"Unseating the Queen of Heaven" | POWER HOUR | Ep.142 - 25 March

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] good afternoon oh you got a quick view of david there good afternoon our family around the world in facebook land and youtube land oh boy are we at war today there is a feminine feistiness on this screen and a holy ghost anointing for breakthrough so this is not just for the women this is for the guys as well so you're going to want to stay with us and hear all that we've got to say so look at the lovely beautiful faces on the screen let me introduce uh one you have maybe not seen before these uh other three ladies with me are my senior uh leadership hello along with a couple two or three other guys uh but uh deb sergey nichola and i are the most senior women within our organization they are all departmental directors and so i have brought on my senior women uh to war with me today as we discuss female issues female liberation uh guinea female kind of health issues and women in the church so these are the women that i do life with these women know me well i trust these women with my life and they are uh the women i want to champion and the women who champion me back so i am blessed but i am blessed to have sarah j nicola and debs in my life what somebody's going wonder woman yes uh they are wonder woman uh so and they all run different deep departments with in the global prophetic alliance some like debs running two departments in a superhuman way so women say hi tell the people how you are hello everybody great to see you we're delighted to be i'm excited for today it is going to be powerful i had my face mask on last night especially because she was on had a gel patches and i didn't want to miss out so yes i had an ester evening of bathing and moisturizing and beautifying myself because we're doing women today who's with me on the face masks yeah they are absolutely amazing now nicholas some of them have not heard your voice you are scottish uh in probably two english one irish and nicola you are the scot yes yes hi everybody it's so good to join with you today this is the first time i've been in on um power hour uh like you see the jane i was also preparing i even curled the hair this morning rather than just walking straight i'll tell you a funny story we logged in we had a medical clinic um practice group this morning and when i logged in that's what one of the team said to me my nicola you've made an effort this morning as opposed to not having normally made an effort you just love it when your team love you it's great but um yeah it's super good to be with you here i'm so excited about what god's going to do and speak in our time together today and devs how about you oh you're muted there you go i woke up excited today i haven't done a face mask but hopefully you can you can forgive me but i've i've got a scarf to cover the fact i'm wearing yesterday's jumper [Music] yeah tmi on this screen i assure you honestly that's wonderfully honest so we're just going to jump right in and i'm going to set the scene and the scene is is one you uh probably already know but we want to be quite vulnerable with you as women with our own stories and um i started having um real uh uh pain uh and i mean i'm just gonna talk to you this honestly i started to have really gyny pain women area pain at the um a good number of months ago and of course these are the things we don't talk about these are the things we hide from one another and i discovered um in conversation bit by bit by bit that sarah janet had the same thing and nickel then i think you were the next conversation nicholas had the same thing and then debs had had the same thing and we all realized as women in in senior leadership that we had been hiding some of uh our female issues and i don't know whether that's shame or just whether there's a sense that look you just don't talk about it in case you seem too vulnerable and you just dig deep and you get on with it and some of these extreme pains that women go through it's just life and i know some saying the men are running for the hills men you actually need to uh you need to hear to hear this actually and what it's like and in that sense in a woman's head wanting to push away that and not be honest that that is our reality flooding incredibly unpleasant bleeding where you you wonder whether you're going to make it through a preach without getting to the bathroom can i say this is real this is real stuff here and having come from a pharmaceutical background you know i know that much more budget is put into men's health issues than women's health issues and that's just the the reality of what it is and so we started to talk the four of us and we started to get together on zooms the four of us to pray to say what is going on and why are we suffering as women like this slightly different for each one of us and and is this acceptable and how do we contend and how do we pray around this now then there's the whole other conversation about the other stuff that goes on in the women's life but do any of you want to comment on this and our story together you're all muted we must be having some scientists yeah yeah i think i think for me um i'd become quite matter of fact about it and just come to a place of thinking just do i need to accept that this is the way it is and i'm i'm i'm really struggling here and yes you're right and an element of shame almost did it did it almost reveal a weakness in me that that i was i was physically struggling and with my womanhood with something that is so exposing and so vulnerable and can leave you you know wide open and and i i just got to a place where i was like i think this is just my my burden my lord i just have to suffer this and i have to carry this and i have to walk with this um and it it's it's taken you know it takes a real renewal of your mind that actually no you know and that's not that's not the place to stand in i thought i suppose we got to a point in our conversations is how much are we under a curse that we can break i mean that was the that was the conversation we had in terms of endometriosis uh uterine cysts flooding heavy bleeding bleeding where you have no iron left in your body so you have no energy all of these kind of of issues uh which seem to hit in just like massive quantities is this something oh because we live in a fallen world well you just get on with it and there are some things that we live in a fallen world and you just get on with but there are other things you go actually i think there's something behind this that we can do something about for all of us and that was really our end point nichola you wanted to comment on that yeah yeah i think when we talked about it and the four of us we talked about a kind of start point and where that had been where we noticed there was an increase um and i previously worked as a nurse in general practice and emma and i have had multiple conversations about increasing my hours at gpa and eventually going full time but it wasn't until um i