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god bless god bless everybody god is so amazing i welcome you this amazing morning in the presence of the lord and i know that god is going to bless us increase us and show his amazing grace upon each and every one of us i am so excited this morning to be here with you no matter where you're watching from in the world and i know that god will do something special for us i want you to share this as many times as you can and i know god will bless us make sure we get those thumbs up keep sharing and keep sharing and keep sharing and keep sharing this word will bless somebody it will deliver somebody and he will set somebody where god has called them to be now i want everybody that is watching to understand something that uh jesus loves you and we are going to dig deeper into the knowledge of god you see the measure of how much you love god is revealed by how much of him you want to know amen if you don't try to know the person that you claim you love so much then it means in essence you don't love them you have an idea of love but you don't have a complete love you see god says that he loves us because he knows everything about us and he has accepted us and taken us in but the problem is many times our love for god is limited because we don't understand to love god means to know him amen because you cannot love what you don't know you cannot love what you have an idea of loving you need to love what you're completely connected to and you know you see god chose to love us despite our mistakes despite our errors despite anything we'll ever do god has already accepted you that is why he gave jesus for you and me so we are not going to surprise god whether we do good or bad he already decided to love us you see love is a decision love is not a feeling love is not emotions so everybody that is coming on right now i congratulate you because it is evidence of your love for god because every time you have the opportunity to hear the word of god and to mature in him and to grow in him you take the chance and you run with it so i congratulate you because you are emphasizing and you're you're solidifying your love for christ because you are pers in pursuit of his knowledge consistently people will say you know i believe in god believing god doesn't mean you love god even the devil believes in him if you read the book of james he says even the devil believes in god and actually fears him more than you do so saying i believe in god means nothing the question is do you love god and to love and to love or the word love is a verb it means that there is actions that have to follow so it's not just a matter of saying that i love god i believe in god what are your actions towards actually loving god amen so when we share we are spreading the gospel we are sharing the love that god has given us for everybody so whatever we are doing is emphasizing and pushing and making the love we have for christ bigger and better amen glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god hallelujah so i want you to be vibrant and be ready because we're going to go somewhere amen now now today i'm going to speak about unlocking the power in words amen unlocking the power in words amen and i'm excited because uh my book spiritual words actually can somebody call bishop van gaal called bishop van let's ask him how far we are with that i have an amazing book called spiritual words that is to be coming out very soon it's actually done we are waiting for uh the guys who uh uh get or what is it called no not the problem the guys who uh the cover and yeah i think they already did i think they already did the phones and all that stuff now they're just they're doing the last stages i just want to see where they are yeah that's it the picture the whatever all that good stuff so that's what they're doing now i believe that this thing is going to help a lot of people the book is going to be really of a huge blessing to people it's called spiritual words and it's coming extremely soon sooner than you think actually amen amen glory be to jesus now now i want to speak about unlocking the power in what somebody really call him because i want to put him on blast i love my bishop van but i want to let me call him and and see how far we are yeah i'll call him perhaps he's watching live let me disturb his life right now let if he doesn't answer let's find his wife it's a good time because i forget i do so much work i'm always working so i never remember but it will be out soon so if he doesn't answer uh call call his wife please okay he didn't answer mine so it means he's really busy because he always does hallelujah hallelujah god is good now i want to read something for you go to uh proverbs chapter 18 verse 21. death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit one more time death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof now the bible is saying life and death or death and life is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat the fruit of it now if you understand kabrasika i'm feeling it now i think bishopvan just called call him back this one is about to be deep [Music] this one's about to be crazy okay okay let me let me talk to bishop hmm bishop are you at the you're at the clinic with the baby how far are we with the book oh yeah i just got the cover and it looks really good okay can you can you forward it to me so i can see of course we just want to change the font a little bit okay okay so you are saying on record that it's ready because you're on