Unreal Engine 5.4 Motion Matching Tutorial in 5 Minutes

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in this video I will show you how to use un New Motion magic in under 5 minutes motion matching is a system that's meant to replace the current state machines the special thing about it is that it contines to select the best frame for animation to play out of a big animation pool using 3 trajectory prediction and it can be used to do many things like vaulting safe ring at Gladding or to do whatever other thing that you want now let's start first let's open a new project and add two plugins motion trajectory and post search and restart the project now we need animations until the 3 500 animations will come in a few months we will use l animations or you can make your own animations using my animation tutorial there's a link in the description below so make a lar project PR control space characters heroes manquen animations Locomotion and an armed and right here you have all the animations let's filter only the animation sequence select all of them right click and migrate it into your project content Bowser now as you can see all the animations are here now let's go to the character and make a new folder called motion matching right click click on animations motion matching and pose search schema select your skeleton and I will call it PSS mq as a fin Queen the settings right here are are how the engine knows what animations to pick and what connects our skeleton to the system I'll make a more advanced tutorial about it in the next few days so subscribe if you want to see it now go to motion matching again and add post search database I'll call it PSD mq and double click it this is our animation database each frame in the game the engine will come to here and select the best fitted animation out of whatever we will have right here before we put your animations a really important note your animation must have a motional root enabled and force root lock crl a make sure it's enabled and save for now let's put here only a few animations jug forward backward right left and idle you can click on animations in order to see it place now to connect everything to our character we need animation blueprint go to our skeleton and click create animation blueprint before we go into this one let's go to our character blueprint and change it skeleton to our skeleton and animation blueprint now no racism or something but I don't want him to be blue so let's change it back to default last thing we need to do over here is to add a component called character trajectory now let's hop things up go back to animation blueprint to the event graph try get pwn owner and cast to our blueprint character get the movement component and character trajectory and promote them to variables so the blueprint will have access to them go back to the graph and type motion matching select our database get a pose history bind it to our trajectory and connect it to the output pose now let's start out go to our map and hit play it works but as you can see we have a little problem there's a small L between the idle and movement animations in order to fix it let's go back to our database and just add animations look how easy it is to do so just grab all the start animations to our database and go back to play now it works completely fine two very last things first in order to see this trajectory line type character trajectory and type one in the end in order to turn it off type zero in the end second let's see how it works with Orient movement disabled let's make a quick thing over here so we will be able to switch mid game and check it out the next few days I'll try to create more advanced tutorials about this system with jumping SE RS and maybe vol so subscribe to SOS but this isn't everything that comes out with a 5.4 update if you want to see some of the other things there's a 5 minute video over here or if you want to know how to use post processing click right here
Channel: KartoonDevelopTips
Views: 41,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MotionMatching, UnrealEngine, GameDevelopment, UnrealEngine5.4, gamedev, animation
Id: UlNqYWuXcTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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