Unreal Engine 5.4 Tutorial - Motion Matching

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hello in this video we're going to be going over onreal engine's brand new feature motion matching this is a query based animation post selection system you can use the motion matching system as an alternative to the traditional State machines or blend spaces and unlike traditional animation systems motion matching can make informed animation post selections from a set of Animation data to create a responsive and reactive animation system without the need to set up transition or blending logic between animation sequences so in this video we're going to go over how you can set up the motion matching system with your character I'm also going to include the project files for this tutorial so you can play around and explore the motion matching system if you just want to do that also next month in June unal engine is set to release a free motion matching project with over 500 AAA highquality animations although if you can't wait that's what this tutorial is for to get started we first need to enable two plugins if we go over to edit then plugins in the search look for motion trajectory and just make sure that you check this click yes then look for pose search also just check this your unal engine will ask to basically restart so that these plugins can take effect just make sure to click this button and restart your onr engine project next we're going to create our motion matching system so our motion matching system will automatically tell character what animation it needs to play I'm going to be providing a bunch of free animations that you can use for your motion matching project they'll be attached somewhere in the description of this video make sure to download them and then I'm just going to go to my characters folder animations folder and I'm just going to import the animations here you can just select all of them and drag them in and for the scanon you can just select the SK mannequin then go import all that should P all of the animations we're now ready to create our motion matching system if we just go over to our content folder right click and create a new folder and just call this motion matching open it up and then what we want to do is just right click go animation select motion matching and select the poe search schema this basically will store our motion matching configuration and settings for the scanon select our character so that's the SK Manakin and I'm just going to leave this at the default name new post search schema we can open this up for now we don't need to change any setting this asset is basically used to link your animation databases to the query system of the motion matching node and defines the data that'll be used to query in order to make animation selections but for now we don't need to change any settings here we can close this next we just want to right click go animation and select motion matching and select the post search database then we want to select our new post search schema and I'm just going to call this my motion matching database inside here we can basically Define the animations which we want to use with our motion matching system we just want to open this up and then if you press control space this should open up the content drawer and I'm just going to go to my character to the mannequin and to the animation and to basically use them with our motion matching system I can just um in here look for MF that will filter the animations and just select all of them and then them or do here and these animations are going to be used in our motion matching system and one more thing with these animations in order to make sure that they work with the motion matching system we need to make sure that they have root motion enabled so in order to do that if we just select all of these animations right click and go and go asset actions and then we going to go edit selection in property Matrix we want to go to root motion and just enable root motion and force root lock and just go save to preview the animations you should be able to just select them and it should appear if I hold shift it'll basically preview all of those animations okay nice the next thing to do is set this up with our character so I'm just going to save this close it then we just want to go over to our third person character and to the blueprints just want to go over to the components and go add and look for character trajectory we're going to use this with our motion matching system we can just compile this then the next thing we're going to do is create a new animation blueprint for our motion matching system so we'll use the power of motion matching to basically calculate which animation our character should play so inside of this folder I'm just going to right click and go animation s animation blueprint I'm going to S my SK mannequin and go create and I'm just going to call this my motion matching animation blueprint we also just want to go back to our third person character and to their mesh and make it so they're using this motion matching animation blueprint we can compile this close it and then let's open up our MO matching animation blueprint we just want to go over to the event graph and on try G Point owner this will basically get a reference to whatever is using this animation blueprint we just want to cost to our BP third person character connect from event blueprint update animation to update animation into here then we just want to drag off here and look for get character trajectory and promote this to a variable and connect from here into here then go over to the animation graph and we just want to right click and look for motion matching for the database we going to select our motion matching database then we going to drag off here and look for pose history then select it and then we want to go to a trajectory and S our characters trajectory trajectory and then we just want to connect this into here go compile close this and if I play my game UNR engine is automatically calculating which animation I should play using our motion matching system and if you want to see the um debug for it what we can do is just enter a console command and look for character a character trajectory debug then add a space bar and then add one go enter and then you should see the motion matching line and then if you want to remove that line we enter the same command a character trajectory debug space bar and then zero and then if you want the project files they'll be available for free and then one more thing we can't really see um the backwards animation I just open up my third person character and I'm just going to make it when I press the Z key and I'll just drag in my character movement I'll look for set controller deide rotation and just make sure that this is checked then I'll just drag off here and it for set Orient rotation to movement and make sure it's unchecked and then I'm just going to use the flip-flop node so if we look for flip flop and then I'm just going to copy this paste it connect from B into here uncheck this and then check this and go compile and if I go play then press Z and Orient rotation to movement my backwards um animation will work and it makes it more clearer to see how the other animations work if I just press Z again then I'll be using my normal Orient rotation to movement so that is how to set up motion matching inside a Unreal Engine you enjoyed make sure to like And subscribe and if you want to learn how to make even more cool things in onor engine like a 2d platformer FPS game amele combat system and more make sure to check out my website honor engine University bye
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 6,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5.4, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 new features, motion matching, motion matching ue5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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