live stream right uh now you're giving a political answer jesus said let your answers be yes and no anything in between is not of god so are we are we are we almost yeah i just gotta ready sure if you like the cover we can start printing okay but but do you think we are ready yes okay that's all i want okay that's confidence please send me send it to me so i can see so everybody you heard it everybody around the world you heard it the great apostle vance said that it is ready okay so all right you take your business my son i'll talk to you soon okay now now now listen to this the bible says this okay this is about to be deep the bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof i want to guarantee you 98 percent of people have interpreted this verse wrong wow [Music] interesting 98 of people have interpreted this word wrong interesting the tongue itself is not what the bible is saying the bible is saying he's saying that life and death are in the power of the language the word tongue in hebrew there is actually which means the language it means life and death are in the power of language those who know it and use it eat the fruit of it speaking positive does not produce power no amen you can speak as positive as you want nothing will ever happen because there is a language that when you speak you can either produce life or you can produce death it is not talking about the organ i don't know if somebody is listening to me should people speak positively absolutely because anything negative doesn't help anyway speaking positive at least it nurtures your brain it nurtures your soul to feel good like an example is if i decide to whisper sweet nothings to to to you online right now and say oh so god didn't say it you will feel good about yourself it won't do anything negative i don't know if somebody is capturing me sure now god speaks yet he doesn't have a tongue a literal tongue he is spirit because remember that the the the function of your tongue is literally number one to taste and it helps in swallowing right it is your vocal cords that makes the sound of how you're going to speak and talk if your vocal cords are affected your tongue is not really useful right i don't know if somebody's listening to me so go to genesis chapter one from verse one yes in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be life now let me ask you a question what language was god speaking that is the language that produces life you didn't catch it some people missed it some people missed it what language was god speaking what was god saying right how did he say it right that is where the life is because the language he used is what produced life right but the same god can also produce a language that produces death oh wow you know the devil cannot kill the bible says the devil came to steal kill and destroy but the devil in essence cannot kill when he says the devil came to steal to kill and to destroy it is simply speaking about the devil's strategy to steal from you if he steals from you you are vulnerable you're going to die right yeah and when you die then he destroys you notices three versions of death stealing killing and destroying if somebody is dead how can you destroy them it means it's not killing in the way you think right i feel like i'm talking to myself something came up on the on the thing can we can we take it out a pop-up is somebody catching what i'm saying yes how many how many christian quotings uh how many scripture quoting christians you know they don't produce any life how many scholars have held this bible and never produced life come on okay i think we're done people don't want to share so we'll go offline i think i'm ready to to go offline i want you to share this as many times as you can and watch how god is going to change your life amen amen so when people say just speak the word speak the word it is true but why isn't life coming out that is why so many people have begin to believe that the bible is false go deeper papa i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm talking about are you are you there yes sir i'm trying to teach you something is this making sense so far yes sir if we were if we were to make a survey right now if we were to do a survey right now and uh uh and we ask how many people declare the word and it works very few of you will have answers and results and then i'll ask you another question what was who wrote genesis moses moses moses right the first five books of the bible are said to be written by moses right yes who wrote uh corinthians ah you people are answering like you're not sure who wrote called paul who wrote the book of job job but when you read it why do you say it's the word of god if it's job that wrote it if it's moses that wrote genesis why do you call it the word of god if corinthians was written by paul why do you acknowledge it as the word of god please help us hmm are you getting what i'm saying they tapped into a dimension that they are words you don't consider it to be their words anymore you consider it the word of god right because when they spoke things happen right right are you getting what i'm saying if you read matthew he tells you what matthew the gospel according to john but you take it you say this is the word of god the word of god says that god heaven and earth shall pass but the word of god shall not pass but you're reading the book of matthew right matthew was just like you right right luke was just like you did interesting peter was just like you right my daughter kathleen said god speaks through us no