Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is Amit from magnet and today we are going to create this awesome futuristic container City Scene inside Unreal Engine 5. so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] if you like my videos please do subscribe my channel and turn the notification on and here I'd like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I open my Unreal Engine 5.1.1 here and I choose games mode here and then I choose this third person template and here also I click on the starter content and I name my project as tutorial then I hit on this create button then I go to the file go to this new level and create an empty level and now we're going to set up the lighting very quickly so we go to this windows and then go to this environment light mixer and now we're going to create this Skylight and this create atmospheric light sky atmosphere and this volumetric cloud and this height fog and then we go down here and we find this volumetric fog just enable this from here then you close this one and then also you go to the Skylight and we go to each details panel and under this light we find this Real Time Capture so just turn this on okay so now we're going to set up a landscape here so for this first go to the selection mode just click on this drop down menu then we go to this landscape and here we don't need to change anything just click on this create button here okay then we go back to our main selection mode so now we're going to add a asset spec from the epic game Marketplace so so we go to this epic game launcher here so we're going to use this one so just click on here to add to project then we select our project that is this tutorial and just click on this add to project so once you import you will find this geometry folder and this materials folder and mega scan folder so inside this Mega scan you will find if you turn on the static mesh filter here and if you don't have these filters just go to these three lines Dot and then you have to select those filters from here just check and it will appear here and here you will find all these assets here but first we have to texture this landscape so for the texture we deselect the static mesh filter and then we go to this folder called this eroded ground just double click to open this and you will find this material here so first we select our landscape from here and then we go to this details panel and if we go down you will find this landscape material slot just click drag and drop here so you'll get this nice texture for our landscape and also we double click this material and then we go to The Styling just enable The Styling from here and we decrease the tiling from 1 to 0.2 and you will see that this look nice or maybe we can increase it little bit more so maybe 0.5 and now you can see this look nice okay so this is for our landscape and now we're going to populate in this landscape with some Canyons so we also have the canyon so if we again enable the static mesh filter here so maybe we're going to use this one first so we just drag and drop here and you can see that this is very huge and if you go this side you can see that this side is empty so if we put our light from here you can see that the shadow is not proper here so we're going to change to each material here so in order to change the material first we select this model and then we go to its details panel and then we will find this material and if we go to this magnifying glass option here just click and you will find this material over here and then we're going to double click to open this material and then also you go to this hierarchy and we go to this note function here now we're going to select this main material and here you will find under this details panel this two-sided just enable this one from here and also we click on this apply and then we save this and we close this one so now you can see that the material is two-sided and now it can also block the light to create this nice shadow and in order to know the size comparison first we go to this character folder then you go to this mannequins and then you go to this mesh and we will find this skm queen samples so just bring it over here so you can get a nice size comparison okay so you can see that this Canyon is not so big so we going to increase the scale so we press R and then we just increase the scale from here okay just like this and we put it over here okay maybe we can put our mannequin here to know the size okay maybe we can increase the size little bit more so we have to place our mannequin over here and then we increase the skill okay just like this and also do one thing that we can also duplicate it here okay just like this and then also we select both of this Canyon model and we place it over here okay so here it is now we're going to put the container buildings here okay so for this I'm going to download a container building model from the sketch scrap so I'm also give the link in the description so I am going to use this container building and he is the creator so many thanks to this creator and in order to download this just go to this option here and if you use this model you have to put this credit into your video so just click to copy this credit from here and it's a blender file so first you're going to download this file from here just click on this download and you have this file so just extract it and then you open this folder and here is the source file so it's a blender file so if you just click to open this file so if you have blender you can easily open this file or if you don't have just download the blender because it's also free and here is the file so we don't need to change anything from here we just go to the file then you go to this export and we export it as a fbx file so we don't need to change anything here and if you want you can also change the directory or change the name if you want but I am not changing anything so just click on this export fbx so here you can find this fbx file for this container house and now we're going to import this fbx file into our unreal project so first you open our annual and make things organized so we just go to this content drawer and then we create a new folder here so just create a new folder and we name this as fbx okay just double click to open this one and here again we create a new folder and we name this as container house okay and then we open this one and now we're going to drag this apx file to this folder so you just click drag and drop here and if you want to build this container house as a nanac just check this box so I always take this nanite box here and then you click on this import all so you will get this bunch of earnings but just ignore those just close it from here okay so here is all the files and now we also going to input all the textures so for this texture we're going to create another new folder and we name this as texture and then you double click to open this folder then again we go to this download folder and here is the texture folder so just double click to open this and we select all these textures and the drag and drop here and then we minimize this one and now we're going to apply all these textures to this material slots so how I do that it is very simple so first we going to import this fbx file to our viewport so first you're going to select all of this static mesh so in order to filter out the static mesh we just select this filter here and then we select all of the static meshes here okay just like that and then we just drag and drop over here so you can see that this looks something like this and once we import it you can see that you have selected all of the static meshes together so before we do anything else first we're going to put all of these selected items into a single folder to make things organized so we just click on this folder