WOUNDS (2019) Ending Explained

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what's up folks welcome to found flicks on today's ending is flame we'll be looking at the streaming original wounds starring army hammer and Dakota Johnson has a couple who encountered disturbing and mysterious things after he brings home a phone that was left behind at his bar when it comes to streaming flicks nowadays it's a dime-a-dozen with how much there is out there but wounds manages to carve out its own place amongst the clutter and manages to create an interesting bizarre and unique horror film the overall story was very weird and went into several unexpected directions which is always a plus in my book now the wounds of the title as we come to learn has several meanings literal wounds that are tied to the evil entity at the core of our story but also emotional wounds that manifest themselves through our directionless main character well he's a hopeless alcoholic I mean like constantly drunk with no discernable desire to ever get his life on track and has tenuous relationships that are pushed to the brink and beyond all because on the surface we'll appears to be normal but at his core is simply empty inside which all ties into his character arc over the course of the movie it all builds up to a completely out there ending that definitely bears some explainin so I'll be looking in depth at not only the surprising ending but also what we learn about the evil entity that torments him how the ritual comes together what the ritual of wounds actually is and every other lingering question the movie leaves so let's get explaining initially charming affable bartender will seems fairly content in his life in spite of working in an absolute dump of an establishment and already things are starting to creep in from dark corners namely cockroaches it's symbolic of the darkness entering wills life but also yeah the bar is [ __ ] gross probably cockroaches all over the place oh it seems it's really only due to regular Alicia's presence that will is ever content's clearly having feelings for her even though she has a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend as well but it's nothing but harmless chatter and flirting never anything of real substance everyone enjoying themselves and getting absolutely plastered one for you and one for me II know a better job for an alcoholic than being a bartender you basically drink for free think of all the I must say this guy's a genius at economically killing himself though it looks like a typical night at Rosie's takes a sudden turn with the return of Eric who lives in an apartment above the bar it is a real charmer first seen puking his guts out on the stairs before heading to the bar now that is some serious pre-gaming bud he bumps into Jeffrey and quick to anger is about to beat the crap out of him but composes himself buying a drink to patch things up but still coming across as judging him another new face orders drinks for his mates and looks about 15 even though he does have an ID his friends on the other hand probably not and they're definitely underaged but will cause the whole thing harmless and that's a great attitude to have yes serving underage kids smart move a bar fight breaks out between Eric and one of his posse quickly getting out of hand when Eric gets a broken bottle jammed into his face causing him to pulverize his attacker with his bare knuckles even though his injury is looking pretty severe he refuses to go to the hospital and everyone flees when will calls the cops when cleaning up later he finds that one of the kids has left their phone behind which will forever alter the course of his life he finally stumbles home to his girlfriend Claire trying to proposition her which he declined saying she's too sleepy oh wow what's the best cure for blue balls couple nice drinky-poos that's the ticket he gets a text on the phone from someone called Garrett who seems frightened saying Lee shouldn't have messed with those books and then it's that thing from the tunnel hmm curious enough to at least respond will uses the finger smudges on the screen like some kind of tech hacking wizard to unlock the phone's passcode telling Garrett that they left their phone at the bar pausing momentarily when hearing more scurrying of cockroaches in his house and one appears on the floor scuttling by before vanishing under a cabinet the kid responds with a plea for help but assuming it's just a prank will isn't interested finally collapsing into a drunken slumber the next morning claire has found the phone questioning him about it and seems to not quite trust his story but to prove his innocence he hands the phone over so she can see for herself finding a new gruesome message in the chain a bunch of teeth and a puddle of blood he plays it off as no big deal and drops her off at school where she gets a hug from a professor that will is nun to police with since he's not working what is Will's life outside of working at the bar pretty much meaningless his first stop being where else Rosie's for a nice 10 a.m. wake-up drink on the way he spots a black sports car with a young woman inside but she drives off as soon as he notices must be those college kids he then