UNSANE (2018) Ending + Twists Explained

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this ending explain we'll be looking at unsane the psychological thriller where a young woman is trapped in a psychiatric hospital but does she belong there or not director Steven Soderbergh decided to shoot the movie in its entirety on an iPhone 7 which adds a quite cheap and unflattering look to the image but the intelligent script and strong performance is more than make up for its lack of production value our lead Sawyer Valentini what a name has been the victim of a stalker David for some time and things got severe enough for her to uproot her life completely and move far away - hopefully escape him but even now she continues to see the man wherever she goes and so the question is is she really seeing him now or is she actually going insane out of fear of him returning so let's check out unsane breaking down the story and the twist what the truth is about Sawyer's mental state and explaining the ending we pick up with Sawyer at her new job and even from our first time seeing her it's clear that she is being watched from nearby in her first scene with her at the office we get a glimpse of the most important aspect to Sawyer's personality not only is she a hard worker her boss calling her report fabulous but she's an [ __ ] with walls around her to keep others out of safe distance then a man wearing a backpack nearby catches her attention believing it to be her stalker David and it's apparent that she believes she sees him everywhere even if it has to be impossible she's also quite good at spinning a yarn telling people what they want to hear to get what she wants like lying to her mom on the phone about how great things are going for her when the truth is she's utterly alone and miserable she tries to lead a normal life even though it continuously proves impossible going on a date with a guy she met on tinder offering him a no-strings night with her so long as he never contacts her ever again but when she and her day go back to her place she quickly breaks down escaping to the bathroom and taking medication she's obviously desperate for a human connection but is too worried about her stalker to follow through and realizing how much it still truly is affecting her life even after the move seeks out help from a therapist at the nearby Highland Creek behavioral facility the meeting is relatively unassuming with Sawyer open up about still seeing her stalker everywhere and knows it's her imagination working to create her worst fears but regardless she still doesn't feel safe digging deeper the therapist asked if she's considered taking her own life and Sawyer admits to having occasional thoughts but would never follow through this is enough for her to professionally consider to having suicidal thoughts with that she asked to set up another appointment and the therapist gives her some forms to fill out but don't worry it's all standard procedure but after filling them out it becomes clear that there are more nefarious intentions at play here and she is soon escorted back into the hospital by a nurse complaining that she needs to be back at work but he avoids answering her and proceeds to collect her purse immediately after another nurse enters telling her to strip down to her underwear for physical inspection she refuses trying to leave but finds the door is locked she argues with the nurse that nothing is wrong with her but the nurse isn't interested telling her she better do what she asks she relents but even after the exam is not let go as she has taken to a room where several other patients reside she again pleads with her that this is a mistake but the nurse lays it out bluntly that she signed the forms for voluntary confinement for 24 hours oh man you always got to read the fine print she then changes her strategy with the nurse suddenly appearing cooperative and appeasing her asking to make a phone call to her family she instead calls the police telling them of her being falsely detained triumphantly declaring she'll be out of here in 20 minutes the nurse isn't impressed asking her if she has any idea how many calls like that the police get every day so it looks like she's stuck here and forced to make some new friends at the hospital in the meantime like her neighbor violet who is a bit much introducing herself by throwing a bloody tampon on Sawyer and telling her she's going to cut her hair off in her sleep Sawyer replies there's no way they'd let someone like her near scissors but violet reveals a sharpened weapon she keeps hidden under her clothes oh well that's not disturbing at all there's also Nate who knows how things run around here laughing in response when Sawyer says the cops will be here for her any minute the local police do show up to check out the call as they're required to but there is no evidence for them to be suspicious out as they have the form signed by Sawyer volunteering for her stay and based on all appearance there is no for them to question things the reality setting in sawyer can't take it anymore banging on the door wanting to get out the door opens to the bearded face of her stalker whom she instinctively punches though it's not actually him but another nurse who along with the others restrain and sedate her that is not a good start to things for her here and indeed it's starting to appear that she might actually belong in this place after all the next day she speaks to a doctor hopeful he will understand her situation she desperately does her smooth-talking thing lying about the great support system she has outside and that is the help she needs to actually get better but he's unwavering and after assaulting the nurse her stay has been extended to seven days understandably distraught she later learns the shocking truth behind the hospital's intention with her from Nate the reality is that the hospital and others like it are owned by businesses and thusly are businesses themselves and that means their intention is to make money they find a way to keep people inside until somebody for example their insurance will pay and when the money runs out you're cured in Sawyer's case her time inside was extended to a week only because her insurance approved it and the hospital is now earning money from her state when it's time for everyone's medication one of the employees looks like her stalker but his name tag reads George not David and again she has been seeing him everywhere even if possible or not this further casting doubt on what her actual mental state is she's