button here and then we name this as container now so now we're going to texture this house so we have all if you disable this static mesh filter you can get all these materials so first we start from this material 0 0 1 so it's just double click to open this material and also we windowed this window and then we go to this texture folder and here you can see all of this texture so all textures are same so we're going to just apply this texture here and then we just expand this size and we firstly delete this one and we just use this one here okay just like this and if you apply this one you can get this kind of nice texture here so you can see that this will apply to these stairs okay just like this and also we have this normal map so we're going to use this one also here then just connect to this normal here and then you just apply so just like that we going to go to this other material slot so just double click to open this one and do the same thing you can see that you can successfully add all these textures here okay and you can also see that some of these materials are which is not visible from the back side so we can do one thing that we go to this plane and then also we select this material settings and we also do the two-sided function activated and then we just apply it from here so now you can see that all these planes are visible from both sides okay so just like that and then we save this one from here again then we close this one and now we have other one so we again go to this material [Music] we do the same thing okay so you can see that and this material is for this wood material so we're going to change this wood material so we just use this one here and we delete this one and connect it to base color and then we apply this one and you will get nice wooden set here okay and also we just close it from here and then we have this glass materials left okay and also this one so we're going to use another materials from the mega scan so for this first we going to delete this one so we don't need this part so we just delete this one from here and if you want you can leave it but I am deleting this one so it's also delete this one here and this one and this one and you can also see a antenna here so we're going to delete this antenna because we're going to put our other antennas so we just delete this antenna from here just select and delete okay just like this and also we have that those doors also have this metal texture so we're going to put this wooden texture to the door as well so we go to this wooden texture and just apply this material over here and you can see again that this metal is not two sided so just double click to open this select this material and enable this two-sided function then we apply this one and we close this okay so here is our door and do the same for this other doors as well so just like this so if you have other Dots here in there so here it is so maybe and you can see that it's already applied and here also we apply this material and here also okay just like that and also we have this all these windows so we're going to change this window so first we're going to delete this plane from here just like this and also we delete this plane so we have all this window is empty here and also we have this antenna so we don't need this one here also so we just delete this okay just like this [Music] and now we also going to delete this windows okay so now we're going to put our own window plane so we also need a glass material so for this we have a free glass material pack from the epic game Marketplace so we're going to this epic game Marketplace so here you can see that this Advanced Glass material pack so you're going to use this one so just click on this add to project and then we select our project which is the tutorial and just click on this add to project so once you add these assets you will find this Advanced Glass pack and then if you go to this materials folder you will find this clean this dirty materials so we're going to use those material as a glass material and now first we're going to put a plane over this windows so we can easily fit those texture over this glass so we go to this box and then we go to the shape and we click on this blimp and first we're going to drag This Plane inside this container house folder so it is very important that you have to place everything inside this folder because later on we're going to duplicate this folder to duplicate all these assets together so here is the plane so we bring our plane over here and then we rotate it to 90 degree okay just like that and then we going to place our plane to this window here and also we're going to disable the snapping for this rotation and we freely rotate this and we'll place it over here then we increase the scale so we just increase the scale like this and then also we put it behind here okay just like that and then we're going to duplicate it multiple times for this all the window we have here [Music] okay so we have successfully placed all this plane to all this window and now we're going to put all this glass material over here and now first we're going to go to this dirty folder here and we're going to apply this glass material over here so we just drag and drop over here and you can see that it's look black so it will take little time to prepare this Shader and now you can see that this look nice okay so we also put other one here so maybe we put the same dirty here and then also we if we go to this Frozen folder you can also get some of this Frozen but I don't think so it will fit here because our scene is so dry so we go to the shattered and we just put this one over here and you can see that this look really amazing so once it applied and you can see that this look amazing and if you want more variation so you can also go to this example folder and here you can get other variations also so you can use this one as well okay so once you applied all this material here you can see that this look really amazing so you can see that this look nice and now we're going to decorate this building with some AC units and also some antennas so I'm download the AC unit and the antenna from the sketchfab so in order to decorate the container house I am using this AC unit also this dish antenna and if you go down here you will see the Creator name so you have to give the credit to the creator also so I have made two different folders for one for this AC unit and one for this dish antenna so first you're going to set up this dish antenna so we going to put this dish antenna over here so we go close and here is this antenna unit maybe rotate it little with and also make sure that the antenna is present inside this container house folder so here it is so we're going to put it inside this folder okay just like this so if you go to this container house folder you will find this antenna also and now we're going to put the texture so the texture things is also same as previous okay and then also we put it into different sides of this building so I'm just duplicate it multiple times and put it here and there so maybe here okay so you can also put more antennas if you want but for the sake of this doodle I am stopping here so now we going to put the AC units also the process will be very same okay then close it and here is the AC unit so you can see that the AC unit looks so small so first we going to select all of this model and then we bring it up here okay and you can see that this look very small so one thing we can do that we can just first we put it inside a folder here so we name this as AC or AC here is the folder and then we select all of this AC component here then we right click and we make it as a group okay just like that and then also we go to this AC unit or I mean this AC folder and we drag it and put it inside this container folder so inside that container