checks on the wounded Eric who is suffering from nightmares asking will to watch over him for a while follow it up by grabbing a sandwich where he runs into Alicia and Jeffrey and to really spice the day up is back home for a nice round - video games on the couch few tough day seriously what is this guy's life just totally empty and meaningless his big living is interrupted by more messages coming in on the phone asking about his friend with the messed up face scrolling back through the phone's gallery reveals new horrors a photo of a man with his brain splattered and then a video of his disembodied head on a table one of the kids asking if they did it right mentioning a book just as Garrett did a bunch of cockroaches appears surrounding the head and a small hand reaches out spooking will as Kerry comes home asking what he was looking at but he doesn't say with good reason things then turn accusatory and there doesn't appear to be that much trust in this relationship Kerry annoyed that he's constantly around with these random girls all the time while he's not too happy about the great Steve she spent so much time with - academically pleased if not more he relents in hands over the phone and Claire gets to see the head for herself also seeing the book the kids are referencing the translation of wounds which is ritualistic wounding as usual kids meddling with supernatural evil that they just don't understand she wants him to call Gary but he's still sure it's all just special effects decided to call anyway - swayed your fears on the other end he hears muffled demonic breathing sound which then become loud roars hurting his ear and tossing the phone away this from what we can tell is the important first stage of the process will has been subjected to by calling the kid he has brought the same evil to himself which manifests itself in many ways to push will down a particular path the first notable effect being on his anger she wants to call the cops but he thinks otherwise a kind of primal rage momentarily consuming him catching a flash of her head on a platter just like in the video the presence is infiltrating his head with this image and showing him an easy solution to take care of those the cross him just cut off their heads no big deal he does at least agree to take the phone to his cop buddy Dwayne but on the drive there he gets another text thanking him for calling and confirms what it means telling him that he has been chosen saying that they need their phone back now and are right behind him he glances back and the phone turns molten and melting roaches then covering both of his arms he swerves off the road but when frantically brushing off the supposed roaches there is nothing there everything he saw was just a hallucination in his mind which is only going to get worse from here on out his freaked out attracts a group of Gawker's making it easy for the girl to grab her phone back and speed away before will even gets the chance to do anything about it and even without the phone he still tries to explain to Dwayne about what happened but without any evidence there's really not too much they can go on that night at the bar will it's looking a bit more frazzled than usual but a visit from a solo Alesha changes his mood turns out Jeffrey is also jealous to their friendship and so she's here as punishment for his being selfish she actually wants to try to restrain herself tonight and not drink too much but will is in dire need of a shitload of drinks enlisting her as his drinking confidante and how about some drugs - sure why not time flies by and Alicia will immense on her failed attempt to hold back on the drinking thinking she's wasting her life but will disagrees declaring that she's living it yeah you say so dude and why stop now so they take a bottle of liquor down to the waterfront where temptation gets the better of will things starting to get frisky and he becomes a bit too aggressive Alicia having to push him away he defensively asked what's wrong that putz Jeffrey what she reminds him that he has a girlfriend too he's like don't worry about her going in for another botched attempt again he is acting a bit more unhinged than before and that same aggressive behavior has reared its head again he obviously does not care about his relationship or hers as a matter of fact it's just about what he desires which he can no longer control dropping her off he tries to use the excuse that Cary doesn't love him anymore and she does apologize but still leaves he gets a weird look in his eye beginning to breathe heavily those unbridled feelings coming out again he gets rousted from estate buy a call from Cary that quickly disconnects and then gets a bunch of pictures from their kitchen to his confusion by the time he finally gets home it's nearly dawn discovering Cary blankly staring at her laptop an image of that tunnel on the screen the same mentioned by Garrett and where this mysterious evil apparently comes from he shuts down the computer and she doesn't know anything about the pictures or calling him saying only that she feels foggy and heading to bed will searches the house hearing noises from the pantry greeted by a swarm of bugs in his face and then finding he can't sleep hears more