could pinpoint it to an exact almost day week kind of thing where emma and i had a conversation on the phone regarding you know we need to put a date in the calendar now for for you leaving behind the nursing job and coming full time into the ministry setting and i can almost pinpoint it to that week where i noticed an increase in that you know the horrificness of i don't really want to go out of the house today because i need to take spare clothes with me wherever i go and i and that kind of i don't know if anybody talks about this because certainly nobody around seems to be talking about it i don't remember taught me that i think girls talk about these things um you know peripherally you know we talk about i just don't feel great today but it was just like that feeling of weakness that feeling of loss of control and that your body was almost failing because you know it wasn't doing what it was meant to do uh and that that just i can almost pinpoint it to the exact week where we had that conversation about going um full-time and leaving behind the nursing jobs and so really for you nicola you tr you track a lot of these issues in your own female body to a point where you were being promoted in the spirit and you have a very direct measurable connection between a platform opening to you and this curse on your femininity and your female i mean absolutely and maybe some of us some of you in the comments are saying you know i never thought of it uh but but that we gotta now make the link so that we can liberate where we need liberated sergeant do you want to comment on on that yeah i think it was a revelatory moment when we when we started sharing our stories to each other in in the fullness of them and realizing we started praying that there was this witchcraft over us as women leaders that was trying to stop us from go going fully into uh the call of god on our lives and realizing that actually the the some some low grade but some more very high intense grade pain and other symptoms coming on us all at exactly the same point at the end of last year coming into this year and realizing that it was to debilitate us and to make us shrink back and there was very much this sense of women you know from the enemy side of uh things shrink back and make yourself small and the lord saying no rather daughters see where the enemy has tried to curse you and come forward into the fullness of what i have for you into that spacious place and so there was that sense of the uh the agreement from the four of us are actually you know through tears as we're praying we're realizing what god's called us to and and you know snot and tears because we realized gosh the enemy's done a real number here and look what happened and actually now we realize that this is not all on me and my body this is not all on you know how i live how i eat my lifestyle you know whatever goes through our heads um this is a curse and actually it needs broken um and so this is why we're here today and and it's it's a good day but it's not without it's it's not without its journey and all our lives that we'd be here probably for a full half day sharing with a cup of coffee with you all because it took it took us a while to unpack uh but we're here today in a victory star stan saying we will not shrink back as the women that god has called to lead same for you all out there you know we will not shrink back we will arise and we will enter into our spacious place so let me set the scene because we are now going to war and a lot of you in the comments are going oh i've had this i've had this i've had this and i feel like we've got an on mass uh you know uh sharing and identification with one another so when you we know that in and around these issues of a curse against women and the subjugation of women there are issues of gender pay gaps there are issues of infertility we are going to specifically talk about infertility issues uh in the rest of this r we know that uh there is this glass ceiling in in many workplaces but we also know the horrificness of growing up in traditional churches as women the women who can't pray the women who can't talk share at communion can't lead can't speak and all of those things that certainly were very present in my childhood and in some of these other ladies lives as well and for many of you i would also want to talk in the wider context about the stats on abused women during this lockdown and global pandemic the stats on abuse of women and the murder of women have gone through the roof and the united nations has just published its first sentences on women killed by men and they this is from the united nations they are saying that six women are killed by men every hour and they called it a global pandemic of femicide that has been enhanced by uh covert 19 and the united nations calling for urgent action in fact the united nations figures show that 137 women across the world are killed every day by a partner or by a member of their own family and so 50 000 women murdered by people they should be able to trust and the united nations this is the united nations terminology describes it as a construct of power and a means of maintaining the status quo now obviously at uh that end of merger it's at its most serious um but uh obviously we have it in all sorts of forms right down to how our female bodies work or don't work because of the subjugation of women and i think we have to have an honest conversation uh that this is really a spiritual warfare issue this is a spiritual warfare issue come on you and i and i need to know that i mean i need to go to war it is the the stats are shocking but in our nation in the british isles we're looking at things like theresa may when we had our first female prime minister and the belittling of her in a way that you wouldn't belittle or demean a male leader particularly around comments about what she wore and how she looked and that opened a door in this nation for an increased demonic activity against women uh so do any of you want to comment on that ladies or even share uh uh a horror story or two before we wore on some of your worst uh rejections or worse stories of being um uh you know undermined as a woman i think it's fascinating what you're saying emma in the context of the world because we have to recognize this is not just a you know a scotland british isles issue this is a worldwide issue that god's drawing attention to even the likes of um japan where they've allowed women into government but they're not allowed to speak you know you have a place in ministerial government but you can't speak at any meetings what is that you know and in japan the suicide rate in young women has gone up so much that apparently in the last year 18 000 more women under 30s killed themselves this year than previous years because of this sense of honor and we don't need to go into all of that but there's that sense of even the women in india the farming women who were told go home and go back to your children and take your children with you in the protests of