folder you will find this AC folder and if you expand this AC folder you will find all this AC component but now it is a group and select this group here and if you press R and just increase the scale so you can uniformly increase the scale of this AC unit foreign so here it is so this is very simple but you have to organize things very nicely so you can use it later on okay so this is also inside this container house folder so when we duplicate it this AC unit also duplicate with the container house okay so now we going to by the way I am moving this thing just like that by press and hold the shift key and if we move any axis you can see that you can also move around the world okay so this is very handy to put your things here and there so I put this AC unit over here and maybe I've already seen it little look little small so we're going to increase the scale little bit more okay just like this and then we put it here and also we can deselect the snapping tool here so it just freely move our asset here okay just like this and now again I am duplicated multiple time to fill all the area here foreign [Music] look more nice and now we're going to make the texture look a little different so for this I'm going to download some textures from the mega scan so I just go to this Contender and then right click and click on this add quick cell content so I have already downloaded some quick sell material so I am go down and here it is so there are some few materials that I'm going to use as a container texture so I am using this one this one this one this one and this one also so I just select all of this and just click add and once you download any extra file from the mega scan you will get this Mega scan folder and inside that Mega scan folder you will find the surfaces folder just double click to open this and here is all this material that you downloaded from the mega scan and in order to visualize all this material together we going to check this filter which is called this material instance so just enable this filter and if you not find this filter here go to this three line option and you will find this material and then you check on this material instance okay so here it is all this material so now we're going to put the material here and there so maybe first we put this blue material over here and you can see that it will take little time to compile this Shader and you will get nice material over your container how is here okay just like that and maybe we use this one over here and sometime you will see that it will disable because as I mentioned before if you just open this one and then we go to this hierarchy and just open this node mode and you will and you will find this node here that is the material virtual texture just select this one and then we go to this details panel and you will find this two-sided just enable this one from here and just apply it okay just like that and you will find this material over here okay and do the same thing so maybe we can use this one also here just like that and also we use this one over here [Music] okay so now you will get the idea that how you can make this look more interesting so I think this is enough for now to design this container house so I think you'll get the idea so you can put so many other assets like some cables or some of different looking antennas and also these different looking AC units so it will look more nice so once you satisfy with the design then we're going to proceed to the further so now we're going to select all of this and make it as a single group so for this this is our container house folder and that is why I put all these assets into this folder so now we select this container house folder and right click and then we go to this select and just select this all descendant just like that okay and then we right click here and then we groups and we click on this regroup so in that way you will create this group for this entire system so now if you move this you can see that we can move all of these assets together and now if you just press and hold the ALT key and then we drag any axis you can easily duplicate this entire system okay just like this and now you can see that all of these things are present in the single group and here is the group number two I mean this one for this assets and this one for this asset so here you can just only select the group to move all of these things together okay so now we can put those buildings here and there to make a nice design so first we going to put this building system over here so first we're going to move this building here so we just put it over here and here from we can also increase the camera speed so we can go here and then we put this building over here [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] okay so now you can see that and this look nice and if we just start Play from here you can see that our building system looks something like this so this is for this container house and you can also duplicate it multiple times to make more populated area but for now this look amazing and now we going to put other assets to make it more look nice so I have downloaded some of the items from the sketch map so here it is so this is this container house and here is the creator so shout out to the creator also and then I am download this so white container also and here is the creator so shout out to the Creator and then also I download this container and also shout out to the Creator here and then this yellow container and also shout out to this creator and then this abundant house and I also use this in my previous project so here is the credit and also this Frame so this frame look really amazing so shout out to the creator also then I use this screen model and shout out to the Creator finally I download this street light so shout out to the Creator so I'm download all these assets and import inside this fbx folder and also name it different so I can identify all this asset nicely so first I'm going to use the frame to make an extra details to this container houses so for this I am go to this Frame folder here and here is the frame so first I am going to just enable this filter which is called the static mesh filter here so I select all of these assets and bring it here [Music] okay and you can see that there is all these assets so again I am put it into a new folder here and name this as frame okay and then I select all of this inside this Frame and just right click and click on this group so it will be a group so now if we just rotate it into this angle to maybe 90 degree here and then also I decrease the scale office and then I put it over here okay so you can see that I use these as a extra frame for all these houses so maybe I rotate it into this angle and also I decrease the scale little bit down okay just like that and then I duplicate it to other houses here [Music] [Music] together foreign [Music] okay so you can see that this looks something like this with this nice frame and now we're going to put other assets so first we go back to our fbx folder here and then we're going to put some cranes over here so here is the green folder and again we enable the static mesh filter and then we select all of these assets here and then we just bring it over here okay just like this and again we put it into a new folder here and we name this as screen and then we go to the screen folder and right click and select and click on this all descendant and then we just right click and make it a group just like that and then now we going to place this screen over here okay just like that and maybe we can push this here also this one okay so this looks something like this okay and you can also put other crane models here and there so maybe we can duplicate it here okay just like this and also he rotate this into this side Maybe okay so make a nice