape could be a giant basking shark. The only issue I've got with this is that the basking shark is a plankton-eating shark. Also, the shark continues moving, which eventually leads to this shot. If you compare that to the basking shark, it doesn't look similar at all. The basking shark has a really noticeable nose, which this shark lacks. I've seen some people stating it's a megalodon, but it doesn't look like that either. This guy makes some valid statements about the identity of the shark. He concludes its a sleeper shark, and I agree with that. Nothing unusual here, although it might be a big sleeper shark, since most of them only grow to a maximum of 7 meters.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/coyootje 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2016 🗫︎ replies
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