5 Mysterious Gigantic Creatures Accidentally Caught On Camera

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[Music] unidentified creatures are seen around the world fairly regularly however it's rare that these creatures are ever captured on camera especially by complete accident from a mythological sea creature to a real-life dragon here are five giant unexplainable creatures that were caught on camera by complete mistake number five the ninja is a humanoid sea creature believed to have originated in Japanese folklore however on multiple occasions this mysterious species of creature has been captured on camera and rather strangely often by military vessels the creatures are typically white colored with an estimated length of 100 feet the creatures are most commonly seen with arms and legs just like a human though some have been seen with mermaid like tails it's commonly reported that the only defined features are prominent eyes and a mouth in fact in one report military crew members aboard a submarine thought that they were witnessing a strangely shaped enemy vessel though recognized the creature as a living being strictly based on its facial features these sightings seem to most frequently occur at night making most of these creatures extremely difficult to capture on camera though in the following videos crew members have managed to do just that both videos were captured aboard an ocean vessel and captured the supposed ninjin creature by complete mistake take a look [Music] [Music] number four in this next video a man aboard a cable-car and green wedge accidentally captured video of a strange unidentified sea creature the animal is an extremely long distance away so it's hard to make out any distinct features of the beast making it that much more mystifying however one thing is for sure whatever this is it is absolutely huge [Music] [Applause] [Music] number three in this next video a camera was sent down to inspect a shaft of an oil rig when it managed to capture an extremely odd creature on video the strange being hardly even looks like a living creature at all though many speculate that it could be a strange type of jellyfish or even a whale placenta however neither of these theories seem to immediately fit as there are strange blobs and shapes seen on the creatures skin that don't seem to be characteristics of either a placenta or a jellyfish however scientists have recently explained that it is in a way actually both the creature is known as a placental jellyfish also known as well the name you see on screen this specific type of jellyfish is usually seen in the Atlantic Ocean sometimes over 5,000 feet below sea level this creature is truly strange and is extremely rare to be captured on video have a look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] number two a man was recently filming a thunderstorm in his local area when he captured what appears to be a dragon on camera and no you didn't hear that incorrectly this appears to be video evidence of an actual dragon there countless videos such as this on the Internet at the moment all of which appear to be faked in some capacity however this one certainly does not appear to be the pixels all match up the frame rates are consistent and the lighting appears to be completely genuine have a look and let us know your thoughts in the comments with the program Korean [Music] - come - come [Music] number one an explorer from Australia captured footage of what he claims is a giant Nephilim on camera Nick Maliki also known as the Nephilim hunter says that he didn't notice the creature into reviewing the footage hours later at home he says normally I know the smell of these things but one of the guys had a flaming torch so I couldn't catch the scent over the smell of kerosene in the video we can see the creature taking shelter in an alcove inside of a cave when the cameras pointed toward the creature you can see it attempt to shield its eyes from the bright light even stranger is that if you look extremely closely you may be able to make out what some believe is a second creature lurking behind the larger one possibly a baby Nephilim Nick believes that the creature was likely around 10 feet tall if they were standing upright take a look at the creature in the following video but be warned the audio is impressively terrible so look at that where he's gone [Applause] [Music] thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe and click that notification ball to keep updated with our videos [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 5,173,949
Rating: 4.1965127 out of 5
Keywords: unexplained mysteries, unexplained mysteries caught on camera, caught on camera, unexplained, real, life camera, sky, captured in sky, creeatures caught on tape, creeatures in sky, giant creatures, giant creatures sky, creatures, mysterious creatures, your mind my we=arehouse, top 5, top 10, Giant Creatures That Lived, gigantic creatures
Id: we4maOly4UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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