design so now we going to put other assets so let's see so we go out from this group and here you can get some of this model that is the small house so here it is so maybe we select all the static mesh and select and just bring it here and maybe we don't need this ground so I just deselect this one and then we select this model and select all of this and put it into a folder named small house okay and then again we select all of this and make a group okay so now we going to put this maybe here again increase the camera speed little bit and rotate it and fit it here maybe we decrease the scale and then we place it over here like this and also we duplicate it here and then we place it over here and also we have other containers so let's see so maybe this one that is the container black so here it is so you put it over here and maybe we increase the scale so we make this uniform scale switch and change it to maybe 100 or maybe two thousand maybe let's see not two thousand maybe 500 will be nice okay so 500 look nice and then we place this container over here okay just like that and also we duplicate it and place it over here [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] now I'm going to download some other assets from the epic game Marketplace so I am using this Soul City pack from the APK Marketplace so once you import the soul City content from the APK Marketplace you will find this folder here so you just double click to open this and then again we enable the static mesh filter and here you can get so many assets which will be very useful for this kind of scene so first we going to use this one so first we're going to put these things over here just like this and then also place it over here and we increase its scale okay so again we put it to make it more little details so just like this and then also you duplicate it [Music] okay then again we select all of these three and maybe we can put it here [Music] please okay so you can see that when we put this one also it creates a nice details towards scene okay so and you can see that eventually it look really amazing so again we select all of these assets and maybe we put those assets also here and then also we duplicate it here okay and now we also have some piping system so here it is so maybe we can use those wires here so when we put the wires it really creates a nice details so maybe we put those squares here and there and duplicate it [Music] [Music] so you can see that with this wires it look really nice so if you put the sun here and also we go to this fox settings this exponential height fog and if we decrease the fog density and also increase this Fork fall off and then if we increase this box from this bottom side and also if we select this fog Gizmo here and we put it little higher here just like that and also we go to this volumetric fog and then we go to this Albedo color and we change these two little reddish warm color like this just like this just like in this sand color here now if we go over here you can see that this looks something like this and also it decrease the fog density [Music] okay so now you can see that it look amazing okay so now it's the right time to create a camera for our scene so we go to this box and then we go to the cinematics and create a cine camera actor and here is our cine camera actor so first we right click here and then you click on this snap object to view here and then you go to this perspective and select our camera okay so just like this and also we create a sequencer for our scene so we go to this box and create a add level sequence and we name these as container City sequence and then we save it and now we going to bring our camera to this sequence just like that just drag this camera over here and then we go to this camera properties and first you go to this film back and we change this to 16 is to 9 DSLR and then also go to this current focal length to decrease the focal length to maybe 17 for now okay and then also we go to this camera settings here and then we go to this lens and firstly go to this Bloom effect and then we change this Bloom method to convolution and also you go to this intensity and we decrease this value to maybe 0.3 and then we go to this exposure first we change this to metering mode to manual and then we go to this exposure compensation and we change this to maybe 10 for now okay so 10 look nice and then also we go to this lens flare option here first and then go to this intensity maybe change this to point two okay and now we go to our directional light so here is a directional light and firstly go to this intensity of this directional light and we change this intensity to maybe 5 and also increase the source angle okay so in that way we can see that our sun size will be little increase [Music] okay just like that so maybe you can put our sun over here [Music] just like this and now you can see that this look really amazing or maybe we can increase the camera exposure value so we select our camera and then we go to this exposure setting and we change this to maybe 12 for now or maybe 11 and also we can go to this current aperture value and we decrease the f-stop value so now maybe 10 will be nice okay so now you can see that this look really amazing okay so far so good and now you can see that we going to duplicate all these wires again so make a very chaos like scene here so we select all of these words okay so now you can see the idea okay and also we can duplicate this house as well as this Frame here like this and then we put it little back [Music] okay so now you can see that this look nice okay so again we duplicate all of these words again and we place this verse to here so we rotate it into this side [Music] and then we'll place it over here okay just like that also again duplicate it also place it over here [Music] okay just like that so now you can see that this look really amazing or maybe we can put some words little down here so it not look that much chaos here or maybe we can delete some of them so will not look unnecessary just like Okay so this is how you can design your whole scene so I'm not going through all of this but you can have the idea so maybe sometime you can also increase the wire size uh really big and then we put those squares here so it also look nice and also makes some variations to our scene okay so maybe we select this one and just place it over here okay just like that and inside this Soul City inside this Soul City or if we select the static mesh you can also get other assets so maybe we can use this once so maybe there is some so much pipes model also and also these pipes here so maybe we can put those pipes over here in there and also we increase the scale of this pipes foreign you can use those pipes here and there so maybe we put this pipeline over here and also we duplicate it over here and then we rotate this [Music] okay so when you use those pipes you really gives a nice touch to our scene Okay so maybe we can again duplicate this pipe over here okay [Music] so here it is okay so you can also use those pipes over here also [Music] and we duplicate these pipes here and then we put it over here okay just like that also duplicate it over here okay so something like that and then also if we change the Sun position [Music] you can get nice result here okay so now you can see that it really look nice so if we play from here you can see that it really look amazing and very complex so more things you put it will look more nice okay so this is why I like this Unreal Engine so much because it really allowed me to make nice environment so you can see that I put so many things inside this scene and you can see the details so it looked really amazing so go back to the design so now you can see that there are other assets also so maybe we can use those as a so maybe we can use this pipeline also so