odd noises sending him back to the kitchen where a kid is now sitting at the table it's obviously Garret spitting out his teeth and a bloody mess his head also oddly pulsating as he talks almost like something is trying to get out of his head will apologizes for not helping him and Garrett fills him in on exactly what happened he says they performed a ritual that opened a portal that lets something through possessing them he tells will he called it into his home and now it sees him as the perfect vessel for more evil creepily informing him it's watching them right now in the bedroom catching a glimpse of something there which actually looks human a kind of blurred outline of someone moving quickly possibly Garrett then seeing that evil thing he was talking about a big fleshy mask with what looks like a gigantic void within its pupils whatever it is it's weird will coming to the next day looking even sweaty err and dirtier than usual in the bathroom he gets a horrific hallucination of body horror a wound appearing under his arm all red and swollen cockroaches naturally proceed to emerge from the wound before disappearing even if the hallucination is probably still a good enough clue that it's time to take a nice hot shower division causing him to scrub at his armpit until it starts bleeding down the drain Kari innocently asks about updates on the phone but since he lost it he gets testy with her even though it was all his fault and she pegs his whole thing pretty well saying that some people look normal on the outside but on the inside it's just worms ouch harsh yet quite accurate especially with his increasingly aggravated and generating behavior he does at least do some good old-fashioned Internet research into ritual wounding finding talk of it on a message board always trust random internet message boards when it comes to the supernatural that is one thing I've learned from horror movies the same kid Garrett apparently posted there and says he's been having strange visions of a tunnel since starting to study the books reply telling him that the translation of wounds is a real gnostic ritual of human sacrifice the idea of being actually using wounds to transcend boundaries and can with higher beings for power and enlightenment well there you go sounds like old Garrett stumbled across this weird ritual thing and even just by studying it the evil entity was already showing and visions of the tunnel where it resides with this information we can decipher this entity is a god of the Gnostic religion which is real paganism predating Christian Christianity which eventually label them heretics when they grew in power their gods are called Aeons who reside in a spiritual plane of reality called paloma by following the translation of wounds involving transgressions or injuries they open the portal to plural a' and bring God's through to our plane of existence that's what we're seeing going on here bringing a bad God with unimaginable power to our world which is obviously a terrible idea they must have killed someone and attempted to use that wound as a portal even seeing the hand and a little portal coming out of the crack in the skull but it obviously didn't turn out well for the kids as bringing the entity over seems to have resulted in his friends being killed by it one by one that's what happens when you dabble with unknown evil which is now passed on to will who continues to become more testy and short-tempered at an unusually busy night at the bar yelling at a girl to get out of Alicia's seats and getting annoyed when someone asks about Eric when the couple do come things are more than a little awkward and already drunk Jeffery trying to make a scene obviously having learned of will making a move and proving his previous jealousy of their friendship ballad he gets dragged out by Alicia who becomes emotional but will isn't taking any of this to heart calling him a little [ __ ] setting out to clean up he has another bout of being overtaken by the entity things slowing down getting all distorted and bug show up all over the place the sounds all drift away leaving only will steady heavy breathing then entering into a crack in the wall inside coming to the tunnel and that weird fleshy eye thing again looks like some was watching will and he really is gross looking what the hell is that thing anyway some kind of flush masks with an eyeball I suppose weird photos of someone with a blurred face sent by Kari sins will home in a hurry and he finds her again absorb than her evil screensaver totally zombified having sat there long enough that she's peed her pants wow that's not good and I'd say the same entity is messing with Clare as well using the images of the tunnel to infiltrate her mind just as she did with Garrett and based on her stayed here it's almost like the God is feeding on her energy in a way via the screen and the tunnel images as though if will hadn't shown up she would eventually have been completely drained of her life force however it's obviously more focused on our boy will his actions blow up what little he had in his pathetic existence he tries to call Alicia but she's had enough thanks to his little assault that night by the water and is even more devoted to Jeffrey well