that's not the point i'm telling you we're getting somewhere amen let's go there okay ddmo says the spirit inspired them as they wrote the word of god but before they wrote it they were acting it to write it to inspire to write it means that god made them write it down for our sake they didn't write it down then spoke no they spoke and then it was recorded that's good can i tell you something that will sound outrageous to you please you know you can write the bible today absolutely amen you can sit down and write the things that god is doing for you and what god has done for you if you're truly working with god and you know that language and you can use it to preach in church what is the difference between what you would say god did for you and what moses wrote right right amen the one moses and everybody else wrote is because they agreed they came the the council of nicaea came together the church fathers came together and decided upon the letters that were authentic and put it together so that we can have a reference remember the christian faith is not dependent on the scriptures it's dependent on the doctrine of the church wow so even if we have missing pages of the bible it does not affect our faith because we have the doctrine of our faith wow the scriptures don't make the faith the faith comes before the scriptures amen wow say that again say that again are you getting what i'm saying yes our faith came before the scriptures our faith produced the scriptures unlike other religions like muslims if they they believe in their scripture they don't believe in their faith if they believed in their faith they would know that it's not real [Music] wow i don't know if somebody's listening to what i'm saying i feel like i'm talking to myself are you here yeah all right i i think i'm gonna go off now no no no no no i think i'm going to dangerous territories too deep why is it when i prophesy to you it happens i know something you don't right [Music] are you guys listening to me yes papa the heat is too much let me let me i'm back on my my jacket a little bit please do i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying you see you you you you are you are a spirit filled christian born from above but you don't know the language of the spirit you see the bible goes as fast to say this he says that even if i speak in the tongues of angels and i don't have love in me i am nothing so there is a language of angels amen the problem is you think you see people confuse praying in tongues and praying in the spirit praying in tongues and praying in the spirit are two different things praying in tongues is a form of praying in the spirit but there are many ways to pray in the spirit anyone who prays in faith is praying in the spirit right right right right okay even though they are speaking human words but they are speaking spiritual language that god responds to right remember god doesn't respond to your words he responds to the faith within your words so god is listening for something else amen wow wow that's good is somebody listening to me yes look at this let me give you an example let me give you an example elijah stands and he says it shall not reign according to my words for three years he rebuked rain rain did not rain did not come are you listening to me there was no rain right amen but when you wanted rin to come he went and prayed but when he was praying he was not really praying is you think he was praying but he was not technically praying he was doing something and then he would ask his disciple go and check if there is a cloud that is forming over the lake why was he telling his disciple to go and look somewhere if something is happening there was something he was shifting in the spirit that's good because how do you pray and you tell somebody uh uh uh go in the kitchen and see if the water is already boiling go and check again no no go and check again it means i am not in essence asking god send reign i it's called working a miracle amen he was working a miracle because if he has the authority to stop reign he has the authority to unlock the heavens so he's working it to unlock it you see when jesus was asked by his mother uh there is no wine what did he say woman my time hasn't come then she went to the server and says whatever he tells you do it but notice the the code here notice the code whatever he tells you to do do it she didn't ask them to understand it she didn't ask them to reason with him she just told them whatever he tells you to do do it so what changed the water to wine the words he was saying as they did it the water changed amen i don't know if you're understanding it was not a matter of prayer he was working something he was speaking a language that was causing the water to change amen said fill it in that one they filled it fill it in that one now take it to the master to drink it okay ah this wine is deep the sweetest wine we have ever drunk so the servants are confused he just told us to put water in the in the jars but then they were hearing water but jesus was saying put the wine in the thing in the in the jar they put it in there and then he said okay take the wine to the master of the ceremony but when you read it it looks like jesus is saying pour the water into the jar no jesus was already calling the water something else you're not listening to what i'm saying i don't know if you're catching what i'm saying how did the water change teachers teachers when moses prayed when he was before the red sea god rebuked him said lord what shall i do god said why