maybe we put these pipes over here and again we increase the scale of these pipes and then we put it over here [Music] okay so you can see that this look really amazing and maybe we can put this pipe little bit this side [Music] okay and also okay so you will get nice complex design here also okay so so many possibilities so feel free to use those assets and also here we have this kind of Shades also so you can use this Shades here to make it little different looking just like that also here and then also we put it over here and then we increase the scale of this just like that to make it little different looking okay and then also we put these things over here and increase the scale okay so these things will give you more complex design and also we have some of these railings also so we can use this one so maybe we rotate it into 90 degree and then we increase the scale and we can use this as a supporting pillars so maybe you decrease this scale here and then also duplicate it okay so feel free to use this because everything you put it will make a very different looking design Okay so [Music] okay just like that also some of these roof here so maybe we so it's all up to you so how you can use those okay so maybe we are here and let's see what we put inside or yes sometime you can also see those veins also so you can use those bends here and there so maybe you can decrease the scale and place it over here and then also we duplicate it then place it over here okay just like that and here also we can get some of these words so maybe we can use this where so this is different looking wires so you can also use this wire also [Music] so it will create a nice difference so it's not look identical so you can also use this okay and there is also some of these this one so I'm using this one as a small Road here so maybe we can rotate this into this angle 180 degree and I put these things over here okay and sometime you will see that the Gizmo is in the different place so you can easily fix it to replace it here so just right click here and then we go to this pivot and there is option called the set pivot offset here and then again we right click over here and then I can go to this pivot and click on this set as pivot offset so in that way you can place the Gizmo over your model okay so this is very handy so now we're going to put it over here and maybe we can rotate it little bit like this and then again you duplicate it so it's all depends on you that how much you want to extend this roadway okay so and maybe we can just rotate it just like that okay and also we can put some fins over here and there so maybe we can duplicate this cargo system here and we rotate it into this angle and then also we rotate it into this side and also this side and maybe we can put a crane over here also so we duplicate the crane system and we place it over here [Music] okay just like that so now you will see that it look amazing okay and if you change the light position here you can get so much details in your scene okay and maybe we can change the texture of these pipes so we have some textures from this Mega scan so if we go to the surfaces and then we click on this material instance so we'll get so much materials here so we use this material over here maybe or you can also change some of this material from here okay and maybe we can also change this materials but it's look nice but if you want you can also change this material okay so this looks something like this so this look really amazing and now we going to use other assets from the marketplace so I am using this construction side Volume 2 just click and add to my project and then also I use this construction site volume one pack also so just click and add to my project here and then also I use this one also so I just add it to my project so once you add those assets you will find this one this one and this one so we first going to this construction volume one the double click to open this and then we go to the static mesh filter and here you will find this fence here so first we're going to place this fence over here so maybe we do one thing that we go to these assets and also we select all of them [Music] and then we put it little behind here and also this one [Music] okay and now we're going to put this fence over here [Music] so just like this [Music] [Music] foreign to make a roadway here so maybe we can delete some of these fans over here and also maybe here also okay just like that and also we're going to put some pillars here so we go to this construction volume number two and here we will find some of these wooden blocks so you're going to use this one so maybe we use this one here and then we increase the scale of this just like that and we're going to use this one here maybe here okay and I'm going to duplicate it multiple times to put it here okay so you can also do the same things to this side also but I'm not going to do this for now but you will get the idea okay so now we're going to do one thing that we have so many asset shares so you can populate your area by using these assets but I'm not going to do the uh same things everywhere because it will take little time but you will get the idea so you have all those assets so just put here and there like this [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] prop 6 and you will also get some of these nice assets here so I believe that you can easily make nice look to your scene by using those assets and also we have some street light so we're going to put the state light over here so I go to this fbx folder and here is the street light folder so I'm choosing this both of this one and just put it over here okay just like that and maybe again I right click here and then I go to this pivot and click on this set pivot here and then also I right click over here and go to this pivot and say it as pivot offset okay just like that and now it is set to here and then and also if you don't know that how you can create this emissive material here so it is very simple just now open this one and maybe I reset this material here so I just reset this one and if you create a material it will look something like this and then I'm just press three on the keyboard and just click over here so you will get this three color parameters here and then also I am clicking aim on the keyboard and just click over here to get a multiply node and also I press s and click to make a scalar parameter here so you name this as light intensity [Music] light intensity and then I am connect these three color parameter to this multiplayer node here and also this one to this node B and then I'm linking this one with this emissive color and here in this black color just double click this one and make it white okay and then hit OK and here in this intensity the default value is 0 so if you put it 5 here it will illuminate it okay just click on apply [Music] okay just like that and also we connect this color to this base color here and then click on this apply and now if you making any daylight scene so in that case it will be not illuminated so just double click to open this and go to this value and make it zero and just hit apply so now you can see that it is not illuminated okay and then also we have some material from the mega scan so if we go to this Mega scan folder and then we go to the surfaces and click on this material instance so you'll get some of this material so I'm use this material over here so it will look nice and now we going to select this slide and also this light over here so just shift and select both of this here and we're going to make a group so just right click here and create a group here okay and now we going to duplicate it so we firstly put it over here and then you duplicate it here okay so this is how you can put those light posts here and there and also you can put some wires to