Unlucky People Having A Very BAD Day

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hello friends it's me today we're checking out some very unlucky people who are having a bad day she's like this big old tree trunk you gonna throw this in the ocean just toss it oh that is huge massive brother that's half a granddaddy tree is that uh-uh we go down there we go down together i refuse to sing it it's snatched by the leg the revenge of the tree trunk if nobody recorded it y'all would've thought it was a ghost this dude is self-serving at the 7-eleven so y'all want to give me a free slushie since i fixed your machine i feel like this happens way too often those times like these you realize how powerful you really are she was in the store doing this little thing get rid of all the bad energy evil spirits be gone oh i thought it was supposed to get rid of the evil spirits but the evil spirits got rid of it i didn't claim none of this negative energy girl's college apartment finals week wait a second the pregnancy test is positive at least she passed one test and we ain't talking about the finals the wrong test somehow i don't think this week can get any worse it's like you got finals to study for you suddenly find out you're pregnant and then you get sick the most unfortunate series of events that's you got this i hate braces so much as i saw a bunny tick tock but it was eating a pear inspiring me i thought she ate a paper clipper song no her braces got untangled like the wire does that happen you got braces you can't eat pears what do you do is it like a loose thread pull it out or get some wire cutters and just snip off the excess i guess no more pear [Music] no no no no oh my goodness gracious i am so glad i watched this video because this is actually something that i would do they flicked a little icicle very satisfying they flicked the big one off the ice literally broke the bone in their finger from it's being so powerful lesson learned do not flick things that are too hard to flick okay this guy suffered so we don't have to when the pizza guy writes his number in ranch but you're allergic to ranch wait a minute if you're allergic to ranch why don't you be allergic to the cheese and the pizza so why did you order pizza oh wait actually you have his number literally called back hey yo i'm allergic to the branch can i get another pizza and uh you on the side they were doing a contest if you can hold on for a hundred seconds you get 100 euros this guy doing it like it's nothing hold it on already made it more than halfway time's just flying by zipping by he's almost there 80 seconds gonna be 90 seconds and wait suddenly it's getting very difficult he had three more seconds three more he would have got himself some money i mean that's a long time but it was so close and the worst disappointment is from yourself she got a balloon with money for her birthday she let it fly away and record this video opening it i she let it get away a couple hundred dollars in the air i'm so sorry for your loss it's literally the money with the wings emoji why is this an emoji who came up with this money with wings am i missing something i feel like every pizza place the jar with the red pepper flakes or the parmesan people always be messing with it always loosening it up and when he went to go for a sprinkle oops the whole jar that is one spicy slice [Music] that is the literal definition of that was the last straw that's all it took one more bag of cement on the porch that's what happens when you hit maximum weight capacity and it just collapses no no where are you going imagine parking your car coming back and it's like where did my car go if this wasn't going on camera like did a sinkhole just open up and swallow your car hole what if you were still in it oh hell no new fear unlocked the earth swallowed it whole i don't know why i feel so bad i feel like i witnessed the murder i'm so sorry for your car oh oh this audio has never been used so flawlessly they were sitting at a restaurant at the table the marble table broke she laughing because at least the food didn't come yet and they probably get a free meal not the waiter holding the piece of the table oopsies our table was broken quite literally the baseball instructor gave this kid a baseball to throw how did that happen i thought he was aiming towards the photo ended up knocking his dude out you're done allergy test check congratulations you are allergic to everything i need to take one of these because i feel like same i have a lot of unsolved problems i know i'm allergic to so many things but i don't know what i'm allergic to and step one is taking one of these tests that i have not had time to do you would think it should be a priority it is not does the tv have to be on the wall wait why is there water coming out of the wall what's going on why is there water in the wall it's flooding the house where's the tv will the tv the culprit and there are two kinds of people in this world one that takes care of the problem and the other that records a behind the scenes tick tock which one are you so i've just got to the airport at six in the morning and my flight turns out to be booked for next year this is horrible i feel your pain i've done this and i feel so stupid and i never want to book a flight ever again and it's like you packed all your things and just get to the airport i'm ready to go on vacation uh no actually see you next year someone spilled something on the floor at the airport she just slipped up that was the lawsuit she slipped fell there was no wet floor sign and there was video evidence it might be a bad day today but it's gonna be a lucky day when you're gonna collect that check nothing like a lawsuit waiting to happen no way cover your eyes might as well throw that in a grass field because the cow is still alive y'all forget to cook the burger that's a raw beef burger and some people actually eat their meat like this i'm a well done kind of girl michaela what are you doing michaela they told you to take down the front porch oh my god there's no kids to blame this time so you're in trouble supposed to take down the deck ends up taking down the front porch i would be very afraid of mother coming home i'm gonna press the undo button put that porch back together her friend was doing her lashes oh they came out pretty good right and she can't open her eye no no no no no no no no do not so when i get my lashes done the lashtech will be like can you open your eyes and if i can't it's like the top lashes stuck to the bottom lash creating a little stitch and then i take some tweezers and gently separate the top and bottom lashes but no she goes full on forcibly trying to open oh that car is clean you see that reflection but anyways unrelated they are towing a car and oh the tow truck just dropped his car like oh you want it back i'll give it back here you go catch it if you can jeez i would be furious do you drop my car i drop you so i got these bangs off amazon and i mean they're kind of cute whatever but i have to keep on cutting like these long pieces of hair it's like you think they'd already come even bestie i'm afraid to tell you this she's been cutting her own hair with the bangs and now congratulations now you have bangs and don't need the clip-on ones oopsies the whole point of buying the clip-on bangs is so you don't cut your own bangs mission failed we'll get them next time making ice cream and they got those waffle cones every single one is broken oh we got one it's not broken this one's perfect oh my goodness gracious this is why we can't have anything nice huh waffle boxes are hit or miss why they got them stacked like that if they're so fragile and then oh finally we got a perfect one and then just destroyed like rolling a bowling ball and getting a strike put the y into the waffle bowl no more woofle embraer's ice cream does this look like cookies and cream to you guys take a good look look at the cover oreos and you could tell they did some digging like where the oreos at not a single cookie see all in court this happens way too often way more often than you would think well they accidentally put their fingers in the tj maxx cart she's stuck like a duck with no luck well this is awkward you see there are some perfectly good handlebars right here well you know i'm just gonna they've arrived with oil oh got one hand out oh well this is awkward the police were called what's he gonna do push the finger through this is so embarrassing this other guy just came to watch you did not need two people for this oh no we got the whole crowd here i bet they got their fire truck parked outside they turned on the lights and the sirens to rescue her fingers from the tj maxx cart but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the comment below which one of these would have ruined your day and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,254,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, unlucky, lucky, people, bad day
Id: BqBEz-Gg2I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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