are you praying stretch your your your staff over the water tell the water to part and it will part so there was an act that he had to do for the water to obey him notice the same jesus the same jesus is telling the storm shut up the storm keeps quiet it tells the sea come down it comes down the disciples looked at each other they said wait wait wait wait what kind of human being is this what manner of man is this this is not normal what is going on here unlocking the power in words listen this i'm just getting you started for my book spiritual words amen [Music] let me ask you a question i'm just going to give you a small tip of what where we are going i i want you to pay attention are you paying attention amen let me ask you a question let's look at our world the way it is and be completely honest and be completely honest what seems to have more of an effect good words of evil words evil evil words has more of an effect do you realize even something that sounds good if it's bad it's still evil words so if you look at our world right the words that seem to have more effect not necessarily in the sense of powerful because light will always be more powerful than darkness or the book will be on amazon will be everywhere you'll find it anywhere you want amen amen but but listen to me listen to me clearly what seems to have more effect in the world is actually negative words not that negative words are more powerful because you see one good act erases a bunch of darkness amen but it seems like darkness is more in the world than the light if you walk down the street you will notice more people speaking negative than positive positive thinking and positive speaking is actually less yes you just talk to your co-workers and see how many of them are actually speaking positive it's true things that sound good are not necessarily positive am i making sense total sense now my question is this my question is this why is it that they have more effect why why is it that they are more powerful i want to see if people are mathematicians here you know the bible says work out your own salvation why is it that negative words seem to have more of an effect in the world [Music] hmm hallelujah hallelujah are you catching me the conviction behind the words okay conviction behind the world okay there are people who are convicted with good words but he doesn't have power conviction is not bad yes is it because the atmosphere of this world is already uh very conducive to to evil and that type of word sorry the atmosphere of this world is already evil so the words that are evil that are released have more power and ground not technically because sin began in heaven that environment was very holy but the devil in heaven did something very bad and caused even a third of the angels to fall how did he have such an impact help us doctor let's see let's see let's see the people online i don't know if you can hear me let's see can you read me some answers online uh the some people uh trinidad on youtube is saying the nature of the flesh paul kwesi is saying because of the prince of darkness that rules over this world let's keep going um people believe in demons more than angels okay somebody is as saying the intent of the words level of faith on facebook um people somebody actually said princess spielman said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks okay [Music] negative words are more consistent okay the mentality of the recipient or the mentality of the person that's speaking feelings somebody said people naturally act towards the negative so in essence we need you to help us are you ready amen yes i'm going to give you an answer in two seconds amen are you ready amen you see the issue is you have an idea of spirituality but you don't know it because all your answers are are an assumption an assumption but they are not definite let me ask you a question let me ask a question my daughter rose give roses the microphone yes this is a good one for her auntie roses yes god put the mic close now okay i need to hear you auntie roses yes papa what do you do i'm a producer what do producers do we manage media [Music] and uh so what is the process of managing media try to summarize it the best way you can we we schedule all working parts that have to do with services [Music] including scheduling and hiring and anything that has to be um visual aids um cameras okay sound okay i'm gonna ask you a question it may be silly but just okay just answer me if somebody says they're a producer right but all they do is play golf all day are they a producer no why aren't they a producer because they're not producing or they're not doing what the job entails thank you that is a brilliant answer you want to speak the language of god but you don't live the lifestyle of god oh okay you see the people of the world negative things work easily because they are connected to the life that they live wow that makes sense is this making sense somebody who steals it is easy for them to speak about stealing somebody who murders it is easy for them to talk about murder somebody who parties all day will easy for them to talk about all they talk about man you remember the party oh it was late bro you know it was going down you know man saying it was that's all they're going to talk about because that is their life your words are product of not only what is going on with you but it is a product of your life that is why somebody cannot speak beyond their level of education you can pretend to be intelligent but when we start listening to your