farming we saw a couple of months ago and these women actually saying no we will not go home we will have our right to speak and we see this this battle at the moment across the earth of of women coming stronger and stronger but needing that breakthrough and and i have to say i i grew up differently to to you three i didn't grow up in church and i grew up in business you know uh my my world was corporate business and i was trying to i was literally racking my brains i feel like i've had a good experience you know i've had a good experience in church because i've been given place as a woman leader but i was proven as a woman leader in business first and so my my sort of feminine battle was in was in business and i can remember one day i must have been about 28. and i was confident you know i was confident in my job as head of marketing for a plc property company and i was organizing a meeting and this gentleman that we called in to be a consultant um was supposed to be a meeting the next day which was for the out of house team not the in-house business team um of the company and he turned up in reception off a flight from south africa and he sat in reception and i was like oh hey what what you're doing here you know and i'll use his name just in case he ever sees this but or anybody else that knows me sees it and but he was like i'm here for the meeting i said oh you're meeting you're coming to is not for tomorrow and you know what his aggression his anger his vehemence against me he came up to me with a rush with his little travel bag wheeling behind him and pushed me and said i will not let a little woman like you keep me from this meeting literally shoved me out of the way and stormed off down the corridor to our bosses uh meeting room which was was in an offensive as it is and i literally stood there shocked and i was thinking i i feel like i still have a mark here you know i still have a mark here in the spirit or on my body somewhere and remembering that like who do you think you are you're just a young woman and you will not stop me a strong man you know at that point i'm not speaking about men from south africa but it was that sense of you know in the business place where i've been given a a senior role and this guy was treating me like mark you know like out of the way so that's my my memorable experience but it comes from the business context yeah debs nichola what do you want to add here yeah i mean i started um as a sunday school teacher you know that's where traditionally women seem to start and i started ministry um as a sunday school teacher at the age of 16. um and i remember being in um the church where i was going to at that time one saturday preparing a month's worth of lessons so that they were just a matter of picking them up and um one of the the senior leaders in in the church came in and asked what i was doing and i said you know i'm just preparing the next month's sunday school lessons and he said to me out of a place of love because i know this man and he is he's an amazing man and he would not have meant it to put me down but he said to me yeah you'll make a fabulous pastor's wife one day and it never that that soul um held me back you know what i've already said that i shared um that you know as a nurse as a nurse i um have to be confident i can't be a shrinking violet and you know i have to go in and take charge in situations and that was fine because that was my other job but coming into the church it was easier forget the terminology but it was easier sometimes to play the dumb blonde and just be the quiet one in the back who looked after the children because i didn't see myself as being anything other than a pastor's wife but as somebody who's not married then i wasn't the pastor's wife therefore i didn't even have a role you know and that really has controlled how i see myself in church and it wasn't meant like that he didn't mean it like that i know he didn't but it has controlled how i have viewed my role as a leader in church i'm okay to look after the children because one day i'll make a great password i i think what always it makes me giggle is uh dear old david my husband who is the most remarkable of men and does not like the microphone or the platform and is utterly fulfilled behind the scenes particularly in typing words and in written words i mean so intelligent but you see people come through the ministry who just cannot cope with the fact that i'm on the platform and he's not and david has a list of inaccurate agended ungodly soulish manipulative words on you will have a greater platform presence than your wife because it's like people can't quite understand that god could have uh a platform woman it married to a non-platform man who happens to have his own ministry thank you very much and is as high flying as i am but in his own distinct god way and that actually my submission to him as my husband is real and true and i honor him as the head of the house but that does not mean he's going to turn cart wheels on a platform you know so we we we have all of that in the background and i tell you once i am given a word like that they never get an invite back to this ministry sorry that's very strong but i'm not having it so debs share with us yeah i've grown up multi-generational um in the ministry you know but for me and i've seen the transition over time as as culture within the church and changes through the generations but you know having a grandfather in in ministry a great man who you know learned his trade under smith wigglesworth he followed he toured with him and saw these books he was his companion and and then um you know seeing my parents and growing up in that me as a leader and with a desire and ability to lead had to find autonomy to lead in the marketplace and like sarah jane and like nicola my my strength has been 20 years of a very successful education career you know and working my way to headships and an ofsted inspector because there was value placed there on me and there was a place for me to lead and i was actually talking to my mum and sister about this because all three of us are actually have forged a very successful career um in a place outside of the platform because of the challenge that comes from standing on a platform and stepping off and breastfeeding your baby yes or or trying to concentrate on a sermon and thinking oh i've got a chicken in the oven or i know i've got a uniform to watch and the the challenge the challenge that comes um just being a woman and being in that position and and how you are viewed by both men and women and when you're in that position and i have thrived outside of ministry in an environment where i've been given a place to lead yes okay now i'm going to let this mean for the queen of heaven now and now we're going to go to war i think uh some of you could tell stories like ours much where some of you actually have very painful sexual abuse stories and a lot of you kind of alluding to that in the comments across our platforms this morning and so we know that it