still convinced though getting increasingly upset and dragged away to her bed now getting her arms and legs restrained well that didn't help much at all and again her erratic behavior is making it appear to the hospital and us that she could very well be insane also as she's warned she is one infraction away from being tossed in the basement which I don't know what that means but it sure doesn't sound good so she'd better start being a little more careful unable to sleep she later catches Nate in his bed talking to someone on a phone seeing this as a chance to communicate with someone to help her but after this Nate appears to actively avoid her and she has another encounter with George when a patient loses it in the rear of the line everyone is distracted and George shows Sawyer a piece of mail with her mother's name an address on it this sends her into another fit screaming again about who he really is but they have no reason to believe her simply restraining her again but at least avoiding the basement she again catches Nate on the phone and this time convinces him to let her use it to call her mom and tells her about everything including the stalker something she apparently never told her about before showing us how closed off emotionally Sawyer really is to everyone of course her mom is horrified by the situation heading to the hospital immediately it doesn't do much good though arguing with the doctor she didn't know what she was signing but according to him it's in her best interest to be here and sends her to the head of administration who tries to convince her of the legitimacy of the organization which is complete BS the two are at least able to meet Sawyer apologizing for not telling her mom about the stalker all that she asked for is for her to stop building these walls saying she's been doing this since her dad died this appears to have had a huge impact emotionally on Sawyer even before the stalking she had deep-seated issues this causing her to create her cold walled-off and well overall [ __ ] ish personality her mom leaves declaring she'll be back with a calvary in a few hours but finds even more dead ends well so much for the cavalry though the movie up to now plays with the idea of George actually being her stalker the next medication scene makes it crystal clear that it is in fact David with a stolen identity scene putting another pill of his own into Sawyer's dosage she dutifully takes them unaware and soon after is totally tripping balls going on a rampage around the room screaming about crayons and stuff and Tova orderlies show up and put a stop to things now that the truth is out and we know Sawyer isn't nuts the story shifts noticeably into more b-movie slasher territory which isn't inherently bad but the change is noticeable it's starting to seem that David's plan all along is to help facilitate Sawyer appearing to be insane for his own purposes and that is why he drugged her to the staff that was another enraged outburst further proving that she is losing it but now he's also got another problem to take care of Sawyer's mom because she would take her away from him while here in the hospital she is essentially trapped and under his control so mom's gotta go David's showing up at her hotel room dressed up as a maintenance man talking his way into her room and then killing her and it looks like his plan is starting to work Sawyer unaware of being drugged is beginning to be convinced that she is in fact insane leading swore to open up about her past for the first time filling us in on how things came to pass with her and David it's while volunteering at a hospice care center that the two first met one of her patients was David's ailing father and by this point doesn't even recognize his own son for many months she cared for him and read to him and David was always there but never attempted to speak to or interact with his father in any way he passed soon after and at the funeral and upset David uses the situation to uncomfortably go to hold hands with Sawyer who reluctantly allows him to seeming mostly harmless unfortunately that is all it takes for things to get much worse David clearly having unhealthy feelings for her leaving her a note and flowers at work followed by an absurd number of meaty text messages forcing Sawyer to block his number he's not gonna give up that easily though and takes things even a step further so her finding he broke into her house while she was in the shower leaving a blue dress his favorite for her on the bed things getting more intense she reaches out to the police for help and guess who shows up but Matt Damon for some reason who analyzes every aspect of her apartment and her life uprooting everything about herself in order to avoid David handing over a superfund looking book to her entitled the gift of fear thanks Matt Damon sounds like a great way to live your life this shows us how things have been and how Sawyer's life has changed since David began stalking her leading to her finally moving to get away though that didn't really work out too well since he found her once again at least she's wise to him now and is able to avoid taking the meds he prepares for her worried about her mom's she tries to call using Nate's phone but never hears back he assures her she's probably fine promising she'll be waiting for her when she gets out the two getting a little buddy-buddy the whole thing is witnessed by an extra jelly looking David Oh Nate you're gonna learn the hard way to stay away from his lady Nate gets attacked in the bathroom and tied to a wheelchair where David shocks him with a defibrillator putting the paddles on each side of his head then later pumps him full of drugs making it appear that he owed heed which would fit the reason he was initially admitted to the hospital noticing Nate hasn't been seen all day violent confronts Sawyer about it and she responds by angrily throwing coffee in her face resulting in both getting taken to their beds finding a phone there waiting for her including a picture of Nate freaking Sawyer out yet again this time getting sedated by David taking her to that dreaded basement all darkened corridors that appear completely abandoned so you're waking up alone in a gym mat lined room david enters worrying her asking if he is going to kill her but he's hurt by this saying that he loves her he pleads with her that they can be happy together offering her an off-the-grid cabin he owns in New Hampshire no surprise he's got one of those but Sawyer isn't interested since he's a psycho and a murderer and all