this light post so it will be very easy so this is how you can create this kind of scene okay so now first I am going to show you that how you can create this daylight scene so you can already see that how we make this nice looking daylight scene here okay so now maybe you can create a nice camera animation over here so you go to the sequencer and here is this camera and first maybe we can create a keyframe over here so we go to this transform this camera and then make a keyframe here and make sure that the keyframe is linear and also you go to here and make this linear which is the default keyframe and also click on this key switch here and then maybe we go to this Frame or if you want you can also increase the frame rate from here okay so for this timing I'm using this 150 frames and maybe we go over here and you can see this kind of nice camera animation here okay so now you can see that thank you you will create this kind of nice camera animation here or maybe you can also put some of these assets over here so you can make a nice other camera animation to this side also and also this side so it's all depends on you and if you want to have some ideas you can also see my promo video for this tutorial so you will get some ideas that how you can a nice cinematic shot by using this technique so now we going to make this scene as a nighttime scene okay so for this first we're going to change the sky so for the sky I am going to use an hdri map so I go to this polyheaven.com and when you go here just go to this nighttime scene or you can search it from here so I'm using this one so just click and here is the creator so shout out for this creator also and I am using this 4K resolution so if you want you can also change the resolution from here and make sure that you select this HDR format here and then just click on this download So once you download this file first you're going to drag this file to our content drawer here so just click and drag and drop here okay just like that so here is the file so now we're going to enable a plugin for to use this hdri backdrop so for this first you go to this edit and then go to this plugins and here is search for hdri and you will find this hdri backdrop so just enable this one and when you enable this one you have to restart your engine so just restart then we close and now we're going to apply this hdri backdrop as our sky so for this first go to this option here and then we click on this place actor panel and here we search for hdri backdrop so here it is so just click drag and drop towards scene here okay just like that and now we're going to close this place actor panel and and here it is so first we going to put this HDR backdrop to little down here and you can also see that this is very small hdri backdrop so if we go out from this HDR area you can see that here is this area so we're going to expand this HDR area Okay so for this we select this hdri backdrop and then we go to this details panel and here is the size so initial size is 150 and we're going to change it to maybe 6000 for now okay and now you can see that it can fill enter area so now if we go back to our main position here just like this you can see that it change our sky here and now we're going to replace this HDR map so we just click and drag and drop to this Cube map slot okay and now you can see that it looks something like this so now our scene is little too bright so we're going to change some settings to the light first we're going to change this color so for this we going to double click to open this hdri map then we go to this brightness curve we're going to change this curve to 2 and it will take little time to compile and then also we go to this RGB curve we're going to change it to 2 as well okay and then we save this one and just close this so now you can see that our sky is little bit dark here and also we're going to change the intensity of this hdri map so we're going to change the intensity to maybe 0.5 here or maybe decrease it to 0.2 okay just like that and then we going to select this hdri backdrop and then we go to this panel that is the hdri backdrop and if you scroll it down you will find the Skylight option okay so first we're going to change the source type and we change it to SLS specific Cube map and then we're going to again select this hdri backdrop to this Cube map slot okay and then also we check this box that is the Real Time Capture okay just like that and here also we're going to decrease the intensity to maybe 0.2 okay just like that and now we going to go to our directional light first so we type directional so here is the directional light we're going to change the intensity decrease to maybe point two here okay and you can see that this looks something like this okay and also we're going to change the light color so we go to this light color and we change it to something like bluish color here okay just like that foreign so now you can see that it's very dark here and then we go to our Skylight here so it types Skylight so here is the Skylight and we also going to change this light color to something like bluish color here okay just like that and then we finally go to our Fox settings so we type fog and here is the exponential height fog and then we go to this details panel and first you go to the secondary fog data just expand this and increase the fog density so maybe two will look nice maybe not that much maybe one and then also we're going to change this fog height fall off so just increase it this value little bit okay just like that and now you can see that our star map is little too bright so we're going to change the settings from the hdrm map also so again we go to here and maybe we change this brightness to 0.5 and this brightness cup to maybe 1.5 and this RGB curve to 1.5 as well okay so now let's see if we save it from here okay so this look nice for now okay but you can see that our scene looks so dark so first we going to make all these windows to illuminated okay so our Windows have this glass pack material so we go to this materials and first you go to this dirty one and then we double click to open this material so here it is so now we're going to make some change to make it Glow so for this we're going to use this emissive color channel so first we're going to type 3 on the keyboard and just click to make this three color Vector here and then also we type and multiply node so we press aim and just click here to get this multiply node here and firstly connect this three color node to this multiply channel number a and then also we get a scalar parameter so we press s on the keyboard and just click and we name this parameter as a light okay so now we're going to connect this one to this B and we connect it to this emissive color okay and here we can change the color from black to maybe bluish color here okay just like that so you can also change other colors and hit OK and then we going to change this value uh to maybe 10 and we apply this one and now you can see that those windows are illuminated and also we have other materials which is the shuttered so you just double click to open and also do the same things to here and for this one maybe we're going to change this color to something like warm color here okay just like that to make little bit variation and hit OK and then also go to this value and we change this to pin then apply [Music] okay so here you can see this look very amazing okay so we get all these windows illuminated and we have this nice looking sky here okay and then maybe we also going to change our directional light position [Music] just like that or maybe we're going to increase the intensity of the directional light little bit so we type directional here and maybe we're going to change the intensity maybe 0.5 so you will get little bit of light here and also you can see that the shadow