goes right from that murder of right the way through just to that intimidation and the sense of us being weak as women i've had more people ask me when i'm itinerating and uh you know what do you do about child care when you're on the road now i kind of feel like you have never once asked that to a man you've never once a traveling male minister what they do about child care why do you think it's acceptable to ask me that one why do you think it's acceptable to to comment on every outfit i have ever worn on a platform and you never comment on what the men wear on a platform so there is it's just insidious the entire time okay uh we we could get ourselves worked up with our and then we could get ourselves a bit angry just rehashing our stories let's channel that into righteous indignation and take out some demons okay all right before we just get to up there so uh female uh queen of heaven um i think we we want to deal with two things we want to deal with women against women and then we want to deal with men against women there are two things going on here and they have slightly different outworkings so i want to start with the women against women issue and that means i've got to teach you about the queen of heaven now the queen of heaven is a senior ranking demonic force a little bit like some of the other named demons that we would know like leviathan or antichrist or baal but the queen of heaven is a title and now and i am in teaching mode of how women against women happens all right is a title given to a demonic entity now it is all the way through uh mythology uh everybody wants their uh senior female deity to be named as the queen of heaven and of course we see that title given to mary in catholicism so the queen of heaven has taken many forms aphrodite asari diana but in the bible okay in the bible it the title is seen in jeremiah jeremiah 7 and jeremiah 44 and she's named there as an idol who should not be worshipped now she is alluded to though you don't see that title queen of heaven in revelation 12 where you get the woman in the great dragon and she's alluded to in isaiah 47 where you read about the virgin daughter of babylon and all the evil she does so the title is the queen of heaven and she is woven throughout uh those scripture references and some beyond that really what i'm doing is i'm identifying this as a named strongman demon in scripture is really the point i am making here now she is linked in jeremiah to fertility rituals and so you see there that the women make cakes and they offer them to her what for to get par now you should be thinking hang on a minute hang on a minute women who want disproportionate power ding ding ding ding that's queen of heaven worship women who want disproportionate prosperity that's queen of heaven and women where there is a battle around fertility or infertility that is when the queen of heaven is in the atmosphere all right i personally prefer the title the empress of hell personally but queen of heaven is what she's called in jeremiah now stay with me and i'm just gonna push this because the queen of heaven is the goddess of love or the demon of love and the goddess of war she is a violent angry murderous spirit and the judean women in jeremiah buy into the lie that she possesses power to give them victory now she desires control over men and that is the roots of what i would call feminazism the feminazi movement is totally inspired feminism slightly different but the feminazi movement is really impart by the queen of heaven that wants there to be an inverse so that men are subjugated okay and that women become worshipped now interestingly in isaiah 47 in verse 3 she says i will not arbitrate with a man in other words i believe a man is lesser that's queen of heaven type language now she sews seeds of women against women where you see women against women we're not talking about jezebel we're talking about the queen of heaven when you see women against women that is a queen of heaven construct and so she does par plays for victory or dominance yet it looks like female liberation but it is a fake form of liberation because it is a form of liberation which means you must diss another woman now the women in jeremiah are defiant and they have this attitude it actually says in one line in jeremiah you know the men knew we were sacrificing to idols in other words the men are a bit pathetic jeremiah oh the men they can't stop us five we're going to do what we want buy what we want be what we want say what we want that's a very much what jeremiah portrays so here we go women and this we are talking girl to girl here right now the queen of heaven says to us as women you worked hard to get where you are you worked hard to have this platform you defend your position that's maggie thatcher you feel threatened by every other woman you don't let another woman come and take the space because you want that space and actually there is a bickering of women there is a sense of rampant jealousy women against women and when the queen of heaven is in place she brings infirmity to female organs and infertility and she comes to nations to undermine fertility and to have women curse women so what i would say about abortion abortion is clearly a female issue but abortion is a woman against woman issue i will get rid of this child so i have my position yes abortion is a woman against women issue so that is where the queen of heaven kicks in i'm going to do two more minutes and then the other girls uh uh uh i'll come to you first deb so that you have a heads up infertility we are about to hit in a major way women we have got to do better at how we speak and think about each other because we are empowering our own infertility we are empowering our own gynological issues now the men against women issue that i'm going to come to that creates a separate set of problems but the women against women issue is where you get this attack in the body so who are the three most notable infertile people in scripture hannah rachel sarah yep you know that now the issues in scripture with infertility are never issues about their husbands it is not about jacob or abraham or elkanah because with hannah you read in first samuel 1 that the other women treated her cruelly you get the same with rachel and leah in competition you get the same with hagar and sarah in their jealousy now what what point am i making in that the point i am making in that is that when we are against each other as women we create a space in the atmosphere for the queen of heaven and when we create a space in the atmosphere for the queen of heaven what does she do guinea issues infertility issues and women who occasionally get promoted but don't bless any other women women we have done a lot of this to each other now hear me the main portion i'm coming to it's a separate issue but this is the women to women issue tough isn't it right which one of you wants to come let's all just take it in turns and comment on the back of that yeah i think i think yeah i was what am i partnering