vocabulary we start looking at your thinking patterns we know whether you went to school or not you may cheat on your exams you may cheat on your certificates whatever you present but when we begin to analyze your thinking your problem solving skills and all this we we will come to the conclusion that you are fake you never did any of those things you're saying so how can you speak the spiritual language that begins with an act okay let me give you an example you see i've been telling people for a while when we we came into this building when we bought this building i've been telling people for some time that uh i'm still doing like about two percent i'm going to start increasing it just slowly amen step by step there are things i still know that if i do a lot of people will not believe that god sent me because it's things that they're not used to right same thing when moses did some stuff they demonized him and then later they said he was a man of god but when moses was with them they fought with him every step when jeremiah was with them they fought him every step elijah they were afraid of him because he could burn them you hear what i'm saying amen the lord jesus they fought him all the step or every way so in essence what am i saying to you there is a certain life i live that causes my words to have an effect in the spirit amen so when i am speaking i know how to switch from speaking earthly language to spiritual language even though i am using the english language i'm still speaking a spiritual language is this making sense yes yes why is it that people say in the name of jesus no demon comes out miraculously yes all of them they start shaking i don't know if this is making sure this is making sense you know there is something uh uh prophet obed asked me and he was actually it was actually quite funny the question was actually really good he asked me a really good question he said uh prophet why is it that he says it's a prophet why is it that when you want to get the attention you actually change your voice i said because they know i'm serious but for you if i come and i just hey you'll be like yeah are you okay papa that would be esther rose's answer uh papalo you want some water actually is this making sense or not are you catching what i'm trying to say it's it's much deeper than what people actually assume it to be are you getting what i'm saying it's much deeper than what is supposed what what you think there are certain things that have to be done there are certain things that have to be done for things to produce what god wants them to produce glory be to god hey the water went the wrong direction hallelujah oh jesus so are you catching what i'm saying so there is a certain thing i know that forces demonic forces evil spirits to have no choice but to do what i'm saying amen you've seen me in church and and i will do this to encourage your faith to show you that we can completely control them so one two three stand up much like a soldier you know have you seen me do all that stuff hands up on your knees they will fall on their knees why it's because we have total control but if you try to do it they will sign they will do you like sons of skiva they will kill you why is it that when i speak when we did the the the pull of uh when we did our our our pull of belteza in the church that i told you angel raphael was in the room you saw what happened in the room crazy stuff happened in the room the woman who had the broken wrist on thursday night aileen's friend right in front of your eyes you saw an arm that was dislocated looking funny within five minutes it was back in form she could do this she could do this she could she could do all this you know maybe even do belly dancing you know they do this [Laughter] are you getting what i'm saying why is it that elements are obeying some of us and some of us they can't because the language have you ever heard of body language yes if you've ever heard of body language uh just put your hand up even if you're on online just just put you know just raise them hands up if you've ever heard of body language amen if if you went to to china today uh my son emanuel are you gonna communicate with your body or only words or words and body you don't know chinese you don't know mandarin i i no like if you have to talk to somebody you have no phone you're in you're in the middle of of shanghai you have to communicate okay you're supposed to go somewhere you don't have a phone right and and all you hear is that's knee how ha right how are you going to communicate body language i guess hand language you use every language you can you know that my words they would not understand but my body language you understand right i'm going i'm trying to go here is it that way i'm trying to find food food you know food then they'll say ah oh i know they'll point you to to some sushi restaurant somewhere right are you getting what i'm saying because there is a universal language that anybody that possesses a physical body speaks yes sir so anyone who doesn't pay attention to body language if they go somewhere where their words cannot be understood they can speak with their body and they will be understood so if they just go there and their hands are in the pocket like i'm trying to get food it'll be like huh [Music] food even the guy will say [Music] yeah food why do you say yes with your head right because it shows that even if i ask you do you want to eat you're already saying yes without saying yes right you're using another language called what body language i feel