is too tight so we're going to make a little bit more diffuse Shadow here so first you go to the source angle and we change this value to maybe 10 [Music] okay just like that and also we go to these volumetric scattering intensity we're going to increase this value okay just like that and then we go to our Fox settings again [Music] and we go to this details panel and then we go down to this volumetric fog and we go to this Albedo and we change this value to something like dark bluish color here [Music] is okay just like that okay so now you can see that this looks something like this okay and also we have our street lights here so here is the street light and first we're going to make it ungroup so we just right click and go to this group and make it ungroup here and now we're going to select this white portion only and then we go to this materials properties and just double click to open this material and now we're going to change this value so we go to this default value and change it to maybe five okay and maybe we also going to change this light color from here so maybe we're going to change it to something like warm ish color here [Music] okay and hit OK and then click apply so now you can see that all these street lights are illuminated okay so now you can see that uh this looks something like this but those are only the material so it can illuminate it but it will not create that much of light into our scene so we have to physically put the lights to every windows for some of the windows as well as the street lights here so first we're going to put some lights over this windows so for this I'm going to use some react light so I go to this box and go to the slide and click on this react light and here it is so first we're going to put this red light over here to this window so it will look like that it will illuminate it some light from this window here and you can also change the intensity to maybe four for now or maybe three okay and then also we duplicate it to some of these windows over here foreign [Music] [Music] this nice lighting so you can put heavy lights to these windows and it will create a nicer so you can easily see that this area and this area so when you put the light it will create nice result to your scene and maybe sometime you can increase the light intensity as well as these attenuation radius so it will create more light to your scene and also makes a nice diffuse light here so just like that so if you put some light over here you will get this kind of nice lighting to your sim so just like that so you will get this kind of nice result here and also we have the street light so you can also put some red light to the street light so do the same just go to here and create this slide and go to this react light and put this light over here so little difficult to align this area but when you put this light to the right place it will look nice so here and then we're going to rotate this just like that and this react light have a very nice settings to focus on your light so first you go over here and then you can see this light size now we're going to this react light details panel and here is the source and width and Source height so you can also decrease this light area from here as well as this Barn Door angle so if you decrease this you will narrowing the lights so now you have to duplicate this light [Music] so you can see that when you put the light everywhere it will look nice so if we press G and you can see that this look really amazing and it will take little time to fill up all this area with the light so take your time and you can see the really difference here so here it is it look nice and here it's not look that good so when you put the lights you will get a nice result so if we go to the sequencer and if you decrease or increase the X Top Value you will get more intense lighting so if we just zoom in over here and you can see that this area look amazing okay so now you can see this look really amazing and now you can see also that uh this fencing not look right because we are in Epic settings here so if we go to this engine scalability and go to the Cinematic settings you will get this kind of nice result here and also you can see that those lights look really amazing and believe me when you render it out it will look more amazing okay so here if we go over here [Music] you can see this area look really amazing okay so now I'm going to show you some other tips to put the light so again I go back to my a bit mode here and now I'm going to download a light from the mega scan so I just right click here and go to this add quick cell content I'm going to download this light here so I just select this one and just add it to project and here is the light so I'm going to use this light as a physical light so I'm just go over here and put this light over here so our light is little too small so first I'm going to increase its scale okay and then maybe or maybe increase its scale little bit more and now I'm going to put a rod like shape here so I just go to this box and go to the shape and create a cylinder here so here it is and put this cylinder over here so maybe it will be our tube light so first I'm going to align this cylinder over here foreign this and also I decrease the scale [Music] and also make it little wide here and now I am going to place it over here so you will understand that what I am trying to do here I just make a tube light like shape here so here it is [Music] maybe I sync it down little bit more and then increase this scale here so it can nicely fit over here okay and also I rotate it little bit and place it over here so it's not like that it will be so perfect but just try to align it nicely foreign [Music] just like that and now I'm going to put this illuminated material over this so I'm using the same metal that I put over here so I go to here and then I click on the search option and here it is so I put the same material over here and if you want you can also change the material and now this is only the material so again we're going to put a react light here so I go to this box and go to this slide and select this reactor light here and I put this light over here so again it will take little time to align and then also we rotate this to 90 degree okay just like that and now we put it here okay so press G to bring all these icons and now again we do the same thing we change the light shape to match with this slide so we firstly go over this top and then we go to this with settings okay and also we decrease this height and then we go down here and we go to this barn door and we change this value okay and also increase the intensity so now if we again change this camera speed and now we're going to select all of this so these three units so first we go to select this light and then press shift and select this rod and also this light case so we select all of these three and then we put it into a new group here or maybe new folder here and name this as light and now we select all of these three and create a group okay so now if we put this this will put all three things together so we firstly duplicate or maybe put it over here here it is and now if you put this slide so we just rotate this thing and then we put it over here maybe here and then we just rotate it and we put this light over here so now if we press G and you will see that here is the light and also this is dip it down to this ground so maybe we can put it little out here and now we're going to duplicate it and place it here and there so now you can easily create some of the lightings and it will look more nice okay because you also have this light source so it will not like that and the light is coming from nowhere okay so here it is so you will get the idea so again we duplicate it and put it over here okay so now we're going to put some environment