with to allow the queen of heaven to have that space and that's so good and just how god's feminist ideals us they don't correlate with the queen of heavens because it's impossible to value women unless you can value god if we're created in his image and and that's when he was speaking i just felt so personally convicted with you know with that just that where have i partnered with pulling down other women and and and inviting in a principality into the space that that's yeah nicholas sergeant nicholas yes um dave i i completely um i stand with you there as you were speaking emma my thoughts were um you know how many times have you unwittingly how many times have i unwittingly you know thought as a woman stood on the platform to preach who does she think she is or what's that or you know i i worked in a very female dominated environment and i have to tell you it was toxic yeah absolutely toxic where you have a bunch of women who strive for their own success but don't celebrate each other and you know as women there is a need for us to celebrate what makes us uniquely women and and rather than it be an egg and i think we make it more of a negative and we are less tolerant of women who suffer from infertility issues who suffer with menstrual problems we are more intolerant because we think well we've coped and we just get on with it and how many times have i personally partnered with that thought process i looked it up to see um the infertility stats and i was quite shocked and surprised that one in eight women in the uk suffers with infertility issues and as many as one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage yeah we don't look after women as women and we need to be better at it yes sir jane you you are i mean a real intercessory power house and you you've done a lot of warfare against the queen of heaven unpack some take take some time and unpack some of that for us okay so i think what what i'm really struck by as you're talking all of you is this um harnessing of the power of the queen of heaven inadvertently that we do in our lives by how we speak about each other how we speak to each other and even how we think about our own bodies and so for me um one of the characteristics of the queen of heaven in all of our forms as emma's already said astarte um aina lilith all of these different ones over the centuries um even knew it in in ancient egypt they all have uh presented themselves as naked women and there is this power if you will of seduction there is this sense of look at me i'm a fertile woman you know big breasts you know big bellies in some cases bailey another one and that sense of actually nowadays where do we see queen of heaven manifesting you know you might see it in music videos you might see it in you know magazines you know this uh i'm a powerful woman and airing on the wrong side now women have a power but it's a righteous power through god and will come to the righteous part but there's a sense of how we inadvertently harnessing that power by thinking of ourselves as i have a choice i will wear what i want to wear i will look how i want to look and this sense of inadvertently partnering and speaking down and actually cursing other women and making them smaller now my heart goes to the girls my heart goes to the girls and you know this whole agenda that we've had in in britain in the last few weeks of a young woman who was taken and murdered by somebody a man and during lockdown in the past month and and it caused all of these women and young girls in our country to start to say all the times that they've been abused i was crying with my daughter hearing what they had to put up with at high school and this sense of how are we creating and empowering and equipping our daughters to uh to not inadvertently be caught in this as well and so for me the queen of heaven she is a powerful principality as emma says you don't come up against her in the way that you would come up against other demonic principalities there are ways to pray around it and but you need to understand that she comes in different forms and of course we see even jezebel um characteristics uh through the queen of heaven if you will manifesting through jezebel as well and so this isn't something you go head-to-head with by yourself but the lord will show you you know how this is manifesting and how to to work with it i i don't know that i could i'm just trying to think of one particular story that we've done i mean in glasgow you know we've had representations of lilith in uh we've dealt with that lilith is actually um and comes in the form of the owl at night she comes in darkness she's mentioned in isaiah 34 14 just the once but she's known to menace women in labor she brings pain and she brings death in labor and so we saw her actually being represented in glasgow and had to deal with her connected to what was the old gallows in glasgow city center the old hanging gallows and so you see how she partners with the spirit of death she partners with murder she partners with molech which is the abortion she draws from the blood she draws from the death and she she's a you know she's a powerful entity and you don't go head-to-head with her without a strategy and the timing from the lord yeah so nicola and debs i'm going to come straight back to you we and i need to fight here and we we have to start by repenting and uh i mean in some senses you know many of us women who who you know where there's been sexual abuse we'll just want us to get to the men again swimming a bit but actually we do have to pause first and we need to deal with our jealousies women we have opened the door are you hearing this we have opened the door to our own gynecological uh issues and often our own in infertility by our anti-women against women bias and that kind of feminazi approach of everybody else's lesser and we have got to repent and nice maybe you didn't actually action that swing yourself but maybe you just lived in the atmosphere of a nation that had sinned in that way and it visited on your physical frame so what we're doing is we're repenting for women against women and then we're going to bless women and i actually said to the lord this morning what can i do here because you don't want to be outside of your spiritual mandate and i actually felt like the lord said to me this morning the queen of heaven is currently uh overplaying her hand and is weaker and i do feel that we can push this off and start to bless wounds to come into fertility and start to bless women in their gynecological uh female issues and some of you are about to get healed right now so debs and nicola let's start with some repentance and some degrees of blessing and then sir jane i think you and i we will start to kick it out and push it back yeah go for it debs i i just really felt as he was saying that and i'm glad he said that i just felt such a need to bless my womb and yes and and just to bless the female body in all its form and just just remind everyone that we are two dimensions of god he created a man