like i'm trying to teach you something to open you up to something okay keep going papa so if god is a spirit we also communicate with god what in spirit we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against what principalities and powers these are spiritual things that we are fighting the reality is i don't need to use human words to cast out a demon amen i use those words so that you know what i'm doing right right right right right now you didn't yell at him yeah i catch that i didn't catch that are you getting what i'm saying yes i don't need to say in the name of jesus for god to answer me right that's why jesus never said in the name of jesus [Music] are you getting what i'm saying did moses say in the name of jehovah did you say god right my father you say my lord i'm doing this answer thou me in the name of god they never said that they understood the language of the spirit so we use words it's just like if you read uh first corinthia i think first corinthians 14 speaks about tongues right what did paul say he said i will pray with my understanding so that i am not a barbarian to you not because i have to i just want to make sure that you're in one accord with what i'm saying so if i come with just a robust andy ribby honda katosha the presence will feel the power and then if i say amen i leave you have nothing unless you can interpret you have nothing [Music] i feel it in my uh in my in my bones and in my in every part of my body in my heart in every ligament it's too much so what makes you powerful and what empowers your word is to understand the culture of your nation so that you can speak that language amen so there is a culture of the kingdom of god i'll say that one more time there is a culture of the kingdom of god the kingdom of god has a culture and anybody that does not know that culture will fall short of acquiring the power that comes with the kingdom if you became an american citizen and you denounced america america can revoke its citizenship remember we have become the citizens of heaven we are not of heaven we have become citizens of heaven so we are learning the constitution and the mannerism and the behavior of heaven so that we can reap the benefits of heaven amen amen is this making sense emmanuel tusa so if i start now speaking up against america if i start insulting the american constitution if i start inciting people against america america will say no no you know you don't really you're even though you saw allegiance to america you are traitor to our nation they will revoke their citizenship quickly as fast as possible they will take it from you quickly yeah it doesn't matter what country you you go to that's why when people commit treason against the nation they're thrown in jail there are americans that are actually not in america right now they escaped to other european countries because they committed treason right right either they they released documents that are not supposed to be classified things that are secrets of the nations whether good bad or ugly the point is you embarrass the nation we're going to throw you in right so you're a citizen of heaven but you don't live according to heavenians hmm [Music] your culture shows that you're disconnected from the culture of the country you belong to so if somebody meets you they will mistake you for let's say russian kenyan south african congolese yet you're from heaven that's good because all citizens of heaven have the same mannerism right have the same constitution they all behave the same right amen that is why jesus said by their fruits you shall know whether they are from our country or not wow that's good so if somebody comes to you pretending to be a man of god you can tell that they are not a man of god if you observe them closely you will notice that there are things that they do that people from our nation don't do come on you will observe them and you will see they don't speak like people from our nation speak if you observe them you will know that in our constitution we have direct access to our god so we all go to him and we hear from him but this person is never in the presence of our god this guy cannot be from our country come on if you ask him what is god saying it will be a bunch of nothings nothing ever happened so we know he hasn't been with the king that's good do you understand the lingo of heaven what is that language that god used to create the universe that language was in jesus was in moses was in all the apostles the prophets is in me amen is it the angels why don't you have it oh that's good why don't you have it it means there's something missing means there's something missing something needs to be done i don't know if somebody is listening to me it means there's something missing you see the issue is some of you have lived outside of your nation called heaven for such a long time that when you see somebody manifesting heaven your first idea is to think of juju because you have spent too much time in the kingdom of darkness that you only understand power to be from juju not from heaven yet all authority and power comes from above come on so when you see somebody casting out devils you say it's casting our bells above by the power of what bells above if you see somebody healing the sick the first idea in your thought is that it is fake if you see somebody prophesying deep details you say there is no way anybody can do that either they are using a familiar spirit or they got information as if angels don't talk to people right it's because you have lived outside