effects so for this I'm going to use some dust or smoke particles so for this we go to the starter content folder and then we go to this particles and here is this some steam effects so for this first you're going to this steam FX and put it over here and then we go to increase its scale of this just like that and you will see that when you put this uh smoke you will get more advanced looking effects here so maybe we can duplicate it here maybe we decrease the scale and then we put it over here so now you can see that it will look more organic okay and maybe you duplicate it over here okay and also we have some other particles so maybe we use this smoke over here and increase its scale so you will get a nice uh smoke particles so if you want some of these uh Fire Element you can also use this smoke element so here you can also get some fire elements also so maybe you can put some fire elements here and there so if you want so it is so illogical but if you want you can put some fire elements here and there also okay so it's all up to you because we have these elements so you can use if you want so maybe select this fire element here and then maybe we put these things over here okay and if you want uh more nice uh particle system you can also use some of the particle systems from the epic game Marketplace so maybe we go over here and use some other particles effects so maybe we put this smoke FX here and then we rotate this one and also increase its scale so when we put this smoke you will see it look amazing [Music] okay just like that so you can use this realistic starter VFX pack volume 2 as well as as well as this pack also contains some nice fire elements so I'm also give this link in the description down below so when you add this to your project you will get this realistic starter VFX pack so first you go to this particles and here you can get so many assets so fast you got this fire and you can also get some of these big fire elements so it also comes with its own light system so if you put this fire you will get this nice fiery effect in your scene but make sure that you use it as a right way so it will not look that it just put it here and there so it's all up to you that how you going to use this effects okay so I'm just show you that what you can do with this effect so you can see that this file look nice and maybe if we go to the Cinematic presets you will get more nice result here so now you can see that this file look amazing and believe me when you render these things it will look more amazing okay and you can also see that our lens flare is look too much so you can also change the lens flare so we go to our camera settings here and then we go to this lens settings here so maybe here so inside this lens flare just we decrease this value to maybe 0.01 okay so now you will get very little of this lens flare and when you render it it will look nice okay so this is how you can use those uh smoke elements here and there and when you put this smoke elements you can see that this look really amazing okay so now you can see the difference here and they are so make sure that you also populate some lights over this area also and also this area so you will get this nice kind of result so this already a very big tutorial so I am not going through that but I will show you that what you can do with those lights and also you can put some of this physical lights so it will look nice if you put those physical lights here and there just like that okay so it also create a nice result to your scene okay so this is it and this is how I build this entire scene and yes also I put some other particle effects like the rain so this is very simple because when we have the soul City pack so here is this Soul City pack [Music] so here is this whole city pack this whole city pack comes with this pre-made rain effects so we go to this FX and then we go to this particles and here is this water holder so here you can get so many water particle system so if you want this rain effect you just drag and drop this rainstorm here and you will get this nice rain effect so you can see that you'll get this and maybe maybe probably you're not seeing if you watch it in YouTube uh because of this YouTube compression but when you put this rain you will get this nice rain effects and also when you render it this rain look very amazing so this is how you can create this kind of nice rain effects also so this is it and this is how I build this entire scene okay so now I will show you the render setting that I have for my original video so I delete this keyframe here and also this one and maybe we create a new keyframe for this night scene here so maybe I put my camera over here okay and then we go to this very beginning here and make a keyframe to this transform switch and then we go to the very end and then I place our camera over here so now if we play we will get this kind of nice camera animation over here and you can also get this empty area so you can have those props so you can just place a different props here and there to make this area populated so it's all up to you because it's very easy thing so you have all these props just use your imagination and put in everywhere so this is how you can make also this nice kind of camera animation and now we going to render it as a video so for this we need to enable a plugin so we go to this edit and go to this plugins and type movie and here you will find this movie render queue and this movie render the additional passes so just restart it from now after you enable those and save your project from here and once you restart just close it and also close this and then we go to this Contender and open our level and then also we open our sequencer here and then we go to this perspective and go to our camera view okay so here it is and then we go to this windows then go to the cinematics and movie render queue and here we go to this render and we select our sequence so in this case this is a container City sequence and then we go to this unsafe config and here I use some of the settings so if you want the same settings you can follow me so first I go to the settings and click on this anti-aliasing and I change this temporal sample count to 32 and also click on this override and tlacing and also in order to enable all this rain from the beginning so you can do one thing that you can create an extra frame from the beginning so maybe you can put some of this uh 33 frames extra from this beginning part and also make sure that you click of those options that is the warm-up frame and render warm up frames and then again go to the settings and go to this camera and I change this to frame close and again go to the settings and then go to this high resolution and also enable this subsurface scattering and then I am going to use this exr sequence and then go to this output and here you can find your directory where you want to render those files and then just click on this accept and then you just click on this render local and your exr sequence will be ready okay and you can also use some of these compositing software likes after effect or DaVinci resolves or Premiere Pro to use those extra sequence into a video file so it will be very easy and if you don't know how to do that you can also check my previous tutorial on that and make sure that you can populate your scene by those assets and also put the other lights and if you like this video I recommend you to check my other videos and if you like those videos please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we'll see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 46,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: EIeDB8-f_sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 22sec (6202 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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