and a woman he created a womb and so often we can think he created man and then there was this other part that had a womb nor he created the womb in his likeness and and i i just think we need to honor our wombs and and bless our wombs and as you were talking i just um really personally knew i had to do my undoing was an acceptance that had to come that actually um where where i've partnered is exactly as you said it will be undone um with blessing and it'll come through the truth of seeing how god sees me and and what he sees my physical form as which is not how the queen of heaven is currently yes and over it yeah nicola go for it yeah yes i i think there's a dependence in there too about where we we choose not to partner with believing that we were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of god and what makes us uniquely women is exactly the problem that we're talking about our ability and to to reproduce our ability to be women our ability to pass on our dna and if we pass on it as part of our dna the fact that we are women who are going to stand up for women who are going to champion women who are going to bless other women and you know and i agree gems completely that it's that choice i will not be one who stands against another woman who will not put her down rather than build her up but i will choose to be a woman who blesses other women i will choose to be a woman who blesses um women in leadership and get alongside them and support them and be what i was called to be as a woman and even in the places where we've chosen not to partnership with who god says we are because we have an un fair and unrealistic view of who we are placed on us by other women and then that place of repentance but also of forgiveness of the places where boundaries have been placed upon us as women and so i think you know as i think as we have boundaries placed on us and expectations placed on us because of our femininity it's easy then to perpetuate that onto other women and so we just break connection with it and we say we will believe who god says we are that we are fearfully and wonderfully and uniquely made in his image and that we will bless other women by even in our children and our daughters spiritual daughters physical daughters we need to be on the emphasis that you were beautifully wonderfully uniquely made as a woman and as your mum as your aunt as your gran as your whatever female um point in your life we bless you to be the woman that god intended you to be and to have the role that god intended you to have in the name of jesus we repent as women as daughters as mothers for every place we held jealousy now come on you need to get in the comments i repent girls i repent for my jealousy against other women come on we got to get this dealt with today i repent for my jealousy against other women i repent for my pulling of other women dying i repent for my past remarkableness about their style or about their weight or about their appearance in the name of jesus we ask for your burning fire on our minds and on our minds that in this moment we would end that women against women in trajectory that has opened the door to the queen of heaven and in the name of jesus we say god would you dress us in the ability to celebrate god my decree is i will celebrate your daughters oh come on that lie is your name i will celebrate your daughters i will let's type it together i will celebrate other women i will celebrate when they do well i will bless it when they do well i will realize they have opened a door for me to also come through that their promotion is an access point for my promotion that is going to be my mindset and in the name of jesus where there has been a queen of heaven assignment this mysterious come on i need you guys all with me in the comments all of you watching we're in agreement now to shift this queen of heaven where we have created an atmosphere for the queen of heaven we say to the queen of heaven you listen to the saints of the most high god you may not rule our buildings and in the name of jesus where there are gyny issues and endometriosis and uterine cysts and flooding and heavy terms of the month where there are hormone cycles that are so all over the place where there is any sense of even breast cancer and infertility we say in the name of jesus with the power of our agreement that that gets off the bodies of the females who are blood bought saints of the most high god and i lose healing to you in jesus name i bless your womb to function as it should function i bless your reproductive organs to function as god intended in the name of jesus we stand as women in scotland today and we say you were not made wrong as a woman and you do not have to suffer this curse any longer and in the name of jesus the hot flushes come off and in the name of jesus the headaches are broken associated with hormones being all over the place the fibroids go from the uterine area and in the name of jesus we speak the rising of a balanced well remnant of sisters in christ who back each other and whose bodies will function in jesus name queen of heaven queen of heaven you listen and in the name of jesus get off and i see all over the queen of heaven like like a uh like dust starting to uh come out to the surface of your body and be blown off and the spirit of the lord said fly will set you free but we bless you i bless you i bless you i bless you i bless you that you are not a mistake i bless you that your female form is needed and i bless you in the wholeness and what we understand from what sarah jane said about that demonic entity called lilith that that's mentioned in scripture she makes child birth worse now we got a little bit of a curse we know from the garden of of eden but lilith makes child birth ten times worse than even god intended in genesis come on know your bible's better there's a portion of pain but there's not the catastrophe that many of us deal with that is a lilith that's a portion of the the queen of heaven so we speak even over you who are and uh pregnant that there is there's removing now of the queen of heaven cursed from you and the littlest lilith curse from you that your bodies may give birth well and whole in jesus name sergeant uh it's not quite fully broken can you add to it yeah we as women in the world together we agree that we revoke and we withdraw every word that we have spoken every agreement that we have made knowingly or unknowingly to the queen of heaven where we have put hooks in her hand to use against women we revoke that permission we take those hooks out of our hands and we drop them on the ground and we say we will not wound women any longer we will not wound women from our own mouths any longer even in our own hearts lord we say we choose to be reset even today but right now we revoke every commission that we've given you queen of heaven we say we withdraw it as women on the earth who have been made in the image of god and we say we remove every permission and covenant that we have formed with you to kill our children