of heaven too long i feel like i'm talking to myself that's the truth i feel like i'm talking to myself hey if your faith is in juju more it means that you give more time to juju oh say it the bible says where where your heart is there your treasures will be also amen so if your first thought of seeing god's power is not wow god can do anything it's juju it means your treasure is also in what juju it means that you believe that those things you want can only be produced by what juju wow wow wow so you can't say i know who i am if you don't know the culture of your nation let me ask you a question emmanuel if we went to nigeria right now you entered your father's house right what food will you find same food i was eating when i was a kid okay what is that food like you pounded the amazing uh-huh when you find pounded yam you know you're home right right yes you know you're home [Music] you see suya you know you're home you are like ah you know you are home right that's true [Music] but if you eat if you eat a pounded yum in america you compare it with home right absolutely you'll be like it's it's you know it kind of reminds me of home you know it's kind of it's kind of like home so the evidence of being at home is even in the culture of food that they're eating if you went home and you found italian food you'd be like ah what's going on here oh what's going on here what happened right where's the pounded yum no we are eating you know nowadays we just eat we eat spaghetti and you know meatballs and you know fettuccine and you look and you say ah come on please you know remove this nonsense right what is going on here where's the pounded yeah right that's what i want when we were growing up we pounded yum we hated it because it was the gnome you travel aboard you're like hey i miss it if i can just get a little bit like this i don't know i'm home just that feeling of being at home yes sir it is because even in the food [Music] wow wow that's good even in the food my my my little cousin is in town she's not little but i call her little because she's little to me but um her name is blessed uh her name is benny you've seen her in church a skinny long long human being but she's been home and she cooked like some food from home ah i it took me so back you know just smelling fufu in the house you know you know cassava leaves and it's just like ah i felt it you know even though i don't eat much i you know i just i just felt it in my spirit i was like home is home so what made me feel connected to home is because somebody spoke a language of home using food is expressing home with food yet the ingredients are everywhere in the world mostly but not everybody is communicating the same language through food that's so good that's so good when i went to kenya when i went to kenya when when christian went home to be with the lord i went to kenya for about seven days and when i was in kenya right when i was in kenya and lee traveled with me we only ate macho man ugali every day so it's like like barbecue but the barbecue there we don't use barbecue sauce or anything is is done differently all you need is salt okay and some salad that they make with peppers and whatever and some fufu that's it you will swear and speak in tongues that's all i ate every day seriously that's all me and him ate right nobody ate pizza nobody ate any of that that's all we ate religiously [Music] religiously interesting every day i even stopped on the street i even stopped i even asked them for something my kenyan people know this i asked for this street barbecue it's called mutura it's like i wouldn't even describe it because some of you will be like but it's the most delicious thing you ever eat everything i asked for were things that i grew up with like in the you know right right why because i wanted that connection that spoke when i communicated with the food when he touched my tongue i remembered where i came from right right so the food is ministering to me that is why jesus also used another language he said this is my body this is my blood do this in my remembrance every time you hold the bread and you hold the the wine and you eat you are entering into not only the covenant but in the room because the covenant is done right jesus did that you are going back to what jesus's love for you is the culture of heaven which is sacrifice giving yourself up for another right wow that is why i said do this in remembrance of me [Music] because the power of it has already been released but when you do this do this in remembrance of me when you tap into this amen remember how much i love you right remember the culture of your father remember that for god so loved the world that he gave so we express god's love in the house of god we remember of what jesus did for us not only by reading scripture but every time you seek communion you see the suffering that jesus went through because of you right it's a language now yes sir yes sir wow i don't know if this is making is this making sense i'm trying to unlock you to understand something interesting oh monica and george explained it very well she said mutura is kenyan sausages i agree with you that's exactly what it is nice so tomorrow when i come on i'll push it deeper [Music] i'll push it much deeper so that you get even into it even more to really really comprehend for you to really tap into unlocking the power in your words amen amen because language is more than words language is a culture like an example let me let me give let me give an example if you go to nigeria everybody speaks