Motion Matching Advanced Tutorial | Jump, Turn in Place, Walk, Crouch Unreal Engine 5.4

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in this video we will add jump Crouch walk turns and turn in place to our motion matching first make sure you have seen the first video about motion matching Link in the description in case you haven't and that you have the database and L animations I tried to upload a video if sooner but got sick and didn't have a voice for a few days so if I sound a little off please excuse me let's start with the simplest thing adding stops and pivots to smooth our animations just drag them in and make sure you write mm since we are using mail animations Let's test it out to make sure there are no bugs and move on as for walk animations since motion matching is a smart thing it's super easy as well just grab all of your walk animations and put them right here in order to test it let's put change to work animation on control mark this nodes control D to duplicate press on the little keyboard sign and then press left control on your keyboard delete this type Max work speed press C to comment and let's check it out the system recognized when we are on low speed it changes our animations to the work animations from this in the last video we already have made in 5 minutes what will take much longer time with State machines but as you see we have a little problem so when I try to do this it bugs out how do we fix it go to your AP ppose History go down change this value to 120 and let's check it out nice now real quick let's do our turn in place let's go to our database and added our turn animations as you can see it is trying to do the animations but it's stuck so we need to do a few things first we need Orient rotation to be disabled and use controller desired rotation to be tool so just copy the notes from before and for this make sure you D the mouse from the character movement let's put it on a key for now compile and remember to connect everything we are Ting but without our animation and that's because we need to give the system the information that we are rotating and want animation that is rotating as well first let's add to idle animations for later now let's go to our PSS just a reminder this is the place that determines which animations the system and will pick first let's add a bone to our po tunnel since we're rotating we want to get our pelvis bone and now let's add another Channel which is the Velocity Channel with it we can quar poses based on the character's velocity again let's choose our pelvis bone since it is the one we care about right here the way to determines how much this sare will effect on the system compared to the others I forgot to mark velocity here as well we want it to be high so let's put it around five and down here big strape XY let's check it out nice by the way go ahead and play with all the values over here adjust it to what fits you and of course this is just a function you can do whatever you want with it you can put it on event to be activated only when C in place 5 Second in place or any other thing that you want now let's move on to crouching first let's Che change our DB name to mq Locomotion and create another one for couch while we're making another one I tried to make it work on the same DB but it's buggy and I don't see a reason why to instead to just create another one and switch it between those so super easy just search for couch animations press crl a and drag them all right here as for how we Chang to a qu State epic has kindly created a crou function for us so just make input for it then create a bullon name it is crouching hold alt to set and set true if we are crouching and false if we are not let's go to our animation blueprint gra the motion matching and type blend by bull I'll explain what it does in a second but before that we need to save our is crouching so grab the cast type is crouching and set to a new ball really short about casting since I got a comment about it in the last video Yeah casting is bad but not here the bad thing about casting is that as long as your BP is loaded your casted BP is also loaded which can be very expensive but in that case since it's our ABP of our blueprint they are always loaded together anyway so it doesn't matter back to crouching with blend pose by bull we can change it between databases based on the bull so if if we are not crouching let's put our Locomotion database and if we are crouching contr D to duplicate we will use a crouching DB now let's check it out press C to couch nice for smoother transition just change the values of the blend time in the blend by pull node to a bit higher before we get into the jump animation I have a short important thing to say I know it looks easy but for a long time I tested out so many things in order to get to this outcome so please like the video it helps me a lot and I think it's also a good time to thank you guys for all the likes and comments on the last video it felt really good to finally see that I'm not doing it only for myself to watch and that I'm actually helping you guys so again thank you and please ask me anything you want in the comments I promise to answer everything that I can and for our last topic air animations let me begin with the problem of the motion matching system in order for it to work smoothly you need a lot of animations after all Epic doesn't give us free 500 animations for nothing when we get this we will probably want to put their animations in the same database as The Locomotion for smoother transitions but I couldn't make it work with the Cod animations that are free for everyone so now that I finished chopping let's create our new database call it in air and open it up as for animations I couldn't make the LI animations work here and as for the man Queen animations we don't have the mirrored animation of it so you either can mirror it yourself to be honest I've tried and couldn't do it from some reason or just grab the jump animations of the free Advanced locom motion project real fast it's exactly as we did in the lar project last video go to the inir folder grab for Loop jump left jump right and same for the walks we don't need lens since we're using Blends migrate it and we only need the animations and the meses use the new anal 5.4 targeting system select our skeleton click export s them in here and don't forget to enable W motion and force W lo as we did last video in order to tell a system when we are in air setting your bullan in the animation blueprint by the name is falling make sure you grab it from the C to movement and don't forget to compile go back to our animation go control D to duplicate blend by bull and the motion matching node organize it a bit grab is falling connect the previous bull to false and in air database forter and change the database store in a database and all we have left is just to test it out and fix two small things first you see that we are working a bit too much before starting to run I don't like it so let's go to our PSS and change the origin bone to pelvis from wood you can play with all the settings here as much as you want and find out what you like the most and here you see the second problem the Crouch Town animations are bugging us out you can either play with these things in the PSS until it works or just delete those motion matching is a great system but we all are really new and need to learn how to use it so if you know something that I didn't say here please write in the comments or even tag me in Twitter because I really want to learn more about this system and until epic will release the project sample all we have is a community about shooting system it's pretty easy as well but the video is already too long so I might release a short video about it soon don't forget to like subscribe even though I already said it and have a wonderful day PE
Channel: KartoonDevelopTips
Views: 17,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UnrealEngine, MotionMatching, Gamedev, UnrealEngine5.4
Id: 20BbDaFYN_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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