to speak ill of other women we withdraw our permissions and our covenants and we tear them up and we say the women of the earth come into alignment with the most high god their kinsmen redeemer right now in the name of jesus and we speak to the worms and we say worms of the women on the earth receive the breaker anointing of your god receive it to explode on the inside of you the breaker in writing is the bell parisim of god that comes to make a way where no one else can make a way and for those of you that have suffered sexual abuse abort abortion or um what's the word oh marring i can't think of the word over your uh womb even from uh operations and in interventions from doctors and medics we now release the fullness of that breaker anointing to you as well for restoration of all shock trauma pain grief that has come upon you we say we lose that breaker anointing to break all of those demonic things in jesus name we let them fall to the ground but we revoke our permission and i want you to say that i feel like we all need to say i revoke my commission from uh partnering with the queen of heaven i take it back any word that i spoke that empowered her in my life or another woman's life i revoke it right now and we just take that rug out from under her that she's trying to stand on over women's lives and say no more will you have our worms in jesus name repent over the abortion because the abortion is women against women it's really we repaint as women as a group of women here in scotland and as all over the world we repent for our involvement in the abortion where we have taken authority that is not ours to end a life and we repent and go we say we are sorry for the places uh as women where we have ended and chosen to end life in order for our um betterment for what we perceive as being um something that would be a lot of a hindrance to us we repent for the place where we have taken over your role and father god we stand as women and we say our wounds are will be fertile places they will be places which will pass on dna to your intended following on generations and we end and repent now our partnership with abortion in the past and in the present yeah in god we just we repent where as as the mother of four daughters i just stand in the place of a mother and we repent where with abortion we've we've um we've belittled and we've dishonored motherhood god and the mother heart of god and we just declare a mother and nation over the generation of girls that are being raised up standing in that place i just take authority over the rising girls that are coming up to be mothers and we declare motherhood over them and we speak motherhood over them and they will not abort their destiny and they will not abort the promise within their wombs in the name of jesus amen girls uh we're going to keep going because i want to just uh bless the female prophets and the female apostles and we're not going to get through the fullness of the men against women portion but certainly in the women against women which has really become the dominant thrust of this you have to bless your own monthly cycles you have to bless your own wombs you have to bless that female part of your body because god has given it to you and you're going to have to lay hands and say i bless uh and i think even better if you can get other women ryan to bite you to bless you too and giving you homework here because there has to be a women blessing women movement in the church and as soon as we start to say i bless my own female cycle i bless my own femininity i bless my female shape come on because we know we've raged against it and you get somebody else to do that with you i bless i mean i i remember doing this uh for a friend's birthday i don't think you were there sarah jane you know and actually going through her female organs years ago i'm blessing all of them as part of a birthday blessing so that she was so held in celebrating her female shape on on her birthday so i think that kind of thing needs to become more our norm we have to have habits of these uh moments that we grab of women blessing women uh so that we do not uh open the door to women cursing women by their jealousy and their past remarkableness and their comments the number of times we accidentally critique each other on shape and fashion sense that accidentally becomes a curse and that we have lost that instinctive reality that we should have of blessing uh uh other women that will keep the queen of heaven uh out of our nations yes come on we we gotta we gotta go there i want to talk that that's the whole women against women i want to talk about men against women we're going to go for 10 minutes longer but men against women that as you know is a slightly different situation and the men against women is the issues really of death and the debt what i mean by death is a capping and you can have a death cap but in terms of your pay your promotion you can have a death cap in terms of a sense of your value you can have a a patriarchal death cap and in terms of uh what comes through sexual abuse and when men possess women or you get misogyny or you get patriarchy you are under a curse of death now you gotta understand the the distinctions here women against women is the doorway to the demon of the queen of heaven which is to do with infertility and female issues men against women is the open door to death and we see that not death in terms of i die although there is that physically but death of my sense of hitting my destiny right across the board so where we have men against women we have death assignments all right now i think a massive amount of the issues that i have personally and it's very difficult to talk about is the willful patriarchy in the translation of robust scripture and that the scripture as it is given from god in its original form has been masculinized and has then brought a death to women in its unfortunate translations and that for years has done us incredible damage so i'm going to give you two examples when you see psalm 68 verse 11 and it says is the lord brings the word great where the company of the preachers in the original translation that is the lord gives the word great are the women who preach it and in most of your translations that has been defeminized because there couldn't be a thought in a man's heart on occasions that a woman could preach and write in psalms 68 11 it has trained us that there could not be a great company of women preachers and yet that is very clear in scripture we've also lost the healthy discussion about the book of hebrews being written by a woman and we have perhaps worst of all in romans 16 verse 17 where it talks about the great apostle junia who is a woman a female's name but her name has been masculinized in many translations so that no woman could read that there were female apostles now she is spoken of as being outstanding amongst the apostles and of course we breeze over holder uh and esther and hilda of course being the great female prophet in the old testament who brings revival