that stuff he further tries to assert that he really does know her but she destroys the fantasy version of herself he has created she continues berating him David finally reaching a breaking point crying and grabbing her by the neck strangling her her goading him to do it but he can't dropping her and continues crying leaving the room utterly broken after Nate's body is discovered two orderlies clean out his locker finding a notebook full of information about the hospital's dirty dealings which they take straight to the administration lady who Stowe's it away safely in her desk dude that was close almost God all their secrets found out the next day David tries a different more friendly approach to Sawyer bringing her her favorite breakfast which of course he knows from stalking her so it's already inherently uncomfortable and just as before Sawyer plays into what David wants when David again promises that he really does know her rattling off all of her favorite things Sawyer concedes maybe he really does but her actual intent here is to almost play into his fantasy hoping it will in some way help her escape and it's pretty clear from their conversation that he has never been romantically involved with anyone at all she pretends that this is a concern saying she needs him to be with someone else she might be his last but can't be his first despite his hesitation he decides to follow through and abducts violet at Sawyer's choosing of course remembering that sharpened utensils she always has honor meanwhile his whole plan is beginning to unravel elsewhere as the body of the man whose identity he stole George Shaw is discovered by the police a nurse who works at the hospital leading them there he then brings violent into the room with Sawyer who continues to hide her real intentions urging David to have his way with violets who gets frantic pushing him off so she tries herself saying she knows violet has feelings for her as the two kits giving her a perfect opportunity to reach for that weapon she always has stabbing David in the neck with it slowing him down enough for her to grab his keys and escape but violet isn't so lucky and David snaps her neck oh that's unfortunate also it appears that Sawyer didn't really even try to help violet at all and just close the door as soon as she got out she's like you on you Oh [ __ ] as usual a total a-hole she frantically runs through the darkened basement corridors and luckily makes it outside but rather than keep running decides to hide nearby giving David the chance to catch up with her and sneak attack her from behind knocking her unconscious she awakens to total darkness in the trunk of David's car finding a plastic bag next to her inside another body her mom's who we didn't actually know for sure was dead until now and Sawyer learns this by feeling the cross necklace she's always wearing she grabs it popping the trunk of the car open and hops out of the moving vehicle and she doesn't have time to wait starting to run as David comes to a stop soon after back at the hospital the head nurse is awoken to a news story revealing Noah's true identity as an undercover reporter he was sent into the hospital to investigate their potential wrongdoings but unfortunately perished without any proof coming out at least for the moment the officers arrived at the hospital regarding George Shaw instead finding the administrator already caught up in a flurry of media denying any allegations against the hospital and she might have got away with it until the cops discover violets leading them to return with an entire forest to search every inch of the premises in the woods Sawyer runs for her life and trips David right behind her knocking her unconscious again he stands over her and now that she's not talking anymore he feels he's seeing the real her again still continuing to believe that one day she will love him even if it'll take a few years at least he's willing to put in the hard work he lies down next to her warmly considering starting a family together and Sawyer springs to life stabbing David with her mom's necklace blood spurting out from the wound and while it for all intents appears that David is killed here we instead leave them and conclude with the final cards falling at the hospital unsurprisingly the police eventually find Nate's notebook detailing his time at Highland along with the proof they need to take the hospital down and the administrator is promptly arrested all the secrets of their scam now exposed thanks to Nate and violet too in a way our epilogue picks up six months after and for the most part initially appears that Sawyer came out okay learning that she got a big promotion at work seeing eating lunch with her friend and being the lovable a-hole we know her to be joking about firing her now that she's her boss and it seems that things are finally over for her stalker problem until she catches a glimpse of someone from behind resembling David and grabs a knife heading towards the table she brings up the knife seeing flashes of him but it's not actually David it's just some other dude she drops the knife running away still on edge checking over her shoulder the point in the end being that even if David is dead the impact he has had on her is permanently damaging and she most likely will never feel safe again after her harrowing experience as her worst fears basically came true and she was just lucky to survive even though what's left of her will always live with the fear in the back of her mind that David will reappear even if it's possible or not which is the exact same issue she was struggling with that led her to therapy in the first place and it's honestly most likely even worse now but chances are after being at Highland she's not going to be interested in going the therapy route any time soon and will merely have to live in fear for the rest of her days unable to really ever feel safe ever again this brings us to the conclusion of this inning explained on unsane make sure to always read the fine print folks what did you guys think about the movie and it's ending let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 2,402,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsane 2018, unsane movie, unsane ending explained, unsane ending, ending explained, ending, explained, unsane trailer, claire foy, clip, trailer, scene, final scene, end scene, twist explained, twists, spoiler, spoilers, review, breakdown, analysis
Id: Gu5Jqpg1iNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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