one relationship dead next the following morning out of nowhere he tells Carrie that they should break up which only gets a casual okay in response from her he tries to pawn it off as it being for her safety but she mocks him knowing that he's no hero and calls him a mock person just a body sending him in a huff to pack up his [ __ ] and leave now that he's blown that to smithereens there's really only one thing left in his life his bastion of hope and true home of Rosie's having a nice drink there he asked for another but Rosie doesn't think that's a good idea since he's about to start working pretty reasonable pleading him to blowing up at her and burning yet another bridge so with nowhere else to turn he drives a shoehorn his way into Eric's built the apartment and frankly I'm surprised that this dude is even still alive at this point but he's aware enough to tell will he's not allowed to stay here geez that's pretty harsh dude but he refuses to take no for an answer Eric attempts to confront him but a confused will was told that he had actually called for him to come by and Eric reveals that it was a so-called freaks aka college students that made him do it and as a nice surprise they said they have a present for will well Holly isn't that thoughtful thanks kids throwing the weak Eric in bed he searches for their present discovering the same kid's phone in his nightstand immediately attacks comes in from someone called Jason who must be another in their group asking if he's found it giving him the clue that it's wrapped in flesh and will then figures out what this means that Eric is the rat looking at his still wounded face he calls his old pal Garrett the ring echoing only getting distorted screams in return and sets the phone down making it appear that the phone plays quite an important role here acting also as a kind of gateway to the spirit realm I mean he is calling a dead kid and getting a bunch of weird noises which seems to be drawing their bugs I mean songs got to be going on with a fallen magical demon phone [ __ ] if I know Eric begins to painfully moan bugs appearing in a huge-ass horde coming into the room from out of the sink and the windows covering the entire apartment and a buzzing wallpaper of bugs Eric's wound starts to grow larger inside and will calls into it asking it to fix him and make him whole opening his mouth wide up come on and maybe a portal manifest within the wound and though it's obscured between [ __ ] loads of bugs flying around that weird fleshy guy thing enters into his mouth well that was certainly bizarre and from what we can tell the ritual that he and the kids were involved with was a success and he is harvesting the power and energy from this weird entity thing literally ingesting it allowing it to fully possess him and based on its shape perhaps the God needs a body of its own since it's just a kind of weird flesh blob you know we've seen throughout consistently that will is definitely a loser with no real desire to do anything with his life even stopping off College at one point it truly is hollow inside which this whole experience brings to light he seems like a nice enough guy at first but as it becomes thrust into the temptations of evil his true self becomes exposed yet aggressive unfeeling jerk who still drinks all the time he really we discover as Kerry accused him of is full of worms he has no purpose at all and sees that hey maybe ingesting this evil thing to get some power sure why not give a shot not like I've got anything else on the calendar at the moment even though he liked the kids didn't really know what they were getting themselves into and it seems like it didn't turn out too well for them in the end or who knows maybe he has new magical super evil powers now shooting fires out of his eyes and whatnot but the point here is that when it comes down to this final choice to accept the evil specifically will does not get any redemption he blindly does something else in hopes of this giving him purpose because he feels he isn't capable of being anything on his own that about wraps it up for this inning explain for wounds as far as streaming go this one was at least better than the average and I did like its particular mix-up of various genre influences which it was able to concoct into a unique tapestry before we go don't forget you can send me a request for any TV shows or movies you like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at found flicks whew I don't know about you but now I need a drink about 50 of them yeah buddy time to live with what did you guys think of wounds and its ending would you have taken the deal with the mysterious evil force or would you've had a heroic Redemption moment let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,515,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wounds movie, wounds 2019, wounds ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, wounds explanation, dakota johnson, armie hammer, ritual of wounds, translation of wounds, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoilers, netflix, hulu, new streaming movie, streaming horror
Id: VAflEEaH1kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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