almost single-handedly and so we have real issues uh around that and the sense that maybe jesus uh you know uh wants women to be second rate and yet scripture in its true authentic form is a book that is empowering to women at the most senior level and i think we want to just i'm just going to get to to uh bless you in this uh debs you had some thoughts on it just take take a moment and unpack that yeah i did because i think breaking through a resistance that is cultural like you said not just biblical and we interpret the language of scriptures through the language of our culture and actually the truth is that jesus was such an affirmative women and that's the lens we need to read scripture through you know and um i was doing a very female thing and cooking for he does last night and the lord really clearly spoke to me about mary meeting him in the garden during the resurrection and i thought wow the resurrection is the radical revolution of the rule of women and he redeemed through the curse was all curses were broken when jesus was resurrected including the curse of eve being under the law and the first person that jesus showed himself to when he was resurrected was a woman i don't think that can be um a coincidence at all that is a very definite choice that jesus made redeeming in a garden what had happened in the garden in eden he walked with man under the old covenant and that very first moment in the new covenant after the resurrection he walked with woman and the whole christian faith followed on from that resurrection where he said to mary go and tell them go and be an apostle and the birth of the apollo um apostolic ministry grew out of the testimony that jesus is alive you know and that that was such revelation for me last night and me me saying yes god i just received that as as being a woman apostle come on sarah jane nicola and then we're just going to pray for fema i think we're going to pray for female uh apostles i i think there has been a breaking in the grind of understanding female prophets uh you know we kind of tolerate them philip and his four daughters but in that uh roman scripture romans 16 verse 17 where we talk about junior there's a real disregard for female apostles and yet uh paul in romans blesses her as outstanding mm-hmm we pray i mean i love it i love that what you're saying i think that's so striking isn't it the um jesus dies he's resurrected and the women are are released in a whole new way and you see it manifested in romans 16 and i love as well all the women apostles who are in business and in in the church in the you know they're in the marketplace lydia you know priscilla um you know these women who are uh amazing people phoebe who um is mentioned first of all even in romans 16 you want to read this women you want to read romans 16 and ask god what about these women who led and there's not that sense of actually it should do our hearts good and it should do our spirits good to know that yeah of course we're called to be strong women to release the word of the lord as a company because you look at deborah and you look at her strength and when she arose and the whole army followed her and jael kills the enemy of god it was that women's hand deborah and jael that in judges four that killed the enemy and so women we are supposed to be militant leaders you know in god and um and there's this sense of what has hold what has held us back shouldn't be holding us back any longer and we do need each other we do need each other to stand together and agree that we're moving forward together as those apostolic leaders some of us as apostles some of us are with the apostolicity for that leadership nicola can you bless the female apostles and we'll piggyback on the back of that oh yeah i think it is really important that we we recognize as women are called um and you know and thank god for it you know that there were most definitely um women apostles women teachers women prophets in the bible and i think sometimes we're too quick to say i'm a woman therefore i can't um and so right now we just bless the apostolic call on the women on that are listening right now the women who are on this call and those who will listen later and those who won't ever maybe ever hear this we bless women to stand in their place of our apostolic leaders in the church today and we say we as other women apostles will stand and we will champion you and we will back you and we will run with you and we will learn from you and we will be those who choose a place of blessing rather than a place of curse so we bless women in leadership women as apostles women as prophets we bless you now to be all that god has called you to be and to be even more than you can dream in your wildest dreams that you would run with the call of god upon your life all women apostles arise female apostles where you are stand up and in the name of jesus by your standing in this moment i bless you into your place in jesus name i bless you into your stride into your momentum into the pace that you're supposed to have not lagging behind and i say female apostles catch up catch up and in the name of jesus i pull from your minds that sniveling sign that apologizes for who you are and in the name of jesus we release a confidence to go against his strength to go again like junior to go like deborah to go like holder and anna and mary and elizabeth and philip and his four daughters to be the esther's and the miriam's in this generation and in the name of jesus the catch-up anointing is released on the female prophets and the female apostles that there would be a symbiotic grace for you to partner with the male prophets and the male apostles but i say run women learn forward embracing the fullness of your call and where death has slimed you and where death has told you no i break the chains of death of misogyny over you and i say no you come alive in jesus mighty name amen amen wow wow well we've gone for an r15 we've covered a massive amount of content today and shared honestly you'll probably please need to share this and make sure you listen to it again somebody asked questions about weight i do think some of the issues of weight gain and weight and obesity are in the women cursing women yeah and that actually when you get people to we have i i i have a testimony of a woman who came to me so cursed about her weight and we blessed her and uh i mean the weight fell off miraculously she actually moved to america but anyway bless you so get into your little grips and bless each other's physical form and i bless you to come alive can i tell you women wherever you are in the world you have in us in glasgow people who will champion you men and women actually here i have some great guys on my staff and they will bless you so know we are always cheering you on amen [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 14,345
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Id: Od6ne9JIxoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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