english right yeah but if you if you want to know you're nigerian you have to speak pidgin yeah if you don't have pigeon you you're not nigerian no you're a suspect right do you grow abroad they even say you you grow abroad you're not really nigerian you know they'll actually make fun of you if you hang out with the people from home yes give us some few pigeon words yeah foreign that's english did you understand anything you didn't understand nothing because he's speaking another english that only the street people know right or the local people know but it's still english but if you come with your regular english your english already tells them that you're a foreigner hmm they already know you're a foreigner even if you are to buy something they can hike up the price because they know you don't know the culture they can take advantage of it right so demons and devils take advantage of you because they know that you speak like a foreigner you know you don't really know your culture oh no that's crazy that's crazy that's crazy i'm just gonna say it this way after listening to this if you remain the same you need deliverance come on wow gee god is good amen [Music] wow this is crazy one of my sons just sent me a crazy testimony but i'll wait for them to do their testimony on sunday amen amen [Music] so i'm gonna finish with this how many people want to get some points on what they can start working on amen you want me to at least give you one yes let me let me see if people are ready let me see how many people want to receive how to unlock this papa i am actually live right now but as soon as i'm done you want me to t yeah i'm just uh i'm i'm about to finish life do you want me to you want me to go sorry papa yes peppa papa you don't have to you've already done more than enough for me so so what i'm going to do is this i'm ending in less than five minutes and then i'm going to go and then just tell me what you want me to do and then i'll do it oh is it is it on the zoom is it on the zoom okay no problem okay yeah okay okay yes papa okay no problem papa done deal okay papa no papa you don't know with me anything i owe you thank you okay papa okay papa bye bye see when papa calls you you you just do what you're being told amen amen [Music] are you listening to me okay let me give you one point because i have to finish soon let me do this so that we can we can finish soon i want everybody to go to prophet lovey.com go quickly and give your seed of the day grab something that means something to you even your giving is a language amen and tomorrow when i come on i'll go even deeper go and give and then i'll give you one point to work on today and then tomorrow we'll go into part two and then we'll go deeper by the time we are done with this series you'll be shocked you'll be opening your mouth in the name of things will just start to work amen and then pesa one is being worked on my people in kenya i promise you the person is very close in fact i'll make sure that it's done today so by tomorrow it should be okay amen so i love you guys uh go quickly and give and come back and so we can finish [Music] he hears you [Music] sees your tears too [Music] and the broken [Music] today for the sinners and saints he answers his children by fire all the prayers that we pray not a one goes to waste [Music] he befriends you [Music] in a prophecy today for the sinners saints he answers his children by fire by all the prayers that you pray not a one goes away he answers his [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh speaks [Music] i could never get enough i just fall more in love every day with you tell me all your mysteries [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you now i just want to get closer to you [Music] closer [Music] i breathe now listen to me clearly listen to me clearly the first step to empowering your words the first culture of heaven which satan broke and he was kicked out of heaven that his words no longer have power is purity purity is the recipe is the foundation and is the ground of god's power in order for you to produce negative power you have to live in sin and for you to produce positive power you need to live in righteousness and in purity tomorrow when i come back i will go deeper into this and we'll go deep and deep and deep and i promise you i'll give you step steps steps that your life will never be the same father i pray in the name of jesus everybody that is watching let them be changed and transformed today i decree and declare father that these words that they have heard that their spirit and life may they be changed and be brought into the greater knowledge of christ and may today from today what they say may come to pass in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit let it be so amen it is done in jesus name so i will see you tomorrow same time shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 8,855
Rating: 4.9766083 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, prophet lovy, pastor steven furtick, elevation church, steven furtick sermons, steven furtick sermon clips, 2021 sermons, steven furtick 2021, preacher, preaching, you’ve got an angel, staying power, appointment with an angel, perseverance, storms, angels, hope, faith, hope in a storm, progress, in the middle of it, peace, survival, sermons about perseverance, sermons about storms
Id: N8vWgJ0NjyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 9sec (4509 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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